HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 06/27/2022 (2)Kent Bicycle Advisory Board Meeting June 27, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with Remote Zoom Option APPROVED – July 25, 2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves - Chair, Maria Castro – Vice-Chair (remote), Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Erik Jacobs, Daren Osborn, Steve Bourke, Jeff Culver. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Julie Dunn (excused), Brian Smith . CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT : Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: None 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Two members absent, one excused. 3. Changes to the Agenda None. 4. May 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded, 8 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 5. TMP/City Planning Process Rob Brown shared a PowerPoint with an overview on how we plan and generate projects. The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a 20 -year plan and is the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Rob covered a Project development flowchart, public outreach process, the 5 goals, and concept of layered networks. • Continue discussion next meeting, show the TMP document -bike, project list, appendix projects, and talk about the 6 -year TIP. 6. Guide Signs to Trails Erik P. shared a PowerPoint. He discussed the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), what it is and its requirements for all public transportation systems in terms of signs, markings, and signals. Potential sign colors are green, brown, or blue. • Steve asked what Seattle uses on Alki and Lk WA , he likes those (white on green) • There’s a sign on the IUT near SR 167 and Smith that says to tell 911 a code to tell them your location, can we get more like that? • Can Parks come talk to us? – Staff will invite Parks to talk about trail signs and operations, possibly combine with other presentation on grants. 7. Fourth of July Splash KBAB/Maria will staff the 4th of July Splash. Parks will provide a parking pass. KBAB doesn't have a lot to have at the event. Sara Wood has a few helmets to give away. We could have flyers. Make a poster with 12 rides and QR codes. Maria will staff table but will ride bike. Who is driving? Steve will also drive. Daren may drive. Parks provide table and chair s. Sara probably isn't going to bring things. Daren will pick up poster and easel, flyers from Rob Friday. Rob will be here between 7:30A - 5P. Daren will call Rob and pick up. We can talk to Sara about a canopy. Daron will bring a bike stand. Mel suggested having some KBAB member applications on hand. 8. Monthly Rides and Promotion Erik J. and Daren will handle July. Steve will develop August, Erik J. will handle September (Lake Youngs?). 9. Start Updating By-Laws Brian and Steve will be working on it. Add to next month’s agenda. 10.Communications • Terry J – Leafline signs are already up. Let Terry know if there is somewhere specific where KBAB would like to see signs. Erik J. – there is an interactive web map for Leafline. Have Terry come talk about Leafline. • Terry J – No timeline for signing plan for trails. Still don’t have grant funds from King County. • Sara – enforcement was in April, billboards soon, translated into multiple languages. Looking for project ideas. Sara will be here in July. There will be several enforcement patrols in July and Aug. Motorcycle, DUI, etc. Sara still has about 25 helmets for give away. 11.Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is July 25, a regular meeting . 12.Items for the Next Meeting • Rob - TMP/TIP project planning • Steve and Brian – Updating By-Laws • Sara Wood – PD Update 13.Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:01 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary , Kent Bicycle Advisory Board