HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Regular Minutes - 05/18/2021 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes May 18, 2021 Date: May 18, 2021 Time: 5:02 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER Council President Troutner called the meeting to order. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Excused Dana Ralph Mayor Present II. PRESENTATIONS 1 2022 South King Housing and Homeless Merina Hanson 45 MIN. Partners Work Plan and Budget Update Angela San Filippo Angela San Filippo, Executive Manager of South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) provided the Council with an update to -2021 and 2022 workplans. South King County jurisdictions working together and sharing resources to create a coordinated and comprehensive approach to increasing housing stability and producing and preserving quality affordable housing in South King County," and objectives: · Share technical information and resources to promote sound housing policy · Coordinate public resources to attract greater private and public investment into affordable housing in South King County · Provide a unified voice to advocate for South King County needs at the local and regional level. San Filippo provided an overview of reoccurring SKHHP annual work plan items broken into subareas: 1) governance and administration; 2) policy and planning; and 3) outreach and education - all will be incorporated into the 2022 SKHHP work plan. SKHHP is currently in the outreach stage. During the st May 21 SKHHP Executive Board meeting, partner jurisdiction feedback will be incorporated. The work plan and budget will require approval by each City Council Workshop Workshop Regular May 18, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes partner Council. San Filippo advised key budget priorities include: · Balanced budget that includes full time Executive Manager and Program Coordinator · Look into compensation structure for SKHHP Advisory Board Workplan priorities include: · Continue the ongoing action items and build upon current work plan · Develop strategies to preserve existing affordable housing in South King County · Partner with organizations and area experts to provide educational and homelessness services, outreach, and best practices · Monthly Executive Board educational opportunities strategically tied to SKHHP work plan · Engage in strategic planning to set 3-5-year goals and objectives. San Filippo provided information on how the board will be structured, with an overarching goal to have representation of all South King County and are planning on 50% being BIPOC members. San Filippo detailed funding resources that includes funding from the state and private partnerships. The SKHHP executive board is developing the work plan and budget and will return to the Council between July and September with the full work plan and budget. 2 Finance 2020 Year End Report Paula Painter 45 MIN. Finance Director, Paula Painter provided the 2020 Year-End Financial Report and budget update that included details on: · Citywide cash and investments (compared 2017-2020) · Debt service by debt type (2021 - 2040) and outstanding debt by fund · Other Funds is made up of Golf Fund, General Fund (ShoWare - SMG Capital Loan) and mostly Event Center Fund for the Series B (Refunding PFD Sales Tax) Bonds Painter provided details on the General Fund that included: · Property Taxes: $917k favorable variance due to $280k in delinquent taxes and 2020 being slightly underbudgeted · Sales & Use Tax: $2.78m favorable balance due to a $1.25m increase in retail sales · Utility Taxes: $307k unfavorable variance mainly due to telephone utility tax Page 2 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular May 18, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes · Business & Occupation Tax: $115k unfavorable variance due to ($117k in prior year refunds) Other Revenues: · Licenses & Permits: $267k unfavorable variance due to decreased revenues in Permits, Franchise Fees - offset by a $329k increase in business licenses · Charges for Services: $2.61m unfavorable variance due to decreased revenues in Court, Fire, ECD and Parks · Fines and Forfeitures: $369k unfavorable variance due to decreased revenues in Court, B&O Penalties, Utility Penalties, Criminal Fines/Debt Write-offs · Intergovernmental: $223k favorable due to $152k decrease in fuel tax, offset by $216k increase in liquor excise taxes · Miscellaneous Revenues: $629k unfavorable variance due to Utility Tax Interest, Police and Parks · Sales Tax Share by Industry saw an increase in retailing and a decrease in food services and drinking places due to COVID-19. Construction has been steadily increasing. Utility Tax Share by Type: · Telephone utility tax · Garbage tax - average over 7% increase year-over-year for last 3 years - over $500k per year, $824k increase from 2019 to 2020 · Cable tax - declining over 2% year-over-year for last 3 years - about $40k per year · City Utilities that include water, sewer, drainage, garbage, electric, gas, telephone and cable. Permits & Plan Review revenues in 2020 were $3.17m lower than in 2019, but still higher than any year prior to 2017. General Fund Revenue Comparison: · Tax down due to loss of 6 months of annexation revenue · Licenses & Permits down due $390k reduction in Street, Curb & Other Permits · Intergovernmental down due to reduced Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) and the annexation fuel tax moved back to Street fund in July · Charges for Services due to decreased revenues in Court, Fire, ECD and Parks · Fines and Forfeitures: $513k unfavorable variance due to decreased revenues in Court, B&O Penalties, Utility Penalties and Criminal Fines/Debt Write-offs · Interest & Misc.: due to Utility Tax Interest, Police and Parks General Fund Spending by Classification Page 3 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular May 18, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes · All Department were within budget, except for the Public Works annexation allocation · S&B: $1.35m under budget due in part to savings in Court, Finance and Parks · Supplies: $285k under budget due in part to savings in Law, Finance, Police and ECD · Services: $2.19m under budget due in part to savings in Admin, HR, Law, Finance, Fire, ECD and Parks · Transfers Out: $541k under budget due to reduced transfers out to Public Works Administration, Kent's Event Center - Admissions Taxes and Capital Resources Fund - Utility Tax transfer · Services & Allocations: New Central Cost allocation plan implemented in 2020 - additional $2.45m allocated out. Other professional services decreased, Food/Travel/Training/Dues decreased, Utility payments decreased and credit card merchant fees decreased General Fund Ending Funds Balance is just under $40 million, which translates to 36.40% in reserves. Policy requires 18% reserves. All other fund revenue variances include: · Taxes: $4.685m favorable variance due to increased REET revenues, Sales and Use Taxes and Utility Taxes · Licenses & Permits: $122k unfavorable variance due to decreased Street Use Permits and Sewer Permits · Intergovernmental: $2.178m unfavorable variance due to decreased SST revenues and decrease in Fuel Tax · Fines & Forfeitures: $957k unfavorable variance due to decrease School Zone Camera revenues, offset by $325k in increase seized proceeds All other fund revenue 2019-2020 Changes >8%: · Taxes: Down 8.81% due to record high REET in 2019 · Licenses and Permits were down 19.5% due a $117k decrease in Street Use Permits · Fines & Forfeitures were up 35.98% due to increased Red Light Camera Fines and seized assets, but offset by a reduction in School Zone Camera Fines Details were provided on the 2018-2019 Changes for taxes, intergovernmental, fines and forfeitures and interest and miscellaneous. Painter provided an overview of capital spending by classification and compared 2018-2021. Painter advised the Liability Fund included a 2020 adjustment in liability claims reserves, a budget $4.4m transfer from the General Fund to the Page 4 of 5 City Council Workshop Workshop Regular May 18, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes Liability Insurance fund in 2021 and the City is anticipating a 40-50% increase in premiums in 2022. Overall, 2020 tax revenue came in better than anticipated, the City recognized more significant revenue losses in other areas, the City took swift action to address anticipated revenue shortfalls, preserving General Fund Financial Planning Manager, Michelle Ferguson provided the March 2021 Monthly Financial Report that included: · General Fund revenues for property tax, sales tax and utility tax. Ferguson provided details on the variances for 2019-2021. · compensation revenues, Ferguson provided details on the variances from 2019-2021. Painter presented an update on the 2022 budget and advised the 2022 mid- biennium known adjustments will include: · HB 1590 revenues and expenditures · Sales tax revenue · Salary and benefit adjustments · Frozen positions · Equity Expenses · Central cost allocation · Liability insurance allocation · Property insurance allocation Painter provided a broad overview of the mid biennium budget timeline that will include: · Developing the operating budget (May-July) · 2022-2027 Capital Improvement Plan (June - July) · Revenue and Balance Budget to the Executive Leadership Team in August · Proposed Mid- update to Council (August - September) · Public Hearings (September and October) · Council Actions (October and November) Meeting ended at 6:33 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Page 5 of 5 N O I S S I M P H H K S South King County jurisdictions working together and sharing resources to create a coordinated and comprehensive approach to increasing housing stability and producing and preserving quality affordable housing in South King County. S E V I T C E J B O P H H K S Share technical information and resources to promote sound housing policyCoordinate public resources to attract greater private and public investment into affordable housing in South King CountyProvide a unified voice to advocate for South King County needs at a local and regional level ••• Partner S S September: E - jurisdiction adoption of C July 2022 work plan and budget O R P T E G D Executive Board U June: – B work plan and budget development and adoption May D N A N A L P Outreach and K May: - R April update to partner Councils O W P H H K S Staff workgroup kickoff discussion Financial Report and Budget Update Council WorkshopMay 18, 2021City of Kent, WA - 2020 YearEnd Financial Status Report Comparison March 2021 Monthly Financial Report 2022 Budget Update March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview 20212021 Adj BudgetYTD 106,690,98018,275,859 Revenues 107,768,49019,227,558 Expenditures (1,077,510)(951,699) Net Revenues Less Expenditures 40,302,69940,302,699 Beginning Fund Balance 39,225,18939,351,000 Ending Fund Balance Required Ending Fund Balance Calculation Estimated Expenditures for 2021 (from above)107,768,490 18.0% 18% GF Ending Fund Balance19,398,328 General Fund Ending Fund Balance 10-year History (excluding Annexation) 45.00 40.30 40.00 32.57 35.00 30.00 25.00 21.67 20.65 18.92 20.00 11.91 15.00 9.46 7.65 10.00 4.13 5.00 0.64 0.00 2011201220132014201520162017201820192020 Prelim March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview - Revenues 20212021 Revenue Categories Adj BudgetYTD Taxes: Property31,684,6001,655,004 Sales & Use19,132,6605,852,796 Utility17,624,9904,939,249 Business & Occupation17,000,000115,976 Other866,26012,791 Licenses and Permits6,786,9801,530,345 Intergovernmental Revenue2,733,560614,853 Charges for Services5,695,140873,102 Fines and Forfeitures1,158,500226,792 Miscellaneous Revenue2,630,590378,191 Transfers In1,377,7002,076,762 Total Revenues106,690,98018,275,859 B&O Taxes 16% Other Taxes 0.8% Utility Taxes 16% Licenses and PermitsIntergovernmental 6%3% Charges for Services 5% Other 13% Fines and Forfeitures1% Misc & Transfers In Sales Taxes 4% 18% Property Taxes 30% March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) All Revenues Sources Prior Year Budgeted Actual RevenuesRevenuesRevenues January6,8776,1015,898 February5,7365,3934,174 March6,7747,7568,204 April16,92517,4190 May8,5887,9200 June7,6916,4570 July6,3767,3700 August4,9955,5520 September5,3286,4880 October19,96318,4250 November8,2117,4940 December11,26710,3160 Total108,732106,69118,276 Property Tax Prior Year Budgeted Actual RevenuesRevenuesRevenues January0120 February247248217 March1,4611,0341,438 April9,32812,3590 May3,1992,3980 June2,2426180 July1961460 August1521170 September5386240 October10,67311,8140 November3,1092,0730 December2322420 Total31,37531,6851,655 Sales Tax Prior Year Budgeted Actual RevenuesRevenuesRevenues January2,1581,5001,802 February2,4251,8032,264 March2,1431,4931,786 April1,9291,3880 May1,9591,6200 June2,1271,4360 July6391,3600 August1,9061,7030 September1,9091,5740 October1,8291,6260 November2,0531,7370 December2,5521,8930 Total23,63019,1335,853 March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Revenues ($ in Thousands) Utility Tax Prior Year Budgeted Actual RevenuesRevenuesRevenues January2,0331,7762,141 February1,7791,6041,215 March1,6271,5331,583 April1,8451,6080 May1,5811,4350 June1,4941,3340 July1,3301,4340 August1,4731,3500 September1,5191,5670 October1,5611,3130 November1,5071,4160 December1,2221,2570 Total18,97117,6254,939 Other Taxes Prior Year Budgeted Actual RevenuesRevenuesRevenues January23283 February132 March33230(156) April2,7652,6490 May8981,2210 June1172050 July2,9373,3370 August7728150 September921440 October2,9793,6470 November9247400 December3,6834,8720 Total15,20317,866129 Other Revenues (Intergovernmental, Licenses & Permits, Charges for Service, Fines & Forfeits, and Misc Revenues) Prior Year Budgeted Actual RevenuesRevenuesRevenues January2,6841,8741,672 February1,284851475 March1,5082,1423,553 April1,0591,4570 May9511,2300 June1,7112,1120 July1,2751,4730 August6921,1210 September1,2721,9580 October2,9211,8050 November6181,2750 December3,5793,0840 Total19,55420,3825,700 March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Overview - Expenditures 20212021 Department Adj BudgetYTD City Council279,96071,561 Administration2,786,270446,358 Economic & Community Dev8,228,3801,792,490 Finance2,781,780662,585 Fire Contracted Services3,795,900(30,078) Human Resources1,613,730378,520 Information Technology Law1,503,350344,870 Municipal Court3,793,420805,440 Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs19,302,9203,580,455 Police45,548,79011,040,491 Public Works Non-Departmental18,133,990134,866 Total Expenditures107,768,49019,227,558 City Council0.3% Mayor/Clerk 3% Police 51% Finance Other 3% 10.0% H.R.2% ECD Law2% 9% Fire Contracts Svcs Parks, Recreation & 4% Comm Svcs Municipal Court 22% 4% March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund 20182019202020212021 ActualActualPrelimAdj BudgetYTD Beginning Fund Balance19,987,82823,750,46134,399,77540,302,69940,302,699 Revenues Taxes: Property29,971,15530,731,78631,374,82731,684,600 1,655,004 Sales & Use24,699,30127,121,40023,629,97219,132,660 5,852,796 Utility19,289,16219,600,34718,970,71517,624,990 4,939,249 Business & Occupation9,422,04812,999,56414,784,79517,000,000 115,976 Other1,074,356963,837418,235866,260 12,791 Licenses and Permits7,557,6587,483,6437,223,4206,786,980 1,530,345 Intergovernmental Revenue7,919,8606,645,9623,196,7012,733,560 614,853 Charges for Services6,602,6817,996,8463,658,2325,695,140 873,102 Fines and Forfeitures1,360,9761,289,334776,9481,158,500 226,792 Miscellaneous Revenue2,642,5113,586,9791,954,9372,630,590 378,191 Transfers In950,000984,4112,743,5811,377,700 2,076,762 Total Revenues111,489,706119,404,108108,732,365106,690,98018,275,859 Expenditures City Council344,160392,115384,062279,96071,561 Administration2,759,9742,768,2731,774,8082,786,270446,358 Economic & Community Dev6,681,6717,044,2176,711,4898,228,3801,792,490 Finance3,061,4723,236,9602,323,6362,781,780662,585 Fire Contracted Services3,619,3853,927,0883,674,4013,795,900(30,078) Human Resources2,075,5532,047,1021,405,2191,613,730378,520 Information Technology506,265513,448172,932 Law1,673,4381,801,5071,452,0881,503,350344,870 Municipal Court3,442,1073,646,2753,402,3143,793,420805,440 Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs17,992,17118,396,67816,631,89919,302,9203,580,455 Police39,315,95843,849,28943,464,67945,548,79011,040,491 Public Works1,155,5621,208,835629,087 Non-Departmental26,706,70220,332,20420,802,82618,133,990134,866 109,163,991102,829,440107,768,490 Total Expenditures109,334,41919,227,558 Net Revenues less Expenditures2,155,28810,240,1175,902,925(1,077,510)(951,699) Ending Fund Balance22,143,11633,990,57840,302,69939,225,18939,351,000 Ending Fund Balance Detail: General Fund Reserves21,202,35632,309,35838,885,46938,963,399 based on same year actuals/budget19.4%29.6%37.8%36.2% Restricted for Annexation940,7601,681,2201,417,230261,791 March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington General Fund Year-to-Year Month Comparison 201920202021% of2021-20 thru Marchthru Marchthru MarchBudgetVariance Revenues Taxes: Property1,127,616 1,707,775 1,655,004 (52,771) -3.1%5.2% Sales & Use6,603,329 6,726,852 5,852,796 (874,056) -13.0%30.6% Utility5, 5,438,850149,955 4,939,249 (499,600) -9.2%28.0% Business & Occupation43,982 30,660 115,976 85,315 278.3%0.7% Other7,297 5,278 12,791 7,513 142.3%1.5% Licenses and Permits1,968,448 1,956,509 1,530,345 (426,164) -21.8%22.5% Intergovernmental Revenue1,760,368 751,001 614,853 (136,147) -18.1%22.5% Charges for Services2,190,595 1,654,252 873,102 (781,151) -47.2%15.3% Fines and Forfeitures309,443 499,911 226,792 (273,119) -54.6%19.6% Miscellaneous Revenue524,119 165,323 378,191 212,868 128.8%14.4% Transfers In- 450,000 2,076,762 1,626,762 361.5%150.7% Total Revenues19,685,15219,386,41118,275,859(1,110,551)-5.7%17.1% Expenditures 103,031102,205(31,470)-30.5%25.6% City Council71,561 443,252803,290 Administration3,1060.7%16.0% 446,358 1,666,0941,685,484 126,3967.6%21.8% Economic & Community Dev1,792,490 578,489892,110 Finance84,09614.5%23.8% 662,585 676,985762,123(707,063)-104.4%-0.8% Fire Contracted Services(30,078) 422,363576,089 Human Resources(43,843)-10.4%23.5% 378,520 124,699126,998(124,699)-100.0%#DIV/0! Information Technology- 386,905438,352 Law(42,035)-10.9%22.9% 344,870 887,494876,344(82,054)-9.2%21.2% Municipal Court805,440 4,158,2004,110,804 Parks, Recreation & Comm Svcs(577,746)-13.9%18.5% 3,580,455 11,183,48810,752,286(142,997)-1.3%24.2% Police11,040,491 337,080302,984 Public Works(337,080)-100.0%#DIV/0! - 2,332,896553,489(2,198,031)-94.2%0.7% Non-Departmental134,866 Total Expenditures21,982,55823,300,97919,227,558(4,073,421)-17.5%17.8% GF Revenues thru MarchGF Expenditures thru March 8,000,000 12,000,000 7,000,000 10,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 5,000,000 2019 2019 4,000,000 6,000,000 2020 2020 3,000,000 2021 2021 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 PropertySales &UtilityOther PoliceParks*GeneralECDNon-Dept & TaxesUse TaxesTaxesRevenues Govt.Other *General Govt. includes City Council, Mayor/Clerk, HR, IT, & Finance March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Fund Balances 20212021 Estimated20212021Estimated BeginningEstimatedEstimatedEnding Fund Fund BalanceRevenuesExpendituresBalance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. General Fund General Fund40,302,695106,690,980107,768,49039,225,185 Special Revenue Funds Street Fund3,989,03317,518,85017,399,8804,108,003 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits1,579,3841,272,4301,541,9801,309,834 Lodging Tax89,665239,110184,900143,875 Youth/Teen Programs75,355924,390924,39075,355 Capital Resources14,369,67416,449,06018,046,28012,772,454 Criminal Justice8,550,9038,193,6208,686,8508,057,673 ShoWare Operating2,984,8881,150,0001,646,0502,488,838 Other Operating568,456109,320109,220568,556 Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service2,380,7026,997,8407,204,6602,173,882 Special Assessments Debt Service126,555728,560858,320(3,205) Enterprise Funds Water Utility15,906,53229,573,29029,850,57015,629,252 Sewer Utility5,573,95333,234,64033,049,9005,758,693 Drainage Utility20,733,89023,688,63023,296,30021,126,220 Solid Waste Utility607,388675,220859,760422,848 Golf Complex1,602,2072,761,6604,653,490(289,623) Internal Service Funds Fleet Services1,965,7425,516,1006,202,8201,279,022 Central Services78,444309,530404,190(16,216) Information Technology1,632,52110,718,73010,784,9901,566,261 Facilities4,771,8996,785,3406,854,4704,702,769 Unemployment1,366,498148,630238,1401,276,988 Workers Compensation2,847,6231,159,6801,545,2402,462,063 Employee Health & Wellness7,399,18916,205,06015,771,0307,833,219 Liability Insurance1,968,2412,740,7102,331,5402,377,411 Property Insurance658,089588,620583,920662,789 March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) 2019202020212021 ActualPrelimAdj BudgetYTD Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Special Revenue Funds Street Fund Revenues17,415,00019,350,92817,518,8503,465,254 Expenditures18,858,48619,205,26617,399,8802,360,680 Net Revenues Less Expenditures(1,443,485)145,662118,9701,104,574 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues1,401,7861,232,5751,272,430210,751 penditures1,352,6241,571,5851,541,980365,610 Ex Net Revenues Less Expenditures49,162(339,010)(269,550)(154,858) Lodging Tax Revenues314,588158,384239,11031,623 Expenditures465,527270,532229,19042,304 Net Revenues Less Expenditures(150,940)(112,148)9,920(10,681) Youth/Teen Programs Revenues941,240897,527924,390264,975 Expenditures957,730691,260924,3901,950 Net Revenues Less Expenditures(16,490)206,267263,025 Capital Resources Revenues22,567,13022,885,70716,449,0703,617,325 Expenditures19,339,04627,520,42618,046,2801,175,876 Net Revenues Less Expenditures3,228,084(4,634,719)(1,597,210)2,441,449 Criminal Justice Revenues7,054,2228,673,7948,193,6302,095,031 Expenditures6,432,3778,504,6728,686,8501,518,401 Net Revenues Less Expenditures621,845169,122(493,220)576,629 ShoWare Operating Revenues1,456,3111,512,5891,150,000855 Expenditures1,089,7631,451,7521,646,050513,399 Net Revenues Less Expenditures366,54860,837(496,050)(512,544) Other Operating Revenues185,821105,155109,320 Expenditures178,558106,003109,3203,378 Net Revenues Less Expenditures7,263(848)(3,378) Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues10,266,9239,144,5876,997,840 Expenditures9,802,0978,679,7617,204,6606,493 Net Revenues Less Expenditures464,826464,826(206,820)(6,493) Special Assessment Debt Service Revenues1,339,332784,469728,560130,440 Expenditures1,119,3931,386,712858,4201,528 Net Revenues Less Expenditures219,939(602,243)(129,860)128,912 March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) 2019202020212021 ActualPrelimAdj BudgetYTD Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Enterprise Funds Water Utility Revenues28,578,90329,573,42429,573,2906,823,530 Expenditures30,237,15626,464,13329,850,5703,800,782 Net Revenues Less Expenditures(1,658,253)3,109,291(277,280)3,022,748 Sewer Utility Revenues33,063,79833,513,29433,234,6508,634,529 Expenditures31,664,33932,252,70633,049,9007,450,575 Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,399,4581,260,588184,7501,183,954 Note: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainage Utility in 2018. Drainage Utility Revenues26,947,64424,537,48323,688,6305,836,215 Expenditures25,690,58721,804,80223,296,3004,369,041 Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,257,0572,732,681392,3301,467,174 Solid Waste Utility Revenues874,164837,309675,230112,690 Expenditures809,006876,871859,760221,284 Net Revenues Less Expenditures65,158(39,562)(184,530)(108,594) Golf Complex Revenues2,698,6095,938,1832,761,660312,546 Expenditures2,636,1103,070,8994,653,4902,326,718 Net Revenues Less Expenditures62,4992,867,283(1,891,830)(2,014,172) Internal Service Funds Fleet Services Revenues8,514,1595,478,5895,516,1001,403,565 Expenditures6,413,5006,559,5396,202,8201,166,339 Net Revenues Less Expenditures2,100,659(1,080,950)(686,720)237,226 Central Services Revenues367,717309,535428,03084,131 Expenditures326,927277,640404,19054,827 Net Revenues Less Expenditures40,79031,89523,84029,304 Information Technology Revenues9,063,6039,062,09910,600,2302,618,738 Expenditures8,702,49010,531,89210,784,9902,808,165 Net Revenues Less Expenditures361,113(1,469,793)(184,760)(189,426) Facilities Revenues5,417,6086,327,1406,785,3401,373,304 Expenditures5,035,5055,125,0266,854,5701,046,071 Net Revenues Less Expenditures382,1031,202,114(69,230)327,233 Unemployment Revenues178,465166,229148,63039,567 Expenditures220,850151,350238,14063,393 Net Revenues Less Expenditures(42,384)14,879(89,510)(23,825) March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) 2019202020212021 ActualPrelimAdj BudgetYTD Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. In instances where expenditures exceed revenues, fund balance is being utilized. Workers Compensation Revenues1,289,3641,551,5221,159,680178,517 Expenditures1,928,1012,106,6161,545,240345,040 Net Revenues Less Expenditures(638,737)(555,093)(385,560)(166,523) Employee Health & Wellness Revenues15,629,64915,929,22416,205,0604,027,290 Expenditures13,786,30814,097,29815,771,0303,264,889 Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,843,3421,831,926434,030762,401 Liability Insurance Revenues2,798,49338,1042,740,710805,745 Expenditures1,753,5452,852,6652,331,5401,634,883 Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,044,947(2,814,561)409,170(829,138) Property Insurance Revenues1,328,717578,755588,620153,832 Expenditures1,213,255587,011583,920305,368 Net Revenues Less Expenditures115,462(8,257)4,700(151,536) Other Fund Revenues Other Fund Expenditures 70,000,000 70,000,000 Special Special 60,000,000 60,000,000 Revenue Revenue 50,000,000 50,000,000 Funds Funds 40,000,000 40,000,000 Enterprise Enterprise Funds Funds 30,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,00020,000,000 Internal Internal 10,000,000 10,000,000 Service Funds Service Funds 00 201920202021201920202021 ActualsPrelimBudget ActualsPrelimBudget March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019202020212021-2020 thru Marchthru Marchthru MarchVariance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Special Revenue Funds Street Fund Revenues3,362,0633,196,8913,465,254268,3638.4% Expenditures4,248,2661,836,7522,360,680523,92828.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures(886,203)1,360,1381,104,574 LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits Revenues76,209144,390210,75166,36146.0% Expenditures375,390390,904365,610(25,294)-6.5% penditures(299,181)(246,514)(154,858) Net Revenues Less Ex Lodging Tax Revenues55,36255,51831,623(23,896)-43.0% Expenditures2,24786,75742,304(44,453)-51.2% Net Revenues Less Expenditures53,114(31,238)(10,681) Youth/Teen Programs Revenues252,442263,395264,9751,5800.6% penditures1,7731,95017810.0% Ex penditures252,442261,623263,025 Net Revenues Less Ex Capital Resources Revenues3,286,0185,795,3723,617,325(2,178,048)-37.6% Expenditures1,913,997223,1871,175,876952,689426.9% Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,372,0215,572,1862,441,449 Criminal Justice Revenues1,301,2472,500,2382,095,031(405,207)-16.2% Expenditures1,585,2401,393,4531,518,401124,9499.0% penditures(283,993)1,106,785576,629 Net Revenues Less Ex ShoWare Operating Revenues23,196855(22,341)-96.3% Expenditures70,109(86,640)513,399600,039-692.6% Net Revenues Less Expenditures(70,109)109,836(512,544) Admissions Tax revenues received quarterly(April, July, September, January) Other Operating Revenues Expenditures10,75061,5203,378(58,142)-94.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures(10,750)(61,520)(3,378) Combines several small programs, including City Art Program and Neighborhood Matching Grants March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019202020212021-2020 thru Marchthru Marchthru MarchVariance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Debt Service Funds Councilmanic Debt Service Revenues Expenditures12,67931,4246,493(24,931)-79.3% Net Revenues Less Expenditures(12,679)(31,424)(6,493) Debt service payments are generally due in June and December. Special Assessments Debt Service Revenues18,82786,012130,44044,42851.7% penditures180,072325,7971,528(324,270)-99.5% Ex penditures(161,245)(239,786)128,912 Net Revenues Less Ex Enterprise Funds Water Utility Revenues6,398,0746,688,1536,823,530135,3772.0% Expenditures3,615,6843,785,5043,800,78215,2780.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures2,782,3892,902,6503,022,748 Sewer Utility Revenues8,184,8798,578,4508,634,52956,0800.7% penditures7,140,2617,195,2857,450,575255,2903.5% Ex penditures1,044,6181,383,1651,183,954 Net Revenues Less Ex Note: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainage Utility in 2018. Drainage Utility Revenues5,881,5735,658,9525,836,215177,2633.1% penditures3,278,7753,263,0394,369,0411,106,00233.9% Ex penditures2,602,7982,395,9131,467,174 Net Revenues Less Ex Note: Sewer Utility was combined with Drainage Utility in 2018. Solid Waste Utility (55,737)-33.1% Revenues159,855168,427112,690 penditures148,171285,879221,284(64,594)-22.6% Ex penditures11,684(117,451)(108,594) Net Revenues Less Ex Golf Complex Revenues319,680164,779312,546147,76789.7% penditures565,380573,3722,326,7181,753,345305.8% Ex penditures(245,700)(408,594)(2,014,172) Net Revenues Less Ex Internal Service Funds Fleet Services Revenues3,073,9041,342,9981,403,56560,5674.5% Expenditures1,968,4391,189,5571,166,339(23,217)-2.0% Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,105,465153,441237,226 Central Services (4,022)-4.6% Revenues89,41688,15384,131 penditures66,470100,36054,827(45,533)-45.4% Ex penditures22,946(12,207)29,304 Net Revenues Less Ex March 2021 Monthly Financial Report City of Kent, Washington Other Funds Overview (Revenues and Expenditures) Year-to-Year Month Comparison 2019202020212021-2020 thru Marchthru Marchthru MarchVariance Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded. Information Technology Revenues2,692,2682,241,0932,618,738377,64516.9% Expenditures1,885,6012,713,4102,808,16594,7553.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures806,668(472,317)(189,426) Facilities Revenues1,293,5541,298,1241,373,30475,1805.8% Expenditures1,012,8721,109,0871,046,071(63,016)-5.7% Net Revenues Less Expenditures280,682189,037327,233 Unemployment Revenues40,61535,17839,5674,38912.5% penditures79,43855,87163,3937,52113.5% Ex penditures(38,823)(20,694)(23,825) Net Revenues Less Ex Workers Compensation Revenues307,900282,663178,517(104,145)-36.8% Expenditures306,857384,940345,040(39,901)-10.4% Net Revenues Less Expenditures1,043(102,278)(166,523) Employee Health & Wellness Revenues3,720,7533,208,3594,027,290818,93125.5% penditures3,261,0843,431,9193,264,889(167,029)-4.9% Ex penditures459,669(223,560)762,401 Net Revenues Less Ex Liability Insurance Revenues638,702748,796805,74556,9497.6% Expenditures817,1021,012,5201,634,883622,36361.5% Net Revenues Less Expenditures(178,401)(263,724)(829,138) Property Insurance Revenues884,520144,918153,8328,9146.2% penditures309,347250,531305,36854,83721.9% Ex penditures575,173(105,613)(151,536) Net Revenues Less Ex Other Fund Revenues thru March Other Fund Expenditures thru March 20,000,000 25,000,000 18,000,000 20,000,00016,000,000 14,000,000 15,000,000 12,000,000 2019 2019 10,000,000 2020 2020 10,000,000 8,000,000 2021 2021 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 SpecialEnterpriseInternal SpecialEnterpriseInternal RevenueFundsService Funds Revenue FundsFundsService Funds Funds