HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 04/25/2022 (2) Pending Approval � Land Use and Planning Board �KENT Land Use Regular Meeting Wp ° °T°° Minutes April 25, 2022 Date: April 25, 2022 Time: 6:03 p.m. Place: THIS IS A REMOTE MEETING Members: Dione Dittmar, Chair Joseph O'Toole, Vice Chair Shane Amodei, Chris McClain, Sally McDonough, Sandra Pereira, Michael Purwal Agenda: 1. Call to Order 6:03 p.m. Attendee Name Titiq Status Arrived Dione Dittmar Chair Excused Joseph O'Toole Vice Chair Present Shane Amodei Present Chris McClain Present Sally McDonough Present Sandra Pereira _ Present Michael Purwal Absent 3. Approval of Minutes dated February 28, 2022 MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated February 28, 2022 RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Chris McClain SECONDER: Joseph O'Toole, Vice Chair AYES: O'Toole, Amodei, McClain, McDonough, Pereira ABSENT: Purwal EXCUSED: Dittmar 4. Changes to the Agenda City staff request the order of the information items be reversed to facilitate the discussion. Kaelene Nobis will present first on the Comp Plan Amendment and Parks will present 2nd. Minutes will reflect the switch and differ from the published agenda. 5. 3112 : Comprehensive Plan Amendments for 2022 Docket The Comprehensive Plan is revised every ten years per state mandates, while ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 1 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular April 25, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes smaller amendments are considered on an annual basis. These amendments will be requested by members of the public, generally property owners or developers, or they may be undertaken when sub plans that comprise parts of the comprehensive plan, are revised or updated then those changes are also considered and added as an amendment to the larger plan. For this info only agenda, we are discussing the single request received through the public process, so that LUPB members can obtain an understanding of what is being proposed and potential impacts, in advance of the hearing scheduled for May 23, where any public comments will be entered into the record for consideration of this committee prior to moving forward as an action item to ECDC and then to Council. A single request was submitted by a member of the public for 2021. This is the Dulay request, which proposes to change the land use or zoning designation of two parcels on the east hill of Kent from SF-6 (Single Family Residential 6 units per acre) to (MU Mixed Use). The southernmost parcel is adjacent to commercially zoned and commercially developed property along Kent-Kangley and 116t" Ave SE. Its neighbor to the North is included in the request. Staff review of the requests are guided by 4 principal criteria: 1) the amendment will not result in development that will adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare; 2) the amendment is based on new information that was not available when the current plan was adopted; 3) the amendment offers long term benefits to the community; 4) the amendment is consistent with other goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. Several current comp plan goals would seem to favor this amendment, and a few do not. Mixed use and more diverse housing types are to be encouraged, as are connections between residents and businesses, recreational activities and transit. The policies which do not support this amendment include recommendations to concentrate on growth of commercial districts within existing commercial districts and redevelopment of existing commercial properties to meet current or anticipated needs. Discussion among committee members centers on how affected area residents are notified and how their concerns are incorporated into the decision-making process. 6. 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan (POSP) Kerry O'Connor from Parks discuss the 2022-2027 Parks and Open Space Plan. The 2022 Parks and Open Space Plan (2022 PSOP) establishes goals and identifies strategic projects to meet the needs of our community through earnest community engagement and tracks outcomes with performance- ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 2 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular April 25, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................... based metrics. What is a Parks and Open space Plan? A Parks and Open Space Plan is a long-range development vision to guide the planning and development of the overall park system. The City must update the POSP every six years to be eligible for grant funding through the state Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO), which is a significant source of funding for city-funded capital projects. The purpose of the POSP serves as a roadmap for the prioritization of capital funds and a decision-making tool for city staff to carry out day-to-day operations more equitably, to serve current and future residents of Kent. Additionally, adoption of this updated plan in June 2022 will allow the city to apply for grants in the upcoming grant cycle. To develop the plan, parks staff: Conducted an Inventory and Analysis of the 2016 POSP and a condition assessment of the current park system. Employed an engagement strategy that focused on authentic communication that reached all segments of Kent's population, especially those who don't generally have time or interest in responding to requests for participation and that was based on Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) principles. Through this process 2,992 touch points were made within the community. A mapping methodology, was utilized which included: u Heat and equity mapping which layered data on social equity with racial and economic population characteristics, population density, transit, walkability, and park access. These maps revealed recommendations of where development and redevelopment would serve the Kent population best. u This also made data from the plan visually available and easier to interpret creating transparency. What were the outcomes? The 4 recommendations for 2022 POSP are: o Transparency and Communication o Physical Access for All o Diversity of High-Quality Amenity o System Resiliency These goals inform the 9 project outcomes: o Access o Strategic Amenities o Partnerships o Equity o Trails o Athletics ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 3 of 4 Land Use and Planning Board Land Use Regular April 25, 2022 Meeting Kent, Washington Minutes o Enhancing Recreational Value o Natural Resources o Operations & Maintenance What is different from the 2016 POSP? - This plan update focuses on development of level of service metrics for land acquisition, updates to recreational value scores, racial and social equity planning and engagement, GIS data and analysis, sustainable funding plan, and an update to project priorities. What happens next? 1) Comment period on the 2022 POSP opened today and will close May 13t"; 2) Adoption of the Plan June 215t. 7. Adjournment 7:08 p.m. 7:08 Ta*vvyca,Ko-s-ew Committee Secretary ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 4 of 4