HomeMy WebLinkAboutIT07-308 - Original - WebQA, Inc. - GovQA Service with Service Request & Survey - 09/01/2007a . � New Account Notice Date: September 19. 2007 Customer: City of Kent,WA Billing Contact: ]oye Honeycutt Salesperson/Partner Contact: DS Title: Email: Accounting jhoneycutt@ci.kent.wa.us Project Manager: Kevin Casault Title: Systems Analyst Email: kcasault@ci.kent.wa.us Other Contact: Title: Email: Contract Returned to Customer: Yes PO Number (if one): 57080 OP Billing Notes: Estimated Start Date: Current Estimated Live Date: TBD Billing Start Date: 9/1/07 Billing Cycle Semi -Annual Months Seats Description MonthFee ly Discount Total 12 Unlimited GovQA w/ SR $795.00 - 9540.00 1 Implementation $2500.00 Web site Address Information Company URL(s): www.ci.kent.wa.us WebQA Site Link: www.mygovhelp/kentwa Admin Login ID: sa Admin Login Password: password Notes/Comments: Request Activation WebQA Proprietary and Confidential Page 1 of 2 WEBQA SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS SERVICI; AGREFMt:NI (the '-.Agreement-) hem cell WEBQA, Inc. (..WI:B0 A") with its principal place of huSlrleSS at 900 S. Frontage Road. Suite 110 Woodrid�ze. II. 60517 and Cite of Kent. WAwith its principal place of business at 220 Fourth Avc South. Kent WA 98032 ("CustonuI­) is made cffccti�c as of August. 2007 (" F:flcctive Date".) 1. OVERVIEW AND DEFINITIONS General phis Agreement States the terms and conditions by which WLBQA and its supplia_S %vill dellvCr to Customer %arious ScrAiccs. as descrihccl hclo\v. 1.1 --Authorized UScr- means a designated enplo\ee or agent of Customer . 1.2 ..Authorized A\chsitc"' mans a v�eb site o%kticd or operated h\ or on hehalf ol'Customer. for which \V"I:BQA has agnreed to pl-m icle the Fechnologv and various Sea ices. 1.3 --Seat License means a license that permits a Single Authorized I Jscr to access and use the Set-v ice. L1 "Scrvice(s)" means the specific Ser\ice(s) Providcd by A\I.BOA or its supplier, including access to the I echnologv. 1.6 'Sarvice Start Datc-- means the Starting Date identified in Schedule I. 1.7 means wk l.BQA' (or its suppliers) wch-haled applications. v�hich havc heen designed to enhance customer service sup11011 and communicationS capabilities be pi-midim-) sell -service. interactkc Support. intelligent Irackine. and kno%vIcd(,c access- and may include software and Software tools. user intert'tce designs. and documentation- and !:n_ dcri\atkcs- imprmemcnis. enhancements or extensions thereof. 2. DELIVERY OF SERVICES; TERNI; FEES, PAY MENTS 2.1 Grctni o/ LicenSCSuhjeet to the termv and conditions of, this Agrecmcnl. A\ H� OA and -or its supplier grants to CustomCL a non- ezclusivc. non-translcrable. limited liCCnSe to permit the numher of Authorized t;SCI-s equal to the numher of -Seat I.ICCnSCS purchased hs Customer to access and use the Scn ice on the Authorized \\ chsitc(s) identified in Schedule I. '.? Rcsjwnsihililws� Customer agrees to (a) maintain the Authorized \Vchsite(s) identified in Schedule I_ and (h) procure and maintain all harc]vare. SolltvUre and telecommunications equipment necessan to access the Service via the Internet. Customer further agrees to (a) provide WI:BQA vkith all information rcasonah] necessary to Setup or cstahlish Service on Customer's hehalf: and (h) provide proper attrihution of the I echnologs and Sery iceS to A\1:13QA on Customer-, .Authorized Wehsitc(s) in the form of a --Powered h\ \iv'chQA- logo t�ith a hsperlink to WI?13QA- ��ehsite home page. 2.3 Parmav I0rnts. Customer Shall pay all applicahlc fees lot- the Sa•vices in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in SChedulC I. 2.4 7ernt. I his Agreement Starts on the I.1lecti\e Date and continues for the term i(icntilied in the Schedule I . W'ebQ.A Subscription Agreement - Bent WA c-I 3. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OWNERSHIP This Agreement does not transfer to Customer any ownership or proprictar\ rights in the IechnoloL*. and all right. title and interest in and to the hechnolog\ will remain sole] v+ith W1:13QA or its Supplier. 4. LIMITED WARRANTY 4.1 .Serried /,eve/. WI:I3)A vkill use commercially reasonahle efforts to perform the Sea iceS in a manna- consistent with applicahle industry Standards includinu. but not limited to: I ) Maintain Seri ice av ailahilil\ 24 hours a day. 7 dav"s a week, 2) Perlorm daily hackups of all customer information, and 3) Respond to customers- reyuestS fur support during the hours of 7:00 :AM to 7:OOPM Cf_ Mon(hl\ Through h_iday, excluding 1-ederal holidays. 4.2 \o Oiler I urrunli 1111, ')FI ICES AIZI: PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS.. BASIS. AND (J SIMIHZ'S I SI OI: Illl: SI:RVICIVS IS Ah ITS OWN RISK_ \\110A DUES NOI MAKI.- AND III;IZH1Y DISCLAIMS. ANY AND ALL OI1IIaZ I:NPIZESS ANIMW IMPLIVI) WAIZRANI"ITS, INCIVDIN(i. IWI NUT I.lV1111) TO, WARRANIIFS AND MI`.RCI IAN I.XF11HIY. FI"I NI;SS I OIZ A PAR FKJJLAR Pt!RPOSI_ 0 11 11R I I TAN SHZVI( ING C '' I0MVRS. \\ IQA warrants that it has full title and ownership of the I echnolo(-)s and that it Ila', the full povycr and authority to grant the liccnse(s) (ralllcd h\ this Agreement to Customer and that the license to and uSc by the City of the I echnolog\ and other products in no \vM constitute an infringement or other violation of'amcopyright. trade Secret. trademark. patent or proprictary right ol'any third party. \\ I,I3Q A DOES No I WARRAN I "II IA F "I III.: SH�VICI?S WII,I. 131: COMP1,11I :LY t'NINII:RRUP1H). I;RROIZ-I�RI'T, OIZ SI:CURI:. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY' �.I l)untu�re to (rrslomcr I.yuilmwW. W1:13QA ASStJMIs NO IJ:A1311,I1 Y FOR ANY DAMAGL "FO. OR LOSS OI . ANY CUSFUMF:R I:QI IPMI:NI W.Std.IING FROM ANY CAIJSI: OII II:IZ MAN fill, A\ ILI.I UI. OR RI;(XI, SS MISCONDII('F OF \\ 1:13QA. 5.2 ("onscg1wntiul Omnc ce 11'un,er. IN NO I:VFN I Sl IAI,I, \\ 1:13QA OR II S St!ppI.II:IZS BI: I,IABI,I: FO CIIS"I0MI:R I OR ANY I YPI: OI INCIDI:N [ Al.. PUNI I IVV, INDIRI-V l' OR CONSI.Qt'I:N I JAI, UAMAGI:S. INCH IDING Bl l"I NO"h LIMI II'D IO. LOST RI:VI:Nt11:. LUST PIZOI FFS, RI:PI.ACI:MENI GOODS. LOSS OF "11VI INOLOGY. IZIGI FFS OR SERVICES. LOSS OF DATA. OR IN Il1ZIZI11)1 ION OIZ LOSS OF SI,:RVICI,: OR I:QUIPMI:N I I-YI:N II ADVISED OF 1 lIr POSS11311,11 ` OL SUCH DAMAGI-:S. Will: 'IIII;IZ ARISING UNDER I11E01ZY OF CON RAC F. F(W I (INCLUDING NI:GL[GI:NCI:). SFRIC I I.IAmi'l I Y OR U"I I II;IZ\VISI:. 6. INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Inclenmi/iccaion. Each Party agrees to link indemnify and hold Customers Initiats'< pa,u I cif WEBQA SERVICES AGREEMENT harmless the other for am and all costs. liabilities. losses. and eXpenseS (includin-, attorncv's tees) resulting from anv claim. Suit action. or proceeding brought h\ am third party arising from a Pam's (a) breach of all', of its ohlieations or ��arranties: or (h) negligence or vv illful misconduct. WchQ A,' liability hereunder is expressly limited to the amount recci\ ed under this agreement. 7. TERMINATION OR CHANGE ORDER 7.1 lermination for Caccve. I-Jthcr party may terminate this Agrceman if the other party breachy, anv material term or condition of this Agreement and failed to cure such hrcach %vithin thirty (30) day, alter receipt of %vritteut notice of the Same. If W1:43QA tCrnllnatC, for cause_ all pacmentS due and owning (br the remainder of the'I ern will immediatcl\ be due fix ��ork pertormc(1. 72 ('hangs Order or ('once laden. C LIStomcr may change or cancel an order for Service liNc (5) davS prior to the Scheduled Scn ice Start Datc identified in Schedule I. Any cancellation or change order request received mthin fivc (5) days ohtile Scheduled SCrvIl'e Start Date will he Subject to a late cancellation Ice equal to t��ent�-tire percent (25",)) of initial quartcrl\ payment that would havc bcetl due under this Agreement. 7.3 Termination II ithow ('aiisc. Either partv may terminate this agrecmcnt without cause provi(ling that the terminating partv gi\eS the other partv thirty (30) day", written notice prior to termination. Should ('ustonlcr terminate \\ ithout cause after the Scn icc Start Date. (ltstonur nntSt pay the balance of contracted term. Should W1110;A lerminate without cause_ Customer has no ohli(-'ation lot - payment. 7.4 Terncinwion /or Bankrul)iciFithcr parr may tcrminatc this Agreement inunediatcl\ if(a) the other party becomes the Subject of a voluntarc petition in hankruptc\ or anc WluntarA proceeding rclatimg to insol�cncv, rccci\crship. liquidation, or composition for the henelit ofcrcditon: or (h) the other partv hccomcs the subject of an involuntary petition in banl:ruplcv or any imoluntan procec(fing relating to insolecnc\. recciSer,hip. liquidation. or composition for the hencht ol'creditors. if such petition or proceeding i, not dismissed within thirty (30) dais of tiling. 7.5 NA,ct o/ 7erntinatiolr. l poll the eflccme date of c\piration. cancellation or termination of, this :Agrcement (a) y\JJIQA \01 inunediatcl\ cease prop iding the and (h) any and all payment ohligations of the ('uStomer through the termination. depending upon cause or \\ilhout cau,c. as defined ahme, will inurtediately bCCOnle (Iue. 7.6 Survwal. the lollo\6mg provisions will survive am expiration or termination ol' the A,-,rccmcnt: ScctionS 3 (Intellectual Propcm Ownership). ? (Limitation of Liahilitv). 6 (Indemnification)_ 9 (Conlidcnliality) and Ill (1li,ccllancou,). 8. l SE 8.1 Acceolahlc° (sc Customer represents and warrant; that the Technology and SeniceS will only be uSed for lawful purpoSe>. in accordance with \k l%BQA rcasonahlc in,tructions. rule) policies. terms and conditions and operating procedures. 8.2 RC'Sli-iCtiollS on t ., . CISIOnIer represents and warrants that L'IS10n1CI- and its AIIhORILed I:ser, AA ill not (a) Sell. lease. distribute. hcenSe or Suhlicense the fechnologv or Services: (b) modity. change, after. translate. create derivative works from. reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the I cchnofogy or Services in any way for am reason: (c) provide. disclose. divulge or make available to, or permit use of the hechnology or Services by, anv third party: (d) copy or reproduce all or am part of the fechmology or Services (except as expreSSI\ provided for herein): (c) interfere, or attempt to interfere. with the l echnolo-,\ or Services in am way: (1) introduce into or trallSmit through the Technology or Services anv vIRIS. worm. trap door. hack door. timer. clock. counter or other limiting routine, instruction or design: (g) remme. obscure or alter any copyright notice. trademarks. logos or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained \\ ithin the I echnoloe_S or Services: or (It) engage in or allow any action in\ol\ ing the l echnolo,-,\ or Scl-viccs that is incon,i,tcnt vv ith the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8 2 I(ithch airul o/ . lc ec.�.e. vA LBQA Arty. upon rcasonahlc groun(1S, instruct ('ustomcr 10 terminate access to anv Aulhorized User or indiv ideal and Customer agrccs to promptlycomply with Such instruction. 9. CONFIDEN 11A1,IT) 9.1 11 /./3O.I lcr/nrmation. Customer acknov� led Les that the I cchnoIo2\ and Sery icc) contain \aluabIc Iradc secrets, which arc the sole property of b1'I BOA or its suppliers_ and ('ustomer agrees to use rcasonahlc care to preccm other parties I'rom Icarnimg ofthese trade secrets. l o the c\tcnt permitted by law. Customer will take all rcasonahlc steps to prcvcnt the unauthorized access to the I cchnolog% and Scr\ ices. 9.2 ( 'lislonwr ht/nrmalion. "'l AQA acknowledges that Customer", database Antv contain \aluahle made secrets, which arc the Sole property of Customer. fo the c\lenl that W 1.11QA heanncs aware of the content of a Customer datahasc. W 1 AQA agrees to use rcasonahlc Cue to prewnl other parties from learning oflhcsc trade Secrets: prov ided � l AQA may disclose such Iradc secrets to afliliatcS. agents and other third parties. including coumel and re(-'ulalors. on a nced-to-kno\� hasis. so long as such parties agree to maintain the confidentialilv ol'such information. 9.33 /:Vccyxions. l he obligations ofthis Section 9 shall not apply to am information that (a) is now. or IICI-Caller hccomcs. through no act or failure to act on the part ol'rccciving partv (the -Receiver-), gencrall\ knov�n or availahle: (h) is known by the Receiver at the time of reccicing such information. as evidenced he the Receiver's record): (c) iS hereafter furnished to the Receiver by a third party, as a matter of right and \s ithout reStriclion on disclosure: (d) is in(lependenlly (developed by the IZecciver without relcrcncc to or use of,tile disclosing partv's information: or (c) is required to he disclosed h\ km. proyidcd that the party to whom the information belong, is gig en prior written notice of anv such proposed disclosure. 10. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.1 / orce _i/ajcurc>. Ncithcr Vb'H�OA. its Suppliers nor (ltslomcr will he liable lot- anv fltilurc or delm in its perlormanec under this Agreement due to am cause beyond its reasonable control. including act, of war. acts of God. earthquake. Hood. emhargo. not, sabotage. labor Shortage or dispute_ governmental act or failure of the Internet (not resulting fl-om the negligence or willful misconduct of U L13QA). pro%ided that the (lelaved party: (a) gives tho other party prompt notice ofsuch cause. and (h) uses its reasonable commercial w'cbQA Subscription :ygncemcnl -bent W,1 l CLISlomcr's Initials_ Page 2 of WEBQA SERVICES AGREEMENT efforts to promptly Correct such failure or deliv in performance. If WF.t3QA is unahle to prov ide Sen ice(s) for a period of thirty (30) consecutive dass as a result ul a c0ntinuin(_1 force majeure cent. Customer mac cancel the Sery ice(,) without penalty. 102 (;overnbig Lau. the Construction and performance of this A-reement shall he �_,ovcrncd h\ the Niashin(>ton State lniform Commercial Code. rifle 62A Rey ised Code of Washinuton. and other laws ofthe State of," ashim-ton without reu!ard to the conflict otla\vs provisions thereof. W1:43QA hereh\ consents to the venue. jurisdiction and rules of the Superior Court for King COMM. Washington with respect to am ri_uht or cause of action arisim( out of this Agreement.. 10.3 Scevcruhdin. In the event am provision of this : ,-'recment is held to he contras to the Lm� the remaining provisions of this Agreanent will remain in lull force ❑ncl efieCt. 10.4 ,Issigunteui. A'1:13QA ma% assign its rights and ohligations undo- this A1_II IIICHL m v0101c ur in pall to any entity. mcludin' its supplier. ('ustomu may nut as,i(_)n this Al recmcnl in �Oolc or in part, without the prior vtritten consent of, U 1.130A. which consent will not he unreasonably \�ithhcld. IO.S \olit-C. Any notiCC ur Communication required or pCrmitted to he given hereunder nutv he delkci-cd h� hand. deposited \\ith an overnight Courier. Sent h\ email. conlormcd facsimile. ur mailed by registered or ccrtilicd mail. receipt requested. postage prepaid_ in each case to the address of the recci\ imp park as listed herein. 10.6 Relulionshii) of /'arias. %\ I BOA and (tutonur are independent contractors and this Agreement %gill not Cstahlish am relationship of' partnership. joint vCnture. CmpluvmCnt. Irtnchiu or agency between W AtIO 1 and ('ustomer. Neither A\ I lBO;A nor ('ustomer will h;nc the po%vcr to hind the other or incur ohligations Oil the other's behall-without conunL C\cept as otherwise c\pressl\ prov ided herein. 10.7 ll wirer. the waiyrr ur failurC ut Cither party to e\crcisc in am respect am right proyWcd lilt- in this A!arcement shall not he deemed a waiver of any further right tinder this Au'recmcnt. 10.8 Entire .I,rec°menC (ouulc'r1)U1.1s, l)ri, iiiul.�. phis :Agreement including all doCUlnent> incorporated herein by reference constitutes the complete and c\clusi\e agrCCnlenl het\\cen the partieS \yith respect to the subject matter hereof. 10.9 RCSIPiried Ri�"/I/S I CChnolugv ur SCI-N iCeS acquired vyith t sited States VCdaal Government fonds or intended for use within or for any t:nitcd `States fcdcrnl agency are provided \\ith "Restricted Rights° as defined in DI:AR`S 227-7013fc)(1)(ii) or I :AR 2�7- 19. 11. ACCEPTANCE Authorized representatives of Customer and vATMOA have read the lorcgoing and all documents incorporated therein and agree and accept such terms eltectke as of the date first written above. Customer Si��nautre:lvx Print Name: �"3 "IPf I itle: �1 �'Iwle Date: WebQA Inc. Si_(naturr: Print Nantc: Johil Dilcnschneidcr title: ScYor Partner Uatc: WebQA Subscription Agreement - Kent \A A \4 Customer's Initials�� l Pagc 3 45 WEBQA SERVICES AGREEMENT A. Services: B. Number of Seats C. Authorized W'ebsite: D. Term: E. Optional perms: F. Fecs G. Billing: H. Late Payments: I. "faxes: J. Remittance K. Implementation Services: L. Customized Services: Schedule l Priein Product Code Description [J� 1 GOVS1 G0%Q,A Ser\icc with Scr�icc Rctlucst and sune� Unlimited Scats www.d.kent.wa.us 0 Initial I crm of9 1 07 9;30 07 Q Annual Icrm of 10 1 07 Lndin 9 31 08 0 Optional I crm of 8 I OS finding: 7 31 09 (hie time. up Front implementation cost of': ti;��(1O Q Initial berm A,lonthly ('ost ol'579� lix aho\c term Annual l can Montlik ('ost of .)79� lair ahoy e term the option term will not incrcasc nxn'c than IWO annuall\. the Optional Icans will auto-rcncw unless ('ustomer procidcS WchO A kvrittcn notice 30 dins prior to the current tu-m end date canceling the scrviCC. Dees arc hIIICd on a Scmi-annual hasis in ad\ancc and arc due upon rcccipt of invoice. Pay menu o\ cr 30 day s from due date t ill accrue intcrcSt at a rate of one (I °o) per month \II (,CcS arc C.\ClnSl\ c of all taw." All pay menu Should he made dircctly to l\ CIIQ A. Inc. at the folio« ing addresS: \ccounu RcCckahlc V chO.A Inc 900 S. I runtaOc IZoad. SUlle 110 �\ oodridac. 11. 00� 17 Payments will not he dccmcd rccckcd h\ \\chO A until actually rccciccd in thcirolliccs. Implementation includes t\vcnM -li\c (25) hours tin -Site Set-up. Coll li11tn-ation and u-aining WebOA Suhscnptiiui Aureenient - hcnt -\ v 4 Customcr's Initi lk-,L- P't c 4 of WEBQA SERVICES AGREEMENT Customer Information Company Name: Contact Name: J Address: a 2 �� q City: State: w'%� Zip: cl t)_S Title: 'o� S.,r,S /��� s Email: Phone: _� ,§'� C y G' j Fay: Pager: Billing Information Contact Name: - Address: City: ��� State: �c/,� Zip: I �'C j Title: A&, %!-V c t Cellular: Phone: Fax: Z Purchase Orcler #: 5' �'' t:' ( {� Duns #: Technical Contact Contact Name: t Address: - y S Clty: �l t State: ,Y' Z Title: S� ti Email: K��;�c}- Cellular: Phone: � - ,� - .� 4 (� G, (f F az: Z �� .3 �'> �, y 7 j Pager: Contact I IOUI'S 5 v1 - , G S"'I - / j Domain Address Information PIZIMAILY AI)I)RI SS AI)NII\IS I R;\I m Aimi) i`SS AmuN L,UGIN II) AI)MIN LOGIN PASSW IM (\)�'tic)vO:N.c()Nl \Xx'AUMIN) MYG<)VIIII WA \MiO)%H] I.P.C'ON1 KI V \VA AUMIN SA PASSWORD WebOA Subscription Agreenunt - Kent U A \ l Customer sInitials - Pa'c i ol, > d N r o (I c cn a m 3 (� N � o � C � �G (DD 7 a � F o' CD_ CL o m CD cn — o 0 \ \V U CA N G , d C. CD O n 0 o a CD CD cD CD n.n o C cn Cl) n cn A N K co O n Cn O p O O N O O ^ O 0) C k N 0 a o N N cm m W d 0 0 N N O O !" Ln (i O O 0 O O O o o 0 0 0 o 0 7tn4 o o o (D C �- oo CD a �NCD � 3 a D^'^o �' c 3 oCD � `` ~-m w �� N (A O W LA (D :3 0. u'•l� • (D CD CL" o p CCD CD (a 0 O0 CD NCD �< CD a ^ CnD (D C 4 0 V n< O p) 3 O Q CD _ C 3 CD cl �T.ND W ccDD N CD Cf 0 00 r+ O 'T+' COLD C ZY = O C a N D D UT h < p V CCD 0 0 d SOW -% 3 rnNcnc��D i O T 30 p O CD N CD �< :A (D \� 0 0 d n O 3 cb CL O O CD O n �o* < O O O 00 O o- 7 Q. O. a 0- _7 m Lo o a d M co W r (n CD L co (.PI v O O O < O �� d 3 w o '. n o O (A 0 CAD O n O_ O cn