HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-411 - Original - Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force - Creation of Multi-jurisdictional Team - 09/21/2022Jalene King Police 06/13/2022 N/A Interlocal Original Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force multi-jurisdictional team to investigate and enforce laws relating to auto theft Other 6/13/22 CAG2022-411 6/27/22 Creation of Mulit Jurisdictional Team 9/21/22 $0 9/20/23 10/11/22 - rcvd fully executed version. M.M. AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK FORCE. L PARTIES The parties to this Agreement are the Washington State Patrol, Pierce County Sheriff s Office, and the Municipalities of Auburn, Bonney Lake, Buckley, Federal Way, Kent, Lakewood, Puyallup, Tacoma, Tukwila, and the Port of Seattle, each of which is a state, county, or municipal corporation operating under the laws of the State of Washington. Parties may be added or removed by the process outlined in Section 7. Changes to membership, including any additions or removals, will be reflected as an addendum to this agreement. 2. AUTHORITY This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Chapters 10.93,39.34, and53.08 of the Revised Code of Washington. 3. PURPOSEXORMATION The parties to this Agreement wish to establish and maintain a multi - jurisdictional team to effectively investigate and enforce the laws relating to auto theft; hereafter known as the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force ("PSATT" or "Task Force" in this Agreement). This Agreement does not replace any previously executed interlocal agreements by the parties to provide backup law enforcement services. The parties do not intend to create a separate legal entity subject to suit through this agreement. 4. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The Washington State Legislature recognized that automobiles are an essential 11 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT part of our everyday lives in passing the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Act in 2007. The family car is typically the second largest investment a person owns, the theft of which causes a significant loss and inconvenience to people, imposes financial hardship, and negatively impacts their work, school, and personal activities. Appropriate, meaningful, and proportionate penalties should be imposed on those who steal motor vehicles. King County, Pierce County, and the municipalities therein have experienced increases to urbanization and population densities resulting in a rise in crime associated with auto theft. This increase has stretched the resources of individual police department investigative units. Historically, law enforcement efforts focused on auto theft were predominately conducted by agencies working independently. A multi jurisdictional approach to auto theft investigations has many benefits, including: the more effective use of personnel, improved utilization of funds, reduced duplication of equipment, improved training, development of specialized expertise, and improved information sharing. This approach, such as the one detailed in this Agreement, results in improved services for all participating jurisdictions and increase safety for the communities they serve through improved auto theft prosecution. 5. TASK FORCE OBJECTIVES The assigned personnel from each participating jurisdiction forms the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task -Force, which will serve the combined service areas of all the participating jurisdictions. PSATT's objective is to provide enhanced and more efficient use of personnel, equipment, budgeted funds, and training to investigate and aid in the prosecution of prolific or organized auto theft crimes. PSATT may respond as able to requests for assistance by any participating jurisdiction or by other law enforcement agencies pursuant to chapter 10.93 RCW. 21 Pa - c PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 6. GOVERNANCE The Task Force shall be governed by an Executive Board ("Board") composed of one member from each participating jurisdiction that has at least one foil -time employee assigned to the Task Force (`Board Member"). Each Department Head shall have an equal vote and voice on all Board decisions. All Board decisions shall be made by a majority vote of the Board Members, or their designees, appearing at the meeting where the decision is made. A quorum of the Board must be present for any vote to be valid. A presiding officer shall be elected by the Board together with such other officers as a majority of the Board may deem appropriate. A Lead Administrative Agency shall be selected by the Board. The other participating agencies are sub -recipients. The Lead Administrative Agency shall be responsible for establishing proper accounting procedures, an audit -trail, and the collection and provision of required reports and statistics. The Board shall meet quarterly, unless otherwise determined by the Board. Any Board Member may call extra meetings as appropriate. The presiding officer shall provide no less than forty-eight (48) hours' notice of all meetings to all members of the Board; PROVIDED, however, that in emergency situations, the presiding officer may conduct a telephonic meeting or a poll of individual Board Members to resolve any issues related to such emergency. The Board may, at its discretion, adopt policies, regulations, and operational procedures that shall apply to Task Force operations. Officers assigned to the Task Force remain employees of their employing agency and are subject to the policies of their employing agency. To the extent that the written policies, regulations, and operational procedures of the Task Force conflict with the written policies, regulations, and operational procedures of the individual jurisdictions, the Task Force members will adhere to the written policies, regulations, and procedures of their employing agency. 3 1 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 7. DURATION, MEMBERSHIP, AND TERM INATION A. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be one (1) year, effective upon its adoption and consistent with the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority (WATPA) grant period. This Agreement shall automatically extend for consecutive one (1) year terms conditioned upon the receipt of funding through the WATPA grant process. B. Membership — Additions and Withdrawals. A majority vote of the Board may approve the addition of an Agency to the Task Force. Each addition will be memorialized in the minutes of the meeting in which the Board approves the addition and be evidenced by an addendum to this agreement. A participating jurisdiction may withdraw from this agreement by providing thirty (30) days' written notice of its withdrawal to the other participating jurisdictions. A participating jurisdiction's withdrawal prior to the WATPA grant's expiration will be ineligible for related grant funds beyond reimbursement for approved grant expenditures that accrued prior to the participating jurisdiction's withdrawal. Removal of a participating jurisdiction will be evidenced in an addendum to this agreement. Any membership change addenda must comply with RCW 39.34,030. C. Termination. A majority vote of the Board may terminate PSATT. Any vote for termination shall occur only when the Department Head, or his or her designee, of each participating jurisdiction is given reasonable advanced notice of the meeting in which such vote is taken and reasonable advanced notice that a vote to terminate PSATT is forthcoming at the Board meeting. The participating jurisdictions may completely terminate this Agreement by mutual agreement in writing. Upon termination of this Agreement, any assets acquired by the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task -Force with grant funds shall be distributed by the Board upon a majority vote of all Board members or their designees. Termination of this Agreement or the withdrawal of a party shall not extinguish those obligations described in Section 16 and 17 of this Agreement with respect to 41 P age PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT the withdrawing party as to any incident occurring before the withdrawal of the party. Those obligations described in Section 16 and 17 shall survive the termination of this Agreement with respect to any cause of action, claim, or liability arising on or prior to the date of termination. 8. COMMAND AND CONTROL In the event of a mobilizing incident, the primary agency will be the agency in whose jurisdiction the incident has occurred. The primary agency shall appoint a command level officer to serve as Incident Commander to be the officer in charge of the local event. The Incident Commander retains full authority and control throughout the incident and shall make any decision as to the resolution of the incident. 9. TASK FORCE STAFF Upon adoption of this Agreement, the staff listed below shall be assigned and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Board shall have authority to determine which participating jurisdictions will contribute staff and shall have authority to approve of staff assigned by a party. The Board may change, eliminate, or add staff positions as deemed appropriate. The Board shall, to the best of its ability, determine which participating jurisdictions may provide staff for the various positions during the previous year's budget cycle. A staff member of the Task Force may be removed from his or her position for any reason by majority vote of the Board or by the chief/sheriff of his or her employing jurisdiction. All Task Force staff members shall be in good standing with their employing jurisdiction at all times during their service on the Task Force. Commander: A Task Force Commander with the rank of Commander or Captain (or command level equivalent) from his/her employing jurisdiction shall be appointed by the Board. The Commander shall act as the principal liaison between the Board and Task Force staff. The Commander shall operate under the direction of the presiding officer of the Board. The Commander shall 5 1 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT be responsible for informing the Board on all matters relating to the function, expenditures, accomplishments, and challenges of the Task Force. The Commander shall prepare monthly written reports to the Board on the actions, progress, and finances of the Task Force. The Commander shall be responsible for presenting any policies, regulations, and operational procedures and revisions for Board review and approval. Supervisor: The Task Force shall have two (2) Supervisors with the rank of Sergeant or equivalent from their respective employing jurisdiction; one (1) supervisor position will be funded by WATPA and appointed by the Board, and one (1) non-WATPA-funded supervisor positions will be provided by the Washington State Patrol. The Task Force Supervisors shall act as the first level supervisors for the Task Force and shall report directly to the Commander. Detective: The Task Force shall have WATPA-fronded detectives assigned from participating jurisdictions that are appointed by the Board and non-WATPA- funded detectives provided by WSP. The number of detectives is dependent on the WATPA grant award and the WSP budget amounts provided to the Task Force. Crime Analyst: Subject to WATPA funding, PSATT shall have one (1) WATPA-funded crime analyst provided by one of the participating jurisdictions. Prosecutor: Subject to WATPA funding, PSATT shall have one (1) prosecuting attorney provided by the King County Prosecutor's Office or the Pierce County Prosecutor's Office to provide direct access to legal support for improved communication and prosecution of auto theft cases investigated by the Task Force. Pursuant to RCW 10.93.040, personnel assigned to the Task Force are considered employees of their employing jurisdiction, which shall be solely and exclusively responsible for that employee. All rights, duties and obligations of the employer shall remain with the employing jurisdiction. Each participating jurisdiction will comply with all applicable employment laws and any applicable collective bargaining agreements or civil service rules and regulations. 6 1 P a e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 10.EQUIPMENT, TRAINING, AND BUDGET Equipment, training, and eligible expenses will be paid by PSATT as provided in the WATPA grant through the Lead Administrative Agency's finance department. A participating jurisdiction that incurs expenses not provided in the WATPA grant is responsible for those expenses. As provided in the WATPA grant, each participating jurisdiction shall provide a monthly expenditure invoice to the Lead Administrative Agency's finance department documenting those expenses that are eligible for reimbursement through the WATPA grant. Each participating jurisdiction will provide a vehicle for each full-time Employee assigned by that participating jurisdiction to PSATT. The participating jurisdiction is responsible for the operating costs and maintenance of vehicles provided to its employees assigned to PSATT. 11.OVERTIME Overtime funds shall not exceed the amount budgeted in the WATPA grant award. A Task Force Supervisor must pre -approve overtime expenditures. Overtime is eligible for reimbursement only if. (1) a Task Force Supervisor authorized the overtime; (2) the overtime activity is specifically related to auto theft prevention efforts; and, (3) WATPA funds are available. When budgeted overtime funds are depleted, no overtime expenditures will be authorized by the PSATT or WATPA and any overtime incurred by a Task Force staff member shall be the responsibility of the employing jurisdiction. 12.REIMBURSEMENT OF FUNDS Participating jurisdictions requesting reimbursement for approved expenditures must submit appropriate invoices and itemized receipts monthly, and no more frequently than once each month, for actual expenses incurred. Sub -recipients shall submit all bills for reimbursement to the Lead Administrative Agency to ensure that those bills comply with grant policies and regulations prior to the Lead Agency submitting all reimbursements together to WATPA for payment. Each 71 Page PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT reimbursement request must contain a completed WATPA reimbursement request expenditure form. Reimbursements will be made for actual expenses based upon the available budgeted amounts provided in the WATPA grant award. The participating jurisdiction is responsible for timely submittal of billing documentation and data reporting to the Lead Administrative Agency. Expenditures made prior to the award date or after the grant expiration date are not authorized and will not be reimbursed. WATPA will reimburse participating jurisdictions upon submittal of billing documentation, as outlined in the WATPA grant award. Requests for reimbursement for per diem (meal and travel expenditures) must be accompanied by an itemized receipt detailing the item purchased. Copies of timesheets are required for overtime reimbursement. Reimbursement will be made only up to the amount of the WATPA grant award limit for this expense type. Any cost above and beyond the award limit is the responsibility of the employing jurisdiction. 13. RECORDS Each participating jurisdiction shall maintain and manage records related to PSATT in conformance with the Public Records Act (Chapter 42.56 RCW) and the Washington State Secretary of State's records retention schedule or the participating jurisdiction's unique records retention schedule so long as such unique retention schedule meets or exceeds the requirements of state law. All records relating to PSATT kept by a participating jurisdiction shall be available for full inspection and copying by any other participating jurisdiction. Records related to PSATT include but are not limited to bi-annual WATPA reporting, invoices, and requests for reimbursement along with supporting documentation. Any party to this Agreement that receives a Public Records Act request related to PSATT shall notify every other jurisdiction participating in this Agreement of the request within two (2) business -days. All participating jurisdictions will search their records to locate and produce responsive documents in a prompt manner to 8 1 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE 1NTERLOCAL AGREEMENT support meeting notification and response requirements under the Public Records Act and will identify those responsive records produced that are or may be exempt from disclosure under state law. Criminal investigation reports generated by the Task Force will be maintained in the records systems of the employing jurisdiction of the primary Task Force staff member who created the report. The primary investigator of an incident or case may include in his or her report supplemental reports that are also filed with another agency by Task Force members. 14. POLITICAL ACTI VITI ES PROHIBITED No government funds, including WATPA award funds, may be used for or against ballot measures or the candidacy of any person for public office. 15. PRESS RELEASES All press releases related to Puget Sound Auto Theft Task -Force activity must be authorized by the Task Force Commander, who will coordinate the press release with the police agencies in whose jurisdictions the incident has taken place. In the event that a press release is associated with a public service announcement or public outreach efforts, the Task Force Commander will coordinate the press release with the Board. 16. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION The Task Force staff assigned by the employing jurisdiction shall continue under the employment of that jurisdiction for purposes of any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of or related to the services provided to the Task Force or the activities of the Task Force. Each participating jurisdiction agrees to hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the other participating jurisdictions in the Task Force in any action arising from the negligence of the employees of that jurisdiction including all costs of defense including attorney's fees. A. Collective Representation and Defense. 91 P a() e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT The jurisdictions may retain joint legal counsel to collectively represent and defend the jurisdictions in any legal action. In the event a jurisdiction does not agree to joint representation, that jurisdiction shall be solely responsible for all attorney fees accrued for its individual representation or defense. The jurisdictions and their respective defense counsel shall make a good faith attempt to cooperate with other participating jurisdictions. Cooperation includes, but is not limited to, providing all documentation requested and making Task Force members available for depositions, discovery, settlement conferences, strategy meetings, and trial. B. Insurance. Each participating jurisdiction shall maintain adequate insurance through the commercial insurance market, an insurance pool, self-insurance, or a combination thereof. The failure of any insurance carrier or self -insured pooling organization to agree to or follow the terms of this Agreement shall not relieve any participating jurisdiction from its obligations under this Agreement. 17. NOTICE OF CLAIMS, LAWSUITS, AND SETTLEMENTS In the event a claim is filed or lawsuit is brought against a participating jurisdiction or its employees for actions arising out of its conduct in support of Task Force operations, that jurisdiction shall promptly notify the other participating jurisdictions of the claim or lawsuit. Any documentation, including the claim or legal complaints, shall be provided to each participating jurisdiction within ten (10) calendar days. 18. PRE -CLAIM FILING REQUIREMENTS Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver by any participating jurisdiction of the requirements set forth in Chapters 4.92 and 4.96 RCW, and a participating jurisdiction providing notice or copies of a claim to another jurisdiction pursuant to Section 17 of this Agreement shall not be deemed compliance with the requirement that a party who files suit against a jurisdiction first file a claim with the jurisdiction in accordance with Chapters 4.92 and 496 RCW. Moreover, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed acceptance of service 10 1 P a ( a PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT of a lawsuit, and the fact that a participating jurisdiction provides notice or copies of a lawsuit to another jurisdiction shall not be deemed adequate service of such lawsuit in accordance with the state or federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Revised Code of Washington. 19. WRITTEN CONSENT TO ENFORCE TRAFFIC AND CRIMINAL LAWS Pursuant to Chapter 10.93 RCW, this Agreement shall constitute the prior written consent of each sheriff or police chief of each participating jurisdiction to permit the officers of any participating jurisdiction to enforce traffic or criminal laws in any of the participating jurisdictions in pursuit of the purpose of this Agreement. 20. ALTERATIONS This Agreement may be modified, amended, or altered by agreement of all parties and such alteration, amendment, or modification shall be effective when reduced to writing and executed in a manner consistent with this Agreement. 21. FILING Upon execution, this Agreement shall be filed with the city clerks of the respective participating municipalities and such other governmental agencies as may be required by law, and each jurisdiction shall, pursuant to RCW 39.34.040, list this Agreement by subject on its official website. 22. SEVERABILITY If any part, paragraph, section, or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such adjudication shall not affect the validity of any remaining section, part, or provision of this Agreement. 23. AUTHORIZATIONS Pursuant to RCW 39.34.050, this Agreement shall be executed on behalf of each participating jurisdiction by its duly authorized representative and 111 Page PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT pursuant to an appropriate resolution or ordinance of the governing body of each participating jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be deemed effective upon the last date of execution by the last so authorized representative. This Agreement may be executed by counterparts and be valid as if each authorized representative had signed the original document. By signing below, the signor certifies that he or she has the authority to sign this agreement on behalf of the participating jurisdiction, and the participating jurisdiction agrees to the terms of the Agreement. [Signature Pages Follow] 12 1 P ag c PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT DocuSign Envelope ID: C6CFEF33-41 B9-4665-9B99-AA475AD9A1 DA DocuSigned by: DocuSigned by: fft � 7/21/2022 L)A_lt"' Lll. L 7/21/2022 QQ _ e�_. Nancy Backus Date Kendra Comeau Date Mayor, City of Auburn DocuSigned by: 712112022 Shawn Campbell Date City Clerk, City of Auburn City Attorney, City of Auburn Neil Johnson Date Kathleen Haggard_ Mayor, City of Bonney Lake City Attorney, City of Bonney Lake Sadie Schaneman Date Interim City Clerk, City of Bonney Lake Beau Burkett Date Phil Olbrechts Mayor, City of Buckley City Attorney, City of Buckley Treva Percival Date City Clerk, City of Buckley Jim Ferrell Date J. Ryan Call Mayor, City of Federal Way City Attorney, City of Federal Way Date Date Date 12 1 P age PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 12 |Page PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK-FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Nancy Backus Date Date Mayor, City of Auburn City Attorney, City of Auburn Date City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Kathleen Haggard Date 0LFKDHO0F&XOORXJK Mayor, City of Bonney Lake City Attorney, City of Bonney Lake Sadie Schaneman Date City Clerk, City of Bonney Lake Beau Burkett Date Phil Olbrechts Date Mayor, City of Buckley City Attorney, City of Buckley Treva Percival Date City Clerk, City of Buckley Jim Ferrell Date J. Ryan Call Date Mayor, City of Federal Way City Attorney, City of Federal Way Stephanie Courtney Date City Clerk, City of Federal Way Nancy Backus Mayor, City of Auburn City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Date Date City Attorney, City of Auburn Neil Johnson Date Kathleen Haggard- Date Mayor, City of Bonney Lake City Attorney, City of Bonney Lake Sadie Schaneman Date PIZ 2 Beni B�f keV t ' Date Phil Olbrechts Mayor, City of Buckley City Attorney, City of Buckley LQ/l a 2� Treva Percival Date City Clerk, City of Buckley Jim Ferrell Date Mayor, City of Federal Way Date J. Ryan Call Date City Attorney, City of Federal Way 13 1 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Nancy Backus Mayor, City of Auburn City Clerk, City of Auburn Date Date City Attorney, City of Auburn Neil Johnson Date Kathleen Haggard_ Mayor, City of Bonney Lake City Attorney, City of Bonney Lake Sadie Schaneman Date Interim City Clerk, City of Bonney Lake Beau Burkett Date Phil Olbrechts Mayor, City of Buckley City Attorney, City of Buckley Treva Percival Date City Clerk, City of Buckley Mayor, City of Federal Way Date Date Date J. Ryan Call Date City Attorney, City of Federal Way 121 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Stephanie Courtney Date City Clerk, City of Federal Way Bijan Hughes. WSBA No. 51814 for 6/22/22 Pat Fitzpatrick Date City Attorney, City of Kent Kim Komoto City Clerk, City of Kent Heidi Wachter City Attorney, City of Lakewood 6/27/22 06/27/2022 Date Dana Ralph Mayor, City of Kent Date Date Briana Schumacher Date John Caulfield Date City Clerk, City of Lakewood City Manager, City of Lakewood John Palmer Mayor, City of Puyallup Mary Winter City Clerk, City of Puyallup Date Joseph Beck City Attorney, City of Puyallup Date Elizabeth Pauli Date City Manager, City of Tacoma City Attorney, City of Tacoma Date Date 13 1 P age PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 10 | Page PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK-FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Nancy Backus Date Date Mayor, City of Auburn City Attorney, City of Auburn Pin Date City Clerk, City of Auburn Neil Johnson Date Date Mayor, City of Bonney Lake City Attorney, City of Bonney Lake Woody Edvalson Date City Clerk, City of Bonney Lake Jim Ferrell Date J. Ryan Call Date Mayor, City of Federal Way City Attorney, City of Federal Way Stephanie Courtney Date City Clerk, City of Federal Way Mike Zaro Date Heidi Wachter Date Chief of Police, City of Lakewood City Attorney, City of Lakewood Briana Schumacher Date John Caulfield Date City Clerk, City of Lakewood City Manager, City of Lakewood 1/3/21 January 4, 2022 1/4/2022 1/4/2022 DocuSign Envelope ID: CDE08C26-AF9D-4156-9728-9AC2E8204BB2 Stephanie Courtney Date City Clerk, City of Federal Way Mike Zaro Date Heidi Wachter Date Chief of Police, City of Lakewood City Attorney, City of Lakewood Briana Schumacher Date John Caulfield Date City Clerk, City of Lakewood City Manager, City of Lakewood DocuSigned by: 2/2/2022 Deanson Date Shawn Arthur Date Mayor, City o uyallup Deputy City Attorney, City of Puyallup Brenda Fritsvold Date City Clerk, City of Puyallup John Marchione Date Mayor, City of Redmond Michelle Hart Date City Clerk, City of Redmond Elizabeth Pauli Date City Manager, City of Tacoma City Attorney, City of Redmond City Attorney, City of Tacoma Date Date 13 1 P a g c PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Avery L Chief City of Tacoma APPROVED TO MlchaelJ. Smith Pollce LegalAdvisor Deputy CityAttomey € fr t,, ú ¿ Date Allan Ekberg Mayor, City of Tukwila Date Rachel Turpin City Attorney, City of Tukwila Date Date Christy O'Flaherty City Clerk, City of Tukwila Ed Troyer Sheriff, Pierce County Date Date Clerk, Pierce County John R. Batiste Chief, Washington State Patrol Date Steve Metruck Executive Director, Port of Seattle Date Traci Goodwin Sr. Port Counsel Date 14 | Ij a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK-FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 1.4 Doris Sarum City Clerk, City of'Tacoma osiSeamle©©Doa©.aoeF- S173-Sa2,1 Allan Ekberg Mayor, City of Tukwila. e3,9neava=eemleeeooes.eOm...................... Key: 423,6i3ed6614O16-haOo-P'B1e634 Christy O'Flaherty City Clerk, City ofTukwl Date 09-21-2022 C' o ,saruG 09-21-2022 Date ehe1Trcri, Kik Sad, Date City Attorney, City of Tukwila 09-21-2022 Date Ed Troyer Sheriff, Pierce County John 1. Batiste Chief, Washington State Patrol. Date Steve Met ick Clerk, Pierce County Date Traci Goodwin. Executive Director, Port of Seattle Sr. Port Counsel PUG ' SO ND ALIT' Tr' THE ASK -F01 C,I t Tt; :AI., AENT Doris Sorum City Clerk, City of Tacoma Allan Ekberg Mayor, City of Tukwila Christy O'Flaherty City Clerk, City of Tukwila dllol�r'& Ed Troyer Sheriff, Pierce County John R. Batiste Chief, Washington State Patrol Date Date Rachel Turpin City Attorney, City of Tukwila Date 0 4W(4a Steve Metruck Executive Director, Port of Seattle Date Clerk, Pierce County Date Date Traci Goodwin Sr. Port Counsel Date Date Date 14 1 P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK -FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 14 | P a g e PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK-FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Doris Sorum Date City Clerk, City of Tacoma Allan Ekberg Date Rachel Turpin Date Mayor, City of Tukwila City Attorney, City of Tukwila Christy O’Flaherty Date City Clerk, City of Tukwila Ed Troyer Date _____________________ Date Sheriff, Pierce County Clerk, Pierce County John R. Batiste Date Chief, Washington State Patrol WSP Contract No. K13061-2 Steve Metruck Date Traci Goodwin Date Executive Director, Port of Seattle Sr. Port Counsel 14 | Page PUGET SOUND AUTO THEFT TASK-FORCE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT City Clerk, City of Tacoma City Clerk, City of Tukwila Sheriff, Pierce County Clerk, Pierce County Chief, Washington State Patrol Executive Director, Port of Seattle Sr. Port Counsel