HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Lodging Tax Advisory Committee - 03/11/2021 (2) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Agenda Committee Members: Bill Boyce, Chair John Casey - Gaila Haas Tim Higgins Andrew Hutchison - David Kwok - Zenovia Harris - City Staff: Bill Ellis Rhonda Bylin Michelle Wimot Thursday, March 11, 2021 4:00 p.m. This is a remote meeting due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Emergency To listen to the meeting, call 1-888-475-4499 1-877-853-5257 And enter Meeting ID 96944300171 Item Description Action Speaker Time 1.Call to OrderChair 01 MIN. 2.Roll CallChair 01 MIN. 3.Changes to the AgendaChair 01 MIN. 4.Approval of the Minutes -JuneChair 01 MIN. 18, 2020 YES 1.Approval of June 18, 2020Chair 0 MIN. Minutes 5.LTAC Budget ReviewMIN. YES 6.2021 Visit Kent CampaignBridget Baeth 15 MIN. Proposal YES 7.Suspension of Grant Program forMichelle Wilmot 10 MIN. 2021 8.AdjournmentChair 01 MIN. Unless other noted, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meets in April and September to review grant requests. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held in the Centennial North and South Conference Rooms, 400 West Gowe Street, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact City of Kent at or via email at Cityclerk@KentWA.gov. Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service all Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 5/2 Pending Approval Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Minutes June 18, 2020 Date: June 18, 2020 Time: 4:03 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING Attending: Bill Boyce, Chair John Casey, Gaila Haas, Executive Director Tim Higgins, Andrew Hutchison, David Kwok, Erin McCallum Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:03 p.m. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bill Boyce Chair Present John Casey Present Gaila Gutierrez Executive Director Absent Tim Higgins Present Andrew Hutchison Present David Kwok Present Erin McCallum Present Bryan Powell Late Zenovia Harris Advisory Member Absent 3. Changes to the Agenda 4. Lodging Tax Budget Overview 5. Approval of the Minutes - February 13, 2020 & May 7, 2020 1. Approval of Minutes dated February 13, 2020 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated February 13, 2020 Njovuft!Bddfqubodf;!Njovuft!pg!Kvo!29-!3131!5;11!QN!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!uif!Njovuft!.Kvof!29-!3131* Page 1 of 2 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3 5/2 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Lodging Tax June 18, 2020 Advisory Committee-Special Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: John Casey SECONDER: Tim Higgins AYES: Boyce, Casey, Higgins, Hutchison, McCallum ABSENT: Haas, Kwok, Powell 2. Approval of Minutes dated May 7, 2020 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated May 7, 2020 RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: John Casey SECONDER: Erin McCallum AYES: Boyce, Casey, Higgins, Hutchison, McCallum ABSENT: Haas, Kwok, Powell 6. Appoint Sarah Davis to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee MOTION: Appoint Sarah Davis to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, to serve the remainder of the three-year term vacated by Mo Abuelerous. RESULT: APPROVED \[UNANIMOUS\] MOVER: Andrew Hutchison SECONDER: John Casey AYES: Boyce, Casey, Higgins, Hutchison, McCallum ABSENT: Haas, Kwok, Powell 7. Administrative Allocation from LTAC funds to 2020 ECD Budget MOTION: Recommend to Council the transfer of 6% of lodging tax revenues annually to the budget of the Economic Development division in consideration of its costs associated with supporting the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. RESULT: WITHDRAWN 8. 1st Quarter Results & Updated 2020 Scope from JayRay 9. Adjournment 5:05 p.m. Committee Secretary Njovuft!Bddfqubodf;!Njovuft!pg!Kvo!29-!3131!5;11!QN!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!uif!Njovuft!.Kvof!29-!3131* Page 2 of 2 Qbdlfu!Qh/!4 7 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 DATE: March 11, 2021 TO: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee FROM: JayRay SUBJECT: 2021 Visit Kent Campaign Proposal MOTION: Recommend to Council a reduced scope of work designed to maintain an established tourism promotion program and web/media presence for those who visit or are planning to visit Kent for leisure. SUMMARY: In light of reduced revenues due to travel restrictions imposed to combat the spread of Covid-19, and anticipating that the travel sector of our economy is not likely to begin a robust recovery until late in 2021, we propose to renew our contract with JayRay for basic maintenance and upkeep of our established tourism promotion campaign, Visit Kent, established in 2017 and built in partnership with JayRay. A detailed scope of services provided under the proposed agreement is attached to this agenda. BUDGET IMPACT: $85,000 from the Lodging Tax Fund SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Visit Kent 2021 Budget_JayRay_2-19-21 (PDF) 02/25/21 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee MEETING CANCELLED Next: 03/11/21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!5 7/b Wjtju!Lfou 3132!UPVSJTN!QSPHSBN!QSPQPTBM! Gfcsvbsz!2:-!3132 XFCTJUF!TFSWJDFT!)Efwfmpqnfou-!Iptujoh-!Nbjoufobodf!'!Dpoufou*CvehfuR2R3R4R5 Qfsgpsn!xfctjuf!nbjoufobodf!boe!dpoufou!vqebuft!up!jodmvef!fwfout!dbmfoebs-!ipufm0cvtjoftt!mjtujoht-!usbwfm! bewjtpsjft-!ipnfqbhf!cboofst-!qbdlbhft!'!efbmt!boe!pof!cmph!qfs!rvbsufs!)5* Boovbm!iptujoh-!epnbjo-!tpguxbsf!boe!qmvh.jo!tvctdsjqujpot!+Uiftf!bsf!uijse.qbsuz!dptut!opu!dpouspmmfe!cz!KbzSbz/! Cvehfu!sfgmfdut!dvssfou!qsjdjoh! 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Qbdlfu!Qh/!6 7/b WJTJU!LFOU!CVEHFU!BMMPDBUJPO!CZ!QSPHSBN Qbdlfu!Qh/!7 8 LODGING TAX ADVISORY COMMITTEE 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 DATE: March 11, 2021 TO: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Suspension of Grant Program for 2021 MOTION: Recommend that other than funds already obliged and the maintenance of an established campaign, no other obligations shall be assigned to the lodging tax fund during 2021. SUMMARY: Lodging tax revenues which fell below even the worst-case scenario imagined at the beginning of the Covid-19 Stay Home order in Washington State, necessitate that the committee adopt a wait and see strategy with regards to the awarding of new grants. While a full and robust recovery of the travel and tourism when a post vaccine environment and corresponding herd immunity may begin to restore the public confidence. BUDGET IMPACT: n/a SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. 02/25/21 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee MEETING CANCELLED Next: 03/11/21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!8