HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities District Board - 05/13/2021 (2) Public Facilities District Board Board Members: Greg Haffner, Chair - Jeff Piecewicz, Vice-Chair Zenovia Harris, Carmen Goers, Randall Smith, Secretary Staff Representatives: Treasurer, Paula Painter - Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk SPECIAL MEETING May 13, 2021 4 p.m. THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING DUE TO COVID-19 AND HEALTH SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, AND BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING To listen to the meeting, call 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID: 982 6998 0497 Item Description ActionSpeaker Time 1. Call to order Greg Haffner 1 min 2. Roll Call Kim Komoto 1 min 3. Welcome Zenovia Harris – Position No. 5No Greg Haffner 5 min 4. Changes to the Agenda YesGreg Haffner 1 min MOVE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA 5.Approval of Minutes dated YesGreg Haffner 1 min February 20, 2020 MOVE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES DATED February 20, 2020 6.Nomination of Officers YesGreg Haffner 5 min 7.Resolution Revising the Meeting Schedule YesTammy White5 min 8.Financial Reports A. City of Kent No Paula Painter 10 min B. accesso ShoWare CenterArletta Voter 9.Operational Updates: A. General Manager No Tim Higgins 10 min Kelly Spreitzer-Saucer B. Marketing Update C. City of Kent UpdateKurt Hanson 10.Seattle Thunderbirds Update Unless otherwise noted, the Public Facilities District meets at 4 p.m. on the last Thursday of each quarter at the accesso ShoWare Center, 625 West James Street, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk at 253-856-5728 or via email at Kkomoto@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. A. Sales, Marketing and Attendance No Colin Campbell 10 min B. Advertising and Suite Sales 11.Other Business Greg Haffner 1 min 12.Adjournment YesGreg Haffner 1 min Unless otherwise noted, the Public Facilities District meets at 4 p.m. on the last Thursday of each quarter at the accesso ShoWare Center, 625 West James Street, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk at 253-856-5728 or via email at Kkomoto@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Public Facilities District Board SpecialMeetingFebruary 27, 2020 MinutesKent, Washington Pending Approval Date:February 27, 2020 Time:4p.m. Place:accesso ShoWare Center Other Attendees:SMG General Manager,Tim Higgins SMGFinance Director,Arletta Voter SMG Director of Sales and Marketing, Kelly Spreitzer City Attorney,Arthur “Pat” Fitzpatrick Thunderbirds General Manager, Colin Campbell City Clerk, Kimberley Komoto Treasurer, Paula Painter Economic and Community Development Director, Kurt Hanson Agenda: 1.Call to Order The meeting was called to order at4p.m., with Greg Haffnerpresiding. 2.Roll Call Carmen Goers –Present Position No. 5 –Vacated by Lew Sellers Randall Smith-Present Jeff Piecewicz –Absent Greg Haffner -Present 3.Changes to the Agenda None. 4.Approval of Minutes dated October 31, 2019 Smithmovedto approve the minutes dated October 31, 2019, seconded by Goers. The Motion passed unanimously with a vote of 3-0. 5.Nomination and Election of Officers Chair Haffner nominated the following officers for 2020: Greg Haffner, Chair, Jeff Piecewicz, Vice-Chair, Randall Smith, Secretary and Goers seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 3-0. 6.Position No. 5 Vacancy City Attorney, Pat Fitzpatrick updated the board on theprocess to fill a vacancy on the board. Kim Komoto conveyed that Lew Sellers informed her that he could no longer serve on the board. 7.FinancialReports A.City of Kent.Finance Director, Paula Painter presented the preliminary December 31, 2019 financial reports as follows: ShoWare Center Operating Fund, Page 1of 2 Public Facilities District Board SpecialMeetingFebruary 27, 2020 MinutesKent, Washington Pending Approval Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District Fund and Sales Tax Collections. Painter detailed pending accruals required by government accounting rules. B.accesso ShoWare Center.Arletta Voter provided details ofthe accesso ShoWare Center 2019 Income Statement and Income Statement –2019 Fourth Quarter Comparison, including direct event income, ancillary income, other event income, other operating income, indirect expenses, net income from operations, admission tax and net income.General Manager, Tim Higgins and Voter provided information on the admission taxes collected and remitted to the City of Kent. Painter advised that the admission tax goes into the ShoWare Center operating fund to help cover costs to operate ShoWare. 8.Operations Update a.General ManagerUpdate.Higgins conveyed the issues he is having finding change-over crews. Higgins provided details on the new 5-year agreement between the City of Kent and ASM Global for operating the center.Higgins provided the board with the same presentation he gave before the City of Kent Committee of the Whole and City Council. b.Marketing Update.Spreitzer provided a detailed marketing update and reviewed statistics for the website, social media,email marketingand past and upcoming events. c.City of Kent Update.City of Kent Economic and Community Development Director, Kurt Hanson provided the board with an update on current and planned developments that will bring in more people to the downtown core, including ShoWare. In turn, the new residents will bring more disposable income that will benefit downtown businesses. 9.Seattle ThunderbirdsUpdate Thunderbirds General Manager, Colin Campbell provided an update on the current seasonand past and upcoming hockey events at the accesso ShoWare Center. Campbell advised the Thunderbirds should be in the first round of playoffs. 10.Other Business 11.Adjournment Haffner adjourned the meeting at 4:55p.m. Kimberley Komoto City Clerk February 27, 2020 Page 2of 2 TO: Public Facilities District Board FROM: City of Kent Law Department DATE: May 13, 2021 SUBJECT: Resolution of the Board of the Public Facilities District Establishing a New Schedule for Regular Meetings of the Board - Adopt MOTION: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-1, establishing a new meeting schedule for the Board of the Public facilities District whereby the Board will hold regular meetings two times per year during the months of April and October. SUMMARY: By adoption of Ordinance No. 3852 on August 7, 2007, the Kent City Council created the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District to assist in the design, construction, ownership, and operation of the accesso ShoWare Center, a regional center comprised of a multi-purpose arena constructed by the city of Kent. Pursuant to Article X, Section 10.1 of the bylaws of the City of Kent Special events Center Public Facilities District, the board sets its regular meeting times by resolution. In accordance with the Board’s authority, it is establishing a new schedule for regular meetings of the board to better coincide with available budget information and information related to seasonal facility scheduling and operations. Regular meetings will be held at 4:00 pm on the last Thursday of April and October of each year. Additional special meetings may be scheduled and held in accordance with Washington’s Open Public Meetings Act. EXHIBITS: Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 2021-1 Kent, Washington, Special A RESOLUTION of the Events Center Public Facilities District, repealing Resolution No. 2012-1 and enacting a new resolution changing the regular meeting schedule of its board of directors to 4:00 pm on the last Thursday of April and October of each year, and ratifying the cancellation of meetings due to the public emergency caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. RECITALS A. By adoption of Ordinance No. 3852 on August 7, 2007, the Kent City Council created the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District to assist in the design, construction, ownership, and operation of the accesso ShoWare Center, a regional center comprised of a multi-purpose arena constructed by the city of Kent. B. Pursuant to Article X, Section 10.1 of the bylaws of the City of Kent Special events Center Public Facilities District, the board sets its regular meeting times by resolution. C. In accordance with the Board’s authority, it is establishing a new schedule for regular meetings of the board to better coincide with available budget information and information related to seasonal facility scheduling and operations. Regular meetings will be held at 4:00 pm on the last Thursday of April and October of each year. Additional special meetings may be scheduled and held in accordance with Washington’s Open Public Meetings Act. NOW THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE KENT, WASHINGTON, SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: RESOLUTION SECTION 1. – Findings. The above recitals are adopted by the board as its findings as if set forth herein. SECTION 2. – Resolution No. 2012-1 Repealed. Resolution No. 2012-1 is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 3. – Regular Meeting Time, Date and Location Established. The regular meetings of the board of directors of the Kent Special Events Center Public Facilities District will be scheduled to occur at 4:00 pm on the last Thursday of April and October of each year; provided, regular meetings may be rescheduled when necessary and held as special meetings in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The board of directors will conduct regular meetings at the accesso ShoWare Center, located at 625 West James Street in Kent, WA; provided, the chair of the board shall have the authority to change the location of the meeting upon notice to the other members of the board. SECTION 4. – Conflict with Bylaws. To the extent this resolution conflicts with the bylaws of the Board, this resolution shall prevail. SECTION 5. – Ratification. The cancellation of any meetings as a result of the public emergency caused by the COVID 19 virus, as well as the scheduling of any special meetings and the actions taken at those meetings, are hereby ratified by the board. SECTION 6. – Savings. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution is declared unconstitutional orinvalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of theremaining portions of this resolution. SECTION 7. – Corrections to this Resolution. The board secretary is authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or resolution numbers and section/subsection numbers. SECTION 8. – Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. May 13, 2021 Board Chair Date Approved