HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Civil Service Commission - 06/01/2022 (2) Is KENT W49MINGTON Civil Service Commission Agenda Commissioners: Chair Jeff Piecewicz, Pauline Thomas, Callius Zaratkiewicz Special Meeting June 1, 2022 5:30 p.m. Remote THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING You can access the meeting by calling 1-888-475-4499 or 1-877-853-5257 and enter Meeting ID: 844 8864 5160 Passcode: dw340y Item Description Actin Speaker Time 1. Call to order Chair Piecewicz 1 2. Roll Call Chair Piecewicz 1 3. Changes to the Agenda Chair Piecewicz 1 4. Approval of the Minutes from the April 27, YES Chair Piecewicz 1 2022 regularly scheduled meeting. 5. Consent Items to Accept YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Email from Ofr. Tom Burnside dated April 28, 2022 announcing his retirement effective May 15, 2022. B. Memo dated May 3, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the Provisional appointment of Cmdr. Chris Mills to Provisional Assistant Chief beginning May 16, 2022. C. Memo dated May 5, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the retirement of Ofr. Tom Burnside effective May 15, 2022. D. Memo dated April 21, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through May 20, 2022. Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. • KENT W. ...1l.,...... 6. Items to Approve YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Memo dated May 19, 2022 from Chief Padilla requesting to extend the probationary period of Ofr. Kiril Van Orman one year to June 12, 2023. 7. Action Items YES Chair Piecewicz 1 A. Memo dated May 20, 2022 from Cmdr. Andy Grove requesting permission to create a custom PST list for entry level Police Officer candidates. 8. For the Good of the Order Chair Piecewicz 1 9. Adjournment YES Chair Piecewicz 1 Unless otherwise noted, the Civil Service Commission meets at 5:30 p.m. the 4th Wednesday of each month at City Hall, Council Chamber West, 220 West Gowe St., Kent, WA 98032. For additional information please contact Natalie Winecka at 253-856-5282. Any person requiring a disability accommodation should contact the City Clerk's Office at 253-856-5725 in advance. For TDD relay service call Washington Telecommunications Relay Service at 7-1-1. Civil Service Commission April 27, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Date: April 27, 2022 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place: This meeting was held remotely via Zoom Attending: Jeff Piecewicz, Chair- absent; Pauline Thomas, Commissioner; Callius Zaratkiewicz, Commissioner; Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner Agenda: 1. Call to Order Acting Chair Zaratkiewicz called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM. 2. Roll Cali Chair Jeff Piecewicz was absent. 3. Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. 4. Approval ❑f the Minutes Commissioner Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 23, 2022 Civil Service Commission regularly scheduled meeting. Motion was moved and seconded by Acting Chair Zaratkiewicz; motion passed 2-0. S. Consent Items to Accept A. Memo dated March 15, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission that Ofr. Joseph Johnson separated from service on March 15, 2022. B. Email from Corrections Ofr. John Morasco to Commander McCuistion resigning effective May 4, 2022. C. Letter dated March 25, 2022 from Ofr. Jen Prusa requesting to adjust her retirement date to June 30, 2022. D. Memo dated March 31, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission that Ofr. Tami Honda separated from service effective April 15, 2022. E. Memo dated March 31, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the revised resignation date for Jen Prusa to June 30, 2022. F. Letter dated April 1, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Cmdr. Chris Mills notifying him that he successfully completed the probationary period and is appointed to regular employment status effective April 1, 2022. G. Memo dated April 8, 2022 from Corrections Ofr. Natalie Zieber resigning effective April 22, 2022. Page 1 of 3 Civil Service Commission April 27, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending H. Letter dated April 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla to Nicholas De Var congratulating him on being hired as a Probationary Police Recruit Officer effective May 2, 2022. I. Memo dated April 14, 2022 from Chief Padilla notifying the Commission of the Notice of Discipline for Ofr. Will Davis. J. Memo dated April 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Corrections Officer John Morasco effective May 4, 2022. K. Memo dated April 20, 2022 from Chief Padilla accepting the resignation of Corrections Officer Natalie Zieber effective April 22, 2022. L. Memo dated April 21, 2022 from Chief Examiner Winecka with the eligibility list removals through April 21, 2022. There being no questions, Acting Chair Zaratkiewicz made a motion to accept consent items A-L. Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 6. Items to Approve A. Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on March 17, 2022. B. Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on March 30, 2022. C. Eligibility list for Parking Enforcement Assistant that was established on April 8, 2022. D. Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Lateral/Experienced Police Officer that was established on April 20, 2022. E. Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Lateral/Experienced Corrections Officer that was established on April 20, 2022. F. Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Entry Level Police Officer that was established on April 21, 2022. G. Job description for the new position of Business Systems Analyst (BSA) for the Police department. There being no questions, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to approve items A-G. Acting Chair Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. 7. Action Items A. Memo dated April 12, 2022 from Assistant Chief Jarod Kasner requesting to test for Code Enforcement Officer and that the following process and weights be applied: *Written Exam- 30% (70% passing score required) Page 2 of 3 Civil Service Commission April 27, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes Kent, Washington Approval Pending Oral Board- 70% (70% passing score required) Polygraph- Pass/Fail Background- Pass/Fail *The top 20 candidates from the written exam will be invited to move forward to the oral board process. B. Memo dated April 20, 2022 from Assistant Chief Jarod Kasner requesting to test for the position of Business Systems Analyst and that the following process and weights be applied: Oral Board Interview- 100% (70% passing score required) Background- Pass/Fail Polygraph- Pass/Fail Acting Chair Zaratkiewicz made the following motion: I grant permission to move ahead with testing for items A and B with the weights and processes as listed." Commissioner Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. S. For the Good of the Order Acting Chair Zaratkiewicz wanted to note that he hopes to keep these meeting virtual and that when a new person is coming on or off of the Commission that they are recognized for their service. 9. Adjournment There being nothing further, Commissioner Thomas made a motion to adjourn. Chair Zaratkiewicz seconded the motion; motion passed 2-0. Meeting was adjourned at 5:41 PM. Natalie Winecka Civil Service Chief Examiner April 27, 2022 Page 3 of 3 King, Jalene From: Burnside, Thomas Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2022 14:18 To: Police Chief, Padilla, Rafael Cc: King,Jalene; Graff, Wayne; Bava, Joshua Subject: notice Chief Padilla Although my official retirement date is May 15th, My last day at work/on shift will be Friday May 6cn Sorry for the short notice, I wasn't aware that I was supposed send you a resignation notice in addition to the retirement notice I had already provided the city. No need for a ceremony or anything like that, exit interview will be suffice. Q Respectfully Tom B Tom Burnside, Police Officer Special Operations Unit I Police Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent,WA 98032 Cell 253-573-1730 1 VM 253-856-4836 tburnside@kentwa.gov CITY OF KENT,WASHINGTON KentWA.eov Facebook Twitter YouTube PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E-MAIL 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police r Phone: 253-856-5885 K E N T Fax: 253-856-6802 W A S H I NGTO N Address: 220 Fourth Avenue S. Kent, WA. 98032-5895 Memorandum DATE: May 3, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Provisional Appointment, 11.07 Commander Christopher Mills will be assigned as Provisional Assistant Chief for Investigations, for a period of no more than four months beginning May 16, 2022 while Assistant Chief Kammerzell is on administrative leave. No current eligibility list exists for the position of Assistant Chief. KENT POLICEnFST POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5885 Memorandum DATE: May 5, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Notice of Retirement, Rule 13.02 I have accepted Officer Tom Burnside's notice dated April 28, 2022, announcing his retirement from the Kent Police Department. Tom's last day of work is May 15, 2022. We wish Tom well in his retirement and future endeavors. CITY OF KENT HUMAN RESOURCES 400 West Gowe K E N T Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON Fax: 253-856-6270 PHONE: 253-856-5270 Memo To: Civil Service Commissioners From: Natalie Winecka, Secretary/Chief Examiner CC: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police Date: May 20, 2022 Re: Eligibility Removals through May 20, 2022 Please find below a detailed list of those candidates that have been removed from various eligibility lists through the date of May 20, 2022: Continuous Testina Eligibility List for En Level Police officer dated April 21 2022: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Shane Ford Failed Background April 26, 2022 Edin Hajdarovic Failed Background April 26, 2022 Matthew Lontz Failed Background April 26, 2022 Nicholas Shaina Failed Background April 26, 2022 Thao Dang Failed Background April 26, 2022 Jordan Daly Failed Background May 18, 2022 Tyler Dickson Failed Background May 18, 2022 Steven Law Failed Background May 18, 2022 Paramvir Sood Failed Background May 18, 2022 Matthew McCann Failed Background May 19, 2022 Jason Barnes Failure to Respond May 2, 2022 Jelani Dorrell Failure to Respond May 2, 2022 Edwin Bulfer Failure to Respond May 3, 2022 Antonio Moreno Failure to Respond May 3, 2022 Chawncey Olson Failure to Respond May 3, 2022 Name: Reason: Effective Date: Jacob Yarnell Failure to Respond May 18, 2022 Kevin Yeh Failure to Respond May 18, 2022 Samuel Hong Failed Chief's Interview May 18, 2022 Timothy Hipps Withdrew April 26, 2022 Bryan Koorstad Withdrew May 18, 2022 Danh Phung Withdrew May 18, 2022 Continuous Testing Eligibility List for Ex erienced Lateral Police Officer dated April 20 2022: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Nicholas Wood Withdrew May 2, 2022 Eligibility List for Parking Enforcement Assistant dated April 8 2022: Name: Reason: Effective Date: Mark Ammann Withdrew May 2, 2022 2 KENT POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla Chief of Police 220 Fourth Ave S POLICE Kent, WA 98032 SERVICE•PROFESSIONALISM•INTEGRITY 253-856-5800 Memorandum DATE: May 19, 2022 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Rafael Padilla, Chief of Police RE: Extension of Probation, 12.04 Officer Kiril Van Orman's probationary period is being extended for 1 year to June 12, 2023 due to medical leave. Officer Van Orman graduated from the academy June 11, 2021. He went out on light duty on August 25, 2021 and hasn't been back to full duty since. He is still on medical leave after his surgery, and we don't have a time frame of when he will be back to full duty. We need to extend his probation for this medical disability. www.kentwa.gov/police City of Kent Police Department- State Accredited POLICE DEPARTMENT Rafael Padilla 4^4�* Chief of Police KEN T 220 Fourth Ave S WASHING70� Kent, WA 98032 253-856-5888 Memorandum DATE: 05/20/22 TO: Civil Service Commission FROM: Commander A. Grove RE: Custom PST List Entry Level Police Officer Kent PD is requesting permission to establish a custom Civil Service list in partnership with Public Safety Testing (PST). The goal is to establish a competitive advantage in the hiring process, as an organization, and to recruit candidates from under-represented demographics. We are in the midst of a critical staffing crisis at Kent PD. Unprecedented attrition, the "great resignation", and increased scrutiny of the policing profession have contributed to a dramatic decline in our staffing numbers. This has created a significant impact to operational ability, to include reduction in police units and roles (just an idea to highlight how dire it is). The hiring climate is highly competitive and qualified candidates are difficult to find and attract, especially from under- represented communities. Kent PD is examining our testing and hiring practices. Due to our current process with PST, we are frequently losing quality candidates to other agencies in the region and need to find competitive advantages beyond financial incentives. As it stands, recruits who test with PST opt to send their test scores to multiple police agencies triggering a race to establish a certified civil service list, background investigation, and a series of additional tests to include a psychological exam, polygraph, and medical exam. We are working with PST to establish a custom list that allows candidates, who we recruit to test for Kent PD, to be placed on a custom civil service list. The custom list would be parallel to the primary civil service list and candidates would be ranked based off of their written exam score. The PST test the candidates take is exactly the same, to ensure fairness, but allows our recruiting and background team to work on their background investigation quickly and more competitively. The Police department will systematically work through that list, as well as the current continuous testing eligibility list, in a fair and consistent manner. In April we kicked off a robust recruiting and hiring campaign and have engaged colleges, community and public safety events, JBLM, WA State Fair, Athletic programs and over 15,000 social media accounts. Our recruiting efforts cannot Memorandum: May 20,2022 Page: 2 improve our hiring situation unless we are able to access the candidates who we recruit more efficiently. If this request is approved, quality candidates will be offered a coupon to test, that will designate them to a custom list and allow background investigators to access them more efficiently. Background investigators will still access candidates from the primary list and can access candidates from both lists simultaneously and/or in order. This process change is considered a pilot program and the department will review its effectiveness, and any unintended consequences, in conjunction with Civil Service Chief Examiner after 12 months. This change has been reviewed and approved by the Chief and Legal.