HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 05/23/2022 (2)Kent Bicycle Advisory Board – Special Meeting May 23, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with Remote Zoom Option Approved June 27, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves - Chair, Maria Castro – Vice-Chair, Mel Roberts (remote), Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs (remote), Daren Osborn, Brian Smith (remote), Steve Bourke. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Julie Dunn (excused), Jeff Culver (excused), Mack Middleton. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: Andy Sobczyk, Aaron Dent 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:48 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Three members absent, two excused. 3. Changes to the Agenda None. 4. April 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Maria moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded, 8 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 5. City Council Meeting & Proclamation Update Wendy provided details on the Council meeting on May 3 rd. The Mayor proclaimed May Bike Everywhere Month. Wendy accepted. The Proclamation was passed around the table for KBAB members to look at. Wendy noted that she was pleased with the City Council meeting, it was informative. She likes the way the Mayor explained things as the meeting went along. • Link to Council Meeting with Bike Everywhere Month proclamation: http://kentwa.iqm2.com/Citizens/SplitView.aspx?Mode=Video&MeetingID=4933& Format=Minutes Proclamation begins at 16:30 minutes. • Link to archived meeting agendas and videos: http://kentwa.iqm2.com/citizens/default.aspx? Use the drop down menu “Meeting Group” on the left to select the meeting. 6. Bike Rodeo Review and Lessons Learned Wendy described the bike rodeo and how it went well for the first time doing one. After the rodeo, the team discussed what they would like to do next time. Connie talked to the Mayor and KBAB will submit a budget request. Sidebar Discussion - Parks is responsible for signing on Interurban. Parks follows King County because City has the lease from King County. King County has lease from PSE. Parks received a $200k grant from King Co for signing. Parks will give KBAB an update when the grant is worked out with the County. 7. Fourth of July Splash • Mark Hendrickson (Parks) offered KBAB a table at the 4th of July Splash. KBAB could give away any leftovers. Discussion: • Connie – Do we still have the helmets from Sara? Wendy will check with Sara. Only worthwhile if we can do a helmet fitting. Will we have helmets next year for the Bike Rodeo? • Daren – It’s a good opportunity for some exposure, not handouts. Maybe something that can be scanned. Don’t know where they have tables. • Wendy – Would be Noon to 5PM. • Steve – Are there some trinkets that could be given away? Something to get people to come to the KBAB table, something silly and small. • Wendy – what happened to the left-overs? Connie gave them back to Parks. • Wendy – If we bring people to the table, what do they do? • Give away trail maps, Ride of the Month maps, • Erik J – Ask resident for feedback on the bike system. • Wendy – Have a survey of people’s wants for biking and bike facilities in Kent. • Steve – Maybe some kind of info graphic for biking (hand signals, don’t remove your reflectors, wear yellow) • Maria and Daren volunteered to attend. 8. Monthly Rides and Promotion Discussion: • Erik J - June ROTM is from Andy. Some new things. New route profile. This was Andy’s last contribution to KBAB. • Wendy – anything from the City? • Erik P – Not getting anything from Multimedia. Staff needs to check in with Multimedia. PW Trans needs to work with Multimedia for web page • Daren will develop July ROTM and Steve will develop August ROTM • Mel – remember that families ride in summer. Should be more kid friendly 9. Start Updating By-Laws Discussion: • Erik P – Bylaws were adopted last spring then Council changed the code in the summer. I am looking for help and won’t do it on my own . Last time Mel wrote draft by-laws. • Mel – Wendy, why don’t you assign a committee? • Erik P – Whoever works on it needs to go through Code and determine what needs to be hanged. Maybe remove things like requiring the annual election in April. The current by-laws do not match Code (2.62 and 2.50). • Wendy – Move voting to before terms expire. • Committee – Brian and Steve are the committee • Erik P. has some info to share with the committee related to the changes last year 10. Communications • Erik J - $210k grant to Kent Parks? Rob – Parks has money but doesn’t have any more info yet. Parks will present to KBAB when they have more info on the grant. • Rob – Parks is working with King Co on standardized signing on the Interurban • Mel asked about Leafline trail signs from the coalition. Erik P will talk to Terry in Parks, he’s on the Leafline committee. • Connie – Some of the LeafLine signs are up 11. Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is June 27, a regular meeting. 12. Items for the Next Meeting • Erik P – signs directing people to trails • TMP/planning process overview from staff • 4th of July Splash 13. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 6:50 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board