HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 01/28/2019 (2) Kent Bicycle Advisory Board January 28, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Chair, Cheryl Koubik; Vice Chair, Wendy Graves; Board Secretary, Lynell Mooney; Board members: Frank Boosman, Karen Chandler, Aaron Dent, John Otakie, Mel Roberts, Andrew Sobczyk. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Hansen. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM, with Cheryl Koubik presiding. 2. Roll Call Everyone was present. 3. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the December 17, 2018 meeting were reviewed. Karen Chandler was both present and absent per the minutes. She was absent. Frank Boosman moved to accept the minutes as with changes and Karen Chandler seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by the board. 4. KBAB Board Member Terms to Comply with Proposed Ordinance KCC 2.62 Re-cap of decisions made: An ordinance in place of the current resolution will be presented to council for acceptance. New board member appointments to be changed from December to March and members will begin their terms in April. Suggestions for the ordinance will be presented to the mayor the beginning of February by Public Works and Mayer Ralph will take the final ordinance to city council. Process to interview new candidates for four board positions will begin soon. Interested candidates may apply on the website link. Frank Boosman and Karen Chandler have agreed to remain on the board until their terms end in March. KBAB will have to review KBAB bylaws for possible changes in accordance with the new ordinance. 5. PSRC KBAB Representative Update: PSRC approval pending for Mel’s membership representing KBAB. No more public comments allowed at the meetings. Action Item: Mel will provide PSRC with a copy Page | 1 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board January 28, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved of the KBAB minutes approving Mel Roberts as KBAB representative to PSRC. BPAC is “Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee”. 6. Bicycle facilities and detour routes: YMCA project, Interurban detour, Green River Levee project th YMCA 248 Street project was reviewed in detail regarding bike facilities on the north side of the road and upgrades on the south side. th 228 Street Project will close the Interurban Trail in the Summer 2019. Detour th route has been designated along 64 Avenue. Lower Russell Road Levee Project begins in March 2019 and extends into early 2020. Concerns of KBAB Board Members: th More curbing on the south side of 248 (YMCA) to separate motorized traffic from bicycle traffic. Interurban closure coincides with GRT closure—two major bike thoroughfares will be closed th 64 Avenue is not an adequate detour route because it does not have a bike facilities in two directions. Adequate signage to direct bicyclists to detour route Use of bike dots to indicate north and south traffic. Action Item:Dan Hansen will bring this idea to Rob Brown). th Roots in 64 Street. Action Item: Dan Hansen will check the maintenance repair list for this request. The City of Kent does not have a consistent layout of non-motorized facilities and thus in the major event of two closures, there is no bicycle facility that will accommodate re-routed cyclists. Re-route of motorized traffic is not treated this way. Action Item: Dan Hansen will check current city code for comparable language for detours for cars and imitate that language for non- motorized modes of transportation. Kudos to City of Kent Road Maintenance crew for work on the GRT detour routes. Page | 2 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board January 28, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved 7. KBAB Individual Priority Sharing and 2019 Goal Sharing Ideas: Linking current bicycle facilities with other pieces of the network. Building a missing link list of priorities Tour of Kent similar to Tour of Redmond activity Parent/child ride Amazon.com programs for encouraging non-motorized modes of commuting. Action Item: Frank to investigate Amazon.com current programs. Website information for advocacy of bike riding and trails. Meet Me On Meeker fun ride. 8. Adjournment At 7:00 PM, Cheryl Koubik declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted by: Lynell Mooney Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Page | 3