HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 09/30/2019 (2)Kent Bicycle Advisory Board September 30, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page | 1 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Acting Chair, Wendy Graves; Board Secretary, Lynell Mooney; board members Joe Cimaomo - Aaron Dent - Julie Dunn - John Otakie - Mel Roberts - Andrew Sobczyk STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Rob Brown, Erik Preston. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM, with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Board member Daren Osborn was absent. 3. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the August 26, 2019 were approved without modification. 4. Board Member Introductions This is the first KBAB meeting for Joe Cimaomo. Board members present introduced themselves to the group. City staff also introduced themselves. 5. Appointment of Officers The Board voted to move to the next meeting. Wendy Graves will remain acting chair. 6. City of Kent Updates a. There will be an open house meeting for the 4th Ave S/Willis St roundabout project on November 7th. The time and location have not been finalized but it will be in the evening and somewhere in the project area. A location and time will be determined and will be shared with the Board when it is finalized. b. KBAB has two vacancies. The City has opened up the application web page and is promoting the vacancies on social media. The Board was encouraged to share the opportunity with interested parties. c. The Interurban Trail is expected to close again between James St and S 212th St for the next phase of the S 228th St project. Rob will talk to the Construction group and find out if there is any new information. An email will be sent to the Board when new information is available. d. The Transportation Master Plan web form for the TMP goals closes on September 30, 2019. A web map will be available to propose projects. This is for individuals. KBAB has a different process. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board September 30, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Page | 2 7. Follow-Up on August’s Discussion: KBAB Event and Parks Involvement a. Ideas for a KBAB event: ● Kids Ride ● Cycle to work day to promote cycling (Cascade or other group may be able to help) ● Commute to work challenge in June and July. Redmond has done this. May be able to work with Commute Trip Reduction on this. Redmond businesses provide incentives through grants. b. Does Kent City Code require bike racks for private businesses? Rob to research c. Is there a bike rodeo in Kent? Nothing hosted by the City. d. There used to be an Earthworks Ride hosted/sponsored by the Arts Commission. People rode around the City following the orange wayfinding signs. Can a KBAB event get a sponsor? Kiwanis, or Rotary? e. Cascade has a contract with Seattle Schools to provide bicycle training to 5th graders. Does KSD allow kids to ride bikes to school? Rob will check with KSD. f. What does the Board want to do in May? ● Work with Parks Department to host a kid’s event. ● Ride bikes on the golf course cart paths. ● Mayoral proclamation. ● Bike to Work Day is the third Friday in May. Friday, May 15, 2020. Want to hold an event around Bike to Work Day. Plan for Saturday, May 16, 2020. g. Can the Mayor allocate resources to bicycle events? Rob to research. ● Joe: We may be able to get donations from local businesses to support an event. h. Can someone from Parks come to the next meeting to talk about events? Rob to ask Parks i. Who maintains Briscoe Park? Rob to research. j. Ask April Delchamps to come back to KBAB to talk about the TMP. Maybe a special meeting. Rob to coordinate. ● What are KBAB’s priorities? k. Mel Roberts will be the KBAB member on the TMP Transportation Advisory Board. 8. Adjournment At 7:00 PM, Wendy Graves declared the meeting adjourned. Lynell Mooney Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board