HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 10/24/2022 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board - SPECIAL Meeting October 24, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with remote option APPROVED 11/28/2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Maria Castro, Mel Roberts, Julie Dunn, Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Brian Smith (remote), Jeff Culver. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Wendy Graves (excused), Daren Osborn. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, David Paine Guests: None 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:49 pm with Maria Castro presiding. 2. Roll Call Two members absent, one excused. 3. Changes to the Agenda None allowed, special meeting. 4. September 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Mel - correct misspelled name (Brenda Fincher) Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Julie seconded, all 7 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. S. Reschedule December Board Meeting - Preston Monday December 26 is the observed Christmas holiday for the city. The next Monday to reschedule to would be January 2, 2023, also a City holiday, the Monday before would be December 19. • Erik Jacobs moves to cancel, Mel seconds the motion. • 6 in favor, 1 opposed (Maria). Motion passes, December meeting cancelled. 6. 2023 Board Meeting Calendar - Preston Erik Preston reviewed when each regularly scheduled meeting would be and potential holiday conflicts. The Board wished to reschedule meetings falling on Memorial Day and Christmas holidays. • January 30 • February 27 • March 27 • April24 • Special Meeting May 22 • June 26 • July 31 • August 28 • September 25 • October 30 • November 27 • ^ccc gbeF 25 GhFistn9as Day Special Meeting December 18 • Mel moves to accept this calendar, Erik Jacobs seconds the motion. • 7 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, 2023 calendar set. Page 1 of 3 7. Festival and Events Subcommittee Report - Graves Connie, Trunk or Treat. • Dark in the evening, do not recommend Winterfest, December 3. • 3P - 6P at Kent Townsquare Plaza. Parks is attending. • Patti Belle will find swag for KBAB. Will deliver it to Rob/Erik. • KBAB may be located next to Mayor. • Still have board and ride flyers from 4t" of July • Use helmets from Sara Wood Cornucopia Days • Early/Mid July, will be a big effort, tabled for now Bike Rodeo • YMCA calendar is wide-open, we need to get YMCA a date • Discussion about what date. In May or later? • CM Fincher said to advertise with churches • Schools used emails last year. May be able to print and distribute flyers • May 20t" is an option. June 3rd is also an option. • Is it better for students to be in school or out? • Tentative last day of school for KSD is June 215t • Discussion about May or June. Majority prefers May 20th • KBAB gets the same space as 2022 • CM Fincher said to try and get the event in the Parks and Rec flyer. Mailers are sent quarterly. Need to check with Parks. • As soon as YMCA confirms, KBAB will reach out to PD to get officers scheduled • Should have city budget in time to print • Mechanic for next rodeo, Jeff Culver, Jeff will also talk to local bike shop. • Rest of planning will happen in the subcommittee Maybe a helmet giveaway in the neighborhoods. • Could be w/officers in neighborhoods • Apartment complexes might be a good place to have an event Side conversation about bike buses at schools S. By-Law Update Subcommittee Report - Preston Erik P reported on subcommittee efforts and requested discussion/input from the Board • How terms are spread out. Current two-year terms are odd positions are odd years, even are even. With three-year terms, could organize turnover as half, half, none, or by thirds. Board discussed options. Board prefers terms organized by thirds. • Annual election of officers. Current terms are April through March, officers elected in April. May be better to elect officers in March so there is continuity through the term change. New members are typically not officers. Current bylaws do not allow new members to be officers. Board prefers to elect officers in March, serve April to March. • Conflict of interest. Code says member that has a conflict of interest shall announce and abstain from discussion and voting. Bylaws do not cover suspected conflicts of interest. Bylaws do not have to address conflicts of interest. How does Board ask about a conflict of interest? The Board discussed. • Officers' terms now run May through April. This issue has been resolved. Page 2 of 3 9. Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report — Preston/Jacobs Erik J provided an update on the subcommittee 1. Best way to address gaps is to visually see where the gaps are. a. Google maps with layers for TIP, TMP, Mel's Map. KBAB can pull up info from database with information on gap. KBAB may want to develop a list of priority projects for bicycle gaps. b. Demo of database. c. Database will be owned and populated by KBAB. May be shared with other interested parties in the future. d. Tool will help KBAB communicate KBAB's priorities for filling bike facility gaps. e. Subcommittee will develop a list of priority projects f. Will KBAB develop a gap prioritization process? Discussion about what factors are important in prioritization. Subcommittee will discuss and bring to full board. 2. Erik J will continue to work on the map. 10.Monthly Rides and Promotion — Graves • Still working on a new route. Can recycle an existing ride. • Where do the rides go? To Communications, then in the Boards and Commissions newsletter? Erik J has only seen two of them published. Does Communications have a deadline for each month? Are the rides on the City's website? When was the last time the ride of the month web page was updated? Unknown. KBAB web page is not being updated? KBAB would like the ride table that was at 4th of July Splash display. Rides of the Month are also tweeted out. • Send ride of the month routes to Erik J. i1.Communications — Preston • Mayor's budget included $5k in 2023 and $2k in successive years. • Guest tonight is David Paine, City Transportation Planner. TIP work is underway, update to come. City's Comp Plan is being updated in 2024 12.Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston The next meeting is Monday, November 28th. December is cancelled. 13.Items for the Next Meetinq • How to spend the potential KBAB budget next year. • David to talk about transportation planning and grants • Subcommittee updates 14.Adiournment Maria Castro adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page 3 of 3