HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 11/30/2020Bicycle Advisory Board Agenda Special Meeting Minutes Monday, November 30, 2020 5:45 PM THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING VIA ZOOM Wendy Graves, Chair Andrew Sobczyk, Vice Chair Joe Cimaomo, Secretary Board Members: Mel Roberts, Aaron Dent, Julie Dunn, Connie Stolpp, Nik Shetye, Dave Peterson, Daren Osborn City Staff: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, April Delchamps Item Description: • Call to Order -- Graves 1745 • Roll Call -- Graves • Changes to the Agenda -- Graves • September 2020 Special Meeting -Minutes Approval Graves o Motion Nik 2nd Mel- Approved • 2021 Meeting Dates-Preston o Meet the last Monday of the month except May third Monday • Meet Monthly Approved • Bylaws Review-Mel-Postponed to the 12/28/2020 Meeting • Transportation Master Plan Update-Delchamps o Power Point Included • Adjournment -- Graves 18:48 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board City of Kent April Delchamps, AICP Senior Transportation PlannerNovember 30, 2020 Prioritized Projects + Policies & Actions Goals Prioritized Projects Project Performance Measures Policies & Actions Project Development Growth Management Act Regional & Countywide Planning Policies Plan Performance Measures Pu b l i c O u t r e a c h & I n t e r n a l C o l l a b o r a t i o n Public Feedback on Project Lists TMP Project Lists Funded Projects •Projects that are anticipated to be completed over the 20-year TMP planning horizon. Programs •Projects to be considered by a funded program Unfunded Projects •Priority projects for which funding was unavailable over the 20-year TMP planning horizon. Secured Funding List •Projects with secured funded that predates the 20-year TMP planning horizon. Prioritized List •Projects anticipated to be funded by the Kent Capital Project Budget. Developer List •Projects anticipated to be funded by developers. Public Feedback & Project Lists Prioritized/  Funded  Projects Capital Budget  & Project  Funding Interview/  Workshop  Feedback,  Survey/  Webmap Results, & Staff  Feedback Additional  Feedback Pedestrian Crossing Improvements Pedestrian Facilities near Schools Pedestrian Facilities near transit Intersection and Signal Improvements  to Decrease Traffic Congestion Funded Projects Prioritized/Funded Projects, Projects with Secured Funding, & Developer Projects • Pedestrian • Bicycle • Pedestrian Crossing (New & Improvements) • Intersection: Signal Timing, New Signals, Auto  Capacity, Roundabouts • Auto: Widen to 3 Lanes, Roadway Reallocation • 3 Programs: Safety, Safe Routes to Schools, &  Neighborhood Greenways Prioritized/Funded Projects: 99 Projects •P-14/15: Convert 4th Ave N from 4 lanes to 3 lanes from S 228th St to Willis with separated bike lanes •P-22: Convert James St from 4 to 3 lanes with bike lanes from Washington Ave to the Interurban Trail •P-30/31/33: Bike Facilities on Meeker St •P-84: Plan pathway and construct bicycle facilities to connect the Interurban and Kent Station. •P-85: Construct bicycle facilities to connect Earth Works Parks and Downtown P-90/91: Construct a shared use path on the north side of Willis from Union Pacific Railroad to 4th Ave N Downtown Manufacturing and Industrial Center (MIC) •P-57: Construct sidewalks and bike facilities on S 212th St from Frager Rd to the Green River Trail and Bridge Replacement •P-58: Improve sidewalks and bike facilities on S 212th St from the Green River Trail and the Interurban Trail •P-59: S 212th St at Interurban Trail crossing improvements •P-60: Bicycle intersection treatments on S 212th St at Riverview Blvd S, 72nd Ave S, 84 th Avenue S •P-63: Improve sidewalks and bike facilities on S 228th St from the Green River Trail and the Interurban Trail •P-64: Realign the 64th Ave S Connector Trail entrances on 64th Ave S and S 228th St to connect directly to the signalized crosswalk and crossing improvements •P-68: S 259th St at Interurban Trail crossing improvements •P-38 to 44: Widen Military Rd from SR 516 to S 272nd St to provide a center turn lane, a vertical protected bike lane, and sidewalks on both sides of the street •P-52 to 54: Convert Reith Rd/S 260th St/S 259th Pl from SR 99 to 38th Ave S to 3 lanes with striped bike lanes and pedestrian facilities •P-71: Add 12 ft shared use path on the northside and a 5ft sidewalk to southside on S 272nd St from the I-5 SB Off-ramp to Military Rd West Hill/Midway •P-1/2: Construct greenway/bikeway treatments (signage/paint) on 100th Ave SE from SE 208th St and SE 240th St •P-7/8: Widen 132nd Ave SE to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane from SE 208th St to SE 240th St •P-75: Convert SE 240th St from 5 to 3 lanes with bike lanes from 116th Ave SE and 132nd Ave SE. North East Hill South East Hill •P-10 to 12: Widen 132 nd Ave SE to 3 lanes with a buffered or separated bike lane from SE 240th St to SE 272nd St •P-19/20: Construct protected bicycle facilities on Canyon Dr from Titus St and SE Kent- Kangley Rd •P-79: Shared use path on one side on SE 256th St from 132nd Ave SE and 148th Ave SE Draft Policies & Actions Policies & Actions Policies: A deliberate system of principles to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. A policy is a statement of intent and is implemented as a procedure or protocol. Actions: Intended to implement policies through tangible projects and defined steps to improve processes, develop capital projects, assign tasks, and set priorities. Expand and strengthen the multimodal network, specifically walking, biking and transit, to increase options for those who have fewest opportunities. Connectivity & Options Connectivity & Options: Bicycle Policies •TR-6 •Facilitate the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the City’s adopted pedestrian and bicycle network. •TR-8: •Develop programs and construct infrastructure for walking, biking, and access to transit that make it possible for Kent residents and employees, especially underserved populations, to access essential services and support local businesses while reducing auto-dependent travel. Connectivity & Options: Bicycle Related Actions •Develop cross-sections and design parameters for the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) network and add to the Kent Design and Construction Standards. •Construct projects to implement the Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) network. •Develop policies related to alternative travel modes, such as bike share services, electric bicycles, motorized scooters, etc. •Update applicable codes, standards and guidelines to ensure developers provide connecting pathways for pedestrian and bicycle on dead-end streets and cul-de-sacs. Promote community health by improving safety and by making walking, biking, and getting to transit viable and comfortable alternatives to driving. Safety & Health Safety & Health: Bicycle Policies •TR-19: •Minimize the number of driveways and access points per parcel on arterials to improve the bicycle and pedestrian environment. •TR-20: •Emphasize comfort and user experience in the design of bicycle facilities following the City’s bicycle level of traffic stress (LTS) guidelines. •TR-23 •Provide equitable opportunities for an active, healthy lifestyle by integrating the needs of non-motorized users into the multimodal transportation system. Safety & Health: Bicycle and Pedestrian Related Actions •Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to develop a Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) program that emphasizes ongoing education and enforcement efforts in addition to engineering solutions. •Update the Local Roadway Safety Plan periodically. •Develop a Safety Program to make safety improvements with a safe systems approach. Maintain and improve what we have, and focus new investments on projects that have long term community and economic benefits. Stewardship Stewardship: Bicycle Policies •TR-35 •Pursue mode split goals for designated Regional Growth Centers within Kent. •TR-36 •Reduce the impact of the City’s transportation system on the environment using technology, expanded transit use and non-motorized transportation options. Stewardship: Bicycle Related Actions •Review the roadways in the Federal Functional Classification (FFC) System to maximize grant eligibility. •Develop a process to facilitate public-private investment to increase access and mobility and to address transportation needs in the City of Kent. Make investments that emphasize Kent as a welcoming place and enhance the character of the community. Placemaking Placemaking: Bicycle Policies •TR-42 •Promote and support public transit, and bicycle and pedestrian circulation within compact urban settings. •TR-45 •Construct comfortable, safe and supportive public streetscapes for transit riders, pedestrians and cyclists where appropriate based on land use context. Placemaking: Bicycle and Pedestrian Related Action •Identify high priority commercial nodes and corridors to prepare comprehensive multimodal streetscape plans with the goal to create a safe and inviting pedestrian environment. Pursue grants, partnerships and technologies to maximize resources and find new efficiencies. Strategy Strategy: Bicycle Policies •TR-54 •Emphasize transportation investments that provide and encourage alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel and increase travel options, especially to and within centers and along corridors connecting centers. •TR-56 •Support commute trip reduction goals and multimodal forms of transportation via development standards pertaining to building setbacks, location of parking, parking standards, as well as amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists. Strategy: Bicycle Related Actions •Develop an ordinance to require non-motorized access to transit stops. •Require new development to incorporate appropriate design features such as: •Preferential parking for carpools and vanpools; •Special loading and unloading facilities for carpools and vanpools; •Transit passenger facilities, including comfortable bus stops and waiting areas that may be integrated in the building design; and •Secure and covered bicycle parking, showers, lockers, and related facilities to support bicycle commuters. •Convenient short-term bicycle parking for customers or other visitors. Next Steps Goals Prioritized Projects Project Performance Measures Policies & Actions Project Development Growth Management Act Regional & Countywide Planning Policies Plan Performance Measures Pu b l i c O u t r e a c h & I n t e r n a l C o l l a b o r a t i o n CITY OF KENT TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN