HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 07/06/2021 Approved Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Date: July 6, 2021 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER|FLAG SALUTE Mayor Ralph called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the first in-person meeting in over 15 months due to the Governor's Emergency Proclamation. 2. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Dana Ralph Mayor Present Toni Troutner Council President Present Bill Boyce Councilmember Present Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Present Les Thomas Councilmember Present Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present 3. AGENDA APPROVAL No changes. A. I move to approve the agenda as presented RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Council President SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud 4. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. Public Recognition 1. Employee of the Month Mayor Ralph recognized Eric Knight at the July employee of the month. 2. Proclamation for Parks and Recreation Month Mayor Ralph presented the Proclamation for Parks and Recreation Month to Parks Director, Julie Parascondola. Parascondola expressed appreciation for the proclamation and commented on the challenges the Parks Department faced over the past year. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 9 Parascondola detailed what the Parks Department revised/implemented over the past 15 months. Summer programs have launched, work is being done to prepare the fall/winter guide and the Kent Senior Activity Center and Kent Commons Community Center will open on July 19th. Parascondola recommended the community get up, get out and enjoy the sunshine and parks. Parascondola thanked the entire Parks Department staff for all of their hard work and dedication. Mayor expressed her appreciation for the work the Parks Department did to keep residents connected over the past year. 3. Appointments to the Land Use and Planning Board Mayor Ralph recognized Sally McDonough and Michael Purewall as appointments to the Land Use and Planning Board and requested Council approve the appointments. B. Community Events Council President Troutner advised of upcoming concert series events at Morrill Meadows park and the summer concert series at Lake Meridian park. Troutner advised of the upcoming Kent Cornucopia Days 5K that takes place on July 10th from 9-12 a.m. at the Three Friends Fishing Hole. Troutner invited the public to attend the upcoming Kent Station market and the East Hill Farmer’s market. C. Economic and Community Development Report Chief Economic Development Officer, Bill Ellis presented the Economic Development update. Ellis reviewed and compared various data on employment. Employers are having a hard time finding people to hire. There is more work now, but the current openings tend to be in the lower wage range. The Community Development Financial Institution has been assisting businesses where traditional banking is unable to provide assistance. A regional economic development resiliency strategy to assist small businesses should be a part of the regional discussion on how to make capital available to small businesses and how to work with the CDFI. The National Development Council has done a lot of good work consolidating the CDFI’s Small Business Flex Fund and are working on a single portal for applications that will route people to appropriate CDFI funds. Ellis indicated community navigators and outreach will be critical to the success of this plan. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 9 Ellis reviewed details of the Small Business Flex Fund. Ellis provided details on the work being done to partner with neighboring jurisdictions to coordinate applying for the federal application to the SBA for community navigators. Ellis provided information on the City of Eugene Community Broadband Strategic Plan and the importance of digital literacy. Over the past year, Ellis has been working on the Manufacturing Employers Table (“MET”)with the Seattle Chamber and the Workforce Development Council of Seattle King County. The MET is a business table to which other public partners in the workforce development world can take ideas and have them vetted in the trade industry. The launch should take place in September/October of this year. Ellis is initiating more survey and data work - more localized impacts of COVID-19, launched project to build a guidebook of technical assistance providers, supporting King County and Port of Seattle on Food Hub Facility Study; numerous Kent community partners on advisory panel; and started a project with the National Development Council on permit help for BIPOC brick and mortar microenterprises. Ellis advised that Kent may play a participatory role in the Manufacturing Employers Table. Economic and Community Development Director, Kurt Hanson advised the new Saars grocery store opened last week on the east hill. Ellis is currently waiting for a response from KMART on what they plan to do next regarding their property. Ellis responded to Councilmember Fincher's comment regarding the need for childcare and confirmed it is a contributing factor for economic recovery and advised he is working with the Human Services division of Parks. 5. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL AND STAFF A. Mayor Ralph's Report Mayor Ralph serves on the South King Housing and Homeless Partnership that is currently working on standing up the capital funding. Work is being done to stand up the board of the 501c3 in anticipation of private funding coming in for projects. Members decided jurisdictions will have the ability to say yes/no on projects being presented to them. The 501c3 will work on funding coming from private partnerships and the South King Housing and Homeless Partnership will work on funding from city partnerships. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 4 of 9 Mayor Ralph serves on the Puget Sound Regional Council Executive Board that received a presentation on the Regional Transportation Plan funding strategies through 2050. The Board also discussed the Regional Economic Strategy and challenges to fund the regional projects. The Central Puget Sound Economic Development District Board is currently updating the Regional Economic Strategy with the three overarching goals of: 1. Expanding economic opportunity 2. Maintaining global competitiveness 3. Sustaining quality of Live The Strategy will need to address: Equity in education and jobs, health and the economy, the lack of affordable childcare, job distribution post COVID, broadband access, housing, homelessness, resilience and recovery. Mayor Ralph advised that Chief Padilla will provide a Fourth of July recap during an upcoming council meeting. B. Chief Administrative Officer's Report Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson indicated today we returned to holding City Council meetings in person and also welcomed staff back to the office that were telecommuting. Matheson indicated “Dining with Derek,” is an employee conversation he hosts. On July 8th, Human Resources Director, Teri Smith will join him to answer questions on the City’s COVID response. On Monday, July 19th, the City will reopen ground floor, public facing counters, Kent Commons and the Kent Senior Activity Center. Access to upper city campus buildings will be restricted for security purposes. The mass vaccination site at the accesso ShoWare center will provide vaccinations for the last time on July 17th. Public Health will continue to offer vaccinations at the clinic on the Kent east hill. Matheson’s written report is included in today’s agenda packet and there is no executive session tonight. C. Councilmembers' Reports Council President Troutner provided a review of the workshop presentations on the Environmental Water Quality Program and Mill Creek System Update. Troutner serves as the Vice Chair on the Sound Cities Association Regional Transit Committee that recently discussed METRO restoring/revising bus routes. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 5 of 9 Councilmember Michaud expressed appreciation of the Parks maintenance workers and their work cleaning up fireworks debris on Monday. Michaud serves on the Regional Water Quality Committee that received a briefing on the King County Executive’s Clean Water Healthy Habitat Plan and Clean Water Plan. Michaud serves on the Kent Human Services Commission that recently held a public hearing on round three of CDBG-COVID funds. Additionally, there was a discussion with service providers to communicate and share resources and also discussed how to connect residents with eviction resources. Councilmember Kaur serves on the King County Growth Planning Council that recently passed the 2021 Urban Growth Capacity Report and the Countywide Planning Policies that included amendments related to housing. Councilmember Fincher serves as the Chair of the King Conservation District Board that is in the process of interviewing applicants for the Executive Director. Councilmember Fincher attended the recent Association of Washington Cities conference and provided information on the speakers and classes. Fincher serves on the Kent Arts Commission and provided information on murals coming to Kent and invited the public to view the art in the Centennial building. 6. PUBLIC HEARING None. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT T.J Peterson, a Kent Resident provided public comment on tenant protections. Van Hurst provided comment requesting a proclamation to the Seattle Thunderbirds and Western Hockey League to rebrand the Thunderbirds to the “Kent Thunderbirds.” No one signed up to speak remotely. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR I move to approve Consent items A-I. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 6 of 9 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Toni Troutner, Council President SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud A. Approval of Minutes 1. Council Workshop - Workshop Regular Meeting - Jun 15, 2021 5:00 PM 2. City Council Meeting - City Council Regular Meeting - Jun 15, 2021 7:00 PM 3. Committee of the Whole - Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting - Jun 22, 2021 4:00 PM B. Payment of Bills - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the payment of bills received through 6/15/21 and paid on 6/15/21 and authorize the checks issued for payroll 6/1/21 - 6/15/21 and paid on 6/17/21, all audited by the Committee of the Whole on 6/22/21. C. Introduction of Franchise Ordinance with Olympic Pipeline Company Introduction of Franchise Ordinance with Olympic Pipeline Company D. Software Licensing with Vermont Systems, Inc - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign a five-year Services Agreement with Vermont Systems, Inc., through which the City will obtain training services and access to RecTrac, a recreation scheduling and management software, at a total contract cost not to exceed $273,160, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Information Technology Director and City Attorney. E. South 218th Street/98th Avenue South from 94th Place South to South 216th Street – PSRC Grant Acceptance – Authorize MOTION: I move authorize the Mayor to accept federal funds in the amount of $4,915,680 for the South 218th Street/98th Avenue South from 94th Place South to South 216th Street Improvements and direct staff to establish a budget for the funds. F. 76th Avenue South – North Segment Improvements – PSRC Grant Acceptance - Authorize Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 7 of 9 MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to accept federal funds in the amount of $3,480,000 for the 76th Avenue South (North Segment) Improvements and direct staff to establish a budget for the funds. G. Appointments to the Land Use and Planning Board - Confirm MOTION: I move to confirm the appointments of Sally McDonough and Michael Purewal to the Land Use and Planning Board for three year terms that will expire December 31, 2024. H. Accept the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining Project as Complete - Authorize MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to accept the 2020 Sanitary Sewer Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining Project as complete and release retainage to Insituform Technologies, LLC upon receipt of standard releases from the State and the release of any liens. I. Boards and Commissions Ordinance - Adopt MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4406 that enacts a new chapter in the Kent City Code to establish general terms and conditions that apply to all appointive boards, committees, and commissions; amends existing chapters and adopts new chapters, all within Title 2 of the Kent City Code, that apply to specific appointive boards, committees, and commissions to remove duplicative provisions and allow for consistency; and provides for the retroactive application of term limits to prior terms served by members of all appointive boards, committees, and commissions, from the effective date of the ordinance. 9. OTHER BUSINESS A. Resolution in Support of Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Proposition 1 - Adopt Mayor Ralph provided instructions addressing a resolution to support the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Proposition 1, which the voters will be asked to consider at the August 3, 2021, election. After the presentation, and following Council discussion, an opportunity will be provided to the public to provide an opposing viewpoint on this matter. Chief Morris presented details on the resolution and Council President Troutner spoke in support of the resolution. There was no one signed up to present public comment in support or in opposition of the resolution. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 8 of 9 MOTION: Adopt Resolution No 2028, supporting Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority Proposition No. 1 in which voters are asked to approve a permanent fire benefit charge. RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Les Thomas, Councilmember SECONDER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud 10. BIDS A. Armstrong Well #1 Rehabilitation and Component Replacement Bid - Award Public Works Director, Chad Bieren provided a review of the Armstrong well #1 Rehabilitation and Component Replacement bid and recommend awarding to Gary Harper Construction. MOTION: I move to award the Armstrong Well #1 Rehabilitation and Component Replacement Project to Gary Harper Construction, Inc. in the amount of $178,670.28 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Bill Boyce, Councilmember SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud B. Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement Project Bid - Award Public Works Director, Chad Bieren provided a recap of the Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement Project bid and recommended awarding to Scarsella Brothers, Inc. MOTION: I move to award the Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement Project to Scarsella Bros., Inc. in the amount of $2,288,875.34 and authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Public Works Director. Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 6, 2021 Kent, Washington Page 9 of 9 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Michaud 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND ACTION AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION None 12. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting. Meeting ended at 8:30 p.m. Kimberley A. Komoto City Clerk '0l0go] u1[N0la9m[e, KentValleyWA.com I info@KentValleyWA.com 1253-846-5454 Economic Update Data tells us where we were—not our present. Economic Update Regional Economic Development Dialogue *Not local data; national survey results -Slides courtesy National Development Council Investment Opportunity Community Navigators and Outreach: Critical for Success of this Plan SBA Community Navigators •Partnering with OneRedmond and neighboring cities on federal application to SBA •Translation and on-the-ground outreach •Building a network of software and referrals to technical assistance •Commitment beyond the success of a grant application •Chance to “Reset the bone” of business development services; Kent has two SBDCs but not the ILAs or organizational structures of eastside cities Landscape of Business Resource Assistance Option for City to Partner •Max. loan size of $150k and 4% interest for businesses and 3% for non-profits; focus on smaller than 50 employee businesses •Municipal ARPA contributions will increase the locally available capital for the City’s microenterprises and non-profits •If City chooses to send ARPA funding to NDC then those dollars will be returned with interest in five years to Kent •Potential to seed a “Revolving Loan Fund” and create community resiliency long-term; regional dialogue in suburban King County Community Broadband/Digital Divide Key Findings Then… …Applicable Here and Today •Reliance on institutions like library and public electric utility to help problem solve •Physical infrastructure costs was part of the story— but not all of it •Community members in industry wanting to help mentor and help go beyond the stable internet connection but empower use •Focus on places where the community could better engage outside of schools Manufacturing Employers Table The MET of the Puget Sound is a forum for manufacturers to: • Create and drive a shared agenda that supports ongoing and mutual economic stability and opportunity for their industry and the people and communities in our region. • Cultivate high quality connections, networking, information and idea sharing on issues most relevant to their mutual needs. • Step in and step up to the forefront in new ways that co-invest, support and implement shared workforce strategies. • Develop and demonstrate a shared commitment to diversity and inclusion through hiring and investments, directly relevant to populations here in our region. • Help push and create coordinated action around shared issues by the many otherwise siloed pu partners in education, workforce and economic development, including the shared curation of resources and investments that solve persistent problems. Planning to Launch September/October 2021 Other updates •Initiating more survey and data work; both private consulting firms and local CBOs •Launched project to build a guidebook of technical assistance providers •Supporting King County and Port of Seattle on Food Hub Facility Study; Numerous Kent Community Partners on Advisory Panel •Started project with NDC on permit help for BIPOC brick and mortar microenterprises •Intended ancillary benefit of the project is production of improved communication documents on permit process Questions? William Ellis, Chief Economic Development Officer Economic and Community Development Phone: 253-856-5707 wellis@kentwa.gov Public Comment - Sign Up Sheetu ' For the Kent City Council Meeting ott July 6, 2O2LPlease PRINT your contact information below and when called upon, come to the podium and state your Nameand Address for the recordYou will be given THREE minutes to speakTopic€:+.f,,r'?rrFe"**tnard.n9)rJsEmail Addressna Y\€TelephoneNumberzob'Lllq-ttbzr* dt= ataNAMEPrint Leqibly(d f{"ri*t^Uon A 4lurg{123456\\Cityvmplv\sdata\PUBLIC\City Clerk's Office\City Council\City Council Meetings\TEMPLATES\Sign In Sheet Pubtic Comments.doc ARMSTRONG SPRINGS WELL NO. 1 PUMP & MOTOR REPLACEMENT Kent City Council July 6, 2021 Project Location ARMSTRONG #1 Motor and Building Pump Screen (from Armstrong Well #2) Pump Screen (from Armstrong Well #2) Well Screen -Pre Cleaning (from Armstrong Well #2) Well Screen -After Cleaning (from Armstrong Well #2) City Council Meeting July 6, 2021 Summit Landsburg Road Culvert Replacement at Rock Creek Construction Contract Award Fred Meyer Maple Valley Summit Landsburg Road Culvert Replacement at Rock Creek Project Location