HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 07/27/2022 (2) KENT Civil Service Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Jeff Piecewicz, Pauline Thomas, Callius Zaratklewicz Regular Meeting July 27, 2022 5:30 p.m. Centennial South You can access the meeting by calling 1-888-475-4499 or1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID: 230 051 1421 Passcode: 3DOWUz Item Description Action Speaker Time 1. Call to order Chair Piecewicz 1 2. Roll Call Chair Piecewicz 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Piecewicz 1 4. Approval of the Minutes from the June 22, YES Chair Piecewicz 1 2022 regularly scheduled meeting. 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Letter dated May 13, 2022 from Chief Padilla congratulating James Quidachay on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective July 1, 2022. B. Letter dated June 8, 2022 from Chief Padilla congratulating Spencer Meade on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective July 1, 2022. C. Letter dated June 13, 2022 from Chief Padilla congratulating Malcolm Wilson on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective July 1, 2022. D. Email dated June 30, 2022 from Ofr. Eric Moore tendering his retirement and corresponding memo from Chief Padilla accepting said retirement effective June 30, 2022. E. Email dated July 8, 2022 from Ofr. Dawnie Fuentes resigning from the department effective July 11, 2022. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 In advance. For TOO relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. KENT F. Memo dated July 11, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Dawnie Fuentes effective July 11, 2022. G. Letter dated July 13, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Uriah Daschofsky congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective August 1, 2022. H. Letter dated July 13, 2022 from Ofr. Matt Kilner to Chief Padilla notifying him of his retirement effective August 1, 2022. I. Letter dated July 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Megan Martinez congratulating her on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective August 1, 2022. J. Memo dated July 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla regarding the notice of discipline for Ofr. Tessa Melville. K. Memo dated July 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla regarding the notice of discipline for Ofr. All DiMarinis. L. Memo dated July 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission that Cmdr. Andy Grove will be assigned as Provisional Assistant Chief beginning August 14, 2022 for a duration not to exceed four (4) months. M. Memo dated July 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the retirement of Matt Kilner effective August 1, 2022. N. Memo dated July 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the medical separation of Sgt. Melanie Robinson effective August 1, 2022. O. Memo dated July 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the medical separation of Ofr. Will Davis effective August 1, 2022. P. Memo dated July 21, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through July 21, 2022. 6. Items to Approve YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on June 16. 2022. B. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Corrections Officer that was established on June 16, 2022. C. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on June 22, 2022. D. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on July 8, 2022. E. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on July 8, 2022. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. 0T F. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on July 19, 2022. 7. Action Items YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Memo and rule amendment to rule 7.07 with emergent adoption requested. B. Memo dated July 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla requesting to test for the rank of Assistant Chief. The promotional process will consist solely of an oral board process at a final weight of 100%. 8. For the Good of the Order Chair Piecewicz 1 9. Adjournment YES Chair Piecewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TOO relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Civil Service Commission June 22, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: June 22, 2022 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: Centennial North/South Attending: Jeff Piecewicz, Chair; Pauline Thomas, Commissioner; Callius Zaratkiewicz, Commissioner- absent; Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Chair Piecewicz called the meeting to order at 5:35 PM. 2. Roll Call Commissioner Zaratkiewicz was absent. 3. Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval of the Minutes Commissioner Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 1, 2022 Civil Service Commission special meeting. Motion was moved and seconded by Chair Piecewicz; motion passed 2-0. S. Consent Items to Accept A. Email from Office Technician III Allyson Miller dated April 28, 2022 announcing her resignation effective July 15, 2022. B. Memo dated June 6, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the notice of discipline for Ofr. Isaac Hegamin. C. Letters dated June 7, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Officers Hegamin and Lam notifying them that they have successfully completed their probationary period and are appointed to regular employment status effective June 3, 2022. D. Letter dated June 71 2022 from Chief Padilla to Jonathan Silas congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective August 1, 2022. E. Letter dated June 7, 2022 from Corrections Officer Kenneth Holifeld announcing his resignation. F. Memo dated June B, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Kenneth Holifield effective June 30, 2022. G. Letter dated June 8, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Spencer Meade congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer effective July 1, 2022. Page 1 of 2 Civil Service Commission June 22, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending H. Memo dated June 9, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Allyson Miller effective July 15, 2022. I. Memo dated July 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Assistant Chief Derek Kammerzell effective June 15, 2022. I Letter dated June 16, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Records Specialist Genevieve Summers notifying her that she successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective June 16, 2022. K. Memo dated June 16, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through June 16, 2022. Commissioner Thomas questioned the timing of items B & C. Chair Piecewica then made a motion to accept items A-K. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 6. Items to Approve A. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on May 13. 2022. B. Continuous testing eligibility list for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on May 20, 2022. C. Continuous testing eligibility list for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on May 20, 2022. D. Eligibility list for Records Specialist that was established on June 13, 2022. There being no questions, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to approve items A-D. Chair Piecewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 7. Action Items There were no action items for discussion. S. For the Good of the Order 9, Adiournment There being nothing further, Chair Piecewicz made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:39 PM. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner June 22, 2022 Page 2 of 2 MARRY Ol"Od wnwaar pu.YWRJRaaall.e I4.NN Mg yl>N wm xle» C u4AJ:ay pwr.0 i A.Y»0;n0 ca Wel OIIIWVe Iryb w.vYYaaao a>10.)Wby aVlly IdQwi W V 2!suns>4en01nW p Nnprupur ue]u'npV W W eruul Roil 1'uru]r JIUR W 45'I SSYPW a01+AV'-!)avAeM ua4p.0wNA 01 R RpUlIle pUNai JVn Wi Wryll pVs iWla>u¢N0M JYI YO 641VYrs A4 altlJlpYl Os aspa�b'MA Ol>APA.ltlp Ls IYpwAOIJWJIo NL'OSVIp Avu41"lit w UUJp ;aNp PuuIWIbG uMAn4Ynl%I W»W IN'wl"ww W'Y>+Y Rua q Cn•p(y'11 nl Gnj W"WWWpMOoslgi4l AOI EVMYOIuVVi it IA vMXjJIM aruvlle:4P IM} AWr l,Ap VWAVOWP uolNltlWp>in lUQC1 :'mA WJjI -IacltYw upV'1✓a RMAl11R uCC 41 u,m IPo 'AWapery :yp rieto 0a MYl 1n;o8 Mll q YYIWUWpI I^l%d))ns CWiMp.IW 64IYh11[I AI*nlrlr AN4dMgW,W p>Jgp ai I:rM IVA AWapoN W>41.Nolu)MY1>Is5g u111 YgIl VnWI`w:OCm•MO,IOI NUOW dVi IO Slrl ail UU Teadn Iulyeg5 J14iAp+q lYa roA'pluaw.v100'Spb'99 N!v dNS>!'usJUla:gn >-<Ll psa06u4wS.eex I.MJJ pwplaa4m AVl YY pUml+u YW MoaWniap agalaMle N Ii r a 'ARP I)a mid vmold1 mpA J1 Ile 44 WININuIM npA 4TIIM•vle>s wnen MAW Oop wAlvpro:Vt mMlnylul lWOlnWOwl4rw IR10ISOUOiAOW iViW 1wE Aq pvindv 1211wwmiUGnNxsaq uaryYl PWVJpw¢sa>.XM•j.M1 anpV al plpvXVgV W'M!WWlvl%Hv NY WI'6 moi;lur4pIU,nW >II.VR"NO LPrvJ 1J.LU We I AMC M Ie VIM41 UM Jy RUV lR RA MUD R ou v NroaW NORM I'pS aI'J>ua{I nil Vllm Ntl CO:Ot :a 1 AInI 'AepY]uo uJ1IyVo>o uaAoltlYl>Muu e.ul WI^OaV'^Yaa1 aneV rroA mftw 9 Al+lewuwGJo ORA Rill_m,awaerel n.vl al aGcauu IM '-'nMUNm 4.14 MPu npx yalA""I RM'Nvp luv6rv:v w ;oMdvsol OUR no•R W:OIu'OJAJIU'dY rwv Mgnol 'W GT 01 nOn ql UgvlSt 11 "YWLIAruvl y Wp aoA p OLZS 9i1116I)lv qll N9eY Y':.Y NplVl 11V W!Yn(.MA W4111Pu11Nuw.NA sAVa aiwq laY[E pWwnrWw O41+N irgN>OJn MIN UVIYVYON'O OM WrWRIMue OUN MW VIA,6T6'}pPAIpAAIu'RIIDIO6S11f WOII Stima ow OVWy>I OR IIW ndx 'WJWUS."r 40101"M u014IM"A0)•9j8fl9 (VW IV aRM Maq,oh jvao Way'puruMil in zRaM'mMzI Sul p I]IJYI UWn 'SEOS'I 11nO'AepYf JnIDJYY ip IIIM A:L]041 Vlu^lu>YIAbtlYN 6>4 'IYaWMNWa 1p NVOIY.IIU IIIO VY94W W S MI>I tryL IuaY W NO pll W a luinavaUJO >III Np001 Rap Iealp a JAOY IRA 1060141^aYA OUR 00A 41"dvVon al Wexua>Ow,49'r v aM V awuNaO eap.I rvay:rvl.0La41o::nllya n!Ioa ALr:alenmaaVv pwla euraq wVUOrro!mN6YOJ :AP4RprlCI IN.a>a ,J404voWAgNWt 'RO ow ZLM'6: ARK OOY9�9ce'csz `vN01tl 1N371 r\ ar —/ KENT POLICE Rafael R. Padilla POLICE Avenue a Pollee 232 Fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 HIM-11ROM W"100, Fax: 253-856-6800 PHONE: 253-856-5800 June 8, 2022 -� Mc 5 enter Meade Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr, Meade; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Friday, July 1 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253) 856-5835 for detalls an your duty assignment You will be receiving two emalls from cityofkent@myworkday.com with new hire onboarding log in Information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, Including your junk mail folder and notify HR If you don't receive them. It Is critical for you to log In, review new employee Information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. Please have document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work In the United States, Which you will need to complete your I-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on your Onboarding portal. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Friday, July 1, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff in Human Resources. Please bring documents) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work In the United States, which you will need to complete your I-9 form. A list of acceptable documents can be found on your Onboartling portal. Please report to the Hiring Unit at the Kent Police Department at 8:00 AM and contact Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff who will fadlitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Your starting base salary as a probationary lateral police officer will be at Step E $8,309 per month. You will be provided with a leave bank of 200 hours of annual leave and 200 hours of sick leave. You will be placed on probationary status for one year from your date of hire. All other benefits will follow your union contract Additionally, you qualify for our$25,000 Lateral Hiring Incentive which Is payable in two payments ($15,000 on your first paycheck and$10,000 upon your successful completion of probation; less applicable taxes). Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to $1,000, up to one Week, In-state, and job related) to further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing an the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Accepted, — lad0 aa 5pencelMeade o, Rafael c q Chief of Police a cc Civil Service Commission ��• o� Human Resources * Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent P011ce Department - Accredited Police Agency POLICE KENT Rafael R. Padilla Chief of Police POLICE 232 Fourth Avenue South Keno WA 98032 ewa.aamuatu•Wrwn Fax: 253-656-6800 PHONE: 253.656.5800 June 13, 2022 Mr. Malcolm Wilson Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr. Wilson; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Lateral Police Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know net you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter Is w confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Friday, July 1,2022, Upon receipt of this letter, please tall Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at(253) 856-5835 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving two emails from OtyofkenbAnnyworlo ay.com with new hire onbcarding log In Information and credentials for the onboardtng portal. Please check your email, Including your junk mall folder and notify MR If you don't receive then. It Is critical for you to log In, review new employee Information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. Please have document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work In the United States, which you will need to complete your 1-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on your Onboarding portal. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Friday, July 1, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff In Human Resources. Please bring documents) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your ellgibility to work In the United States, which you will need to complete your 1-9 form. A list of acceptable documents can be found on your Onboarding portal. Please report to the Hiring Unit at the Kent Police Department at 8:00 AM and contact Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff who will facilitate your first day Including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Your starting base salary as a probationary lateral police officer will be at Step E $8,309 per month. You will be provided with a leave bank of 200 hours of annual leave and 200 hours of sick leave. You will be placed on probationary status for one year from your date of hire. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Additionally,you qualify for our$25,000 Lateral Hiring Incentive which is payable In two payments ($15,000 on your first paycheck and $10,000 upon your successful completion of probation; less applicable lances). Upon your successful completion of probation, you are eligible for a training opportunity of your choosing within the prescribed parameters (up to$1,000, up to one week, In-state, and job related)to further your professional development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an Individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. 4S[,n,,,etr,e,y, Acc ell,asn Malcolm Wilson on t Chief of Police cc: Civil Service Commission �• Human Resources T Mayor Dane Ralph City of Rant Police Department-Accredited Police Agency King Jalene NEEMEN From: Padilla, Rafael Sent: Thursday,June 30, 2022 10:56 To: Moore, Eric; Koehler, Dan; Johnson, Philip; Mills, Chris Cc: Hiatt Jan; Graff,Wayne Subject: Re: Notice of Retirement and Separation Eric, Congratulations! I accept your retirement notice and wish you the very best moving forward. Raf From: Moore, Eric<EMoore@kentwa.gov> Sent:Thursday,June 30, 2022 10:29 AM To: Koehler, Dan<DKoehler@kentwa.gov>;Johnson, Philip<PJohnson@kentwa.gov>; Mills, Chris <CMills@kentwa.gov>; Padilla, Rafael<RPadilla@kentwa.gov> Cc: Hiatt,Jan <1Hiatt@kentwa.gov>; Graff,Wayne<WGraff@kentwa.gov> Subject: Notice of Retirement and Separation Chief Padilla (and chain of command), Please accept this email as notice of my intent to seek medical retirement and separation of employment from the City of Kent, effective today, June 3Oth, 2022. Most of my equipment had been turned in prior, remaining equipment will be turned in today. Thank you, Eric Moore Eric Moore (CFCE, CSCSA), Detective Detective Unit-Digital &Crime Scene Forensics I Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent,WA 98032 Direct Line 253-856-59121 Fax 253-856-6900 EMoore@KentWA.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.gov PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 K E N T POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla POLICE Chief of 8032 220 Fourth Ave 5 Kent, WA 98032 sus 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: June 30, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Medical Separation, Rule 13.02 Detective Eric Moore has been medically separated from the Kent Police Department effective June 30, 2022. We wish him well in his future endeavors. wwW.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Polio Department- State Accredited King Jalene From: Fuentes, Dawnnie Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 16:39 To: Padilla, Rafael Subject: Resignation Letter Dear Chief Padilla, Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as a police officer. I have been on leave the past two weeks figuring out family matters and have decided I will not be coming back. My last day of employment will be 07/11/22. After talking with family and friends on the matter and trying different routes to make the situation work around the job, I have decided it is best for me to be back home in Hawaii to support my family. I'm not sure if I will find my way back to Washington again in the future but having the chance to be a police officer for Kent was a great opportunity. Everyone I worked with was welcoming and very eager to help me learn and provide the knowledge to help me grow as a police officer. I have not been with the department for a long time, but in the short amount of time I had, I really enjoyed working with the other officers in the department and felt the camaraderie. Although I enjoyed my time with Kent, I prioritize my family and being there for them when they need me. Chief, thank you for allowing me to be a part of the Kent Police Department. I will be in Washington for a little bit to take care of other affairs before completing my move back to Hawaii. M personal email is and my personal phone number is Sincerely, Dawnnie Fuentes J KENT POLICE ADMINIMATION Rafael Padilla POLICE Ave Chief S 220 Fourth Ave 5 Kent, WA 98032 1fpYlEF•1101EpI0pIlI1MIMIEfAaY 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: July 11, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Notice of Resignation, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Police Officer Dawnie Fuentes' email, dated July 8, 2022, announcing his resignation from the Kent Police Department. Dawnie's last day of work with the department will be July 11, 2022. We wish him well in his future endeavors. www.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Police Department - State Accredited POLICE Rafael R. Padilla nLULE Kent, WA B032 P` 232 Fourth Avenue South Ken[, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6800 PHONE: 253-856-5800 July 13, 2022 Mr. UNah Daschofsky Re: Employment Offer Dear Mr.Daschofsky; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Monday, August 1, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856-SB35 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving two emails from itv fkentam workday com With new hire onboarding log in Information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, including your junk mail folder and notify HR at(253)856-5270 if you don't receive them. It is critical for you to lag in, review new employee information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, August 1, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff In Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at 8:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access Card photo taken. Please bring document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work in the United States, which you will need to complete your 1-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can 6e found on the Dnboarding portal. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at $6,805.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step increase on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of ing within (up t probation,$1,000, up to one eligible for rin-state,land job related) to furtheg opportunity of your r your professional developmenibed parameters If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a member of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Accepted, Raf/aeeeYYYPPPatlilla riah Daschofsky Chief of Police > a: civil Service commission a Human Resources 2 Accreditation Al Al KENT a Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Police Department- Accredhed Police Agency Matthew Kilner I„_.-0 _ (Mailing address only) July 13, 2022 Chief Rafael Padilla Kent Police Department 220 Fourth Ave South Kent, WA 98032 Retirement Letter Dear Chief Padilla, Please accept this as my official letter of retirement from the Kent Police Department. As you know, I have been on worker compensation disability and will remain so for the foreseeable future. While I had hoped to be able to return to my law enforcement position,it has become clear to me and my healthcare providers that I will be unable to do so. It is because of this line of duty disability that I am submitting this notice of retirement, effective August 1, 2022. Becoming a police officer and serving the citizens of Kent and my fellow brothers and sisters in blue has been one of the greatest honors of my life. I have worked among the finest this career has to offer, and those individuals have become more family than friends. I have had more fun than I could have ever imagined, seen and experienced unimaginable tragedy, and grown in ways I never knew possible. I never planned on a career this short, but I leave with my head held high and proud of my accomplishments in these "short" 12.5 years. Respectfully, 600) P Matthew Kilner POLICE KENT Rafael R. Padilla Chief of Police ama•rwmnam• 232 fourth Avenue South Kent, WA 98032POLILE Fax: 253-856-6800 July 14, 2022 PHONE: 253-856-5800 MsMs. MW0 Re: Employment Offer Dear Ms. Martinez; Congratulations on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer for the Kent Police Department. We are looking forward to working with you and know that you will have a great deal to offer the Department and the City of Kent. This letter is to confirm our recent offer of employment. Your employment with the City will be effective Monday, August 1, 2022. Upon receipt of this letter, please call Training Sergeant Matthew Wheeler at (253)856-5835 for details on your duty assignment. You will be receiving two emails from city0ficentlannyworkday,cono with new hire onbparding log In information and credentials for the onboarding portal. Please check your email, including your Junk mall folder and notify HR at (253)856-5270 If you don't receive them. It is critical for you to lag In, review new employee information and complete all assigned checklist tasks before your new hire orientation. We anticipate this process will take you approximately 15 minutes. You have been scheduled for a new employee orientation on Monday, August 1, at 10:00 AM with the Benefits staff in Human Resources. Please arrive at the Police Department at 8:00 AM. Officer Graff will facilitate your first day Including a 9:00 AM appointment with Multimedia to have your City access card photo taken. Please bring document(s) required by government regulations for all new hires providing proof of your eligibility to work In the United States, which you will need to complete your I-9 form on your first day. A list of acceptable documents can be found on the Onboarding portal. Your starting base salary will be at Recruit Step A, at$6,805.00 per month. You will be eligible for a step increase on the first of the month following graduation from the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. You will be placed on probationary status for 12 months following successful completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. All other benefits will follow your union contract. Upon your successful completion of probation, you am eligible r (up a $1,000, up to one week, in-s ate,l opportunity andjob related) to further your professional deveng within the l ed meters development. If the terms of this offer of employment are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing on the acceptance line and returning one executed original to Recruiting Officer Wayne Graff at the address listed above. Again, I look forward to having an individual of your qualifications as a meni of the Kent Police Department. Sincerely, Accepted, Rafael �d �egan M ez rT�y Chief of Police cc: Civil service Commission Human Resources Z< Accreditation well 0 Mayor Dana Ralph City of Kent Police Department-Aaredited Police Agana KENT POLICE POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5885 Memorandum DATE: July 14, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police eI RE: Notice of Discipline 15.04 Internal Affairs investigation No. 22-002 involving Officer Tessa Melville was conducted. The final determination of the allegation of violation of Kent Police Department Policy follows: • Kent Police Department Policy 8.80 Safety Restraint/Seat Belt Requirement • Kent Police Department Policy 15.20 Emergent and Non-Emergent Responses • RCW 46.61.035 Authorized Emergency Vehicles A written reprimand was given. KENT POLICE •. ,,,wn POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5885 Memorandum DATE: July 14, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police w� RE: Notice of Discipline 15.04 Internal Affairs investigation No. 22-002 involving Officer All DiMarinis was conducted. The final determination of the allegation of violation of Kent Police Department Policy follows: • Kent Police Department Policy 8.80 Safety Restraint/Seat Belt Requirement • Kent Police Department Policy 15.20 Emergent and Non-Emergent Responses • RCW 46.61.035 Authorized Emergency Vehicles A written reprimand was given. POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Phone: 253-856-5885 KENT Fax: 253-856-6802 WASHINGTOX Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 Memorandum DATE: July 14, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Provisional Appointment, 11.07 Commander Andy Grove will be assigned as Provisional Assistant Chief for Investigations, for a period of no more than four months beginning August 14, 2022 due to the current vacancy. No current eligibility list exists for the position of Assistant Chief. KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla POLICE ntlef of Police 220 Fourth Ave 5 Kent, WA 96032 FnSR 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: July 18, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Medical Separation, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Detective Matthew Kilner's letter, dated July 13, 2022, announcing his resignation from the Kent Police Department. Matthew's last day of work is August 1, 2022. We wish him well in his future endeavors. www.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Police Department - State Accredited KENT POLICE DlRPa ael Padilla POLICE Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 nnl[F•iA4f[A UNAUSM•IInfAAl" 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: July 20, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police ©� RE: Medical Separation, Rule 13.02 Sergeant Melanie Robinson has been medically separated from the Kent Police Department effective August 1, 2022. We wish her well in her future endeavors. www.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Police Department - State Accredited KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla POLICE Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave 5 Kent, WA 98032 srnrmt•eeoruaoxnisM•ierlDiD 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: July 20, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Medical Separation, Rule 13.02 Officer William Davis has been medically separated from the Kent Police Department effective August 1, 2022. We wish him well in his future endeavors. www.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Police Department - State Accredited CITY OF KENT HUMAN RESOURCES 0 400 West Gowe T K KEN ent, WA 98032 WASH'"G'G" Fax: 253-856-6270 PHONE: 253-856-5220 Memo To: Civil Service Commissioners From: Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner CC: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Date: July 21, 2022 Re: Eligibility Removals through July 21, 2022 Please find below a detailed list of those candidates that have been removed from various eligibility lists through the date of July 21, 2022: Continuous Aliestina or -HiHw List for Entry Level Police Officer dated May 20 2022• Name: Reason: Effective Date: Victor Galeana Arroyo Failed Background June 22, 2022 Joshua Christos Failed Background June 22, 2022 Kristian Davis Failed Background June 22, 2022 Brandon Figarelle Failed Background June 22, 2022 Jeffrey Francisco Failed Background June 22, 2022 John Lee Failed Background June 22, 2022 Maria Martin Failed Background June 22, 2022 Justin Stenson Failed Background June 22, 2022 Jordan Wille Failed Background June 22, 2022 Continuous Testina Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer dated June 22 2022• Name: Reason: Effective Date: Christian Collazo Failed Background June 29, 2022 Kyle Garrett Failed Background June 29, 2022 Michael Mitchell Failed Background June 29, 2022 Robert Blaho Failed Background July 6, 2022 James Catchot Failed Background July 6, 2022 Dustin Jenkins Failed Background July 6, 2022 Alec Johnson Failed Background July 6, 2022 Hunter Kleiner Failed Background July 6, 2022 Ming Ming Li Failed Background July 6, 2022 Egar Peralta Failed Background July 6, 2022 Naha Sandev Failed Background July 6, 2022 Ronald Smith Failed Background July 6, 2022 Sahibbir Sekhon Failed Background July 6, 2022 Mathew Stevens Failed Background July 6, 2022 Brleanna Trailor Failed Background July 6, 2022 Christopher Chalk Failed Background July 8, 2022 Salvador Zarate Failed Background July 8, 2022 Gregory Barnett Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Jeff Bruno Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Arman Celmar Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Matthew Cleary Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Travis Coleman Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Alexis Gonzales Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Marcus Waggoner Failure to Respond June 29, 2022 Blessing Jarbah Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 Hieu Phan Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 Oliver Tapia Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 Ethan Wright Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 Chaye Johnson Failure to Respond July 7, 2022 Alexander Mussman Failed Chief's Interview June 29, 2022 Jerry AlonzoChavez Withdrawal June 29, 2022 2 Adriana Mazur Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Raymon Neuroth Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Devan Tran Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Isaac Walker Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Mikay Ye Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Blake Bensen Expired Score June 29, 2022 Paal Darlington Expired Score June 29, 2022 Kyle Kubik Expired Score June 29, 2022 Hunter Robertson Expired Score June 29, 2022 David Schmidt Expired Score June 29, 2022 Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer dated July 8 2022• Name: Reason: Effective Date: Nicholas Hughes Failed Background July 21, 2022 Chris Lombardi Failed Background July 21, 2022 An Lavanway Failed Background July 21, 2022 Noah Miller Failed Background July 21, 2022 Luis Nunez Failed Background July 21, 2022 David Train Failed Background July 21, 2022 Joshua Ah Nee Failure to Respond July 21, 2022 Jacob Shoptaugh Failure to Respond July 21, 2022 Lee Vera Failure to Respond July 21, 2022 Justin Hall Failed Chiefs Interview July 21, 2022 Kainoa Mara Withdrawal July 12, 2022 Continuous Testing Eligibility Lill Experienced/Lateral Police Officer dated]uly 8, 2022: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Dominic Fuda Failed Background July 21, 2022 3 Eligibility List for Records Soecialist dated June 13 2022• Name: Reason: Effective Date: Chris Dunlap Withdrawal June 27, 2022 Victoria VanderSanden Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Joshua Weinert Withdrawal July 6, 2022 Danielle Kaufmann Failed Background July 21, 2022 Eligibility I 'cr for Park'Parkina Enforcement Assistant dated April S. 2022• Name: Reason: Effective Date: Elias Bonilla Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 Humberto Gonzalez Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 Jason Kudla Failure to Respond July 6, 2022 4 CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner �Atiio • 400 West Gowe KENTKen[, WA WASHINGTON 98032 Fax: 263-866-6270-62]0 OFFICE: 253-858-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: June 16, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Mark Mandella (05/20/2022) 1 Cassandra Ward (06/16/2022) 2 Jonathan Silas (03/17/2022) 3 Zachary Stevenson (05/13/2022) 4 Austin Correa (03/30/2022) 5 Dominic Fuda (06/16/2022) 6 Peter Yi (06/16/2022) 7 Andy Conner (02/04/2022) 8 Paul Jernigan (06/16/2022) 9 Tyler Alleyne (01/04/2022) 10 William Guyer (05/20/2022) 11 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary 8. Chief Examiner 3 Jeff Plecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz it Chair Commissioner Commissioner Y *Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRIIR\CIVII SeNk \EIIglblllryLkLS% dlm\2022\b[emI Police o i June 16.2022.Eau CIViL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe KENT Ken[, WA 98032 Jv.,.,„r,.o„ Fax: 253-856-6270-62]0 OFFICE: 253-SSS-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: June 16, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: lelana Friday (06/16/2022) 1 Ashley Martin (06/16/2022) 2 Keshla Combis (06/16/2022) 3 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner a 3 Y *Mayor Dana Ralph P:%ECRUTCIVII SeMce\EIIAIEINyllsaToIIceW22Utei cormo0ons OMcery June 16,2022.docx CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENTDIVISION Natalie Wine[ka Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe K E N T Kent, WA 98032 .. „I I IT I I Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: June 22, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Christopher Chalk (06/22/2022) 1 Alexander Mussman (04/21/2022) 2 Isaac Walker (05/20/2022) 3 Anthony Stanfill (04/21/2022) 4 Oliver Tapia (06/22/2022) 5 Ronald Smith (06/22/2022) 6 Anne Aspelund (05/20/2022) 7 Griffin Shea (06/22/2022) 8 Austin Ouk (05/20/2022) 9 Zachary Robtoy (03/11/2022) 10 Chaye Johnson (06/22/2022) 11 Luis Nunez (05/20/2022) 12 Jeffrey Bruno (05/20/2022) 13 (tie) Marcus Waggoner (06/22/2022) 13 (tie) Matthew Cleary (06/22/2022) 15 Cody Clark (05/20/2022) 16 Robert Blaho (04/21/2022) 17 Alexis Gonzalez (06/22/2022) 18 James Quidachay (03/11/2022) 19 Salvador Valdez (06/22/2022) 20 Brieanna Trailor (05/20/2022) 21 Megan Martinez (05/20/2022) 22 Thomas Sattler (05/20/2022) 23 Brittney Baron (06/22/2022) 24 Matthew Stevens (06/22/2022) 25 Mahfuz Marques (06/22/2022) 26 Christina Allen (05/20/2022) 27 Taylor Meek (04/21/2022) 28 Dewa Rana (01/25/2022) 29 Hieu Phan (05/20/2022) 30 Desiree Trinidad (06/22/2022) 31 Naha Sandev (05/20/2022) 32 Gregory Barnett (06/22/2022) 33 `3 Uriah Daschofsky (05/20/2022) 34 Ravinder Manan (06/22/2022) 35 Y *Mayor Dana Ralph P:wseuu*ncimi see,ce\EnPibiuwustsvaiiceVo22t ow Po omuar-nine 22,2022.d0u Mohammad Mozafari (06/22/2022) 36 Jerry AlonzoChavez (06/22/2022) 37 Michael Mitchell (06/22/2022) 38 Spencer Trop (06/22/2022) 39 Nicholas Avise (06/22/2022) 40 Kyle Garrett (06/22/2022) 41 Arman Celmar (06/22/2022) 42 (tie) Randy Cordero (06/22/2022) 42 (tie) Justin Hall (05/20/2022) 44 Adriana Mazur (05/20/2022) 45 Armando Ambriz (05/20/2022) 46 Stefan Carlson (10/19/2021) 47 Morgan Kuehl (06/22/2022) 48 David Schmidt (12/08/2021) 49 Christian Collazo (06/22/2022) 50 Tysson Dykes (06/22/2022) 51 Dustin Jenkins (06/22/2022) 52 Halley Phillips (06/22/2022) 53 Travis Coleman (06/22/2022) 54 Raymon Neuroth (05/20/2022) 55 Carlos Uribe (06/22/2022) 56 Rohan Gibb (05/20/2022) 57 James Catchot (05/20/2022) 58 Alec Johnson (05120/2022) 59 Sahibbir Sekhon (05/20/2022) 60 Chun Cheng (06/22/2022) 61 (tie) Adriana Stanfill (06/22/2022) 61 (tie) Wayne Peck (04/21/2022) 63 Fernando Acosta-Dominguez (04/21/2022) 64 An tavanway (03/11/2022) 65 Ethan Wright (01/25/2022) 66 Marques Santos (04/21/2022) 67 Sam Redman (04/21/2022) 68 Karen Asriyan (06/22/2022) 69 Brandon Christiansen (01/25/2022) 70 Jorge Meraz (06/22/2022) 71 Paal Darlington (12/0812021) 72 Marshall Hollingsworth (03/11/2022) 73 Alturguan Pair (06/22/2022) 74 Devan Tran (06/22/2022) 75 Mikay Ye (04/21/2022) 76 Hunter Kleiner (01/25/2022) 77 Guiezi Valiente Perez (03/11/2022) 78 Charles Jumba (05/20/2022) 79 Nathan Abbe (04/21/2022) Bo Roosevelt Anderson (06/22/2022) 81 Kyle Kubik (12/08/2021) 82 Blake Bensen (12/08/2021) 83 Devante Woods (06/22/2022) 84 Hunter Robertson (12/08/2021) 85 Blessing Jarbah (04/21/2022) 86 Blake Clatterbuck (04/21/2022) 87 Jose Esquivel (01/25/2022) 88 Matthew Tewolde (10/19/2021) 89 Gavin Todd (05/20/2022) 90 MingMing U (06/22/2022) 91 Antonio Esteban (06/22/2022) 92 Egar Peralta (05/20/2022) 93 Diego Dos Santos (06/22/2022) 94 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner CIVIL SERVICE/RECReITMEN DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chlef Examiner 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA98032 01,1„ Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: July 8, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Lateral/Experienced Police Officer in the Kent Police Department: Christian Vandergrift (07/08/2022) 1 Mark Mandella (05/20/2022) 2 Cassandra Ward (06/16/2022) 3 Zachary Stevenson (05/13/2022) 4 Nathan Sheasley (07/08/2022) 5 Austin Correa (03/30/2022) 6 Dominic Fuda (06/16/2022) 7 Peter Yi (06/16/2022) 8 Andy Conner (02/04/2022) 9 Paul Jernigan (06/16/2022) 10 Tyler Alleyne (01/04/2022) 11 Hakeem Smtih (07/08/2022) 12 William Guyer (05/20/2022) 13 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner Y •Mayor Dana Ralph P:WCRUrnClvll SewcaWligiblII UstsV llI \ZO22Iuwnl Pallce Officer July 8,2022.dou CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Wneckd Civil Service Chief Examiner 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA 98032 Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-856-3282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: July 8, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Police Officer In the Kent Police Department: Matthew Otero (07/08/2022) 1 Anthony Stanfill (04/21/2022) 2 Parmvir Gill (07/08/2022) 3 Anne Aspelund (05/2012022) 4 Griffin Shea (06/22/2022) 5 Austin Ouk (05/20/2022) 6 Zachary Robtoy (03/11/2022) 7 Nicholas Hughes (07/08/2022) 8 Luis Nunez (05/20/2022) 9 Christopher Lombardi (07/08/2022) 10 Aaron Ewert (07/0812022) 11 Lamontae Morris (07/08/2022) 12 Cody Clark (05/20/2022) 13 Brleanna Trailor (05/20/2022) 14 Megan Martinez (05/20/2022) 15 Thomas Settler (05/20/2022) 16 Victoria Johnson (07/0812022) 17 Brittney Baron (06/22/2022) 18 Fausto Herrera (07/08/2022) 19 Samuel Burtis (07/08/2022) 20 Mahfuz Marques (06/22/2022) 21 Christina Allen (05/20/2022) 22 Taylor Meek (04/21/2022) 23 Dewa Rana (O1/25/2022) 24 Desiree Trinidad (06/2212022) 25 Joshua Ah Nee (07/08/2022) 26 Nicholas Geraci (07/08/2022) 27 Noah Miller (07/08/2022) 28 Uriah Daschofsky (05/20/2022) 29 Dylan Dzuck (07/08/2022) 30 Amara Kandeh (07/08/2022) 31 Ravinder Marian (06/22/2022) 32 Mohammad Mozafari (06/22/2022) 33 Hung Hua (07/0812022) 34 Kainoa Mara (07/08/2022) 35 Y 8 Mayor Dana Ralph P:\RECRUrt 1v11 Sella\E11gib11iryna6W11wV022\Ennv MOHIcer-June 22,2022.dod Spencer Trop (06/22/2022) 36 Nicholas Avise (06/22/2022) 37 Randy Cordero (06/22/2022) 38 Justin Hall (05/20/2022) 39 Armando Ambriz (05/20/2022) 40 Stefan Carlson (10/19/2021) 41 Morgan Kuehl (06/22/2022) 42 Jacob Shoptaugh (07/08/2022) 43 Terrance Wright (07/08/2022) 44 Tysson Dykes (06/22/2022) 45 Halley Phillips (06/22/2022) 46 Lyudmila Kotova (07/08/2022) 47 Carlos Uribe (06/22/2022) 48 Rohan Gibb (05/20/2022) 49 Chun Cheng (06/22/2022) 50 (tie) Adriana Stanfill (06/22/2022) 50 (tie) Wilder White (07/08/2022) 52 Wayne Peck (04/21/2022) 53 Muhammad Khaksar (07/08/2022) 54 Fernando Acosta-Dominguez (04/21/2022) 55 Ari Lavanway (03/11/2022) 56 Justin Whitlock (07/08/2022) 57 David Tran (07/08/2022) 58 Isaac Semmler (07/08/2022) 59 Noah Williams (05/20/2022) 60 Marques Santos (04/21/2022) 61 Sam Redman (04/21/2022) 62 Karen Asriyan (06/22/2022) 63 Roy Brown, III (07/08/2022) 64 Brandon Christiansen (01/25/2022) 65 Jorge Meraz (06/22/2022) 66 Marshall Hollingsworth (03/11/2022) 67 Alturguan Pair (06/22/2022) 68 Guiezi Valiente Perez (03/11/2022) 69 Charles Jumba (05/20/2022) 70 Luis Tinoco Torrecillas (07/08/2022) 71 Nathan Abbe (04/21/2022) 72 Roosevelt Anderson (06/22/2022) 73 Lee Vera (07/08/2022) 74 Jacob Matson (07/08/2022) 75 Paul Smith (07/08/2022) 76 Devante Woods (06/22/2022) 77 Blake Clatterbuck (04/21/2022) 78 Jose Esquivel (01/25/2022) 79 Bryce Moore (07/08/2022) 80 Matthew Tewolde (04/21/2022) 81 Gavin Todd (05/20/2022) 82 Antonio Esteban (06/22/2022) 83 Diego Dos Santos (06/22/2022) 84 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner CIVIL SERVICE/RECRUITMENT DIVISION Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner bi 400 West GUwe " KENT Kent, WA 98032 W.ai NeTO. Fax: 253-856-6270 OFFICE: 253-SM-5282 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION List established: July 19, 2022 TO: THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION The following names represent the Continuous Testing Eligibility List for the position of Entry Level Corrections Officer in the Kent Police Department: Neha Sandev (07/19/2022) 1 Christina Ayson (07/19/2022) 2 Joey Banks (07/19/2022) 3 Reginald Duncan (07/19/2022) 4 Joseph Walsh (07/19/2022) 5 I hereby certify that this list was legally prepared and represents the relative rating of the names appearing thereon. Natalie D. Winecka Secretary & Chief Examiner Jeff Piecewicz Pauline Thomas Callius Zaratkiewicz Chair Commissioner Commissioner a Y *Mayor Dana Ralph NNRECRUII\CNII Semi=\EIIyiEilitynsNVollm\2022\Entry can dons Officer July 19,2022.dod CIT KENT Y HUMAN RESOURCES • 400 West Gowe KENT Kent, WA 98032 WASHkNOTOM Fax: 253-856-6270 PHONE: 253-656-5270 Memo To: Civil Service Commissioners From: Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner CC: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Date: July 20, 2022 Re: Amendment to Rule 7.07 Dear Commissioners: In conjunction with the Chief's memo requesting to test for the rank of Assistant Chief, I am asking for an amendment to the rules. The Police department has recently seen tremendous turnover caused in part by regional staffing issues, retirements, promotions, etc. Due to ongoing staffing challenges the department finds itself in a position where not many in-house applicants meet the time in rank requirement for the rank of Assistant Chief. Chief Padilla would like to request an amendment to the current rules as it relates to time in rank. This would allow Commanders that do not meet the time in rank requirement an opportunity to test. The request would also include a sunset clause of December 31, 2027. I have included the requested changes in a tracked-changes format for your convenience. I request that the following motion be made: Under rule 5.01(b), I request that a motion be made that this is an emergent situation and that the proposed revisions to the rules above be adopted as written at the meeting of the Commission on July 27, 2022 7.07 Exception to Qualification Reauimm nta In order to be promoted, all candidates for promotion most be regular full-time,full-paid employees in the classified service of the City and must possess the position qualifications as set forth in these rules.A candidate for promotion may take a test for a promotional position and be placed on the promotional list if he or she will meet the minimum prerequisites during the initial 12—month life of the list. However, such an individual may not be promoted until he or she meets the minimum prerequisites of the promotional position. In the event the Chief determines that there are too few City personnel who are eligible under the rules to test for a promotional position, the Chief may request permission by the Commission to amend the qualifications for the position for that particular promotional process. An amendment to the qualifications of the position for a particular promotional process shall be by vote of the Commission, shall apply only to the particular promotional process and promotional list that is established, and shall not require a formal amendment to the Civil Service Rules. This rule shall automatically expire on Mwe,'.' December 31.2027- In the event the Chief determines that a position could be better filled by applicants other than City personnel,the Chief may request permission by the Commission to fill a vacancy in a promotional position by conducting a test open to personnel outside the classified service who have attained the equivalent prerequisites requiredof the position, oea.ra..arx arw�.y avaruazrn•nr zuzzm K E N T POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla POLICE Chief of Police z2o Fourth Ave S .r:rcnr Kent, WA 98032 SFRYICE•FICRUI0nl6Y•InFAAIV 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: July 20, 2022 TO: Natalie Winecka, Civil Service Examiner FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police A*oe — RE: Civil Service Rule 9.01, Request for Promotional Test - Assistant Chief I am requesting authorization to conduct a promotional test for a current vacancy in the Assistant Chief position pursuant to Civil Service Rules. The promotional process will consist of an oral interview that will evaluate candidates in the following dimensions: Leadership, Interpersonal Insight, Judgement, Strategic Planning, Executive Acumen, and Team Cohesion. www.kentwa.gov/Police City of Kent Police Department - State Accredited