HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Operations and Public Safety Committee - 03/15/2022 (2) Approved
Operations and Public Safety
KENT Committee
WA9H... CC Ops and PS Regular Meeting
March 15, 2022
Date: March 15, 2022
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Members: Bill Boyce, Chair
Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
Marli Larimer, Councilmember
Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
Les Thomas, Councilmember
Toni Troutner Councilmember
1. Call to Order 4:00 p.m.
Council President Boyce called the meeting to order.
2. Roll Call
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Bill Boyce Chair Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Excused
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
3. Agenda Approval
No changes were made to the agenda.
4. Business
A. Approval of Minutes
1. Approval of Minutes dated March 1, 2022
MOTION: Move to approve the Minutes dated March 1, 2022
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops March 15, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Zandria Michaud, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
B. Payment of Bills - Authorize
MOTION: I move to authorize the payment of bills received through
2/28/22 and paid on 2/28/22 and approve the checks issued for
payroll 2/16/22-2/28/22 and paid on 3/4/22.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
C. Ordinance Amending Kent City Code 9.39 "Towing" - Adopt
Deputy City Attorney, Tammy White provided details on the ordinance
amending Chapter 9.39 of the Kent City Code, entitled 'Towing." The
amendments clarify how statutory tows are managed within the City.
This ordinance clarifies that the officer's decision to tow a vehicle is remedial
in nature and not intended to punish the driver or registered owner, unless
the tow also involves a mandatory hold as the law may authorize for some
criminal law violations. Tickets may still be issued for law violations unrelated
to how or where the vehicle is located (running a red light, driving without
insurance, etc.).
This ordinance also reorganizes the chapter to make it clear that the right to
request a hearing to challenge the validity of any tow or any assessed costs
is available to all tows that occur within the City.
Finally, this ordinance makes other housekeeping revisions to clarify that the
police chief's authority to adopt administrative rules includes the authority to
contract with tow companies who are authorized to conduct statutory tows at
the request of law enforcement, and to require those tow companies to
adjust their charges as the municipal court may order after a hearing.
MOTION: I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4427, amending Chapter
9.39 of the Kent City Code entitled ""Towing," to make clarifying
revisions to the City's local code provisions.
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops March 15, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Brenda Fincher, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
D. Contract with Info-Tech Research Group — Authorize
James Endicott provided details on the Direct Contract with Info-Tech
Research Group.
Info-Tech Research Group is a leading information technology research and
advisory group. Membership to Info-Tech Research Group gives us access to
unbiased and highly relevant research which will assist IT leaders in making
strategic, timely, and well-informed decisions. Info-Tech Research Group
partners closely with IT teams to provide actionable tools to analyze
guidance, to ensure measurable results for our organization.
This longer-term contract will save the City 10-15% over the life of the
MOTION: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Info-
Tech Research Group, Inc. for an initial 3-year term and options to
renew for three additional 1-year terms at a total contract cost not to
exceed $265,000.00, subject to final contract terms acceptable to the
IT Director and the City Attorney.
MOVER: Toni Troutner, Councilmember
SECONDER: Satwinder Kaur, Councilmember
AYES: Boyce, Fincher, Kaur, Larimer, Michaud, Troutner
E. INFO ONLY: Equity Strategic Plan (Communications)
Uriel Varela presented an update on the Equity Strategic Plan.
Varela provided an overview of the areas of focus and plan goals for:
In-Language Resources
Equitable Representation
Community Engagement
The meeting schedule was reviewed for updating the Council by the areas of
focus after the action items and performance measures are finalized.
Varela provided an example of the co-design process relating to the areas of
focus including:
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops March 15, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
• Community stakeholder group works on action items' guiding criteria by area
of focus and proposes action items
CORE Team works action items for goal, using stakeholder guiding criteria
and proposed action items.
Preliminary action items and performance measures go back to stakeholder
group for vetting
Final area of focus, goal, action items, and performance measures reviewed
by the ELT and Council.
Key themes and action items were reviewed relating to communications.
More in-person meeting opportunities that are held in locations and times
that are accessible to the community
Messaging on social media should be more culturally relevant
Use different forms of communication, flyers, posters - outreach at local
BIPOC owned shops
Translate Important information into top languages
Prioritize relationship building
Hire more staff who can speak other languages
Invest in cultural navigators to help make connections and share information.
Varela detailed the actions items that were selected (SMART Objectives) for
the Communication area of focus.
Mayor - quarterly consultation in partnership with BIPOC serving
organizations in Kent
Purchase interpretation equipment to be available during community
meetings, City Council meetings
Kent 101 - Spanish pilot
People of Kent - Highlight more community members on the City's social
Develop emergency network trusted partners program
Have communications coordinators attend KCDIG and other BIPOC focused
community networking meetings to provide updates to services providers
Create incentive pay program (resident facing positions) to recruit more
language to serve our community
Create a cultural navigator pilot program that connects residents with City of
Kent "Navigators"
Create a BIPOC business list/map
Use QR codes to share in-language videos with community
Overall the project is on track to be completed by the end of July. The
project components include:
The upcoming Speaker Series event will be held on March 30 for the staff
presentation and March 3111 for residents.
REDI website is published
Cultural Communities Board transition
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Operations and Public Safety Committee CC Ops March 15, 2022
and PS Regular Meeting Kent, Washington
• Training
• Limited English Proficiency Plan
Co-design of action items
Next steps include meeting with the stakeholder group to finalize in language
services plan.
Councilmembers expressed appreciation for Varela's work on this project.
F. INFO ONLY: Utility Accounts- An Update from Customer Service
Customer Services Manager, Molly Bartlemay updated the Council on the
Water Shut Off Moratorium and impacts to City water utility accounts.
Bartlemay advised water shut-offs have resumed and then reviewed the
criteria for shutting off water.
Late fees resumed in February. Bartlemay provided a comparison of the
number of late frees for 2019 and 2022 for the months of February and
Bartlemay showed examples of the Water Shut Off Notices that are mailed to
customers and detailed the added languages in Spanish, Punjabi, Ukrainian,
and Vietnamese and also advised of the information added to the City's utility
web page and the translation feature.
Councilmembers made suggestions on additional outreach methods.
5. Adjournment 4:47 p.m.
Kc Ley KoTnoto-
Committee Secretary
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1. Plan areas of focus/goals
2. Co-design process
3. Smart objectives/Action Items
4. Additional updates
5. Next Steps
• The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by ilk
working to improve communication about city services in a manner that is culturally relevant
and equitable.
• The City of Kent is committed to providing culturally relevant services and information in
multiple languages.
L'11111W • The City of Kent recruits and retains a talented workforce that is increasingly reflective of the
_ community we serve, across all positions, from frontline staff, advisory boards and
Equitablcommissions, to executive leadership.
• The City of Kent will provide anti-racist and culturally relevant training, along with other topics
that foster constructive communication and cross-cultural understanding for city
Trainingrepresentatives and the broader community.
• The City of Kent engages in relationship building through ongoing dialogue, outreach and
inclusion, centering racial equity in our approach.
January 2022 February 2022
Stakeholder on-boarding Area of focus—Communications
Meeting date:January 19 Meeting dates— February 2, February 16
Core team: Not meeting Core team mtg— February 9
ELT update—February 28
Council Update—March 15
March 2022 April 2022
Area of focus—In-language Area of focus—Equitable Representation
Updating • • area • Resources/Services Meeting dates—April 6,April 18
focusafter action items i Meeting dates— March 2, March 16 Core team mtg—April 13
• measures Core team mtg— March 9 ELT update—May 2
ELT update—April 4 Council Update—May 3
finalized Council Update—April 5
May 2022 June 2022
Area of focus—Training Area of focus—Community Engagement
Meeting dates—May 4, May 18 Meeting dates—June 1,June 15
Core team mtg—May 11 Core team mtg—June 8
ELT update—June 6 ELT update—Jul 11
Council Update—June 7 Council Update—July 19
July 2022
Stakeholder vetting of plan
Meeting date:July 1311
In-Language Equitable Training Community
Resources Representation Engagement
Community Stakeholder CDRE Team works action Preliminary action items & Final Area of
group works an action items far goal, using Performance measures go action items, an
items'guiding criteria by stakeholder guiding criteria hack to stakeholder group performance measures
area of focus E�proposes & proposed action items far vetting reviewed by ELT&Council
action items
ow I e F CI
More in-person meeting opportunities that are held in locations • Partnerwith CBOs,religious institutions far in-person
and times that are accessible to Gommunity community meetings
• Provide chi Idaare resources far parents to attend
• Provide tra ns portati a n to meetings
• Partner with community to provide interpretation
during meetings
• Purchase interpretation equipment
• Having leadership be more engaged by meeting with
community on a consistent basis
• Kent 101 - BIPOC
• Neighborhood Bloc Party/Resource fairs
Messaging on social-media should be more culturally relevant. ■ Highlighting events around the community
Past in different languages
■ Highlight community members(People of Kent)
Boost important messages to reach audiences
■ Emergency network promoters(King County)
■ One day course for interpretation (Kent 8D)
■ Have the CCB serve as quality assurance for
Use d iffe rent fo rms of communication,flyers, posters - Dutreaoh Using more in-language videos to share
at local BIPOC owned shops information(QR codes)
More outreach to local BIPOC awned businesses
Partner with local radio stations to provide
• Create a City of Kent radio station
• Create a City of Kent pod-cast
• Create an app for communications with residents
• Create a community calendar for all CBOs to add
1 i 24ti
Translate important information into top languages_ • Translate critical documents into top 5 languages
• Translate critical information when postingon social
media into top TO languages
Prioritize relationship building • Have more leadership attend community events,
community forums
• Include a city communications component to KCDIG
■ Have communications coordinators attend KCDIG &
Other community networking meetings
Hire more staff who can speak other languages ■ Create incentive pay program (employees)to recruit
more languages to serge our community
■ Work with non-profits to hire from community
Invest in cultural navigators to help make connections and shave • Create a pilot program that connects residents with
information City of Kent Navigators"
• Having Youth navigators
Area of focus: Communication
Goal: The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by working to improve communication about city services in a manner that is culturally relevant and
Community Indicator(s) Outcomes
Number of BIPOC residents Number of events held in
attending events increases. Mayor-Quartely consolation in partnership with BIPOC serving Mayor's office, PD, REDI partnership with local resident
(Quant) organizations in Kent Office serving organizations
Further relations established
with BIPOCserving
organizations at the
leadership level (Qual)
More requests for Purchase interpretation equipment—to be available during Mayor's office, Clerks Number of times equipment is
interpretation are received community meetings, city council meetings Office,All deparments used
from residents(Quant)
Full cohort graduates every Kent 101—Spanish pilot Mayor's office, all
year(Quant) departments Number of graduates
Number of cohorts completing
aitlist for future cohorts the program
Increased requestte People of Kent—Highlight more community members on cur social RE DI office, Number of BIPOC community
highlight community media Communications leaders and residents
members (Quant) highlighted
Improved relationships with
BIPOC serving CBOs (Qual)
Area of focus; Communication
Goal; The City of Kent is committed to building an inclusive and well-informed community, by working to improve communication about city services in a manner that is culturally relevant and
■ • Outcomes - ■ Actions Timeline AccDunitabillity Perforrniance - Progress
Number of emergency Develop emergency n etwo rk t ru sted partners program REDI Office, Program is established and
network promoters increases Communications, running with initial trusted
every quarter (Quant) Emergency management partners matching top 5
Increased participation for in- Have communications coordinators attend KCDIG & Other BIPOC Communications, REDI Number of networking meetings
person events (Quant) focused community networking rneetings to provide updates to office, Parks, IT attended
service providers
Increased awareness of City
related information (Qual)
Higher number of BIPOC Create incentive pay program (resident facing positions) to All departments Number of open positions that
applicants for open positions recruit more languages to serve our community highlight language incentive
Increased participation of Create a cultural navigator pilot program that connects Mayor's office, REDI Top 5 languages are covered by
BIPOC residents in residents with City of Kent `Navigators" office, IT navigators
community events, meetings
Greater participation of Create a BIPOC business list/map ECD, REDI office, Mayor's Number of times list has been
BIPOC residents in office, IT used for engagement purposes
highlighted event, program
Increased engagement with
BIPOC businesses (Quant)
Number of times videos have Use QR codes to share in-language videos with community Communications,All % citywide postcards using QR
been viewed. (Quant) departments, REDI office codes per year
The Strategic plan is on track to be
OVERALL presented to council in early August, We
PROJECT Il tC l SUMMARY completed the co-designing of smart
STATUS objectives for the area of
communications. In-Lanquage resources
is next.
Has selected the speaker for March.
Speaker Series On track maria Tentative dotes far present❑fion 313D—
Staff presentation,3131 —Residents.
REDI Website Published Maria The website for the strategic plan and
related work has been published.
The board met in February to discuss the
CCB transition On track Uriel purpose of a new board. Reviewed
regional boards related to REDI and
suggested lonquoge for new purpose.
Training On track Urie11HR Justin Moods, EQ&t fyfoundersubmitted a
training proposal.
Bijan in low has reviewed the draft and is
LEP plan On track Uriel making recommendations for edits and
additions to the plan.
Co-design of The area of focus for March will be In-
action items n track Uriel/AAaria language resources. We will be meeting
with stakeholders twice this month.
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Water Shut Off
Moratori um
Impacts to City Water Utility
Accounts - Update
Operations and Public Safety Committee
March 15, 2022
Molly Bartlemay
Customer Service Manager
What Have We Been Doing ?
Customer Outreach
Water u s Acco u n ts
Criteria for Water Shut Offs :
• Four Months Past Due January 65
• Charges due after the expiration of the
February 37
• Liens
• Opportunity to apply for a payment Tota l 102
• Past- Due Payment Arrangements
• No payments made
• One-time opportunity to bring the arrangement
Late Fees Resumed in February
Number of February March
Late Fees
2022 11413 11354
2019 *for comparison 11012 11160
Vietnamese directing Customers to our Website
40(1 ICJ G St. for mane in(orrnalian on Chi notke,rlsn IferetWA�gaulLltllityRates
Centennial Building Sprite 12�
1E.AIT ICent, ashingtn9803 !#�risodeln# rrupciondel5erviiodeAgua
N.,�,� .u� 53-85fr51 Para vhter�ermas
Ifent'Nl�gnuNClit�Rates y acCr�r el Tradutt�r de�aagle
�7i 'FfE�d�d� , I[enCWAc1UUit�ikale�
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Iloei�o�tneHH� npo �i,q�cnr�aweHyst �aqr�
�naoTpNn,an�a,gogaTwaeaiaui�n�a ue norfipo�neHr�n�p�giT�na�an�
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��6i�tth�m Chang�nv�th8nq haorra�,xintruy�p
I�entWA.c �1Wn�ikaCs wa lit GnngleTranslate
Shut Off Notice Information
A notice is mailed to all delinquent water uti lit accounts to notify
customers their water service is subject to shut off for non-
payment. Payment must be received in our office by the due date
to avoid shut off. If you have questions please contact Customer
Service 5 -856-5 01 or by a-mail at customerservice@kentwa.gov
Utility ASSistance
If you need financial assistance on your City of Kent utility bill, please call 211. You can also contact the Multi-Service Center at 253-854-4406 or m chelps.org
Example of Translation in Vietnamese
A *
Tit thong tin thong �a�
riot thong l�ao ��dc gr'ti den tat ca cac tai khoan Lien ich nrfdc ch�a
thank town bang thrf�e thong bao cho khach hang dish vu cap
nrtdc cua ha ca the bi ng�ng boat clang do khong thank toan.
Thank town phai d�dc r�han tai gran phang cua Chung toi tr��c
nga den ban �e tranh bi tat. Neu ban co cau hoi, Dui long lien he
H try Tiffin ih
Neu lean can ho trd tai chink ve boa ddn tier ich cua Thank pho Kent, v�i long goi so 11. Ban sung co the lien he vdi Trung tam Da dish vu theo so 53-854-
440� hoac mschelp�.org
Questions ?