HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 02/16/2021 Approved
Kent City Council
• City Council Regular Meeting
KENT Minutes
WAS HiNaTor+ February 16, 2021
Date: February 16, 2021
Time: 7:03 p.m.
Mayor Ralph called the meeting to order.
Attendee Name 1Titie Status Arrived
Dana Ralph Mayor Present
Toni Troutner Council President Present
Bill Boyce Councilmember Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Excused
Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson requested the addition of an
Executive Session as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(I) to discuss current or potential
litigation, expected to last 30 minutes.
A. Move to approve the agenda as amended.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Council President
SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas
EXCUSED: Michaud
A. Public Recognition
L Appointments to Parks and Recreation Commission
Mayor Ralph provided a brief introduction of her appointment of members to
the Parks Commission.
Kathleen Meehan spoke and provided information on why she is interested in
serving on the Parks Commission.
Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
Robert Arellano Jr. spoke and provided information on why she is interested
in serving on the Parks Commission.
Sarah Veele spoke and provided information on why she is interested in
serving on the Parks Commission.
Edith Gonzales spoke and provided information on why she is interested in
serving on the Parks Commission.
B. Community Events
Council President Troutner reminded the public that although people are
receiving the vaccination for COVID-19, it is still important that we all
continue to wear our masks to protect ourselves and others.
C. Public Safety Report
Chief Rafael Padilla presented to Council the Public Safety Report. Chief
began by presenting the first ever Chief's Award of Valor to 14-year-old
Dorian Miller who stood up to an adult male to protect his young, vulnerable
cousins from harm. Dorian's brave actions not only protected his family in a
scary situation, but also let to a safer community by assisting officers so they
could arrest this dangerous individual.
Chief Padilla then presented the "Of The Year" Awards to Police Officer Garth
Coroner, Corrections Officer Alex Ault-Booneel and Debbie Douglas from the
civilian side. These are peer nominated awards and Chief confirmed that all
of them are very deserving of the recognition.
Chief Padilla presented two Life Saving Awards to Sergeant Eric Tung and
Officer Brian Cortinas. Their quick response ultimately saved an 11-year-old-
girl's life back on November 6, 2020.
Chief Padilla made note that Kent Police Department policies are all available
online now which includes 5 updated policies around use of force and 2 new
policies for Duty to Intervene and De-Escalation.
Lastly, Chief Padilla mentioned that the Community Academy starts April 7th
and is an eight week-long program that will be completely remote.
A. Mayor Ralph's Report
Mayor Ralph serves as the Vice Chair for the Transportation Policy Board at
the Puget Sound Regional Council and at the last meeting they received a
presentation on the state of the transportation system in the four county
region. There is a visualization tool being put together to understand how the
region needs to grow their transportation infrastructure.
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Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
Mayor Ralph testified in front of the House Finance Committee regarding
streamlined sales tax and thanked the local delegation for sponsoring it.
Mayor Ralph provided an update on COVID-19. All adult family homes
requesting vaccinations have been visited by the mobile vaccination unit
provided by the Puget Sound Regional Fire Authority.
Mayor Ralph extended her appreciation to the Public Works Department and
the crews that were out early clearing roads and ensuring safe streets over
the weekend with the wintry weather.
B. Chief Administrative Officer's Report
Chief Administrative Officer, Derek Matheson provided a recap of the recent
Council retreat and indicated that Councilmembers and staff are hard at work
on projects that were discussed during that meeting.
Matheson indicated that the remainder of his report is in the packet and
there is an executive session that is expected to last for 30 minutes.
C. Councilmember's Reports
Council President Troutner provided a brief recap of the items presented at
workshop this evening including King County Growth Targets, Technical
Assistance to Small Businesses and a King County Food Facility Concept.
Councilmember Kaur sits on the Domestic Violence Initiative Regional Task
Force. At the last meeting there were presentations on all of the bills being
discussed in the House and Senate.
Councilmember Kaur attended City Action days last week and attended
sessions regarding transportation, housing and police reform bills.
Councilmember Larimer sits on the King County Ageing and Disabilities
Advisory Council and they received a presentation from an Internal Medicine
Special Swedish where they talked in great length about the vaccine and
vaccine distribution.
Councilmember Boyce sits on Sound Cities Association Public Information
Committee and at the last meeting there was a lot of conversation around
what is going on in legislature in regard to police reform.
Councilmember Fincher serves on the King Conservation District and at the
last meeting a lot of the conversation was around public and private forest
lands. They also discussed the food program and finalized the grants
available for that program.
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Minutes Kent, Washington
Councilmember Fincher serves as the Arts Commission liaison and noted that
they have contracted with performers that were scheduled to perform last
year, to come back and perform this year for the Summer Concert Series.
Julie Seitz a patron of Seattle Pet Cemetery, spoke in opposition of King
County permit ELEC19-0063 which allowed for the placement of a cellular
tower to be placed on the property.
Dennis Jaraczeski a resident of the City of Kent, spoke in opposition of the
cellular tower in the Seattle Pet Cemetery.
Kathleen Sura a resident of the City of Kent, spoke in opposition of the
placement of the cell tower in the Seattle Pet Cemetery.
Phylliss Lundquist a resident of the City of Kent, spoke in opposition of the
placement of the cell tower in the Seattle Pet Cemetery and requested
Council support.
Lee Lundquist a resident of the City of Kent, spoke in opposition of the
placement of the cell tower and requested the Council's help in resolving
their concerns.
Lanell Washington a resident of the City of Kent, spoke in opposition of the
cellular tower in the Seattle Pet Cemetery.
Stacy Lundquist a resident of the City Kent, requested Council assistance in
getting the cell tower removed from the Seattle Pet Cemetery.
Anne Bosse a resident of the City Kent, spoke in opposition of the cellular
tower in the Seattle Pet Cemetery.
Deborah Stuart a resident of the City of Kent, spoke in opposition of the
cellular tower in the Seattle Pet Cemetery.
Approve consent items A - Q.
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Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Council President
SECONDER: Les Thomas, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas
EXCUSED: Michaud
A. Approval of Minutes
1. Council Workshop - Workshop Regular Meeting - Feb 2, 2021 5:00 PM
2. City Council Meeting - City Council Regular Meeting - Feb 2, 2021 7:00 PM
3. Committee of the Whole - Committee of the Whole - Regular Meeting -
Feb 9, 2021 4:00 PM
B. Payment of Bills - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the payment of bills received through
1/31/21 and paid on 1/31/21 and authorize the checks issued
for payroll 1/16/21-1/31/21 and paid on 2/5/21, all audited
by the Committee of the Whole on 2/9/21.
C. Excused Absence for Councilmember Michaud - Approve
MOTION: Approve an excused absence for Councilmember
Michaud for the meeting of February 16, 2021.
D. Accept the 2020 Plastic Markings Project as Complete -
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to accept the 2020 Plastic
Markings Project as complete and release retainage to
Specialized Pavement Marking, Inc. upon receipt of standard
releases from the State and the release of any liens.
E. Accept the Historic Dvorak Barn Relocation as Complete -
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to accept the Historic Dvorak
Barn Relocation Project as complete and release retainage to
Nickel Bros. upon receipt of standard releases from the State
and the release of any liens.
F. Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Kent and
Avenue 55, LLC for the Naden Avenue Assemblage - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of
Understanding with Avenue 55, LLC to provide a framework for
Avenue 55 and the City to solicit and review proposals for the
development and disposition of the Naden Avenue Assemblage
or portions of it, subject to final terms and conditions
acceptable to the Economic and Community Development
Director and City Attorney.
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Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
G. Medical, Dental, Vision, Life and Long-term Disability and Stop
Loss Insurance Vendor Contracts - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to enter into agreements for:
• Medical administrative services with Premera for four
years, and Kaiser Permanente for one year;
• Dental administrative services with Delta Dental for one
yea r;
• Vision administrative services with Vision Service Plan,
current contract extension for two additional years;
• Life insurance and long-term disability benefits with
Cigna for two years; and
• Stop loss insurance with LifeWise for one year
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Human
Resources Director and the City Attorney.
H. Ratify HP Laptop Purchase Utilizing CARES Act Funds
MOTION: Ratify the purchase of 65 laptops, docking stations,
and associated software and accessories utilizing CARES Act
funding through a cooperative purchasing agreement
administered by NASPO ValuePoint and entered into between
HP, Inc. and the State of Minnesota as the Lead Agency; amend
the budget as may be necessary to authorize that purchase
using grant funds; and authorize future purchases of computer
equipment and associated accessories and services through
that same cooperative purchasing agreement, if those
purchases can be made within the City's established budgets
and during the term of the master agreement, which is
currently in effect through July 31, 2021.
I. Ordinance Approving the Change of Indirect Control of Astound
Broadband, LLC - Adopt
MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4390, approving the change of
indirect control of Astound Broadband, LLC.
J. Ordinance Amending KCC 9.42 Related to Unlawful Race
Attendance - Adopt
MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4391, relating to Chapter 9.42 of
the Kent City Code, entitled ""Unlawful Race Attendance" to
amend KCC 9.42.010 entitled "unlawful race event" to include
activities involving the reckless operation of vehicles other
than traditional side-by-side racing.
K. 2021 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan
- Approve
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Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
MOTION: Approve the proposed Community Development Block
Grant 2021 Annual Action Plan, including funding allocations
and contingency plans, and authorize the Mayor to execute the
appropriate certifications and agreements subject to final
terms and conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City
L. Adjustment to the 2019 Community Development Block Grant
Budget to Accept Third Round of CARES Act Coronavirus Funds
(CDBG-CV) - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to adjust the 2019 CDBG budget,
accept $859,720 in federal funds awarded to the City through
the third round of CARES Act funds (CDBG-CV) for coronavirus
relief and authorize the Mayor to execute the appropriate
certifications and agreements, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the Parks Director and City Attorney.
M. King County Flood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity
Fund: Accept and Reallocate Funds for the Lake Fenwick
Aerator Improvements - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to accept 2021 King County
Flood Control District Sub-Regional Opportunity Funds, in the
amount of $312,367, for the Lake Fenwick Aerator
Improvements project and reallocate 2019 Sub-Regional
Opportunity Funds, in the amount $197,147, from the Kent
Airport Levee to the Lake Fenwick Aerator Improvements
N. Investment Advisory Agreement with Public Financial
Management, LLC - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Public
Financial Asset Management, LLC to serve as the investment
advisor and manager of the City's long-term investments,
subject to final terms and conditions acceptable to the Finance
Director and City Attorney.
O. Authorize the Use of accessoShoWare Center Operating Fund
Balance to Purchase Scoreboard - Authorize
MOTION: Authorize the use of the accessoShoWare operating
fund balance for the purchase of a scoreboard in the amount of
P. Ordinance Providing Business Licensing Exemption for Parks
Performers - Adopt
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Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
MOTION: Adopt Ordinance No. 4392, amending Chapter 5.01 of
the Kent City Code to provide a business licensing exemption
for vendors whose sole business activity is accepting a contract
with the City to perform or provide a service to the Recreation
and Cultural Services Division of the Parks Department.
Q. Appointmens to the Parks and Recreation Commission -
MOTION: Confirm the Mayor's appointments of Kathleen
Meehan, Sarah Veele, Roberto Arellano, Jr., and Edith Gonzales
to the Kent Parks and Recreation Commission for a three-year
term expiring February 15, 2024
10. BIDS
A. 2021 Paint Line Striping and Raised Pavement Marking
Replacement Bid - Award
Interim Public Works Director, Chad Bieren provided Council with a brief
presentation on the 2021 paint line striping and raised pavement marking
replacement project and recommended awarding the bid to Specialized
Pavement Marking Inc.
MOTION: Award the 2021 Paint Line Striping and Raised
Pavement Marking Replacement Project to Specialized
Pavement Marking, Inc. in the amount of $255,780 and
authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary documents, subject to
final terms and conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and
Public Works Director.
MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
AYES: Troutner, Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas
EXCUSED: Michaud
A. Current or Potential Litigation, as per RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)
Council went into Executive Session at 8:30 p.m. for 30 minutes.
At 9 p.m. Council extended Executive session for an additional 10
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Kent City Council City Council Regular Meeting February 16, 2021
Minutes Kent, Washington
At 9:11 p.m. Council returned to regular session, no action was taken
following executive session.
Mayor Ralph adjourned the meeting at 9:12 p.m.
Meeting ended at 9:12 p.m.
Y,t* Irerley A. Ko-ww-to-
City Clerk
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Aggressively Fighting Crime while Serving with Compassion
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POLICE Chief' s • Valor
Sergeant Eric Tung Officer Brian Cortinas
Policy Update
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Community Academy
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