HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Firefighter's Relief Pension Board - 04/20/2021 (2) • 40 Firemen's Relief & Pension Board KENT Agenda WASH IN G T O N Board Members: Dana Ralph, Mayor, Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk, Councilmember Les Thomas, Sam Grubbs, Retired Firefighter, Al Bond, Retired Firefighter Marvin Berg, Alternate April 20, 2021 3:30 p.m. THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING DUE TO THE COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS EMERGENCY To listen to this meeting, call 1-888-475-4499, or 253-215-8782 and enter the Meeting ID 950 9054 1761 Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to order Mayor Ralph 1 min 2. Roll Call Kim Komoto 1 min 3. Changes to the Agenda Yes Mayor Ralph 1 min MOVE TO APPROVE THE AGENDA 4. Approval of Minutes of January 19, 2021 Yes Mayor Ralph 1 min Move to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 19, 2021. S. Update on Pensions No Susanne Shaw 5 min 6. Update on Election No Kim Komoto 2 min 7. Financial Reports No Paula Painter 5 min 8. Adjournment Yes Mayor Ralph 1 min Unless otherwise noted, the Firemen's Relief and Pension Board meets quarterly at 3:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Office located in the City Hall Building, 220 Fourth Ave S, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Kimberley A. Komoto at 253-856-5788 or via email at Kkomoto@KentWA.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Firemen's Relief and Pension Board July 19, 2021 Minutes Kent, Washington Pending Approval BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ralph, Les Thomas, Sam Grubbs and Kim Komoto, Secretary. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Paula Painter, Finance Director 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 3:35 p.m., with Mayor Ralph presiding. 2. Roll Call Mayor Dana Ralph - Present Councilmember Les Thomas - Present Kim Komoto - Present Al Bond - Absent Sam Grubbs - Present Marvin Berg (Alternate)- Absent 3. Changes to the Agenda No changes. Sam Grubbs moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Councilmember Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. 4. Approval of Minutes, dated July 21, 2020 Sam Grubbs moved to approve the minutes dated July 21, 2020, seconded by Les Thomas. The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4-0. S. Financial Report Finance Director, Paula Painter provided details regarding the Executive Summary for Cash and Investments as of September 2020, and the Statement of Revenues and Expenses as of September 30, 2020. 6. Adjournment At 3:42 p.m., Kim Komoto declared the meeting adjourned. Kimberley A. Komoto Firemen's Relief and Pension Board Secretary January 19, 2021 Page 11 40 74j, i KENT W A 5 H I N G T O N CITY OF KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION TRUST FUND FINANCIAL REPORT December, 2020 MANAGEMENT REPORTS Cash and Investments as of December 31, 2020 5 year comparison and breakdown of current investments 1 Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the December Months Ended December 31, 2020 2 Date Presented: 04/20/2021 City of Kent Firemen's Relief& Pension Trust Fund Executive Summary December, 2020 Cash & Investments— December 31 2020 ■ Total Cash and Investments have decreased by approximately$50,000 since the same period in 2019, largely due to the decreased investment interest earnings in 2020. • The Fire Relief& Pension Fund owns a percentage of all the City investments. The LGIP is currently earning 0.559%, and the other investments are averaging 1.62%. Statement of Revenues and Expenses— December 31 2020 • The Fire Insurance Premium Tax was$298,650 this year, slightly down from $305,467 last year. • Interest income for the 2020 has decreased from the prior year, as expected with declining interest rates. Date Presented: 04/20/2021 City of Kent Firemen's Relief&Pension Trust Fund#620 Cash&Investments December31, 2020 Five Year Comparison 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 CASH&INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking&LGIP $ 719,115 30.88% $ 955,370 42.11% $ 868,541 39.25% $ 1,063,406 47.42% $ 1,088,902 49.68% Investments 1.609,989 69.12% 1,313,512 57.89% 1,344,329 60.75% 1,178,901 52.58% 1,102,811 50.32% TOTAL CASH&INVESTMENTS $ 2.329,104 100.00% $ 2,268,882 100.00% $ 2,212,870 100.00% $ 2,242,307 100.00% $ 2,191,713 100.00% LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Accrued Expenses $ 6,596 0.28% $ 6.676 0.29% $ 7.126 0.32% $ 7.424 0.33% $ 7.462 0.34% Held in trust for Pension Benefits 2,322,508 99.72% 2,262,206 99.71% 2,205,744 99.68% 2,234.883 99.67% 2.184.251 99.66% TOTAL LIABILITIES&RETAINED EARNINGS $ 2,329,104 100.00% $ 2,268,882 100.00% $ 2,212,870 100.00% $ 2,242,307 100.00% $ 2,191,713 100.00% CITY OF KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND INVESTMENTS December 31, 2020 $ Purchase Investment 030,233 Date Security Desch tion Yield maturity Total 12/31/20 CashinChecking 0.000% $ 58,669 12/31/20 T.ocal GoVt investment Pool 0.5593'o Overnight $ 1,030433 12/31/20 Other Investments 1.620% 976 Days $ 1,102,811 $ 2,191,713 Cash in Checking Local Gov't Investment Pool Other Investments Date Presented: 04/20/2021 City of Kent Firemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund#620 Statement of Revenues and Expenses For the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Five Year Comparison 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31/18 12/31/19 12/31/20 OPERATING REVENUES Interest Income $ 76,528 25.16% $ 82,859 27.11% $ 99,231 30.06% $ 105,358 25.65% $ 45,239 13.16% Fire Insurance Premium Tax 227,665 74.84% 222,783 72.89% 230.881 69.94% 305.467 74.35% 298,650 86.84% TOTAL REVENUES $ 304,193 100.00% $ 305,642 100.00% $ 330,112 100.00% $ 410,824 100.00% $ 343,889 100.00% OPERATING EXPENSES Pension Payments to Retirees 158,944 40.06% 162,942 44.53% 174,299 45.14% 180,966 47.09% 180,311 45.77% Health Insurance 226,000 56.96% 200,000 54.65% 200,000 51.80% 200,000 52.05% 200,000 50.77% Other Expenses 11,825 2.98% 3.000 0.82% 11,825 3.06% 3,300 0.86% 13,611 3.46% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 396,769 100.00% $ 365,942 100.00% $ 386,124 100.00% $ 384,267 100.00% $ 393,922 100.00% NET INCOME(LOSS) $ (92.576) $ (60,300) $ (56,013) $ 26.558 $ (50,033) Date Presented: 04/20/2021 2 • 40 K E N T W A S H I N c r o N CITY OF KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF & PENSION TRUST FUND FINANCIAL REPORT March, 2021 MANAGEMENT REPORTS Cash and Investments as of March 31, 2021 5 year comparison and breakdown of current investments 1 Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the March Months Ended March 31, 2021 2 Date Presented: 04/20/2021 City of Kent Firemen's Relief& Pension Trust Fund Executive Summary March, 2021 Cash & Investments— March 31, 2021 • Total Cash and Investments have decreased by approximately $44,000 since the same period in 2020, largely due to the declining investment interest earnings. • The Fire Relief& Pension Fund owns a percentage of all the City investment portfolio. The LGIP is currently earning 0.115%, and the other investments are averaging 1.25%. Statement of Revenues and Expenses— March 31, 2021 • Interest income for the quarter was $8,161, which is lower than interest income for last year at this time. This is primarily due to declining interest rates. • Pension expense, health insurance cost and other expenses totaled $98,497 for this quarter. Date Presented: 04/20/2021 City of Kent Firemen's Relief&Pension Trust Fund#620 Cash&Investments March 31,2021 Five Year Comparison 3/31/17 3/31/18 3/31/19 3/31/20 3/31/21 CASH&INVESTMENTS Cash in Checking&LGIP $ 915,098 40.91% $ 834,702 38.37% $ 807,719 38.05% $ 1,022,584 47.67% $ 873,355 41.56% Investments,at Cost 1,321,518 59.09% 1,340,506 61.63% 1.315.098 61.95% 1,122,500 52.33% 1,228,023 58.44% TOTAL CASH&INVESTMENTS $ 2,236,616 100.00% $ 2.175.208 100.00% $ 2,122,817 100.00% $ 2,145,084 100.00% $ 2.101.378 100.00% LIABILITIES AND RETAINED EARNINGS Accrued Expenses $ 7,088 0.32% $ 7.737 0.36% $ 8,070 0.38% $ 7,886 0.37% $ 7,462 0.36% Held in trust for Pension Benefits 2,229,528 99.68% 2,167,471 99.64% 2,114,747 99.62% 2,137,198 99.63% 2,093,916 99.64% TOTAL LIABILITIES&RETAINED EARNINGS $ 2,236,616 100.00% $ 2,175,208 100.00% $ 2,122,817 100.00% 5 2,145,084 100.00% $ 2.101,378 100.00% CITY OF ]KENT FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND INVESTMENTS March 31, 2021 51041351 Purchase Investment ' $769 Date Security Description Yield Maturity Total 51'az�.aa3 03/31/21 Cash in Checking 0.000% $ 104,351 03/31/21 Local Gov't Investment Pool 0.115% Overnight $ 769,004 03/31/21 Other Investments 1.250% 964 Days $ 1,228,023 $ 2,101,378 Cash in Checking Local Gov't Investment Pool Other Investments Date Presented: 04/20/2021 City of Kent Firemen's Relief and Pension Trust Fund#620 Statement of Revenues and Expenses For the Three Months Ended March 31, 2021 Five Year Comparison 3/31/17 3/31/18 3/31/19 3/31/20 3/31/21 OPERATING REVENUES Interest Income $ 1,322 100.00% $ 5,483 100.00% $ 7,425 100.00% $ 12,429 100.00% $ 8,161 100.00% Fire Insurance Premium Tax - 0.00% - 0.00% - 0.00% 0.00% - 0.00% TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,322 100.00% $ 5,483 100.00% $ 7,425 100.00% $ 12,429 100.00% $ 8,161 100.00% OPERATING EXPENSES Pension Payments to Retirees 42,529 45.10% 46,420 48.14% 47,702 47.23% 47,316 43.21% 44,772 45.46% Health Insurance 51,773 54.90% 50,000 51.86% 50,000 49.50% 50,000 45.66% 50,000 50.76% Other Expenses 0.00% 0.00% 3,300 3.27% 12,199 11.14% 3,725 3.78% TOTAL EXPENSES $ 94.302 100.00% $ 96,420 100.00% $ 101,002 100.00% $ 109,515 100.00% $ 98,497 100.00% NET INCOME(LOSS) $ (92,980) $ (90,937) $ (93,577) $ (97,086) $ (90.335) Date Presented: 04/20/2021 2