HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 03/25/2019Kent Bicycle Advisory Board March 25, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Page | 1 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Chair, Cheryl Koubik; Vice Chair, Wendy Graves; Board Secretary, Lynell Mooney; Board members: Aaron Dent, John Otakie, Mel Roberts. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Hansen. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 PM, with Cheryl Koubik presiding. 2. Roll Call Frank Boosman, Karen Chandler and Andrew Sobczyk were absent. 3. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the February 25, 2019 meeting were reviewed. Wendy Graves moved to accept the minutes as written and Aaron Dent seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by the board. 4. City of Kent General Updates Ordinance 2.62 Creation to codify Resolution 1298 creation of KBAB: The ordinance passed through review of the public works department and is set to go to City Council for acceptance on April 2, 2019. 30 days past that acceptance the ordinance will become active. Dan Hansen will move to fill the two positions ASAP relying on past applicants from Fall of 2018. Green River Trail Closures have been moved back The GRT closures scheduled during the Lower Russell Levee project have been moved back and the trail will not be closed this summer, 2019. Closure for summer 2020 may overlap the work on the 228th project (thus closing Interurban and GRT simultaneously). 228th Closure is on schedule and updates will be sent to KBAB members. (Dan Hansen sent out a closure schedule of April 15, 2019 after this meeting.) Signs will be present on the detour points. Kent Bicycle Advisory Board March 25, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Approved Page | 2 5. Puget Sound Regional Council Update Mel Roberts reported that PSRC is discussing a non-voting members policy. King County wants to brand all trails under one name in order to collect and identify trails. 2020-2025 parks levy will be placed on August 6, 2019 ballot in order to replace current expired levy. 6. Kent’s Downey Farmstead Project Dan Hansen presented a planning map of this project. Scope of project is to create a salmon habitat for spawning and raising small salmon fry. The Green River will be channeled into this area. Frager Road will be relocated to the south closer to SR 516. There sill be 10’ shared use trail. Funding is 100 percent from outside sources. KBAB recommendations to City of Kent: • consider extending the shared use trail on Frager Rd to connect with the pedestrian bridge under SR 516. • detour signs at Meeker and Frager placed so trail users are informed from the east and the west on Meeker. Place detour signs in advance of closure. • trail under 212th passage near 3-Friends Fishing Hole needs to be addressed for connections to trails on both sides of the river. Trail is in poor shape and it is a blind corner. 7. 2020-2025 TIP Discussion • WSDOT putting in a round-about on Willis and 4th Avenue • Funding for a trail along Willis for pedestrians and bicyclists • 74th Avenue turn will not be accessible from Willis • KBAB recommends reliable walk signals at Willis and 74th and reminders of bicycle and pedestrian crossings at 74th and Willis. 10. Adjournment At 7:00 PM, Cheryl Koubik declared the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted by: Lynell Mooney, Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board