HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Regular Minutes - 04/06/2021 Approved City Council Workshop Workshop Regular Meeting Minutes April 6, 2021 Date: April 6, 2021 Time: 5:02 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING I. PRESENTATIONS A King County Assessor Update John Wilson 30 MIN. King County Assessor, John Wilson provided the Council with an update on how COVID-19 has affected property values. Residential impacts were small - home inventory was tight, but prices were stable or trending upward. Wilson reviewed the new senior, disabled and disabled veterans program and reviewed the requirements to be eligible. Call 206-296-3920 for additional details. 2021 property taxes are up about 4.043% countywide. Total King County property tax revenues are up $256 million and in Kent, property taxes increased $132.21 over 2020. The increase was due to enhanced school levies and Harborview Medical Center. Wilson detailed how property taxes are distributed. Roughly 57% of property taxes go for K-12 education. Residential values will continue upward and are driven by strong demand and scarce inventory. Commercial values will be much more dynamic and will be dependent on how many people will return to the office and how soon. B 2021 Public Works Capital Projects Eric Conner 60 MIN. Update Construction Manager, Eric Conner provided Council with an update on the 2021 Public Works Capital Projects by highlighting some specific projects: · LID 363: South 224th Street Improvements - 88th Avenue South/South 218th Street Improvements - South 22nd Street to 94th Place South (Phase 2) · South 228th Avenue Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Bridge and Roadway (Phase 5) · Upper Mill Creek Dam City Council Workshop Workshop Regular April 6, 2021 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes · 76th Avenue Improvements · Willis Street and 4th Avenue South Roundabout · Green River Natural Resource Area (GRNRA) South Stormwater Pump Station · Meet Me on Meeker Sidewalk / Riverbend Driving Range Improvements · Meet Me on Meeker (GRE-Russell Road) Sidewalk Improvements · Fuel Tank Replacement · 2020 Sanitary Sewer CIPP Lining · Downey Farmstead (Phase 3) · 2020 Asphalt Overlay · 2021 Asphalt Overlay · South 212th Street Overlay - 84th Avenue South to 72nd Avenue South · Clark Springs Generator and Electrical Upgrades · West Hill Reservoir · James and 2nd Avenue Pedestrian Crossing · Lake Fenwick Hypolimnetic Aerator Improvements · 2021 Watermain Replacement · Rock Creek Culvert Replacement at Summit Landsburg Road · Washington Avenue Pump Station and bringing them into compliance for wheelchair access. Conner reviewed the private development/utility inspection projects: · Marquee on Meeker (Ethos) - Built to the new standards · Midtown 64 - Built to the new standards · Alexan Gateway · Lower Russell Levee Setback - King County Water and Land Resources Division · Federal Way Link Extension - Sound Transit Meeting ended at 5:55 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk Page 2 of 2 57% OF PROPERTY TAXES