HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 10/25/2021Kent Bicycle Advisory Board October 25, 2021
Minutes Held remotely over Zoom
Approved – November 29, 2021
BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves, Chair. Andy Sobczyk, Vice Chair. Joe
Cimaomo, Secretary. Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Julie Dunn, Daren Osborn, Maria Castro,
Erik Jacobs.
BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Aaron Dent, Stephanie Habu
CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: April Delchamps, Rob Brown
Guests: Mr. Mack Middleton
1. Call-to-Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:46 pm with Wendy Graves presiding.
2. Roll Call
Aaron Dent has an excused absence. Stephanie Habu was not present.
3. Changes to the Agenda
No changes to the agenda.
4. September 2021 Meeting - Minutes Approval
Changes to the September minutes. Wendy was absent. Andy was presiding. Motion
by Erik Jacobs. Seconded by Andy Sobczyk. Board approved 9-0.
5. TMP Project Prioritization
a. April Delchamps presented the Dream Bigger planning effort. The GIS Storymap
can be found at this web address:
b. Projects are TMP projects that fall into the timeline categories of funded, near-
term, mid-term, and long-term.
c. Mell Roberts commented on SE 256th St between 132 Ave SE and Soos
Creek. He would rather see bike lane on each side over mixed use trail. Have
directional bike lanes from Kent-Kangley to 132 Ave SE. April said some
discussion on the design will occur when project design starts in the
future. There was a brief discussion about what the Level of Traffic Stress should
be on SE 256th St. Mel would like to see a wide bike lane in this segment and
asked that we coordinate with Covington.
6. Resuming In-Person Meetings
The Board can resume in-person meetings. All attendees will be required to follow
indoor COVID guidelines, including wearing masks while inside City facilities. There was
a discussion about the Delta variant curve and COVID cases dropping. A short
discussion about vaccines and booster shots followed. Mel Roberts moved to keep the
meetings on Zoom for another month. Erik Jacobs seconded. The Board approved 9-
0. November meeting will be on Zoom.
7. Monthly Rides and Promotion
Erik Jacobs described November’s route. Erik Jacobs moved to adopt the route. Connie
Stolpp seconded. Board approved 9-0. Mel Roberts asked if the route can be shown on
two pages? Board discussed wanting to keep the route to one page to post on bulletin
board. It may be possible to use single page for the route and have a second page with
a bigger map only. This could be useful in an electronic format. Wendy Graves stated
she likes one page. Connie Stolpp said she likes one page for consistency. Darron
Osborn suggested adding a north arrow on the map. Erik Jacobs will add a compass
rose. Erik Jacobs said Board members can send him routes to develop map materials as
long as it is not the day before the meeting.
8. Bike Rodeo Discussion
Connie Stolpp has been talking to Ron at the YMCA (Director) and Dante (runs front
end). There was a discussion about the City needing a certificate of insurance. Board
asked if insurance can be waived. Erik Preston is looking into this. YMCA parking lot is
owned by Kent. Wendy Graves would need to fill out application as the Board
Chair. The tentative date for the Bike Rodeo is May 22, 2022. A question was asked if
anyone have a copy of Cascade rodeo binder? Mel Roberts told the Board it is on the
Cascade web site. The Board asked if Kent Parks can/will co-sponsor the Bike Rodeo
since the parking lot is the City’s property. Wendy Graves will follow up with Erik
Preston to see if Parks will co-sponsor. The Board said they will see if they can get the
Bike Rodeo in the quarterly Parks events flyer. There was some discussion about City-
sponsored fun runs falling under the City’s insurance. Sara Wood (PD) indicated PD may
be able to provide some support. Some organizations may be able to provide some
support/sponsorship. If the Board cannot get insurance for the YMCA location, maybe
one of the churches in City will host. The Board needs to resolve the insurance issue
ASAP to see if they need to find a new location. Andy Sobczyk noted they will need to
have insurance issue at any location. Connie Stolpp and Wendy Graves will follow up
with Erik Preston.
9. 228th St. Maintenance and Suggestions
Mel Roberts showed the Board a slide show. The presentation showed maintenance
needs, crosswalk alignment relative to the sidewalks, locations of curb ramps and traffic
signal pushbuttons. He does not care for the curb ramp at the 7-Eleven driveway on
83rd Ave S near 84th Ave S. He would like a bike line in gore going eastbound
approaching the 84th Ave S intersection. Mel requested a bike lane on the east side of
84th between westbound through lane and westbound right-turn lane. Mel pointed out
the missing sidewalk on 83rd Ave S, west side, between S 224th St and S 228th St. He
noted April Delchamps mentioned this as a future project. Mel said he will send in
requests for maintenance activities and the Board can follow up with design issues later.
10. Communications
Staff have made the request to have the Puget Power Trail put in SeeClickFix. No
estimated time when it will be added.
11. Notice of Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting is Monday, Nov. 29, 2021 at 5:45 pm.
12. Items for the Next Meeting
Nov. 29, 2021 will be Joe’s last meeting.
13. Adjournment
Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board