HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 05/23/2022 Pending Approval � Land Use and Planning Board �KENT Land Use Regular Meeting Wp ° °T°° Minutes May 23, 2022 Date: May 23, 2022 Time: 6:10 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING Members: Dione Dittmar, Chair Joseph O'Toole, Vice Chair Shane Amodei, Chris McClain, Sally McDonough, Sandra Pereira, Michael Purwal Agenda: 1. Call to Order 6:10 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Dione Dittmar Chair Present Joseph O'Toole Vice Chair Present Shane Amodei Absent Chris McClain Present Sally McDonough Present Sandra Pereira _ Present Michael Purwal Absent 3. Approval of Minutes dated May 9, 2022 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated May 9, 2022 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph O'Toole, Vice Chair SECONDER: Sally McDonough AYES: Dittmar, O'Toole, McClain, McDonough, Pereira ABSENT: Amodei, Purwal 4. Changes to Agenda & Announcements No changes or announcements 5. City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual Update - Public Hearing Laura Haren, Environmental Conservation Analyst from Public Works presented the updates requested for The City of Kent Surface Water Design Manual. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 5 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 23, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Kent has updated its Surface Water Design Manual as required to maintain compliance with the State of Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater General Permit (NPDES). Most of the changes are to fix errors and omissions, provide clarity and consistency with Kent Standards, or to implement new WA Department of Ecology requirements. MOTION: Recommend Council adopt an Ordinance repealing Section 2 of Ordinance No. 4234 that had adopted the 2017 Kent Surface Water Design Manual and adopting the 2022 Kent Surface Water Design Manual. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS]Next: 6/6/2022 4:00 PM MOVER: Joseph O'Toole, Vice Chair SECONDER: Chris McClain AYES: Dittmar, O'Toole, McClain, McDonough, Pereira ABSENT: Amodei, Purwal 6. Ordinance Adopting the 2022-2027 Park and Open Space Plan - Adopt Brian Levenhagen, Deputy Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services presented the proposed updates to the 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan. The purpose of the 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan (POSP) is to develop a long-range vision to guide the continued planning and development of the overall park system to better, and more equitably, serve current and future residents of Kent. This document serves as a roadmap for the prioritization of capital funds and a decision-making tool for city staff to carry out day-to-day operations. This plan update focuses on development of level of service metrics for land acquisition, updates to recreational value scores, racial and social equity planning and engagement, GIS data and analysis, sustainable funding plan, and an update to project priorities. The City is required to update the POSP every six years to be eligible for grant funding through the state Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), which is a significant source of funding for city-funded capital projects. Adoption of this updated plan in July 2022 will allow the city to apply for grants in the upcoming grant cycle. Board member Sally McDonough made a comment on record of her support for creating a park dedicated to horse riding on the Huse property. The Huse property is to be developed into a park but currently, is undeveloped. There were two citizens, Karen Arango and Debbie Sabey also spoke to their support of this proposal. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 5 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 23, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4433, amending the Comprehensive Plan's Parks and Recreation Element to incorporate the 2022 Park and Open Space Plan. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS] Next: 6/13/2022 4:00 PM MOVER: Dione Dittmar, Chair SECONDER: Sally McDonough AYES: Dittmar, O'Toole, McClain, McDonough, Pereira ABSENT: Amodei, Purwal 7. Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Mau Amendment Request - Denv Kaelene Nobis, Senior Long Range Planner from Economic and Community Development gave a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA-2021-7. The City received one application submitted by private property owners for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map during the 2021 docket submission process. Applicant requests redesignation from SF-6 to MU of what is titled the Dulay properties. The board had previously requested that Ms. Nobis do further research to conclude whether the Dulay properties could be changed to Medium Density Multi-Family (MDMF) instead of Mixed Use (MU). She presented her findings that they could be changed to MDMF. There was discussion regarding the probable number of units that could be built on the Dulay properties under a MDMF designation or if the properties remained SFR-6, how many standalone homes could be built on the property. Board member Sally McDonough brought up the new housing targets for 2044 which sets a target for over 10,000 new residential units. Her opinion was that The City should not change residential zoning to MU or Commercial when the city needs to focus on additional housing. The public was then invited to comment. Terry Fritz, who lives in the neighborhood to the East, was the first speaker. He, personally, had contacted 20 of his neighbors. The overwhelming opinion is this is a bad idea. The main concerns brought up by Mr. Fritz was traffic safety. The ingress/egress to Sonic creates a difficult left turn. Instead of taking a left out of Sonic, cars are entering their neighborhood to turn around. This is concerning to the neighborhood because of the speed at which those vehicles go through their neighborhood. Sandra Pereira asked Mr. Fritz what other effects the neighbors that he spoke to worried about. Mr. Fritz stated that noise, congestion, and tree loss if the property is developed were among the top concerns ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 5 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 23, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... The next speaker was Ludmilla Ben. Her property abuts the Sonic. The noise from accidents at the intersection is constant and loud. Because of her job, she gets up at 4am so she must go to sleep early. Ms. Ben said it's a nightmare because of the noise from the commercial businesses currently there. She has had to call police for noise complaints in the past. She stated that these lots are developed into commercial businesses, it could only negatively affect the neighborhood. She brought up the increasing number of homeless in park that is close to the location. She finished by stating "we have to fight for peace in our neighborhood and to keep our kids safe". The next speaker was Stephanie Avelar. Ms. Avelar stated that the noise from the intersection and the noise of accidents at the intersection is terrible. There's been an increase in non-residents walking/driving through the neighborhood. Her husband, Jonathan Vera, spoke to the area where their children wait for the school bus. He has found used condoms, needles, beer & whiskey and that this has increased in the last 6 months to a year. He states the neighborhood is becoming less livable and that if this CPA passes the investors will benefit not the community that has lived there for years. Mr. Fitz brought to the Boards attention that the renters were not given any notice. Ms. Nobis confirmed with Tanya Kosen that notices are sent to taxpayer of the property, so renters don't receive notices. Ms. Nobis explained that the Zoom instructions on the Public Notice were inaccurate. She stated that comments are still accepted up to and beyond the next meeting one June 13, 2022 with the Economic and Community Development Committee. Adam Long reiterated that comments are still accepted and that there are 2 more opportunities for comments at meetings. Board Member, Chris McClain stated his concerned that not all public had access and would like the vote to postpone. Mr. Long explained that postponing this amendment would stop the prior 2 items on the Agenda. Joe stated that there are more opportunities to receive comment and that the vote is not binding, and a rezone would be needed for anything to be built. Mr. O'Toole asked Mr. Long to explain what the board is tasked with in this vote. Mr. Adam explained that the board is voting on a recommendation to either approve or deny to the council. The board is not voting on anything binding. Beyond the current vote, if this CPA were approved by council a rezone would be needed to build anything. That process also calls for public comments during a public hearing in front of a hearing examiner. Mr. O'Toole stated that given that, he believes that the board should come to a decision and not hold any of the items up. Ms. McDonough questions if this vote creates precedence for the neighborhood. The lots just North of the Dulay Properties have received ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 5 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular May 23, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes approval for a 3 lot short plat. Voting to approve this CPA would change the integrity of neighborhood, in her opinion. There were no other public speakers, so the public hearing was close. Ms. McDonough asked if the CPA could be sent back to staff. It was explained that more work/research would need to be requested by the board but that isn't the case. If there's no more research to be done, a vote needs to be done. Mr. Long explained the procedure to vote with more than one option. Ms. McDonough read a motion to deny the CPA but did not receive a second so that motion failed. Mr. O'Toole read the motion to approve and received a second. The motion passed 3-2. MOTION: I move to deny the docketed comprehensive plan amendment CPA-2021-7 as proposed by the applicant. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [3 TO 2] Next: 6/13/2022 4:00 PM MOVER: Joseph O'Toole, Vice Chair SECONDER: Chris McClain AYES: Dittmar, O'Toole, McClain NAYS: McDonough, Pereira ABSENT: Amodei, Purwal S. Adjournment 8:00 p.m. Tatwya,Kasoe Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 5 of 5