HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Parks & Recreation Commission - 03/23/2022 Parks and Recreation Commission Kent, Washington Meeting Minutes Approval Pending Date: March 23, 2022 Time: 5:35 p.m. Place: Kent City Hall Chambers Attending: Chair Jennifer Ritchie, Vice-Chair Kristie Duggan, Edith Gonzales, Kathleen Meehan, Richard Minutoli, Roberto Arellano, Jr, Sarah Veele, Director Julie Parascondola, Deputy Director Brian Levenhagen Absent: Scott Taylor, Stuart Chapman 1. Call to Order/Roll Call: Commission Chair Ritchie called the meeting to order at 0:00 p.m. 2. Changes to Agenda: None 3. Approve Minutes dated February 23, 2022: Approved 4. Public Comment (if any): None 5. Parks & Rec. Commission — Bylaw Amendments Review & Discussion: Director Parascondola presented handouts of the Bylaws to the Commission and discussed its content and possible changes. Director Parascondola will look into wording in section 2.8, titled Commissioner Conduct, regarding how the commission conducts informal communication at meetings forgoing formal structure and potential public comment options as outlined in Section 2.9, and will update the commission of findings. 6. Commission Recruitment and Selection: Director Parascondola presented the Park and Recreation Commission Recruitment, Selection, And Orientation Policies and Procedures handouts. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions were made. 7. Parks Hiring Approach/Gaps — the potential impact on 2022 programs: Director Parascondola presented a Powerpoint titled "Kents Parks is Hiring!" presentation. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions were made. S. Parks Climate/Sustainability: Director Parascondola presented a Powerpoint titled "Climate Policy" focusing on the Parks Department section. Q&A occurred. No actions or decisions were made. 9. Director/Commission Updates: New Commissioners will be joining the commission by the next meeting. 10. Adjournment: Commission Chair Ritchie concluded the meeting at 7:40 p.m. T OVLa-C Z-�� -jr Ronald Lashley Jr. Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary 12