HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Bicycle Advisory Board - 01/31/2022 (2)Kent Bicycle Advisory Board January 31, 2022 Minutes Held remotely over Zoom APPROVED BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wendy Graves - Chair, Andy Sobczyk - Vice Chair, Mel Roberts, Connie Stolpp, Julie Dunn, Daren Osborn, Maria Castro, Erik Jacobs, Aaron Dent, Stephanie Habu. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Erik Preston, Rob Brown, Shivani Lal, Bill Thomas, Terry Jungman Guests: Mack Middleton 1. Call-to-Order The meeting was called to order at 5:46 pm with Wendy Graves presiding. 2. Roll Call All members present. 3. Changes to the Agenda No changes to the agenda. 4. December 2021 Meeting - Minutes Approval Change – Wendy will do the April Ride of the Month. Wendy made the motion, Julie seconded. The Board did not vote to accept the December minutes. 5. Leafline Coalition Update Terry Jungman represents the City of Kent on the Leafline Trails Coalition and he gave a background on the Leafline Coalition and some milestones. • The Coalition is a partnership, a forum to share resources, and provides regional leadership for connected trails. It provides collaborative branding, engagement, funding, and advocacy, network planning and coordination. • Leafline does not construct, only highlights, promotes, and advises. • Daren: Are there gaps in the Leafline in Kent that would be addressed on the Green River Trail, or the Interurban Trail crossings? - No, these aren’t significant enough to show up in the Leafline efforts, but connections to the West Hill and East Hill would. • Aaron asked if the purpose of the Coalition was to Map and ID or to Build? – The focus of the Coalition is currently Map and ID, but eventually to find a way to build through partnerships. • Wendy asked a question about the Lake to Sound Trail, discussion followed. 6. Street Cleanup After Storms Bill Thomas is Streets and Vegetation Manager and his department is responsible for snow and ice removal and managing the street sweeping contract. • They are now using more deicing chemicals. This year they used 1/3 of the sand used 2 years ago. • Right after snow and ice we have our contractor start sweeping on improved roads (curb and gutter, enclosed drainage). Arterials swept 1/week, downtown 2/week, Residential areas 1/month. Contract sweepers do bicycle lanes when they can. • Sweeping unimproved roads means that material ends up on shoulder. It takes a lot of work to clear unimproved streets. PW staff use a sweeper brush on unimproved roads and sweep when they are able. • Sweep bike lanes at the end of winter events, between the end of Feb ruary and end of March. City has one streetsweeper. • Bill will have his supervisor sweep the ride of the month when possible. • Mel would like more sweeping. Bill will try to sweep more in bike lanes and shoulders. • Maria: What do we do when we see metal or hardware in bike lane shoulder? Bill: push to shoulder if safe. Call our shop at 253-856-5600, tell Erik, or report online. • Andy: what happens to car parts in shoulder or bike lanes? Tow truck drivers are supposed to pick up but call it in if you see something. • Daren: Do you get a response when you make a request? Bill: Auto generated response and there is an update every time there is an update to the issue. 7. 6-Year TIP (2022-2027) Update Shivani Lal provided an overview of the 6-year TIP. • State requirement • Projects come from the Transportation Master Plan • Completed Projects a. 2nd/James pedestrian crossing b. S 212th St - 72nd to 84th Overlay • Funded Projects (see list) • New Projects in TIP a. S 240th St sidewalk (Russell Rd to Lakeview) b. 64th/236th RRFB crossing • Summary of 2021 grants a. 13 requests, $12.1M request, $1.6M match. $8M awarded with $1.4M match • TIP Timeline (see slide) • The Transportation Master Plan Funded Project web map is located here: https://cityofkent.maps.arcgis.com/apps/mapviewer/index.html?webmap=80d58607 d1cd4e06ae1e63a0fe344c1c 8. Resuming In-Person Meetings Mel moves to resume in person meetings, Erik Jacobs seconds. A discussion follows about infection rates. Someone asked if there is a hybrid option. Erik Preston believes that there is a hybrid option and will update the Board. Daren would be willing to try meeting in-person. Connie has a sensitive family member and Wendy will vote no. Vote: 1 Yay (Daren), 9 Nay. Motion fails, February meeting will be remote. 9. Monthly Rides and Promotion Erik Jacobs sent final to Erik Preston, the Board has no further changes, it is ready to go. Erik Preston will forward to Communications team. The Board members volunteered to create future Rides of the Month: • March – Stephanie Habu • April – Wendy Graves 10. Bike Rodeo Discussion Wendy and Connie have been discussing and determined that insurance is the hurdle. Parks will not co-sponsor and Police has not replied to request to sponsor. Erik P. talked to the City Risk Manager, he determined that a group of City staff members needs to be involved. Erik P. suggests going back to Police. Mel suggests that organizers talk to the Mayor. Connie talked to Lynell Moody who said they had this problem of going in circles before when she was on the Board. Erik J. said we should write a letter to the Mayor and recommend the Mayor direct staff to support the bike rodeo. Maria says she would sign such a letter if one was written. Connie will see if Police officers are willing to volunteer, they need someone in City to co-sponsor. Connie had communications with Mark Hendrickson in Parks and received a hard “no”, Sara Wood in Police gave a polite “no”. Wendy said Parks says it’s not under their jurisdiction and directed them back to KBAB staff support in Public Works. Connie said if KBAB had money they could purchase the insurance. Wendy thinks KBAB should go back to Mark in Parks to continue the discussion and may include the rest of the group. 11. Bicycle Coordinator Position Proposal Mel discussed his proposal for a KBAB support staff/Bicycle Coordinator position that would also work across City departments or possibly be shared with neighboring City. He got the idea from the book “Joyride” by Mia Birk about bicycling in Portland, she was the first bicycle coordinator in Portland. Discussion followed about private development, Meet Me on Meeker, and bike lanes. What does KBAB want to do? Rob shared that Erik P is acting as the City’s bicycle advocate. Transportation will ask for $5k in the next budget cycle for KBAB to use for insurance, advertising, etc. 12. Driver Safety Awareness Transportation staff will work with the Mayor’s Communications office staff. The Board would like to do a quarterly awareness campaign with one of them bicycle focused. 13. Communications None. 14. Notice of Upcoming Meetings The next meeting is Monday, February 28, 2022 at 5:45 pm. 15. Items for the Next Meeting No additional items. 16. Adjournment Wendy Graves adjourned the meeting at 7:16 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Erik Preston, Staff Liaison/Secretary, Kent Bicycle Advisory Board