HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Economic and Community Development - 06/13/2022 (2) Unless otherwise noted, the Economic and Community Development Committee meets at 4 p.m. on the second Monday of each month in the Kent City Hall , Council Chambers, 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Rhonda Bylin at 253-856-5457 or Rbylin@kentwa.gov. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk’s Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Economic and Community Development Committee Monday, June 13, 2022 4:00 PM Chambers To listen to this meeting, call 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID 863 1581 9764 Chair Toni Troutner Councilmember Marli Larimer Councilmember Zandria Michaud ************************************************************** Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to Order Chair 2. Roll Call Chair 3. Agenda Approval Chair 4. Business Chair A. Approval of Minutes Approval of May 9, 2022 Minutes YES Chair 01 MIN. B. INFO ONLY: The Bridges NO Matt Gilbert Tammy White 10 MIN. C. 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update Adoption Ordinance YES Terry Jungman, Parks Planning & Development Manager 10 MIN. D. Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request YES Kaelene Nobis, AICP, Senior Long Range Planner 30 MIN. 5. Adjournment Chair Page 1 of 3 Pending Approval Economic and Community Development Committee CC ECDC Regular Meeting Minutes May 9, 2022 Date: May 9, 2022 Time: 4:01 p.m. Place: Chambers Members: Toni Troutner, Committee Chair Marli Larimer, Councilmember Zandria Michaud, Councilmember Agenda: 1. Call to Order 4:01 p.m. 2. Roll Call Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Toni Troutner Committee Chair Present Marli Larimer Councilmember Remote Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present 3. Agenda Approval 4. Business A. Approval of Munutes 1. Approval of Minutes dated March 14, 2022 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated March 14, 2022 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember AYES: Troutner, Larimer, Michaud B. Information Only 1. Update to Kent Surface Water Design Manual Changes at the state and county levels prompted this most recent update of the Kent Surface Water Design Manual. These updates fix errors and omissions, provide clarity and consistency with Kent Standards, and implement new WA Department of Ecology requirements. Western Washington cities are mandated by Federal and State Clean Water Act regulations (NPDES) to develop local stormwater management regulations that are consistent with the State stormwater standards. Kent Packet Pg. 2 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 9, 2022 4:00 PM (Approval of Minutes) Economic and Community Development Committee CC ECDC Regular Meeting Minutes May 9, 2022 Kent, Washington Page 2 of 3 achieves compliance by adopting the King County Surface Water Design Manual. The adoption of the King County standards is accomplished through the Kent Surface Water Design Manual, but does include city-specific standards as well as deviations from some King County standards due to geographic and procedural differences between Kent and King County operations. The updates to this manual have been reviewed by technical staff from the Economic and Community Development and Public Works departments. Some of the changes are a result of this internal review. The draft Kent Surface Water Design Manual update has also been submitted for review and public comment under SEPA and by the WA Department of Commerce. It also is scheduled for presentation and hearing at the Land Use and Planning Board as well as the Public Works Committee as an action item. C. Action Items 1. Lodging Tax Grant Applications & Funding Levels as Recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee The March 2022 funding cycle is to support events occurring in 2022 and 2023. Lodging tax revenues returned to the City which generated them are to be utilized to promote business and leisure travel. Special to Fiscal Year 2022, The Kent City Council approved the allocation of federal ARPA funds to restore city revenues lost due to pandemic related impacts. This has provided funding capacity comparable to pre-pandemic years with normal lodging tax revenue receipts. Individual grant applications and funding levels were discussed last month by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). Michelle Wilmot provides some background on each application received and the LTAC's process for arriving at their recommendations. With one exception, each applicant recommended to receive a grant received less than was requested. The exception was the request from the Kent International Festival, a long standing annual event which celebrates Kent's diversity and offers a free day of cultural programming and entertainment for all to attend. They were recommended to receive their full ask of $10,000 which will enable to them offer stipends to performing groups, rather than relying solely on artists to volunteer. Of two applications received from the Kent Downtown Partnership, the application for the Cajun festival scheduled for this summer was declined because it technically had already received a grant prior to the pandemic. This event is set for August 19th in beautiful downtown Kent at Burlington Green and Railroad Park. The other was to fund a 2nd iteration of the Meeker Street Nerd Party a happening planned for well into 2023, so they will resubmit that application for the Fall 2022 funding cycle. Packet Pg. 3 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 9, 2022 4:00 PM (Approval of Minutes) Economic and Community Development Committee CC ECDC Regular Meeting Minutes May 9, 2022 Kent, Washington Page 3 of 3 6 other applications were recommended to receive awards and these represent a broad mix of events including sports seasons and tournaments, education and networking events highlighting industries and groups important to Kent Valley commerce and support for the Kent Chamber of Commerce and their efforts to reach visitors and distribute timely information about the many fun and unique things to do around Kent, while also supporting local businesses. Grants recommended to Council by this committee will be considered by the Kent City Council May 17th. Those awarded will receive 50% of the funds up front, with the remainder provided at the project conclusion and upon submission of their results report in either 2022 or 2023. MOTION: I move to authorize the Council award a total of $200,000 to the 2022 Lodging Tax Advisory Grant Applicants at funding levels identified by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. RESULT: RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL [UNANIMOUS] Next: 5/17/2022 7:00 PM MOVER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Committee Chair AYES: Troutner, Larimer, Michaud 5. Adjournment 4:33 p.m. Rhonda Bylin Committee Secretary Packet Pg. 4 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of May 9, 2022 4:00 PM (Approval of Minutes) ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Kurt Hanson, AICP, EDFP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5454 DATE: June 13, 2022 TO: Economic and Community Development Committee SUBJECT: INFO ONLY: The Bridges SUMMARY: As contemplated in Resolution No. 2038, staff from Kent and Auburn have been working closely together on matters related to transitioning the Bridges neighborhood into Auburn via annexation/de-annexation. Staff have continued to explore infrastructure issues, identified the administrative steps required to effectuate the transition and have formulated a public outreach plan. An update on this work will be presented at the June 13th meeting. SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. 4.B Packet Pg. 5 LAND USE AND PLANNING BOARD 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 DATE: June 13, 2022 TO: Economic and Community Development Committee FROM: Parks Department SUBJECT: 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update Adoption Ordinance MOTION: Recommend City Council adopt an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan’s Parks and Recreation Element to incorporate the 2022 Parks and Open Space Plan. SUMMARY: This ordinance is to amend the current Comprehensive Plan’s Parks and Recreation Element to incorporate the 2022 Parks and Open Space Plan (PSOP). The 2022-2027 POSP document serves as a roadmap for the prioritization of capital funds and a decision-making tool for city staff to carry out day-to-day operations. The purpose of the 2022 POSP is to develop a long-range vision to guide the continued planning and development of the overall park system, to better and more equitably serve current and future residents of Kent. The 2016 POSP created a new way to measure the quality of the park system and made clear the need for sustainable funding to retain a high-quality system. With dedicated and sustainable capital funds now in place, the 2022 POSP update seeks to build upon the work and accomplishments from prior years by focusing on development of level of service metrics for land acquisition, updates to recreational value scores, racial and social equity planning and engagement, GIS data and analysis, sustainable funding plan, and an update to project priorities. The City is required to update the POSP every six years to be eligible for grant funding through the state Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), which is a significant source of funding for city-funded capital projects. Adoption of this updated plan in June 2022 will allow the city to apply for grants in the upcoming grant cycle. BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: Innovative Government - Delivering outstanding customer service, developing leaders, and fostering innovation. 4.C Packet Pg. 6 Evolving Infrastructure - Connecting people and places through strategic investments in physical and technological infrastructure. Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. Inclusive Community - Embracing our diversity and advancing equity through genuine community engagement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. CompPlanAmend_2022ParkOpenSpacePlan_5.18.22 LAW REVIEW (PDF) 2. City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (PDF) 3. PPD - POSP Final 052722 (PDF) 05/23/22 Land Use and Planning Board RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL 4.C Packet Pg. 7 1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Park and Open Space Plan CPA-2021-8 ORDINANCE NO.________ AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, amending the Parks and Recreation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan related to the adoption of the 2022 Park and Open Space Plan. (CPA-2021-8). RECITALS A. Pursuant to the Growth Management Act (GMA), the city’s comprehensive plan provides for planning activities and capital budget decisions that are consistent with the comprehensive plan. RCW 36.70A.120. The Parks and Recreation Element provides the foundation and guidance for the park system within the City. The Parks and Recreation Element includes an inventory of existing parks and open spaces, level of service standards, a summary of public participation, goals and policies, and opportunities for regional coordination. B. The city council’s strategic goals include the creation of neighborhood urban centers, connections for people and places, fostering inclusiveness, and beautifying Kent. 4.C.a Packet Pg. 8 Attachment: CompPlanAmend_2022ParkOpenSpacePlan_5.18.22 LAW REVIEW (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update) 2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Park and Open Space Plan CPA-2021-8 C. The purpose of the 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan is to develop a long-range vision to guide the continued planning and development of the overall park system to better, and more equitably, serve current and future residents of Kent. The document serves as a roadmap for the prioritization of capital funds and a decision-making tool for city staff to carry out day-to-day operations. D. This update focuses on development of level of service metrics for land acquisition, updates to recreational value scores, racial and social equity planning and engagement, GIS data and analysis, sustainable funding plan, and an update to project priorities. When the Park and Open Space Plan is integrated into the Parks and Recreation Element of the city’s comprehensive plan, it will direct future development, acquisition and renovation of parks and open spaces for the short and long-term future. E. The City is required to update the Park and Open Space Plan every six years to be eligible for grant funding through the state Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), which is a significant source of funding for city-funded capital projects. Adoption of this updated plan in July 2022 will allow the city to apply for grants in the upcoming grant cycle. F. The Park and Open Space Plan has undergone an extensive public process. In 2021, Kent Parks put together a city-wide engagement plan by sending 65,000 postcards, placing 100 signs in parks and along trails, held 6 on-site events, conducted a social media campaign, and posted in city newsletters and on reader boards. Community members were asked to participate in a statically valid or/and a general survey, between these surveys there were 817 responses. During the entire engagement process there were 2,993 touch points made throughout the community. 4.C.a Packet Pg. 9 Attachment: CompPlanAmend_2022ParkOpenSpacePlan_5.18.22 LAW REVIEW (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update) 3 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Park and Open Space Plan CPA-2021-8 G. On April 25, 2022, the city provided the State of Washington the required 60-day notification under RCW 36.70A.106 of the City’s proposed amendments. No comments were received. H. On May 21, 2022, the city’s State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Responsible Official issued an Addendum to the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan Review and Midway Subarea Planned Action Environmental Impact Statement and City of Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan Planned Action Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. The Addendum did not identify any additional significant adverse environmental impacts associated with the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. I. On April 25th, 2022, the Land Use and Planning Board (“LUPB”) held a workshop to discuss the update to the Park and Open Space Plan as well as the associated amendment to the Parks and Recreation Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. On May 23rd, 2022, the LUPB held a public hearing to consider the matter. At the close of the public hearing, the LUPB voted to recommend adoption of the comprehensive plan amendment and 2022 Park and Open Space Plan. J. The City Council’s Economic and Community Development Committee considered the LUPB’s recommendation at its regularly scheduled meeting on June 13th, 2022, and forwarded its own recommendation to the full City Council. The Park and Open Space Plan update was also considered by the City Council’s Parks and Human Services Committee on June 2nd, 2022. 4.C.a Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: CompPlanAmend_2022ParkOpenSpacePlan_5.18.22 LAW REVIEW (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update) 4 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Park and Open Space Plan CPA-2021-8 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 1. – Incorporation of Recitals. The preceding recitals are incorporated herein. SECTION 2. – Amendment. The 2022 Park and Open Space Plan, attached as Exhibit “A,” is hereby incorporated into the Parks and Recreation Element of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 3. – Severability. If any one or more sections, sub- sections, or sentences of this ordinance are held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 4. – Corrections by City Clerk or Code Reviser. Upon approval of the City Attorney, the City Clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; references to other local, state or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations; or ordinance numbering and section/subsection numbering. SECTION 5. - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after the date of passage as provided by law. DANA RALPH, MAYOR 4.C.a Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: CompPlanAmend_2022ParkOpenSpacePlan_5.18.22 LAW REVIEW (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update) 5 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Park and Open Space Plan CPA-2021-8 ATTEST: KIM KOMOTO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: TAMMY WHITE, CITY ATTORNEY PASSED: ______ day of June, 2022. APPROVED: ______ day of June, 2022. PUBLISHED: ______ day of June, 2022. I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Ordinance No. _______, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor of the City of Kent as hereon indicated. (SEAL) KIM KOMOTO, CITY CLERK 4.C.a Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: CompPlanAmend_2022ParkOpenSpacePlan_5.18.22 LAW REVIEW (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Update) Parks & Open Space Plan 2022 City of Kent 4.C.b Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Contents Parks and Open Space Plan | City of Kent 2022 What Is a Parks and Open Space Plan? Acknowledgments Executive Summary Glossary of Terms01The Role of Parks and Open Space in the City The Role of Parks Planning in the City A Brief History of the Park System Why Do We Need a Plan? 11 12 15 16 3 5 7 Our Community02Role of a Parks Department The City of Kent Demographics of Kent National Recreational Trends Parks Plan Engagement How Do Parks Respond 19 21 23 28 29 34 Where We Are03Benchmarking Level of Service Park Classifications Geospatial Data and Heat Mapping Nature Score Athletic Capacity Study Studying The System 37 38 45 47 53 55 62 4.C.b Packet Pg. 14 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan How We Will Get There Conclusion 05 06 Funding O&M Versus Capital Funding The Problem with Reactive Maintenance Funding Status Our Funding Bucket Partnerships with Alternate Providers Goals and Policies Focus Group Interview Summaries Kent PRCS Community Interest & Opinion Survey Report Statistically Valid Survey Priority Investment Rating by Race Statistically Valid Survey by Planning Region General Survey Tabular Results Website Input Similar Providers Technical Memo: Heat Mapping Methods Kent Parks Property Inventory Major Asset Inventory Athletic Field Capacity Study Expanded RV Methodology Explanation A B C D E F G H I J K L 65 66 67 68 69 71 73 90 123 95 96 96 97 101 114 115 AppendicesWhere We Are Going04Vision and Goals Project Outcomes Strategic Projects Systemwide Initiatives Systemwide Operational and Maintenance Needs Citywide Connections Projects by Region Strategic Projects Summary Cover Photo Credits 1: View along the Kent Valley Loop Trail, credit Tom Gray 2: Lake Meridian Park 3: Arbor Heights 360 climbing pinnacle 4: Lake Meridian Park 5: Wilson Playfields 6: Clark Lake Park 7: Earthworks Park 8: Wilson Playfields 1 7 3 4 5 6 2 8 4.C.b Packet Pg. 15 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan “Sweet Suite” Elizabeth Conner sculpture, Town Square Plaza 3 This plan is the end result of many community conversations, stakeholder interviews, and input gathered from a broad representation of residents in Kent. The City of Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department wishes to acknowledge and thank the many individuals who participated in the surveys and various engagement opportunities that helped shape this plan. Truly, it is this collaboration that gives this plan validity as we seek to preserve and protect public land in Kent. In this process, we want to acknowledge that the City of Kent and all its parks sit on the lands of the Duwamish, Muckleshoot, and Coast Salish peoples, whose ancestors have lived here since time immemorial. We are grateful to their stewardship of this land, and we give respect to the many indigenous people who continue to flourish here. We also wish to thank the Parks and Recreation Commission for their commitment to understanding the complex issues and challenges associated with addressing the parks and recreational priorities and needs of the residents of Kent. Their involvement and support of the plan continues to profoundly influence the direction of the department. Additional thanks go to the numerous staff in multiple departments who reviewed and commented on the document in its various drafts, and who collaborated in building a common understanding of diversity, equity, inclusion, and key metrics for promoting social equity. Their input was indispensable in this effort. The department extends our gratitude to the firms of Berger Partnership, PROS Consulting, and Herrera Environmental Consultants, whose professional collaboration was crucial to the development of the document and the continued evolution of a performance-based Level of Service. Our recognition and thanks are also extended to the Mayor and City Council for their interest and support in this important effort. Acknowledgments 4.C.b Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 4 Kent Mayor Dana Ralph Kent City Council Bill Boyce Brenda Fincher Satwinder Kaur Marli Larimer Zandria Michaud Les Thomas Toni Troutner City Staff Derek Matheson Pat Fitzpatrick Julie Parascondola Brian Levenhagen Garin Lee Lori Hogan Phung Huynh Terry Jungman Kerry O’Connor Lynn Osborn Bryan Higgins Michael Espenan Cassidy Sawyer Uriel Varela Kaelene Nobis Rob Brown April Delchamps David Paine HB Harper Lori Guilfoyle Maria Tizoc Dinah Wilson Council President Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Chief Administrative Officer Interim Chief Administrative Officer Parks, Recreation and Community Services Director Deputy Director Park Operations Superintendent Recreation and Cultural Services Superintendent Accounting Manager Parks Planning and Development Manager Parks Planner Parks Planning and Development Specialist Parks Capital Project Manager Parks Capital Project Manager GIS Analyst Race and Equity Manager Senior Long Range Planner Transportation Engineering Manager City Transportation Manager City Transportation Planner Long Range Planning Manager Human Services Coordinator Neighborhood Program Coordinator Senior CDBG Coordinator Kent Parks and Recreation Commission Jennifer Ritchie Chair Kristie Duggan Vice Chair Edith Gonzalez Elizabeth Carter Kathleen Meehan Matthew Morgan Michael J. Javelli Richard Minutoli Roberto Arellano, Jr. Sarah Veele Scott R. Taylor Stuart Chapman Taek Kim Berger Partnership, Consultants Greg Brower Andy Mitton Stephanie Woirol Christine Abbott Ann Salerno Laura Laney Christine Gannon Pros Consulting Leon Younger Scott Vollmer Austin Hochstetler Herrera Environmental Consultants Jennifer Schmidt 4.C.b Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Wilson Playfields 5 Parks are part of what makes a place special. Kent is fortunate to have a rich diversity of both people and parks, making our city an attractive place to live, work, and play. Kent is growing both in terms of population and diversity, creating increased demand for parks and open space and changes in how residents use the park system. The 2022 Parks and Open Space Plan (2022 Plan) establishes goals and identifies strategic projects to meet the needs of our community through earnest community engagement and tracks outcomes with performance-based metrics. First and foremost, the 2022 Plan centers diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as core principles that guide all other components of the plan. Kent Parks is committed to providing a high- quality recreational experience for all residents and visitors. Understanding what this means for a growing and changing population can only be achieved through authentic community engagement and transparent decision-making. With thousands of community touchpoints through our engagement efforts and focused conversations with community-based organizations, we feel that this is truly a shared vision formed by Kent residents and reflective of the rich diversity that makes Kent unique. The 2022 Plan furthers concepts established in the 2016 Parks and Open Space Plan (2016 Plan) with updates to the performance-based Level of Service (LOS). After a full six-year cycle of implementing work under this methodology, there is clear and project-based evidence of how focusing on both the quality and quantity of recreational amenities in each park results in high-performing parks. With performance-based LOS concepts well established, this plan also layers in more traditional LOS metrics, which focus on quantity of parkland to identify areas of the city that are parkland deficient and inform a land acquisition strategy. The LOS analysis gains a degree of precision in the 2022 Plan with the introduction of geospatial mapping and analysis. Layering data related to park access, walkability, transit, population density, and racial and social equity provides a clear view of park needs across the city, proving certain recommendations that were previously known but also revealing and informing new recommendations. Making this data publicly available and easy to interpret serves the need for transparency, one of the primary goals of this plan. Executive Summary 4.C.b Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 6 The 2016 Plan told the story of a park system laden with failing assets without the resources to replace them. This powerful story led to new funding sources and reinvestment into the system. Kent parks are more resilient today than they were in 2016, but there is more work to be done. As Kent continues to grow and with the global pandemic shining a renewed light on the importance of easy access to quality parks, trails, and open spaces in urban settings, continued investment is more important than ever. This increased demand for parks can only be met with increased funding for: 1) capital development to meet the demand for new and expanded facilities and 2) operations and maintenance (O&M) to keep our parks system performing at a high level. Funding one without a proportionate increase in the other knocks the park system out of balance, leading to either a backlog of capital redevelopment or a park system that is less inviting and less safe, with assets with reduced lifecycles due to reactive maintenance. The findings and recommendations of the 2022 Plan are summarized under four goals. These four goals inform nine project outcomes, which are the basis for prioritization of individual strategic projects: While the 2022 plan is both ambitious and achievable, the results of the 2016 plan prove that the City of Kent will benefit from finding a way to meet these objectives. This plan lays out a clear framework for how to reach the high bar that it sets, and the Kent community deserves nothing less. The result will be a park system that helps define the character of our city and makes our residents proud to call Kent home. TRANSPARENCY & COMMUNICATION OUTCOMESGOALSPHYSICAL ACCESS FOR ALL DIVERSITY OF HIGH- QUALITY AMENITY SYSTEM RESILIENCY Trails Athletics Operations & MaintenanceAccess Equity PartnershipsStrategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources 4.C.b Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 7 Access Point A place where a park user can enter a park by walking, biking, rolling, or driving. Acquisition Purchase of new property, increasing overall park acreage. The goal of most acquisitions is to provide open space and Recreational Value in areas of the city that are deficient. Amenity See ‘Recreational Amenity.’ Asset Any built component in the park system valued at over $10,000. Asset Grade A number assigned to each asset that reflects the asset’s physical condition. The scale ranges from 1 to 5, with a grade of 1 reflecting an asset that is near or at the end of its useful life. A grade of 5 reflects an asset that is new or like new. Capacity or Carrying Capacity The maximum use an asset, park, or system can handle before it is either too full of people or the use causes difficult-to-repair damage. Capital Development Construction projects that develop previously undeveloped parkland into a new formal park space or expand the use of an existing park space, including the addition of major new amenities. Capital Repair/Redevelopment Construction projects that repair or replace failing infrastructure or otherwise aging amenities in kind. Examples are repaving a parking lot, replacing worn-out athletic field synthetic turf, or improving drainage of an existing grass field. Community Park A useful traditional classification of parks. Community parks serve the city with unique activities and are generally expected to have a high enough level of Recreational Value to draw users from around the city. People are anticipated to access these parks by foot, car, bike, and transit. Equality Equality means providing everyone with the same amount of resources regardless of whether everyone needs them. In other words, each person receives an equal share of resources despite what they already have or don’t have. Equity Equity is when resources are shared based on what each person needs in order to adequately level the playing field. Heat Map A tool that overlays various metrics onto a map. Metrics can include a wide variety of information; for this effort the metrics included access points, equity, Recreational Value, a 10-minute walk, and a 10-minute drive. The metrics add together to create an understanding of where highest needs for new parks or new amenities exist in the park system. Level of Service (LOS) A measure of how well a public agency is providing for (or serving) the public. The traditional measure of LOS for park systems in the U.S.A. has been acres per thousand of population. The 2016 Kent Parks and Open Space Plan introduced a new approach to LOS that evaluates the quality of amenities and how they are distributed within the city. The 2022 Plan continues refining the approach introduced in 2016; refinements include assessments of physical access and demographic equity. Glossary of Terms 4.C.b Packet Pg. 20 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 8 Neighborhood Park A useful traditional classification of parks. Neighborhood parks provide convenient access to active and passive recreational opportunities for a neighborhood. Most users are anticipated to walk or bike to these parks. Recreational Value is generally lower than community parks. Overall Park Condition A grade calculated for each park that reflects the park’s physical condition. It is derived by averaging the Park Property Grade and average Asset Grade of that park. This score is converted to the Park Condition Multiplier. Park Asset Inventory An inventory of every capital asset in the Kent park system valued at over $10,000. This is a planning tool that tracks year built, condition, size, life-cycle, and replacement cost of park assets. This tool is used to understand the yearly capital costs and maintenance costs that will be needed to preserve the system. Park Condition Multiplier A number determined by the overall park condition. The resulting number is multiplied by number of amenities in a park to determine the park’s Recreational Value. Park Performance Tier Implemented in the 2016 Plan, tiers are used to categorize parks by their Recreational Value. The lowest tier for a functional park is Tier 1; parks assessed below 1 are considered to not provide significant Recreational Value. The highest performing park is a Tier 6, but higher tiers are possible. Tiers have loose associations with more traditional parks categories such as community and neighborhood parks. Park Property Grade A grade given to each park capturing its general condition. This is independent of the condition of its inventoried assets. The grades range from 1 (failing) to 5 (functionally new). Recreational Amenity Any feature in a park that provides opportunities to recreate or that makes recreation more comfortable, attractive, or accessible. It may be a built feature, such as a restroom, or a naturally occurring amenity, such as a view of Mount Rainier. The number of recreational amenities in a given park is used in the Recreational Value formula to assess the park’s current Recreational Value. A conceptual level estimate of possible complementary recreational amenities is used to assess the park’s potential Recreational Value. Recreational Value (RV) A type of Level of Service calculation that measures the performance of an individual park or an entire park system. The formula takes into account how age and condition of a park and its assets impact the quality and quantity of recreational opportunities provided. Newer parks and assets function at a higher level (and provide a higher RV) than deteriorated parks and assets. Current Recreational Value (CRV) An assessment of a park system’s or park’s individual performance. A park’s CRV is found by counting the park’s existing recreational amenities and multiplying by the Park Condition Multiplier. Potential Recreational Value (PRV) An assessment of how much Recreational Value a park or property can provide at its ultimate build-out, assuming the overall park condition is a 5 (functionally new). The assessment is done park by park by determining how each park or property would be developed/renovated, given reasonable constraints and funding. That expected development is then assessed by adding up the number of recreational amenities for each park or property. Sustainable Funding Perpetual and reliable sources of money. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Chestnut Ridge Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 01 KENTP&OSPLAN2022 chapter The Role of Parks and Open Space in the City 11 The Role of Parks Planning in the City 12 A Brief History of the Park System 15 Why Do We Need a Plan? 16 What is a Parks and Open Space Plan? 4.C.b Packet Pg. 23 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 01 11 Parks make cities livable by infusing play, nature, and gathering into publicly accessible space. A Parks and Open Space (P&OS) Plan maintains the health of a park system. It presents a coherent plan for implementing the next phase of acquisition, development, and maintenance for a park system, incorporating research, public input, and financial and logistical factors. Every six years Kent Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS), or Kent Parks, updates their Parks and Open Space Plan, evaluating how the park system is serving the public and identifying strategic projects, partnerships, and funding needed to better serve the public. The 2016 P&OS Plan created a new way to measure the quality of the park system and made clear the need for sustainable funding to maintain high quality. Using the 2016 Plan as a tool, the city has dedicated a sustainable source of capital funding. This 2022 P&OS Plan seeks to build on the work and accomplishments of the 2016 Plan to reassess the quality of the system and continue building it to respond to the diversity and population growth of Kent today and in the future. The focus of the 2022 P&OS Plan is to create a resilient system that provides physical access and a diversity of high-quality amenities prioritized by need and using a transparent process to identify strategic projects, partnerships, and funding. People value parks and open spaces for so many reasons: the opportunity to walk a dog, learn to ride a bike, play organized sports, explore a trail, or engage in a wide variety of other recreational activities. These activities lead to health benefits by providing contact with nature, opportunities for physical activity, and social interaction. Well-designed and maintained parks also contribute to the economic development of a community by providing popular amenities that people look for when deciding where they want to live and work. Healthy open spaces offer habitat for urban wildlife, clean the air, and absorb stormwater runoff. Parks and open spaces contribute to a community’s aesthetics and serve as landmarks that people associate with a community’s identity. The Role of Parks and Open Space in the City What is a Parks and Open Space Plan? The city is not the only provider of recreational opportunities in Kent. School playgrounds and sports fields, private gyms, and other recreational sites owned by other organizations also provide space to play. All these facilities are valued components of Kent’s recreational “menu,” and they all play important roles in the community. They’re largely not discussed here because the city has no authority to plan, manage, or improve private, outside agency, and school-owned facilities. Kent Parks has initiated partnership conversations with other recreation providers in the city to find mutually beneficial opportunities to provide high-quality recreation. These partnerships are discussed throughout the report and include enhanced athletic field partnerships with the Kent School District. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Wilson Playfields 0112 Many city planning efforts are complementary to park planning and together build the blueprint for an evolving Kent. A Parks and Open Space Plan fits into requirements and guidance from the state of Washington’s Growth Management Act (GMA). The GMA requires the city to complete and regularly update a Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan). Last updated in 2015, Kent’s Comp Plan provides a vision through 2035. It creates a framework for how the city will accommodate growth through land-use regulations and infrastructure planning, including parks and recreation, and guides future legally binding regulations. The P&OS Plan is a complementary document that feeds into the Parks Strategic Framework, which then feeds into the Comp Plan. The Parks Strategic Framework outlines a clear, accessible path for implementing the foundation laid in the Comp Plan. There are many city programs and plans that look at various aspects of the city and inform each other, working together to create a vibrant and equitable Kent. The Role of Parks Planning in the City Transportation Master Plan provides a 20-year vision for the city’s holistic bike/ ped/vehicular/transit experience. Why It’s Important: Multimodal (bike/ped/ transit/other) corridors create ease of access for high numbers of residents and other park users. Understanding how people access parks and trails and providing transportation options is an important consideration when planning park projects. Community Development Block Grant Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development is updated every five years and provides objectives and outcomes for investment in the development of urban communities. Why It’s Important: The plan and grants focus on providing decent housing, living environment, and economic opportunities to create a healthy, thriving, and inclusive community for all Kent residents. Rally the Valley Subarea Plan provides a 20-year vision for the industrial valley including amenities and trail connections. Why It’s Important: The industrial valley is where many people spend their days working, and it has an interconnected network of parks and trails for them to enjoy during daytime hours. The majority of land in the valley is already developed and unavailable to the park system, so privately owned amenities and connections to parks and trails are to be celebrated and built upon. City of Kent Downtown Subarea Action Plan pursues a dense, mixed-use urban center that complements transit. Why It’s important: The DSAP emphasizes pedestrian and bicycle connections, particularly to parks and transit, as part of an integrated transportation system. Developing, maintaining, and operating high-quality parks in downtown is a key action within the plan. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 25 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 01 13 4.C.b Packet Pg. 26 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan O&M Plan is continuously updated and focuses on preventative maintenance, urban forestry, natural resources, fleet management, and asset management. Why It’s Important: This work supports the health of the park system and ensures high-quality recreation for Kent’s residents. Golf Business Plan is updated every six years and provides a plan for the golf complex. Why It’s Important: The plan provides a golf experience for all levels of play ability and aligns core, essential, and discretionary services. Human Services Strategic Plan is updated every five years and creates a vision for high-quality service for all residents. Why It’s Important: This plan creates a healthy, thriving, and inclusive community by ensuring access to opportunity and services that respect each person’s unique experiences. Kent Valley Loop Trails Plan looks at linking together various parks and trail segments (Green River, Interurban, Frager Rd.) in the Downtown, Green River, and West Hill regions. Why It’s Important: Parks and links between them already existed but not in formal or intuitive ways. Some connections only needed signage; others needed infrastructure improvements. Together the improvements create a system of short and long trails for users of all abilities and comfort levels connecting workers, residents, and visitors to a large urban and natural area. Green Kent Plan looks at vegetation management in Kent’s green spaces. Why It’s Important: Kent Parks has a unique opportunity to protect and enhance habitat areas and provide education about nature. Removing invasive plant species and supporting native species is a key part of this mission. Comprehensive Recreation Program Plan provides an eight-year vision for programming of interior and outdoor facilities in the park system. Why It’s Important: Planning a system includes looking at the spread of recreation across a city. While interior facilities tend to provide different sorts of amenities than exterior parks, interior and exterior amenities can complement and balance each other. Facilities Master Plan provides a condition assessment and 20-year vision for city-owned interior facilities and strategic projects for those facilities. Why It’s Important: This assessment is closely tied to the Recreation Program Plan and the system of amenities and services the city can provide residents, visitors, and employees. Many park properties have facilities within or adjacent to them that are important considerations in identifying parks amenities. Kent Housing Options Plan provides a 20-year vision for housing in Kent. Why It’s Important: Kent has a growing demand for housing. The Housing Options Plan establishes policy for how Kent can meet this demand, influencing areas of housing and business density. This in turn influences the number of people in an area of the city, which is a key factor in locating and allocating funding to parks. Parks Strategic Framework is updated every five years and consolidates the individual plans that provide visions for the various divisions of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) department, links to city strategic planning, and overall vision for the department. Why It’s Important: This is the guiding light of values, framework, and goals for the PRCS department, driving work plans for each division of the department and connecting actions to community outcomes. 14 01 4.C.b Packet Pg. 27 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 01 15 Completed over decades, Kent’s park system was forged through thoughtful planning and community commitment. This planning has been acknowledged in various venues, including being the 1988 NRPA Gold Medal Grand Award Winner for Parks and Recreation and the recipient of the 1991 NRPA Gold Medal for Adaptive Recreation. The Gold Medal Award honors communities throughout the United States that demonstrate excellence in long-range planning, resource management, and innovative approaches to delivering superb park and recreation services with fiscally sound business practices. The late 90’s and early 2000’s saw a number of significant parks built or annexed into the city, including Lake Meridian Park (annexed from King County), Wilson Playfields, Arbor Heights 360, Town Square Plaza and Service Club Ballfields. These gains were paired with the loss of 2 soccer fields at Hogan Park, 3 youth ballfields at Borden Playfields and a combination of soccer/baseball fields at Commons Playfields. These tradeoffs shifted parks from downtown to the new population center on East Hill, but additional plans to add parks to meet demand from Kent’s growing population were put on hold due to reduced capital and operating budgets. This ultimately resulted in a net loss of 3 ballfields, 6 soccer fields and a number of needed new parks not getting built. A Brief History of the Park System Leading up to the 2016 plan, the lack of funding, going back a decade, had allowed many park amenities to fall into disrepair and failure. Around that time, Kent was emerging from a period of economic recovery and the Parks Department where the parks department had to use its already limited operating budget to supplement its capital budget resulting in a series of small playground renovations but did not keep up with bigger system needs for reinvestment. Park amenities were deteriorating faster than they could be replaced and a growing maintenance backlog resulted in a parks system that was falling further behind each year. The 2016 Plan called for sustainable funding to allow reinvestment into and renovation of the existing park system to begin to catch-up on this deficit. In response to that plan, sustainable capital funding (business and occupation taxes) have been allocated to parks, allowing for significant and sustainable progress in replacing failing amenities and developing new amenities. That funding supported recently completed and ongoing projects, some of which are reflected in the below list. Recently Completed and Ongoing Projects [Hogan Park at Russell Road Field 1 Turf Conversion [Lake Meridian Restroom Renovation/Restoration [Lake Fenwick Floating Walkway Replacement [Mill Creek Canyon Cleanup and Trail Repair [Service Club Ballfields Drainage Improvements [WiffCo Field/New Playground at Kent Memorial Park [Parkland Acquisition: [Clark Lake [Upper Mill Creek [Morrill Meadows [Kherson Park Playground and Green Space (construction in 2022) [Morrill Meadows Phase 2 Improvements (construction in 2022) [Springwood Park Renovation (design in 2022) [Van Doren’s Landing Park Replacement (construction in 2022) [Salt Air Vista Renovation (construction in 2022) [Chestnut Ridge Renovation (construction in 2022) [4th and Willis Greenways Trail and Landscape (construction in 2022) [Lake Meridian Dock Replacement [West Fenwick Park Renovation [Riverbend Driving Range Improvements [Kiwanis Tot Lot 3 Renovation [Meridian Glen Park Renovation [Wilson Playfields Shelter Installation 4.C.b Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0116 The sustainable capital funding achieved since the 2016 Plan is a major step forward for the park system, and when combined with a recent surge in real estate excise tax revenues it has allowed for a significant first wave of reinvestment that has saved park amenities from having to be closed or removed due to failure. The park department also passed the city’s first ever park impact fee to ensure that growth in the city helps pay for the increased demand it will put on the park system. These additional capital funding sources are only the first step toward addressing the needs of Kent’s growing and diverse population. As discussed in later chapters, existing funding only partially addresses the repair and renovation need of existing amenities, leaving very little for the acquisition, expansion and development needed to equitably provide for Kent’s growing population. Additionally, increased daily operations and maintenance budget is needed to responsibly ensure each old and new asset is maintained consistently and at a high quality to keep it performing for a long lifespan. The 2022 Plan looks to continue the momentum of reinvestment of the 2016 Plan, with the additional focus of providing a more equitable spread of amenities, developing new parks, and ensuring funding for adequate maintenance. Why Do We Need a Plan? Creating a P&OS Plan and keeping it current ensures the city is managing parks responsibly and that they qualify for key funding. For example, a city is only eligible for certain state-funded capital grants if they maintain a current Parks and Open Space Plan. The plan ensures that the city can receive grant funding through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), a program that has provided millions of dollars to Kent over the years to acquire, develop, and redevelop parks. Arguably more important is the vital need for the city to regularly take a critical look at its services and ask hard questions about how it is performing those services. Are they still relevant? Are they meeting the needs and priorities of the community? Is the city investing an appropriate level of resources into them? Addressing these questions is part of the city’s responsibility to its residents to do a prudent and responsible job of stewarding the resources entrusted to it. Kent is an evolving city, with an increasingly dense and diverse population of people from different backgrounds and countries. As density increases, use demands increase on the park system, and options to meet that demand decrease. The 2022 Plan looks to determine if the system adequately provides for Kent’s diversity and density and to identify how to equitably and thoughtfully apply its resources to provide quality park access for the most residents possible. How can an existing park system adequately respond to the recreational needs of an increasingly diverse and urbanizing community? This plan will attempt to answer the question by focusing on four key goals and nine project outcomes: Goals [Physical Access for All [Diversity of High-Quality Amenity [System Resiliency [Transparency and Communication Project Outcomes [Access [Strategic Amenities [Partnerships [Equity [Trails [Athletics [Programming [Operations and Maintenance [Natural Resources With these goals and outcomes, the city can help ensure that this park system—more than 100 years old—can provide vibrant, relevant, safe, and attractive recreational opportunities for residents today and into the future. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Wilson Playfields 4.C.b Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Role of a Parks Department 19 The City of Kent 21 Demographics of Kent 23 National Recreational Trends 28 Parks Plan Engagement 29 How Do Parks Respond 34 Our Community 02 KENTP&OSPLAN2022 chapter 4.C.b Packet Pg. 31 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 02 19 Role of a Parks Department The job of Kent’s Parks, Recreation, and Community Services, or Kent Parks, is to enhance community health by providing a range of services to the people who live in, work in, and visit Kent. Kent Park’s mission, “Dedicated to Enriching Lives,” commits to providing safe and inviting parks and facilities, meaningful, inclusive, and diverse recreational programs, cultural activities, and human services. Kent’s park system includes 55 parks that cover more than 1,070 acres, 54.7 miles of trails, and programs and events that serve over 1.4 million people annually. The importance of public services and green space has become starkly apparent during the recent COVID-19 Pandemic and social justice movements as people search for physically and emotionally safe places to recreate and connect. To continue growing and enhancing the system and community, Kent Parks approaches decision making in a way that emphasizes social, environmental, and economic benefits with ten areas of focus: [Social Equity and Inclusion [Basic Needs and Self-Reliance [Health and Community Wellness [Economic Development [Youth Development/Out-of-School Time [Healthy Aging [Land and Facilities Stewardship [Arts and Culture [Environmental Sustainability [Active Transportation In support of those ten areas, Kent Parks: [Designs, builds, and maintains parks and trails with guidance from the Parks and Recreation Commission. [Provides recreational programs. [Oversees cultural arts programs with guidance from the Arts Commission. [Maintains city recreational facilities, athletic facilities, and golf. [Funds human services programs with direction from the Human Services Commission. Informed decisions that build this mission are based on an understanding of the city, community, and national and local trends. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0220 Kiwanis Tot Lot #3 4.C.b Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 3 miles 02 21 The City of Kent is in a prime economic location within Washington State’s most populous county, King County. Within 20 miles of Kent City Hall there are two interstate freeways, three highways, two national railroad lines, three regional transit commuter rail stations, one light rail station, an international airport, and two international deep-water seaports. These connections have made Kent the fourth largest manufacturing and distribution center in the country, home to companies like Amazon, Boeing, Blue Origin, and many other businesses that populate the industrial valley. Kent’s vibrant and diverse economy is the economic barometer for the region; home to 10,000 businesses and 63,000 jobs, Kent is the eighth most ethnically diverse city in the United States with a diverse population of approximately 137,000 people who speak 138 different languages. The City of Kent Situated as a suburb directly between Seattle and Tacoma, the City of Kent’s position in the regional landscape lends itself to many connections with metropolitan and environmental opportunities. Regional Proximity 4.C.b Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 3 miles 0222 Natural and man-made edges create functional regions of Kent. Region edges are defined by busy streets or highways, steep topography, rivers, and transitions between industrial and residential development. These regions are useful for thinking about how people use and move through the city, and they create a way of understanding where a certain type of park development might be needed. City Regions In many ways, Kent is defined by the diversity of its community and the rich mix of industrial, residential, and natural areas within its borders. The city is roughly bisected by the Green River and its associated flat valley bordered by steep steps up to the West Hill and East Hill. The valley is further bisected by Highway 167 and zoning boundaries, creating areas thought of as Downtown and the industrial valley. Creeks that feed into the Green River cut through East Hill, creating ravines and natural areas that restrict movement. East Hill is a large area, mostly residential with some retail, that is further crisscrossed by major streets like Highway 515 and E James Street. West Hill is separated from the rest of the city by the Green River, Highway 516, and is bisected by I-5. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 2021 $ Total Population 136,766 46% White 24% Asian 12% Black or African3% American Indian, Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander 47,650 Total Households 35.8 Median Age $73,691 Median Household Income Race 16% Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity 02 23 Any discussion about system planning must be based on an understanding of the community that the system serves. This section describes the current and future population of Kent, including key characteristics such as age segment, race, ethnicity, and income levels. Future projections and trends are based on historical patterns. Note that unforeseen circumstances that diverge from these patterns may have significant impacts on these figures. All data were acquired in July 2021 and reflect numbers as reported by the 2020 Census as well as estimates for 2026, 2031, and 2036 as obtained by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). Demographics of Kent Lake Meridian Greenview Park Wilson Playfields 4.C.b Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0-17 18-34 35-54 55-74 75+ 2010 Census 4% 26% 26% 29% 15% 2021 Estimate 2026 Projection 2036 Projection 2031 Projection 5% 24% 25%26% 20% 6% 23% 24% 26% 20% 6% 23% 24% 25% 22% 7% 22% 24% 24% 23% 118,589 2010 2021 2026 2031 2036 136,766 144,658 152,935 161,101 42,626 47,650 49,975 52,257 54,551 0224 The city’s population has grown 1.30% per year from 2010 to 2021, with a similar increase in households. In 2021, the population was estimated at 136,766 individuals living within 47,650 households. Projecting ahead, the total population and total number of households are both expected to continue growing at an above-average rate over the next 15 years. Based on 2033 predictions, the city is expected to have 161,101 residents living within 54,551 households. Nearly half the population of Kent is below the age of 35, with a median age of 35.8 years old. In the coming years, Kent’s senior population is anticipated to grow, and the youth and child segments decline. Population Age Population & Households Population by Age Segment 4.C.b Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan $73,691 Median Household Income City of Kent 2021 State of Washington United States of America $35,753 Per Capita Income $78,697 Median Household Income $41,523 Per Capita Income $65,712 Median Household Income $35,672 Per Capita Income $73,691 2021 Estimate 2026 Projection 2031 Projection 2036 Projection $35,753 $88,783 $103,875 $118,967 $41,359 $46,965 $52,571 02 25 The city’s median household income ($73,691) is moderately lower than the state medium income ($78,697) and considerable higher than the national average ($65,712). The average per person (also known as per capita) income of Kent ($35,753) is lower than the state of Washington ($41,523), and is nearly the same as the national average ($35,672). This report uses race and ethnicity to understand and address inequity. Our working understanding of race is similar to what is defined in the 2010 and 2020 Census: “Racial categories generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country and not an attempt to define race biologically, anthropologically, or genetically. In addition, it is recognized that the categories of the race item include racial and national origin or sociocultural groups. People may choose to report more than one race to indicate their racial mixture, such as ‘American Indian’ and ‘White’” (https://www.census.gov/topics/ population/race/about.html). The 2020 Census defined race as a person’s self-identification with one or more of the following social groups: White, Black or African American, Asian, American Indian and Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, some other race, or a combination of these. Identification as Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity was viewed independently from race. Ethnicity is not directly tied to race but rather is about cultural expression and origin. For example, people who identify as Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish may be of any race. Hispanic and Latino are understood here to be ethnic categories and not racial ones. Household Income INCOME CHARACTERISTICS Median Household Income & Per Capita Income Race and Ethnicity 4.C.b Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0226 The 2020 Census data on race are not directly comparable with data from the 2000 and earlier censuses, so caution must be used when interpreting changes in the racial composition of the U.S. population over time. The 2010 Census and 2020 Census definitions and nomenclature are used in this plan. American Indian: This includes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Asian: This includes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Black or African American: This includes a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: This includes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. White: This includes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Hispanic or Latino: This is an ethnic distinction, a subset of a race as defined by the Federal Government; this includes a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. ShoWare Center Event 4.C.b Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 02 27 Kent is a racially diverse city. The 2026 population estimate shows the largest percentage is the White Alone category at 43% of the population, and the Asian Alone category is the second largest percentage at 27%. The racial diversification of the city is much more than the national population, which is approximately 70% White Alone, 13% Black Alone, and 7% Some Other Race. The predictions for 2036 expect the city’s population to continue a slow diversification. The city’s population was also assessed based on Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, which by the Census Bureau definition is viewed independently from race. Individuals who are Hispanic/Latino in ethnicity can also identify with any of the racial categories. Based on the 2010 Census, those of Hispanic/Latino origin represented 15% of the service area’s current population, which is slightly lower than the national average (18% Hispanic/Latino). The Hispanic/Latino population is expected to grow marginally over the next 15 years. Race Ethnicity 85% 15% 84% 16% 83% 17% 82% 18% 82% 18% 2010 Census 2021 Estimate 2024 Projection 2029 Projection 2036 Projection Population by Race Hispanic Population Hispanic / Latino Origin (any race)All Others White Alone Black or African American Alone American Indian and Alaska Native Alone Asian Alone Native American and Other Pacific Islander Alone Some Other Race Two or More Races 2010 Census 6% 55% 11 % 1% 2% 17% 8% 2021 Estimate 2026 Projection 2036 Projection 2031 Projection 7% 46% 12% 24% 8% 7% 43% 12% 27% 9% 7% 40% 12% 27% 9% 8% 37% 13% 31% 9% 2% 2.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1%0.5% 0.5%0.5% 4.C.b Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0228 The Sports & Fitness Industry Association’s (SFIA) 2021 Sports, Fitness, and Leisure Activities Topline Participation Report provides a reference for national recreational trends. One important influence on trends has been the impact of COVID-19. Active lifestyles and participation in socially distanced sports and activities such as tennis, pickleball, golf, trail running, skateboarding, surfing, day hiking, and recreational kayaking has increased. Generally team sports have shown consistent drops in participation, with the exception of basketball and soccer, which can be attributed to informal play. National Recreational Trends The top five sports with most participation were basketball (27.9 million), golf (24.8 million), tennis (21.6 million), baseball (15.7 million), and outdoor soccer (12.4 million). Between 2015 and 2021, the five sports with largest growth in participation were golf entertainment venues (72.3%), pickleball (67.6%), tennis (20.5%), flag football (20.1%), and basketball (18.6%). The five sports with most rapid decline in participation were Ultimate Frisbee (-47.3%), squash (-32%), fast-pitch softball (-26.4%), touch football (-25.3%), and roller hockey (-21.3%). The top outdoor recreation activities with most participation were walking (114.0 million), day hiking (57.8 million), running/ jogging (50.7 million), road bicycling (44.5 million), and freshwater fishing (42.6 million). From 2015-2020, day hiking (55.3%), trail running (45.6%), BMX bicycling (44.2%), skateboarding (37.8%), and fly fishing (27.3%) have undergone the largest increases in participation. Top water activities with most participation were swimming (25.7 million), recreational kayaking (13.0 million), and canoeing (9.6 million). Over the last five years, of activities applicable to Kent, recreational kayaking (36.9%) and stand-up paddling (21.7%) were the fastest growing water activities. 114.0 million 57.8 million 50.7 million 44.5 million 42.6 million 27.9 24.8 21.6 15.7 25.7 13.0 9.6 12.4 Participation by the Numbers 4.C.b Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 02 29 Parks Plan Engagement Engagement is an ongoing effort rooted in authentic communication. The engagement process in Kent’s park projects emphasizes the importance of feedback representative of all segments of Kent’s population: all ages, genders, ethnicities, first and second generations of immigrants, all economic statuses, home renters and owners, workers, and people who don’t generally have time or interest in responding to requests for participation in government projects and activities. To ensure that high-quality engagement from the entire population is being received, Kent Parks is using DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) principles. This practice acknowledges all the ways people differ: race, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical ability, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, and more (Diversity). The intent is that all feel welcomed, supported, respected, and valued including those who have historically had less access or limited voice in the process (Inclusion). To ensure that all voices are heard, Kent Parks strives to provide fair treatment, access, and opportunity for all by identifying and eliminating barriers that have prevented full participation of some groups in the past (Equity). Traditional outreach methods do not reach enough people generally, but more importantly, they typically do not reach a wide diversity of people. Traditional outreach methods result in responses from white, middle-income homeowners. As demonstrated in the demographics section of this report, this is not representative of the average Kent resident. Traditional outreach consists of in-person town hall style meetings held after working hours in a single location. This limits the opportunities for the community to participate. To build equity into this engagement process, non-traditional methods were used to ensure more of the population was given the opportunity to participate. These non-traditional engagement methods included working with internal city committees and commissions and external community-based organizations (CBOs) to build community relationships and provide more opportunities for a wider array of residents to participate in the engagement process. The COVID-19 pandemic made non-traditional and in-person engagement techniques more challenging to facilitate, although some events were able to occur between waves of the virus. Engagement Process 4.C.b Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0230 The project page on Kent Park’s engagement platform EngageKentParks.com provided a central point for information access and input. Concurrent efforts to reach and engage as many communities as possible included: [Stakeholder Interviews [Internal City Personnel and Committees/Commissions [Community-Based Organization (CBO) Interviews [EngageKentParks.com Online Activities [Map and Stories [Pop-Up Events [After-school Student Engagement [Surveys [Statistically Valid Survey [General Survey Information and awareness about the planning process was spread through: [65,000 postcards mailed to Kent residents [100 signs in parks and along trails [Peachjar Flyer to all 42 schools [Recreation and Mayor’s Newsletters [Recreation Program Guide [City readerboards at the Commons and 4th and Willis Street [Facebook events and social media posts The emphasis on authentic engagement and the strategies employed to that end allowed Kent Parks to successfully engage a large part of Kent’s population. 2,992 total touchpoints were made during this project. 72 people individually or in CBO groups were interviewed; website interactions included 1,799 visits making 275 contributions/stories; in-person pop-up events engaged 304 people with input documented on the online platform; and 817 people took the survey. These numbers prove that, given the opportunity, Kent residents want to engage. WRITE SURVEY WRITE ATHLETIC SURVEY STATISTICALLY VALID SURVEY LIVE GENERAL SURVEY LIVE ATHLETIC SURVEY LIVE CREATE WEBSITE FLIERS MAILERS SIGNS SOCIAL MEDIA DATA CRUNCHING REPORTING WEBSITE LIVE: MAPPING AND INPUTSTAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWSCBO INTERVIEWS 817 PEOPLE 2,992 TOUCHPOINTS 304 PEOPLE SURVEYS POP-UPS GENERAL 383 PEOPLE STATISTICALLY VALID 434 PEOPLE YMCA 131 KENT COMMONS 69 WEST FENWICK PARK 27 TEEN CENTER 19 LIGHT FESTIVAL 58 POP-UP EVENTS PREP GATHER LESSONS, CONTACTSJUNE 2021JULYAUGSEPTOCTNOVDECJAN 2022FEBINTERVIEWS 72 PEOPLE STAKEHOLDERS 20 PEOPLE COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS 53 PEOPLE WEBSITE 1,799 VISITS 69 CONTRIBUTIONS 206 STORIES 1,593 AWARE 777 INFORMED 70+ ENGAGED 4.C.b Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 02 31 Information gathered during the engagement process will help Kent Parks take a resident driven approach to making decisions that will guide the future of the system and better serve all segments of the population. Stakeholder interviews informed emerging trends and guided the community survey that was distributed in the fall of 2021. Two methods of surveying were conducted: [The Statistically Valid Survey and the outreach surrounding it was structured to reflect the demographic makeup of Kent. The goal of this survey is to understand how the park system can better serve all segments of the population including people who do not currently use it. Segments of the population that historically do not respond to surveys were oversampled to achieve a response that matches the demographics of Kent. [The General Survey, asking identical questions, provided all residents of Kent with another opportunity to give input online. The General Survey was largely taken by people who use Kent’s parks and trails multiple times per month. Both surveys combined represent around 2% of Kent’s population and provide distinct insights into how people perceive the current and future park system. Engagement Results White Asian Black Pacific Islander Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish American Indian or Alaska Native 2% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 16% 15% 7% 13% 12% 8% 47% 2020 Census Breakdown: Population of 136,766 Statistically Valid Survey: 434 Respondants General Survey Breakdown: 383 Respondants 49% 68% 21% 20% 15% Survey Respondents by Race/Ethnicity 4.C.b Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 53%10%2%32%4% 54%6%2%30%8% 5% 7% 9% 10% 15% 15%Maintenance of Parks Number & Variety of Parks Offered Qualtiy of Outdoor Athletic Fields Adequacy of Parking at Parks Feeling of Safety in Parks Adequacy of Lighting at Parks Quality of Youth Recreation Programs Ease of Registering for Park Programs/Rentals Quality of Adult Recreation Programs Very Satisfied 43%16%3%34% 34%19%7%33% 32%15%3%42% 38%7%2%43% 29%11 % 3%42% 23%8%3%52% 58%4%2%30%6% Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 75.9% 56.5% 37.5% 28.0% 24.3% 15.1%14.9%11.8% 5.8%20%40%60%80%0%First Choice Second Choice Third Choice 0232 The results of the Statistically Valid Survey showed that, overall, the level of satisfaction with city parks is high, with more respondents ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied’ than ‘dissatisfied’ or ‘very dissatisfied.’ Current maintenance of parks had the highest level of satisfaction, with 67% of respondents ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied,’ an encouraging response. While generally satisfied with current maintenance, respondents emphasized that maintenance should continue to be a priority over the next five-year period. These sentiments about park maintenance were reflected by those who responded to the General Survey as well, indicating that park maintenance now and in the future is important to all Kent residents. 1. Feeling of Safety in Parks 2. Maintenance of Parks 3. Adequacy of Lighting at Parks 4. Adequacy of Parking at Parks 5. Number and Variety of Parks Offered 6. Quality of Youth Recreation Programs 7. Quality of Adult Recreation Programs 8. Quality of Outdoor Athletic Fields 9. Ease of Registering for Park Programs/Rentals Level of Satisfaction with City of Kent Parks Items That Respondents Think Should Receive the Most Emphasis Over the Next Five Years by percentage of respondents using a 5-point scale, where 5 means very satisfied and 1 means very dissatisfied (excluding don’t know responses) by the sum percentage of respondents who chose the item as one of their top three choices 4.C.b Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 02 33 In addition to park maintenance, the Statistically Valid Survey and General Survey respondents indicated many overlaps in priorities, needs, and amenities. Investment priorities were studied acknowledging that certain city areas or demographic groups may have a higher need for particular amenities. Priorities were studied by city region where respondents lived, race or ethnicity, and owner/renter to inform appropriate locations and equitable amenities for implementation. Top priorities across all regions and demographics focused on maintenance and safety of parks. Additional priorities included provision of a variety of amenities including restrooms, nature trails, preservation of and access to natural areas and habitat, farmer’s market event spaces, local and regional paved trails, gardens, shelters and gathering spaces, off-leash dog areas, amenities for all ages and abilities, access to water, and playgrounds. Specialized sports and active-use facilities were indicated to be a lower priority. This is likely due to these amenities serving a more specific segment of the population than, say, a playground or shelter which have a broader user base. Specialized sports amenities are still considered important offerings in the park system, supporting active lifestyles in the city; some may be offered as one-offs in the system while some may be deprioritized for the next six-year cycle. Amenity Top Priority Investments Each category represents a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. ‘Black’ includes those who identify as Black or African American. ‘Asian’ includes those who identify as Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, or as part of other Asian or Southeast Asian cultures. ‘Latino or Hispanic’ includes those who identify as Latino, Hispanic, or of Spanish origin. ‘White’ includes those who identify as white, traditionally understood as those descending from Caucasian communities. ‘Other’ includes those who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native or Pacific Islander including Native Hawaiian, Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan, or other Pacific Islander. 0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 PRIORITY INVESTMENT RATING LARGE COMMUNITY PARKS All Respondents Overall Priority Score out of 200 Respondents’ Identified Race: Key: Asian White Latino or Hispanic Black Other87.2RESTROOMS NATURE TRAILS FARMER’S MARKET EVENTS PAVED WALKING & BIKING TRAILS NATURAL AREAS / WILDLIFE HABITAT BOTANICAL GARDENS PARK SHELTERS & GATHERING AREAS OFFLEASH DOG AREA AMENITIES FOR ALL AGES & ABILITIES ACCESS TO WATER (RIVERS & LAKES) REGIONAL TRAILS & CONNECTIONS PLAYGROUNDS LARGE OPEN LAWN AREAS NATURAL PLAY AREAS (BOULDERS & LOGS) COMMUNITY GARDENS 200136.3134.6123.7114 .9109.3100.19490.488.579.877.471.660.158.90 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 PRIORITY INVESTMENT RATING LARGE COMMUNITY PARKS All Respondents Overall Priority Score out of 200 Respondents’ Identified Race: Key: Asian White Latino or Hispanic Black Other87.2RESTROOMS NATURE TRAILS FARMER’S MARKET EVENTS PAVED WALKING & BIKING TRAILS NATURAL AREAS / WILDLIFE HABITAT BOTANICAL GARDENS PARK SHELTERS & GATHERING AREAS OFFLEASH DOG AREA AMENITIES FOR ALL AGES & ABILITIES ACCESS TO WATER (RIVERS & LAKES) REGIONAL TRAILS & CONNECTIONS PLAYGROUNDS LARGE OPEN LAWN AREAS NATURAL PLAY AREAS (BOULDERS & LOGS) COMMUNITY GARDENS 200136.3134.6123.7114 .9109.3100.19490.488.579.877.471.660.158.90 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 PRIORITY INVESTMENT RATING LARGE COMMUNITY PARKS All Respondents Overall Priority Score out of 200 Respondents’ Identified Race: Key: Asian White Latino or Hispanic Black Other87.2RESTROOMS NATURE TRAILS FARMER’S MARKET EVENTS PAVED WALKING & BIKING TRAILS NATURAL AREAS / WILDLIFE HABITAT BOTANICAL GARDENS PARK SHELTERS & GATHERING AREAS OFFLEASH DOG AREA AMENITIES FOR ALL AGES & ABILITIES ACCESS TO WATER (RIVERS & LAKES) REGIONAL TRAILS & CONNECTIONS PLAYGROUNDS LARGE OPEN LAWN AREAS NATURAL PLAY AREAS (BOULDERS & LOGS) COMMUNITY GARDENS 200136.3134.6123.7114 .9109.3100.19490.488.579.877.471.660.158.94.C.b Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Lake Fenwick Park 0234 How Do Parks Respond The challenges and expectations for a park system are wide ranging. Demographic trends have shown a growing and diversifying Kent community, and COVID-19 has impacted priorities, with national and engagement-indicated trends of decreased close contact team sports and increased socially distanced activities. Major priorities noted through this planning process include the need for increased access to nature and trails, access to safe and clean parks, access to information, and continued involvement in planning. The engagement effort of this plan has shown that people want to shape their park system, and they want their park system to work for them. Kent Parks commits to continuing and growing the conversation with the community and making information as transparent and readily available as possible for this and future park projects. Careful study and investment into the system must be done to prioritize projects with acknowledgment of capital, maintenance, and operations budget constraints. Guided by public engagement and observed trends, four goals are identified to meet the demands on the park system, built around nine project outcomes (see Chapter 4 for more information): TRANSPARENCY & COMMUNICATION OUTCOMESGOALSPHYSICAL ACCESS FOR ALL DIVERSITY OF HIGH- QUALITY AMENITY SYSTEM RESILIENCY Trails Athletics Operations & MaintenanceAccess Equity PartnershipsStrategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources 4.C.b Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Clark Lake Park Clark Lake Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Benchmarking 37 Level of Service 38 Park Classifications 45 Geospatial Data and Heat Mapping 47 Nature Score 53 Athletic Capacity Study 55 Studying The System 62 Where We Are 03 KENTP&OSPLAN2022 chapter 4.C.b Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Acres of Park Land Trail Miles Soccer Fields Baseball Fields Softball Fields Cricket Field City of Kent NRPA (2021) Recommendations for Kent 7 Fields (1 Field / 20,000 Residents) 4 Fields (1 Field / 38,889 Residents) 5 Fields (1 Field / 28,081 Residents) 1 Field (1 Field / 10,936 Residents) 3 Fields (1 Field / 45,900 Residents) 2 Fields (1 Field / 68,850 Residents) 6 Fields (1 Field / 22,950 Residents) 0.4 Miles / 1000 Residents 7.81 Acres / 1000 Residents 0 Fields .08 Miles / 1000 Residents 15.9 Acres / 1000 Residents Metric 03 37 The purpose of the park system is to serve the residents of Kent with high quality amenities and access to outdoor recreation. To meet this purpose, this plan strives to make informed and transparent decisions by creating and utilizing a variety of metrics and tools, including: [Benchmarking comparisons to comparably sized cities [Traditional and Performance-Based Level of Service [Park Classifications [Heat Mapping [Citywide Connections Mapping [Nature Score [Athletic Capacity Study While each park system is unique with individual challenges, it is useful to compare the Kent system to peer cities. This data is a useful metric when considering the optimal size of Kent’s park system. The National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) collects data on cities of various sizes. Data reflects 500 to 600 unique park and recreation agencies across the United States, as reported between 2018 and 2020, and includes information on amenities and budgets. Kent’s population is around 137,000 which matches the NRPA’s 2021 National Agency Performance Review upper quartile population of cities (populations of 100,000–250,000). Evaluating Kent parks against NRPA data for amenities in similarly sized cities, Kent is largely matched for softball fields and is exceeding expectations for miles of trails, but is underserved in terms of parkland, soccer fields, baseball fields, and cricket fields. This information is a useful starting point and can be weighed with engagement, Level of Service calculations, heat mapping, and capacity studies to inform strategic projects for the system. NRPA data also provides critical funding comparisons which are further discussed in chapter 5. Benchmarking Benchmark Comparisons 4.C.b Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0338 Two important tasks of a parks and open space plan include measuring a city’s Level of Service (LOS) for their park system and providing recommendations for maintaining or adjusting that LOS. Level of Service is a measure meant to describe to a community how much of a particular service residents are getting for their tax dollars. For example, the LOS for emergency services usually tells people how many minutes they can typically expect to wait for emergency responses to a 911 call, or how long they will usually wait to get through a given intersection during rush hour. Cities strive to set LOS goals that reflect the overall priorities and resources of the community. Measuring LOS for a park system can be trickier than doing so for other municipal services because the benefits of parks, while numerous, are difficult to quantify. It has been widely shown that parks and recreational facilities provide immense value to a community. Organizations like the American Planning Association, the Trust for Public Land, and the Urban Land Institute tell us that well-used and well-maintained parks tend to spur economic development in their neighborhoods. The Centers for Disease Control and the National Center for Biotechnology have produced research demonstrating that parks have positive impacts on physical and mental health. Surveys consistently show that people consider local parks an important public amenity. Level of Service Wiffco Field at Kent Memorial Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 39 Traditional Level of Service for a park system is entirely quantity based, calculated by taking the acreage of parks and open spaces divided by the population of the city. This metric focuses on quantity and does not consider quality, location, or distribution of the parks or trails. Despite its shortcomings, it is easy to understand why park systems would rely on this method, as quantity is generally easier to measure than quality. When applied to the five functionally distinct regions of Kent it provides an estimate of how easily people can access park space. The 2016 Plan provided a new performance based Level of Service that took into account the current and potential quality of parks or trails. Quality was calculated by identifying the Recreational Value of each asset, the overall condition of a park or trail, and then the total Recreational Value provided by each park or trail. This new metric provided a quality grade. When applied to the five functionally distinct regions of the city it identified the quality of the park space serving each region. Comparing and mapping the traditional LOS, Current Recreational Value, and Potential Recreational Value of current and yet-to-be developed parks demonstrates the city’s potential for improving the performance of its park system for both current and projected populations. Meridian Glen Park TRADITIONAL LOS DEFINITIONTYPE OF LOS RESULTING EMPHASIS = = PERFORMANCE BASED LOS = = the RECREATIONAL VALUE of a parkthe QUALITY of the # OF AMENITIES AKA reinvestmaintain developacquire This is synonymous with condition. This is inherently tied to the size of a park. Examples of amenities: a grass field, playground equipment, a paved path. reinvestmaintaindevelop aquire divided by the POPULATION the # of ACRES divided by the POPULATION 4.C.b Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0340 Citywide By Region East Hill North West Hill East Hill South Down- town Green River Traditional LOS: Acres per 1,000 7.84 2.52 11.61 6.13 16.58 16.35 Current Performance-Based LOS: CRV per 1,000 2.06 0.60 1.71 1.99 4.23 7.98 Potential Performance-Based LOS: PRV per 1,000 4.91 2.16 4.68 3.92 11.02 13.42 Acres of Parkland 1,072.76 99.90 252.41 274.90 370.65 74.90 CRV 281.28 23.58 37.15 89.40 94.58 36.58 PRV 671.25 85.50 101.75 176.00 246.50 61.50 Residential Population 136,766 39,604 21,737 44,841 22,359 4,582 * Note that city region populations depicted in this chart are roughly based on Census Tract data and do not total to the citywide population number. LOS by City Region This comparison shows that East Hill North has both the lowest performance-based and traditional LOS, which indicates an area of the city that needs both capital reinvestment and acquisition of additional parkland. East Hill South and West Hill are the next lowest-served regions, both in need of reinvestment to serve their relatively large populations. West Hill has a high traditional LOS, or high acres per resident, but due to freeways and highways bisecting the region, it lacks easily accessible parks. Downtown is relatively well served. Its existing parks are largely older and in need of renewal, as can be seen in the difference between the current and potential performance-based LOS, an area of focus that will be important as the region continues to densify. The Green River region is the highest performing region in the city, being home to a significant trail system, a few large parks, and relatively few residents. This region serves the entire city with trails and community parks, as well as serving those who work in the region, population numbers that are not accounted for in these LOS metrics. These metrics are a good starting point to identify areas of the city in need of growth and reinvestment, and they are useful for tracking how LOS has changed over time. The adjacent chart shows that while traditional LOS has gone down since 2016 due to population growth with minimal system expansion, the performance-based LOS has gone up due primarily to capital reinvestment in the system. It should be acknowledged that some of the increase to performance-based LOS can be attributed to fine-tuning the Recreational Value calculation. Heat mapping, discussed later in this chapter, uses these LOS metrics to further hone areas in the city that can address access and equity. Citywide 2016 2021 2026 2031 2036 Residential Population 122,900 136,766 144,658 152,935 161,101 RV **259.50 281.28 306.28 331.28 356.28 Acres *1,095.04 1,072.76 1,072.76 1,072.76 1,072.76 Traditional LOS: acres per 1,000 Residents 8.91 7.84 7.42 7.01 6.66 Performance- Based LOS: RV per 1,000 Residents 1.62 2.06 2.12 2.17 2.21 * Assumes no property acquisition or sales** Assumes steady system reinvestment leading to RV increase of 25 points every 5 years LOS over Time 4.C.b Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 41 Current recreational amenities in the system were counted and assessed for condition, then each amenity in the system was inventoried in a geospatial database. Amenities inventoried included opportunities to play (both organized sports and unstructured play), individual support amenities (park shelter, parking lots or restrooms), opportunities for walking or biking, significant views, access to natural landscapes, art, and other more varied recreational opportunities (off-leash dog areas, skate parks, climbing pinnacles, etc.). Each asset was assessed and given an Asset Grade that reflected its condition. A grade of 5 represented a new or like-new condition, and a grade of 1 represented an asset at or very near the end of its useful life. Each park was given a Park Property Grade based on a set of criteria to account for the property’s overall condition, separate from the condition of its amenities. The Asset Grades for every asset in a park were averaged, and the resulting grade averaged with the Park Property Grade determined the Overall Park Condition grade. The Overall Park Condition was converted to a Park Condition Multiplier that was applied to the park’s number of amenities. The result of this calculation became the park’s Current Recreational Value. Dividing the Current Recreational Value per 1,000 residents provides a current LOS for Kent’s park system. Calculating the Performance-Based LOS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 = = = x x 1000 divided by KENT’S POPULATION AVERAGE ASSET GRADE + PARK PROPERTY GRADE OVERALL PARK CONDITION PARK CONDITION MULTIPLIER CURRENT RECREATIONAL VALUE LEVEL OF SERVICE RECREATIONAL AMENITIES divided by 2 CONVERSION TABLECONVERSION TABLE5 1 4 0.9 3 0.8 2 0.7 1 0.6 Overall Park Condition Multiplier West Fenwick Park Arbor Heights 360 Lake Meridian 4.C.b Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0342 A measurement of Current Recreational Value (CRV) was determined for each park and property in the city’s inventory. The resulting list of 81 parks, trails, and properties can be sorted and ranked to show the CRV each contributes to the park system. The CRV of a park can now be compared to the current recreational amenities to show how much Recreational Value (RV) has been lost due to aging and failing assets and poor park condition. The CRV of Kent’s park system does not include the potential of undeveloped properties, planned park concepts, under- developed parks, or renovations that could be made to existing but tired parks. In developing Kent’s new approach to measuring LOS, planners understood that the approach needed to be able to compare the Recreational Value of Kent’s existing park system with its Potential Recreational Value. Such a comparison could demonstrate the degree to which existing parks could be restored or redeveloped to provide additional Recreational Value to accommodate population growth. In this way, LOS measurements could reflect the potential value to the system of proposed improvements to existing properties. A Potential Recreational Value (PRV) measurement was created to evaluate potential amenities that could be built at a park or property, the natural opportunities of a park, the feasibility of developing park amenities, and the potential character of each park site. It was determined that the best way to measure PRV was to look at each park or property and assess typical recreational amenities that could reasonably be built there, using the same point system used to calculate current recreational amenities. This method factors in size, critical areas, location, and natural features, while also allowing reasonably accurate comparisons of CRV and PRV for each park, property, or concept. Kent Parks staff assessed each park, property, and concept and determined potential recreational amenities. The resulting list ranked the city’s parks, trails, properties, and concepts according to their recreational potential. The comparison of CRV to PRV provides an indication of the degree to which current parks are performing to their potential. Looking at the PRV of undeveloped properties shows how much the development of these properties will add to the park system’s LOS. Dividing the CRV per 1,000 residents provides a current LOS measurement for the park system, while dividing the PRV per 1,000 residents illustrates its potential LOS. Current Recreational Value (CRV) and Potential Recreational Value (PRV) West Fenwick Park 2016 and 2022 RV 2016 RV 7.40 2022 CRV 17.55 2022 PRV 22.50 Clark Lake Park 2016 and 2022 RV 2022 PRV 26.00 2016 RV 2.3 2022 CRV 3.40 4.C.b Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 43 About Recreational Value Understanding what the Recreational Value (RV) score is and how the concept is used is critical to understanding the performance-based LOS. This discussion centers around the basis for the formula. To understand the concept of Recreational Value, it is helpful to understand the boundaries of its use. The most significant boundary is that RV does not attempt to define the complete value of any given park property or the park system. In addition to a property’s Recreational Value, park and open space properties provide a wide range of benefits, including economic value, health value, habitat value, and aesthetic value, as well as a location-based opportunity to serve populations with highest need. Recreational Value focuses on recreation. From a recreational perspective, how well a park serves the community is strongly related to the number and quality of recreational opportunities it offers. In determining Potential Recreational Value, it is implied although not calculated that there is a recreational “carrying capacity” for every park that should not be exceeded. For this planning effort, the appropriate carrying capacity for a park is bound to traditional park classifications (see discussion later in this chapter) and known limitations to development such as park size or presence of steep slopes, wetlands, or floodplains. As Kent’s parks reach their development limits and Kent’s population increases demands on the system, a formula to estimate Recreational Carrying Capacity may be needed to inform acquisition strategies. The inherent carrying capacity or potential score for a large community park is higher than for a small neighborhood park or open space just because large community parks have more space to contain more amenities. This diversity in sizes and types of spaces has been identified as an important aspect of the system by the public. To reflect this priority, a park tier system was created. If a small neighborhood park or open space property scores from the mid to high range of its tier, this indicates it is performing its role in an acceptable fashion. Using this scoring system, small parks or open space properties don’t need to compete with large parks to demonstrate their value to the community. The formulas presented here are tools to help with resource allocation decisions. The goal of RV is to help the city make reliable, data-driven decisions when prioritizing capital investments and other resource allocations. West Fenwick Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0344 Park Orchard Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 45 Traditional Classifications Community Parks: Serves the needs of the city with unique activities and free or fee-based programming. These parks have infrastructure to support all-day use and can support large gatherings. While these parks might be walked, biked, or bused to, most users drive to these parks. These parks draw people from around the city and beyond and are typically 10 acres or larger. Neighborhood Parks: Provides convenient access to active and passive recreation opportunities for a neighborhood. These parks are not intended for all-day use or for large gatherings. Most users walk or bike to these parks. These parks are 5-10 acres in size. Special Use: Parks, usually smaller, that don’t fit neatly into other categories. Examples include urban parks, pocket parks, skate parks, and tot lots. Outdoor Recreational Facility: Provides programmed recreational opportunities, including athletic facilities. Most users drive to these parks. Natural Resource/Open Space: Largely undeveloped properties that include open space, environmentally sensitive areas, and/or wildlife habitat. Indoor Recreational Facility: Provides social, cultural and programmed indoor recreation for the city. Undeveloped: Properties acquired for park purposes that have not yet been developed. The system of park classifications is an important tool park planners and designers use to help plan, design, and evaluate parks. Parks are classified based on their size, their recreational opportunities, and their carrying capacity. Evaluating a park system by looking at the number, location, and categories of its parks helps planners analyze how the system is serving its community. For example, few would want a park system made up entirely of athletic fields or pocket parks. One of the challenges in parks planning comes from trying to determine the mix of amenities, locations, and park sizes to best serve a community. Using park classifications helps in the planning process. The traditional approach to classifying parks utilizes eight primary categories. Park Performance Tier Classifications Traditional park classifications provide effective shorthand for describing each park’s basic job. To reflect how well they perform their job, an additional categorization tool called “Park Performance Tiers” is used. These tiers group parks based on ranges of Current and Potential Recreational Value scores. Park Performance Tiers acknowledge that not all parks in the system are expected to provide the same level of Recreational Value. A high- functioning neighborhood park, even though it plays a valued role in the park system, will never have and is not expected to have the RV of even a moderately well-functioning community park. To evaluate how well a given park is functioning, one must consider its Recreational Value in the context of its designated tier. The tier system does not include a performance cap. Currently Kent’s highest performing parks rank as Tier 6. Depending on long-range assemblage and redevelopment opportunities, some of Kent’s parks could eventually achieve even higher rankings. Trails, undeveloped properties, indoor facilities, and properties not owned by the city are not included in the park tier classifications. Each of these categories can add value to the system and are considered when analyzing system connectivity. Park Classifications 4.C.b Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0346 4.C.b Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 47 Recognizing that Kent Parks has limited access to geospatial data historically, the Park Planning and Development (PPD) team made a concerted effort over the last two years to map all park properties, recreational amenities, and access points into a geodatabase to be utilized during the current system planning process. Having this data available in GIS has allowed for a deeper understanding of our system of assets and how they work together as a system. Geospatial mapping is a tool used by many planners to visualize and analyze geographical data through Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This includes data such as population density, demographics, topography, transit service, and so on. When combined with metrics like the performance-based Level of Service, geospatial mapping becomes a powerful tool for park system planning. One powerful geospatial mapping tool is called heat mapping. Heat mapping is a way of layering information on a map to reveal patterns that can guide planning and priorities. The resulting data is called a “heat map” because a gradient of color indicates priorities which are often interpreted as “hot” to “cold.” The goal of heat maps is to identify high-priority areas for future investments. For this planning effort there are four heat maps that guide project investments: All Existing Park Access*, Existing Community Park Access, Equity, and Park Need maps. Each map is created using two sets of information: Current Recreational Value (CRV) and Potential Recreational Value (PRV). The CRV maps show how the current system is working. The PRV maps show how the system could work if each park meets its full potential for recreation and access, showing the system functioning at a higher level for the community. The PRV maps also highlight where access and need cannot be met using only current parkland and where additional acquisition might be necessary. Layers of Information Various layers of information were used to create these maps. The collaboration and input of many city departments was critically important in building these datasets, and the datasets are intended to be a living, evolving resource for all city planning departments to use in the future. Detailed information on each dataset used to create the heat maps can be found in the appendix. An online resource further explaining and mapping as data updates are available will be on the Kent Parks website: mykentparks.com. Geospatial Data and Heat Mapping * Park Access includes all Kent Park properties and trails and the Soos Creek Trail and Green River Natural Resource Area. These parks were included because they represent significant recreation within the Kent City limits. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 0348 Layers of Information: Population Areas zoned with multifamily residential land were given the highest scores, and commercial/industrial were given the lowest scores. Zoning is as indicated on the City of Kent Zoning Map. It is anticipated that the city population will continue to grow, and zoning is a way of anticipating where densification will occur. Assigning different scores to areas based on zoning places helps to show more “heat” where the most people live. Racial and Social Equity One of the four primary functions of parks that make them essential services to the city and community is that they help to create social equity and connection. Equity mapping identifies areas of the city with vulnerable or traditionally underserved populations. This map includes: [Race and ethnicity characteristics [Socioeconomic characteristics [Health factors These datasets were added together to create an overall Racial and Social Equity Index map. Areas with higher scores and brighter colors indicate areas of higher vulnerability and potential opportunities for equitable investments. Other Manufacturing or Industrial Commercial/Urban Center Single Family Residential Multifamily Residential Low Low-Moderate Moderate Moderate-High High Parks Water 4.C.b Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 03 49 Transit Service Public transit routes and service frequency along those routes were mapped, acknowledging that frequent transit allows a higher number of people to easily access parks along transit routes. Metro Transit Routes Non-Frequent Service Areas Frequent Service Areas Parks Water Walksheds Park “service areas” were created by mapping the areas that can be reached within both a 10-minute and 15-minute distance of each park. Walksheds were created based on the street grid, pedestrian access points to each park, topography, and other physical barriers that a person might encounter while walking to their park. 10-minute walk 15-minute walk Parks Water 4.C.b Packet Pg. 62 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 0350 Park Access Maps Park Access Maps study existing walking and transit access to all parks and trails, and the quality of the recreation provided by those parks and trails. These maps help identify if each household or worker is within easy access of a park or trail and within easy access of high-quality amenities. This map includes: [Park Access: service area defined by a 15-minute walkshed to pedestrian access points and frequency of transit service [Park Recreation Value Park Access Current Recreational Value Park Access Potential Recreational Value Reading the Park Access Maps: If an area is dark purple in color, the access to high-quality amenity is low. If an area is yellow in color, the access to high- quality amenity is very high. Land that does not need to be served by parks (like city-owned property, wetlands, and streams) is shown in gray. Parks Water Low Low-Moderate Moderate Moderate-High High Very High 4.C.b Packet Pg. 63 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 51 Reading the Park Need Maps: If an area is yellow in color, the area has lower existing park access, higher population density, and/or serves populations with higher vulnerability. These areas provide the greatest opportunity for equitable investments. If the area is dark purple in color, the area has higher existing park access, lower population density, and/or serves populations with lower vulnerability. Park Need Maps Park Need mapping was done to study which areas of the city need park investments the most based on existing park access, equity, and population density. This map is useful for identifying if high-need households are within easy access of a park or trail These maps included: [Park Access: Service area defined by a 15-minute walkshed to pedestrian access points and frequency of transit service [Park Recreation Value [Population Density (estimated using Comprehensive Plan data) [Racial and Social Equity Index Park Need Current Recreational Value Park Need Potential Recreational Value 1 mileParks Water Low Low-Moderate Moderate Moderate-High High Very High 4.C.b Packet Pg. 64 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 0352 East Hill South West Hill Heat Mapping Conclusions The data in these maps was used to inform a ranked list of existing park properties that have the highest potential impact on access and equity. These projects are integrated into the strategic project list. In addition to helping identify areas of the city with the highest need for investments in existing parks, the Park Access, Park Need, and Racial and Social Equity heat maps can also be used to help identify potential areas for property acquisitions. For example, areas that are completely outside of the existing walksheds for a park can be overlaid with the Racial and Social Equity mapping to identify areas where acquisition investments might have the most benefit. The adjacent diagram shows four areas in the city that have been identified as potentials for acquisition investment. East Hill North 4.C.b Packet Pg. 65 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 53 Natural Resources and Sustainability As leaders in building community resilience, Kent Parks connects community members to environmental programming, ensures healthy ecosystems, advocates for the benefits of nature, and implements sustainability practices. These priorities have been confirmed consistently in public engagement, as seen in both the 2020 Comprehensive Recreation Program Plan and this 2022 Park & Open Space Plan. All departmental strategic planning efforts look to incorporate environmental sustainability goals wherever possible and practical; these practices are inherent and intuitive for a parks department and can be further strengthened through comprehensive planning. In the next 6-year cycle, Kent Parks will be creating a departmental sustainability plan to address accreditation expectations and aims to further reduce our collective impacts on the environment. The plan will establish realistic goals and metrics for sustainability and resiliency and setup proper systems for tracking progress and alignment with City and County goals. Below is a list of major initiatives (not comprehensive) and best practices that Kent Parks is currently implementing and will continue to grow into the future: [Natural Resource Management [Urban Forestry Plan [Water conservation [Integrated Pest Management [Sustainable Building/Facility Management [Composting and recycling at facilities [LED lighting conversions [Energy consumption audits [Centralized HVAC controls [Renewable Energy Sources for O&M Equipment and Vehicles [System Resiliency in Planning, Design and Construction [Reduce stormwater runoff through Green Infrastructure [Natural Resource Preservation [Reducing overall O&M demand using high-quality materials [Promote non-motorized transportation options through trails [Public Education and Engagement Huse Property West Fenwick Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 66 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0354 Nature Score next steps: Secure funding: High-quality natural areas can provide opportunities for people to experience all of the natural benefits of spending time in nature. The ability for people to spend time in our natural areas depends on two factors: [Funding for a Natural Resource group in Park Operations to ensure that our natural areas are safe, free of garbage, and ecologically high functioning. Critical O&M work includes removing invasive species of plants, planting natives, and maintaining a safe, inviting network of trails. This funding may allow reinstitution of the volunteer stewards program and more hands-on community engagement. [Capital funding to add amenities that add Recreational Value and protect our natural areas. Boardwalks and bridges are needed to keep trail users from negatively impacting water quality where a trail crosses a stream. Trailheads need to have adequate supporting amenities like parking, restrooms, and shelters to make nature more easily accessible and inviting. Small outdoor classroom spaces are needed for groups to gather and learn about nature. Update scoring and tie to mapping: The Green Kent Plan is 12 years old. While it provides a good jumping-off point for Nature Score metrics, reassessment of each site is needed. Similar to the ongoing asset inventory for park amenities, natural area amenities need to be inventoried. This will allow for easier management, as well as allow for heat mapping to ensure equitable access to natural areas is being provided.Nature Score Tiers1These parks have the highest natural resource and habitat potential with large contiguous natural areas. These parks tend to include ponds, lakes, streams, or rivers, have the potential for salmon or bird habitat, and be contiguous to green corridors. Some city properties in Tier 1 include Clark Lake Park, Lake Fenwick Park, Mill Creek Canyon, and the GRNRA.2These parks have smaller natural areas, tend to have some potential for habitat, and tend to connect to green corridors.3These parks have some to little natural areas and lower potential for habitat. These parks tend to not be contiguous to green corridors. These sites still have value and maintenance needs for our Urban Forest. Kent Parks is finalizing a Parks Urban Forest Management Plan to factor this into workload planning for the proposed Natural Resource group. Nature Score Much like the active areas of our parks, our natural areas require maintenance to ensure they provide opportunities to connect people to nature, provide quality habitat for wildlife, keep our water clean, and fight climate change. Nature Score is the natural area equivalent of the performance-based Level of Service for Recreational Value. Using qualitative data from the 2010 Green Kent plan such as acreage, habitat potential, and presence of sensitive areas like lakes, streams, or rivers, each of our natural areas was given a score. Those scores showed that our natural areas fall into three tiers. Clark Lake Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 67 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 55 Kent has long been known as a destination for sports and athletic programming in the region and even across the nation, with sports organizations traveling from every state and even Canada to use facilities. Historically, Kent’s history of park development focused on athletic programming, causing some parks to be limited to this singular use. The late 90’s and early 2000’s saw a number of significant parks built including Wilson Playfields and Service Club Ballfields. These gains were paired with the loss of 2 soccer fields at Hogan Park, 3 youth ballfields at Borden Playfields and a combination of soccer/baseball fields at Commons Playfields. Additional plans to add parks to meet demand from Kent’s growing population were put on hold due to reduced capital and operating budgets. This ultimately resulted in a net loss of 3 ballfields and 6 soccer fields. Although the statistically valid survey results generally show a deemphasis on specialized sports facilities, Kent Parks also recognizes that Athletics are an important amenity in the system and are a critical part of having a rich diversity of assets, providing revenue to the budget, and drawing people from the region to spend time in Kent. Rather than disinvestment in athletics, the survey suggests a strategic approach to how the department manages these facilities and improved efficiency with current assets. In an effort to better match athletic field demand with supply, an Athletic Field Capacity Study was done as part of the 2022 Kent P&OS Plan. The primary purpose of this study was to analyze service demands for athletic programming and compare it to the existing inventory of use hours within the system to determine what strategic improvements can be made to the existing system and/or if new developments are necessary. Methodology The Athletic Field Capacity Study includes a detailed analysis of existing reserved athletic field use over a five-year period. The analysis presents use hours by field, park, and activity/sport. This provides a comprehensive understanding of existing reserved (known) athletic field use. To understand potential unmet needs and demand, an athletic field user survey was deployed to gather feedback from existing athletic field user groups. Respondents provided insight for existing demand, typical use patterns, ideas for improvements, and where they travel outside of Kent to use facilities (if applicable). Athletic Capacity Study Wilson Playfields 4.C.b Packet Pg. 68 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0356 Inventory Before examining unmet needs, a more complete understanding of the Kent athletic field landscape is necessary. Kent PRCS is not the only provider for these services as the school district manages a large inventory of athletic fields. Kent Parks Kent Parks primarily utilizes seven park locations that offer athletic fields. Fields include large and small soccer fields, football fields, softball fields, and baseball fields. Additionally, some fields are natural turf whereas others are synthetic turf; however, synthetic turf fields tend to be lined/designed for multiple purposes, but multiple activities occurring at once at the same location may be limited due to field layout. Kent Parks also has some lit fields while others are unlit. The turf type (natural or synthetic), playability (the ability to play multiple sports at the same time), and field lighting all have a profound effect on Kent Parks’ ability to provide athletic field programming. Kent School District The Kent School District (KSD) comprises 29 elementary schools, six middle schools, and four high schools. The majority offer some type of athletic field facility(s). Moving forward, KSD will be offering synthetic fields at high schools, and is examining that same feasibility at middle schools. There is an upcoming KSD bond (2023/24) that may focus on enhancing all high school facilities to minimum standards of play which should assist with this direction.Wilson Playfields Wilson Playfields 4.C.b Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 57 General Trends From 2015–2019, the greatest number of reservations are attributed to Wilson Playfields (43%). The second most are attributed to Hogan Park (28%), followed by Service Club (12%), and Kent Memorial Park (10%). Interestingly, Hogan Park has almost the same number of reserved hours on average as Wilson Playfields, mostly attributed to a longer average number of hours per reservation (5.4 vs. 3.6). Wilson Playfields, Kent Memorial Park, and Hogan Park have all experienced positive trends in reservations and hours used from 2015–2019. Glenn Nelson Park has received the strongest decline over the same time period. The individual fields within the park system receiving the greatest number of reservations and hours used on average are Rectangular Field #1 and #2 located at Wilson Playfields. Field #1 at Hogan Park ranked third in reservations and hours used on average. These three fields are synthetic turf. Hogan Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0358 Use Trends by Sport With the Kent Parks field reservation nomenclature used between 2015–2019, adult soccer (17%), parks adult softball (16%), youth soccer (10%), and parks youth baseball (10%) represent a little over half of all athletic field reservations on average each year. Positively trending sports field reservations from 2015–2019 include Kent School District sports (baseball, soccer, and softball), Kent Parks sports (youth flag football, youth soccer, and youth baseball), youth soccer, and adult baseball. Negatively trending sports field reservations over the same time period include parks adult softball, parks youth baseball, youth baseball, and youth softball tournaments. When combining all like sport activities together (regardless of organization), adult softball has the most reserved hours from 2015–2019 with 13,490. The least number of hours are attributed to lacrosse (561) and rugby (83). When looking at the field use by hours, prime time (weekdays 5–11 p.m. and weekends 9 a.m.–9 p.m.) is utilized the most by all sports. Adult softball, youth baseball, and youth soccer have the most prime time use in general. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 59 Summary and Conclusions Studying athletic capacity in the park system is a balance of four things: [Initial and cyclical redevelopment costs of fields/amenities [Ongoing costs of operations and maintenance [Amount of use [Revenue from reservations + community economic benefits Examples of this balance include: [If the amount of use on a site is too high, operations and maintenance will not be able to keep pace to sustain the site. The site may become too damaged and need to shut down to renovate, interrupting the schedule of athletic programming and losing revenue costs and community economic benefits. [Time and money invested into a site needs to be reflected by the number of reservation hours. For example, the number of hours spent preparing a natural turf and skinned infield for a game are more than the number of hours to prepare a synthetic turf field for a game. The amount of operational time devoted to a field is only justified by optimal use and revenue. [This is a system-wide balance. Not all sites bring in revenue, but these sites can be important for drop-in use. The costs of these sites need to be factored into this balance. West Fenwick Park Multi-Use Court North Meridian Park Service Club Ballfields 4.C.b Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0360 A high-level look at balancing cyclical development and operations and maintenance costs indicates a rough similarity in 16-year costs between natural turf and synthetic fields that can be further balanced by the six month per year increase of use and revenue that a synthetic field would bring in Kent’s rainy climate. An in-depth look at the amount of reservation use each site receives can be deceiving since the system currently does not provide an equal number of playfields for all sports, some of which are overlays of diamond and rectangular. Including overlapping fields, the park system provides six full-sized softball fields, three full-sized soccer fields, and two full-sized baseball fields. In general, rectangular fields are underrepresented in the system. The user group survey indicates that more rectangular field users have been turned away due to lack of playing fields than diamond field users. The user group survey identified youth soccer with a high representation, which can be accommodated on a variety of fields, and adult soccer represents the highest percentage of reservations in the system, but is accommodated on only three fields. This rectangular field trend is also supported by benchmarking against NRPA for similarly sized cities, which recommends seven full-sized soccer fields, five full-sized softball fields, and four full-sized baseball fields for a city the size of Kent. Cricket is currently not represented in the system and is a challengingly large field to accommodate that does not fit into the rectangular and diamond field categories. It is recommended to launch a practice pitch trial run on existing lawn spaces that can accommodate use with minor improvements; if use demand proves to exist, sites have been identified that can be used for formal improvements. Athletic Field Survey: Sport/Activity Represented by Respondent n=90 Athletic Field Survey: Primary Field Type Utilized by Respondent n=86 4.C.b Packet Pg. 73 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 03 61 There are a few ways of adding lacking amenities while supporting important existing reservation use and emphasizing operations and maintenance: [Convert natural grass fields to synthetic where possible to increase reservations and decrease O&M burden [Alter existing field layouts and use: [Strategically schedule youth sports (soccer, baseball, etc.) on smaller fields to free up larger fields. [Change fields from one use type to multi-use with field overlay to accommodate shifts in sports trends (example: baseball and soccer overlay) [Conduct pilot projects to test demand for emerging athletic trends like cricket, rugby and lacrosse. [Explore marketing drop-in use and pick-up games to attract users who may have barriers that prevent them from participating in league play. [Extend daily and year-round use time on existing fields: [Add or upgrade lighting, including automated timers to reduce O&M costs [Upgrade natural turf to synthetic turf [Add fields to the system: [Partner with school district for use hours, maintenance efficiency, and joint- development of new facilities, especially at locations that can accommodate weekend tournament use Strategic projects include adding year-round use to already popular sites, shifting use away from sites that are not cost feasible to develop, continuing to actively pursue school partnerships for field use in non-school hours and joint-developed facilities, and transitioning fields to more universal uses. There are projects that should be tackled in the near term, and larger projects that should be assessed in the next six-year cycle dependent on usage trends and partnerships. Art Wright Field at Kent Memorial Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 74 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0362 Studying the System Viewing the park system through a variety of metrics creates a picture of how the system is functioning and where improvements are needed: [National standards provide a high-level understanding of trends in the country; engagement and the Athletic Capacity Study balance the national metrics with city-specific information to verify and identify amenities for investment. [Performance-based Level of Service measurements indicate how well existing parks are serving their area of the city, while traditional Level of Service shows where access to parkland may be deficient. Heat mapping adds a level of precision to both of these metrics, targeting areas of the city where new projects and access are most needed. [Implementing Park Classifications and Nature Scoring ensures a diverse system that provides a variety of space types. Each metric is a data-driven tool for viewing different aspects of the system, helping planners measure and more accurately describe the current performance of the city’s park system and provide a reference point for decision making. These tools inform a list of strategic projects that respond to a diversifying and densifying Kent. Lake Meridian Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 75 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Green River Trail 4.C.b Packet Pg. 76 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Vision and Goals 65 Project Outcomes 66 Strategic Projects 67 Systemwide Initiatives 68 Systemwide Operational and Maintenance Needs 69 Citywide Connections 71 Downtown 73 West Hill 77 Green River 81 East Hill South 83 East Hill North 87 Strategic Projects Summary 90 Where We Are Going 04 KENTP&OSPLAN2022 chapter 4.C.b Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 65 The vision of the 2022 P&OS Plan is to create a system that responds to the needs of the diverse population of Kent today and in the future, building community trust and ownership in the process. To achieve that vision, the plan is built around four goals, which inform nine project outcomes. We aim to create a system that has easy access to parks from home and work. To do this, studies of street infrastructure, density, racial and social indices, park access points, and transit routes were incorporated into data-based mapping. Strategies: [Provide access to parks throughout the city using both existing parks and new facilities [Promote access to parks by non-motorized means looking toward citywide infrastructure planning [Integrate density and social indices into data-based mapping and analysis Physical Access for All We aim to create a resilient, sustainable park system. Funding, partnerships, operations, and maintenance are key components to ensuring the system provides high- functioning amenities within a budget that can be sustained. Strategies: [Add Recreational Value to transform existing low- performing parks and existing parks where high- quality amenities are lacking [Transition Recreational Value data into an asset management system for long-term management [Focus on sustainable O&M funding for new and existing park development [Partner with external organizations to provide high-quality amenities System Resiliency We aim to create easily accessible information about the park system, build constituent trust, and be transparent in our decision-making process to share how projects are identified. Strategies: [Enhance access to information about the park and trail system and individual properties using virtual and physical platforms [Build upon the 2016 performance-based approach [Use mapped data and analysis to identify projects [Engage the public and partner with community- based organizations Transparency and Communication We aim to create a system that provides high-quality amenities that reflect the diversity of Kent. Public engagement identified which amenities are needed and not needed in the system, and provided guidance on where these amenities are needed. Strategies: [Provide an equitable spread of high-quality amenities, including natural resources and athletics throughout the city using existing parks, new facilities, and partnerships [Create a park system that reflects Kent’s diversity with parks that are special, unique, and authentic Diversity of High- Quality Amenity Goals 4.C.b Packet Pg. 78 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0466 The 2022 P&OS Plan is organized around nine project outcomes that together achieve the vision for Kent’s park system. These outcomes were identified through public engagement and park system evaluation, support the four goals, and provide a structure to prioritize strategic projects as funding becomes available. Project Outcomes Access A project that increases the service area of the park system. Projects might include improving access to an existing park or adding an entirely new park. Equity A project identified as important through heat mapping that has opportunity to serve priority populations. Programming A project that brings more activation to a space. Projects incorporate arts, culture, and outdoor programming and may include spaces for movies, music, or mobile furnishings. Strategic Amenities A project that adds diversity of amenity to Kent and amenities identified as important through engagement. Trails A project that increases or enhances trails and connectivity. Operations & Maintenance A project that makes maintaining or operating the park system more efficient. Projects might include replacing infrastructure that needs constant upkeep. Partnerships A project that leverages agreements with other city departments, projects, or entities outside of Kent Parks to mutual benefit. Athletics A project that addresses capacity needs for various sports, including organized, programmed, and drop-in use. Natural Resources A project that increases access to nature and enhances environmental sustainability. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 79 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 04 67 This plan proposes a list of strategic projects to achieve Kent’s Parks and Open Space vision. Projects are guided by public engagement, data-based system studies, and realistic system opportunities for partnerships, maintenance, and funding. In this report, projects are organized by city region and categorized by outcome. Studying projects by outcome shows how projects work together to create a cohesive, diverse system; studying projects by region shows how to create a city-wide balance of high- quality amenity. Citywide, projects are sorted into three priority buckets: near term, mid term, and long term. Projects are scored for priority based on potential of the project to enhance the system and ease of implementation. Scoring includes the number of outcomes the project achieves, the LOS of the region they reside in, and ease of implementation or associated costs. These priority buckets establish a guide for implementation and are not intended to be a rigid schedule or order for projects to be completed. Project prioritization will be revisited annually through the capital budgeting process and is subject to change based on available funding, asset deterioration, leveraging opportunities, and staff resources. Strategic Projects near: Near-term projects are either currently underway or targets for the next six year budget cycle. mid: Mid-term projects are not currently funded but are good candidates for future funding. long: Long-term projects are not currently funded and have barriers to implementation such as O&M funding and property acquisition. Mid and long-term projects may become more feasible as appropriate funding becomes available and partnerships progress, or may have aspects that can be accomplished in the near term. $-$$$: Level of complexity and effort associated with a particular scope of work is tied to anticipated project costs, indicated for each project as a range from $ to $$$. Prioritization and Complexity 4.C.b Packet Pg. 80 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0468 Some strategic projects have been identified that do not yet have a site or are systemwide projects. These might include specific amenities, partnerships, or signage projects that would help achieve the vision of the Parks and Open Space Plan. Systemwide Initiatives Update Partnership with Kent School District Update formal agreement with Kent School District for use and management of facilities. Develop after-hours partnerships with schools for athletic facility use, playgrounds, and other amenities. Partnership opportunities might include: North Meridian Park/Meridian Middle School, Campus Park/ Kent-Meridian High School, and Kentridge High School. Mountain Bike Park/Pump Track Provide a high-quality bike park/pump track in the park system, potentially partnering with Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance. Off-leash Dog Areas Test various locations for off-leash dog areas that are separated from active or residential use and have natural features that do not need long runs of fence. Public input will identify the best long-term location for this use. Sites to explore include Briscoe, Riverview, Russell Woods, and Foster Parks. Enhance Access to Information Provide park and trail maps at strategic locations throughout the city to spread understanding of nearby available amenities and connections, and continue enhancements of online updates and interactive mapping. Cricket Pitch Designate a location for a practice pitch and identify if there is a need for a permanent formal pitch. Sites to explore for a practice pitch include city-owned sites such as Riverview Park and North Meridian Park, and non-city-owned sites such as Pea Patch Playfields and Kentridge High School. Sites to explore for a formal pitch include Valley Floor Community Park and new land acquisitions. Nature Trail Access & Maintenance Plan Develop and implement a plan to enhance trail experience for users, with emphasis on maintenance, safety, and access to nature. Pickleball Add pickleball court lines to existing tennis courts, and install new pickleball-specific courts. Install a Splashpad Identify a favorable operating location for above-ground water play in the park system, a unique amenity in the system. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 81 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 69 Capital reinvestment into Kent’s park system as outlined in this plan will require a consistent increase in park’s operating budget to meet systemwide O&M needs. Additional staff will be needed to keep up with an increase in park use, operational need and preventative maintenance. A number of operational and maintenance needs have never been funded at the necessary level. Others are emerging needs due to added complexities of managing a park system that did not exist in the past, and opportunities to leverage partnerships, volunteers or modernization. Systemwide Operational and Maintenance Needs Sustainable Replacement for Seasonal Staff Seasonal staff have long been a cornerstone of responding to the increase in park use and expanding service and support during the spring and summer. These positions are increasingly harder to hire, train and retain as park use continues to increase demand for evening and weekend staff presence. A sustainable change in strategy is necessary. This requires either additional resources or a reduction in park operating hours, locking/unlocking of parking lot gates, and the number of restrooms that are opened and closed daily. Other park amenities or programs with high operating costs should be considered for reduction to preserve core park operations. Natural Resource Management Fund a natural resource group in Park Operations to manage public use of open space, nature trails and support environmental community engagement/education. Initial focus on Kent’s urban forest and natural areas prioritizing tier 1 natural areas including natural areas along the Green River, Lake Fenwick, Clark Lake and Mill Creek Canyon. Modernize Parks Waste Management Waste management is a crucial part of providing inviting, attractive public spaces and as the amount of garbage in our public spaces continues to increase sustaining service levels is challenging. Currently the Parks Department is responsible for emptying almost 400 garbage cans across the 34 square miles of Kent every week. Some of these cans must be emptied multiple times a day while some require emptying only every week or two. A variety of strategic investments are available to manage the amount of staff time required to collect garbage in our parks. These could include a direct-to-dump pickup, higher volume receptacles, smart cans, on- site dumpsters at high volume parks, at-grade dumpsters at East/West Shops and carry- in/carry-out litter policies and marketing campaigns. Volunteer Program Coordinator Hire volunteer program coordinator to leverage volunteers and partnerships to help maintain Kent’s publicly accessible natural areas. Restart Adopt-A-Park program that was canceled due to budget cuts several years ago. Hold regular cleanup events to help keep Kent clean and build a sense of community pride in our public spaces. Update Green Kent Management Plan and explore restarting the park steward program if resources allow. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0470 Business Development/Grant Writer Hire business development/grant writer to increase the department’s leveraging of existing funding. Consolidate department grant writing and responsibility tracking. Reach out to city businesses to encourage investment in attracting people to work/live in Kent. Increased Public Access to School Grounds In collaboration with local school districts, find ways to increase access to school grounds for recreation and recreational programming in high need areas of Kent. Joint use agreement could look at adding staff to manage after school hours/school year access to school grounds, address garbage or provide programming. Could expedite increasing recreational value in underserved areas of the city. Park Rangers Create Park Ranger program to improve park code enforcement, reduce enforcement burden on Police Department, improve public understanding of park rules and increase public perception of park safety. A ranger program would improve the department’s ability to react to park use issues outside of regular working hours and reduce reliance on seasonal staff. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Citywide Connections Map 1 mile 04 71 On- and off-street trails or multimodal routes create important connections between people and their destinations, including parks. Often the combined value of an interconnected set of trails, parks, and amenities creates synergies for a corridor that is greater than the sum of its parts. Understanding these strategic connections, both on and off street, can be an important consideration when identifying projects that have multiple components— parks, trails, transportation, stormwater drainage, or utilities. Kent has 50+ miles of trail ranging in character and design type from paved regional trails to soft-surface nature trails. When considered individually, these trails have limited impact in connecting people to places. But when these trails are intertwined into an active transportation system, they become an important part of citywide connections. To this end, a multi-departmental effort (Parks, Public Works, Economic and Community Development) was initiated during the recently adopted Transportation Master Plan (TMP) and resulted in the identification of many important bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The Citywide Connections map is intended to be a continuation of the efforts started during the TMP to leverage linkages between trails and on-street infrastructure that can serve as opportunities to serve multiple goals. Citywide Connections Key On-Street Trails: These trails are part of the street network and can be sidewalks, bike lanes, shared- use paths, cycle track, or some other transportation solution that centers on bicyclists and pedestrians. Dashed lines are in progress or in planning; solid lines are complete. Park Trails: These trails can be paved or soft surface (gravel or dirt) and typically move through a park setting (neighborhood, community, or natural resource). Regional Trails: These trails are typically paved, 12 feet wide, and are considered part of the King County/Leafline regional trails network. Looking toward next steps in this planning effort, Kent Parks is proposing developing an Urban Trails Master Plan that looks at regional trails, park trails, and on-street “trails” as part of an interconnected network of urban trails that provide an expansion of the non-motorized options for people to navigate the city. This effort will be led by Kent Parks but will follow the tone of collaboration established during the TMP. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0472 Downtown and Green River: Meet Me on Meeker Public Works, Economic and Community Development, and the Parks Department are collaborating to implement a new vision for Meeker Street. This project is transforming a key commercial corridor and gateway to downtown into a multimodal, urban complete street with a strong sense of place. Meeker Street will also serve as an east-west bike/pedestrian connection between downtown, the Interurban Trail, and the Green River Trail. In conjunction with the Central Park, Uplands, Interurban, and Earthworks improvements, this connection will increase Kent’s downtown as an area attraction. Downtown and East Hill South: Mill Creek Canyon Park Corridor and Downtown Connections Nearly 40 years ago, Kent took a bold step by combining stormwater infrastructure, a park, and art to create Earthworks Park at the base of Mill Creek Canyon. This bold step was part of a vision to transform Mill Creek Canyon into the jewel of Kent’s park system with trails, bridges, and other recreational amenities throughout. It was an ambitious goal for what was at that time a small city. After all these years, Kent has grown into this vision and is ready for Mill Creek to meet its enormous recreational potential. Doing so will make Mill Creek Canyon a top-tier park and form a vital linkage between the East Hill and downtown. East Hill: Lake Meridian Park, Huse Property, and Soos Creek Trail Corridor Lake Meridian Park is currently Kent’s most popular park. The Huse Property is in planning to become a top-tier community park in the underserved Panther Lake region. These two parks are located along King County’s Regional Soos Creek Trail. When improvements are completed, Kent will have two top-tier parks connected by a comfortable bike ride on the Soos Creek Trail. West Hill and Downtown: Fenwick Park Corridor Enhancing and providing formal connections between West Fenwick and Lake Fenwick Parks will create a dynamic park corridor with numerous passive and active recreational opportunities with trail access to the West Hill, Green River, Kent Valley Loop Trails, Meeker Street, and downtown. Downtown, Green River, and West Hill: Kent Valley Loop Trail Decades ago, city leaders laid out a vision for a network of parks along both sides of the Green River that were to be connected by separated bike/ pedestrian trails. Today this vision has been adapted into the Kent Valley Loop Trail system, which is mostly complete and is a regional draw for park users, bikers, runners, and walkers. Ensuring that the Green River Trail, Frager Road, Interurban Trail, and the parks throughout the corridor are maintained and updated is critical for a key component of Kent’s park system. 0472 Citywide Initiative: Neighborhood Greenways Program There are many very low traffic neighborhood streets with no sidewalks in Kent. This program looks at making those streets pedestrian-centric experiences. Focus would be on streets that connect to parks or other amenities for the surrounding neighborhood. Federal Way Link Extension Trail: Sound Transit is currently under construction on the Federal Way Link Extension, which will bring Light Rail connections south of Angle Lake into Kent, Des Moines, Federal Way, and eventually into Fife and Tacoma. The result will be major improvements in access to transit for the West Hill and an expected shift toward transit-oriented development and greater population density that comes with it. To improve neighborhood access to these transit stations, a trail that generally follows the light rail alignment is proposed. Citywide: Bike/Ped. Corridors Around the city, there are segments of sidewalk and bike lanes missing. These gaps and inconsistencies in the system make it unattractive and difficult for users and can result in unsafe conditions. As urbanization and traffic levels increase, street improvements need to provide comfort and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Filling these gaps would provide pedestrian and bicyclist access to transit and destinations such as schools, parks, and neighborhood shopping. Corridors that have been identified for improvements include: [East Hill: 116th Ave. SE, 132nd Ave. SE, 100th Ave. SE [East Hill South and Downtown: SE 256th St., SE 248th St. [West Hill: Reith Rd., Veterans Drive, Military Rd. [Downtown: Central Ave. [Green River: S 228th St., S 212th St., S 196th St. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 73 Downtown Strategic Projects Downtown Map Project Outcome Key Access Equity Strategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources Athletics Operations & Maintenance Trails Partnerships The Downtown Region is the commercial center of Kent. Its current population is relatively small but is expected to grow significantly over the next decade in the form of more urban, multifamily housing. Downtown is an important intersection between the Green River valley, East Hill, and West Hill and is vital to Kent’s strategic vision for the future, becoming a thriving mix of retail, business, and residential. A destination itself, the center connects all Kent residents and workers to transit (Sounder) and active transportation (Interurban Trail). Woven through downtown are a number of parks that were created to serve a small town and, later, a suburban Kent. Most of the downtown parks are some of the system’s oldest. Reinvestment is needed to replace failing assets, provide quality recreational experiences, serve a high weekday population, and play a key role in supporting the development of a livable, urban downtown core. F D CP O J E H G N K B A L 1 mile 4.C.b Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0474 C. Kherson Park Construction is planned for 2022, including installation of the lunar rover replica in the space-themed playground and improved urban green space. near $$ A. 4th and Willis Greenway Redevelop the two greenways along SR 516 with enhanced landscape and multimodal connection between the Interurban Trail and downtown. near $$ D. Earthworks and Mill Creek Canyon Celebrate this natural resource and gateway between downtown and East Hill. Update the master plan for Earthworks Park and Mill Creek Canyon with a major emphasis on trail and neighborhood connectivity, building upon the recent work to cleanup and restore existing nature trails within the canyon. near $$$ B. Commons Neighborhood Park Move the current Community Garden program to this site. Update the playground and improve the trail experience in the park. near $$ Earthworks and Mill Creek Canyon Middle Mill Creek Park [Create a new Tier 4 park, including resting point at the halfway point of the canyon. South Mill Creek Park [Renovate to become a Tier 4 park. Improve gateway/trailhead to the upper canyon utilizing recent property acquisition. Mill Creek Canyon Trails [Continue work on pedestrian connection between downtown and East Hill on both sides of the canyon. [Create crossings to connect Scenic Hill and East Hill. Crossings to include bridges at strategic locations for connectivity and views of the canyon. [Continue work on restoration of canyon and working with EarthCorps on trail maintenance and improvement. Mill Creek Canyon to 248th [Create a safe off-street connection between 248th, Campus Park, and Mill Creek Canyon. Mill Creek Park to 277th Street Trail [Implement the planned connection to 277th, eventually connecting Mill Creek to the Green River Trail. Earthworks Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 87 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 04 75 E. Foster Park Improve trailhead and trailside amenities. Implement pilot off-leash dog area program. mid $ G. Old Fishing Hole Improve trailheads and amenities at this property along the loop system. mid $$ F. Russell Woods Park Improve trailheads and amenities at this property along the loop system. mid $ H. Uplands Playfield and Uplands Extension Renovation [Convert two natural grass baseball fields into an active park space. [Expand Lions Skate Park. [Add a new Interurban Trailhead and trail amenities. mid $$ Complete and Continue Enhancements to the Kent Valley Loop Trail (KVLT) System Frager Rd Trail Resting Area aka BMX Park - West Hill [Enhance the existing amenities and add new at this resting point along the trail system. 64th Ave Trail Repair and Extension - Downtown [Repair and extend this existing trail to enhance the Kent Valley Loop Trail. Interurban Trail Improvements - Downtown and Green River [Enhance connection at Naden Avenue. [Enhance lighting at all Downtown connections. [Add art installations, improve crossings, and coordinate repair work with King County. Nealy/Soames - Downtown [Develop amenities and enhance recreational opportunities in this area along the loop trail system. Green River Trail South Missing Link to Auburn - Downtown [Fill the missing link of the Green River Trail south in partnership with King County. This trail will eventually connect south to Auburn. Frager Rd - West Hill and Downtown [Improve this currently mixed-use roadway to be welcoming to bicycle and pedestrian users. The segment from Cottonwood Park to Washington Avenue is an area of priority along this road. Kent Valley Loop Trails: Connecting the Downtown, Green River, and West Hill regions, this trail system utilizes on- and off- street trails to connect parks and create recreational loops. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 88 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0476 K. Signature Pointe Finish this last segment of the Green River Trail that needs improvement to be off- street, separated trail. mid $$$ P. Town Square Plaza Renovate Town Square Plaza to provide improved access to green space and programmable space downtown. long $$$ L. Scenic Hill Park Renovate and expand children’s play area and add additional features to improve recreational value. long $$ J. Riverview Park Create a new Tier 5 park that serves as downtown’s Green River trailhead and southern anchor for the Green River corridor of parks. mid $$$ N. Hogan Park at Russell Road Add supporting recreational amenities that will make the park a dawn-to-dusk, year-round recreational destination. Convert Field #2 to synthetic turf and assess trends to determine if additional synthetic fields are needed. Add automated lighting controls. Improve trail connections from the park. long $$$ O. Kent Memorial Park Improve connections to neighborhoods and embrace the bordering creek as an amenity. Add automated lighting controls. Reassess use after school partnerships and other sports facility improvements have been achieved and consider options for general park use and open space in lieu of athletic programming. long $$$ M. Downtown Central Park Development Locate and create a high Recreation Value downtown central park. long $$$I. Downtown Park Improvements Update downtown park amenities and look for potentials to add recreational value where appropriate. Potential parks include Kaibara Park, Burlington Green, Titus Railroad Park, Rosebed Park, and First Ave Plaza. mid $$$ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 77 West Hill is primarily residential with ribbons of commercial development along Pacific Highway and portions of Military Road. It is bisected by Interstate 5. Development near the in-progress Federal Way Link Extension and future light rail station continues to significantly increase the population and development of this region with available parkland becoming scarcer. Freeways, highways, topography, and the Green River create challenges for connectivity within this region and to other areas of the city. The West Hill of Kent has the fewest number of parks but has more acres of parkland per person than every region except downtown. West Hill Strategic Projects West Hill Map Project Outcome Key Access Equity Strategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources Athletics Operations & Maintenance Trails Partnerships L G C J I B F D K A 1 mile E 4.C.b Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0478 Fenwick Community Park West Fenwick Park and Lake Fenwick Park Explore combining the contiguous Fenwick Properties into one combined management area known as Fenwick Community Park.B. Salt Air Vista Park Renovate and expand children’s play area and add additional features to improve recreational value. Add nature-play and nature trail connections to multifamily housing. near $$ A. Linda Heights Park Improve Recreational Value by adding open lawn area, loop trail, and multi-use sports court. near $$ C. Connect West Fenwick and Lake Fenwick Parks Provide formal connections between these parks to create a dynamic park corridor with numerous active and passive recreational opportunities with trail access to the West Hill, Green River, and Downtown. Work with Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance to create Kent’s first mountain bike park. mid $$ D. Connect West Fenwick Park to the Green River Trail Improve pedestrian connection from West Hill to the Green River Trail and downtown. Collaborate with Public Works to address crossing SR 516, as identified in the Transportation Master Plan, and update signage to reinforce connection. mid $$ 1/4 mile WEST FENWICK PARK LAKE FENWICKLAKE FENWICK PARK 4.C.b Packet Pg. 91 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 79 H. West Hill Land Acquisition Land acquisition on the West Hill for replacement of the Kronisch property sale. mid $$ F. Glenn Nelson Park Renovate the playground to add nature play elements; improve the park connections to the neighborhood. Explore diversifying athletic programming. mid $$ G. West Fenwick Park Renovate the existing tennis courts, including adding pickleball striping, and renovate the trails on the west and north edges of the park. mid $$ I. Lake Fenwick Park Improve the park to a Tier 6 Park. Improve access, parking, gathering, seating, play, and water access opportunities. [Connect to Green River Trail via a trail under SR 516 and through King County Mullen Slough Natural Area. [Update the disc golf course. mid $$$ Lake Fenwick Park E. Evergreen Middle School Partnership Explore opportunities for partnership with the Federal Way School District to utilize newly constructed fields at Evergreen Middle School for general park use during non-school hours. mid $$ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 92 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile Midway Neighborhood Park 0480 L. West Hill Sports Facility Development Develop a new sports facility as land opportunities arise. Facility will likely focus on rectangular fields and overlays, with emphasis on providing fields that can be used for tournament play. long $$$ L. Valley Floor Community Park Develop a community park, including large- scale community garden space, parking, restroom, and play area. Explore additional amenities that would be appropriate for a site constricted by wetlands and floodplains. Celebrate connections to the KVLT. long $$$ J. West Hill Neighborhood Park Create a new Tier 4 neighborhood park. Consider installing a splash pad here or elsewhere in the park system. mid $$$ K. Midway Neighborhood Park Acquire land to fulfill need for park, recreation, and trail connection opportunities along the west edge of West Hill, providing access to parks in an underserved area that will likely continue growing as Link Light Rail Stations are completed. long $$$ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 93 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 81 This region is characterized by industry, megablocks, few residences, and the Green River, which is one of Kent’s most significant recreational amenities. The Green River Trail, Frager Road, and the parks along them serve the 70,000 people who work in the valley, the entire population of Kent, and all of South King County. Over the past decades, the city has acquired a significant amount of property along the Green River to realize the vision of riverside trails, open space, and recreational opportunities on both sides of the river. Reinvesting in these parks and trails will ensure that the Green River corridor continues to be a regional draw and recreational treasure. Green River Strategic Projects Green River Map A C EB D Project Outcome Key Access Equity Strategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources Athletics Operations & Maintenance Trails Partnerships 1 mile 4.C.b Packet Pg. 94 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0482 Kent Valley Loop Trail signage E. Green River Natural Resource Area Partner with Public Works to enhance the Recreational Value and access to this natural resource. long $$$ C. Briscoe Park Activate the park along the Kent Valley Loop Trail system with additional recreational amenities. mid $$ B. Van Doren’s Landing Park Construction of park relocation is scheduled to be completed in 2022, including flood protection, habitat improvements, and Recreation Value enhancements. near $$$ D. Three Friends Fishing Hole Broaden the recreational opportunities at this park along the Kent Valley Loop Trail. mid $$ A. Boeing Rock Develop amenities and enhance recreational opportunities in this area along the Kent Valley Loop Trail system. near $$ Three Friends Fishing Hole 4.C.b Packet Pg. 95 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan D F A C B H L I J E K 1 mile 04 83 The East Hill South region includes the Lake Meridian annexation area. This region is largely residential with both single-family and multifamily homes, and small pockets of retail. The key parks in this region include Lake Meridian Park, Morrill Meadows Park, Wilson Playfields, Service Club Ballfields, Clark Lake, and Arbor Heights 360. East Hill South has a good distribution of parkland but requires further reinvestment to reach the full potential of this recreational offering. East Hill South Strategic Projects East Hill South Map Project Outcome Key Access Equity Strategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources Athletics Operations & Maintenance Trails Partnerships 4.C.b Packet Pg. 96 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0484 A. Campus Park Design work is scheduled to begin in 2022, emphasizing the following elements: [Play area to serve multifamily residential surrounding the park. [Explore feasibility of developing a short 18-hole disc golf course. [Explore partnership with Kent School District on the development of a joint-use facility. [Connect to 100th Ave for bikes/pedestrians. near $$ B. Morrill Meadows Park Construct phase 2 of park improvements, including expansion of playground, stage for summer concerts, and nature play area. near $$ D. Lake Meridian Park and Soos Creek Trail Connection Continue coordination with Public Works on enhanced bike/pedestrian connection. mid $$ C. Springwood Park Continue design and construction to transform this neighborhood park from a Tier 3 to a Tier 4, including an expanded children’s play area, community gathering space, and trail connectivity. near $$$ Springwood Park, photo credit Paul Johnston Lake Meridian Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 97 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 04 85 F. Clark Lake Park Enhance trail system, update master plan, and develop amenities including restroom, park shelter, nature play, and expanded parking. Acquire land as available to complete park assemblage. Explore addition of indoor programmable space and unique system amenities. mid $$$ G. East Hill Southwest Park Development Explore providing access to a diversity of amenity in this area. This might include a combination of acquisition and developing existing properties, such as 272nd Park and Seven Oaks Park, to their maximum potentials. mid $$$ E. Sun Meadows Park Expand the recreational value by adding loop trail, additional sport courts, and enhanced lawn space. mid $$ East Hill Southwest Park Development Clark Lake Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 98 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0486 L. Wilson Playfields Acquire adjacent property as available and expand field space. Transition to LED lighting and implement automated lighting controls. Expand recreational opportunities with additional amenities. long $$$ J. Eastridge Park Renovate and expand children’s play area and add additional features to improve Recreational Value. long $$ K. Service Club Ballfields In the near term, add automated lighted controls, explore potential scheduling partnerships with the Auburn School District, and reach out to organizations that currently schedule the fields for input. In the long term, assess if trends indicate need to convert to other use types. long $$$ I. 272nd Park Develop a new Tier 3 neighborhood park. long $$$ Wilson Playfields Playground H. 132nd Ave Park Develop into a Tier 4 Neighborhood Park. long $$$ Service Club Ballfields 4.C.b Packet Pg. 99 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan E D CB GA F 04 87 East Hill North largely includes the Panther Lake Annexation Area and is the city’s most underserved park region under both the traditional Level of Service (LOS) and the new performance-based LOS. There are fewer existing parks in this region than in the rest of Kent, and because of this, it is necessary to add Recreational Value in this region both by redeveloping existing parks and building new ones. To fully meet the need of this growing area of the city, new parkland shall consist of at least one top-tier park and several smaller neighborhood parks. East Hill North Strategic Projects East Hill North Map 1 mile Project Outcome Key Access Equity Strategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources Athletics Operations & Maintenance Trails Partnerships 4.C.b Packet Pg. 100 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0488 C. East Hill North Community Park aka Huse Property [Develop Huse Park into a Tier 6 community park. Include a trailhead for Soos Creek Trail and improve connection to Lake Meridian Park and Lake Youngs Loop Trail. [Scope of work to include parking, restroom, children’s play area, loop nature trail, and adaptive reuse of existing structure. [Formalize north side access point along 216th. [Explore possibility of easement with current property owners to provide formal trail access off 224th separate from equestrian trail. [Explore possibility of partnership with utility corridor for trail easement. near $$$ Garrison Creek Park B. Garrison Creek Park Continue renovation and replacement of closed amenities. Priorities include: [Replace the playground in 2022. [Expand the use/play opportunities to include amenities like soccer, pickleball, etc. [Improve the trail connection down to Garrison Creek to create a nature-play experience. [Consider restoring lighting. near $$ A. Chestnut Ridge Park Renovate and expand children’s play area and add additional features to improve Recreational Value. near $$ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 101 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 1 mile 04 89 G. East Hill North Neighborhood Park aka Matinjussi Property Develop the Matinjussi property into a Tier 3 or 4 neighborhood park that includes public access to Panther Lake. Explore west access to SE 203 Pl, south access to SE 204th St, and north access to private playground. Consider restoring lighting. mid $$$ H. East Hill North Park Development Continue exploring access to parkland in this area, particularly in the areas surrounding the ravines that cut diagonally across the region. This might include a combination of acquisition and securing partnerships with schools for after-use hours of their sporting and playground facilities. long $$$ D. North Meridian Park [Improve the park from Tier 2 to Tier 5. [Add pedestrian access point to east side of North Meridian Park off 125th Ave SE street end; develop trail network. [Explore creating space for informal cricket pitch; develop further if well received. [Explore potential partnership with local disc golf advocates to activate forested area of park. This may require a partnering agreement with King County as they own some of the adjacent property. [Explore partnership with the Kent School District. near $$$ F. Turnkey Park Renovate and expand children’s play area and add additional features to improve recreational value. mid $$ E. Park Orchard Park Improve the park from Tier 1 to Tier 4. Explore partnerships with Kent School District. mid $ East Hill North Park Development 4.C.b Packet Pg. 102 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0490 Strategic projects are sorted into three priority buckets: near term, mid term, and long term. As discussed earlier in this chapter, projects are scored for priority based on potential of the project to enhance the system and ease of implementation. These priority buckets establish a guide for implementation and are not intended to be a rigid schedule or order for projects to be completed. Near-term projects are currently underway or targets for the next capital improvement cycle. Mid-term and long-term projects may become more feasible as appropriate funding becomes available and partnerships progress, or they have aspects that can be accomplished in the near term. Level of complexity and effort associated with a particular scope of work is tied to anticipated project costs, indicated for each project as a range from $ to $$$. Strategic Projects Summary Kherson Park $$ 4th and Willis Greenway $$ Earthworks and Mill Creek Canyon $$$ Commons Neighborhood Park $$near termProject NamePriority Downtown Region AccessEquityStrategic AmenitiesProgrammingNatural ResourcesAthleticsOperations & MaintenanceTrailsPartnershipsProject Complexitymid termSignature Pointe $$$ Riverview Park $$$ Downtown Park Improvements $$$ Foster Park $ Old Fishing Hole $$ Russell Woods Park $ Uplands Playfield and Uplands Extension Renovation $$long termTown Square Plaza $$$ Scenic Hill Park $$ Hogan Park at Russell Road $$$ Kent Memorial Park $$$ Downtown Central Park Development $$$ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 103 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 04 91mid termWest Hill Land Acquisition $$ Glenn Nelson Park $$ West Fenwick Park $$ West Hill Neighborhood Park $$$ Lake Fenwick Park $$$ Connect West Fenwick Park to the Green River Trail $$ Connect West Fenwick and Lake Fenwick Parks $$AccessEquityStrategic AmenitiesProgrammingNatural ResourcesAthleticsOperations & MaintenanceTrailsPartnershipsProject ComplexityProject NamePriority West Hill Region long termlongtermWest Hill Sports Facility Development $$$ Valley Floor Community Park $$$ Midway Neighborhood Park $$$ Green River Natural Resource Area $$$neartermSalt Air Vista Park $$ Linda Heights Park $$ Green River Region near termVan Doren’s Landing Park $$$ Boeing Rock $$midtermThree Friends Fishing Hole $$ Briscoe Park $$ Evergreen Middle School Partnership $$ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 104 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0492AccessEquityStrategic AmenitiesProgrammingNatural ResourcesAthleticsOperations & MaintenanceTrailsPartnershipsProject ComplexityProject NamePriority East Hill South Region long termlong termWilson Playfields $$$ Eastridge Park $$ Service Club Ballfields $$$ 272nd Park $$$ 132nd Ave Park $$$ East Hill North Park Development $$$ East Hill North Regionnear termCampus Park $$ Morrill Meadows Park $$ Springwood Park $$$mid termClark Lake Park $$$ East Hill Southwest Park Development $$$ Sun Meadows Park $$ Lake Meridian Park and Soos Creek Trail Connection $$near termEast Hill North Community Park aka Huse Property $$$ Garrison Creek Park $$ Chestnut Ridge Park $$ North Meridian Park $$$mid termEast Hill North Neighborhood Park aka Matinjussi Property $$$ Turnkey Park $$ Park Orchard Park $ 4.C.b Packet Pg. 105 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan West Fenwick Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 106 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Funding 95 O&M Versus Capital Funding 96 The Problem with Reactive Maintenance 96 Funding Status 97 Our Funding Bucket 101 Current Funding Sources 103 Potential Funding Sources 109 Partnerships with Alternate Providers 114 Goals and Policies 115 How We Will Get There 05 KENTP&OSPLAN2022 chapter 4.C.b Packet Pg. 107 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 95 This plan creates a vibrant, constituent-led roadmap for Kent’s park and open space system. To make this system a reality, strategies are needed to build the proposed strategic projects and then maintain them at the level necessary to achieve the desired positive outcomes for Kent. Funding is the foundation of the solution; a city’s priorities are found in its budget, not in planning documents. Kent Parks must continue to find creative ways to partner with other agencies to leverage funding even further. As available land becomes scarcer, use and maintenance partnerships with alternate providers of assets in the city is another key. Used strategically, funding and partnerships can work together to provide a sustained high quality of service to the Kent community. When deciding how resources are allocated, tough decisions are needed. The strategic projects in this plan provide a roadmap for decisions, but other projects and opportunities arise. When this happens, goals and policies provide guidance for decision making. Based on the data-centric and engagement- led conclusions, goals and policies lay out priorities for the continuing development and stewardship of the city’s park and open space system. The goals and policies outlined in this report are a continuation of those presented in the 2016 Plan, but they will continue to evolve based on community engagement, analysis of data, and the changing needs of Kent. Kent Parks funding is divided into two separate categories that cannot be intermingled: capital funding for new or replaced assets, and operations and maintenance (O&M) funding for maintaining and repairing assets. The 2016 P&OS Plan provided a vision for a vibrant urban park system and made the case for substantial financial commitment to support that vision. Kent Parks was facing a significant capital maintenance backlog without a dedicated capital funding source. New revenue options were needed to support the capital needs of a system organized, renovated, and maintained according to performance standards and expectations. Funding Since the 2016 Plan, sustainable capital funding has been obtained, allowing Kent Parks to replace many failing assets in the system with new assets. Parallel funding increases for O&M have not been obtained, setting up the system for a similar situation as the 2016 Plan discussed: a system again filled with deferred reactive maintenance and failing assets instead of proactive investment into long-term repairs to keep the system functioning at a consistently high level. To obtain the positive benefits that a park system provides, it is necessary to have Capital Funding for Repair, Replacement, and Development, and O&M Funding that keeps up with the increased demand of a growing and urbanizing city. Morrill Meadows Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 108 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0596 Kent has a Park Operations division tasked with daily operations and maintenance of all parks, trails, open space, athletic complexes, gateways, and facility grounds. These employees are generally responsible for routine maintenance tasks such as mowing grass, cleaning restrooms, and emptying trash cans. They also complete minor construction projects such as repairing plumbing and roofs and filling in potholes in parking lots and along paths. This work is considered routine maintenance and is funded through the city’s general fund. Larger projects are contracted out to construction firms and paid for as part of the Parks capital budget. These projects fall into two categories: capital repair, replacement, and redevelopment and capital development. Projects such as constructing a new restroom building to replace an old one, repaving a park’s parking lot, or replacing an athletic field’s worn-out synthetic turf are considered capital repair and replacement projects. New development and acquisition projects, which aim to add amenities in areas of the city that are underserved, are considered capital development projects. All new and existing assets need routine maintenance and eventual capital reinvestment. Each category of park asset has a typical expected lifespan, along with its own typical amount of routine maintenance and typical amount of capital repair. The expected lifespan of a restroom building and the amount of maintenance required to keep it functioning are entirely different from those of a playground, which are different from those of a grass athletic field. What they all have in common are finite life expectancies, requiring continual investment throughout the course of their lifespans. Not surprisingly, routine maintenance and capital repair costs increase as assets age, with older assets requiring more frequent and more extensive maintenance and repair than their newer counterparts. For example, at Kent Memorial Park, the restroom building is in near-constant need of repair, be it from a new leak in the aged roof or problems with the failing plumbing system. O&M versus Capital Funding The Problem with Reactive Maintenance A high level of routine O&M ensures assets do not degrade before the end of their expected lifespan. For example, if a natural turf field is overprogrammed or undermaintained it can take years for the field to regrow to a healthy stand of turf. Those are years of play lost, where that field is basically unusable. The impact of not investing in appropriate O&M is a vicious cycle that can reduce the quantity and quality of recreational amenities provided by a park system. The best-case scenario is a funding system where O&M funding is paired with capital funding, ensuring that each old and new asset is maintained consistently and at a high quality to keep it highly functioning for a long lifespan. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 109 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 97 Capital Repair and Replacement For this 2022 Plan, the city updated its Park Major Asset Inventory, which inventoried and assessed the condition of every existing park asset valued at over $10,000. The analysis looked at 500 assets, a more comprehensive review than previous planning efforts, and identified that the major assets in the system are worth $125 million in 2022 dollars. Based on each asset’s assessment and expected lifetime, the average yearly capital investment for replacing or renovating assets in the current system is identified as $7 million in 2022 dollars. The current capital maintenance backlog, or items that need to be replaced in the next two years, is about $21 million or $10.5 million per year. The yearly capital investment average of $7 million is calculated for the next 20 years and includes the capital maintenance backlog and large spending years, such as when a synthetic turf field may need replacement. This average does not account for addition of new assets to the park system. This average also assumes a reasonably high level of routine O&M, some of which is likely not happening now because of reduced O&M budgets. Current spending for capital reinvestment averages around $6 million per year, $500,000 of which comes from a fund dedicated to major maintenance, and $5.5 million of which is estimated based on standalone work and addresses capital reinvestment as part of a more holistic project (example: West Fenwick Park Renovation replaced several failing assets in addition to expanded recreational value). An additional $1 million per year is needed to keep pace with the rate of system deterioration and accommodate for: [Repair/replacement backlog [Saving for large expenditure replacements such as synthetic turf resurfacing, which is not accommodated with the current major maintenance budget. [Conservative estimates of lifespan dictated by current O&M funding. Longer lifecycle estimates would be appropriate if sustainable O&M funding were available to extend longevity of assets via preventative maintenance. Many of the projects in the Strategic Project list are capital repair and replacement projects, revamping existing amenities. Recently obtained park impact fees do not help with capital repair and replacement as that funding source is dedicated to new or expanded park amenities. Recent capital gains through B&O tax revenue has provided additional funding for capital needs but is still not enough to cover the existing repair and replacement costs, much less costs of new capital development. Funding Status City of Kent Current spending Spending needed as identified by Asset Inventory $6,000,000 / yr $6,500,000 to $7,000,000 / yr Capital Reinvestment Spending to maintain what is already owned 4.C.b Packet Pg. 110 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 0598 Capital Development The Strategic Project list in this 2022 Plan also includes targeted projects that add amenities and acquiring properties not currently in the system. Some of these projects take undeveloped parcels and create brand new Community or Neighborhood Parks in areas that are underserved. These project costs are additional to capital repair and replacement costs and will increase the capital repair/replacement and O&M funding needed to keep the system operating at a high level. The new development costs outlined in this plan are $60 million over 20 years, or around $3 million per year. O&M Community engagement has stated loud and clear that maintenance is a top priority for the future of Kent’s parks. Engagement indicated general satisfaction with the current level of maintenance but emphasized the need for continued focus in the next five years. This is an important statistic to recall as the city grapples with future budget cycles and the potential for further budget reductions. As funding for O&M declines, recreational value and the level of satisfaction will drop proportionally. Community engagement has also shown an increase in people who don’t feel as safe using the park system. As parks are increasingly pressured by widespread societal issues, it is placing more burden on O&M staff. On top of this, the responsibility for enforcing park rules through city code falls to the police department, which is also stretched thin by budget and societal issues. When prioritizing police response, park rules enforcement is often a lower priority. However, much like other code enforcement responsibilities in the city being a lower priority, this does not mean that enforcing the park code isn’t vital to ensuring that the investment in park assets and annual operating expense achieves the positive benefits of parks and recreation for the community. Other cities of Kent’s size have turned to park rangers to enforce park rules, which removes some pressure from the police department to help regulate park use, something that Kent should consider. Lake Meridian 4.C.b Packet Pg. 111 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 99 The 2016 P&OS Plan created an opportunity to align maintenance practices with the adopted performance-based Level of Service. Typically maintenance levels of service are driven by a traditional park classification system, but in Kent this failed to account for the significant variance of Recreational Value between parks within the Community or Neighborhood Park classifications. Since Recreational Value drives park use, RV is a useful determinant of LOS standards and helps to inform where to expend maintenance resources. Maintenance LOS Tiers Seven Maintenance LOS Tiers were created based on park Recreational Value and park type. Each Maintenance LOS Tier is associated with maintenance standards at peak and non-peak times of year; this accommodates for higher maintenance needed at popular (high RV) parks and the inherent maintenance of more complicated sites. The majority of the operations budget is spent on Maintenance LOS Tiers A, B, C and Athletic Complexes. Maintenance of Athletic Complexes is discussed in chapter 3, and associated costs moving forward will be largely contingent on feasibility of partnerships with the school district. Maintenance Level of Service Tiers: LOS A: Tier 5 Parks, Urban Parks, and Indoor Facilities LOS B: Tier 3 and 4 Parks, Athletic Complexes, and Citywide Gateways LOS C: Tier 2 Parks and Minor Gateways LOS D: Tier 1 Parks LOS E: Open Space and Undeveloped Park Properties Trails: Regional Trails and Nature Trails Maintenance Seasons: Peak Season: April–September [Resources are mainly focused on routine services [High dependency on availability of seasonal labor [Focus is keeping up with public demand for use of park system Non-Peak Season: October–March [Less demand from public use and seasonal vegetation growth [Resources are focused on preventative maintenance, larger projects, inventory, inspections, and audits Lake Meridian 4.C.b Packet Pg. 112 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05100 Maintenance LOS Average O&M cost/year per park* Average O&M hours/year per park* 2019 Park System 2022 Strategic Projects including development of undeveloped parcels** O&M increase/ year for 2022 Strategic Projects ** Number of Parks Cost Hours Number of Parks Cost Hours Cost Hours A $182,596 1640 6 $1,095,576 9,838 23 $4,199,707 37,712 $3,104,132 27,874 B $70,850 776 21 $1,487,851 16,304 26 $1,842,101 20,185 $354,250 3,882 C $26,517 238 24 $636,398 5,720 10 $265,166 2,383 -$371,232 -3,337 * Based on 2019 data $3,087,150 28,419** Does not include proposed land acquisitions Average costs and O&M hours spent at Maintenance LOS Tier A, B, and C parks during 2019 created a baseline of costs and hours spent at each park in a tier (the year 2019 was used to represent pre-Covid “normal” use). As seen in the chart below, from these baseline metrics an approximate O&M hours and cost per year is calculated for the strategic projects proposed in this 2022 Plan. Assuming the projects in this plan are anticipated to be completed over 20 to 30 years, the O&M hours are approximately equivalent to a little more than one new staff member every two years. This new staff member would account for increased demand for O&M due to increased use of the park system as Kent’s population grows, the Recreational Value of the system grows to meet the new demand, and preventative maintenance of assets to extend life of capital investments. This does not take into account program areas like urban forestry and natural areas that are underfunded already and not directly linked to the need to maintain the developed park system. Nor does it take into account the need for a park ranger program to increase perceptions of safety in our park system and enforce park code. If the strategic projects are implemented but these associated additional O&M funds and hours are not obtained, operations staff will be forced to take a more reactive approach to maintenance, which will likely lead to an active maintenance backlog with assets stretched beyond their lifespan. Potential solutions to these problems will need to come from available funding options. Garrison Creek 4.C.b Packet Pg. 113 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 101 Pebbles can range from moderate gifts (most often from service clubs or corporations) to sizable state grants. Pebbles can help fill in large gaps, so it is smart to pursue them aggressively. However, pebbles are also unpredictable and sporadically available, which makes it imprudent to rely on them as a primary source for filling the funding bucket. Sand is primarily useful for filling in remaining gaps not addressed by rocks and pebbles. Since every source in this funding bucket must be pursued, managed, and administered individually, trying to fill an entire bucket of any substantive size one grain at a time would be futile. Sand, such as volunteering, can still play a valuable role in building community support and ownership of the system. The types of materials stand for the categories of funding options to address the prioritized need. Imagine you can fill your bucket one piece at a time with rocks, pebbles, and/or sand. You can mostly fill the bucket quickly with a few rocks. However, rocks alone leave many voids, and your goal is to fill the bucket as completely as you can. Those voids are best filled with a combination of pebbles and sand. You can also try to fill your buckets using only pebbles, but this will take a greater effort, as you have to gather a great number of pebbles to fill the bucket. Trying to fill the bucket with only sand, one grain at a time, amounts to a monumental challenge. Rocks are generally the largest and most reliable funding sources. Without rocks, a capital plan becomes more of an exercise in wishful thinking. There are a few large sources of municipal revenue that are allowed to be used on parks capital projects. Not all funding options are equal. Many municipal revenues come with restrictions that do not allow their use for capital or operating programs. Other potential revenue categories such as private grants and donations tend to be smaller in scale and provide one-off opportunities that do not supply reliable funding for ongoing concerns like public capital programs or consistent maintenance. Another consideration in seeking funding is the comparison of the level of effort involved in obtaining the resource with the size of the resource obtained. For example, it generally requires more staff time to plan, organize, and hold a volunteer event to install a small playground than it does to apply for and administer a half-million-dollar state grant. Staffing levels are a necessary consideration when weighing resource options. This chapter will organize revenue options according to size, reliability, and efficiency of effort to obtain. It will rely on the metaphor of two buckets holding three types of materials: rocks, pebbles, and sand. Our Funding Bucket an empty Funding Bucket big, reliable sources + ROCKS + PEBBLES + SAND =less sustaining sources little sources a filled Funding Bucket! 4.C.b Packet Pg. 114 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05102 Our system has two buckets. One bucket represents capital funding and the other represents operations and maintenance funding. The buckets are the size of the resource commitment, and the size of the buckets is the first decision the community must make. If the parks capital need or maintenance need is not addressed in its entirety, strategic decisions will be needed to address how assets and, potentially, entire parks are allowed to fail. The community has indicated that high levels of maintenance are top priority, which supports increased funding in this area. The community has also provided guidance on priority assets in the system; if capital need is not fully addressed, medium- and low-priority existing assets, which represent significant historic investment, may need to be closed. Capital Reinvestment and Operating Budget that meets need and demand Operating Budget that fails to meet need and demand Capital Reinvestment that fails to meet need and demand For a long-lived highly functioning system that provides recreation for a growing population, the capital funding bucket and O&M funding bucket need to be balanced and grow in tandem with population. If capital investment matches population growth but O&M investment does not, RV will increase in the short term but eventually assets will fall into disrepair and RV will plummet. If O&M investment matches population growth but capital investment does not, RV will follow the capital investment trend and not meet recreational need for the growing population. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 115 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 103 In Kent and the surrounding cities, one-time capital funding is outstripping ongoing O&M funding and creating an imbalance in the system. Additional O&M funding is needed to keep pace with the size and quality of park system that is needed to serve Kent. ROCK: General Fund Operations & Maintenance (O&M) is funded primarily by the City’s General Fund which is the principal operating fund of the City. The primary expenditures in the General Fund are for general City administration, public safety, economic development, planning services, operations and maintenance, cultural programs, and recreation services. In 2022, the adopted budget for the General Fund was $111,172,050; of which Operations and Maintenance accounted for less than 7%. The City’s General Fund is tax and general revenue supported which includes but is not limited to property tax, sales tax, utility & other taxes, licenses and permits, state shared revenues, and charges for services. Ever since the Great Recession (2007-2009), the City has continued to face budgetary challenges within the City’s General Fund because expenditures continue to outpace revenues due to inflation, medical increases, legal mandates, increase demand in use of City services, and Streamline Sales Tax implementation. Property taxes are one of the major revenue sources in the general fund and accounts for 28% of the general fund funding source but only grows at a rate of 1% plus new construction per year. Inflation has grown 36% since 2007. O&M Funding BucketCurrent Funding Sources General Fund Challenges: Washington State Constitution limits the annual rate of property taxes that may be imposed on an individual parcel of property to 1% of its true and fair value. Property tax funding makes up 28% of the General Fund. A 1% annual increase does not cover inflation (CPI) increases that have ranged from 0.29% to 4.28% between 2007-2021. Inflation has and will continue to outpace property taxes. The City has primarily funded its parks and recreation services through the General Fund and capital needs from grants, real estate excise tax (REET) and starting in 2019 Business & Occupation Tax (B&O). For the next biennial budget and beyond, the City expects spending in the general fund to outpace collected revenues which will increase competition for resources and likely reduce the amount of funding available for parks capital along with maintenance and operations. The City has already addressed the City’s fiscal cliff and the first rounds of COVID-19 impacts in the 2019/2020 budget and the City is moving into the next biennial budget planning cycle uncertain of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on its permanent fiscal outlook. To continue investment in parks, the City will need to identify and pursue additional revenue enhancements. The following list of rocks, pebbles, and sand is not an exhaustive list but notes the primary types of opportunities for filling Kent’s O&M and capital funding buckets. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 116 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05104 Due to revenue limitation of growth in the general fund, the City has faced two major budgetary reductions in the last biennial budget: City Fiscal Cliff: The loss of state-shared Streamlined Sales Tax mitigation revenues beginning in 2019, coupled with the expiration of the Panther Lake Annexation Sales tax credit in June 2020, resulted in a negative impact of over $10,000,000 or roughly 10% of the City’s General Fund revenues. As part of the 2019/2020 adopted budget, the City reduced over $2,000,000 in ongoing expenditure by non-public safety General Fund departments. In addition, $470,000 in sales tax collections from shifted from capital to fund ongoing operations in the General Fund. The remainder of the gap was filled by over $1,000,000 annual increase in permit and plans review revenues, increase in interest revenue as a result of new investment strategy, new revenue from water and sewer franchise fees, and beginning in 2020 the budget included an increase in City B&O tax rates which filled an additional $3,400,000 of this gap. COVID-19 Reduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented disruption to Washington’s economy. Governor Inslee on March 23, 2020 issued a “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 which allowed only essential businesses to remain open to the public and restaurants were only allowed to offer take-out. In 2020, prior to the 2019/2020 Mid-Biennium Budget Adjustment, the City proactively started to determine what the impacts of the pandemic were to the General Fund. The estimated shortfall of the General Fund was an estimated $14,200,000. To address this shortfall the City reduced $3,200,000 in capital transfers (eliminated or reduced capital projects funded by the General Fund), $5,000,000 ongoing department reductions, $1,500,000 one-time department reductions, transfer of $1,000,000 fund balance from the City’s Wellness Fund and the use of $5,000,000 General Fund fund balance. The City’s General Fund will continue to have challenges as expenditures continue to outpace revenues. Kiwanis Tot Lot #3 General Fund Sources: Since the Great Recession, the City has raised new revenues sources from water and sewer franchise fees, increased utility taxes, implemented and increased busines and occupation tax, and redirected capital sources to the general fund. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 117 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 105 The 2016 Plan made the case for consistent rock-based capital funding sources. Partially due to the argument made in that plan, the new rock of B&O Tax has been implemented, which has hugely helped capital funding for the system, and the recent implementation of Park Impact Fees is contributing toward a more sustainable capital budget for development projects. This plan builds on the work of the 2016 Plan and continues the search for consistent funding sources to ensure an equitable park system today and in the future. Capital Funding Bucket ROCK: Real Estate Excise Tax (REET2), $0 - $4,500,000 per year Any city or town that is fully planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) may impose an additional 0.25% excise tax (REET 2 or second quarter percent) authorized under RCW 82.46.035 upon all real estate sale, in addition to the tax imposed under REET1. REET2 revenues are restricted and may only be used for financing “capital projects” specified in the capital facilities plan element of the city’s comprehensive land use plan. RCW 82.46.03(5) defines “capital project” as: [Planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvement of streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, bridges, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems. [Planning, construction, reconstruction, repair, rehabilitation, or improvements of parks; and [Until January 1, 2026, planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, repair, replacement, rehabilitation, or improvements of facilities of those experience homelessness and affordable housing projects. The City has further restricted the use of REET2 for park related capital improvements. REET Challenges: Because REET is based on the total value of real estate transactions each year, the amount of REET revenues the City receives can vary substantially from year-to-year based on the normal ebb and flow of the real estate market. During the Great Recession (December 2017 – June 2019), REET2 revenues available to fund parks capital/ lifecycle dipped below $0. REET2 Funding Available for Capital / Lifecycle 4.C.b Packet Pg. 118 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05106 ROCK: Business & Occupation Tax (B&O), $0 to $3,000,000 per year In 2013, the City of Kent implemented a business & occupation tax (B&O tax) which is comprised of two components: gross receipts tax and square foot tax. Taxpayers with a business location located within the City limits must report both components, while taxpayers with a business location located entirely outside City limits is required to only report gross receipts tax. For taxpayers reporting both gross receipts tax and square foot tax, the tax due is based on the greater amount of the two. Square foot tax was implemented in 2019 which applies to taxpayers that lease, own, occupy or otherwise maintain business warehouse space, outdoor warehouse space, or other business floor space in excess of the threshold amounts within the City. Square footage revenues equivalent to 0.03 quarterly on business warehouse floor space and 0.01 quarterly on other business floor space are allocated to the city’s capital resource fund. The City allocated a portion of the square foot tax revenues to Park’s capital starting in 2019. B&O Challenges: The City has seen a decrease in overall payment of square foot tax due to businesses reporting higher gross revenues. The original estimates of $3.0M/year has decreased to $2.5M/year in available capital funding. Additionally, B&O tax allocated to the City’s Capital Resources Fund are reviewed each year by Council during the City’s adopted budget process to determine how much funding will be allocated to City projects. This is a competitive process and Park’s capital may or may not receive business and occupation tax per Council’s directions. 2021 Kent Cornucopia Days 5k Interurban Trail 4.C.b Packet Pg. 119 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 107 ROCK: King County Parks Levy, $0 - $400,000 per year In 2007, King County voters approved two property tax levy lid lifts to support park operations and open space and trails from 2008-2013. This levy was renewed in 2013 for 2014-2019 and then again in 2019 for 2020-2025. It’s important to note that the City of Kent does not have any King County Parks within it’s geographic boundary, except a portion of the Interurban Trail. On August 6, 2019, King County voters approved a measure to renew the property tax levy supporting parks, trails, and open space in King County. The measure replaced the levy that expired at the end of 2019 and will generate an estimated $810 million over six years, costing approximately $7.60 per month for the owner of a home with an assessed property value of $500,000. King County will be going out for a renewal levy in 2025, which could impact any voter initiatives the City of Kent may pursue. The revenue generated by this levy is invested county-wide in parks, trails, recreation, and open space protection for the benefit of all King County residents. King County allocates a portion of their levy funds to cities. King County Ordinance 18890, establishes a new formula for distributing each city’s levy allocation: [$25,000 shall be distributed annual to each town and city; [an additional $75,000 shall be distributed annually to cities with a population greater than four thousand; and [of the remainder, 50% shall be distributed in proportion to each town or city’s population and 50% shall be distributed in proportion to the assessed value of parcels within each town or city. ROCK/PEBBLE?: Park Impact Fees, $ varies The City implemented park impact fees in 2021. This is a one-time fee paid at the time of new development by the developers and it represents a share of the facilities needed for growth. The City’s consultant estimated that the fee can raise up to $12,100,000 over the next six years for the city to help pay toward a city parks project list that will cost $43,000,000. Due to COVID 19 pandemic, there was a lag in issuing permits. Although this fee was implemented in 2021, the city has not yet seen a significant amount of park impact fee revenue due to grandfathered permits that were applied prior to the implementation. Parks did not start receiving park impact fees until early 2022. Through May 2022, Parks has received $124,500. In 2021, King County Parks/Open Space Levy generated $4.5M from the City of Kent. The City received $377K. King County transitioned Lake Meridian, Springwood, Pine Tree, Turnkey, Meridian Glen, Sun Meadows, Eastridge, North Meridian, Park Orchard and Green Tree Parks to the City between 1993-2010. The City did not receive levy funding until 2017. King County Parks Levy Challenges: King County Parks Levy must be renewed every six years; if this levy is not renewed then these revenues will no longer be available. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 120 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05108 PEBBLE: Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (MVFT), $9,000 - $10,000 per year The City is required by RCW 47.30.050 to spend a minimum of 0.42% of MVFT receipts on paths and trails (unless that amount is $500 or less). PEBBLE: Local/State/Federal Grants, $ varies State and federal grant programs provide one-time capital funding. The City has utilized these grant opportunities for capital reinvestments along with property acquisitions. The City has a history of successfully pursuing grants from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office along with King County Conservations Futures grants (funded by Conservation Futures Tax). SAND: Sponsorships/Naming Rights, $ varies The City can seek additional revenues by pursuing corporate partnerships, naming rights, and advertisement opportunities at City of Kent parks and facilities; however that would require adding new staff to be able to pursue this funding source. SAND: Other Funding Sources, $ varies The department has looked at creative techniques to infuse additional capital dollars into the system by way of the Parks Foundation (501 C3), use of volunteers, implementation of fee-in- lieu of, and various other avenues. Challenges with Grants: Grants typically include restrictions on future use of the properties acquired or improved. Grants for maintenance support are relatively few, as compared to capital grants. They are typically awarded on a year-to-year basis, making it unsustainable to rely on their availability over time. Grant Funding: Between 2007-2021, the Parks Department acquired $9.7M in land, of which over $6.0M was reimbursed by public grants. In total, the City received over $12.0M in public grant funding during this period. Challenges with Naming Rights: The public could react negatively to the concept of advertising in, and naming rights to, community facilities such as public parks. In addition, corporate partnerships could cause potential conflicts with sponsorships of prospective special events, which is why a strategic and intentional approach to this type of funding must occur. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 121 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 109 Potential Funding Sources ROCK: Voter-Approved Levies Voter-approved levies can be for short-term (6 years) or long-term (up to 12 years). Both levies would count towards the City’s property tax levy cap. For short-term levies, revenue is not limited to 1% annual growth rate and can keep up with inflation, but long-term levies can only grow by 1% annual which may be less than the rate of inflation. Funds can be used for operating and/or capital and can be bonded (borrowed) against as long as the levy is 9 years or less. ROCK: Metropolitan Park District (MPD) Metropolitan park districts (MPD) is authorized by RCW 35.61. MPDs are quasi-municipal corporations and independent taxing districts. This means that MPDs have separate governing boards, however a district wholly located with the City can define the City Council to be the ex officio governing board. Metropolitan park districts generally offer more fiscal capacity and flexibility than park and recreation districts or park and recreation service areas. In particular, metropolitan park districts only require approval by a simple majority of voters (50% + 1%), after which MPD’s legislative body may impose permanent property taxes, whereas park and recreation district/service areas may only impose property tax levies for six years at a time, subject to 60% voter approval. Metropolitan park districts would provide long-term stable funding that would alleviate reliance on the general fund for parks capital and additional operations and maintenance funding to meet industry level of service standards. Revenue is not limited to 1% annual growth and can keep pace with inflation. State law limits Metropolitan Park District funds to parks and recreation purposes only. Levy Challenges: If the levies expire, the program it funded will no longer have a revenue source and must be cut or funded in another way. This makes term-limited levies an uncertain source for ongoing maintenance, operations, and programing, which need stable, secure funding. If levies were used to fund one-time capital improvements or expansion, ongoing maintenance/operations will need to be funded within the City’s existing funding or the level of service for all other parks will need to be reduced to accommodate. Levies raise a specific amount of money for specific identified park project and tax is collected for a specific amount of time. As of 2021, there are 23 metropolitan park districts within the State of Washington. The oldest being Metro Parks Tacoma (1907) and the newest being Stevenson Community Pool District (2021). 4.C.b Packet Pg. 122 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05110 ROCK: Utility Tax Per RCW 35 – any city or town can impose these taxes on businesses doing business within their boundaries. The utility tax may be levied upon Cable TV, Electricity, Gas, Sewer/Stormwater, Solid Waste, Steam, Telephone, and Water. Utility tax may not be levied upon broadcast satellite TV and Internet Services. There are no restrictions on how cities use utility taxes revenues. Most cities use these revenues for general fund purposes. However, when voter approval is asked for rates higher than 6% (for electric, natural gas, telephone; there is no limit prescribed in state or federal law for sewer, solid waste/garbage, stormwater/drainage and/or water utility), cities often dedicate the additional revenue to specific uses. The adjacent chart reflects City-placed restricted use of utility tax collections. Utility tax makes up nearly 18% of the General Fund revenues. In 2015, an additional 10.6% was authorized for garbage utility tax allocated to the maintenance and repair of residential streets. Utility Type City of Kent Rate General Fund Street Fund Youth & Teen Fund IT Fund Capital Resources Cable 6.0%6.0% Electric 6.0%4.7%1.0%0.3% Garbage 18.4%6.5%11.6%0.3% Gas 6.0%4.7%1.0%0.3% Telephone 6.0%4.7%1.0%0.3% Water *13.0%7.7%1.0%0.3%4.0% Sewer *9.5%5.6%0.7%0.2%2.9% Drainage * 19.5%11.6%1.5%0.4%6.0% * Internal Utility Tax For each 1% increase, this would generate $2.0M/year. Utility Tax Challenges: Comparing the City of Kent utility tax rate to neighboring cities, the City is already on the high end of some of the utility tax rates. Utility Tax Rate Comparison Kent Bellevue Renton AuburnCableElectricGarbageGasTelephoneWater SewerDrainage25.00% 15.00% 5.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 4.C.b Packet Pg. 123 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 111 ROCK: Parks Benefits District (HB 1025/SB 5006) The State legislator finds that Washington state will continue to see significant population growth, with the office of financial management (OFM) forecasts estimating nearly 2,000,000 more people by the year of 2040. In the face of this dramatic growth, the legislator finds that it is more important than ever to help preserve, maintain, and enhance local parks, trails, and open spaces that are key contributors to the state’s quality of life. House Bill (HB) 1025 and Senate Bill (SB) 5006 proposes to add the following section to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 82.14 – Local retail sales and use taxes: [The legislative authority of a city or a county, the government body of a metropolitan park district under chapter 35.61 RCW, or the governing body of a park and recreation district under chapter 36.69 RCW may submit an authorizing proposition to voters at a special or general election, and if the proposition is approved by a majority of persons voting, impose a sales and use tax in accordance with the terms of this chapter. The title of the ballot measure must clearly state the purposes for which the proposed sales tax will be used. [The tax authorized in this section is in addition to any other taxes authorized by law and must be collected from those persons who are taxable by the state under chapters 82.08 and 82.12 RCW upon the occurrence of any taxable event within the taxing area. The rate of tax equals one-tenth (0.1%) of one percent of the selling price in the case of a sales tax, or the value of the article used, in the case of a use tax. The tax may be imposed only within an existing city, county, metropolitan park district, or park and recreation district boundary. The moneys collected under this section must be used for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, providing, and funding park maintenance and improvement within the taxing area. City of Kent Sales Tax = 10.1% 6.50% State of Washington 0.10% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 0.10% King County Mental Health 0.90% King County Metro Transit 1.40% Sound Transit 0.84% City of Kent 0.10% King County housing and related services 0.01% State of Washington – admin fee 0.15% King County Parks Benefits District Challenges: The tax imposed under this proposed section may not be imposed for a period of exceeding 10 years; this may be extended if the tax imposed under this section was imposed after July 1, 2021 and the funds are used for repayment of indebtedness incurred in accordance with the requirements of this section or there is an affirmative vote of the voters to extend the tax imposed under this section. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 124 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05112 PEBBLE: Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Tax increment financing (TIF) is a financing tool that local governments in Washington State - defined as cities, towns, counties, port districts, or any combination thereof - can use to fund public infrastructure in targeted areas to encourage private development and investment (RCW 39.114). A local government wishing to utilize TIF, will designate an “increment area” surrounding the site of the public improvements. The property tax portion of increases in assessed value of the properties within the increment area is allocated towards paying for the public improvement costs. TIF revenues are not subject to the 101% levy lid limit and may increase more than 1% in any given year and TIF may stimulate redevelopment of blighted areas years before such activity might occur naturally if ever. TIF Challenges: TIF may set different urban areas and different level of government in competition with one another over funding. Cities can obtain revenues that would otherwise flow to overlying government levels or school districts in addition is can be difficult to assess precisely how much incremental gain in tax revenues relates to the TIF project. “Local government revenues must adequately fund the public services that a community desires without creating excessive inefficiencies or unfairness in the revenue raising system. However, local government revenue structures are largely based on assumptions that no longer hold today due to digitization, globalization, demography, political changes, and other trends. Furthermore, fairness is becoming an increasingly important concern for public finance. Local governments should raise revenues fairly and in a way that is consistent with community values” Government Finance Officer Association 4.C.b Packet Pg. 125 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 113 Lake Meridian 4.C.b Packet Pg. 126 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05114 This plan will need support and commitment from many entities including the community, city staff, and public and private groups. The projects and strategic actions of this plan will require ongoing coordination and collaboration to achieve success. Partnerships with Alternate Providers School District Partnerships The schools within the Kent School District (KSD) offer a wide variety of interior and exterior athletic facilities and other amenities. An existing interlocal agreement between the school district and Kent Parks has been in place for decades to share the use and maintenance of school and park facilities to mutual benefit. When considering access to amenities in the park system, certain areas in the city are lacking (see conversation on Access and Equity Heat Mapping in chapter 3). Partnerships with KSD schools could help fill those amenity gaps, especially on the East Hill, and achieve strategic O&M efficiencies. Amenities might include but are not limited to playgrounds, gyms, and athletic facilities. Partnerships with other school districts or colleges including the Federal Way School District, a portion of which is within Kent city limits, could also fill the need for indoor and outdoor recreational facilities. Public Agency Partnerships King County Parks are an important provider of amenity in the region. Maintenance and use agreements are mutually beneficial to both entities and need to be revisited and updated in the near term, specifically related to the Green River and Interurban Trails. Additionally, there are opportunities to partner with King County Parks near the city’s fringe as the residents served in this area reside both within Kent city limits and in unincorporated King County. Additionally, Kent Parks should work toward improved collaboration and partnership with neighboring cities (Renton, Auburn, Tukwila, Des Moines, Federal Way, and Covington) to better plan regional trail connections and look more closely at service area gaps. Providing high quality parks and recreation need not be limited to lines on a map, and residents will benefit from improved coordination between municipal government. Interdepartmental Partnerships Many city departments are focused on improving the quality of life within the city, and many departmental plans are working simultaneously toward that goal. Working in tandem, the various city entities can provide a strength that no department can do alone, ensuring an equitable city that provides for all its citizens. Key city partnerships for Kent Parks are Economic and Community Development and Public Works, but all city departments are critical to delivering high-quality services to our residents. Other Providers There are a variety of private entities in the area that provide outdoor park-like space that are not identified as potential for partnerships, but do provide important amenity. These are organizations like farmers markets, farms, outdoor adventure providers, and homeowner associations that provide recreational opportunities for their own residents. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 127 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 115 The following P&OS goals and policies provide guidance for decision making, laying out priorities related to the continuing development and stewardship of the city’s park and open space system. The goals and policies outlined in this report are those presented in the 2016 Plan and will be revisited and updated in the upcoming years. Encourage and provide local public opportunities for physical activity, connecting to nature, community engagement, and life-enrichment through the strategic development and thoughtful stewardship of parkland and recreational facilities, professional programming, preservation of natural areas, and the optimal utilization of available community resources. Maintain and steward a high-quality park and recreation system designed to appeal to a diverse range of abilities, ages, and interests. GOAL P&OS-1: Promote the provision of quality recreational opportunities throughout the city. [POLICY P&OS-1.1: Work with other departments to encourage new single- family and multifamily residential and commercial developments to provide recreation elements. [POLICY P&OS-1.2: When acquiring, planning, developing, or redeveloping park properties, recognize that the different areas of the city have different recreational needs (e.g., the parks needs for the downtown area are different from those on, say, East Hill) and establish a protocol for incorporating consideration of those different needs into the various decision-making processes. [POLICY P&OS-1.3: Where appropriate, initiate with other private and public interests joint development ventures that meet recreational needs and achieve City of Kent strategic goals. Goals and Policies Overall Goal I. Park and Recreation Facilities Goals and Policies GOAL P&OS-2: Develop, maintain, and operate a high-quality system of indoor facilities designed to appeal to a diverse range of abilities, ages, and interests. [POLICY P&OS-2.1: Manage existing multiple-use indoor community centers that provide indoor recreational and gathering opportunities for a wide range of ages, abilities, and interests on a year- round basis. [POLICY P&OS-2.2: Continue to seek strategic partnerships with other public and private agencies to provide indoor recreational opportunities, particularly in underserved areas of the city. GOAL P&OS-3: Where appropriate, possibly in conjunction with other public and/or private organizations, develop and operate specialized park and recreational enterprises that meet the interest of populations who are able and willing to finance, maintain, and/or operate them. [POLICY P&OS-3.1: Where appropriate and economically feasible (i.e., self-supporting), develop and operate specialized and special interest recreational facilities like golf, ice skating, disc golf, mountain biking, and off-leash parks. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 128 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05116 GOAL P&OS-4: Further develop the performance-based approach to stewarding park and recreation facilities as outlined in the 2016 Parks and Open Space Plan. [POLICY P&OS-4.1: Prior to acquiring and/or developing a potential park or recreational facility, carefully evaluate its potential contribution to the system, and only proceed if the potential investment is considered to be complementary to the system and can contribute to the system’s overall performance. [POLICY P&OS-4.2: Prior to renovating a park asset or redeveloping a park, carefully evaluate its current and potential contribution to the system, and only proceed if the potential investment is considered to be complementary to the system and can contribute to the system’s overall performance. [POLICY P&OS-4.3: Periodically evaluate the entire system in terms of each park and facility’s performance. Consider recommending the repurposing of any asset or property whose current and potential Recreational Value is not expected to contribute to the system’s overall performance. GOAL P&OS-5: Despite having multiple water bodies in its jurisdiction, the city has limited public water access. Work with other public and private entities to preserve and increase waterfront access and facilities. [POLICY P&OS-5.1: Work with other public and private agencies to acquire, develop, and preserve additional shoreline access for waterfront fishing, wading, swimming, scenic viewing, and other related recreational activities and pursuits, especially on the Green River, Lake Fenwick, Clark Lake, Lake Meridian, and Panther Lake. [POLICY P&OS-5.2: For any public or private waterfront projects, work with the property owner or project representative to find ways to include public access, including access to scenic views of the water. The City of Kent contains significant public open spaces and greenways. Through careful and thoughtful stewardship of these properties, the city can improve urban habitat and pedestrian connectivity and increase the public’s appreciation and understanding of the importance of these spaces in the urban setting. II. Open Space Goals and Policies GOAL P&OS-6: Thoughtfully and strategically acquire and manage public open space to improve wildlife habitat and other environmental benefits, as well as non-motorized connectivity and other complementary recreational benefits. [POLICY P&OS-6.1: Seek to improve greenway corridors within the Kent area. [POLICY P&OS-6.2: Increase linkages of trails and other existing or planned connections with greenways and open space, particularly along the Green River, Mill Creek, Garrison Creek, and Soos Creek corridors; around Lake Fenwick, Clark Lake, Lake Meridian, Panther Lake, and Lake Youngs; and around significant wetland and floodways such as the Green River Natural Resource Area (GRNRA). GOAL P&OS-7: Continue to develop an urban forestry management program that balances environmental benefits with recreation and public safety priorities. [POLICY P&OS–7.1: Connect people to nature and improve the quality of life in Kent by restoring and enhancing the urban ecosystem. [POLICY P&OS-7.2: Galvanize the community around urban ecosystem restoration and stewardship through a volunteer restoration program. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 129 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 117 Develop a high-quality system of multipurpose park trails and corridors that create important linkages and/or provide access to desirable destinations, including significant environmental features, public facilities, developed neighborhoods, employment centers, and commercial areas. GOAL P&OS-8: Continue to work with other departments and agencies to develop and improve a comprehensive system of multipurpose off- road and on-road trails that link park and recreational resources with residential areas, public facilities, commercial, and employment centers both within Kent and within the region. [POLICY P&OS-8.1: Seek opportunities to develop trail “missing links” along existing routes, including the Puget Power rights- of-way, Soos Creek Trail, Mill Creek Trail, Lake Fenwick Trail, Green River Trail, Frager Road, and the Interurban Trail. [POLICY P&OS-8.2: Work with other city departments to create a comprehensive system of on-road trails to improve connectivity for the bicycle commuter, recreational, and touring enthusiasts using scenic, collector, and local road rights-of-way and alignments. Special emphasis should be placed on increasing east-west connectivity. Through sensitive design, preservation and interpretation, the park system can help educate the public regarding Kent’s rich cultural and historical legacy. GOAL P&OS-10: Preserve, enhance, and incorporate historic and cultural resources and multicultural interests into the park and recreational system. [POLICY P&OS-10.1: Identify and incorporate significant historic and cultural resource lands, sites, artifacts, and facilities into the park system, when feasible. [POLICY P&OS-10.2: Work with the Kent Historical Society and other cultural resource groups to incorporate community activities at and interpretation of historic homes and sites into the park and recreation system. Develop high-quality, diversified cultural arts facilities and programs that increase community awareness, attendance, and other opportunities for participation. III. Trail and Corridor System Goals and Policies IV. Historic and Cultural Resources Goals and Policies V. Cultural Arts Programs and Resources Goals and Policies [POLICY P&OS-8.3: Work with neighboring cities, King County, and other appropriate jurisdictions to connect Kent trails to other community and regional trail facilities like the Green River, Interurban, Frager Road, and Soos Creek Trails [POLICY P&OS-8.4: Extend trails through natural area corridors like the Green River, Mill Creek, Garrison Creek, and Soos Creek, and around natural features like Lake Fenwick, Clark Lake, Lake Meridian and Panther Lake in order to provide a high-quality, diverse public access to Kent’s environmental resources. GOAL P&OS-9: Furnish trail corridors, trailheads, and other supporting sites with amenities to improve comfort, safety, and overall user experience. [POLICY P&OS-9.1: Improve accessibility to trails by siting trailheads and appropriate improvements in high-visibility locations. [POLICY P&OS-9.3: Design and develop trail improvements that are easy to maintain and easy to access by maintenance, security, and other appropriate personnel, equipment, and vehicles. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 130 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05118 Design and develop facilities that are welcoming to Kent’s diverse community, are attractive, safe and easy to maintain, with life-cycle features that account for long-term costs and benefits. GOAL P&OS-13: Design park and recreational indoor and outdoor facilities to be accessible to a wide range of physical capabilities, skill levels, age groups, income levels, and activity interests. [POLICY P&OS-13.1: Look for opportunities to incorporate the principles of inclusive design in any new construction. [POLICY P&OS-13.2: When designing new recreational facilities, reach out to the public to learn their priorities, needs, and desires for the improvements; and use public input to inform the design. GOAL P&OS-14: Design and develop park and recreational facilities to be of low-maintenance materials. [POLICY P&OS-14.1: Design and develop facilities that are of low-maintenance and high-quality materials to reduce overall facility maintenance and operation requirements and costs. [POLICY P&OS-14.2: Incorporate maintenance considerations early in the process in all designs for parks and recreational facilities. VI. Facility Design Goals and PoliciesGOAL P&OS-11: Work with the arts community to utilize local resources and talents to increase public access to artwork and programs. [POLICY P&OS-11.1: Support successful collaborations among the Arts Commission, business community, service groups, cultural organizations, schools, arts patrons, and artists to utilize artistic resources and talents to the optimum degree possible. [POLICY P&OS-11.2: Develop strategies that will support and assist local artists and art organizations. Where appropriate, develop and support policies and programs that encourage or provide incentives to attract and retain artists and artwork within the Kent community. GOAL P&OS-12: Acquire and display public artwork to furnish public facilities and other areas and thereby increase public access and appreciation. [POLICY P&OS-12.1: Acquire public artwork including paintings, sculptures, exhibits, and other media for indoor and outdoor display in order to expand access by residents and to furnish public places in an appropriate manner. [POLICY P&OS-12.2: Develop strategies that will support capital and operations funding for public artwork within parks and facilities. GOAL P&OS-15: Design for a safe and welcoming park environment. [POLICY P&OS-15.1: Using the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and other design and development standards and practices, seek opportunities to improve park safety and security features for users, department personnel, and the public at large. Adhere to cost-effective, sustainable, and efficient methods of acquiring, developing, renovating, operating, and maintaining facilities and programs that provide high- quality and relevant recreational benefits to the public. Provide options for long- term financial sustainability to help ensure an enduring, vibrant, and viable park and recreation system. GOAL P&OS-16: Investigate proven and practical methods of financing park and recreational requirements, including joint ventures with other public agencies and private organizations, and private donations. VI. Facility Design Goals and Policies 4.C.b Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05 119 [POLICY P&OS-16.1: Investigate various public financing options that may contribute to a long-term, sustainable approach to finance a vibrant, relevant, safe, and attractive park and recreation system. [POLICY P&OS-16.2: Where feasible and desirable, consider joint ventures with King County, Kent, Highline, and Federal Way School Districts, regional, state, federal, and other public agencies, and private organizations to acquire, develop and manage recreational facilities (i.e., swimming pool, off-leash park, etc.). [POLICY P&OS-16.3: Maintain and work with foundations and non-profits to investigate grants and solicit donations to provide secondary support for facility development, acquisition, maintenance, programs, services, and operating needs. Earthworks Park 4.C.b Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 05120 Old Fishing Hole 4.C.b Packet Pg. 133 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Old Fishing Hole 4.C.b Packet Pg. 134 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Conclusion 06 KENTP&OSPLAN2022 chapter 4.C.b Packet Pg. 135 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 06 123 Considering all the data and analysis in these pages, the 2022 Parks and Open Space Plan (2022 Plan) comes down to one fundamental objective: equitable access to high-quality parks and recreation for all. This plan covers a lot of ground as it describes who we are as a community and attempts to answer where we are, where we are going, and how we will get there. While Kent’s park system has improved significantly over the last six years, what we choose to do from here will have a lasting impact on how our parks meet the growing and changing demand into the future. In our community engagement efforts, the survey showed that residents are generally satisfied with the maintenance and the variety and quality of offerings in our park system. While satisfaction with parks is high, responses also emphasized a need for improved safety and maintenance, which indicates that the standards for maintenance we have set should be supported into the future. Top priority amenities across all regions and demographics showed a focus on restrooms, access to nature, trails, and community gathering space. The park system’s properties and assets are set up well to achieve these objects with the right strategic investments. Whereas previous plans looked at data snapshots to make decisions, the 2022 Plan seeks to integrate Level of Service (LOS) data as a layer of our geospatial data and analysis. Mapping LOS with park access, transit, population density, and racial and social equity created a platform for dynamic and ongoing analysis of our system that responds to the evolving needs of Kent residents. Proper staffing is needed to realize continued benefit from this mapping effort to ensure the department can use the data for real time decision making between park plan updates. GIS will be a core business function within our department into the future. Conclusion and Next Steps Park Need Current Recreational Value Park Need Potential Recreational Value 4.C.b Packet Pg. 136 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 06124 The Athletic Field Capacity study outlines the limitations of our current inventory of athletic facilities, system improvements that can add capacity in key areas, and the need for partnership with the Kent School District to meet the growing demand. This multifaceted approach will ensure that athletic programming continues the trend of excellence and that operational efficiency for both entities is maximized. Each of these efforts is rolled into a detailed prioritization of projects based on four goals and nine project outcomes: These projects are geographically comprehensive and delicately balance the need for capital reinvestment, acquisition, and new development. Funding and completing these capital projects is only half of the narrative, as we must also adequately fund operations and maintenance (O&M) to prevent system failure. The maintenance backlog needs to be cleared and proportional O&M funding must be allocated as needed reinvestment adds Recreational Value, LOS gaps are filled, and user demand grows as Kent’s population continues to grow. The recommendations described above and the strategic project list become integrated into other city planning efforts including but not limited to the City Comprehensive Plan and the bi-annual budget process. This will not be a plan that sits on a shelf; rather, staff will use this plan routinely to implement work and will be a reference for other departments to better understand park-related work. TRANSPARENCY & COMMUNICATION OUTCOMESGOALSPHYSICAL ACCESS FOR ALL DIVERSITY OF HIGH- QUALITY AMENITY SYSTEM RESILIENCY Trails Athletics Operations & MaintenanceAccess Equity PartnershipsStrategic Amenities Programming Natural Resources 4.C.b Packet Pg. 137 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 06 125 The real work begins after adoption of this plan. In addition to the list of strategic projects, some logical next steps have surfaced from our engagement and analysis: [Asset Management Software With a comprehensive inventory of GIS data related to park assets, Kent Parks will proceed with acquisition and implementation of an asset management software to create better data around O&M needs and articulate those funding needs more clearly in future budget cycles. [Additional Funding for Operating and Capital Budgets To keep pace with the needs for capital reinvestment/ development and ongoing maintenance, Kent Parks needs a boost to both capital and operating budgets. Sustainable funding will require a combination of funding strategies. [Nature Score Methodology The public survey showed access to nature as one of the most highly sought-after park amenities in our system. Equipped with GIS layers, next steps involve a more sophisticated inventory of our natural assets and an analysis of equitable distribution. [Goals and Policies Update We acknowledge that the goals and policies published in this plan need updating. To avoid redundant work, Kent Parks is planning a holistic update to all goals, policies, and procedures across all divisions of the department in the next 2-3 years, using this and other departmental planning efforts to inform the process. [Hire Full-Time GIS Position The GIS data gathered through this plan has proven its worth. Without dedicated resources to manage and update this data, we risk the loss of this important work and will be forced to defer some of the initiatives started here. A full-time GIS position is a critical need. [Kent School District Partnership Kent Parks will pursue an updated partnership agreement with Kent School District. This agreement may initially focus on athletic field use and O&M efficiency, but hopefully extend to ideas like school parks, public-use hours, and more. [Parks Strategic Framework As referenced in the planning section, Kent Parks will conduct a planning effort to roll-up each of our divisional planning documents into an overall strategic framework for parks to achieve the plans we set. [CAPRA Accreditation For the first time in its history, Kent Parks will seek accreditation through the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies under the National Recreation and Park Association. The goal is to achieve this by 2025. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of next steps but lays out the major milestones we hope to achieve before the next P&OS Plan update in 2028. 4.C.b Packet Pg. 138 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 06126 In closing, Kent Parks offers our sincere thanks to all residents who offered their time and perspective on how to improve the park system. This plan is for you; without your input, it would lose significance. This plan sets us up with the tools to achieve the vision for parks that all Kent residents deserve. Over the next six years, Kent Parks will work with the community to put these tools to use to help make Kent a healthier, happier, and safer place to live, work, and play. Russell Road, credit: Tom Gray 4.C.b Packet Pg. 139 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 4.C.b Packet Pg. 140 Attachment: City of Kent Parks and Open Space Plan 2022 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 4.C.c Packet Pg. 141 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan PROJECT PROCESS 4.C.c Packet Pg. 142 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan INFORMATION COLLECTION Demographics Recreation Trends Benchmarking Engagement Citywide Planning 4.C.c Packet Pg. 143 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STUDYING THE SYSTEM: Survey Amenity Top Priority Investments: 4.C.c Packet Pg. 144 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan We Are HereSTUDYING THE SYSTEM: Metrics Level of Service GIS inventory & CRV/PRV City Regions Heat Mapping Athletic Capacity Study 4.C.c Packet Pg. 145 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan We Are HereSTUDYING THE SYSTEM: BENCHMARKING Kent’s population is around 137,000 which matches the NRPA’s 2021 National Agency Performance Review upper quartile population of cities (populations of 100,000–250,000). 4.C.c Packet Pg. 146 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STUDYING THE SYSTEM: GEOSPATIAL MAPPING Population Racial and Social Equity Transit Service Walksheds Layers of Information to inform Strategic Projects 4.C.c Packet Pg. 147 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STUDYING THE SYSTEM: City Regions and Geospatial Mapping 4.C.c Packet Pg. 148 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan GOALS AND OUTCOMES 4.C.c Packet Pg. 149 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STRATEGIC PROJECTS 4.C.c Packet Pg. 150 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STRATEGIC PROJECTS 4.C.c Packet Pg. 151 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STRATEGIC PROJECTS 4.C.c Packet Pg. 152 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STRATEGIC PROJECTS 4.C.c Packet Pg. 153 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan STRATEGIC PROJECTS 4.C.c Packet Pg. 154 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan Current: Current capital funding is $6M per year. Total need: To maintain the existing system & implement new capital projects an additional $4M per year of capital funding is needed. Capital Funding Need Per Year Current: Current O&M funding is $7M per year. To implement new capital projects: Need:To implement all proposed projects utilizing existing properties an increase in O&M budget of $3M per year is needed. Spread over 20 years the need is an increase of $300k (approximately 1 FTE) every other year. O&M Funding Need Per Year for proposed Strategic Projects, not including proposed system expansion FUNDING 4.C.c Packet Pg. 155 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan PROJECT PROCESS •Parks Commission 1.26.22 •Council Workshop 2.15.22 •Land Use Planning Board Presentation 4.25.22 •Council Workshop Presentation 5.17.22 •Land Use Planning Boards Hearing 5.23.22 •Parks Committee Presentation 6.2.22 •Economic & Community Development Committee 6.13.22 •Council Meeting for Adoption 6.21.22 •Adoption to RCO 6.24.22 4.C.c Packet Pg. 156 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan NEXT STEPS STORY MAP ASSET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGETS NATURE SCORE METHODOLOGY GOALS AND POLICIES UPDATE HIRE FULL-TIME GIS POSITION KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT PARTNERSHIP PARKS STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK CAPRA ACCREDITATION 4.C.c Packet Pg. 157 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan 4.C.c Packet Pg. 158 Attachment: PPD - POSP Final 052722 (3166 : 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Kurt Hanson, AICP, EDFP 220 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5454 DATE: June 13, 2022 TO: Economic and Community Development Committee FROM: Economic & Community Development SUBJECT: Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request MOTION: Recommend City Council deny the docketed comprehensive plan amendment CPA-2021-7 as proposed by the applicant. SUMMARY: The City received one docket application by the annual Sept. 1, the deadline for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The proposal is identified as CPA-2021-7. The applicant requests redesignation from SF-6 to MU. Proposal Name Addresses Parcel Numbers Existing Designation Requested Designation Dulay 26026 116th Ave SE 26034 116th Ave SE 6756700030 6756700040 SF-6 (Single Family 6 Units/Acre) MU (Mixed Use) . The staff report included in the ECDC packet contains background information, an analysis of consistency with comprehensive plan policies, exhibits depicting the proposed sites and vicinity, and staff’s analysis of the proposal. The analysis is based upon the standards of review listed in the Kent City Code. A hearing was held at LUPB on May 23, 2022, after which the LUPB voted to recommend approval of CPA-2021-7 as proposed by the applicant. At the meeting, public comment was provided regarding safety and traffic concerns. It was discovered at the beginning of the meeting that there was an error with the zoom link in the public notice that was mailed to the properties within 500’ of the subject property. Staff sent an additional public notice of an extended comment period for the project and asked for comments to be submitted prior to June 10, 2022. Those public comments will be addressed at the ECDC meeting. BUDGET IMPACT: None SUPPORTS STRATEGIC PLAN GOAL: 4.D Packet Pg. 159 Thriving City - Creating safe neighborhoods, healthy people, vibrant commercial districts, and inviting parks and recreation. Sustainable Services - Providing quality services through responsible financial management, economic growth, and partnerships. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (PDF) 05/23/22 Land Use and Planning Board RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL 4.D Packet Pg. 160 Exhibit A ECONOMIC and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kurt Hanson, Director PLANNING SERVICES Phone: 253-856-5454 Fax: 253-856-6454 Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S Kent, WA 98032-5895 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION AMENDMENT 2021 DOCKET #CPA-2021-7/ RPP6-2213169 Introduction: The City received one application submitted by a private property owner for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map during the 2021 docket process. This staff report includes background information, an analysis of public benefits, and maps. The analysis is based upon the standards of review listed in the Kent City Code. Proposal Name Addresses Parcel Numbers Existing Designation Requested Designation Dulay 26026 116th Ave SE 26034 116th Ave SE 6756700030 6756700040 SF-6 (Single Family 6 Units/Acre) MU (Mixed Use) Proposal: Applicant requests redesignation from Single Family 6 Units/Acre, SF-6 to Mixed-Use, MU. See attachment for applicants’ submittal material. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends City Council deny the docketed comprehensive plan amendment CPA-2021-7 as proposed by the applicant. Background: The site consists of 2 tax parcels, which combined comprise 1.27 acres. The site is in East Hill, North of the new Sonic and Starbucks development at 116th Ave SE and SE Kent Kangley. The current land use designation is Single Family 6 Units/Acre, SF-6. Parcels east of the site are designated Medium Density Multifamily, MDMF, and Mixed Use, MU. The adjacent properties to the south are designated Mixed Use, MU. The parcels to the North and East are also designated Single Family 6 Units/Acre, SF-6. Existing improvements on the site include single-story residences on each parcel. The soil on the east of the site is Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, and the west half is comprised of Arents and Alderwood Material, according to the USDA web soil survey. King County Metro routes 159 and 164 serve the site along nearby Kent Kangley Road, and Dial-A-Ride (DART) routes 914 and 916. 4.D.a Packet Pg. 161 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request) Exhibit A The intent of the redesignation is unknown, but if re-designated, the applicant could pursue a rezone and develop the property as a mixed-use development. Uses allowed in this zone include Mixed-use commercial and residential and commercial only. Commercial uses permitted in the MU designation are gas stations, drive-through restaurants, and miscellaneous retail and services. Existing access to the site is provided by 116th Ave SE, which is classified as a Minor Arterial. Kent Kangley Road/SE 256th Street is classified as a Principal Arterial known as State Route 516. These roads can handle the added capacity of the proposed higher intensity land use and subsequent future site redevelopment. The 2009 Kent Construction Standards may limit future access to the site. The southernmost driveway is estimated at 260 feet from the intersection of 116th and SE Kent Kangley. Driveways within 300 ft of a signalized intersection may be denied or required to mitigate for impacts. Staff reviewed the proposal for compliance with the comprehensive plan as option one and analyzed alternative options for the site, including a redesignation to Medium Density Multifamily (MDMF) as option two. Figure 1- Subject Property 4.D.a Packet Pg. 162 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request) Exhibit A Relevant Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies: Policy LU-3.1: Encourage mixed-use development that combines retail, office, or residential uses to provide a diverse and economically vibrant Urban Center and designated Activity Centers. Option One: For the site to be designated as mixed-use would fulfill the intent of encouraging mixed-use development, although it does not guarantee it. Option Two: For the site to be designated as MDMF would not fulfill the intent of encouraging mixed-use development. Policy LU-6.3: Locate housing opportunities with various densities within proximity to employment, shopping, transit, and human and community services. Option One: The site is close to transit, restaurants, businesses, religious institutions, some shopping, and medical services. Additional density in this location would fulfill the intent of this policy. However, if the site were to develop as a stand-alone commercial development, which is allowed in certain zones, the purpose of this policy would not be met. Option Two: The site is close to transit, restaurants, businesses, religious institutions, some shopping, and medical services. Additional multifamily housing in this location would fulfill the intent of this policy. Goal LU-7: Kent will provide opportunities for various housing types, options, and densities throughout the City to meet the community’s changing demographics. Option One: Most of Kent’s residential areas are single-family, so for this site to become designated and eventually rezoned and redeveloped as mixed-use with multifamily would provide more housing types, options, and density than currently exists. However, if the site were to develop as a stand-alone commercial development, the intent of this policy would not be met. Option Two: These parcels are currently zoned single-family, similar to most of Kent’s residential areas. So, for this site to become designated and eventually rezoned and redeveloped as multifamily would provide more housing types, options, and density than currently exists, meeting the intent of this goal. Goal H-2: Encourage a variety of housing types. Option One: Most of Kent’s residential areas are single-family, so for this site to become designated and eventually rezoned and redeveloped as mixed-use with multifamily would provide more housing types, options, and density than currently exists. However, if the site were to develop as a stand-alone commercial development, the intent of this goal would not be met. Option Two: These parcels are currently zoned single-family, similar to most of Kent’s residential areas. So, for this site to become designated and eventually rezoned and 4.D.a Packet Pg. 163 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request) Exhibit A redeveloped as multifamily would provide more housing types, options, and density than currently exists, meeting the intent of this goal. Policy H-2.2: Encourage infill development and recycling of land to provide adequate residential sites. Option One: Designating the site as mixed-use with eventual development, including multifamily residential, would encourage infill development. However, if the site were to develop as commercial, the intent of this policy would not be met. Option Two: Designating the site as multifamily with eventual development would encourage infill residential development, meeting the intent of this policy. Policy T-1.1: Locate commercial, industrial, multifamily, and other uses that generate high traffic levels in designated activity centers around intersections of principal or minor arterials or around freeway interchanges. Option One: The site is just off a principal/minor arterial. Multifamily residential and commercial development as part of a mixed-use project on the site would be compatible with the intent of this policy. Option Two: The site is just off a principal/minor arterial. A multifamily residential development on the site would be compatible with the intent of this policy. Goal E-3: Create connections between people and places. Option One: Given the site’s visibility from a major roadway, a mixed-use development on the site would create more connections than the existing single-story residences. The links could include people walking from nearby areas to visit the commercial or office component. Option Two: Given the site’s visibility from a major roadway, a multifamily development on the site would create more connections than the existing single-story residences. However, the primary connections would be people coming or leaving their homes to visit nearby commercial establishments. Unlike a mixed-use development, multi-family would not create a destination. Applying the Standards of Review: 1. The amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect public health, safety, and general welfare. Option One and Two: The amendment would change the underlying land use designation and what is allowed on the property. A subsequent rezone and project proposals would need to be completed to develop the property as anything other than 4.D.a Packet Pg. 164 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request) Exhibit A permitted in the current single-family zone. Kent City code review for subsequent development projects that may occur because of mixed-use redesigning of the site will be reviewed against development standards that protect public health, safety, and general welfare. This land use designation will not adversely affect public health, safety, or general welfare. 2. The amendment is based upon new information that was not available at the time of adoption of the comprehensive plan or that circumstances have changed since the plan’s adoption that warrants an amendment to the plan. Option One and Two: In June of 2021, the City of Kent adopted the Kent Housing Options Plan (KHOP). Data gathering for KHOP and subsequent growth targets shows that Kent needs more housing units, housing variety, and options due to population and job growth. Additionally, market preferences change, increasing demand for multifamily and option one, mixed-use living. 3. The amendment will result in long-term benefits to the community as a whole and is in the best interest of the community. Option one: The community will benefit from having increased commercial or office singly or as part of a mixed-use development in this location. This area is a desirable destination for residents to visit existing commercial/offices. It is in the best interest of the community for parcels with the highest visibility to have a mixture of uses, including commercial or office, and mixing services within the site is in the best interest of the community due to the lower demands placed on city infrastructure when residences are placed in proximity to other uses. Option Two: KHOP demonstrated an increased need for more diverse housing types within the City, including a need for more varied multifamily options. The community will benefit from having additional housing units on this site. 4. The amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. The amendment will maintain concurrency between the project's land use, transportation, and capital facilities elements. Option One and Two: Options One and two meet several goals and policies in the comprehensive plan and maintain concurrency. Staff Recommendation - Option 3, Denial: Option 1: Approve applicant request as proposed The proposal meets all the criteria if the subsequent project contains multifamily. Adjacent parcels to the south are currently designated the same land-use type (MU). At this time, there are many updates to the land use map and zoning code map anticipated in the coming years. With the periodic Comprehensive Plan update scheduled for 2024, staff will look at citywide land-use designations. Other code amendments on the horizon may analyze mixed-use or multifamily development 4.D.a Packet Pg. 165 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request) Exhibit A regulations; it may not be sensible to recommend approval of the applicant’s proposal before those regulations are updated, and the renewed vision for those zones is clearer. Option 2: Approve an alternate land use designation of MDMF While it is possible that a multifamily project would meet the criteria as well, there is no specific proposal required for approval at this stage. The applicant has expressed interest in housing units as part of the development, which is possible within the requested MU designation. At this time, there are many updates to the land use map and zoning code map anticipated in the coming years. With the periodic Comprehensive Plan update scheduled for 2024, staff will look at citywide land-use designations. Other code amendments on the horizon may analyze mixed-use or multifamily development regulations; it may not be sensible to recommend an alternative to the applicant’s proposal before those regulations are updated, and the renewed vision for those zones is clearer. Option 3: Deny the request (Staff Recommendation) The two subject parcels are located directly off a busy street near an intersection with a major thoroughfare and are bordered to the south by commercial properties. At this time, there is not a project to review that would demonstrate a lack of compliance with city development standards. Future projects will need to comply with applicable development standards for the property lines adjoining the existing single-family neighborhood, including buffering, setbacks, noise and glare regulations, and applicable environmental reviews. The current designation of Single-Family is unlikely to spur reinvestment, but with the periodic Comprehensive Plan update scheduled for 2024, staff will look citywide at land-use designations that may affect these subject parcels. Other code amendments on the horizon may analyze mixed-use or multifamily development regulations. Given this and the feedback received from the public (characterized below); staff have updated their recommendation to denial. Land Use and Planning Board Public Hearing and Public Comments Staff presented the three options to Land Use and Planning Board at a public hearing on May 23, 2022. Staff recommended option 1, citing the review in the staff report. The site can meet all of the criteria if the subsequent projects contain multi-family with future mixed-use development. Given this analysis, the recommendation for approval was by a narrow margin. At the initial analysis, more of the criteria pointed to support than denial. Staff addressed at the public hearing that there is no way to ensure that the resulting project will include housing, and it could be a stand-alone commercial. At the hearing, public comment was given by four residents who spoke about issues they are facing with the current developments of Sonic, Starbucks, and the car wash. One public member mentioned speaking to over 20 other residents in the neighborhood. At the time of this writing, two additional emailed public comments have been received. The same general themes were repeatedly addressed in the 4.D.a Packet Pg. 166 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request) Exhibit A public comments at the meeting and in written communication. Those concerns were about: • An increase in property crime in the area due to commercial businesses backing private property and a fear of increased crime with a new commercial development. • Increased noise from the business operations and trash collections. • The potential for increased traffic at an already congested and unsafe intersection. • Removal of more trees for a new development and inadequate tree protection. Next Steps Staff will present the original options, public comments, additional findings, and updated recommendation to the Economic and Community Development Committee on June 13, 2022, for consideration. 4.D.a Packet Pg. 167 Attachment: 2021 Comp Plan Amendments Report_ECDC Final Draft (3165 : Dulay Property Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment Request)