HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Committee of the Whole - 02/09/2021 Approved Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 Date: February 9, 2021 Time: 4:04 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING 1. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present 5:30 PM Dana Ralph Mayor Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson recommended adding item 5, an Executive Session to discuss the performance of a public employee and adjust Adjournment to be number 6 on the agenda. The Executive Session is expected to last 30 minutes, with no action following. 4. DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS A. Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Kent and Avenue 55, LLC for the Naden Avenue Assemblage - Authorize Chief Economic Development Officer, Bill Ellis presented Council with information on the Naden Avenue Development Project, including Request for Me Avenue Development Project was drafted as of January 15, 2021 and it will affirm the selection of Avenue 55, LLC by the Council President-appointed review panel for applications for Review of Qualifications for development of the Naden Avenue Assemblage. It gives Avenue 55, LLC the opportunity to market the property and will provide the City with knowledge regarding the highest and best use of the property, as well as site studies and entitlement work for 12 months from the effective date of the MOU. Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Ellis reviewed the requirements and City objectives in developing the Naden site. Joe Blattner, the founder of Avenue 55 discussed the history of the company and highlighted some of their larger projects up and down the valley. Avenue 55 Senior Development Manager, Drew Zaborowski presented the vision for the Naden Ave site and reviewed some project examples that have a number of similarities to the Naden Ave site as well. Zaborowski reviewed the goals of Avenue 55 as well as next steps. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Avenue 55, LLC to provide a framework for Avenue 55 and the City to solicit and review proposals for the development and disposition of the Naden Avenue Assemblage or portions of it, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Economic and Community Development Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM B. Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and Long-term Disability and Stop Loss Insurance Vendor Contracts - Authorize Human Resources Manager, Laura Horea presented Council with an overview of the agreements for medial administrative services with Premera and Kaiser Permanente, dental services with Delta Dental, Vision services through Vision Service Plan, life insurance and long-term disability benefits through Cigna and stop loss insurance with Lifewise. She requested Council approval to renew with these vendors based on the strength of their plans, overall costs, customer service, discounts, and overall administration and billing accuracy. Councilmember Fincher inquired about negotiating the contracts for longer than a year or two. Horea indicated many of the vendors did not offer a longer contract possibly due to COVID-19. Page 2 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to enter into agreements for: Medical administrative services with Premera for four years, and Kaiser Permanente for one year; Dental administrative services with Delta Dental for one year; Vision administrative services with Vision Service Plan, current contract extension for two additional years; Life insurance and long-term disability benefits with Cigna for two years; and Stop loss insurance with LifeWise for one year subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human Resources Director and the City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM C. Ratify HP Laptop Purchase Utilizing CARES Act Funds Technical Services Manager, James Endicott spoke briefly about the ratification to the HP laptop purchase utilizing CARES Act funds. He noted at the January 26, 2020, Committee of the Whole meeting, the proper error had identified the contracting entity as Hewlett Packard Enterprise, instead of the proper contracting entity-HP, Inc. He is again requesting Council ratify the agreement to expand the scope of authorization to include equipment purchased through HP, Inc. under the NASPO cooperative purchasing agreement. MOTION: Ratify the purchase of 65 laptops, docking stations, and associated software and accessories utilizing CARES Act funding through a cooperative purchasing agreement administered by NASPO ValuePoint and entered into between HP, Inc. and the State of Minnesota as the Lead Agency; amend the budget as may be necessary to authorize that purchase using grant funds; and authorize future purchases of computer equipment and associated accessories and services through that same cooperative purchasing agreement, if those and during the term of the master agreement, which is currently in effect through July 31, 2021. Page 3 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM D. Ordinance Approving the Change of Indirect Control of Astound Broadband, LLC - Adopt City Attorney, Christina Schuck presented an ordinance to Council that would approve the change of indirect control of Astound Broadband, LLC. On April 7, 2015 Astound Broadband, LLC entering into a franchise agreement with the City of Kent that authorizes the installation of fiber within the rights-of-way throughout the City. On December 7, 2020, Astound requested approval of an indirect change in control. Now, Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners plans to purchase 100% of the membership interests of the parent company. Astound will remain the franchisee and will be operated under the direction of the existing management team and the same terms and conditions of the original franchise agreement will remain in effect. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4390, approving the change of indirect control of Astound Broadband, LLC. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM E. Ordinance Amending KCC 9.42 Related to Unlawful Race Attendance - Adopt Police Chief Rafael Padilla presented an ordinance that would amend Kent City Code 9.42.010 Related to Unlawful Race Attendance. Chief introduced Sergeant Josh Bava who leads the effort in the City regarding illegal street racing. Chief spoke about the increased violent crimes surrounding street racing and increased level of danger to all involved. Sergeant Bava briefed Council on the history of street racing and how it has grown and evolved over the years in the City of Kent. Chief Padilla spoke about the history of this ordinance an indicated that the purpose of this amendment is to include within the definition of "unlawful racing event" reckless vehicular activities other than traditional side-by-side racing. He noted that there are reckless vehicular activities that have been taking place such as "drifting" that pose a public health, safety and welfare risk. Councilmember Larimer inquired about how surrounding municipalities are responding to this issue as well. Sergeant Bava indicated Auburn, Federal Way, and Tukwila have similar ordinances in place. City Attorney, Pat Fitzpatrick noted that Kent has been a leader in this from day one, and naturally other municipalities have followed our lead. Page 4 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4391, relating to Chapter 9.42 of activities involving the reckless operation of vehicles other than traditional side-by-side racing. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM F. 2021 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan - Approve Parks Planner, Dinah Wilson presented Council the 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan. She started by discussing the history and requirements of the CDBG with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. One of the requirements of the City is to inform HUD and the community of the specific actions that the City will execute to implement the objectives and strategies of the Consolidated Plan, which is outlined in the 2021 Action Plan. Wilson reviewed the citizen participation in the process in the form of public hearings to take in comments prior to the draft action plan being created, a public hearing requesting feedback on the draft plan as well as a public hearing to review the final plan being proposed. Following these public hearings, the Human Services Commission again reviewed the plan prior to it going to Council for approval. MOTION: Approve the proposed Community Development Block Grant 2021 Annual Action Plan, including funding allocations and contingency plans, and authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate certifications and agreements subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM G. Adjustment to the 2019 Community Development Block Grant Budget to Accept Third Round of CARES Act Coronavirus Funds (CDBG-CV) - Authorize Parks Planner, Dinah Wilson presented an adjustment to the 2019 Community Development Block Grant budget. This adjustment would be an acceptance of $859,720 in federal funds awarded to the City through the third round of CARES Act funds (CDBG-CV) for coronavirus relief. Funds will be allocated to non-profit organization (sub-recipients) to provide relief to Kent residents. Priority areas of funding include, but is not exclusive to: · Rental/utility assistance Page 5 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes · Hotel/motel vouchers for those needing temporary shelter · Food assistance · Legal assistance for those facing evictions and/or for other legal needs · Financial literacy and emergency assistance payments on behalf of unemployed and under-employed residents for food, childcare, healthcare, etc. · Assistance for students who need tutors · Digital literacy for under-served populations · Micro-enterprise assistance · Healthcare assistance (behavioral and for COVID-related services) · Housing support, including furniture for tenants moving into and maintaining rental housing MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to adjust the 2019 CDBG budget, accept $859,720 in federal funds awarded to the City through the third round of CARES Act funds (CDBG-CV) for coronavirus relief and authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate certifications and agreements, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM H. INFO ONLY: Request for Proposal for a Police Data Collection Consultant Police Chief, Rafael Padilla presented the Council with an update on the status of seeking proposals for a police data collection consultant. Chief indicated that the request for proposal is complete and he hopes to have it out for advertisement by February 15, with anticipated start time of March 1st. Chief provided an overview of the proposal and what the expectations are of the consultant. Councilmember Boyce requested that the net be cast wide for this request for proposal for the consultant. Councilmember Michaud inquired about the decision-making process following the receipt of proposals received. Chief Padilla indicated there will be a review process and he will ultimately be the one to choose the consultant with the support of Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson and City Attorney, Pat Fitzpatrick. Councilmember Larimer noted that the quality of the candidate pool should outweigh expediency. Larimer would be in favor of extending the deadline to ensure we receive qualified candidates. Page 6 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Councilmember Thomas expressed concerns about the short timeline. Councilmember Fincher inquired again about the deliverables. I. King County Flood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity Fund: Accept and Reallocate Funds for the Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements - Authorize Public Works Environmental Specialist, Meara Heubach presented on the 2021 King County Flood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity Funds. $312,367 to be allocated to the Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements project and reallocate 2019 Sub-Regional Opportunity Funds, in the amount $197,147, from the Kent Airport Levee to the Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements project. Funding from the Sub- Regional Opportunity Fund will be used to construct the aerator improvements, of impaired water bodies, and improve the recreational experience at Lake Fenwick Park. Lake Fenwick is a valuable and important natural resource for Kent, and this critical project helps protect a key resource for the community. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to accept 2021 King County Flood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity Funds, in the amount of $312,367, for the Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements project and reallocate 2019 Sub-Regional Opportunity Funds, in the amount $197,147, from the Kent Airport Levee to the Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements project. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM J. INFO ONLY: Construction Standards Update Public Works Design Engineer, Susanne Smith provided Council with an update on the 2021 Kent Design and Construction Standards. Smith started by providing a brief history of the Design and Construction Standards for the City of Kent. She noted that the 2021 Kent Design and Construction Standards have been submitted for SEPA and to the Department of Commerce, the State Department of Health, the Master Builder Association, the Land Use and Planning Board and the King County Industrial Waste Program for review and comments. Currently, the Legal department is drafting a new ordinance which will repeal ordinance 3927 and amend . These Standards include procedures for inspection, acceptance, warranty and construction and improvement of City streets and utilities. K. INFO ONLY: Traffic Safety Update Interim Public Works Director, Chad Bieren provided Council with an update on measures taken to address traffic safety throughout the City. He Page 7 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes discussed the Transportation Master Plan and emphasized the major role it plays in addressing traffic safety. Safety was a top concern from residents Bieren reviewed the Local Road Safety Plan, which is an engineering document that prioritizes an agency's roadways for traffic safety based on top crash types. This is an analysis of crash data, common risk factors, roadway networks then identifying countermeasures and developing a proposed project plan. Bieren reviewed ongoing safety efforts, grant opportunities and their participation in regular meetings with the Kent Police Department to discuss traffic safety. L. INFO ONLY: Transportation Impact Fees Senior Transportation Planner, April Delchamps and Kendra Breiland from Fehr and Peers presented Council with information about a proposed update to Transportation Impacts Fees (TIF) and its relation to the 2021 Transportation Master Plan. Delchamps discussed the current TIF program and proposed TIF assumptions and data sources. One of the first key updates to the program was to update thth trip rates and land uses from the 8 edition ITE to the 10 edition. Delchamps discussed further the changes to trip rates based on trip rate trends based on results of updated studies and are highly data driven. Breiland explained the methodology behind developing impact fee rates and how much a city can charge. She noted that the maximum rate does not dictate what the City must charge, but the upper limit for the rate. Cities may elect to establish a lower rate, as guided by financial realities for the community. Delchamps reviewed the TIF timeline and noted that the ordinance should be ready for adoption by Council on March 16th. M. Payment of Bills - Authorize MOTION: Authorize the payment of bills received through 1/31/21 and paid on 1/31/21 and authorize the checks issued for payroll 1/16/21-1/31/21 and paid on 2/5/21, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 2/9/21. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM N. Investment Advisory Agreement with Public Financial Management, LLC - Authorize Page 8 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Finance Director, Paula Painter provided Council with details on the investment advisory agreement with Public Financial Management, LLC. This agreement will allow Public Financial Management, LLC to serve as the investment advisor and manager of the City's long-term investments. Painter indicated that an increase in expenditures of approximately $42,000 annually which will be offset by additional investment income (revenue) and the amounts will vary based upon portfolio size. MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Public Financial Asset Management, LLC to serve as the investment -term investments, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance Director and City Attorney. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM O. Authorize the Use of accessoShoWare Center Operating Fund Balance to Purchase Scoreboard - Authorize Finance Director, Paula Painter discussed with Council the use of accesso ShoWare Center Operating Fund Balance to purchase a scoreboard. Painter reviewed the history of the original scoreboard that was purchased back in 2007 and indicated that now the manufacturer, Daktronics, no longer has replacement parts. The lifecycle for an item like this is typically 12-14 years. The cost of a new scoreboard will be around $800,000, and SMG has committed $500,000 to the Events Center to be used for the purchase. The remaining $300,000 will come from the accesso ShoWare Center Operating Fund Balance which has nearly a $3 million balance. accesso Showare Center General Manager, Tim Higgins indicated that the purchase of the equipment should be complete by May and the new scoreboard in place for the upcoming season. MOTION: Authorize the use of the accessoShoWare operating fund balance for the purchase of a scoreboard in the amount of $300,000. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM P. Ordinance Providing Business Licensing Exemption for Parks Performers - Adopt Finance Director, Paula Painter presented Council an ordinance that would provide business license exemptions for parks performers. Requiring a costs, as these costs would have to be added to each contract the City enters Page 9 of 10 Kent City Council - Committee of the Whole February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes into. Additionally, the business licensing process creates additional paperwork for the performers who tend to be unfamiliar with licensing requirements and many of whom would simply decline the work. Painter indicated this ordinance provides for an exemption from the business licensing requirements for vendors that are contracting with the City as part Recreation and Cultural Services Division. Parks Program Manager, Ronda Billerbeck provided some details regarding this revision and discussed some of the challenges her and her staff have faced in getting these vendors to obtain a business license. There is a desire to streamline this process and eliminate any speed bumps in contracting with some of the smaller vendors. MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4392, amending Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code to provide a business licensing exemption for vendors whose sole business activity is accepting a contract with the City to perform or provide a service to the Recreation and Cultural Services Division of the Parks Department. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL BY CONSENSUS Next: 2/16/2021 7:00 PM 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. To Review the Performance of a Public Employee, as per RCW 2.30.110(1)(g) Council went into executive session at 6:32 p.m. At 7:02 p.m. executive session was extended for 15 minutes. At 7:17 p.m. executive session was extended for 30 more minutes. At 7:47 p.m. executive session was extended for an additional 15 minutes. 6. ADJOURNMENT At 8:02 p.m., council came out of executive session and Council President Troutner adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Meeting ended at 8:02 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Page 10 of 10 private partnerships or flex tech/industrial type business parks” - Create employment via vibrant Class A flex/tech developmentCreate facilities that complement and support the Kent Industrial Valley •• RFQ sought to “identify and select a qualified development team with relevant, instructive experiences in either public Primary objectives: Meeting on November 1with Economic and Community Development panel that included Council Members appointed by Council President Avenue 55 selected as preferred developer by panel NADEN SITE RFQ PROCESS City of Kent posted public Request for Qualifications in August 2020 Avenue 55 responded to the RFQ on September 21, 2020MOU drafted as of January 15, 2021 paying manufacturing related jobs - oriented, industrial development that attracts: - Advanced manufacturersR&D Small maker companiesWorkforce training, universities, industry trade organizations REQUIREMENTS AND CITY OBJECTIVES Build Kent urban core with proposal to bring more highProduce urbanComplement “Meet Me on Maker” revitalization projectReconfigure existing Naden Avenue Memorandum of Understanding MOU gives Avenue 55 the exclusive right to negotiate and finalize agreements with the City regarding development of the Naden PropertyMOU is predecessor to a development proposal, which would need Council approval before staff negotiates a development agreement, which also would need Council approvalTerm of the MOU is 12 months from the effective dateAvenue 55 will be responsible for costs; City holds no financial liability •••• Questions? THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. Carlsbad, CA – The Lift Kent Police Department Request for Proposal (RFP) Race and Equity Data Collection Prepared by Rafael Padilla City of Kent Police Department th 232 4 Avenue South Kent, WA 9032 Phone: 253-856-5890 Fax: 253-856-6802 Email: Policechief@kentwa.gov R EQUEST FOR P ROPOSALS ________ _____, 2021 Advertised Date Race and Equity Data Collection for the Kent Police Department Request for Proposal Title: City of Kent Police Department Requesting Dept./Div.: RFP Number: ___________________ February ____, 2021 Due Date: RFP Coordinator: ____________________, _______________ ________@kentwa.gov; (253) 856-_____ The City of Kent, Washington (“City”) requests proposals for a subject matter expert to assist the Kent Police Department in developing data collection and data analytics capabilities that will allow the Kent Police Department to determine whether its policies and practices result in discriminatory enforcement practices or the provision of services in a discriminatory manner as more fully described within the RFP.. Should the City elect to accept any proposal, the City anticipates entering into a consultant contract with the successful Proposer in the form provided for within the RFP. Proposals shall be delivered and received, regardless of the delivery method, through February ____, 2021, up to 4:00 p.m., as shown on the clock on the east wall of the City Clerk’s Office, at the following location: By mail to: City of Kent Police Department Attn: ________________ 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 By hand-delivery to: City of Kent City Clerk’s Office th 220 4Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 By email to: ____________@KentWA.gov If a Proposer wishes to deliver a proposal in-person, due to impacts from COVID-19, the Proposer shall call the City Clerk at (253) 856-5725 to schedule a time to drop-off the proposal. P ROPOSERS MUST COMPLETE AND SIGN THE FORM BELOW (T YPE OR P RINT) Company Name Address City/State /Postal Code SignatureAuthorized Representative/Title (Print name and title) EmailPhone Fax Company Headquarters Located in State/Province of RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 1 R EQUEST FOR P ROPOSALS City of Kent Police Department ACE AND E QUITY D ATA C OLLECTION R I. Opportunity The City of Kent Police Department (the “City”) invites and requests proposals for its Kent Police Race and Equity Data Collection project. II. Overview The City wishes to retain a subject matter expert to assist its Police Department in developing data collection and data analytics capabilities that permit the Police Department to determine whether its policies and practices result in discriminatory enforcement practices or the provision of services in a discriminatory manner. If a Proposer intends to subcontract any work should it be awarded the RFP, the proposal must be accompanied by background materials and references for any proposed subcontractor. By submitting a proposal in response to this Request for Proposals (“RFP”), Proposer(s) agrees in advance that if it is the successful Proposer, it agrees to the terms provided for in the City’s standard Consultant Services Agreement attached and incorporated as Exhibit B, and will perform its services according to the terms and conditions outlined in that agreement. In no event is a Proposer to submit its own standard contract terms and conditions in response to this RFP. Proposers may submit exceptions as allowed in the Certifications and Assurances document attached and incorporated as Exhibit A. The City will review requested exceptions and accept or reject the same at its sole discretion. Be specific with any exception noted. The successful Proposer shall comply with and perform the services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, county and City laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended. III. Proposals All proposals should be prepared simply, and provide straightforward and concise descriptions of the Proposer’s capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content. Efficiency is a critical component of this RFP and all Proposers are advised to propose a process that will make efficient use of limited City resources in executing any proposal that may be selected through this RFP process. Should a contract result from this RFP process, all work must be completed within 90 days from the effective date of that resulting contract. Proposals shall include a signature line, with name and title of signatory, in either PDF or Word document 8 ½” x 11” format, and if submitted it hard-copy as opposed to electronically, it shall include ____ (__) copies. All proposals must include the following: 1. Summary of Proposer’s background to include: a. Organization name, address, telephone number, and email address (if available); b. Name and telephone number of contact person; c. Legal formation of Proposer (e.g., sole proprietor, partnership, corporation); d. Date Proposer’s company was formed; e. Description of Proposer’s company in terms of size, range and types of services offered, and clientele; RFP –Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 2 f. A list of Proposer’s principal officers, along with their respective experience and background as it pertains to data collection services (e.g., President, Chairman, Vice President, Secretary, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, General Managers); g. Proposer’s federal employee identification number (FEIN); h. Evidence of legal authority to conduct business in Washington (e.g., the number of Proposer’s state unified business identifier); i. Evidence of an established track record for providing services and/or deliverables that are the subject of this RFP; and j. A statement of what specifically qualifies the Proposer to perform the race and equity data collection services sought. 2. Summary of Proposer’s financial position to include: a. A statement as to whether the Proposer or its parent company (if any) has ever filed for bankruptcy or any form of reorganization under the bankruptcy code; and b. A statement as to whether the Proposer or its parent company (if any) has ever received any sanctions or is currently under investigation by any regulatory or government entity. 3. A proposed data collection process that includes: a. Conducting an assessment of current best practices by law enforcement and government entities, including identifying policies and procedures and leading data collection and analysis technology systems being utilized; b. Conducting an assessment of current data collection capabilities of the Police Department to determine gaps or shortcomings; c. Facilitating stakeholder discussions to capture input from community members, elected officials, police command staff, and City administration to gather data to answer the following questions: i. What question(s) are we attempting to answer utilizing the data? ii. What data needs to be collected to answer those questions? iii. How should the Police Department deliver a report regarding the data and to whom? iv. Estimate the cost of implementation of the program The Police Department will assist the selected Proposer in identifying possible participants for each stakeholder group. 4. Proposer’s proposed outcome that includes: a. Summary of timeline and work to be completed; b. Methodology of how the work will be performed, incorporating the provisions outlined in Section III.3. above; c. Quality control measures that will be utilized to ensure accuracy of the work; and RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 3 d. Details of who will perform the work, their qualifications including resumes, as well as a list of related work experience of each individual who will perform the work. 5. A reporting process that includes the production of at least the following deliverables: a. A written report that incorporates the successful Proposer’s research results for items in Sections III.3.a. – III.3.c. above; and b. Presentation of the report to participating stakeholders, with a question and answer session to follow. 6. A statement of the fee proposed to compensate Proposer for implementing its proposal and supplying the City with the requested services and deliverables, which should incorporate the following: a. Brief summary of the total cost of the proposal; b. A detailed list of any and all expected costs or expenses related to the proposed project; and c. Summary and explanation of any other contributing expenses to the total cost. 7. A list of 2 professional references for similar or related work performed in the past 24 months, including names, addresses, and phone numbers, and identify how each reference will be able to comment upon Proposer’s ability to successfully perform the services Proposer proposes in its response to this RFP. By submitting a proposal, Proposer agrees that City of Kent Police Department may contact all submitted references to obtain any and all information regarding Proposer's performance history. 8. A statement that the Proposer can meet the insurance requirements contained in Exhibit C to the RFP. 9. Return of the signed Certifications and Assurances, attached as Exhibit A. All costs incurred to develop and prepare proposals, and to otherwise participate in this RFP process, are entirely the responsibility of the Proposer and shall not be chargeable to the City. All proposals become the property of the City and are subject to public disclosure laws. IV. Method of Selection Submittals will be evaluated using the following criteria. These criteria represent the primary factors for consideration. Selection of the proposal the City believes best fits its needs will be based on a number of factors including, but limited to: 1. Proposer’s related experience, performance history, and ability to timely deliver the services requested; 2. Proposer’s ability to provide and deliver qualified personnel having the knowledge and skills required to execute the requested services effectively and efficiently; 3. Overall cost anticipated to implement the proposal; 4. Information contained within the submitted proposal; and RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 4 5. Proposer’s performance during the interview prior to award, if the City elects to conduct such an interview. In evaluating the proposals, cost will not be the sole factor, but it will have a significant impact on wether the City is able to proceed with any particular proposal. The City may consider any factors it deems necessary and proper for best value including, but not limited to, price, quality of service, response to this request, experience, staffing, and general reputation. Following the review process, the City, at the City’s sole discretion, may select the Proposer(s) best able to meet the City’s needs. The City reserves the right to determine the completeness of all proposals. Late or incomplete proposals may not be considered. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals submitted or to cancel this RFP at any time. The City reserves the right to waive any irregularities in the submittal and evaluation process. The City reserves the right to request additional information from each Proposer and to request additional oral interviews. V. Schedule -Tentative The City’s proposed schedule for review of the proposal submittals and final selection of the successful Proposer is as follows: January ___, 2021 RFP Packages are available on city Web page, Kent Reporter, mailed, emailed or picked up. February ___, 2021 Deadline for submittal of written questions to the Police Department via an email to ________@KentWA.gov February ____, 2021 City will post all RFP questions, and the City’s responses, to the City’s procurement website: https://www.kentwa.gov/doing-business/bids- procurement February ___, 2021 RFP submittal deadline: 4:00 pm February ___ - ___, 2021 RFP reviews March ___, 2021 Oral Interviews-if needed; interviews are optional and will be scheduled at the sole discretion of the City and its Police Department March ___, 2021 Consultant contract(s) awarded. All Proposers will be notified of the City’s decision once a successful Proposer is selected. VI. Submittal The City prefers that proposals be submitted by email to _____________@KentWA.gov, but proposals may also be submitted by mail or other delivery service. Only one delivery method shall be utilized; duplicate proposals shall not be sent by other means. Regardless of the delivery method chosen, all proposals shall be delivered and must be received by 4:00 p.m. on February _____, 2021. Late proposals may result in a proposal being rejected. US Mail Delivery: If submitting a proposal by mail, a total of ___ copies of the entire proposal in printed form must be submitted in a sealed envelope or box with the following words clearly marked on the outside of the envelope: Race and Equity Data Collection Services - RFP RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 5 Proposal Due Date: February ____, 2021 envelope. Mailed proposals The name of the Proposer and its address must also be clearly indicated on the should be addressed as follows: City of Kent Police Department Attention: ___________ 220 Fourth Ave. S. Kent, WA 98032 Email Delivery: If submitting a proposal by email, emailed proposals must be in MS Wordor PDF format. They must include subject line and be sent to the following email “Race and Equity Data Collection Services – RFP” in the address:____________@KentWa.gov. Hand-Delivery: If hand-delivering a proposal, and due to impacts from COVID-19, the Proposer shall call the City Clerk at (253) 856-5725 to schedule a time to drop-off the proposal. Hand-delivered proposals shall be delivered to: City of Kent City Clerk’s Office 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Proposal Questions: Proposers should submit any questions regarding the RFP via e-mail directly to the RFP Coordinator, ___________________, Police __________, at __________@KentWA.gov. The cut off for all questions is February ____, 2021, at ______ p.m. VII. General RFP Provisions Revisions to RFP through Addenda. In the event it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, addenda shall be created and distributed to all known potential Proposers providing an accurate e-mail address. City staff are prohibited from speaking with Proposers about the project during the solicitation. Please direct all questions to the identified RFP Coordinator. Costs to Propose. The City is not liable for any cost incurred by a Proposer in responding to this RFP or during the RFP review process. COVID-19 Pandemic. All proposals must be submitted with the current COVID-19 pandemic in mind and include the costs the successful Proposer, as the selected consultant, will incur in timely performing the work while complying with all federal, state, and local job site requirements, including social distancing, sanitation measures, and required personal protective equipment. Once a contract is executed, the successful Proposer will not be excused for delay, and no change order will issue for increased costs or additional time, due to the Proposer’s requirement to meet COVID-19 mitigation measures established by any federal or state agency or official and required as of the date of RFP opening. Should a federal or state agency or official impose subsequent mitigation measures that are not reasonably foreseeable, the City will agree to negotiate in good faith the impact those measures have on the ultimate contract work. Most Favorable Terms. The City reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted. Therefore, the proposal should be submitted initially on the most favorable terms that the Proposer can propose. There will be no best and final offer procedure. The City does reserve the right to contact a Proposer for clarification of its proposal during the evaluation process. In addition, if the Proposer is selected as the apparent successful Proposer, the City reserves the right to enter into contract RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 6 negotiations with the apparent successful Proposer, which may include discussion regarding the terms of the proposal. Contract negotiations may result in incorporation of some or all of the Proposer’s proposal submission. The Proposer should be prepared to accept this RFP for incorporation into a contract resulting from this RFP. It is also understood that the proposal will become part of the official procurement file. Acceptance Period. Proposals must provide 60 days for acceptance by the City from the due date for receipt of proposals. Rejection of Proposals and Waiver of Informalities. The City reserves the right at its sole discretion to reject any or all proposals that the City receives without penalty, and to waive irregularities and informalities with respect to any proposal. Contract and General Terms and Conditions. The apparent successful Proposer will be expected to enter into a contract that is substantially the same as the sample contract and its specific and general terms and conditions attached as Exhibit B. In no event is a Proposer to submit its own standard contract terms and conditions in response to this solicitation. A Proposer may submit exceptions as allowed in the Certifications and Assurances section, Exhibit A to this solicitation. The City will review requested exceptions and accept or reject the same at its sole discretion. No Obligation to Contract. This RFP does not obligate the City to contract for services specified herein. Participation in this RFP and /or submission of a proposal does not confer any legal right or entitlement to Proposers, nor create any obligation thereto on the part of the City. Commitment of Funds. The Mayor or the Mayor’s delegate are the only individuals who may legally commit the City to the expenditure of funds for a contract resulting from this RFP. No cost chargeable to the proposed contract may be incurred before receipt of a fully executed contract. Insurance Coverage. The selected Proposer(s) shall, at its own expense, obtain and keep in force insurance coverage that shall be maintained in full force and effect during the term of the contract in the types and amounts required by Exhibit C. At the time any contract is executed, the selected Proposer(s) shall furnish evidence of such coverage, in the form of a Certificate of Insurance and an additional insured endorsement. Equal Opportunity Employer. The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against individuals or firms because of their race, color, creed, marital status, religion, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, or the presence of any mental, physical or sensory handicap in an otherwise qualified handicapped person. Compliance with Applicable Laws. In addition to these nondiscrimination compliance requirements, the vendor ultimately awarded a contract shall comply with federal, state and local laws, statutes, regulations and ordinances relative to the execution of the services. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, protection of public and employee safety and health; disabilities; environmental protection; waste reduction and recycling; the protection of natural resources; permits; fees; taxes; and similar subjects; and social distancing, personal protective equipment, and sanitation requirements in response to the current COVID- 19 pandemic. Public Records. All submitted proposals and evaluation materials become public information and may be reviewed by anyone requesting to do so at the conclusion of the evaluation, negotiation, and award process. This process is concluded when a signed contract is completed between the City and the selected Proposer. Temporary Waiver of Right to Submit Public Records Request. By electing to participate in this RFP process, the Proposer agrees not to make a public records request for any documents or information submitted by any other Proposer who responds to this RFP, and to the extent allowed by law, waives its right to make such a request until contract execution is complete. Conditional Proposal Invalid. A response from a Proposer that indicates that any of the information requested by the City in this RFP will be provided only if the Proposer is selected as the apparently successful RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 7 Proposer is not acceptable, and, at the City’s sole discretion, such response may disqualify the proposal from consideration. VIII. Exhibits Exhibit A – Certifications and Assurances Exhibit B – Sample Consultant Services Contract Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 8 Exhibit A To the RFP for Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department CERTIFICATIONS AND ASSURANCES I/we make the following certifications and assurances as a required element of the proposal to which it is attached, understanding that the truthfulness of the facts affirmed here and the continuing compliance with these requirements are conditions precedent to the award or continuation of the related contract(s): 1. I/we declare that all answers and statements made in the proposal are true and correct. 2. The prices and/or costs data have been determined independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement with others for the purpose of restricting competition. However, I/we may freely join with other persons or organizations for the purpose of presenting a single proposal. 3. The attached proposal is a firm offer for a period of 60 days following the due date for receipt of proposals, and it may be accepted by the City of Kent, Washington without further negotiation (except where obviously required by lack of certainty in key terms) at any time within the 60-day period. 4. In preparing this proposal, I/we have not been assisted by any current or former employee of the City of Kent whose duties relate (or did relate) to this proposal or prospective contract, and who was assisting in other than his or her official, public capacity. (Any exceptions to these assurances are described in full detail on a separate page and attached to this document.) 5. I/we understand that the City of Kent will not reimburse me/us for any costs incurred in the preparation of this proposal. All proposals become the property of the City of Kent, and I/we claim no proprietary right to the ideas, writings, items, or samples, unless so stated in this proposal. 6. Unless otherwise required by law, the prices and/or cost data which have been submitted have not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer and will not knowingly be disclosed by him/her prior to opening, directly or indirectly, to any other Proposer or to any competitor. 7. I/we agree that submission of the attached proposal constitutes acceptance of the solicitation contents and the attached sample contract and general terms and conditions. If there are any exceptions to these terms, I/we have described those exceptions in detail on a page attached to this document. 8. No attempt has been made or will be made by the Proposer to induce any other person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition. 9. I/we grant the City of Kent the right to contact references and others, who may have pertinent information regarding the Proposer's prior experience and ability to perform the services contemplated in this procurement. Signature of Proposer Title Date EXHIBIT A – Certifications and Assurances RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 9 Exhibit B Sample Consultant Services Agreement CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT between the City of Kent and \[Insert Consultant's Company Name\] THIS AGREEMENT is made between the City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation (hereinafter the "City"), and \[Insert Consultant's Co. Name\] organized under the laws of the State of \[Insert State Co. Formed Under\], located and doing business at \[Insert Consultant's Address and Phone Number\] (hereinafter the "Consultant"). I. DESCRIPTION OF WORK. The Consultant shall perform the following services for the City in accordance with the following described plans and/or specifications: \[Insert Detailed Description of Work Consultant will be Performing\] The Consultant further represents that the services furnished under this Agreement will be performed in accordance with generally accepted professional practices within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. II. TIME OF COMPLETION. The parties agree that work will begin on the tasks described in Section I above immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. The Consultant shall complete the work described in Section I \[Type either "within" or "by" depending on deadline in next form field\] \[Insert either a date specific or enter # of days, weeks, months, years, etc.\]. III. COMPENSATION. A. The City shall pay the Consultant, based on time and materials, an amount not to exceed \[Insert maximum dollar amount to be paid for services. You may type out the dollar amount and place the numerical dollar amount in parentheses or you may just enter the numerical dollar amount, plus applicable Washington State sales tax,\], for the services described in this Agreement. This is the maximum amount to be paid under this Agreement for the work described in Section I above, and shall not be exceeded without the prior written authorization of the City in the form of a negotiated and executed amendment to this agreement. The Consultant agrees that the hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of this Agreement. The Consultant's billing rates shall be as delineated in Exhibit \[Insert the Exhibit # that lists the rate to be charged\]. B. The Consultant shall submit \[Enter monthly or quarterly\] payment invoices to the City for work performed, and a final bill upon completion of all services described in this Agreement. The City shall provide payment within forty-five (45) days of receipt of an invoice. If the City EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 10 objects to all or any portion of an invoice, it shall notify the Consultant and reserves the option to only pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. In that event, the parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion. C. Card Payment Program. The Consultant may elect to participate in automated credit card payments provided for by the City and its financial institution. This Program is provided as an alternative to payment by check and is available for the convenience of the Consultant. If the Consultant voluntarily participates in this Program, the Consultant will be solely responsible for any fees imposed by financial institutions or credit card companies. The Consultant shall not charge those fees back to the City. IV. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The parties intend that an Independent Contractor- Employer Relationship will be created by this Agreement. By their execution of this Agreement, and in accordance with Ch. 51.08 RCW, the parties make the following representations: A. The Consultant has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. B. The Consultant maintains and pays for its own place of business from which the Consultant’s services under this Agreement will be performed. C. The Consultant has an established and independent business that is eligible for a business deduction for federal income tax purposes that existed before the City retained the Consultant’s services, or the Consultant is engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, profession, or business of the same nature as that involved under this Agreement. D. The Consultant is responsible for filing as they become due all necessary tax documents with appropriate federal and state agencies, including the Internal Revenue Service and the state Department of Revenue. E. The Consultant has registered its business and established an account with the state Department of Revenue and other state agencies as may be required by the Consultant’s business, and has obtained a Unified Business Identifier (UBI) number from the State of Washington. F. The Consultant maintains a set of books dedicated to the expenses and earnings of its business. V. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. After termination, the City may take possession of all records and data within the Consultant’s possession pertaining to this project, which may be used by the City without restriction. If the City’s use of the Consultant’s records or data is not related to this project, it shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. VI. FORCE MAJEURE. Neither party shall be liable to the other for breach due to delay or failure in performance resulting from acts of God, acts of war or of the public enemy, riots, pandemic, fire, flood, or other natural disaster or acts of government (“force majeure event”). Performance that is prevented or delayed due to a force majeure event shall not result in liability to the delayed party. Both parties represent to the other that at the time of signing this Agreement, they are able to perform as required and their performance will not be prevented, hindered, or delayed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, any existing state or national declarations of emergency, or any current social distancing restrictions or personal protective equipment requirements that may be required under federal, state, or local law in response to the current pandemic. EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 11 If any future performance is prevented or delayed by a force majeure event, the party whose performance is prevented or delayed shall promptly notify the other party of the existence and nature of the force majeure event causing the prevention or delay in performance. Any excuse from liability shall be effective only to the extent and duration of the force majeure event causing the prevention or delay in performance and, provided, that the party prevented or delayed has not caused such event to occur and continues to use diligent, good faith efforts to avoid the effects of such event and to perform the obligation. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section, the Consultant shall not be entitled to, and the City shall not be liable for, the payment of any part of the contract price during a force majeure event, or any costs, losses, expenses, damages, or delay costs incurred by the Consultant due to a force majeure event. Performance that is more costly due to a force majeure event is not included within the scope of this Force Majeure provision. If a force majeure event occurs, the City may direct the Consultant to restart any work or performance that may have ceased, to change the work, or to take other action to secure the work or the project site during the force majeure event. The cost to restart, change, or secure the work or project site arising from a direction by the City under this clause will be dealt with as a change order, except to the extent that the loss or damage has been caused or exacerbated by the failure of the Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. Except as expressly contemplated by this section, all other costs will be borne by the Consultant. VII. DISCRIMINATION. In the hiring of employees for the performance of work under this Agreement or any subcontract, the Consultant, its subcontractors, or any person acting on behalf of the Consultant or subcontractor shall not, by reason of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates. The Consultant shall execute the attached City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Declaration, Comply with City Administrative Policy 1.2, and upon completion of the contract work, file the attached Compliance Statement. VIII. INDEMNIFICATION. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including all legal costs and attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the Consultant's performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the injuries and damages caused by the City's negligence. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of the Consultant's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, the Consultant's duty to defend, indemnify, and hold the City harmless, and the Consultant’s liability accruing from that obligation shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. IT IS FURTHER SPECIFICALLY AND EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE INDEMNIFICATION PROVIDED HEREIN CONSTITUTES THE CONSULTANT'S WAIVER OF IMMUNITY UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE, TITLE 51 RCW, SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS INDEMNIFICATION. THE PARTIES FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THEY HAVE MUTUALLY NEGOTIATED THIS WAIVER. In the event the Consultant refuses tender of defense in any suit or any claim, if that tender was made pursuant to this indemnification clause, and if that refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or other agreed tribunal) to have been a wrongful refusal on the Consultant’s part, then the Consultant shall pay all the City’s costs for defense, including all reasonable expert witness fees and EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 12 reasonable attorneys’ fees, plus the City’s legal costs and fees incurred because there was a wrongful refusal on the Consultant’s part. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. IX. INSURANCE. The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance of the types and in the amounts described in Exhibit \[Insert Exhibit #\] attached and incorporated by this reference. X. EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION. The City will provide its best efforts to provide reasonable accuracy of any information supplied by it to the Consultant for the purpose of completion of the work under this Agreement. XI. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS. Original documents, drawings, designs, reports, or any other records developed or created under this Agreement shall belong to and become the property of the City. All records submitted by the City to the Consultant will be safeguarded by the Consultant. The Consultant shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City upon the City’s request. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City’s duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. The City’s use or reuse of any of the documents, data, and files created by the Consultant for this project by anyone other than the Consultant on any other project shall be without liability or legal exposure to the Consultant. XII. CITY'S RIGHT OF INSPECTION. Even though the Consultant is an independent contractor with the authority to control and direct the performance and details of the work authorized under this Agreement, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. XIII. WORK PERFORMED AT CONSULTANT'S RISK. The Consultant shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. All work shall be done at the Consultant's own risk, and the Consultant shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. XIV. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Recyclable Materials. Pursuant to Chapter 3.80 of the Kent City Code, the City requires its contractors and consultants to use recycled and recyclable products whenever practicable. A price preference may be available for any designated recycled product. B. Non-Waiver of Breach. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. C. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from the parties’ performance of this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference or claim, shall only be by filing suit exclusively under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative dispute resolution process. In any claim or lawsuit for damages arising from the parties' performance of this Agreement, each party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the City's right to indemnification under Section VIII of this Agreement. EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 13 D. Written Notice. All communications regarding this Agreement shall be sent to the parties at the addresses listed on the signature page of the Agreement, unless notified to the contrary. Any written notice hereunder shall become effective three (3) business days after the date of mailing by registered or certified mail, and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent to the addressee at the address stated in this Agreement or such other address as may be hereafter specified in writing. E. Assignment. Any assignment of this Agreement by either party without the written consent of the non-assigning party shall be void. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. F. Modification. No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the City and the Consultant. G. Entire Agreement. The written provisions and terms of this Agreement, together with any Exhibits attached hereto, shall supersede all prior verbal statements of any officer or other representative of the City, and such statements shall not be effective or be construed as entering into or forming a part of or altering in any manner this Agreement. All of the above documents are hereby made a part of this Agreement. However, should any language in any of the Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language contained in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. H. Compliance with Laws. The Consultant agrees to comply with all federal, state, and municipal laws, rules, and regulations that are now effective or in the future become applicable to the Consultant's business, equipment, and personnel engaged in operations covered by this Agreement or accruing out of the performance of those operations. I. Public Records Act. The Consultant acknowledges that the City is a public agency subject to the Public Records Act codified in Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington and documents, notes, emails, and other records prepared or gathered by the Consultant in its performance of this Agreement may be subject to public review and disclosure, even if those records are not produced to or possessed by the City of Kent. As such, the Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with the City in satisfying the City’s duties and obligations under the Public Records Act. J. City Business License Required. Prior to commencing the tasks described in Section I, Contractor agrees to provide proof of a current city of Kent business license pursuant to Chapter 5.01 of the Kent City Code. / / / / / / / / / / EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 14 K. Counterparts and Signatures by Fax or Email. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all of which will together constitute this one Agreement. Further, upon executing this Agreement, either party may deliver the signature page to the other by fax or email and that signature shall have the same force and effect as if the Agreement bearing the original signature was received in person. IN WITNESS, the parties below execute this Agreement, which shall become effective on the last date entered below. All acts consistent with the authority of this Agreement and prior to its effective date are ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement shall be deemed to have applied. CONSULTANT: CITY OF KENT: By: By: (signature) (signature) Print Name: Print Name: Dana Ralph Its: Its: Mayor (title) DATE: DATE: NOTICES TO BE SENT TO:NOTICES TO BE SENT TO: CONSULTANT: CITY OF KENT: \[Insert Contact Name\] \[Insert Name of City Rep. to Receive Notice\] \[Insert Company Name\] City of Kent \[Insert Address\] 220 Fourth Avenue South \[Address - Continued\] Kent, WA 98032 \[Insert Telephone Number\] (telephone) (253) \[Insert Phone Number\] (telephone) (253) \[Insert Fax Number\] (facsimile) \[Insert Fax Number\] (facsimile) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kent Law Department ATTEST: Kent City Clerk EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 15 DECLARATION CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY The City of Kent is committed to conform to Federal and State laws regarding equal opportunity. As such all contractors, subcontractors and suppliers who perform work with relation to this Agreement shall comply with the regulations of the City’s equal employment opportunity policies. The following questions specifically identify the requirements the City deems necessary for any contractor, subcontractor or supplier on this specific Agreement to adhere to. An affirmative response is required on all of the following questions for this Agreement to be valid and binding. If any contractor, subcontractor or supplier willfully misrepresents themselves with regard to the directives outlines, it will be considered a breach of contract and it will be at the City’s sole determination regarding suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement; The questions are as follows: 1. I have read the attached City of Kent administrative policy number 1.2. 2. During the time of this Agreement I will not discriminate in employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, age, or the presence of all sensory, mental or physical disability. 3. During the time of this Agreement the prime contractor will provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 4. During the time of the Agreement I, the prime contractor, will actively consider hiring and promotion of women and minorities. 5. Before acceptance of this Agreement, an adherence statement will be signed by me, the Prime Contractor, that the Prime Contractor complied with the requirements as set forth above. By signing below, I agree to fulfill the five requirements referenced above. By: __________________________________________ For: _________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 16 CITY OF KENT ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY NUMBER: 1.2 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 1998 SUBJECT: MINORITY AND WOMEN SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1996 CONTRACTORS APPROVED BY Jim White, Mayor POLICY: Equal employment opportunity requirements for the City of Kent will conform to federal and state laws. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants and suppliers of the City must guarantee equal employment opportunity within their organization and, if holding Agreements with the City amounting to $10,000 or more within any given year, must take the following affirmative steps: 1. Provide a written statement to all new employees and subcontractors indicating commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 2. Actively consider for promotion and advancement available minorities and women. Any contractor, subcontractor, consultant or supplier who willfully disregards the City’s nondiscrimination and equal opportunity requirements shall be considered in breach of contract and subject to suspension or termination for all or part of the Agreement. Contract Compliance Officers will be appointed by the Directors of Planning, Parks, and Public Works Departments to assume the following duties for their respective departments. 1. Ensuring that contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and suppliers subject to these regulations are familiar with the regulations and the City’s equal employment opportunity policy. 2. Monitoring to assure adherence to federal, state and local laws, policies and guidelines. EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 17 CITY OF KENT EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE STATEMENT This form shall be filled out AFTER COMPLETION of this project by the Contractor awarded the Agreement. I, the undersigned, a duly represented agent of Company, hereby acknowledge and declare that the before-mentioned company was the prime contractor for the Agreement known as that was entered into on the (date) between the firm I represent and the City of Kent. I declare that I complied fully with all of the requirements and obligations as outlined in the City of Kent Administrative Policy 1.2 and the Declaration City of Kent Equal Employment Opportunity Policy that was part of the before-mentioned Agreement. By: __________________________________________ For: _________________________________________ Title: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 18 EXHIBIT C INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENTS Insurance The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. The City shall be named as an insured under the Consultant’s Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO additional insured endorsement CG 20 10 11 85 or a substitute endorsement providing equivalent coverage. 2. Cyber Liability insurance naming the City as an Additional Insured. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits: 1. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 19 general aggregate. Coverage may be in the form of an underlying GL policy combined with an Umbrella/Excess policy in order to meet the limits required. 2. Cyber Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance: 1. The Consultant’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Consultant’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Consultant’s insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. 3.The City of Kent shall be named as an additional insured on all policies (except Professional Liability) as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the City as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The City reserves the right to receive a certified copy of all required insurance policies. The Consultant’s Commercial General Liability insurance shall also contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the insurer’s liability. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Consultant before commencement of the work. EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 20 F. Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the same insurance requirements as stated herein for the Consultant. EXHIBIT B – Sample Consultant Services Agreement RFP – Race and Equity Data Collection Services for the Kent Police Department Page 21 Regional Opportunity Fund Allocation - February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements King County Flood Control District Sub s t n e s t m n e e v o m r e p v o r m I p r m o I t r a o r t r e a o r t A e a r k m A e c e i k A t c s c i i w y t n w S e n e n t e F n m i F e l e r o e r k p k u a y a L C L H s t n e s t m n e e v o m r e p v o r m I p r m o I t r a o r t r e a o r t A e a r k m A e c e i k A t c s c i i w y t n w S e n e n t e F n m i F e l e r o e r k p k u a y a L C L H s t n e s t m n e e v o m r e p v o r m I p r m o I t r a o r t r e a o r t A e a r k A e c s i k A c c i m i w t o n w e o n e n l e F B m i F l l e a o e k g p k l a y a October 2020 L A L H s t n e s t m n e e v o m r e p v o r m I p r m o I t r a o r t r e e a o e r t A v e a r e k A e L c i k A t c r c i i w o t n w e p r n e n i e F m A i F l t e o e k n p k e a y a L K L H Regional Opportunity Fund Allocation - February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements King County Flood Control District Sub s t n e s t m n e e v o m r e p v o r m I p s l r i m a o I t t r e a o r D t r e - a o r t A e e a r d k A e a c r i k A c g c i i w p t n w e U n e n e F m m i F l e e t o e k s p k a y y a L S L H CITY OF KENT , 2021 th STANDARDS UPDATE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 2021 Committee of the WholeInformation onlyFebruary 9 In 1890 ordinance #23 was passed which set standards for wooden sidewalksIn 1962 The City passed an ordinance adopting the first manualPeriodic updates over the years2009 was the most recent update HISTORY OF STANDARDS •••• within the City of Kent. or private systems General conditions and requirements for improvements or extensions of public The Standards apply to all improvements made by public agencies, utility providers, and private developers. Revise these Standards, so that they conform with changes in regulations, industry standards, techniques and materials ••• GOALS CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONDITIONS - - LAYOUT OF MANUAL SECTION 1 AND REQUIREMENTS SECTION 2 CONTROL AND INSPECTION SANITARY SEWER WATER - – SECTION 3 SECTION 4 – TREE LISTSAMPLE FORMSSAMPLE REAL ESTATE DOCUMENTSSAMPLE ENGINEER COST ESTIMATE AND BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETMEET ME ON MEEKER STANDARDSDOWNTOWN DESIGN GUIDELINES APPENDIX •••••• –– SECTION 5 STORM SEWERSECTION 6 STREET SYSTEM Questions or comments? February 9, 2021 Committee of the Whole Chad Bieren, Interim Public Works Director SAFETY UPDATE TRANSPORTATION outreach efforts. Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) Meeting #2 Safety was one of top comments from residents and stakeholders in the TMP motorized - safety. TMP focused on transportation safety Outreach Phase #1 especially non Highway Crossing Program (Section 130) - RailwayWashington State Utilities and Transportation –– Railroad Safety Railroad Safety Commission Grade Crossing Protective Funds Safe Routes to SchoolsHighway Safety Improvement ProgramWSDOT Pedestrian and BicycleOther Opportunities oo •••• Ongoing Safety Efforts Additional Safety EffortsPursue grant opportunitiesRegular meetings with PD Traffic to discuss traffic safety through Traffic - SpeedTraffic VolumeCrashesCutSidewalksPark/School/Transit proximity oooooo June 2020 Program RevisionConsiders speed and livability criteriaEasier to Qualify for traffic calming Ongoing Safety Efforts Residential Traffic Calming Program••• motorized crash history - NonSpeed limitNearby land usesIntersection configurationExisting signal hardware ••••• Ongoing Safety Efforts Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) at Traffic Signals Prioritization process is in progress. Factors include:Hardware has been ordered for 11 additional intersections this year Program focuses on reducing fatal and serious injury collisionsUnlike years passed, 2020 required the LRSPWSDOT evaluated the LRSP and chose which projects to fundFour projects recently awarded for a total award of $1,620,000 •••• Grants Highway Safety Improvement Program motorized connectivity, and increasing - Program focuses on pedestrian and bicycle safety, increasing nonthe number of people that use active transportationFunding comes from the state transportation budget which has not been finalized by the legislature.Four projects are anticipated to be funded for a total award of $1,163,588 ••• Grants WSDOT Pedestrian and Bicycle Grant libraries, and PM Peak Hour Vehicle Trips $5,381.98 per PM peak vehicle trip end required by state law Current TIF Assumptions & Data Sources Residential uses have a 19% reductionSelect retail/service uses have a 26% reduction (such as banks,restaurants)Offices have a 32% reductionUses ITE Trip Generation Handbook 8th Edition Kent’s impact fee program is based on Select land uses within a portion of downtown qualify for TIF reductionsA developer can submit a justification for a decreased fee based on trip data, asData Sources: 2021 impact fee = 6,390 Single Family Rate$4,546$4,878$5,652$$6,678$7,054$7,060$7,820 Peer CityPuyallupKentAuburnFifeDes MoinesFederal WayBellevueRenton Single Family 2021 TIF Rate Comparison 2 stories) - Family)Family)Family) --- 10 stories) - Multifamily Unit Rate(s)$2,790 (Apartment)$2,341 (Condo)$2,737 (Low Rise)$2,939 (ADU)$2,151 (Mid Rise)$3,166 (All Multi$3,350$3,314 (All Multi$3,953 (Low Rise 1$3,106 (3$1,341 (10+ stories)$4,340 (All Multi$6,717 (Apartment/ADU)$5,645 (Condo/Duplex) Peer CityPuyallupAuburnKentFifeFederal WayBellevueDes MoinesRenton Family - Rate Multi 2021 TIF Comparison PM Peak Hour Person 10th Edition would have TIF reductions of 18% and 11.7%, Midway oriented uses (service station, car sales, auto care center) - AutoAll industrial uses •• This reduction will apply to all land uses within the subareas, except:ITE Trip Generation Handbook ITE Trip Generation Handbook, Appendix A, Truck Trip GenerationPSRC Household Surveys from Kent, Bellevue, Tacoma, and TukwilaFehr & Peers MXD+ tool Proposed TIF Assumptions & Data Sources ••••• Kent’s proposed impact fee program is based on TripsDowntown and respectivelyFor industrial uses, fee rates will recognize the share of large trucks & truck's impact on street operations.A developer can submit a justification for a decreased fee based on trip data, as required by state lawData Sources: Rate Changes MultifamilyIndustrialOffice uses ••• Updated categories. Key changes to:Significant changes to trip rates for some land usesRetail usesDaycares •••• There are 40+ land use categories in the current 2021 fee scheduleITE Manual 10th Edition UpdatesConsolidations:Methodology Updates: •••• Land Use Categories & Trip s d n n e o r i T t i e d t E 55% a - 10% to 53% 2% - 29% h - R - t p 0 i +2% 9% to 1 r +152% +15% to +109% 63% - - T l 23% to a - – 18% u - s n e +57% 55% to a t - Family Homes: a - M d E p Industrial Uses: Senior Housing: Office Uses: Banks Single Family Homes: MultiHospitals: Clinics: Specialty Retail: Shopping Center: T IU•••••••••• trip rates from ITE Vehicle to Person Trip Ratio1.451. Updated PM peak hour vehicle10th Edition for each land useUsed the following conversion factors to go from vehicle trip rates to person trip rates: Generalized Land Use CategoryResidential/HotelOffice/Government/Higher EducationPrimary EducationIndustrial/WarehousingRetail/Recreation/Restaurant Vehicle to Person Trip Conversion•• - Des Moines Rd within the GC, GC - M zoning districts - MU, or MR - Adjustments oriented uses (service station, car - Boundary from Downtown Subarea Plan, plus all developmentMU, CCalong the Meeker St Corridor between 64th Ave S and KentBoundary from Midway Subarea Plan •• Boundary for Rate DowntownMidwayAutosales, auto care center)Industrial land uses Downtown & Midway Current program has Inside/Outside Downtown categoriesProposed subareas:Adjustments will apply to all land uses except: ITE Trip to Rates are varied to reflect relative impact of trips based on mode splitUsed data from Generation Handbook, Appendix A, Truck Trip Generation understand mode split for industrial uses •• +68.3%+68.3%+34.1%+68.3% Adjustment 219.2219.2174.8219.2 Avg Weighted Space Usage/ Person Trip in Sq Ft 1,0201,0201,0201,020 Sq. Ft 5% 10%10%10% Truck % Industrial Uses Adjustment Method Warehouse/ Land UseLight Industrial/ ManufacturingIndustrial ParkStorageWarehousing o' et M s e F s h s P . tp h e r i t s r, pr e i a s t f e e r r r e t e p n , sr e t s e o p' lh i s s s a r c r i t o p d i e c h e mr n tp e a n a o i rv l s nn t ii gn r k u oe o a hh r o tt p e d p s ww rp e s p u oo is rr e a M o h t gg TbhPs'' for that rate. of the projects on the Methodology Over half prioritized project list are eligible for inclusion in a TIF programThe maximum rate does not dictate what the City must charge, but the upper limit The City may elect to establish a lower rate, as guided by financial realities in Kent. 9650 15,714 6,254.63 227,693,588$98,285,193 $ $ 253,783,588 $ Kent TIF Summary Trip Number of Prioritized ProjectsTotal Prioritized Project CostNumber of Impact Fee Eligible ProjectsTotal Impact Fee Project CostTotal Eligible Impact Fee CostGrowth in Person Trip EndsMaximum Allowable Cost per Person t i per dwelling unitper dwelling unitper VFPper sf/GFAper sf/GFAper sf/GLAper sf/GFAper sf/GFAper sf/GFA n U Examples t c % a - 0 p 0 1 m ( I ) e e e t t d a a i r R w x y e t a i e $8,978.52$5,078.76$41,682.39$8.76$127.71$19.66$7.90$7.16$4.55 CFm 1 2 0 2 s t e t n a e $4,878.31$6.83$6.06 $3,166.56$13,016.78$25.81$47.04$7.57$9.45 KR e s 6254.63 U 210130 750 220565820 944934 e d d 110, 140 n 710, 715, o a LC e d o C Maximum Fee Schedule e s U d n a L E 2 Story Multi/Townhome/ADU Single FamilyService StationDay Care CenterFast Food RestaurantShopping CenterGeneral OfficeLight Industrial/ManufacturingIndustrial Park 100% max rate per PM peak hour person trip = $ 6,390 Single Family Rate$4,546$5,652$$6,678$7,054$7,060$7,820$8,978 (Current Rate + $4,100) Peer CityPuyallupAuburnFifeDes MoinesFederal WayBellevueRentonKent Single Family Maximum TIF Rate Comparison 2 stories) - Family)Family)Family) --- Rise)Rise) (Current Rate + $823) -- 10 stories) 2 stories/ADU) (Current Rate + $1,912) -- Multifamily Unit Rate(s)$2,790 (Apartment)$2,341 (Condo)$2,737 (Low Rise)$2,939 (ADU)$2,151 (Mid$3,350 (All Multi$3,314 (All Multi$3,953 (Low Rise 1$3,106 (3$1,341 (10+ stories)$4,340 (All Multi$5,078 (1$3,990 (Mid$3,264 (High Rise) (Current Rate + $98)$6,717 (Apartment/ADU)$5,645 (Condo/Duplex) Peer CityPuyallupAuburnFifeFederal WayBellevueDes MoinesKentRenton Family - Rate Multi Comparison Maximum TIF t i per dwelling unitper dwelling unitper VFPper sf/GFAper sf/GFAper sf/GLAper sf/GFAper sf/GFAper sf/GFA n U e ) f Examples e e F d t - c x a a p m m I % e 5 d 5 i ( w e y t t i a $4,938.18$2,793.32$22,925.32$4.82$70.24$10.81$4.34$3.94$2.50 CR 1 2 0 2 s t e t n a e $4,878.31$3,166.56$13,016.78$25.81$47.04$7.57$9.45$6.83$6.06 KR e d o C e s 210130 220565934820 944 U 110, 140 d n 710, 715, 750 a L e d o C e s U d n a L E 55% of Maximum Fee Schedule 2 Story Multi/Townhome/ADU T - Single FamilyService StationDay Care CenterFast Food RestaurantShopping CenterGeneral OfficeLight Industrial/ManufacturingIndustrial Park 55% max defensible rate per PM peak hour person trip = $3,440.04 6,390 Single Family Rate$4,546$4,938 (Current Rate + $59)$5,652$$6,678$7,054$7,060$7,820 Peer CityPuyallupKentAuburnFifeDes MoinesFederal WayBellevueRenton Single Family 55% of Maximum TIF Rate Comparison $971) $373) $1,370) - - - 2 stories) - Family)Family)Family) --- Rise)Rise) (Current Rate -- 2 stories/ADU) (Current Rate 10 stories) -- Multifamily Unit Rate(s)$2,790 (Apartment)$2,341 (Condo)$2,737 (Low Rise)$2,939 (ADU)$2,151 (Mid$2,793 (1$2,194 (Mid$1,795 (High Rise) (Current Rate $3,350 (All Multi$3,314 (All Multi$3,953 (Low Rise 1$3,106 (3$1,341 (10+ stories)$4,340 (All Multi$6,717 (Apartment/ADU)$5,645 (Condo/Duplex) Peer CityPuyallupAuburnKentFifeFederal WayBellevueDes MoinesRenton Family - Rate 55% of Multi Comparison Maximum TIF t i per dwelling unitper dwelling unitper VFPper sf/GFAper sf/GFAper sf/GLAper sf/GFAper sf/GFAper sf/GFA n U e ) f Examples e e F d t - c x a a p m m I % e 5 d 5 i ( w e y t t i a $5,836.04$3,301.19$27,093.55$5.70$83.01$12.78$5.13$4.66$2.96 CR 1 2 0 2 s t e t n a e $4,878.31$3,166.56$13,016.78$25.81$47.04$7.57$9.45$6.83$6.06 KR e d o C e s 210130 220565934820 944 U 110, 140 d n 710, 715, 750 a L e d o C e s U d n 65% of Maximum Fee Schedule a 2 Story Multi/Townhome/ADU Single FamilyService StationDay Care CenterFast Food RestaurantShopping CenterGeneral OfficeLight Industrial/ManufacturingIndustrial Park 65% max defensible rate per PM peak hour person trip = $4065.51 6,390 Single Family Rate$4,546$5,652$5,836 (Current Rate + $957)$$6,678$7,054$7,060$7,820 Peer CityPuyallupAuburnKentFifeDes MoinesFederal WayBellevueRenton Single Family 65% of Maximum TIF Rate Comparison $572) $1,044) - - 2 stories) - Family)Family)Family) --- Rise)Rise) (Current Rate -- 2 stories/ADU) (Current Rate + $134)10 stories) -- Multifamily Unit Rate(s)$2,790 (Apartment)$2,341 (Condo)$2,737 (Low Rise)$2,939 (ADU)$2,151 (Mid$3,301 (1$2,593 (Mid$2,122 (High Rise) (Current Rate $3,350 (All Multi$3,314 (All Multi$3,953 (Low Rise 1$3,106 (3$1,341 (10+ stories)$4,340 (All Multi$6,717 (Apartment/ADU)$5,645 (Condo/Duplex) Peer CityPuyallupAuburnKentFifeFederal WayBellevueDes MoinesRenton Family - Rate 65% of Multi Comparison Maximum TIF Adopt via City Council March 16 : th of the Whole Committee March 9 Land : nd Hearing Use and Planning February 22 Board Public : th 9 of the Whole February Committee Staff : #3 th January Workshop 29 City : th Council 5 January Workshop TIF Timeline Staff : #2 th Workshop 14 December City : th Council 15 Workshop September Staff Workshop