HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 09/28/2022 (2) `� KENT Civil Service Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Leff Piecewicz, Pauline Thomas, Callius Zaratkiewicz Regular Meeting September 28, 2022 5:30 p.m. Centennial South You can access the meeting by calling 1-888-475-4499 or1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID: 230 051 1421 Passcode: 3DOWUz Bail Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to order Chair Piecewicz 1 2. Roll Call Chair Piecewicz 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Piecewicz 1 4. Approval of the Minutes from the August 24, YES Chair Piecewicz 1 2022 regularly scheduled meeting. 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Letter dated August 25, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Victoria Johnson congratulating her on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective October 3, 2022. B. Letter dated August 26, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Dewa Rana congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective November 1, 2022. C. Memo and letter notifying the Commission that Joshua Bava was promoted to the rank of Commander effective September 16, 2022. D. Letters dated September 8, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Jerome Bacani and Hadley Bezon congratulating them on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective October 3, 2022. E. Letter dated September 9, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Ofr. Nick Lontz notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective September 9, 2022. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at Centennial Building, Suite 105/107, 400 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information Please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerkrs Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. KENT F. Letter dated September 12, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Anthony Stanfill congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective October 3, 2022. G. Memo dated September 12, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission that Probationary Officer Samir Mahfuz was discharged on September 8, 2022. H. Letter dated September 22, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Zachary Fry congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective October 3, 2022. I. Memo dated September 23, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through September 23, 2022. 6. Items to Approve YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on August 10, 2022. B. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on September 9, 2022. C. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on September 14, 2022. D. Eligibility list for the rank of Assistant Chief that was established on September 22, 2022. 7. Action Items YES Chair Piecewicz 1 There are no action items. 8. For the Good of the Order Chair Piecewicz 1 9. Adjournment YES Chair Piecewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at Centennial Building, Suite 105/107, 400 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Civil Service Commission August 24, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: August 24, 2022 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Centennial North/South Attending: Jeff Piecewicz, Chair; Pauline Thomas, Commissioner; Callius Zaratkiewicz, Commissioner (virtually attending); Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Piecewicz called the meeting to order at 5:33 PM. 2. Roll Call All Commissioners were present. 3. Changes to the Aaenda There were no changes to the agenda. a. Approval of the Minutes Commissioner Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 27, 2022 regularly scheduled Civil Service Commission meeting. Motion was moved and seconded by Chair Piecewicz; motion passed 3- 0. 5. Consent Items to Accept A. Letter dated July 22, 2022 from Chief Padilla congratulating Samir Mahfuz on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective August 1, 2022. B. Letter dated July 26, 2022 from Chief Padilla congratulating Stefan Carlson on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective August 1, 2022. C. Letter and corresponding memo dated August 1, 2022 announcing the promotion of Joel Makings to the rank of Probationary Sergeant effective August 16, 2022 D. Memo dated August 2, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission that Scott Rankin did not successfully complete his probationary period and is reinstated at the rank of Sergeant. E. Memo dated August 4, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the retirement of Doug Garret from the position of Code Enforcement Officer effective October 12, 2022. F. Memo dated August 11, 2022 from Ofr. Brieann Knott tendering her resignation effective September 1, 2022. Page 1 of 3 Civil Service Commission August 24, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending G. Email dated August 12, 2022 from Administrative Assistant II Abbie Taylor tendering her resignation effective August 26, 2022. H. Memo dated August 15, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Brieann Knott effective September 1, 2022. I. Memo dated August 15, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Abbie Taylor effective August 26, 2022. J. Memo dated August 15, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the Provisional appointment of David Kallir to Provisional Sergeant for no more than four (4) months beginning August 20, 2022. K. Letter dated August 16, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Justin Whitlock congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective September 1, 2022. L. Letters dated August 17, 2022 from Chief Padilla to William Guyer and Cassandra Ward congratulating them on being hired as Probationary Lateral Police Officers effective September 1, 2022. M. Memo dated August 21, 2022 from Sgt. Dan Koehler announcing his retirement effective August 31, 2022. N. Memo dated August 21, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the retirement of Sgt. Dan Koehler effective August 31, 2022. 0. Memo dated August 22, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through August 22, 2022. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz made a motion to accept items A-O. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. 6. Items to Aoorove A. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on August B, 2022. There being no questions, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to approve item A. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3- 0. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated August 17, 2022 from Chief Padilla requesting to test for the position of Administrative Assistant II and that the following processes and weights be used: Written- 30% (70% passing score required) Oral Board Interview- 70% (70% passing score required) Computer Skills Test- Pass/Fail Background- Pass/Fail Page 2 of 3 Civil Service Commission August 24, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Polygraph- Pass/Fail Up to the top 20 candidates from the written assessment will move on to the oral board interview process. Chief Examiner Winecka noted that this is the same testing process, and same weights, that has been used previously to fill this classification. Commissioner Zaratkiewicz then made the following motion: "I make a motion we accept and move forward with testing and associated weights as written." Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3- 0. B. Memo dated August 22, 2022 from A/C Iarod Kasner requesting permission to test for the rank of Commander and that the following process and weights be applied: - Work Performance Rating (WPR)- final weight of 50% - The assessment center will consist of up to four exercises and will have a final weight of 50%. A cumulative passing score of 65% is required to be placed on the list. Chief Examiner Winecka explained that this is the same format that has been used previously for the rank of Commander. There being no questions, Commissioner Thomas made the following motion: "I make a motion to approve following the weights and process as described." Commissioner Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. 8, for the Good of the Order The Commissioners and Chief Examiner Winecka took a moment to thank Commissioner Zaratkiewicz for his years of dedicated service and wished him the best in his next adventure. 9. .Adjournment There being nothing further, Chair Piecewicz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 3-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner August 24, 2022 Page 3 of 3 � KENT 9 I POLICE August 25, 2022 Victoria 10111011011 Re: Employment Offer Dear Victoria, Department, are lookingtforward to working with you and Y ow that Y ng hired as a Probationary R)"Oft y will hill"0 great deal to offer Department and the City of Kent. This letter Is to coentrn our recent offer Of employment. Your employment with the Cory will be effective Dotter 1, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please"it Training Sergeant Matthew Whitaker at (253)656, 5635 for de alt& on Your duty Assignment. You will be receiving two !malt from a Qfkgn pm0M.kJ*Y cent with new hire onbontlno I" in Information and credentials for the onboardlnp portal. Rea"check your email, Including yourjunk mail folder and notify MR at (250)556-5270 if you don't receive them. It is atkal for rot to Ioqin employee information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before Yailr new him Orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 mmatls. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday October 9, al 10:00 AM with Me earshot staff In Human Resources. please arrive at the Police 0epartment at 600 AM, Office Graff will facilitate Your first day Including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access Ord photo liken please lark I dtcemane q reouirad by whichg you will needneed tent o regulations you 9 form on Your fine viding f of your IM( Of Acceptable to work in the enlled States, Y day A Intl of a<ttOtable documents an be found on the Onbeardinq portx. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $&,SOS.DD per month. you will be eligible for a step aduatlan from the 6atic law Epforce art Academy. YOU will Increase On the fist of the month following g be placed on prtbetionary,status for 12 months fallowing Successful comolet" 0100 ass" law Enforcement Academy. All Other Patients will (911"your union conlraCl. Upon your successful eCmMetlon of probation. You are eligible for ttate'ngnop trinbred) to your cheyiourng within the PrOs"Nopmatamaters (up to $1,000, up to Ong work, M s ont f this offer of employment ate acceptable 10 You, please go indicate by signing on the If the arm 11 the terms Vine and retaining Me executed original t0 RKM[ting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed nce maw, Again, I look forward IS hgvji an individual of Yur guaiifketions as 6 member of the KMI pollee Depertmem. Accepted, Sincerely, — Andy Grove Vitton 0 mum Assistant Cmsf of police C!iu: Orel Sarvma [eewUWan MwMn MSeYrrea 3 AurMaxwn v KENT y w... ..rv.e. Mayor Dana Ralph KENT POLICE August 26, 2022 Dewe Rana Re: Employment Offer Dear Dewa Rana, Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter Is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective November 1, 2022, Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856- 5835 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving two emails from cityofitentOnnyworkday,corn with new hire onboarding log In Information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, Including your junk mail folder and notify HR at (253)856-5270 if you don't receive them. It is critical for you to log in, review new employee information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Tuesday November 1, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff In Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at 8:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day Including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. ns of your eligibility to work in the United States, which se bring document(s) required by government will need to completeryour I-9 fo all new ram on your firs providing st of day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on the Onboarding portal. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $6,805.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step increase on the first of the month fallowing graduation from the Basic law Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will fallow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to $1,000, up to one week, in-state, and job related) to further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sin erely, Accepted, ^1 arod Kasn r Dewa Ran ssa nt C f of Police 0 p, a: Civil Service Commission w d Human Resources A¢reditatlon x Mayor Dana Ralph KENT POLIC If E MYO.M],I909t 9- t64N POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5885 Memorandum DATE: September 1, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police A'I RE: Promotion Announcement, Rule 11.04 (b) This memo serves as notice of the promotion of Sergeant Joshua Bava to the position of Commander effective September 16, 2022. This appointment will be permanent upon satisfactory completion of a probationary period of twelve months, per Civil Service Rule 12.01 (g). POLICE ADMINISTRATION Rafael R. Padilla Chief of Police 220 4th Avenue South • Kent, WA 98032 KEN T Fax: 253-856-6802 w.,.I.o.o. PHONE: 253-856-5800 COPY September 1, 2022 Commander Josh Bava Kent Police Department 220 4th Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 Dear Commander Bava, I am very pleased that you have accepted the position of Probationary Police Commander with the Kent Police Department. I wish to formally confirm the salary offer and date of transfer to this position. The position of Police-Commander is at Pay Grade CM, Step A, at the current base salary of $13,142 per month. Your starting date in the new position is September 16, 2022. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for you future success. Sincerely, Rafael Padilla Chief of Police cc: Civil Service Commission Employee Services Accreditation 0 rn d d Y ® Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Police Department-Accredited Police Agency POLICE Rafael R. Padilla K Chief of Police o ' t 232 Fourth Avenue South POLICE Kent, WA 98032 POLICE oo�, . Wino Fax: 253-856-6800 PHONE: 253-856-5900 September 8, 2022 - --- �' Mr. Jerome Bacani l Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Bacani; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Monday, October 3, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856-5835 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving two emails from citycifitent6lunnyworkday,com with new hire onboarding log In information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, including yourjunk mail folder and notify HR at (253)856-5270 if you don't receive them. It is critical for you to log in, review new employee information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, October 3, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff In Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at B:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Please bring documents) required by government regulations forall new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United States, which you will need to complete your I-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on the Onboarding portal. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $6,805.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step increase on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to $1,000, up to one week, In-state, and job related) to further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so Indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Acyepted, T� Raf Padilla a cool Chief of Police > a: Civil Service Commission CA Human Resources ZAccreditation KENT a Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Police Department - Accredited Police Agency POLICE KENT Rafael R Padilla Chief of Police QPOLICE 232 Fourth Avenue South Ken[; WA 98032 32 KPn•Pxww Yl Fax: 253-956-6600 PHONE: 253-956-5800 September 8, 2022 Ms. Hae dle Re: Employment Offer Dear Ms. BeZpn; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter Is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will he effective Monday, October 3, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856-5635 for details on your duty assignment. you will be receiving two annals from Itv fke t@ IW y.0fd with new hire onboarding log In Information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, including your)unk mail folder and notify HR at (253)856-5270 if you don't receive them. It is critical for you to log In, review new employee Information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, October 3, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff In Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at 8:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day Including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Please bring document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United States, which you will need to complete your I-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on the Onboarding portal. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $6,505.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step Increase on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic taw Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to $1,000, up to one week, in-state, and job related)to further your professional development If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Accepted, Rafafl Padilla Hadley B zon Chief of Police > cc: civil Service Commission m Human Resources 2 Accreditation Y KENT Mayor Dana Ralph ' City of Kent Police Department- Accredited Police Agency KE NT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla Chief of Police POLICE 2 Kent, Fourth Ave 5 Kent, WA 98032 SFAVICE."OFEela IIVY•IIIFAAIY COPY 253-856-5800 September 9, 2022 Officer Nick Lontz Kent Police Department 220 4th Avenue South Kent, Washington 98032 Dear Officer Lontz, I am pleased to notify you that on September 9, 2022, you successfully completed the twelve (12) month probationary period for the position of Police Officer as required by the Kent Civil Service Rules, and are hereby appointed to regular employment status as a Police Officer for the Kent Police Department. Congratulations on your achievement and best wishes for your future success. Sincerely, Railla Chief of Police cc: Civil Service Commission Human Resources www.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Police Department - State Accredited POLICE KENT Rafael R. Padilla o Chief of Police POLICE 232 Fourth Avenue South Kent WA 98032 rtnre•rmruwmmmn Fax: 253-856-6800-6800 September 12, 2022 PHONE: 253-856-5800 MrMr. Anth Starch ll Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Stanfill; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter Is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Monday, October 3, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856-5835 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving two emalis from chivolkentifilmylongirkdiiii with new hire onboarding log in information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, Including your junk mail folder and notify MR at (253)856-5270 If you don't receive them. It is critical for you to log In, review new employee Information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, October 3, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff in Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at 8:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Please bring document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United States, which you will need to complete your 1-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on the Onboari ing portal. Your starting base salary will he at Recruit Step A,at $6,805.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step increase on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic law Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to $1,000, up to one week, in-state, and job related) to further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Accepted, Rafa Padilla Anthony Stanfill Chief of Police cc: CNII Service Commission rn Human Resources < Accreditation /tea 0 Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Police Department - Accredited Police Agency K E NT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla P O L I C E Chief of Police ■■V.■. 220 Fourth Ave 5 Kent, WA 98032 SEMCF•IAOFESSIONAU-111 FBA1Tl 253-856-58DO Memorandum DATE: September 12, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Discharge/Failed Probation, 15.01 Probationary Police Officer Samir Mahfuz was discharged on September 8, 2022. www.kentwa.Bov/Police Clty of Kent Police Department- State Accredited KENT September 22, 2022 Mr. Zachar Fry Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Fry; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter Is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Monday, October 3, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856-5835 for details on your duty assignment. you will be receiving two annals from c'tvofkentWlmyworkday.com with new hire onboarding log in information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, including your junk mall folder and notify HR at (253)856-5270 if you don't receive them. It Is critical for you to log in, review new employee information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, October 3, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff In Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at 8:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Please bring document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United States, which you will need to complete your I-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on the Onboarding portal. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $6,805.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step increase an the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to $1,000, up to one week, in-state, and job related) to further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Accepted, Rafael Padilla Zachary Fry Chief of Police oc: Civil Service Commission Human Resources Accreditation 3 Y •Mayor Dana Ralph CITY KENT HUMAN RESOURCES • 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA 98032 Fax 2s3-856-6270 PHONE: 253-856-5270 Memo To: Civil Service Commissioners From: Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner CC: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Date: September 23, 2022 Re: Eligibility Removals through September 23, 2022 Please find below a detailed list of those candidates that have been removed from various eligibility lists through the date of September 23, 2022: Continuous Testing Eliaibility List for Entry Level Police Officer dated August 8 2022• Name: Reason: Effective Date: Armando Ambriz Failed Background August 26, 2022 Charles Cerisier Failed Background August 26, 2022 Tysson Dykes Failed Background August 26, 2022 Hung Hua Failed Background August 26, 2022 Matthew Otero Failed Background August 26, 2022 Mason Potter Failed Background August 26, 2022 Luis Tinoco Failed Background August 26, 2022 Devante Woods Failed Background August 26, 2022 Roy Brawn, III Failed Background August 26, 2022 Desiree Trinidad Failed Background August 26, 2022 Fernando Acosta Dominguez Failed Background September 7, 2022 Nicholas Avise Failed Background September 7, 2022 Randy Cordero Failed Background September 7, 2022 Cody Clark Failed Background September 9, 2022 Lyudmila Kotova Failed Background September 9, 2022 Name: Reason: Effective Date: Hunter Hayden Failed Background September 13, 2022 Marcel Morgan Failed Background September 13, 2022 Michael Travis Failure to Respond August 26, 2022 Griffin Shea Failure to Respond September 7, 2022 Chun Cheng Withdrawal September 7, 2022 Emmanuel Sosa Withdrawal September 7, 2022 Fausto Herrera Withdrawal September 9, 2022 Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer dated September 14. 22= Name: Reason: Effective Date: Ryan Borders Failed Background September 23, 2022 Shawn Bowen Failed Background September 23, 2022 Austin Hodnett Failed Background September 23, 2022 Alex Kirchmann Failed Background September 23, 2022 Joshua Lizarraga Failed Background September 23, 2022 Miguel Lopez Failed Background September 23, 2022 James Maldonado Failed Background September 23, 2022 Fabian Martinez Failed Background September 23, 2022 Josh Power Failed Background September 23, 2022 Colton Reyes Failed Background September 23, 2022 Martin Roper Failed Background September 23, 2022 Khanh Vu Failed Background September 23, 2022 Brendan Weichel Failed Background September 23, 2022 Jacob Zelada Failed Background September 23, 2022 Jonathan Conte Failure to Respond September 23, 2022 Eric Delarosa Failure to Respond September 23, 2022 Joshua Lee Failure to Respond September 23, 2022 2 Name: Reason: Effective Date: Drew Paris Withdrawal September 23, 2022 Spencer Trop Withdrawal September 23, 2022 Continuous Tealtina cn lti•rn List for Experienced/Lateral Police Officer dated August 10 2022: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Junior Alvidrez Failure to Respond September 9, 2022 Karl Marklund Failure to Respond September 9, 2022 Rotnee Smith Failure to Respond September 9, 2022 Continuous Testing Eliaibility List for Ent" Level Corrections Officer dated August B 2022: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Reginald Duncan Failure to Respond September 9, 2022 Joseph Walsh Failure to Respond September 23, 2022 3 C[VIL SERVICE/RECRUITMEMr DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: August 10E 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Christien Vandergrift (07/08/2022) 1 Mark Mandella (05/20/2022) 2 Cassandra Ward (06/16/2022) 3 Robert Bonjukian (08/10/2022) 4 Zachary Stevenson (05/13/2022) 5 Nathan Sheasley (07/08/2022) 6 Junior Alvidrez (08/10/2022) 7 Austin Correa (03/30/2022) 8 Karl Marklund (08/10/2022) 9 Dominic Fulda (06/16/2022) 10 Peter Yi (06/16/2022) 11 Andy Conner (02/04/2022) 12 Paul Jernigan (06/16/2022) 13 Tyler Alleyne (01/04/2022) 14 Hakeem Smtih (07/08/2022) 15 William Guyer (05/20/2022) 16 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner < Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner Y BMayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUM0ViI Service\Ellglbllltylism\mllm\2022\awrai Panne officer-August 10,2022.EOIX CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner ® 400 West Gowe K E N T Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6220 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: September 9e 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Caitlin Bezzini (09/09/2022) 1 Mark Mandela (05/20/2022) 2 Robert Bonjukian (08/10/2022) 3 Zachary Stevenson (05/13/2022) 4 Nathan Sheasley (07/08/2022) 5 Austin Correa (03/30/2022) 6 Peter Vi (06/16/2022) 7 Darrin Tucker (09/09/2022) 8 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Chair Commissioner Commissioner a v Y •Mayor Dana Ralph N\u WmC.0 semcetEligieilityusNVorreVO22\UWrai PDllce amar-segmaeer s,2022.doox CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMERT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: September 14, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Aaron Rankin (08/08/2022) 1 Martin Roper (09/14/2022) 2 Brendan Weichel (08/08/2022) 3 Alex Kirchmann (09/14/2022) 4 Miguel Lopez (09/14/2022) 5 Zachary Gamblin (09/14/2022) 6 )ia Wong (09/14/2022) 7 Jonathan Conte (08/08/2022) 8 Justin Engstrom (09/14/2022) 9 Alejandro Peez-Camacho (09/14/2022) 10 Joshua Lee (09/14/2022) 11 Austin Hodnett (09/14/2022) 12 Zachary Hamlin Fry (08/08/2022) 13 Erin Jacobson (08/08/2022) 14 Ryan Borders (09/14/2022) 15 Lamontae Morris (07/08/2022) 16 Evan Curtis (08/08/2022) 17 James Maldonado (08/08/2022) 18 Kiel Rhodes (09/14/2022) 19 Joshua Lizarraga (09/14/2022) 20 Anthony Blackwell (09/14/2022) 21 Jacob Zelada (08/08/2022) 22 Joshua Power (08/08/2022) 23 Joshua Allison (09/14/2022) 24 Khanh Vu (09/14/2022) 25 Fabian Martinez (09/14/2022) 26 Andrew Dorosz (09/14/2022) 27 Andrew Vollan (09/14/2022) 28 Brianna Kaddah (08/08/2022) 29 Drew Paris (09/14/2022) 30 Colton Reyes (08/08/2022) 31 Nicholas Geraci (07/08/2022) 32 Justin Culver (09/14/2022) 33 Daniel McKee (09/14/2022) 34 Alec Handley (09/14/2022) 35 Y *Mayor Dana Ralph PAREI semis \EIIgibillMus[s\mliceW022En[n'PD 011lcer-SepRmber 10,201 Andrew Robinson (09/14/2022) 36 Kaitlin Powers (08/08/2022) 37 Dylan Dzuck (07/08/2022) 38 Amara Kandeh (07/08/2022) 39 Emre Gundogdu (09/14/2022) 40 Spencer Trop (06/22/2022) 41 Jejomar Abatayo (09/14/2022) 42 Krishan Goundar (08/08/2022) 43 James McLane (09/14/2022) 44 Morgan Kuehl (06/22/2022) 45 Terrance Wright (07/08/2022) 46 Danilo Navarro (09/14/2022) 47 Halley Phillips (06/22/2022) 48 Andrew Nguyen (08/08/2022) 49 Marshall Hollingsworth (09/14/2022) 50 Ismael Dominique (09/14/2022) 51 Oscar Toledo-Blanco (08/08/2022) 52 Carlos Uribe (06/22/2022) 53 John Gonzalez Franco (09/14/2022) 54 Keegan Stich (09/14/2022) 55 Rohan Gibb (05/20/2022) 56 Greg Power (08/08/2022) 57 Eric Delarosa (08/08/2022) 58 Adriana Stanfill (06/22/2022) 59 Wilder White (07/08/2022) 60 Wayne Peck (04/21/2022) 61 Muhammad Khaksar (07/08/2022) 62 Steven Cunningham (09/14/2022) 63 Isaac Semmler (07/08/2022) 64 Isahah Sanders (08/08/2022) 65 Noah Williams (05/20/2022) 66 Marques Santos (04/21/2022) 67 Sam Redman (04/21/2022) 68 Earl Delfin (08/08/2022) 69 (tie) Carly Gutshall (08/08/2022) 69 (tie) Alturguan Pair (06/2212022) 71 Haylie Musgrove (O8/08/2022) 72 Charles Jumba (05/20/2022) 73 Nathan Abbe (04/21/2022) 74 Roosevelt Anderson (06/22/2022) 75 Shawn Bowen (08/08/2022) 76 Dru Sullivan (08/08/2022) 77 Jacob Matson (07/08/2022) 78 Paul Smith (07/08/2022) 79 Eric Hetland, II (09/14/2022) 80 Blake Clatterbuck (04/21/2022) 81 Jasyn Dimitroff (09/14/2022) 82 Bryce Moore (07/08/2022) 83 Jennifer Espinosa (08/08/2022) 84 Matthew Tewolde (04/21/2022) 85 Gavin Todd (05/20/2022) 86 Islamuddin Shirzad (08/08/2022) 87 Jimmy Rogers, Jr. (08/08/2022) 88 Bronson Martinez (09/14/2022) 89 Antonio Esteban (06/22/2022) 90 Diego Dos Santos (06/22/2022) 91 Azariah Camacho (08/08/2022) 92 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary B. Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratklewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner CIVIL SERVICE/0.ECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA 98032 w, „,„ T Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List Established: September 22, 2022 Expiry Date of List: September 22, 2023 Extended to: March 22, 2024 Yes_ No. August 22, 2024 Yes_ No_ TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the eligibility list for the rank of Assistant Chief in the Kent Police department. Matt Stansfield 1 Andy Grove 2 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie Winecka Secretary/Chief Examiner ]eff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Chair Commissioner Commissioner a 3 Y *Mayor Dana Ralph 'Resources Department