HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Cultural Communities Board - 09/24/2019Cultural Communities Board Meeting September 24, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Date: September 24, 2019 Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: Centennial Center Attending: Rand Al Hammadi, Yusuf Bashir, Marvin Eckfeldt, Norma Maldonado, Mizanur Rahman, Ta Kwe Say, Ted Schwarz; Sara Franklin-Phillips, Marvin Eckfeldt, Marwa Almusawi, Taffy Johnson, Lelei Masina. Absent:, Vaivao Semisi-Tupou, Shanrkeep Kaur Shoker, Sonia Morales, Samiha Bhuiyan, Marwa Almusawi, Cesar Rangel Item Description 1. Call to order Meeting called to order by chair at 6:35PM 2. Roll call Chair did the roll call. See above for list of attendees. 3. Mayor Ralph updates Mayor Ralph stopped by for the first half of the meeting. Mayor wanted to apologize for not being present as often as she would like. Board members took the time to ask questions to the Mayor about a few different topics. First question asked had to do with HR policies. Mizan wanted to know if there were any new policies that came about after Marty (HR director) presented to the board about the workforce demographics and the push to make it match community demographics. Mayor Ralph talked about the push to make that happen and the difficulties that often arise. Mayor shared that the city needs to do a better job of getting a much larger pool of candidates. The conversation then turned to the Police Department and their push to make the department more diverse. Mayor talked about the work that was being done by the recruiting division. Marvin then cut the conversation short and thanked the Mayor for her time, but said that we still had another speaker in the agenda and the conversation was cutting into that time. Cultural Communities Board Meeting September 24, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington Mayor Ralph thanked the board for their time and shared that she would make an attempt, time permitting to be at more of the Cultural Communities Board meetings. 4. Transportation Master Plan Vice chair Sara moved the discussion to the transportation masterplan and introduced April Delchamps. April gave a brief overview of the plan, and wanted to break the group into smaller teams to have discussions about what the transportation priorities were. The board members broke into smaller groups and began writing what they felt were the shortcomings of our transportation system. Bus routes, stops, the lack of east to west public transportation options etc. 5. Updates/Announcements No updates 6. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm Cultural Communities Board Meeting September 24, 2019 Minutes Kent, Washington