HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 10/18/2022 Approved
Operations and Public Safety
KENT Committee
WA9H... CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting
October 18, 2022
Date: October 18, 2022
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Members: Bill Boyce, Chair
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
Marli Larimer, Councilmember
Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
Toni Troutner Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m.
Council President Boyce called the meeting to order.
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Bill Boyce Chair Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Excused
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
3. Agenda Approval
1. I move to approve the agenda as presented.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
4. Business
A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes dated October 4, 2022
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated October 4, 2022
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops October 18, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
B. Payment of Bills - Approve
MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through
9/30/22 and paid on 9/30/22; and the checks issued for payroll
9/16/22 through 9/30/22 and paid on 10/5/2022, and the payment
of bills received through 10/15/22 and paid on 10/15/22; and the
checks issued for payroll 10/1/22 through 10/15/22 and paid on
10/20/22, all audited by the Operations and Public Safety Committee
on 10/18/22.
MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
C. Write-offs of Uncollectable Accounts - Authorize
Finance Director, Paula Painter, explained the requested write-offs.
Of the $116,161.00: $72,445.66 represents unpaid violations and fines;
$20,804.68 is for miscellaneous permits, taxes and fees; $723.77 is
comprised of miscellaneous program fees; and $22,186.89 is miscellaneous
Public Works service & repairs. All write-offs are from 2018 and one
bankruptcy from 2019.
MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to write-off uncollectable
accounts owed to the City in the amount of $116,161.00, subject to
final approval of the Finance Director.
MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
D. INFO ONLY: August 2022 Financial Report
Financial Planning Manager, Michelle Ferguson provided the August 2022
Monthly Financial Report.
Ferguson advised that sales tax revenues continue to come in strong and if
they continue at this same pace, there will be an additional $1M over 2021
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops October 18, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ._............................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ferguson advised the General Fund Revenues are lower due to lower
revenues from fines and forfeitures.
Ferguson went over the General Fund year-to-year comparisons and
explained the variances.
Ferguson indicated the workers' compensation; liability insurance and
property insurance funds will end the year over budget.
5. Adjournment 4:10 p.m.
Council President Boyce adjourned the meeting.
KLley Ko-ww-to-
Committee Secretary
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City of K
Operations and
Public Safety August
October 18, 2022
Prepared by:
Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager
Shane Sorenson,Senior Financial Analyst
G e n e ra I F u n d Reve n u es ($ in Thousands) (page 3)
All Revenues Sources
Prior Year Budq@t.@d Actual
]an uary 5,898 6,951 6,113
5120,0D0 February 4,174 6,323 5,033
5100,000 March 6,127 8r777 7,100
Wpm April 21,521 21,429 21,933
May 7,927 9,462 10,834
560,0❑❑ - June 5,491 7,445 61013
5�OD0 July 9,733 9,255 9,739
August 61326 6,634 7,994
520,000 - - Septem her 5,725 7r316 0
So October 21,552 22,471 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 8,364 9r138 0
December 10,968 12,336 0
22Bud 21Act --*--22Act Total 113,807 127,537 74,760
Prior Year Budg@tARd Actual
53s❑❑ORevenues Revenu@s Revenues
530�� January - ❑ 0
February 217 250 57
525,0❑O March 1,438 1,150 1,299
$20,004 April 13,218 12,649 12,892
May 1,945 2,439 3,048
515,004 June 198 617 101
510,0❑O July 80 145 59
August 190 135 214
55,0� September 394 587 0
50 4HOctober L2,046 12,095 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nrn Dec November 2,123 2r142 0
December 203 242 0
_22Bud f21Act --0-22Act Total 32,053 32,451 17,659
Prior Year Budq@ted Actual
525 000Rov@nues. Revenues Revenues
January 11802 1,640 2,063
WrGO❑ February 2,264 1,941 21329
March 1,786 1,619 2,112
Prior Year Budgeted Actual
51❑a❑oRevenues Revenues Revenues
55Pw - - August 2,172 1r859 2,595
September 2,070 1,740 0
50 October 2,023 1,771 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nm Dec November 2,150 1r887 0
December 2,473 2,112 0
2213ud -*--21Act --*-22Act Total 24,829 21,027 17,980
G e n e ra I F u n d Reve n u es ($ in Thousands) (page 4)
Prior Year Utility Tax d Actual
$25,000 Revenues Rawande-s -
January 2,141 1,935 11960
$20,000 February 1,215 1,644 1,889
March 1,563 1,666 1,805
$15,000 April 1,700 1,768 1,859
May 1,542 1,569 1,745
$10,000 Prior Year Budgeted Actual
Revenues Revenues
$5 000 -
September 1,621 1,697 0
$0 October 1,588 1,471 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Novi Dec N.-mbar 1,625 1,564 0
December 1,884 1,521 0
22Bud -A--21Act t22Act Total 20,263 19,507 14,263
B i
Prior Year Budgeted Actual
$20,000 Revenues Revenues Revenues
$18,000 January 283 86 2
$16,000 February 2 3 3
$14,000 March (156) 134 79
$12,000 April 2,912 3,091 3,087
$10,000 May 1,006 1,296 1,549
$8,000 June 203 231 97
$6,00o July 2,966 3,717 3,501
54,000 August 1,219 943 1,493
52,000 September 107 125 0
$0WK i October 3,083 3,664 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Novi Dec N-mbar 1,107 994 0
December 4,940 5,496 0
22Bud -&-21Act --0-22Act Total 17,674 19,980 9,811
(Intergovernmental,Licenses Permits,Charges for Servirlis,Fines Forfeits,and Misc Revenues)
Prior Year dgeted Actual
Revenues :.Uvenues Revenues
$35 000
S3O,000 January 1,672 3,428 2,068
February 475 1,317 755
$25A00 March 1,476 3,490 1,815
$20,OOO April 1,93B 2,571 2,033
May 1,161 2,135 2,081
$15,000 June 1,773 3,459 1,957
510NOO July 2,205 2,748 2,227
August 11113 11939 2,110
September 11533 3,126 0
50 October 2,812 3,282 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 1,359 2,271 0
December 1,469 4,806 0
J 22 Bud f23Act --*.--22Act Total 18,988 34,571 15,047
General Fund (Year-to-Year Comparison ) (page7)
, ,
thru August ldhru August thru August Variance Budget
thru August t1hru August thru August Variance Budget
Property 16,824,026 17,Z86,59Z 17,659,155 372,562 2.2°/a 54.4%
Business &Occupation 7,231,700 8,217,683 9,334,906 1,117,223 13.6°/a 48.9%
Other 293,277 219,286 476,277 256,991 117.20/a 54.1%
Licenses and Pelmets 4,420,284 4,759,419 5,465,734 706,315 14.8°/a 73.9%
Intergovernmental Revenue 2,010,490 2,06&,063 2,009,018 (59,045) -2.911/a 69.5%
Budgetthru August ldhru August thru August Variance
Transfers In 450,000 - 285,000 205r000 2.0%
Total Revenues 63,960,110 67,197,170E 74,759,fi16 7,562,446 11.3°l0 58.6%
City Council 264,961 185,165 194,847 9,633 5.Z% 65.9%
Administration 1,213,082 1,685,166 1,340,751 (344,415) -20.49/a 40.8%
Fmnnmir. R, Cnmmiinity r7av d riR o;n7 d R1 Q nn7 S frog; 7QS 1R7.7R9
thru August thru August thru August Variance Budget
Fire Contracted Services 2,450,725 2,435,256 3,032,740 597,485 24.5% 78.2%
Law 978,532 920,884 891,367 (29,517) -3.20/11 54.4%
Municipal Coudt 2,212,943 2,241r173 2,236,125 (5,048) -0.Z% 57.8%
❑�as oa-.-ate+:.. n r..,,. C.- in rIA In on7 40o 1� ryyu nrzn i qIn w•xa In not 4a -74f
thru August t1hru August thru August Variance Budget
Nan-Departmental 7,198,646 6,275,465 3r14--,397 (3,133,068) -49.9% 10.4%
Total Expenditures 61,230,241 61,555,357 63,934,614 2,379,256 3.9% 48.7%
Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page9)
Actual Prelliffn Budget YTID Est Actual
Operating revenues and expenditures onlyr capital and non-capital projects are excluded.
In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized.
Special Revenue Funds
Street Fund
Revenues 19,350,928 20,419,435 18r440r900 10,275,638 21,026,660
Expend itures 19,205,266 16,768,746 19,965,520 10,038,510 19,955,520
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 145,662 3,550,589 (1,524,520) 237,129 1,051,140
LFDFF] Retiree Benefits
Revenues 1,232,575 1,199,965 1,277,884 633,691 1,175,900
Expenditures 1,571,585 1,519,460 1,572,840 908,104 1,360,800
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (339,010) (319,495) (294,960) (274,413) (184,900)
Lodging Tax
Revenues 158,384 221,252 582,740 437,635 546,700
Expenditures 270,532 165,720 509,050 179,972 297,740
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (112,148) 55,532 73,690 257,663 248,960
Youthf Teen Programs
Revenues 897,527 977,243 931,384 696,069 1,044,100
Expenditures 691,260 322,D54 925,554 4,187 924,080
Net 2evenues Less Expenditures 206,267 155,189 5,734 691,887 120,020
Capital Resources
Revenues 22,885,707 28,353,526 19,937,010 16,281,535 25,985,750
Expenditures 27,520,426 18,092,140 19,076,560 1,928,321 18,620,510
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (4,634,719) 10,261,487 860r450 14,353,215 7,355,240
Criminal Justice
Revenues 8,673,794 9,774,373 8,686,810 6,630,5213 10,136,410
Expenditures 8,504,672 7,540,042 10,214,280 5,172,479 9,959,000
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 159,122 2,234,331 1,527,470 1,458,050 177,410
Human Services
Revenues 153,728 3,796,657 3,684,004 2,687,648 3,684r000
Expenditures 116,660 2,704,110 3,684,000 107,395 3,684r000
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 47,068 1,092,547 2,580,251
Sho Ware Operating
Revenues 1,512,589 3,079,558 1r150r000 1,150,000
Expenditures 1,451,752 2,091,561 2,993,600 2,026,795 2,993,600
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 50,837 987,997 (1,843,600) (2,026,796) (1,843,600)
Other Operating
Revenues 105,155 128,175 121,630 121,630
Expend itures 106,003 104,945 121,530 113,040 171,630
Net 2evenues Less Expenditures (848) 23,230 (118r040)
Councilmanic Debt Service
Revenues 9,144,537 7,1388,547 7,955,190 2,216,099 7,677,980
Expenditures 8,679,761 8,348,722 8,563,984 2,245,517 8,553,990
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 464,826 (360,174) (608,790) (29,412) (886,000)
Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page10)
Operating revenues and expenditures only;capital and non-capital projects are excluded.
In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized.
Special Assessment Debt Service
Revenues 794,469 1,035,745 691,660 139,787 691,660
Expenditures 1,386,712 858,473 682,020 4,353 682,020
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (602,243) 177,272 9,640 135,433 9,640
Enterprise Funds
Water Utility
3evenues 29,573,424 29,810,341 29,334,150 17,539,554 2,7,927,534
Expenditures 26,464,133 28,183,254 29,238,970 12,342,649 2.7,755,640
Net 2evenues Less Expenditures 3,109,291 1,627,D87 95,180 5,196,904 171,890
Sewer Utility
Revenues 33,513,294 34,846,524 34,750,070 23,654,570 36,075,050
Expenditures 32,252,706 33,974,459 34,627,440 21,363,874 34,627,404
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,260,588 872,065 122,670 2,290,697 1,447,650
Drainage utility
Revenues 24,537,483 25,408,140 23,506,990 16,148,299 24,933,000
Expenditures 21,804,802 23,609,481 31,044,120 10,751,034 30,099,070
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,732,681 1,798,659 (7,537,130) 5,397,265 (5,166,070)
Solid Waste Utility
Revenues 837,309 955,492 906,110 823,125 1,125,200
Expenditures 876,871 995,385 1,134,930 785,605 1,134,930
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (39,562) (139,893) (228,820) 37,520 (9,730)
Golf Complex
Revenues 5,938,183 2,526,316 3,107,180 2,355,521 3,314,800
Expenditures 3,070,899 4,513,837 2,994,890 2,084,871 2,994,890
Net Revenues Less Expen itures 2,867,283 1,987,522 112,290 270,649 319,910
Internal Service Funds
Fleet Services
Revenues 5,478,589 5,674,822 7,81%690 4,005,37D 7,960,600
Expenditures 6,559,.539 4,894,499 9,196,540 3,247,021 7,980,500
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,080,950) 780,323 (1,376,850) 758,350 (19,900)
Central Services
Revenues 309,535 355,897 436,600 201,883 383,804
Expenditures 277,640 320,247 414,110 187,679 35%220
Net Revenues Less Expen itures 31,895 35,650 22,490 14,204 23,584
Information Technology
Revenues 9,062,099 10,506,136 11,633,360 7,388,637 11,642,450
Expenditures 16,531,892 10,411,640 12,126,290 7,450,299 11,548,670
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,469,793) 94,496 (492,930) (61,661) 93,780
Revenues 6,327,144 6,704,998 6,547,280 3,745,613 6,498,404
Expenditures 5,125,026 6,222,434 8,981,350 3,354,819 6,568,904
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,202,114 482,564 (2,434,070) 390r794 (70,500)
Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page11)
2020 2021 2022
Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded.
In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized.
revenues 156,229 134,862 148,170 102,524 155,960
Expenditures 151,350 161,765 219,610 77,727 150,730
Workers Cvmpensativrr ---. -- _-- _ _--
Revenues 1,551,522 1,019,589 1,468,360 1,019,404 ir507,860
Expenditures Zr106,616 1,788,435 1,575,610 1,495,806 1,744,170
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (555,093) (768,945) (107,250) (477,402) (236,310)
I 2021 2022 2022I
Liability Insurance
revenues 38,104 8,119,358 3,061,170 2,162,246 3r189r300
Expenditures 2,852,665 4,307,222 3,794,070 3,394,475 4,032,070
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (2,814,561) 3,812,136 (712,900) (1,232,230) (842,770)
Property Irrsurarrce
Revenues 578,755 605,819 785,750 521,361 783r890
Expend itures 587,011 677,950 785,750 1,201,226 805,750
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 8,257 72,131 679,864 21,860
impact fee Trust fund
Revenues 4,357,166 3,957,718 3,922,390 1,676,353 3,922,3S0
Expenditures 4,356,851 3,958,633 3,922,390 1,522,545 3,922,390
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 315 (315) 153,803
Other Fund Revenues Other Fund Expenditures
MdD00,0o0 70,000,o0o
60A00 604 ■Special 60,000,000 I —■Special Revenue
Revenue 50,000,060 _ Funds
40d000 000 _ Funds 40,000,060 MEnterprise Funds
20d000,000 _ 61Enterpriise 20,000,DOC —
Funds 10,Uad,06a ■Internal Service
0 a
2020 2021 2022 2020 Actuals 2021 Prelim 2022 Budget
Actuals Prelim Budget