HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Regular Minutes - 07/06/2021 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Date: July 6, 2021 Time: 5:00 p.m. Place: Chambers I. CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Dana Ralph Mayor Present II. PRESENTATIONS 1 Environmental Water Quality Program Laura Haren 30 MIN. Evan Swanson Conservation Analyst, Laura Haren presented information on the Stormwater Management and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit. Haren reviewed the Clean Water Act and the Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. The City is required to implement several stormwater pollution prevention programs as part of the NPDES. The NPDES Permit allows the City to discharge water into the State's system. Haren indicated the following programs have been added to the Municipal NPDES Permit Programs: MS4 Mapping and Documentation, Source Control Program for Existing Development and Comprehensive Stormwater Planning. Haren reviewed the City's public education and outreach programs, inspection and best management practices, monitoring and assessment. Program requirements have increased inspections by an additional 500 inspections per year. Haren went into the City's comprehensive stormwater planning and advised the department is working on updates to the Kent City Code and Surface Water Design Manual. Haren provided a brief update on the Puget SoundKeepers Alliance appeal of the permit stating that it is not protective enough. City Council Workshop Workshop Regular July 6, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Haren indicated the new permit requirements are in place to not only improve water quality, but to improve the awareness of pollution prevention. The City's goals are to effect behavioral change within the Kent community to prevent pollution and implement strategic Kent specific and regional programs to protect and enhance water quality. Water Quality Coordinator, Evan Swanson presented information on the Cross Connection Control Program and wellhead projection program. The Cross Connection Program is in place to prevent contaminated water from back flowing and entering the public drinking water supply. Regulatory requirements were reviewed. Backflow is the undesirable reversal of flow of water from the consumer system into the public water supply. Swanson provided an overview of City's Wellhead Protection Program. The purpose of the program is to protect groundwater resources used for Kent's drinking water supply that is required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act and Washington's drinking water regulations. The program implements strategies to reduce the risk of contaminating drinking water supplies within the wellhead protection area. Swanson indicated the Clark Springs Habitat Conservation Plan provides 50 years of protection for Kent to utilize the Clark Springs water source. Habitat Conservation measures were reviewed. Swanson provided an update on the cleanup work at the Landsburg mine and continued monitoring. Swanson indicated the Public Works Department is working on updating the Wellhead Protection Plan to include a list of contaminate sources within the Wellhead Protection Area. 2 Mill Creek System Update Mike Mactutis 30 MIN. Melissa Dahl Environmental Engineering Manager, Mike Mactutis provided an update on the Mill Creek watershed. The Mill Creek Canyon provides for a good salmon habitat. The Kent Valley is very impervious - 60% covered by hard surfaces, making it challenging to move water out of the valley. Mactutis provided information on the Lower Mill Creek Watershed and detailed the challenges with the number of impervious surfaces throughout the watershed. This is a complex watershed. Page 2 of 4 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular July 6, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes The Green River Natural Resource Area is a 300 acre natural wildlife refuge, water quality treatment facility as well as a flood protection area. Mactutis provided details on how water flows in and out of the area. Mactutis indicated the Green River watershed is part of the larger watershed that is dependent on the Black River pump station that pumps water into the Green River. The King County Flood District is in the process of updating the Black river pump station which will allow more fish coming up through the Green River into Kent. Mactutis reviewed the super fund cleanup process in the Duwamish river. Environmental Engineer, Melissa Dahl discussed the natural processes of Mill Creek that included organic and inorganic processes. The goal is to ensure Mill Creek provides flood protection and also ensures the food web and habitat thrive and function. Dahl explained the inorganic process of Mill Creek that includes the impact of sediment transfer from the top of the creek that accumulates at the bottom of the canyon. Sediment accumulation causes flooding. Mactutis provided an overview of the Mill Creek area, including the use of pump stations. The GRNRA South Stormwater Pump Station is now operational and the GRNRA North Stormwater Pump Station is yet to be constructed that will pull water from GRNRA providing an additional 25% water capacity in the GRNRA. Mactutis indicated the Upper Mill Creek Dam that includes a fish ladder is now complete. This project added 50% capacity to the dam. th Dahl advised the 76 Avenue Road Raising and Culvert Replacement project is complete and will now reduce flooding on 76th . An additional road raising and removing/replacing culvert crossings project that will include three bridges is planned. Dahl reviewed the Earthworks Canyon Sediment Detention project and Mill Creek Canyon Culvert Cleaning projects. The Mill Creek Reestablishment Project is designed to reduce flooding along Mill Creek. It requires federal permitting and staff is deciding on the best path forward to address flooding in addition to ensuring the work will get permitted. Page 3 of 4 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular July 6, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Meeting ended at 6:05 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Page 4 of 4 5 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 18 19 21 Inspections of Best Management Practices 22 Illicit Discharge Response 23 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE 25 INSPECTION OF STORMWATER FACILITIES REGULATED BY THE CITY OF KENT 26 31 33 34 Up to 500 additional inspections/year What this means for Kent 36 37 40 New Permit requirements are in place to not only improve water quality, but to improve the awareness of pollution prevention 42 Conclusion This is a citywide permit 43 Nearly all city departments have a role 44 After Before Cross Connection Control Example 52 HCP Location of Rock Creek Watershed Clark Springs Creek Lower Mill Watershed 5 Highway 516 - I Natural Green River Resources Area Lower Mill Creek Watershed Creek Upper Mill Watershed 5 - I Natural Highway 516 Green River Resources Area Upper Mill Creek Watershed Mill Creek Natural Processes in Dam James Street Pump Station Upper Mill Creek Confluence Springbrook Ave th Culvert 76 Replacement GRNRA Channel Diversion Channel Mill Creek Overview Boeing Diversion Apartments Natural (GRNRA) Signature Pointe Green River Resources Area Gage Earthworks Park James Street Pump Station Pump Station Horseshoe Bend Pump Station GRNRA North Natural (GRNRA) Pump Station GRNRA South Green River Resources Area Mill Creek Pump Station Map 3/30/2021 2/28/2021 1/29/2021 12/30/2020 11/30/2020 10/31/2020 Earthworks Parks USGS Gage 10/1/2020 0 80604020 9/1/2020 200180160140120100 Upper Mill Creek Dam Ave road raising and culvert replacement th 76 Annual Sediment Removal Past Culvert Cleaning Mill Creek Culvert Cleaning 2021 Mill Creek Reestablishment project Mill Creek Reestablishment project Water Quality of Mill Creek Courtesy of the Kent Historical Society – Mill Creek 1910