HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 12/27/2021Kent Bicycle Advisory Board December 27, 2021 Minutes Held remotely over Zoom APPROVED BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Chair. Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Julie Dunn, Daren Osborn, Maria Castro, Erik Jacobs, Aaron Dent, Stephanie Habu. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Andy Sobczyk, Vice Chair CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown Guests: Mr. Mack Middleton 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Andy Sobczyk was not present. 3. Changes to the Agenda No changes to the agenda. 4. November 2021 Meeting - Minutes Approval No Changes to the November minutes. Motion by Erik Jacobs. Seconded Connie Stolpp. Board approved 8-0. (Mel was not present for vote.) 5. Resuming In-Person Meetings The Board can resume in-person meetings. Wendy Graves made a motion that the board resume in-person meetings. Seconded by Erik Jacobs. Vote 1 Yes (Daren) to 8 No. Motion fails, in-person meetings will not resume. January meeting will be on Zoom. 6. 2022 Meeting Dates Regular meeting dates were settled for January 31, February 28, March 28, April 25, June 27, July 25, August 29, September 26, November 28, and December 26. Special Meetings were set for May 23 due to Memorial Day and October 24 due to Halloween. Motion by Mel Roberts, Seconded by Erik Jacobs. Vote 9-0, Approved. 7. Monthly Rides and Promotion Andy is not present to lead discussion. Daren has proposed the January ride, but it has many turns and requires 2 pages. Erik Jacobs and Daren discuss using Map My Ride and Google Maps. Map My Ride generates a QR code and can also download a PGX file for GPS. Three members volunteered to create future Rides of the Month: • February – Mel Roberts • March – Stephanie Habu • April – Wendy Graves 8. Bike Rodeo Discussion Connie shared that Sara Wood, KPD, is working on grants for helmets and funding for advertisements. Connie has also talked to Mark Hendrickson, Kent Parks, and Scott Taylor, Parks Commission Chair. YMCA parking lot is free, but liability insurance is needed. If Kent Police or Parks co-sponsors, then liability insurance would not be needed (covered by City insurance). Daren will ask United Methodist about using their parking lot for overflow parking. Mel will ask Faith Church across from Meridian Elementary about using their parking lot as an alternative site for the event. Wendy has spoken with Mark (Parks) before about co-sponsoring, but he was not excited, KBAB did not have a plan at the time. He may be more interested now that KBAB has a more developed plan. A church may not allow parking lot use without insurance. Connie will reach out to Mark (Parks) and Sara (PD) to discuss co-sponsoring. 9. Roundabout Design Project Updates Meeker/Lincoln roundabout. Mini roundabout fits inside existing curb line. Circle diameter is 70’. Central island will be mountable with 2” tall curb. Bikes cross at crosswalk markings with green crossride markings. Raised crosswalk on N and E leg. No raised crosswalk on W leg. West of roundabout there will be separated bike lanes on the south side. East of roundabout will also be separated bike lanes on south side , parking on the north side, and 10.5’ vehicle lanes. Discussion – Mel doesn’t like the 4’ WB bike lane and EB bike lanes using the gutter. May be able to narrow median to get more bike lane width. The configuration shown is an interim condition. Unknown when we will get to full Meeker standards. Naden Ave will align with 7 Ave N when Naden redevelops. Naden property is being marketed for redevelopment. Daren – what is the speed limit on Meeker and Lincoln? 30 on both. We may look at speed limits in the future. Aaron – two-way bike lane doesn’t work in the dark. Car headlights blind on-coming bikes going opposite. Can we install glare screen for headlights.? This is an interim condition. Eventually the full build-out will look more like Meeker at the golf course. Why can’t the final Meeker be built on Naden? City will get R/W and developer will build some of frontage improvements but only about 250 -275’ of frontage before New Naden Ave and IUT crossing. 108/264 roundabout. Smaller roundabout. Constrained by wetlands, houses, and utility vaults. Designing for future bike lanes on 108th. Discussion: Mel – appreciates keeping shoulder width for riders. On 264th to get to trail on east side, how to get through roundabout? To sidewalk, to crosswalk, to sidewalk on east side, to trail. There will be a curb between roundabout and sidewalk. We will look at crossbike on the south leg. Aaron – may need some signage. Mel – what is the mark on the existing path? It’s part of the cross section cut line for the plans. It’s not a physical feature. Mel – what are the two parallel lines on the east side of the roundabout? 2.5’ traffic island made from curbs. Look at a way for vehicular cyclist to directly access from circulating lane. Erik Jacobs – 100th Pl SE is closed. This could be a good bike connection from this area to Kangley. There is one in the TMP but it’s south of here. 10. Bicycle Coordinator Position Proposal This item it tabled until the January meeting. 11. Communications None, Erik Preston will send a separate email if there are any. Kent crews did well this year responding with snowplow and sand. 12. Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is Monday, January 31, 2022 at 5:45 pm. 13. Items for the Next Meeting • Erik Preston or Rob will talk to Bill or Brent in Public Works Streets about removing sand after snow events and report back. • Add a Bicycle Coordinator as a City staff position. – Mel Roberts 14. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:09 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board