HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 08/29/2022 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting August 29, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with Remote Zoom Option Approved - September 26, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Maria Castro (remote), Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Jeff Culver, Julie Dunn BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Brian Smith (excused), Daren Osborn CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown Guests: Aaron Dent 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Two members absent, one excused. 3. Changes to the Agenda None. 4. July 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded, all 7 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 5. Purpose & Future of KBAB - Brown Erik Preston reviewed the purpose of KBAB as currently set forth in the KCC. Rob Brown then shared the idea of creating a Pedestrian Advisory Board, similar to KBAB, either as a new separate board, or combining it with KBAB. Connie Asked if other cities have pedestrian and bike boards. Erik J asked about scooter and e-bikes. Mel mentioned walking routes around schools. , we need to focus more on bike infrastructure. Aar Wendy thought combining makes sense due to similar issues, effect complete streets? Mel said bikes are on sidewalks in some places, on the street in others, some facilities serve both peds and bikes, th. thth Jeff asked why do bike lanes end, why not extend? There is 277 at top of hill (116 Ave SE) there is a section of sidewalk where half is ped and half is bike. Connie suggested instead of new pedestrian Erik J said a lot of pedestrian issues are hyper-local. hung up on specific areas, we d Wendy says we get lost in the weeds in this meeting. Do not see this as an issue. Aaron like the idea of a pedestrian board, but would like to see a dividing line where KBAB ends and other city departments take over. Mel said c KBAB advises the City, all departments, likes the broad scope. Rob said Ped board would be same as KBAB. Advisory board, no funds, long-range plans, specific project issues. tğŭĻ Њ ƚŅ Ќ Julie asked if e-scooters should be on sidewalk or on road. Aaron said a Seattle contract says no riding on sidewalk. - What are scooter laws in Kent? Rob state laws. No Kent laws. No scooter rentals in Kent. The following questions came up for an advisory vote. 1. Does Kent need a ped advisory function? 3 Yes, 4 No, Jeff abstained 2. If there is a Pedestrian advisory board should it be separate? 4 Yes, 3 No, Maria abstained. 3. If there is a Pedestrian advisory board should it be combined? 5 Yes, 3 No. 6. Festival and Event Planning - Graves Mel - we want to promote cycling, if you want to lead rides then join Cascade. We should focus on facilities. Less on events and more on facilities. Aaron promote bicycling through events and increase demand for facilities/funding. Rob request funding for projects on TIP/TMP. Connie after rodeo, we talked about future events and outreach. Events attract teenagers. Wendy planning after summer. Have a good source for helmets. Subgroup that focuses on events. Julie safe routes to schools, is Kent connected with that program? Mel Are PTAs connected? Rob City does go after Safe Route to Schools grants. Working on relationships with schools and Police Department. Wendy want to go after safe routes to school. Erik J bike gap may qualify for SRTS. May be worth getting a booth at Corn Days. Wendy Erik J will see what it costs for a booth at Corn Days. Wendy will see what other events Parks/Mark Hendrickson will allow them to participate Connie subcommittee on events (Connie, Julie, Maria, Erik, Wendy) Mel could setup outreach at large apartment complexes to help people find a way to ride to work. There is a CTR program. Rob CTR is a state requirement for employers with 100+ employees at a single work site that arrive in the morning. State has been overhauling the program for many years. Wendy outreach to large employers and provide routes and support. Jeff should have outreach on how to ride a bike to the Sounder. Expensive bicycles have been stolen out of bike lockers at Kent Station 7. By-Law Update Preston Eri P Brian is the only remaining member of the bylaws subgroup. Need to continue this effort and create a working group. Wendy volunteers. Mel volunteers. Need to bring bylaws in compliance with City code. 8. Bike Facility Gaps and Cross-Sections - Preston Erik P find or create a bike gap map. Probably create a subcommittee. KBAB would advise the City of their priority. Maybe able to add in shoulders or something. Wendy Thought the TMP did that. Erik P , needs discussion. Create a prioritized list, can lead to input on future cross sections. Would like progress by the end of year. Erik J idea of creating a database. Mel has a map. What can City put together for small improvements? Jeff can this map show bike lanes? tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Ќ Mel there used to be a bicycle map. Rob City does not have a bicycle map due to resource limitations. Erik J might be able to use a map to discuss gaps at events. Committee = Mel, Erik J, Julie 9. Monthly Rides and Promotion - Graves th Erik J Finalizing the ROTM document. Section of Green River trial north of 228 is reopening soon. Should feature that soon. Wendy Aaron, would you like to volunteer for the October ROTM? Aaron yes. 10. Communications - Preston Passed on recommendations for Tim Irwin and Allison Hopstad to PW Director. Go to Mayor, then to Council. th Grants Highway Safety Improvement Program. 5 POTENTIAL Grants. 4 Ave road th diets between James and Willis. Already have funding from James to 228. Two rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons. (24400 block and 23800 block), access control project on Canyon Drive at Weiland. Erik read the update from Sara Wood/PD. 11. Notice of Upcoming Meetings - Preston The next meeting is September 26, a regular meeting. 12. Items for the Next Meeting Wendy send Erik P agenda items in the time he asks for them Erik J have report outs from the three new subcommittees Mel update on grant Parks got for trail signing. Erik P will check with Parks Mel signs needed on trails. (Parks) Wendy Need wayfinding signs to direct people to trails. Erik P and Rob need to talk to Parks. Julie Bike racks, where does that fall? Mel in development code, by business size. (Check with ECD) Julie there a way to influence the requirements for bike racks? KBAB could recommend something to City. \[We need to find out who is responsible for bike rack? Businesses or parks or public works\] 13. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:06 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Ќ