HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-217 - Change Order - #2 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - S. 212th St Preservation (Green River Bridge to Orillia Road) - 09/07/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management _ This fonir iombines & repTaces the Reguest for Mayorb Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)Wa3Htf,crox o eog Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 911312022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Directoror Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval: 511912022 Budget Account Number: R9iJ12z.64',l 10.120/D901 22.641 1 0,33t) Budget? EYes trNo Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A E .9vo ELoh E flco EooLgl Vendor Name: Lakeside lndustries, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34030 Sub-Category: Ghange Order#2 projecr Name: S 212th St. Preservation - Green River Bridge - Orillia Rd projea Detaits:Create a new bid item to compensate the additional work associated with an adjacent projects concrete banicade trai| detour. Agreement Amount $1 4,570.80 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: Bid Termination Date: 70 Working Days Local BusinessT EYes B No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.1M, pleosecomplete'Vendor Purchase-LocalExceptions'form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number: cAG2022-217 Comments:Date Received by City Attorney: Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerkt Office: glt 1-3\otE=\_u I,l-t s,o=c,Eog .9]n d((|lv2X7l-l-10 Visit Documents.KentWA.gov to copies of all agreements KENT CHANGE ORDER NO, #2 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: This Change Order amends the above-referenced contracU all other provisions of the contract that are not inconslstent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1, Secgon I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise exlsting work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equiPment necessary to: In accordance with field work directive 001, create a new bid item to provide compensation for additional work associated with an adjacent construction projects concrete barricade trail detour, that was in conflict with this proiects grind and pave limits. 2. The contract amount and time for peformance provisions of Section II *Time of Completionr" and Section III, "Compensationr" are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (includlng applicable wssT) alternates and $1tto,r7s.oo Net Change by Previous Change O rders (incl. applicable WSST) $15,550.00 Current Contract Amount (lncl. Prevlous Change Orders) $1J96,425.00 Lakeside Industries. Inc. ("Contractor") S. 212s St. Preseruation-Green River Bridoe-Orillia Rd May L9.2O22 Current Change Order $14,570.80 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $o.oo Revised Contract Sum $1,4101995.80 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 OriginalTime for Com pletion (insert date) ?0 worklng days Revised Time for Com pletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 0 working days Days Req u ired (*)for this Chang e Order 0 calendar days Revised Time (insert date) for Completion 70 worklng days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WsDoT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the.Contractor accepts all requlrements of this-iln* orOei by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrujs to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change older and acknowledges and iicepts that this ctiange order constitutes final settlement of all clalms of any kind or nature arising from or connectdd with any work either covered or affected by this change order, including' witholt limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overtreaO, or lost profits. This Change Otder, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance wiltr the guarantee and warranty provisions of the origlnal contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (!f 9ny)r and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and tie termi of tfre Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The pafties whose names appear below swear under penalty. of perjury _th.at they are authorized to enter into this contract hodification, which is binding on the paftles of this contract. 3, The Contractor wtll adJust the amount of its perfomance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the partles below have executed this Agrecmentr which will become effectlve on the last date written below. AF ec GONTRAGTOR: By: Print Name: DATE: CITY OF KEIIT: By BosdtCsdttCBBh Chad Bieren ffn€sffiru;s,iffiY" (slgnatlre) Prlnt Name:Chad Bieren P.E. Its Public Works Diredor GiAe) DATE: CHANGE ORDER. 2 OF 3 ATTEST: q Kent Clty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORI{: (a ppllcabE tf Mayols slgmturc rqulrcd ) Kent Law DePartment ffo tnE id.t, yil f,rttltr'atdEde(lorlElilatrn llrrrcliGotfist[- oGl tll,rtJ CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 Flle ilo. 2OO.2 KENT U^affrBotdi CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 2 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works 5. ZrZm sr.Prcjectr Bridge to orillia Rd/Kent ciw Limits) ProjectEngineer: AbdulnaserAlmaroof Capltal Prctects Cameron Bloomer (KBA, Inc.) (Green Rver Proiect No: Fed-Aid 1{o: Gontractor: 20-3012 srPUL-12s0(010) Lakeside Industries, Tnc-Ma Date:a3u2a22 I. Pro Cha e compensation for additional work associated with an adjacent constuction project's concrete barricade I detour that was in conflict with this project's grind and pave limits. item to providence with Field Work Directive 001' this change order creates a newIn fI. Reason and round for Chan III. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS f,l Notapplicable temporary barrels. These barrels and a temporary ramp used to set back up each shift during grinding and paving. The concrete King County project's approved plan after paving was complete. and materials efforts were tracked in the field and are being used with standard markups as the acrossand Greenonrners2th2LconcreteectAnKitemporaryadjacentprojngCounty li its 2on 2th1 andmwasnwithconflictthetrailaetodrI nts barrier pavi nguRiverfacilitatetoBridge theme.ri To addressdocucontractatmentsd this,bidetaorlednthethenotwasonshowntheplans withthemandrelocatetoconcretethebarrier1contractorreplacetheFWDissued00directingCity andtrailthedowntakenwereaccess thewererricadesbacksetubaperp Sch. l{o ftcm Dcscription Total Est. ow Unit Unit Pdce Total Estlmated Cost of Item I CO 002 - Concrete Barrier Movements I L5 $t4,570.80 $14,570.80 $ $ New Pay ltems Total: !$ DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-O9.$ s ttcappricabre Page 1 14,57O.8O Sch No.Bid ltem [lo.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Prlce Cost of Item $ $ $ Delete Eristing Pay ltems Total: f INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAV ITEM(S) E Notappricabre Sch llo.Bld ltem llo.ftem Descriptlon aw Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ltems Total: *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDERI rV. WORKIT{G DAYS f * Total of the Cost of ltem Columns Original Contract:70 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total:70 Explanation/Justification for Additional Working Days: This work was performed outside of the critical path and no additional days are being added by this change order' Capital Projects lrlanager: Construdion Engineering Supewisor: -.4 -4- -/-/)2*t- -'/lazzxa/ *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: 70 - * This Change Order + Previous Total (r-,t*,t-ama Date: 91612022 Gameron Bloomer, KBA Inc. /' ---2.r.- ---fuztxa--'Date:9t6122 ForXason Barry Construction llanagerl Eric Connor Page 2 Date: grct22 DAILY REPORT OF FORCE AOCOUIIT IVORKEO i{:74Y7-coftTRAcTOl Lakeside lndustreis DAft 6n4-7lN St BOO!finACTOF PAY ESTI PrcF.r ilo.**12 ITfli co FstmlAd ilo.i BrPUL-rt50{0r0) DfsCRrPllOIr OFWORX PERFOFI|EDI concar. aarlcata Rrlddrnaphmnt p3] Fwo 0ol llxl aplRl lnHrl ltmvd d concrrte b.nlF lnd TC rt uP d 6rilil: 3 htt Fm' 5 op' 3 lebdhodrs*+2 tbtFmttrOpio gdfioa.ldfonslTCDdd63. f.te dom md $tup brck uP (bml3, .m Eosd, tmp mpffr 0 gtudhg , plvlnr dtns 6kzt to 7o: I hdr al slsl ol 3hi[ stld 1 at m4 lo{81 t2 OT ln6 FoEpdlrb. Srt brct up illo: /t hB Fm, 4 lus op, 6 t$ Tmskr,6 TCS, 6 TCL, 4.5 TCL FAI 2 ffir@ FAI See Attached .IDOR I'VORKER'S OCCUPATION REG HRS REG RATE OTHRS OTRAIE Mid*l clf,iEms Fffi 2.@ I S0.24 15.O 3 fl8.6lt 11,s{t.23 Frds Too3i{to 2(x,6j/4 17.O I fi266 t4wt.I\ Lrbds- Gswd I 6430 t5-o 6.0 t 85-78 t1,8-n $28.e lheli W@d3 Lrb66- Trafic Cdtrd I 56.,('6.O I 7l.Oe 51@..4t Lsbss - TEfila cotrol t 55.4t 4.5 , Tt.6 13t6.& ag Brdtu.de OD€€ttr TooEida I 8624 4.0 s 112-66 1450.8 I.ABOR STJBTOTAI *F1.X No AI.ID 12,347.(I Fc( tYS{rOT {d llal.d EoutPtaEI{T I TrcTI|.ffiR I 'Tq'O4' MUIPTIENTTYPE EAUIPI'ENTSIZE REG HRS REG} RAE SIDBY HRU SIDBYRATT 6 , 2.50 1r35.00 6 72.61 I 5i*15.00 Vdrc lils Ercavalq RGllel I $ 100.12 I t901.08 l2{Ag 2016 Fdd F350 Flas Tmk €t r7.s7 l'r07.@ n.6 I $r54.fi' F55{t t6 I 3725 sss.00 aI20.D 3i0sl Bacldu I I ,12.s t 1514.32 EOUIPiIENT ST'BT TAT Q,u1.2l 21%lG. NSURAISEA}.IDTA)t59228 IATERnLS sdtor SGRVICES I VENDOR&fiWOrCE*MA1ERIAL SIJB IOTAL t260.fl Atrlot NT to.q t0.00 lo.fi s0.00 2116 o\'ERTTEAD AIO PROF]T,AM)TIJ t80.rt ${att VENDOR&wotcE *WORKDESCRIPTK)N AI'OUNT l0.d Tilmt rlstd(tlppleD€to.00 PRllilE Subtolrl of lrbor, Equlpnfrt, t flrt*l.l Wort tl4,570.80 SfrBOoilrRAGtOf, SUD{otd d $.m Ms'kps mwdkpsfqmsd byslrbcdfebr: upio $25,00(Fti!6, t2qflnt100'0m! 1096ct€slsthsn $100'000= 71 09i Ssbontnclor thrt{p lo.0( TOTALCOST s14,570.60 0Ed, CesmBlmtr FmDtuTngm DAILYREFORTOF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED sct No: 20-3012Projec{ Narne: Item No.: Banier backDescription of Work: Prirne Contractofi LakerHe 3t Sub-Contnactol: '3/'th2022 Dale: CVERTIME DOUBLENME HB OT Rab DOLTAR AMOUNTHrsHourt RebNAiTEc@EOCCUPATION t 93.4 5e1.00Lebmr-TCSTgTl JOnnSon I 71.1 w7.wLrbmr-ICChelll Woods 1-!74.4 $3it5-25Lrbffi-TcTemrnv RomStb 1 121 t 516.00mddrJdln t-}siow It975 3 475.O0t161ld Brathorrde Ooorator 3 863.00ttt0.cfsemrErSt6rr€ Gustdr t s $ 3 3 $ $ e 3 3 $ $ I SUBTOTAL.LABffi: T.ABOR OVERHEAO & PROFIT @ 29%870-36 OPERAIED STANDBY Hta sEncoy Rm DOLLAR AT'OUNTffiHou.ly Rab EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS Eqr4moilt Equipm€fltDsipfion s 135.0022.KTiliTd 230772n 92/|3 s 554.58Petdbilt Dumo Tn d( 2(X48 €2!4,B $352.@188.0CTraddFo s 171.W€29.0Cl2taaFleo Euck 3 r59.505.!29.0CFlao [ud(12167 3 I t $ 3 t suBrorAL - EQUTPMENT l_!r3z!Jg, EQUIPT,ENT O/ERHEAD & PROFIT @ 21% I EQUIPilEI{TpTAL $ I' qltq 28A7f Ouadny lJnilg UnitPrlcs DOI,IAR AMOUNTMA1ERIALS /SERVICES t 3 s $ $ SUBTOTAL ' - OVERHEAD&PROFITO2l% $ TOTAL 3 Verification ot Hours Worked: tHeCq{ra.no/6 RopwilaEvs otEEls Rsrcl*adlrs Dste 12% MARKUP gfil3 stle l sJbconFact Ytolt) SHEETTOTAL: $ 5F35.tF $ (ior TOTAL: $ Pay Estimate Entered: Date: By: II DAILYREPORTOF FORCE ACCOUI{T WORKED Prqiecl Namo: ltem llo,: Desaiflioa of Wo*: 212tditlf Pllaorudon Pmjocl ilo: lHe: + ooLl R t{r Rdo ElCtutJtu Fffi 7 87.5 tl 11a.65 t 1.954.?5 ildBlffirdc nilEE t 83.52 l7 112.6 *lt.€8 rl: grlfi LDffif AJLzA It 86.78 t 1ffi70 3 I 3 t 3 3 t 3 3 i 3 t 3 suEToT t - LA80R: LABOR oVERIEAD & PROFIT O ze{tt OR ATTACHIIENTSEAUPT'ENT Eqs'pmnag Eaubmglt Dssaipf,Fn OPERATED STANOBY oorren AMOUNTHn3tbuty R.t€HA sllEDlt ffi3 r&f t ton dtnp ta s72a 3 5S.00 tta Bacitloe I a2.6 t 514.12 Traddrm !8A00 I /ll|O-(X) t i t 3 I 3 t -EqupilENr t l.!ttto.3aSUETOTAL EOUIP!,EI{T OVERHEAD & Pf,OFlr O 2lt 3 3n6.67 Eq,PTEllfTOTAL 3 Lt70.lt i,ATERNLS ' SERVICES Qu8nfiy t nill Urs Price OOUARATiOUNT 7 fdr r r00m !2BO.(F t t 3 3 st BTotAt oVERHEAOtPROFITO2It6 tla.ao of lbu'3Wod(ed TOTAL mr12lg IHRKUPgfil' shr.l rubconf.ct !firt) Pay Estim5b Ent€r€d: Date: By: Ort! S{CETIOTAL: L LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES P,O, Box 7016 Tel: (425) 313-2600 lssaquah, WA 98027 Fax: (425) 313-2620 nuonroe Port Angeles Pordand INVOICE NO 1222011 CURRENT BILLING AMeen Anacortes Centralia Kent Lacey Longviert nn Lakeside lndustries 28610 Maple Valley Black Diamond Road SE Suite 140 Maple Valley, WA 98038 UNIT OF MEASURE UNIT PRICE Iseatte Ivancouver CURRENT QTY 06t24t22 DATE DESCRIPTION rNvotcE DATE CTJSTOTERORDER lto.RESALE NUTTBER I/Ift)RK.THRUDATE JOB NT'TBER PTJBLIC ROADS WHOLESALE RETAL 1222011 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROGRESS ESTITATE NO.SALEAREACODE lmoval 6n4no22 EZ Strcet TON $130.00 260.00 Total Billing To Date: Sales Tax TOTALTHIS INVOICE: $260.00 $26.26 $ 286.26 PleaseRemitTo: P.O.Box7016,lssaquah,WA98027 Phone:(425)313-2600 Fax:(425)313-2620 A Financ€ Charge (Service ChargJ), Rt Cunent trrtaxlmum Rttolraute Rate Wll Be lmposed On Any Portion Of Your Account Not Paid Wthin 30 Days After Work-Thru-Date. WA. ST. CONT. REG. NO. LAKESI * 274JD oR. ccB 1085r''2 "An Equal OPPoftunttY EmPloYef KENT WA!rtIN6?ox S. 272th Preservotion Green River Eridge to Orillia Rd. Lakeside lndustries, lnc. Temp Concrete Barrier Removalat Green River Bridge Field Work Directive PW Project Number: Federal Aid Number: Date: FWD OOl.R1 793003Projecf Name: CJntnrstor: Subiect: srPUL-12s0(o1o) 6/24/2022 R1 7/12/2A22 Scope: Make the following changes to the Contract Documents: o Remove all existing temporry concrete barrler and the arrow board in the EB curb lanc ncar Frager Rd and across the Green Rtuer Bridge. Store barrier and arrow board at a location determined ln the fleld by the engineer. o lnstall temporary traffic control devlces per the attached traffic control plan. Also attached is a temporary trafflc control plan to perform the barier removal work, o R1- Reinstall Concrete Barrier and other traffic control devices per attached traffic control plan. Measurement and Payment: o Track Time and Material efforts for reimbursement via change order Attachment{sl: r TCP WZTCP-RIo Rl TCP # LR2t2th Trail Detour TCP fJntractor By:Date:f,-s6-?o c7 Shaun White, Proiect Manager Owner Date: 7lL2l2o22 By: Cameron Bloomer, KBA lnc. By:Date:7t12122 Eric Connor, CltY of Kent THIS FIEID WORK DIRECNVE DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR EITHEfi A TIME EXTENSION OR A C1IANGE IN THE CO''ITRACT PRICE. ljSOS' EQUIruEilT' AilD/OR MATER|AL OUTUNED tl{ TH|s Re]D urcRx DIRECnVE SHALT 8E pAtD By BtD ITEM(S} OR A CHANGE OROER SHAII BE DEVeIOPED FOR TIME OfiEhlsloN oR CONTRACT PRrcE INCREASEs, AI{Y PROTET TO T}IE FIEID WORK DIRECNVE S.}IALI FOTIOW 1{14.5 OF THE T'16DOT STANDARD SPECIFICAIIONS' Approval: 0^*rt. &a,a rlm.l ffi BE'FE '"-mrFm r{}Ei''E.Eiffif, 6-Bb-EEilgdDt'ffiC6 ilffnGGOmOLPUXrcxf,w xtrs ll|mntmc0rsx strocrilr ilnmilfftE?tfl TIFIEITNOTIFEE '*rtrcfinu$a {osclGrEmwllrnJulD ,+" al -- .rD a rslo$ru HI m Tumnn'aRtrEmttlttnflfll]t \ g s Srg'@W Illlsr 2 stBlts sHArl AE POST I'OUJIftD TO OEI.IIIEATIOH SARRIf R tzltf, 'lE JE .l- -.D E EtIo I I oErtnflnltnclu3 GOTCEEIMVl JHxltiIeF tr&ffi G ;r*rflr8rm€ {rrlEtr,e F--ff=E v a flr{eqllltttrDB IflUIDllll TffiCIX tilErEDllclilxEr t, n />\/l.qE",lfr \ *1rlrrclllol@ totflE truImr"Ilr.rrrultilr 2l't'/'*: maru v Rl-2ffialEEg ta t.,. t. 't 6,t t rLstt lD rlllfc ]tlu 0m loilr sllD.rrt llrlr *lrccf ltnm C qrllE lE ro ffi t$li$Iffi* c.mil,sr' t rffi FnDilG rr/lltlil!0 lllGl nY] ffirrlll rrr l'flilIrI lt rrirE f ullllllil rtErrllDtilrnt.lrl lcln af llf lll.lll On6il$l't.F.trllF.El'tr Hrcl fI imtotmtfi 3 nm lntIlIfllb.r&rarhrl r.r ni.hs irv d llrmri to lciloun ftflrlllEll:gtilltg0nlrmlL sE€snrg 3 loR AODN. OEIOURDFfAIIS grtrqrcuet