HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-361 - Insurance Certificate - Puget Sound Training Center - Liability Coverage - 07/25/2022--ACC'.RD-l-/' PUGET.3 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM'DD'YYYY} THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMA CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVEL BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT TION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS Y AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES coNsTtTulE A GoNTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. or endorsed,beADDITIONALhaveNSUREDtheustprovisionsmisholderADDITIONALanlfIMPORTANT:certificate INSURED,policy(ies)the statement onAtctesireendorsement.ancertainrequtheofmayconditionstermsandtotheSUBROGAlfISTIONwAlvED, holdernotconfer rd, CISR, GPIW 425-235-8674 nsurem 24082 P. O. Box 796 Renton, WA 98057-0796 Ruth Hubbard, CISR, CPIW INSURANCE AGENCY Bronson Way North BU 02 PRODUCER SW wA 98057 INDICATED. FICATE PERTAIN, POLtCTES. POLICYTHE PERIODINSUTHENAMEDREDFORABOVEBEENHAVESSUEDTOOFLISTEDiNSURANCEBELOWTHATCERTIFYPOLtCIESTHEisr Fils TO TO THISWHICHWTHRESPECTDOCUMENTOFCONTRACTANYRoOTHERORTERMCONDITIONANYNOTWITHSTANOINGREQUIREMENT TO THEALLHEREINDESCRIBEDSUBJECTts TERMS,BYAFFORDED POLTCtESTHEINSURANCETHEMAORMAYISSUEDBECERTIPAI CLAID MS.BYHAVEMAYREDUCEDBEENSHOWNLIMITSSUCHOFANDCONDITIONSEXCLUSIONS LIMITSPOLICYTYPE OF INSURANCE 1X 1 1 07t25t202307t2512022X3345X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY LIMIT PRO- JECT CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR PER: LOC LIMIT ANYAUTO OWNED AUTOS ONLY HIRED AUTOS ONLY SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNEO AUTOS ONLY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY X 1 UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE 07t25t2022 07t25t20233345 A 1 1 07t0212022 07to212023 N/A STOP GAP 3345 undertf DEscRtpTtoN oF opERATtoNs , LocATtoNs , vEHtclEs (AcoRD 1ol, Additional Romarks schodulo, may bo attaahod if moro space is roqulrod) Certificate holder is named as an additional insured as respects to their ini;E-s-t in ili operationJ of the riamed insured subject to pblicy terms and conditions. Foim CG8810 attached. CITYKEN City of Kent Human Seruices Dept 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032-5895 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WLL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE fi'&{JrjJ",,,L @ 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reseryedACORD 25 (2016/03) The AGORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD f ,I 0 �11 COMMERCIAL GENERAL TIASILITY cc 88 10 04 13 t THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEA$E READ IT CARFFULLY' COMMERCIAL GTNERAL LIABILITY EXTENSION This endclrsement ntodifies insurance provided under the followittg: COMMERCIAL GTI'IFRAL IIABILITY COVERAGE PART INDEX SUBJECT NON"OWNED ,AIRCRAFT NON-OWNED WATERCRAFT PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY . ETEVATORS EXTENDED DAMAGE TO PROPHRTY RENTED TO YOU {Tenant's Property Damage} MHDICAL PAYMENTS EXTEN$ION EXTENSION OF SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGES A AND B I0 oonrTroruAL TNsuREDS - By coNTRAcr, AGREEMENT oR psRMtr PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY- ADOITIONAL INSURED EXTENSION ADDITIONAL INSURED$ - EXTENDED PROTECTION OF YCIUR "LIMITS OF INSURANCE" WHO I$ AN INSURED .INCIDENTAL MEDICAL ERRORS/MALPRACTICE AND WHO IS AN INSURED - FHLLOW EMPLOYEE EXTENSION - MANAGEMENT EMPLOYHES NEWLY FORMED OR ADDITIONALLY ACQUIRED ENTITIES FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS AND PRTOR OCCURRENCES KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE, OFFENSE, CLA]M OR SUIT TIBERALIZATION 6LAUSE BOOILY INJURY REDEFINEP EXTENDED PROPERTY PAMAGE WAIV€R OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US . WHEN REQUIRED IN A CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT WITH YOU I @ 20'l3Liberty Mulual lnsurance lnclrrdes copyrighted n'late rial of lnsurance Services Office, lnc., vrith its permission PNGE 2 2 2 2 a 3 3 5 b ti 7 7 7 7 o B cG B8 10 04 13 Page 1 of B ll.. - :2. 7 - 4", 1 T?:f:Ea-r With respect to coverage afforded by this endorsernent, the provisiorrs of the policy apply unless nrodified by the endorsenrent. A, NON.OWNED AfRCRAFT Ugeler Paragraph 2. Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily lnjury And Property Damage Liability, exclusion g. Aircraft, ,Auto or watercraft does not apply to an airctaJt provided: 1. lt is not olvned by any itrsltred; 2. lt is hireci, chartered or loarred with a trained paid crew; 3. The pilot in corn6rarrcl holcls a currently effective cedificate, issued by the drrly constituted authority of the Unitecl States of Anterica or Cana<Ja. deslgnating her or hlnr a cotrrtnercial or airiirle pilot; and 4. lt is nol being use(l lo carry persons or properly for a charge. However, llre irrsrlrance afforded by this provision does nol apply if there is available to llra irrsured other vaiid arncl collectitrle insurance, whether prinrary, excess (otlier than insurance \"/ritten to apply specifically in excess of lhis pclicy), contingent or ott any other basis, tlralt would also af:ply lo lhe loss covered under tltis P:'o,,,isiln. t NON.OWNED WATERCRAFT Under Paragraph 2. Exclusions ol Section I - Coverago A - Bodity lnjr.rry And ProPcrty Damagc Liability' Subparagrarph (2) of exctusion g. Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft is replaced by lhe following: Tlris exclusion cloes not aPPIY lo: (2) A lnratercraft you clo ttot own that is: {a} Less llran 5? feet long: and (b) Not boing Lrsed to catry persons or proporly for a charge. PROPERTY NAMAGE LIABILITY . ELEVATORS L Uncler Paragraph ?. Exclusions of Section l " Ccverage A - Bodily lnjury And propedy Damage Liabil' ity, Subparagraphs (3), (4) and i6) of exclusion j. Damage To Property (lo not apply if such "property ,Jirnage': reir-rlts from the use of elevators. For llre purpose of this provi$ion, elevators do not include velricle li{ts. Vchicle tifts are lifis or lroists used ilr autonrobile scruice or repair operatiOr.lS. Z. The followitrg is ar1clecl to Sectiorr lV - Cornmercial General Liability Conditiorrs, Condition 4' Other lnsurance, Paragraph b. Excess lnsurance: The insrjrance afforciecl try this provision ol this enclorsenrent is excess over any ptopedy insurance, wltether prirnary, cxcess, colltingent or on any other basis' EXTENDED DAMAGE TQ PROPERTY RENTED TO YOU {Tenant's property Darnage} lf tlarnage Tg Prenrises itente.J To You is rrol otlrerwise excltlded from lhis Coveragc Part: 1. Llrr<Jer Paragraph ?. Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A - Boclily lnjLrry and Propedy Darnage Liability: a. The foirrth frorn lhe last paragraph of exclursion j. Damage To Property is n:placed by tlre follow ing: paragraphs {1), (3) and {4) of this exclusior] rlo not apply to "property dantage" (other tlran damage by fire, lightning, oxplosion, srnoke, or leakago from an autonatlc fire ;.rrotecliolr systetn) to: ti) Prenrises rentecl to you {or a pe.isd of 7 or fewer consecr"tlive days: or (ii) Corrlents that you rerrt or lease as part of a pretnises rental or lease :rgrcenrent for a period of more than 7 da1t5. paragraphs (1), (3) and {4} r:f this exc|.rsion do not apply to "property cJanrage" lo cotrtents of J:rertrises rsnted to you for a periocl of 7 or fewer conseculive days' A separate linrit of insurarlce applies lo lhis coverage as described irr Section lll ' Lirnits of I nsu ran ce, D. GJ 2013Liberty Mutrral lnsurance Irrclurjcs copyrighted ntaterial of Insurance Seruices Offlce. lnc.,viilh its pertnission. $ cG 88 10 04 13 Pago 2 of I :w lou } t b. The last paragraph of subsection 2. Exch.tsions is replaced by the following: Exclusiops c. througlr n. do not apply to damage by fire, lighlning, explosion, smoke or leakage lrom autontalic fire protection systems to premises while rented to you or lemporarily occupied by you with permission of tlie owner. A separate limit of insurance applies 1o Damage To Prentises Renieci To You as described in Scction lll 'Linrits Of lnsurance. Z. Paragraph 6. uncler Section ltl - Limits Of lnsurance is replaced by the followittg; 6. Subject to ParagraFh 5. above, the Damage To Pretnises Rented To You Lirnit is the mosi we will pay uncler Ccverage A for darrtages because of "property dantage" to: a. Any one prenrise: {1) ti\hile rented [o You: or (2| Wrile rented to you or tenrporarily occupied by yott with pernrission of lhe owner tor ciantage by fire, liglrtning, exlrlosion, smoke or leakage frctr aulotnalic protection sys* ten]s; or b. Conle rrts thal you rent or lense as part of a prenrises rent€l or lease agreemenl. 3. As reg.;aids coverage provided by this provision D. EXTENDED DAMAGE TO PROPERTY RTNTED TO YOU (Tenant's Property Damage) . Paragraph 9,a. of Oefinitions is replaced wilh the following; g.a. A conlract for a lease of prernises. However. thal porlion of tlre contract for a lease of premises lhat irrrlerrrnifies any person or organieation for damage by fire, liglrtning, explosion, smoke, or leakage irorl aulsrnatic fire protection systerns io prernises while rented to you or temporarily occupied by ynu with the permission of the o',vner, or for damage lo contents of such prerni$es thi:t are inclucletj irr your prernise$ rental or lease agteetnent, is not an "insured corrtract". E" MEDICAL PAYMENTS EXTENSION lf Coverage C Me riical Payrnents is not otherwise exclucied, the Medicat Payments provided by this policy are amsnded as follows: Upder Faragraph 1. lnsuring Agreerncn! of Section I - Coverage C - Medical Payrnents, Subparagraph (b) of Paragraptr a. is replaced by the following: (b) The expenses are incurrecl ancJ reporled wjthin three years of the date of lhe accidpnt; and F. EXTFNSTON OF SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENT$ . COVERAGES A AND B 1. Uncler Srrpplerilentary Paynlcnts -Covorages Aand B,Paragraph 1.b. is replaceei by the lollowing; b. Up lo $3,000 for cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily lnjury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furrrish these botrds. 2. Paragraph l.d. is replaced by the following: d. All reasona5le expenses incurred by the insured at our recluest to assist r"rs in tlre investigation or clefe6se of lhe claim or "suil", inclutjing actual loss of earnings up to 5500 a day because of lime off fronr rvork. G. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS - BY CONTRACT, AGREEMENT OR PERM1T 1. paragrapl 2. r"rrrcler $ection fl - Who ls An lnsured is an:ended to inclLlde as an insured any person or organization vrhonr you lrave agreed to add as an atlditiotral insured in a v.rritton corrtract, lvrittotr agreernent or perniit. SLtch persorr or organization ls an additional insursd br-rt only with respect to tiabitity tor "bocjily injury", "property damage" or "personal and adverlising irrjury" causecl in whole or in part bY: a. your acts or ornissions, or the acls or onrissions of those aoting on your belralf, in tlre performance of your on goilg operatlons for the aclcjitional insured that are tlre subj*ct of tt]e writ{en contracl or vrritten agreernent provided lhat tlre "bodily injury" qr "property ciarnage" occurs, or tlre 'per- sonal an4 advertising injury" is comrniltecJ, subsequent to lhe signing of such written contract or written agreertlenl; or o 2013Liberiy Mutual insurance lncludcs copylightecj nraterial of lnsttrance Services Office, lnc., r'zith ils perntission. E I cG BB 10 04 13 Fage 3 of B Ire =,r.::.Gg: T (b) {c} l-lowever: b. Prenrises or facilities rented by you or used by you; or c. The ntfllntetlance, operation or use by you of equiptnetrt rented or leased to you l:y such person or orgarrization; or d" Operatiorrs per{ormed by you or on your behalf for which the slale or political sulrdivision has issuecl a pernrit sutrject 1o the following additional provisions: (1) This insurance cloes itot apply to "boclily injury", "properly darrtage", or "personal and ad' verlisirrg injury" arisirrg out of the operations perfonned for the slale or poljtical subdivision: {2) This insr:rance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property darnage" included within the "conrt:leted oprlratiorrs hazard". {3) lrrsgrancc applies to premises you owll, renl, or control but only wiih rcspeci to tlre following hazarcJs: (a) The exrsterrce, nraintenance, repair, constructiori, erection, or removal of adveftising sigrrs, awnings, canopios, cellar entrances, coal ltoles, dtiveways, tnarrholes, malguees, Iroisl sqay openirrgs, sidcl^ralk vaulls, streel batrners, or {iecorations flnd sinilar expo" sures, or The construclion,efeclion, or rernoval of elevators; or maintenance, or use of any elevators covereci by lhis ittsuranceThe olvnership, 1. The irrsurance afforcled to such acJdilional insured only applies lo the extent perlrlitted by law; and Z. lf coveragc proviclecl to the aclclition;rl insurecJ is required by a contract or agreetrtent, the insur- ance afforded to sLlch atlciitional insureci wili not be broacJer tlrarr that which you are required by the conl,ract or agreernerrt to provide for such additional insured' Willr respecl to Paragraplr 1.a. above, a person'$ or crganlzatiotr's status als an additional insured urrder tlris etrdorsetrrettt ends when: t1i A1l work, inclucling msterials. parts or equipment furnished in connection with strch work, on the project (otlrer lharr service, mainlenance or repairs) to be perforrned by or on behalf of ttte adrjitiortal insurecl{s} at ltre location of the covered operations lras been cotnpletec}, or l?l That portion of "your work" out of which tlre injury or datn:rge :rrjses lras been put to its intended rrse by any person or organizalion other tltan another contractor or sltbconlractor engagerl irr pedormirrg operatiorrs for a principal as a part of lite same project, V\rittt respect to Paragraph 1.b. aborve, a person's or orgatrizatiott's status as an additionai insured under this etldorsentent encls r,vhen tlteir written coiltracl or written agreernent witlt you for such prerlises or facilities ends. ',/\iitir rerpects to P;lragrapit '1,c. abOVe, lhis insrrrance tioes not apply to any "occurretrce" which takes place after the ecpriprnent rental r:r tease agreenrertt lras expired or you ltave returned such equiptnenl to lhe lessor. l'ire insurance provided by this errdorsernent applies only if tlre writterr contract or writlen agreenrent is signecJ prior to tlre "lrodily iniury" or "property datnage". We have tro ciuly to cleferrd an aclditional insurecJ uncler this endorsenrent until we receive rvritlen notice ol a "suil" by the adclitional insured as required in Paragraph b, of Carrclition 2' Dutios ln the Event Of Occurrcnce, Offonse, Clainr Or Suit under Section lV - Comrnercial Goneral Liability Condi- tions. {D 20131-16s11y lllulual lnsurance Irrciucles copyrighted nlateiial of lnsurance Services Office, lllc., lvith ils pernrission. ;1.: -':'": -:gffi CG BB 10 04 13 Page 4 of I I 2. Wth respect to lhe irrsurance provicled by this endorsernent, lhe follorving are added to Paragraph ?. Exclr,rsions under Section I - Coverage A - Bodily lnjury And Property Damage Liability: This insurance does not apply to: a. "Boclily injLrry" or "propedy damage" arising from lhe sole negligence of the adclitional insured. b. 'Borlily jnjury" or "property clarnage" that occurs prior to you comtrrencing operalions at the location where such "bodily injrrry'' or "property dantage" occurs. c. "Bodity i1iLrry", "property dailage" or "personal and advertising irrjrrry" arising out of tlre render' ing of, or the failure to rer'lc,e[, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (1) The preparing, approvirrg, or failing to prepare or approve, maps. shop drawings, opiniotrs, reporis, surueys, fielcJ orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (2) Strpervisory, inspection, architectural orengineering activities. This exclusion applies even if tlre clainrs against any insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in lhe supervision, hiring, ernployrrient, training or fnoniioring of others by that insured, if lhe "occltr- rerice" whiclr causecl the "boc,ily injury" or "property cjamage", or the offense whiclr caused the "personal and acivertising injury", involved the rendering of, or the failure to render. any professional architectural, enginoering or surveying services. d. "Boclily injury" or "property clamage" occurring after: (1) All rvork, irrcluding rnaterials. pfirts or equipnrcnt firrnislred in cotrneclion w:th $uch work, on the project (other than service, ntainteitance or repairs) to be perforrnecl by or on behalf of the aciclitiorral insured{*) at tlre location of the covered operations has beetr completed; or {2} That porlion of "your v;ork" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its inlerrcJed use by any person or organization olher than another contraclor or subcontractor elgageci ilr per{orming operfftions for a principal as a pad of lhe same project e. Apy persorl or orgarrizalion specifically designated as ari adcJitionel irisured lor ongoing operations by a selrarate ADDITIQNAL INSURED -OWNERS, LESSFE$ OR CONTRACTORS endorsement is- sued by us and rrade a pad of thi$ policy. 3. yvith respect to tl'le insurance afforcied to these addilional insureds, the following is adcled to $ection lll - Litnits Of ltrsr"rrance: lf coverage provided to the acJcJitional insured is required by a contract or agreerr€flt, the most we will pay on behalf of the additional irrsured is llre anrount of insurance: a. Required by the cotrtract or agreemeRt; or b. Available tinder the applicable Lirnits of lnsliranee shor,vn in the Declarations; whichever is less. This endorselnent $hali not increase the appticable Lirlits of lnsurance shown irr the Declaratio ns. H. PRIMARY AND NON.CONTRISUTORY ADDITIONAI INSURED EXTENSION This provisiorr applies to ar:y person or orgarrizatiort wlro qualifies as an additional insured unclor any fonn or errclorsement trnder this policy. Conciition 4. Other llsurance of SECTION lV - COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDTTIONS is amend- ed as folloivs: The follov'ring is arjded to Paragral:lr a. Primary lnsurance: lf an additional insurecl's policy has an Other lnsurance provisiorr traking its policy excess, and you have agreed in a written contracl or written €greement to prnvide the additional insttred coverage on a primary ancJ norrcontributory basis, this policy shall be printary and r,ve will not seek contrilrrttion from tlre acJrJitional insured's policy for danrages we cover. $ a @ 2013Liber1y Mulual lnstlrallce lnclurie: copyrightetJ mate rial of lnsurance Services Office, lnc.,with its pernlission 0 cG BB 10 04 13 Page 5 of I i s b. The following is added to Paragraph b. Excess lnsurance: V\hen a written contract or wrilten agrcement, other than a prenrises lease, facilities renlal contract or agreement, an equipment rental or lease contract or agreernent, or pennit issued by a state or political subclivision beMeen you ancl an additional insured does not reqttire this insuratrce to be primary of prinrary ancl non-conlributory, this insurance is excess over any otller in$ural'lce for wtiich lhe addi- tional insurecJ is clesignated as a Named lnstrred' Regarclless of the written agreen]ettt between you and an additional ineured, this insltmtrce is excess ouer "ny olher insurance whetlrer primary, excess, conlirtgetrt or orl any other basis for which lhe aclcJitional insureci has been added as an additional insured nn other policies. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS - EXTENDED PROTECTION OF YOUR ''LIMITS OT INSURANCE" This provision applies lo any person or organization who qualifies as an additional insured under any fonn or ertdorsettrettt tinder tliis policy. 1. The followirig is acJclecl to Conclition 2. Duties ln The Event Of Occurrence, Qffense, Claim or Suit: An adciitional insured uncler tlris endorsement will as soorl as practicable; a. Give written notice of an "occurrence" or an offense that rray result in a clairn or "suit" under this insurance to us; b, Tender the defense and inclemnity of any claim or "suit" to all itrsurers wltorrt also have insurance available to lhe aclrlitional insured; and c. Agree to nrake available any other insurance wlriclr tlre adclitional insured has for a loss we cover under ttris Coverage Part' d" We have no cl-rty to defend or inclemnify an additional insured r.rtrcter tlris endorsement unlil r,a/e receive writtetr notice of a "sr"tit" by lhe additional insured. 2- The litnits ol insurance applicable to the aclclitional insured are tlrose speci{ied irr a writlerr contract or written agreentent or the linrits of insurance as sialed in the Declarations of tltis policy and cJefinec1 in Section lll - Lirnits of lnsurance of this policy, whichever are less. These limits are inclusive of ancl not in adcJition to tlre lirnits of insurance availabie under tlii$ policy' WHO IS AN INSURED . INCIDENTAL MEDICAL ERRORS / MALPRACTICE WHO IS AN IN$URED . FHLLOW EMFLOYEE EXTHNSION - MANAGEMENT HMPLOYEHS Paragraph 2.a.tl) of Section ll -Who lsAn lnsured is replaced with the following. (1) "Bodily injury" or "personal and advedising injury": {a} TO yor-r, lo your parlners Or fi-ternlters (if you are a partnership or ioint venture), to your members {if yo1'i ur* a linritecl liability corrpany), to a co-"employee" while in the course of his or her employ- ment or perforrning duties relatecJ to the conduct of your business, oI lo yotjr olh€r "volunl€ef workers" while perforrning cirlties related to lhe concluct of your business; {b) To ilre spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of that co-"employee" or "volunleer worker" as a consequence of Paragraptr (f) {a) abovei (c) For whictr tliere is any obligalion to slrare damages with or repay sorlleone else who must pay clanrages because of the irrjury cJescribed in Paragraphs {1) (a} or {bi above; or (d) Arising out of l'ris or her provicling or failing to provide professional lrealth care seruicos. l-lowever, if you ar"e not in the business of providing prof*ssional health care seruices or provicJing profes- sipnal health care personnel to otlrers, or if coverage for provicling professiona! haalth care $er- vices i$ not otheruise excludocl by separate endorsetnenl, this provision (Paragraph (d)) does not apply. paragraphs {a) ancl {b) above do not apply to "bodily lnjury" or "per$onal and adverlising injr"rry" caused by an ',dnrployee" wl-ro is actirrg in a supervisory capacity for you. Supervisory capacity as used herein means lhe "e1pployee's" job responsibilities assigned by you, includes the direct supervision of otlrer "empioy- ees" of yours. Flor.vever, none of lhese "enrployees" are insureds for "bodily injury" or "personal and o 2013LibertY Mutual lnsurance lnclurles copyrighted malcrial of lnsurance $ervices Office, lnc., with its pe rrnissiorr. :l= J $ cG BB 10 04 13 Page 6 of I r I advertising injury" arising out of tlreir willful concJuct, which is defined as 1he pu4roseful or v.rillful intent io cause "bociily injury" or-"personal and acivertising injury", or cau$sd in whole or in part by tlieir intoxica- tiorr by liquor or controlled substancos. The coverage provicled by provision J. is excess over any other valirt ancl collectable insurarnce available to yoLlr "employee", K. NEWLY FORMFD OR ADOITIONALLY ACQUIRED ENTITIE$ Paragraplr 3. of scction ll - who ls An lnsured is replaced by the followingl 3. Any orgaliz-atioll yor.r newly acquire or torm and over which yotl nraintain ownership or majorily inlerest, rvill qualii.,r as a Namecl lnsured if there is no olher sitnilar itrstirance available to that organizatiott. However: a. Coverage under tlris ptovision is affcrded only utitil lhe expiraliorr of the policy period in whiclr iire errtily rr,ras acquired or formed by you; b. Coveragle A does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property clanlage'' lhat occurred before yon acqltired or formed tlre orgarrization; and c. Coverage B cloes not apply to "personal , and advertising iniury'' arising out of an offense conrrnitted before you acquired or formed tl-re organizatiofi. 4. Recorcis anct ctescriptions of operations musl be maintained by ttre first Nanred lnsured' No person or organization is an insr-rred r,"rith respect lo tlre concluct of any current or past partnership, joittt venture or lirriited liallility company that is not shown as a Narnecl insurecl irr lhe Declarations or qualifies as an insured under this provision. L, FAILURE TO DI$CLOSE HAZARPS AND PRIOR OGCURRENCHS Uncler Section lV - Cornnrercial General Liability Conditlons, the following is aclclecl to Condition 6' Repre- scntations; your failure to disclose all hazards or prior "occurrences" existing as of lhe inception date of the policy shall not preju<jice the coverago al'forded by this policy providerj suclr failure lo disclose all llazards or prior "occurrences" is not intentional. M. KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE, OFFENSE, CLAIM OR SUIT Uncler Section lV - Cornmercial General Liabitity Conditions, lhe following is added to Corrdition 2. Duties In The Event of Occtrrrenee, Offense, Claim Or $uit: Knorrledge of an "occurrence", offense, clainr or "suit" by an agent, servanl or "employee" cf any insurecl shall not in itself constitute knoivleclge of lhe instrred unless an insured listed under Paragraph 1. oi Sectiorr ll - Who ls An lnsure{i o!. a person who has beerr designatecl by tlrent to receive reporls of "occurrences", offenses, clairns or "sr.rils" shall have receivecJ such noiice lrorn lhe agent, servant or "employee". N. LIBERALIZATIONCLAUSE lf we revise lhis Cornmercial General Liability Extension Enclorsernent to provide more coverage withoLtt adcJitional prepriurl cftarge, your policy will autornatically provide tlre eoverage as of lhe ciay the revision is effective in your state. O. BODILY INJURY REDEFINEN t Urtder Sectiotr V - Definit;orrs, Definition 3. "Bodily lnjr"rry" nleans physical mental angr"rislr, nretltal injr-try, ness or clisease. 3, is replaced by lhe following: injury, sickness or di$ease sustained by a lrerson. This includes slrock, frighl or death lhat results frotn sucit physical injury, sick- o 20l3Liberty Millual lnsurance Includes copyrighted ffaterial of lnsurance Servlces Office, lnc., vtith jts pefni$sion. ,t cG BB 10 04 13 Page 7 of B Al Ni I 1:: J 1 c d!* =[= P, EXTENDED PROPERTY DAMAGE Excltlsion a, of CoVERAGE A. BoDILY INJURY AND PRoPERTY OAMAGE LIAHILTTY is replaced bY thc following; a. Expected Or tntended lnjury ,,t3oclily injury" or "property damage" expecled or intend€d from lhe standpoint of the instlred. Tlris exclusion cjoes not apply to "bociily injury" o,' "property damage" resulting from tlre use of reasonable force to protect persons or propedy. A, WAIVER OF TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US - WHEN REQUIRSD IN A CONTRACT OR AGRFEMENT WITH YOU Uncler Soction lV - Commercial General Liability Conditions, the following is added to Condition B, Trans- fcr Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us: We waive any right of recovery we ntay have against a per$on or organizalion beffrrlse of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operalions or "your work" done under a contract with tirat person or organization aild includecl in the "products-completed ooerations hazard" provided: 1. you and llrat person or organizatiorr have agreed in writing in a contract or agreemenl that you waive such rights against that person or organization; afld Z, The irr1ury ot clarllage occufs subsequent io the execution of the written conlract or written agree' ment. I G eot3tiberty Mutual lnsuratlce lnclilde$ copyriohted rnAterial Of Instrrance Services Office, lnc., with its peffilission.cG 88 10 04 13 Pa$e I of I