HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 10/28/2019 (2) Kent Bicycle Advisory BoardOctober 28, 2019 MinutesKent, Washington Approval Pending BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:ActingChair, Wendy Graves; Board Secretary, Lynell Mooney; Board members:Joe Cimaomo, Aaron Dent, Julie Dunn, Daren Osborn, John Otakie, Mel Roberts, Andrew Sobczyk. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:April Delchamps, Erik Preston. Call to Order 1. The meeting was called to order at 5:45PM, with Wendy Gravespresiding. Roll Call 2. All present. 3.Approval of Minutes The corrected minutes of the September 30meeting were reviewedand approved. Julie Dunn moved to accept the minutes as written andJoe Cimaomoseconded the motion. The minutes were approved by the board. Appointment of Officers 4. Wendy Graves agreed to step into Board Chair position. Mel Roberts moved to acceptWendy Graves as Board Chair and Andy Sobczyk seconded the motion. The board elected in favor for Wendy to serve as Board Chair. The same process for Vice Chair—Andy Sobczyk was nominated for V.C. and Mel Roberts moved to elect Andy and someone seconded the motion and Andy was unanimously elected as Vice Chair. Transportation Master Plan Update 5. April Delchamps Reviewed DRAFT memo from October 24, 2019 that presented and explained methodologies for bicycle network. Definition of LOS (Level of Service) and measurement of LTS (Level of Traffic Stress): low stress every ½ mile. This is the current state of practice planning bicycle facilities Discussion of several bicycle facilities to understand LOS for varying degrees of 1-4. o Some new terms: Dutch Corner, green box, special traffic signals, lane markings were discussed forKBAB members to understand the terminology KBAB tasked with matching LTS with bicycle facilities. Map indicates traffic levels and speed on any given main road. KBAB tasked with designating a facilities plan for any given section of road and submit to April Del Champs Page|1 Kent Bicycle Advisory BoardOctober 28, 2019 MinutesKent, Washington Approval Pending by November 8.Began review in the meeting. April will have printed copies of map available for pick up from her office later in the week. 6.KBAB Event and City of Kent Parks Mark Hendrickson attended meeting and represented 20 years of planning and coordinating park events and activities. City of Kent Parks invites city departments to weigh-in on event in planning. Bicycle Rodeo partnering possibilities: o Cascade Bicycle Club o Kent Area Council PTA o Lions o Businesses o Parks (add bikes to current runs like Cornucopia and December run) o Lake Meridian Triathlon o Golf Course Ride—Parks did not think that City would shut down golf course o Locations: Showare, River Bend, Green River Trail 7.City of Kent Update Willis Round-A-Bout on Council agenda for November 7 Three candidates for KBAB Board are before Mayor Ralph for consideration Adjournment 8. At7:05PM, meeting wasdeclared adjourned. Respectfully submitted by: Lynell Mooney,Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page|2