HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 06/24/2019 (2)Kent Bicycle Advisory Board June 24, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Page | 1 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Chair, Cheryl Koubik; Vice Chair, Wendy Graves; Board Secretary, Lynell Mooney; Board members: John Otakie, Mel Roberts, Andrew Sobczyk. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: April Delchamps. VISITOR: Zandria Michaud, City of Kent Parks & Rec Commission Member 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM, with Cheryl Koubik presiding. 2. Roll Call Aaron Dent was absent. 3. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the May 28, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Mel Roberts moved to accept the minutes as written and John Otakie seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by the board with one correction. 4. City of Kent General Updates Board Candidates Selected Applicants met with Mayor Ralph and she has made her selection for the July 16 city council meeting approval. Terry Jungman, City of Kent Parks Planning and Development Manager Terry was introduced to KBAB members has been in this position for six months. Terry came from Austin, Texas and is a cyclist. Austin is a very bicycle-friendly city. Willis Street Trail Terry Jungman presented the concept design for the 4th Avenue and Willis Street Roundabout. He also reviewed the ideas for the bicycle and pedestrian trail. The Naden project is a neighboring project that may run concurrent with the 4th & Willis project. Connections from the Interurban crossing to the Naden project will be considered in the 4th & Willis trail project. Project highlights discussed: Kent Bicycle Advisory Board June 24, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Page | 2 1. 12’ sidewalk/multiple use trail 2. Dual lane roundabout 3. ‘Nodes’ at the corners to accommodate pedestrians and cyclists 4. LED lighting for pedestrian and way-finding art Visitor from City Parks and Rec Commission Zandria Michaud sat in on the meeting. She is a member of the City of Kent Parks & Rec Commission. KBAB asked her if she would speak to the Director, Julie Parascondola, about cycling events like the 5k runs. (i.e. Mom and Me Bike Ride). No construction updates at the time of this meeting. Interurban Closure Opening in 2 months. Kent’s Downey Farmstead Project Frager Road will be closing June 29. The Hwy 516 pedestrian bridge will remain open and signs will be placed of the closure at the Ole’ Fishin’ Hole. Bicycle Residential calming program to report and mitigate speeding in neighborhoods and traffic volumes in pedestrian and non-motorized areas. City of Kent reviews the reports and recommends possible solutions for the neighborhood. 5. Bicycle Facilities for 2020 TMP Planning Mel Roberts passed out a proposal for bicycle facility improvements for the 2020 TMP discussion. Mel will email an electronic version to April Delchamps and to the KBAB members. KBAB asked that these items be considered on the 2020 TMP discussions beginning in late 2019 or early 2020. Ratification of the TMP is in June 2020. KBAB also asked for what residential or commercial developers are expected to add to the present cycling infrastructure. April explained that there are certain grants available that may be potential development funds for items meeting the “complete streets program”. In 2020 there will be potentially 14 grant opportunities that can fund non-motorized projects. Action item #1: April Delchamps will provide an updated Potential Bicycle Facilities map to KBAB members. (She provided on July 1, 2019 in an email). “The first, the Potential Kent Bicycle Advisory Board June 24, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Page | 3 Bicycle Facilities map, is attached. The map includes the information received from KBAB, Parks, Economic and Community Development, Police and a couple of outreach events with various neighborhoods. This map will be used in conjunction with public outreach during non-motorized project development for the Transportation Master Plan. Project development is currently scheduled for late 2019/early 2020. Action Item #2: I am working to get the second action item regarding non-motorized requirements for developers complete. 7. Adjournment At 7:00 PM, meeting was declared adjourned. Respectfully submitted by: Lynell Mooney, Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board