HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 11/29/2021Kent Bicycle Advisory Board November 29, 2021 Minutes Held remotely over Zoom Approved - December 27, 2021 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Chair. Andy Sobczyk, Vice Chair. Joe Cimaomo, Secretary. Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Julie Dunn, Daren Osborn, Maria Castro, Erik Jacobs, Aaron Dent. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Stephanie Habu CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown Guests: Mr. Mack Middleton 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:46 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Stephanie Habu was not present. 3. Changes to the Agenda No changes to the agenda. 4. October 2021 Meeting - Minutes Approval No Changes to the October minutes. Motion by Joe Cimaomo. Seconded by Aaron Dent. Board approved 9-0. 5. Resuming In-Person Meetings The Board can resume in-person meetings. Wendy Graves called for a vote for those in favor of resuming in-person meetings. The Board voted 8-No to 1-Yes, with one abstaining. December meeting will be on Zoom. 6. Monthly Rides and Promotion Erik Jacobs edited November ride per Wendy’s suggestions and the board accepted this version. Daren Osborn will handle next month’s ride (January). 7. Bike Rodeo Discussion Erik Preston provided an update and has been talking to Mark Hendrickson with Parks. He has also been talking with Sara Woods from Police. The questions about insurance and liability are still unanswered since KBAB has no ability to buy insuranc e. KBAB needs to act independently of the City staff, as such, Erik and Rob can make connections, but will not negotiate for KBAB. Mel suggested that Parks or Police to put on the event and KBAB members will be the volunteers. Joe suggested that they partner with the Puget Sound Fire Authority. Other suggestions for sponsoring agencies were the School District (they used to do bike rodeos?), Kiwanis Club, Cascade Bike club, or Kent Police. Joe suggested the Kent Parks and Recreation Commission might be able to sponsor. City staff will make connection for Wendy/Connie to Scott, the Committee President. Erik Preston will connect Connie Stolpp and Wendy Graves with Mark H. from Parks and Sara W. from Police to continue coordination. Public attendee spoke without being recognized by the Chair and reminded the board that the Parks and Recreation Plan Survey is live online. 8. Road Diets and Cross-Sections • Erik Preston presented on TIB grants that were recently awarded to the City, namely; o Reith Rd Road Diet – 2 compact roundabouts, from 4 lanes to 2 lanes (1 up, 1 down), separated bike lanes. o Russell Rd sidewalk – wide shared sidewalk in front of Hogan Park. o S 240 St Sidewalk – 5’ bikeable shoulder, planter strip, sidewalk • Future topic: planter between sidewalk and bike lane, or vehicles and bike lane? • Connie asked if her request to add the Regional Trail Connector to SeeClickFix had been completed. Staff will follow-up. • KBAB requested that staff share the Lincoln/Meeker Roundabout concept with KBAB during the next meeting. • Discussion about bike lane and street cross-sections, why was Meeker-Lincoln- Smith chosen? Erik explained that WSDOT chose this project as an HSIP grant and the route was on the old and new bike network map. 9. Communications • Erik Preston reminded the board to take part in the Parks survey. • Erik P. is talking to Design about the S 259 St Trail and the Milwaukee II levee project and how the trail crosses under the UPRR. He will share the concept plans with KBAB via email. • The Willis St / IUT Crossing with Naden will be RIRO and the IUT crossing distance will be reduced. Mel suggested a No RTOR blank out sign. • TIP Review Timeline – TIP will be shared with KBAB in December or January. Projects come from the TMP, so they should be familiar. • Can the old Ride-of-the-Months be available online? Erik will talk to Communications. 10. Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is Monday, Dec. 27, 2021 at 5:45 pm. Mel mentioned the meeting dates used to be listed on the bottom of the agenda. Staff will look into this. 11. Items for the Next Meeting • 2022 Calendar – Meeting Dates, look at Memorial Day and Christmas time. • Mel to propose that the City add a bicycle coordinator staff position that works across Public Works, Parks, and ECD, keeping an eye out for bike projects. 12. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board