HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 09/06/2022 Approved
Operations and Public Safety
KENT Committee
WA9H... CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting
September 6, 2022
Date: September 6, 2022
Time: 4:02 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Members: Bill Boyce, Chair
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
Marli Larimer, Councilmember
Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
Toni Troutner Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:02 p.m.
Council President Boyce called the meeting to order.
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Bill Boyce Chair Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Late
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Excused
Les Thomas Councilmember Late
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
3. Agenda Approval
1. I move to approve the agenda as presented.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner
4. Business
A. Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes dated August 16, 2022
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated August 16, 2022
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 6, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner
B. Payment of Bills - Authorize
MOTION: I move to approve the payment of bills received through
8/31/22 and paid on 08/31/22, and approve the checks issued for
payroll 8/16/22-8/31/22 and paid on 9/2/22, all audited by the
Operations and Public Safety Committee on 9/6/22.
MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner
C. Grant Agreement with Washington State Administrative Office of the
Courts for Kent Community Court - Authorize
Margaret Yetter, Municipal Court Administrator presented details on the
Grant Agreement with the Washington State Administrative Office of the
Court for Kent's Community Court.
The Kent Municipal Court has a Community Court Program that has operated
since October 2019 without any additional funding or staff. The Court applied
for and received a grant from Washington State's Administrative Office of the
Courts to enhance community court programs. The grant from AOC is
$125,000, it requires no match, and the grant funds will be used to hire a
part-time case manager/social worker, to fund treatment components for
defendants, and additional costs incurred, including transportation, meals,
water, and snacks for participants. The funding is available through June 30,
MOTION: I move to authorize the Municipal Court Administrator to
sign a grant agreement with the Washington State Administrative
Office of the Courts in the amount of $125,000 to benefit Kent
Community Court, to amend the City budget accordingly, and to
authorize expenditure of the funds consistent with the terms of the
grant agreement.
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 6, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner
D. Grant Agreement with Washington State Administrative Office of the
Courts for Reimbursement of Costs Associated with State v. Blake -
Yetter provided details on the Agreement with the Washington State Office of
the Courts.
In 2021, the Washington Legislature appropriated funds in the 2022 budget
to cover the costs incurred by cities in the review and possible vacation of
convictions for Blake-related cases in the local municipal court.
At the end of 2021 Legislative session, the Legislature appropriated $44.5
million to the Administrative Office of the Courts "to assist counties with
costs of resentencing and vacating the sentences of defendants whose
convictions or sentences are affected by the State v. Blake decision." In the
2022 supplemental budget, cities received $21.5 million to offset the
financial impacts of vacating simple drug possession charges tied to the
Blake decision. Kent has been designated as one of 112 cities to receive
reimbursement, up to $576,526 for extraordinary expenses reimbursement
and up to $497,909 in reimbursement of legal financial obligations previously
paid by offenders. Accepting this agreement with AOC will allow the Court to
request reimbursement for the costs associated with implementing the
Supreme Court's decision from the funds appropriated by the Legislature.
MOTION: I move to authorize the signing of the Interagency
Reimbursement Agreement with the Washington State
Administrative Office of the Courts, in the total amount of
$1,074,435, to amend the budget, and to authorize expenditure of
funds consistent with the terms of the agreement to reimburse costs
incurred as a result of the State v. Blake decision.
MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner
E. Additional Purchases under the City's Agreement with Anaconda
Networks, Inc - Authorize
Galen Hirschi, Network Engineering Supervisor, provided an overview of the
agreement with anaconda Networks.
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 6, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
The City and Anaconda Networks, Inc. entered into an Equipment and
Hardware Purchase, Software License, and Maintenance Agreement on
September 1, 2021 ("Agreement"). The Agreement provides for an initial 1-
year term, with the option for annual renewals through December 31, 2027.
To date, the City has made three purchases under the agreement, whose
collective amount of $92,624.86 is within the Mayor's $100,000 contract
MOTION: I move to authorize staff to purchase products and services
through Anaconda Networks, Inc. under the terms of the parties'
existing Agreement dated September 1, 2021, if those purchases are
within established budgets previously approved by Council and made
during the agreement's term, and to ratify all prior acts consistent
with this motion.
MOVER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
SECONDER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Troutner
F. 2022-2023 Walker and Roller Safety Program for Pacific Highway
South - First Amendment to Grant Agreement - Authorize
Chief Rafael Padilla provided information on the Interagency Agreement for
the Walker and Roller Safety Project for the Pacific Highway South project.
This is the second year of funding from the Washington Traffic Safety
Commission to fund walker and roller safety projects along Pacific Highway
South from Federal Way north to Tukwila.
The Kent Police Department is the fiscal agent for this grant project which
will build upon the work done during year one including enforcement,
observation surveys, education and outreach transcribed into 12 different
languages, and signage improvement.
MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign an Interagency
Agreement with the Washington Traffic Safety Commission accepting
funding for the City's Pacific Highway South Walker and Roller Safety
Program, amend the budget and authorize expenditure of the funds
consistent with the Interagency Agreement.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Troutner
G. First Amendment to Agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc,.-
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 6, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
Eric Hemmen, Assistant Chief of Investigations provided information on the
Agreement with Axon.
The City has a 5-year contract with Axon for the Body Worn Camera program
that expires in September of 2024.
The Police Department is in need of a new records management system.
After extensive research and testing by the City's Information Technology
Department, Axon Records was selected as the choice for the new records
management system.
The City was able to negotiate an amendment to the original agreement that
will include the addition of the records management system in addition to
extending the term of the contract until September of 2029.
MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign the First Amendment
to the Master Services and Purchasing Agreement with Axon, to add
the Officer Safety Plan 7+, premium edition; activate the records
management subscription; purchase associated hardware and
services; and extend the Agreement through September 30, 2029, in
an amount not to exceed $4.5 million, subject to final terms and
conditions acceptable to the City Attorney and Police Chief.
MOVER: Marli Larimer, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Thomas, Troutner
H. INFO ONLY: July 2022 Financial Report
Financial Planning Manager, Michelle Ferguson presented the July 2022
Financial Report.
Details were provided on General Fund revenues, including the increase in
sales tax revenues and decrease in utility tax revenues.
General Fund revenue year-to-year comparisons for sales and use tax,
charges for services, fines and forfeitures, fire contracted services, parks
recreation and community services, and police were reviewed for July 2020
through July 2022.
Revenues for the Capital Resources Fund, Property Insurance expenditures
and Fleet Services expenditures for 2020 - 2022 year-to-date were reviewed.
5. Adjournment 4:33 p.m.
Council President Boyce adjourned the meeting.
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops September 6, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
Committee Secretary
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City of K
Operations and
Public Safety July
September 6, 2022
Financial P
o r
Prepared by:
Michelle Ferguson, Financial Planning Manager
Shane Sorenson,Senior Financial Analyst 6
G e n e ra I F u n d Reve n u es ($ in Thousands) (page 3)
All Revenues Sources
Prior Year Budget�d Actual
S140,000 _ _
January 51898 61951 6r113
5120.000 February 4,174 6,323 5r033
5100,000 Mardi 6,127 8,777 7,100
April 21,521 21,429 21,933
May 7,927 9,462 10,834
S60,❑❑0 ]une 5,491 7,445 6r013
. July 9,733 91
255 9r739
August 6,326 6,634 0
5m,000 September 5,725 7,316 ❑
50 Odober 21,552 22,471 0
tan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 0,364 91138 0
December 10,968 12,336 0
1111111122 Bud 21 Art 0 22Act Total 113,B07 127,537 66,766
. r•
Prior Year Budget�d Actual
$35,000Revonues Revenues _
530,000 ]an uary - 0 0
February 217 250 57
525,000 Mardi 1,438 1,150 1,289
52❑000 April 13,218 12,649 12,892
May 1,945 2,439 3,048
515,000 1une 198 617 101
510,300 July 80 145 59
August 190 135 ❑
55.0❑0 September 394 587 0
50 i i i i OdOber 12,046 12,095 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov ❑ec November 2,123 2,142 0
December 203 242 ❑
226ud -*--21Act t11I Total 32,053 32,451 17,445
Prior Year B.dgtd Actual
525,0❑0 R-enues Re-
]an uary 1,S02 1,640 2r063
520,300 February 2,264 1,941 2r329
Mardi 1,786 11619 2r112
$15,fl00 April 1,753 1,493 2r063
Prior Year Budgeted Actual
510,000 Revenues Revenues Revenues
55,330 ]Nlg 2.061 11519 2.239
September 2,070 1,740 0
SO OdOber 21023 1,771 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov ❑ec N-nnber 2,150 1,887 0
December 2,473 2,112 ❑
220ud A. 21Pt 8 22AR Total 24,629 21,027 15,384
G e n e ra I F u n d Reve n u es ($ in Thousands) (page 4)
January 2,141 11935 1,900
$21)J000 February 1,215 1,644 11889
Mardi 11583 1,666 11805
$]5,000 Apra 1,700 1,768 1,859
May 1,542 1,569 1,745
Prior Year Budgeted ALlual
Revenues Revenues Revimues
July 2,420 1,729 11713
50 October 11588 1,471 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 1,625 1,564 0
December 1,884 1,521 0
22 Bud 21Act -4-22Act Total 20,263 19,507 12,682
Other Taxes
$20 000
$18�000 January 283 86 �2
$16r000 February 2 3 3
$14X0 Mardi (156) 134 79
$12r000 Apri 2,912 31091 3,087
$]0r000 May 11008 1,296 1,549
$8,U00 June 203 231 97
July 21966 3,717 3,501
August 1,219 943 0
$2,060 September 107 125 0
5p October 31083 31 B64 0
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 11107 994 0
December 4,940 5,496 0
11111111111111122Bud f23Act -4-22Act Total 17,674 1g,980 8,318
(Intergovernmental,Licenses Permit-%Charges for Service,Fines Forfeits,and Misc Revenues)
$35 000
$ January 1,672 3,426 21068
February 475 1,317 755
$Z' March 1,476 3,490 11815
$� Apiil 11935 2,571 21033
May 11161 2,135 21081
$1i June 1,773 3,459 1,957
$10,000 July 2,205 2,746 2,227
August 1,113 11939 0
September 11533 31126 0
$0 October 2,812 3,202 O
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec November 11359 2,271 0
December 1,469 4,806 0
22Bud f21Act -*--22Act
Total 18r988 34,571 12r936
General Fund (Year-to-Year Comparison ) (page7)
2020 2021 2022I 1
2020 2021 20221 1 ' Of
Sales Use 13,3S1,324 13,942,D71 15,384,495 1,442,424 10.37E 73.2%
Utility 11,688,279 11,913,633 12,691,973 768,340 6.4% 65.0%
Business$ CcDwpation 6,484,040 7,097,711 8,056,645 968,934 13.7% 42.2%
2020 2021 2022I I
thra July thra July thru July Variance Budget
Charges for Services 2,162,063 2,742,720 4,297,620 1,554,899 56.7% 68.1%
Fines and ForFeitures 5S2,S91 532,S21 374,132 (158,689) -29.8% 31.9%
Miscellaneous Revenue 1,169,155 1,152,404 1,114,091 (68r323) -5.8% 47.4%
Transfer In 450,000 - 295,000 285,000 2.0%
Total Revenues 58,967,330 60,871,218 66,766,002 5,694,784 9.7% 52.40Ia
City Council 235,093 163,332 172,08,E 8,756 5.4% 58.2%
Administration 1,042,716 1,501,757 1,153,292 (348r465) -23.2% 35.1%
2020 2021 20221
Fire Conti'aoted Services 2433,504 2,164515 2,513,652 352,137 16.3% 64.8%
2020 2021 20221 I
Parks, Recreation &Comm Svcs 9,234,820 9,35-1,348 1D,527,143 1,174,795 12.6% 47.1%
Police 25,243,511 2-.5,989,997 29,305,758 3,315,760 12.8% 57.7%
Public Works 629,D87
Non-Depa itmenta I 6,403,234 5,404,984 2,441,804 (2,963,181) -54.8% 8.0%
Total Expenditures 54,151,645 53,994,873 55,706,318 1,811,445 3.40!0 42.5%
Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page9)
Actuall Prelim Budget YTD Est Actual
Operating revenues and expenditures only, capital and non-capital prq&ts are excluded.
In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,Fund balance is being utilized.
Street Fund
Revenues 19,350,928 20r419,435 18,440,900 9,205,047 20,940,960
Expenditures 19,205r266 16r768,746 19,965,520 8,959,L77 19,955,520
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 145r662 3r650,689 (1r524r620) 245,87D 975r440
LEOFF 1 Retiree Benefits
Revenues 1r232r575 1r199,965 1r277r880 562,492 1,240r800
Expenditures 1r571r585 1r519,460 Lr572r840 813,423 1,240r780
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (339r010) [319,495) (294r960) (250,931) 20
Lodging Tax
Revenues 158r384 221,252 582r740 408,887 532r900
Expenditures 270 532 165 726 509 O50 159 334 297 740
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 112,148 55,53z 73r690 249,553 235,i60
2020 F
Actual Prelim Budget w
Revenues 22r885J07 28,353,626 19r937r010 14,593,067 25,098r050
Expenditures 27r520r426 18,092,1.40 19,076,560 :1,776,660 16,641,890
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (4r634r719) 10,261,487 860,450 12,816,407 6,456,160
Criminal Justice
Revenues 8r673r794 9,774,373 8r686r810 5,799,004 9,498r880
Expenditures 8 504 672 7 54O 042 10 214 280 4 611 822 9 8 0,12059 000
Net Revenues Less Expen Mures 169r122 2,234,331 1,527,470 1,181,182 36
Htfnaan Services
Revenues 163r728 3r796,657 3r684r000 2,286,284 3,684r000
Expenditures 116 660 2 704 110 3 684 000 88,067 3 684 DDD
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 47r068 1r092,547 2,198,217
ShaWare Operating
Revenues 1r512r589 3,079,558 Lri50r000 1,150r000
Expenditures 1r451r752 2,091,661 2r993r600 2,078,267 2,993r600
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 6Dr837 987,897 (1r843r600) (2,078,267) (1,843r600)
Other Operating
Revenues 105r155 128,175 121r630 121r630
Expenditures 106r003 104,945 121r630 51,951 121r630
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (848) 23,230 (51,951)
Debt Service Funds
Councilnaanic Debt Service
Revenues 9r144r587 7r988,547 7r955r190 2,216,099 7,770r280
Expenditures 8,679,761 8r348,722 8r563r980 2,239,019 8,563r980
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 464;826 [360,174) (608r790) (tt,919) (793r700)
Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page10)
Actual Prelim Budget Y11-D Est ActuaJ
Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded.
In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized.
Special Assessment Debt Service
Revenues 784,469 1,035,745 691,660 138,546 691,660
Expenditures 1,386,712 $58,473 682,020 3,809 682,020
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (602,243) 177,272 9,640 134,736 9,640
Water utility '
Revenues 29,573,424 29,810,341 29,334,150 15,053,827 27,715,030
Expenditures 26,464,133 28,183,254 29,238,970 10,973,715 27,989,950
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 3,109,291 1,627,087 95,180 4,080,113 (274,920)
Seer Utifity
Revenues 33,513,294 34,846,524 34,750,070 20,710,642 35,1s9,800
Expenditures 32,252,706 33,974,459 34,527,400 20,696,030 34,627,400
Net Revenues Less Expen itunes 1,260,588 872,065 122,670 14,612 562,400
Drainage utility
Revenues 24,537,483 25,408,140 23,506,990 14,399,934 24,547,640
21844802 23609 81 31044120 9 51075 30111120
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 2,732,591 1,798,659 7,537,130 4,9L48,859 i,588,480
Solid Waste Utility
Revenues 937,309 855,492 905,110 516,383 394,000
Expenditures 876,871 995,385 1,134,930 703,983 1,134,930
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 39,552 139,893 22S,820 187,600 240,930
Golf Complex
Revenues 5,938,183 2,526,316 3,107,180 1,981,769 3,200,000
nTn Rao A clZ nR7 ^ oon ikon f 77C QGn '] aa.i QOn
2020 2021 2022 •
Actual Prullim Budget w
Fle,et$erV C4eS
Revenuer 5,478,589 5,674,822 7,819,690 3,543,051 7,401,200
Expend itures 6,559,539 4,894,499 9,196,540 2,354,43Z 7 980 500
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,080,950 780,323 1,376,850 6SS,568 579,300
Revenues 309,535 355,897 436,600 167,796 349,710
Expenditures 277,640 320,247 414,110 134,367 306,910
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 31,895 35,650 22,490 33,429 42,&00
Infamation Technology
Revenues 9,062,099 10,506,136 11,633,360 6,440,464 11,663,740
Expenditures 10,531,S92 10,411,640 12,125,290 6,719,581 11,548,670
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (1,469,793) 94,496 (492,930) (279,116) 115,070
Revenues 6,327,140 6,704,998 6,547,280 3,254,404 6,481,400
Expenditures 5,125,026 6,222,434 8,941,800 2,843,148 6,568,900
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,202,114 482,564 (2,394,520) 411,256 (87,500)
Other Funds Overview ( Revenues and Expenditures) (page11)
Actual Prelim Budget YYD Est Actual
Operating revenues and expenditures only; capital and non-capital projects are excluded.
In instances where expenditures exceed revenues,fund balance is being utilized.
Revenues 166,229 134,862 143,170 94,689 156,400
Expenditures 151,35D 161,765 219,010 74,710 155,960
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 14,879 (26,902) (70,840) 19,980 (9,560)
Workers Compensation
Revenues 1,551,522 1,019,589 1,46S,360 886,687 1,49%500
Expenditures Z,106,616 1,788,435 1,575,610 1,298,334 1,5 75,610
Net Revenues Less Expenditures (555,D93) (763,845) (1W,25D) (411,645) (77,110)
Empfoycee Heafth& Weliness
Revenues 15,929,224 15,795,365 15,58D,79D 9,184,78D 15,753,800
Expenditures 14,D97,298 14,736,998 15,580,790 8,331,358 14,538,060
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 1,831,926 1,058,367 853,422 1,225,740
2020 2021 2022 •
Actual Praliffn Budget w
Praperty Insurance
Revenues 579,755 605,619 785,750 456,490 783,890
Expenditures 597,011 677,950 785,750 1 198,115 905,750
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 8,257 72,131 741,625 21,860
Impact Fee Trust Fund
Revenues 4,357,166 3,957,718 3,922,390 1,522,552 3,922,390
Expenditures 4,356,851 3,91 0
33 3 922 39D 1,521,648 3 922 39D
Net Revenues Less Expenditures 315 315 904
Other Fund Revenues Other Fund Expenditures
sa,ODOraoD 7D,0D0,aoD
■Special GD,0D0,0D0 ■Special Revenue
60'000'c�ffl Revenue 50,000,000 - Funds
40,000,000 Funds 40,ODO,ODO ise tW Enterpr Funds
20,0001000 +r Enterprise 20,ODO,OW
Funds 1o,OD0 D00 ■Internal Service
U 0 Funds
2020 2021 2022 20M Artua Ls 2021 Prelim 2022 Budget
Act als Prelim Budget