HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Arts Commission - 11/11/2020Arts Commission Minutes Commissioners: Chair Dan Cox, Vice Chair Suzanne Smith, Treasurer Gerard Philpotts, Secretary Susan Bagrationoff, Secretary Christy Caravaglio, Bayard DuBois, Tonya Goodwillie, Campbell Kristenson, Susan Machler, Linda Mackintosh, Colleen Maloney, , Michael Taskey, Sandi Westman, Sherelle Owens, Alternate) Brenda Fincher, City Council Liaison) November 11, 2020 5:30p.m. Remote Meeting Zoom Item Description 1. Calltoorder Chair DanCoxcalled themeeting toorder at5:31p.m. 2. Roll Call Excused: SusanBagrationoff / Absent: Gerard Philpotts, Susan Machler 3. Changes totheAgenda None 4. October Minutes Caravaglio made amotion toapprove theminutes aswritten. Taskey seconded andthemotioncarried unanimously. 5. Octoberhasnt closed yet. Month endreport willbeavailable nextmonth. 6. Performing ArtsCommittee A. Spotlight Series 2020-2021 TajMahal livestream 11/17 (6ticketssoldtodate, but62clicks) Magical Strings Celtic Yuletide virtual concert 12/6 (tickets justwentonsale, 7sold) 7. Visual Arts/Acquisitions Committee A. PublicArtUpdates: Downtown rotating mural project CallforArtistsQualifications willgooutin lateNovember/early December with adeadline ofJanuary 8. B. Gallery BrettRude andIanShearer Nov/Dec (Canceled) Enid Smith BeckerandSusanne Kelly Jan/Feb (waiting forearly Dec. to decide) C. Kent Creates: 2020 Silver Linings exhibit: Newexhibit islive, submissions are coming in. Unless otherwise noted, the Arts Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 2nd Wednesday of each month at Centennial Center, Conference Room 402, 400 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Calleen Bidman at 253-856-5052. 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 8. General updates/otherbusiness A. 2021 Community ArtsSupport Program: The Commission reviewed and approved panel recommendations, including funding to4organizations for atotal of 7,000. Smith made themotion and OBrien seconded; themotion carried unanimously. (Mackintosh abstained from voting duetohermembership in one of thefunded organizations.) B. 2020Give MeCulture Grant SteelMagicNorthwest ProjectScope Adjustment Caravaglio made amotion toapprove Steel Magic Northwests request todirect their 2020 grant toa virtual December performance, inplace oftheir livespring performance. Kristenson seconded andthemotion carried unanimously. C. 2021 Officers Current slate includes Smith for Chair, Cox for Vice Chair, and Philpotts for Treasurer. Chair Cox called for additional nomination tobesenttohim before theDecember meeting. D. SOCO Culture Chair Cox reported onthe11/10 membership meeting about the artsandheritage funding landscape during thepandemic. E. KentSchool District No report 9. NextMeeting Wed., December 9, 2020, 5:30, Zoom 10.Adjournment 6:07 p.m. Unless otherwise noted, the Arts Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 2nd Wednesday of each monthat Centennial Center, Conference Room 402, 400 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. Foradditional information please contact Calleen Bidman at 253-856-5052. ffice at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1.