HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 04/25/2022Kent Bicycle Advisory Board April 25, 2022 Minutes Held In-Person with Remote Zoom Option APPROVED - 05/23/2022 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves - Chair, Maria Castro – Vice-Chair, Mel Roberts, Mack Middleton, Connie Stolpp, Jeff Culver, Erik Jacobs, Brian Smith, Steve Bourke. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Julie Dunn (excused), Daren Osborn. CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown. Guests: Andy Sobczyk, Aaron Dent 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call Two members absent. 3. Changes to the Agenda No Changes to the agenda. 4. March 2022 Meeting - Minutes Approval Erik J. moved to approve minutes, Connie seconded, 9 voted in favor, 0 opposed. Motion passes, draft minutes approved. 5. Member Introductions All attending board members and supporting City staff members introduced themselves and shared why they joined KBAB. 6. Election of Officers Erik P. gave a brief summary of the duties and responsibilities of the Chair and Vice Chair positions and called for nominations for Chair. Connie nominated Wendy, Erik J. seconded. Erik P. asked Wendy if she would serve if elected, Wendy agreed to serve if elected. No other nominations were submitted. Vote for Wendy as Chair was 9 in favor, 0 opposed. Wendy is elected Chair for one year. Mel nominates Maria as Vice Chair. Erik P. asked Maria if she would serve if elected, Maria agreed to serve if elected. No other nominations were submitted. Vote for Maria as Vice Chair was 9 in favor, 0 opposed. Maria is elected Vice Chair for one year. 7. New Member Orientation Erik P. discussed how to report road and trail issues using the KentWorks app or calling the Public Work Operations number at 253-856-5600. Erik also discussed common definitions that we use in the bicycle industry, meeting etiquette, and a brief on Robert’s rules of order. Andy asked if we can put a link to KentWorks on the KBAB web page. Wendy asked that Erik P. email his notes/presentation to the group. 8. Monthly Rides and Promotion • Wendy asked about the status of posting rides of the month on the KBAB site. • Erik J. said that Josh Maasberg said PW needs a CMS person. • Rob will talk to Admin to see if someone can help Transportation with this. • Wendy informed new members that Erik J does a lot of the maps and flyers. • Board members that develop ride work with Erik to develop flyer. Rides are due the Tuesday before the first Thursday of each month to be included in the Boards and Commission Newsletter. Ride of the Month should be in-, or focused in Kent. • Mel thought it would be nice to have all rides listed on the web page. Erik J. added it would also be nice to have a map of the rides. • KBAB would like a link to KBAB on the city’s homepage. 9. Bike Rodeo Discussion • Connie shared the Bike Rodeo layout maps that were emailed. • Helmets will be provided by Sara Wood from KPD, Goody bags from Parks. • KPD will have 4 to 5 staff present and may have them work the different stations. • We will have popup tents, probably no food truck this time. • Jeff Culver will do a pre-ride safety meeting. • Erik J mentioned that we already have a few sign-ups. • Rob will collect waivers. We need to have parents present with their child! • YMCA approved closure of one driveway • Mel – need to reserve a spot for Cycle Therapy to have their tent • Erik J – next subcommittee is next Monday at 7pm. • Mel will do stripes for slow race. • Steve B – We need to have people available to help fit helmets. • Wendy – Sara will have people to help fit helmets. • Wendy is waiting on Sara to get back to KBAB on what equipment she can share. • Maria – Group was going to schedule a field trip. Less than 3 weeks left. Talk about it in committee meeting. • Aaron has cones if we need them • Mack – Sara w/ PD is outreach. Can PD close the roadway? • Mel – anyone have an air tank/compressor? Yes 10. Trail Safety and Etiquette Jeff Culver use to commute by bike and saw a lot of cyclists ride fast past people walking and recommended: • Passing on left as a courtesy. • Using a bell before a pass. • Parents can do a better job teaching their kids to ride in a straight line. • The board was split on whether using a verbal message like “on your left” before a pass did more harm than good. • Action item –incorporate this into Bike Rodeo and put something on the web site. • Mack and Jeff will work on this topic. Report back next meeting. • Perhaps add bell and side mirror giveaways to next year’s Bike Rodeo. 11. Communications Erik Preston shared that the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory committee (BPAC) will be meeting May 10 at 10am-12 noon. He will share the info with KBAB. 12. Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is May 23, a Special Meeting due to Memorial Day. 13. Items for the Next Meeting Start looking at update to By-Laws, Lessons learned from the Bike Rodeo. 14. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:02 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board