HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 07/25/2022 (2) Page 1 of 3 Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting July 25, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with Remote Zoom Option APPROVED August 29, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves - Chair, Maria Castro – Vice-Chair, Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Daren Osborn, Jeff Culver. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Julie Dunn (excused), Brian Smith (excused), Steve Bourke (resigned) CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, Christina Schuck Guests: None 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:46 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Three members absent, two excused, one resigned. 3. Changes to the Agenda Item #7 - By-Law Update is removed, speakers absent or resigned. 4. June 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Mel seconded, all 7 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 5. Meeting Etiquette / Robert’s Rules of Order – Christina Schuck Christina shared a PowerPoint with an overview on KBAB’s legal framework, meeting format, taking action, motions, voting, speakers, and miscellaneous notes . • KBAB legal framework. KCC 2.50, KCC 2.62, bylaws, Robert’s Rules o Start with KCC 2.50. Lots of good info and procedures o KCC 2.62 is KBAB creation of Board. Members, duties, what they do o Bylaws – cannot conflict with KCC 2.50 o Robert’s Rules. Adopted by bylaws section 3.5 • Meeting o Format and structure is set in section 2.4 of bylaws. Chair can alter or it can be altered by majority during meeting • Transacting Business / Taking Action o Act by motion at meeting. Approved my majority, KCC 2.50.040 o Authority in KCC 2.50, 2.62. o Advice to elected officials. “Move to recommend Mayor/City Council …” o When can KBAB take action? At meeting with a quorum – majority of current board per KCC 2.50.120; bylaws section 2.5. Need to have quorum to take an action. (Do we need to amend bylaws for remote attendance?) More than ½ at the meeting. Now have 10 members so need 6 for quorum. Need 4 to pass a motion. Christina will look into if online attendance counts as a quorum. o How to take action. Make a motion and vote. If not on agenda, need to add to agenda during Changes to Agenda only. Cannot take action on something not on the agenda. o Mechanics of taking action – The Motion Page 2 of 3 ▪ Questions. Chair controls this part. Chair asks for motion. ▪ Member makes motion. State the motion. State positively, “Move to recommend Council adopts” Always phrase positively. If board does not like it, they vote no. ▪ Second by a different member. Second means move to vote. Does not mean the board likes it, just brings it to a vote by the board. Always positively phrased motions. Then vote yes or no. ▪ Motion with no second dies. No vote motion dies. ▪ Chair then restates motion and calls for discussion. ▪ Chair is in control and controls the discussion. Person that makes the motions gets to speak first and last. Everyone gets to speak before someone speaks a second time. ▪ At the end of the discussion chair restates the motion and calls a vote. ▪ Vote by voice or show of hands ▪ Votes are either yay, nay, or abstain • Who speaks and when? o Chair recognizes everyone before they speak o These are not public meetings and public does not have the right to speak. Up to chair or bylaws ▪ If public is allowed to speak, set a time limit before starting ▪ Guest speakers must sign in with name and address • Miscellaneous o Conduct an efficient meeting ▪ Stay on topic ▪ Chair recognizes ▪ Comments should be directed to the agenda o Raising new issues ▪ Work with chair and vice chair prior to meeting ▪ Bring up issues during Items for Next Meeting in the meeting ▪ If something comes up during the meeting it must be added to the next meeting. Cannot add during the meeting. o Christina will send Erik P a handout from MRSC on procedure 6. Police Department Update Erik P. shared notes from Sara Wood in her absence. • Walker and roller grant has been renewed. • King Co Distracted Driving grant enforcement started 7/24, will run through 8/6 • DUI enforcement starts soon. Look for media outreach campaigns • Sarah has a lead on more bike helmets. • New enforcement grant starts on Oct 1st, includes speed funding. • National Night Out is Aug 2nd. Let Sarah know if you wants to join or host an event. 7. By-Law Update – Item deleted. 8. TMP / City Planning Process Rob shared information on what the 6-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is, what is required by law, and how it is created. He shared a PDF of the most recent TIP and discussed how it is updated every year, how and what type of changes are made. Projects listed in the first 3 years are more financially constrained and must have a good chance of being funded, more so than the last 3 years. Page 3 of 3 9. Fourth of July Splash Maria shared the posterboard they used at the event along with the handouts for each ride they provided. She and Daren shared their observations from the event: • Lot of people scanned the QR code, didn’t take the handouts. • Most of the helmets went to adults o Sizes were a little misleading o We may want to ask Sarah for helmets now, the City can store them. • May discuss group rides in the future. 10. Monthly Rides and Promotion Steve Bourke was going to do it but it had 50 turns. Didn’t work for their process. • Erik J made a Lake Youngs loops ride for August. • Due next Tuesday. Have comments to Erik J by Wednesday. To Erik P Friday • Erik J has one in mind for September, due at the August meeting. • October undecided. 11. Communications Nothing from Erik Preston. 12. Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is August 29, a regular meeting. 13. Items for the Next Meeting • Daren will not be at the next meeting • Erik J. – KBAB should consider creating a database of disconnected bike facilities in Kent. Where it is, ends, see if anything in the current TMP or TIP will connect. o Does City have a map of bike facilities? o Mel would like to promote facilities to the City • Bike helmets • What festivals do we want to be involved in? • Police Department Ride-a-longs • When do we start planning for the next Bike Rodeo? • What is the charge of KBAB? • What if we get funding next year? Which promotions should we do? • Bylaws/working meetings 14. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:09 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board