HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 09/07/2021 Approved Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting Minutes September 7, 2021 Date: September 7, 2021 Time: 4:02 p.m. Place: Chambers Attending: Toni Troutner, Chair Bill Boyce, Councilmember Brenda Fincher, Councilmember Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember Marli Larimer, Councilmember Zandria Michaud, Councilmember Les Thomas Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:02 p.m. Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Chair Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present 4:05 PM Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present 4:04 PM Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present 3. Agenda Approval 1. I move to approve the agenda as presented. RESULT: MOTION PASSES \[5 TO 0\] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas AWAY: Fincher, Kaur 4. Business A. Payment of Bills - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the payment of bills received through 8/31/21 and paid on 8/31/21 and approve the checks issued for Page 1 of 5 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 7, 2021 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes payroll 8/16/21 through 8/31/21 and paid on 9/3/21. RESULT: MOTION PASSES \[5 TO 0\] Next: 9/21/2021 7:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas AWAY: Fincher, Kaur B. INFO ONLY: Second Quarter 2021 Investment Report Cash and Investment Officer Joe Bartlemay presented the Second Quarter 2021 Investment Report. Bartlemay started by reviewing the investment portfolio that included details on the cash, Washington State LGIP and pfm managed portfolio. The five quarter comparisons of cash and investment by type were reviewed as well as the three-year comparison of cash flows. Interest earnings remain low and have been trending down. Bartlemay reviewed the pfm managed portfolio summary and statistics as well as the portfolio compliance report. C. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance - Adopt City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick provided a brief background of Washington law relating to the possession of drug paraphernalia in addition to the state's requirement that agencies offer deferral programs for offenses. Fitzpatrick advised that because HB 5476 was adopted, Kent's criminal code is now in conflict with state law. The City's law cannot create a higher penalty or conflict with state law, so the City must repeal their local law. MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4412, repealing section and enforcement of drug paraphernalia laws are consistent with new state legislation. RESULT: MOTION PASSES \[UNANIMOUS\] Next: 9/21/2021 7:00 PM MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Thomas D. INFO ONLY: Race and Equity Update Race and Equity Manager Uriel Varela presented information in response to questions received during the August 24th City Council Workshop. Equitable Engagement has been extended through October. Page 2 of 5 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 7, 2021 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Varela reviewed the project timeline: · Community Engagement/Data Collection through October · Research Findings/Data Analysis through October · Develop Plan Draft through November · Plan Vetting with the Community through November · Finalize the Plan by the end of December Varela provided an overview of the challenges faced during the engagement process and indicated the City is committed to conducting equitable and accountable community engagement. Staff will continue to provide opportunities for community input and co-designing opportunities and advised engagement will not end with the creation and implementation of the plan. The Spectrum of Engagement consists of Self Analysis and Establishing a framework for effective and inclusive engagement. Equitable engagement consists of: · Inform - Provide the community with relevant information · Consult - Gather input from the community · Involve - Ensure community needs and assets are integrated into process and inform planning · Collaborate - ensure community capacity to play a leadership role in implementation of decisions · Defer to - Foster demographic participation and equity by bridging the divide between community and governance, through community-driven decision- making. Human Services Manager Merina Hanson provided the Human Services 10+ years, including collaboration with many regional groups and organizations. Hanson reviewed the work being done to ensure equity is included in the funding process, including: · Anti-Racist, Multi-Cultural Continuum Training with Commissioners and Staff · Grantmaking with an Equity Lens Training (2 Sessions) · Implicit Bias and Grantmaking with Commissioners and Staff · Guiding Framework for Decision Making and Equity Analysis · Revised scoresheet to include Equity Analysis questions · Technical Assistance for application process; contracts with Neighbor 2 Neighbor and Communities Rise · Contracted with Equitable Futures to engage with dozens of community- based organizations with varying experiences of the grantmaking process Page 3 of 5 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 7, 2021 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes · Equitable Futures used authentic engagement to identify the barriers community-based organizations experienced and the opportunities that exist to reduce or eliminate these barriers · Meeting with leadership from underserved communities to develop strategies to increase opportunities and funding Hanson provided extensive details on the Human Services funding data and explained the why some funding goes to support activities not based in Kent. Hanson provided additional context to funding: · Human Services Commissioners discuss agency/program location as part of the review process. · Priority is given to Kent-based organizations whenever possible. There are some countywide organizations that provide a unique service (Crisis Clinic, Child Care Resources, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, etc.) · 100% of funding supports Kent residents, with priority to support organizations that serve low- to moderate-income income residents. · In addition to program location, Human Services Commissioners and staff analyze applications to determine whether the agency has strong Kent or South King County relationships, partnerships, and collaborations in place. · Our goals include ensuring there are strong community-based services accessible across South King County. It is unrealistic to expect that every individual City will have its own complete and separate human services support system. Hanson advised how equity is worked into the application process: · Equitable grantmaking analysis conducted in 2021. · CDBG-CV process included enhanced technical assistance, tools on the website to assist with the application process, and a workshop focused on reporting. · Workshop scheduled for organizations that have not yet applied through the traditional application process on September 22nd. · June 2021 Human Services Commission meeting included an invitation to organizations to join the meeting to talk about strengthening relationships and improving communication (40+ people attended virtually). · Staff created an e-gov distribution for human services news and updates that includes over 400 email addresses. The first e-news will go out later this month. Councilmember Boyce appreciated the follow-up information and suggested communicating this same information to the public. Senior Human Services Coordinator Lori Guilfoyle provided information regarding outreach through the regional cities group, and indicated the City Page 4 of 5 Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 7, 2021 and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes has relationships with the Neighbor to Neighbor program, other funders and KCDIG. Human Services conducts outreach in person, over the phone, email and newsletters and indicated there are challenges communicating with other languages. Guilfoyle advised the City offers opportunities for applicants to get additional assistance if their application is not approved for funding. Councilmember Michaud expressed her appreciation of the work of the Human Services Division and advised she is proud of the work done to ensure equity is built into the grant making process. 5. Adjournment 4:58 p.m. Council President Troutner adjourned the meeting. Kimberley Komoto Committee Secretary Page 5 of 5 Uriel Varela Race & Equity Manager Race & Equity Strategic Plan Update Merina Hanson – Equitable Engagement Funding Table of Contents •• 4 designing - Equitable Engagement Facilitating Power – Regional exampleWill continue to provide opportunities for community input and coopportunities. The engagement phase doesn’t end with the creation and implementation of the plan. Movement strategy center International Association for Public Administration ••••• Historical Harm We are committed to conducting equitable & accountable community engagement Moving forward with Equitable engagementSpectrum of engagement •••• 6 Foundational Equity WorkFunding Allocation AnalysisEquity Work in Progress HUMAN SERVICES – Services Division Human Foundational Equity Work 7 language focus groups - Based Organizations - Parallel Application ProcessImmigrant and Refugee Panel PresentationKent Cultural Diversity Initiative GroupRefugee Employment SummitsGood Jobs InitiativeNeighbor 2 Neighbor/Seattle FoundationCultural Communities BoardKing County Immigrant and Refugee Task ForceGoverning for Racial Equity and InclusionGovernment Alliance on Race and EquityPanel Presentation of Ethnic CommunityContracting with local organizations to provide inMeeting with Kent and King County organizations to share strategies for increasing racial diversity on Boards – Services Division based Human - Foundational Equity Work based organizations with - 8 Cultural Continuum Training with Commissioners and Staff - Racist, Multi - AntiGrantmaking with an Equity Lens Training (2 Sessions)Implicit Bias and Grantmaking with Commissioners and StaffGuiding Framework for Decision Making and Equity AnalysisRevised scoresheet to include Equity Analysis questions Technical Assistance for application process; contracts with Neighbor 2 Neighbor and Communities RiseContracted with Equitable Futures to engage with dozens of communityvarying experiences of the grantmaking processEquitable Futures used authentic engagement to identify the barriers communityorganizations experienced and the opportunities that exist to reduce or eliminate these barriersMeeting with leadership from underserved communities to develop strategies to increase opportunities and funding 9 Refer to Human Services Funding Spreadsheet HUMAN SERVICES FUNDING ALLOCATION SPREADSHEET – Foundational Equity Work Human Services Funding Data 10 Additional Funding Context based services accessible - 11 income income residents. based organizations whenever possible. There are some - - to moderate - across South King County. It is unrealistic to expect that every individual City will have its own complete and separate human services support system. Human Services Commissioners discuss agency/program location as part of the review process.Priority is given to Kentcountywide organizations that provide a unique service (Crisis Clinic, Child Care Resources, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, etc.)100% of funding supports Kent residents, with priority to support organizations that serve lowIn addition to program location, Human Services Commissioners and staff analyze applications to determine whether the agency has strong Kent or South King County relationships, partnerships, and collaborations in place. Our goals include ensuring there are strong community Application Process and Equity Work in Progress 12 . nd news will go out later this month. - gov distribution for human services news and updates that - CV process included enhanced technical assistance, tools on the website to - Equitable grantmaking analysis conducted in 2021.CDBGassist with the application process, and a workshop focused on reporting.Workshop scheduled for organizations that have not yet applied through the traditional application process on September 22June 2021 Human Services Commission meeting included an invitation to organizations to join the meeting to talk about strengthening relationships and improving communication (40+ people attended virtually).Staff created an eincludes over 400 email addresses. The first e 13 Thank You Happy to answer questions General Fund$23,000.00$23,000.00 SeattleX General Fund$10,000.00$10,000.00 Seattle Arcadia: Outreach, Case Management and Drop In Center General Fund$10,000.00$10,000.00 Seattle RURAP (Russian Ukrainian Refugee Assistance Program) General Fund$15,000.00$15,000.00 Renton General Fund$32,000.00$32,000.00 KentX General Fund$10,000.00$10,000.00 Maple ValleyX CDBG$14,000.00$14,000.00 SeattleX Shelter and Supportive Housing (formerly Shelter & Transitional Housing) CDBG$49,000.00$49,000.00 Federal WayX CDBG$15,000.00$15,000.00 KentX CDBG$15,000.00$15,000.00 SeaTac Pathways to Self-Sufficiency: Adult Employment & Training CDBG$10,000.00$10,000.00 Renton CDBG$15,000.00$15,000.00 RentonX CDBG$6,517.00$6,517.00 KentX CDBG$15,000.00$15,000.00 SeattleX Building Sustainable Food Security & Community Connection for Local CDBG$14,453.00$14,453.00 KentX Refugees & Immigrants: Paradise Parking Plots Community Garden CDBG$20,000.00$20,000.00 SeattleX CDBG-CARES$25,000.00 SeattleX CDBG-CARES$50,000.00 Des MoinesX CDBG-CARES$40,000.00 KentX CDBG-CARES$25,000.00 KentX CDBG-CARES$102,000.00 Federal WayX CDBG-CARES$20,000.00 KentX CDBG-CARES$50,000.00 KentX CDBG-CARES$30,000.00 Auburn CDBG-CARES$40,000.00 SeaTac CDBG-CARES$20,000.00 KentX CDBG-CARES$60,000.00 Seattle Financial Literacy & Emergency Financial Assistance CDBG-CARES$60,000.00 Tacoma CDBG-CARES$37,500.00 RentonX CDBG-CARES$50,000.00 CovingtonX Total Funding per Year$1,830,570.00$1,221,070.00Activity Total by City/Area % of Funding Going to (by Year)20212022 Kent Based Activity78%82% Other South King County City Based Activity12%13% Virtual/Remote Based Activity9%4% Activities only Offered in Seattle0%0% Activity Offered in Other King County City1%1% Net Outside of Kent22%18% Total $ Funding Going to (by Year) Kent Based Activity$1,423,570.00$1,004,070.00 Other South King County City Based Activity$224,500.00$154,500.00 Virtual/Remote Based Activity$167,500.00$47,500.00 Activities only Offered in Seattle$-$- Activity Offered in Other King County City$15,000.00$15,000.00 Net Outside of Kent$407,000.00$217,000.00 $20,000.00N$ English Innovations $40,000.00N$- Employment Services $10,000.00N$- Culinary Skills Apprenticeship Program Congolese Health Board Program (CHB) $75,052.00N$- $30,000.00N$- Basic Needs Program $30,850.00N$- Housing Stability Project $25,000.00N$- SYFC City Support Program $19,795.00N$- Meals on Wheels Carriage Crest, Fairwood, Pine Tree, and Sunrise $40,000.00N$- Elementaries: Before and After School Programs $15,000.00N$- CFI (Crisis Family Intervention) Business Training and Technical Assistance for Low- $29,072.00N$- Income Entrepreneurs $9,214.00N$- Washington Poison Center Emergency Services $10,000.00N$- Children's Basic Essentials Program $12,000.00N$- Analia Bertoni $3,500.00N$- Guardianship Housing Education & Navigation for People with $2,000.00N$- Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities $4,000.00N$- Fair Housing Education $4,065.00N$- Connection Desk Program $4,500.00N$- Supported Employment $2,650.00N$- Isolation Outreach Initiative $4,496.00N$- Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches (REACH)REACH Center of Hope $4,500.00N$- Family Autism Service Navigation, Advocacy, and Supports $10,000.00N$- Community Liaison $10,000.00N$- APM Training Center $150,000.00N$- Community Economic Relief Fund Outreach & Peer Leadership Program at Aileen's N$- $20,000.00N$- South King County Family Resource Center (SKFRC) N$- IAWW Mental Health Support Program $10,000.00N$- Providing Kits for the homeless in Puget Sound $24,000.00N$- Housing For Single Women N$- Auburn Housing Financial Assistance Valley Cities Unclear-checked more than 2177776N Unclear-checked more than 2Budget not broken ouN Micro-Enterprise Assistance (Expanded)50000N Job Training/Employment (Expanded)40000N Rental Assistance (Expanded)50000N Assistance for students who need tutors & Other Education 40000N Job Training/Employment (Expanded)40000N Puget Sound Opportunities Industrialization CenterRental Assistance (New)25000N Puget Sound Opportunities Industrialization CenterDigital Literacy for under-served populations (new)35000N Rental Assistance (New)27500N YMCA of Greater Seattle (dba Y Social Impact Center)Rental Assistance (New)99776N YMCA of Greater Seattle (dba Y Social Impact Center)Digital Literacy for under-served populations (Expanded)30075N OrganizationFunding requestedRecommeLocation nded funding amount Glover Empowered $75,000$50,000 Kent Mentoring Restore Assemble Produce$75,000$50,000 Kent Community Network Council$45,500$32,000 Kent Consejo$40,000$40,000 Kent World Relief$40,000$28,000 Kent Virtual, no office, meets in Hmong Association of WA community facilities where youth $25,000$25,000 (HAW) live Covington Ubumwe Women Association$75,000 Kent Afghan Health Initiative$50,000 Federal Way FW Black Collective$40,000 Kent Mother Africa$50,000 Kent SVDP- Centro Rendu$55,000 Auburn Valley Cities$50,000 Kent Guided Pathways$25,000 Kent Teenagers Plus$35,000 Seattle/Kent YMCA$27,000 Kent Wakulima USA$75,000 TOTAL $782,500$225,000