HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 09/26/2022 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting September 26, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with Remote Zoom Option APPROVED October 24, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Maria Castro (remote), Mel Roberts, Julie Dunn, Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Daren Osborn. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Smith (excused), Jeff Culver (excused) CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, Sara Wood Guests: Councilmember Brenda Fincher 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:49 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Two members absent, both excused. 3. Changes to the Agenda Item #7 Guide Signs to Trails is removed, speaker not ready to present. 4. August 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded, all 7 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 5. Police/Target Zero Taskforce Updates - Wood Sara Wood from the Kent Police Department is also a co-lead for the King County Target Zero Taskforce. She provided updates on funding for education and enforcement efforts that will start again on October 1st. They will have $240k for enforcement campaigns, some of which will be used for speed enforcement, the first time that $ for speed enforcement has been provided. Speed enforcement in November, DUI focus during the holidays. Last year they received a $113k walker-roller grant with a SR 99 focus, conducted an observation survey, many cars speeding at 80-90 mph with pedestrians crossing SR 99 unexpectedly, may look at signage. th o Daren Helmets went well at the 4 picky and loved it. Upcoming Bike, Walk, Roll Summit put on by WSDOT and Cascade Bike Club. Erik Preston will email info to the Board. Traffic Safety Commission will share their updates at the Legislative session which kicks off soon Sara will share updates coming from State Legislature. Connie other areas beside SR 99? o Sara - the taskforce money is spread throughout King County, but the walker-roller projects were SR 99 focused. Erik J many bikers avoid SR 99 and use other north-south routes. Erik P Target Zero taskforce and funding is focused on serious/fatal injury crashes Mel bikes can ride in HOV lane Sara use some of current funding to print flyers, etc., & traffic officer overtime. Mel we should ask kids organizations/churches/schools if they want helmets. tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Ќ 6. Bike Racks, Parking, and Businesses - Dunn Julie Dunn shared her idea for more bike racks in the City but did not present. The Chair recognized Councilmember Brenda Fincher, who was present as a guest, and led the discussion. Brenda described her experience riding an e-bike with other area elected officials from Auburn, etc. on a 10-mile bike ride on the trails like Interurban, several weeks ub). o She mentioned being uncomfortable on the James St bike lane at 4/James between the through and right-turn traffic lanes. Brenda would like to see a heat map of bike crashes, current data. After we get the bike lane, to see if that would make a difference. Erik P - We were planning to have some of these on our road diet projects on Reith th and 4 Ave north of James. Brenda - Cascade club may invite PW folks from surrounding cities to go out for a ride in the future. Brenda the bikes. We should add things like bike rack requirements into the Comp Plan that Brenda wants to know about events like the Bike Rodeo, invite the Council & Mayor. Brenda - Parks worked hard on connections in for 5-7 years, done a good job. th Connie Paving is nice on connections around 212 Street. ndth Julie On 132 by 240, they only paved ½ street, not the shoulder, why? Money. Brenda wants KBAB to come up with a plan for what you want to see for bicyclists in improvements that could be made. Work through Erik, your liaison to bring them to Council or to the individual departments. consider the needs of the entire city. Mel KBAB can advise all City departments. Erik J We just created a Gaps subcommittee to address some of this. Brenda Let us know what you see that would be helpful for bike riders of all levels, , we have to consider the entire City. Mel add little strips of shoulder here and there to connect. th Erik P Added shoulder to 256 near Soos Creek this year. Mel usually sees a quick response from sweeping crews. Wendy add bike racks to Gaps subcommittee. Mel and Erik J have pictures of lots of nice bike racks. Potential for a City standard or palette of designs. Wendy maybe the arts commission could help, good job on cabinet wraps. Maria requirement for a percentage of developments budget to Art Brenda liked the idea of the Arts Commission helping design bike racks. She mentioned there are grants you can apply for. Mel first class wood racks in Vancouver. Julie shared pictures of beautiful racks in Belgium. 8. Festival and Events Subcommittee Report - Graves Wendy found that it costs $165 for a booth at Cornucopia Days Winterfest in December participate for free, handout helmets Kent Station looking for participants trunk or treat for Halloween helmets. Committee looking at what to do long and short term. Hoping to hear about the budget possibility Brenda - consider the Kent International Festival, end of May at ShoWare Center. tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ќ 9. By-Law Update Subcommittee Report - Preston Erik P sent email to By-law subcommittee, will schedule meeting after the Board meeting. 10. Bike Facility Gaps Subcommittee Report - Preston Erik P sent email to Gaps subcommittee, will schedule meeting after the Board meeting. Adding bike racks to agenda. 11. Monthly Rides and Promotion Graves Erik J discussed ride for October, Aaron had a good idea, needs some work. Discussion of areas paved, road connections, construction underway. Erik J does this need to be a monthly thing? Can we just start adding ones when we get a new idea? Yes, re-use when you want Wendy make Erik J presenter for this topic in the future. 12. Communications Preston Conducted interviews, found 2 candidates we like, but need to re-advertise. Will wait a couple weeks to make recommendation to Mayor based on applicants. Parks is waiting on County process for grant to be awarded. 13. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston The next meeting is Special Meeting on October 24. 14. Items for the Next Meeting Wendy keep subcommittee reports on agenda. Connie Bike Rodeo meetings on agenda? will discuss in events subcommittee. Brenda - Put KBAB events out through Communications i and the Parks monthly newsletter and calendar. Maybe in the Parks booklet. Last year contacted every school for Rodeo, this year contact KSD superintendent, City Divisions, are Non-profits like churches. Daren do a statistical analysis of the weather for the Bike Rodeo. 15. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:02 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ќ