HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Cultural Communities Board - 02/26/2019Cultural Communities Board Meeting Minutes February 26, 2019 Call to order at 6:30 p.m. Sara Franklin-Phillips cultural communities board member presented on Black History and the American Descendants of Slaves. She talked about pre 1960’s and how that movement came about. There is a generation that has lost a lot of the pre-1960’s history. She focused on 1960’s for her own personal but also moving from the 1920-30’s to the 60’s because of her parents who are now in their 90’s. She starts with the 13th amendment abolishing slavery and involuntary servitude. According to the 1860 census 3.9 million slaves were freed by July 1865. Sara touched on the Reconstruction between 1865 and 1877 and the life during. She touched on the Jim Crow laws legalized segregation in late 1870's, how freed slaves could not own property and how sharecropping was a way for very poor blacks and whites to earn a living from land owned by someone else. She covered black population distribution in 1890 and the end of Reconstruction. Other items covered were the Harlem Renaissance, Emancipation, history of evolution highlighting famous people and organizations and the end of the Renaissance. Sara concluded with the beginning of a new era from the 1940s-1960s. Sound Transit presented on the new Sounder parking garage which will be located where the cold storage building sits now, the Link Light Rail Federal Way extension on the West Hill and the proposed locations of where the new Operation and Maintenance Facility would be located. Elections for chair and vice chair were voted on. Mizan Rahman was elected chair and Sara Franklin-Phillips was elected vice chair. Minutes by: Toni Azzola Adjourn 7:53 p.m.