HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Regular Minutes - 03/15/2022 Approved
City Council Workshop
• Workshop Regular Meeting
KENT Minutes
WAS M IN G 7 0 N
March 15, 2022
Date: March 15, 2022
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Place: Chambers
Attendee Name ETitle i Status Arrived
Bill Boyce Council President Present
Brenda Fincher Councilmember Present
Satwinder Kaur Councilmember Present
Marli Larimer Councilmember Present
Zandria Michaud Councilmember Present
Toni Troutner Councilmember Present
Les Thomas Councilmember Excused
Dana Ralph Mayor Present
1 Sound Cities Association Update Deanna Dawson 45 MIN.
Deanna Dawson, Executive Director of Sound Cities Association gave a
presentation on everything you wanted to know about Sound Cities
The Sound Cities Association is a nonprofit association representing the cities
of King County. Its members collectively represent over one million
constituents. SCA helps with populations of under 250,000 act locally and
partner regionally to create vital, livable communities through advocacy,
education, leadership, mutual support, and networking.
It's Mission: "To provide leadership through advocacy, education, mutual
support and networking to cities in King County as they act locally and
partner regionally to create livable vital communities."
It's Vision "Capitalizing on the diversity of our cities to lead policy change to
make the Puget Sound region the best in the world."
Its Values: "SCA aspires to create an environment that fosters mutual
support, respect, trust, fairness and integrity for the greater good of the
association and its membership. SCA operates in a consistent, inclusive, and
transparent manner that respects the diversity of our members and
encourages open discussion and risk-taking."
Sound Cities Association (SCA) provides support to member cities through:
City Council Workshop Workshop Regular March 15, 2022
Meeting Kent, Washington
• Committee appointments and staffing;
• Policy research, analysis and advocacy;
• Training and education;
• Networking opportunities;
SCA appoints members to and staffs numerous regional boards and
committees and Kent is among the most engaged cities in SCA and the
• Bill Boyce
• Chair, SCA Public Issues Committee (PIC)
• Member, SCA Equity and Inclusion Cabinet
• Brenda Fincher
• King Conservation District Advisory Committee
• Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Oversight Committee
• Satwinder Kaur
• Domestic Violence Initiative Regional Task Force
• Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC)
• Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Advisory Council
• Marli Larimer
• Aging and Disability Services Committee
• Affordable Housing Committee
• Zandria Michaud
• Regional Law, Safety, and Justice Committee
• Toni Troutner
• Regional Transit Committee (RTC)
• Dana Ralph
• Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Executive Board and Operations
• Chair, PSRC Transportation Policy Board (TPB)
King County Regional Policy Committee
Kent's involvement in SCA means Kent has a seat at the regional table on
issues like:
• Public Safety
• Health, Behavioral Health, Human Services
• Housing
• Land Use
• Transportation and Transit
• Upcoming Levies, Ballot Measures, Taxing Measures
• The Environment, Air Quality
• Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Each city has an equal voice on the Public Issues Committee. PIC is:
• Representative of each city in SCA;
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City Council Workshop Workshop Regular March 15, 2022
Meeting Kent, Washington
• The body responsible for making recommendations on policies and
committee appointments to the Board;
• SCA's vehicle for bringing policies to member cities, and for member cities to
bring policies to SCA;
• A place for cities to learn from each other;
• What member cities choose to make of it
PIC is a two-way street:
• Primary role of PIC is to bring all 38 cities together to set policies that reflect
views of all members
• Another important role is to get information back to all 38 member cities
• Where regional committee appointments are recommended
• PIC Nominating Committee makes recommendations to PIC, which
makes recommendations to the SCA Board for action
• A vehicle for cities to provide guidance to members serving on regional
boards and committees
• A space for cities to exchange ideas and learn best practices
Issues come before the PIC from SCA members, via:
• Committees
• Board
• PIC Chair/Vice Chair
• PIC discussion
• Other SCA members, meetings (Mayors meetings, Deputy Mayors
meetings, City Managers meetings, individual cities, etc.)
2 INFO ONLY: Information Technology Brian Rambonga 45 MIN.
Work Plan Mike Carrington
Mike Carrington, Information Technology Director kicked off the presentation
on the Information Technology Work Plan Update and Accomplishments by
providing a thorough recap of the Technology Vision presentation from 2019.
Tara Duckworth, Deputy IT Director, provided an overview of the customer
service operations for the service desk, systems operations engineering and
business systems and platform support. Total incidents and services requests
for 2021 were reviewed.
Brian Rambonga, Project Management Supervisor detailed the major
platform rollouts during 2020-2022 for each department.
Catherine Crook, Enterprise GIS Manager, provided an overview of Enterprise
GIS applications.
Somen Palit, Technology Innovation and Development Manager provided
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City Council Workshop Workshop Regular March 15, 2022
Meeting Kent, Washington
information on the Business Intelligence Team.
James Endicott, Infrastructure and Security Operations Center Manager
reviewed the City's ISO/Infrastructure and Security Operations completed,
active and future projects.
Meeting ended at 6:26 p.m.
K6mbp,r1ey A. KoT o-to-
City Clerk
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38 Cities. A Million People. One Voice.
Everything You Wanted to Know About SCA
(But Were Afraid to Ask)
March 15, 2022
Deanna Dawson, Executive Director
Sound Cities Association
About Sound Cities Association :
The Sound Cities Association (SCA) is a
nonprofit association representing the
cities of King County. Its members
collectively represent over one million
constituents. SCA helps with SCA
populations of under 250,000 act locally SOUND CITIES ASSOCIATION
and partner regionally to create vital,
livable communities through advocacy, 38 Cities. A Million People. One Voice.
education, leadership, mutual support,
and networking.
Sound Cities Association
To provide leadership through advocacy,education, mutual support and
"tworki ng to cities ire Icing County as they art locally and
partner regionally to create livable vital communities.
Capital Izing on the diversity of our cltles to lead pol icy change to make the
Puget Sound region the best In the world,
SCAaspires to create an environment that fosters mutual support, respect,trust,
fairness and integrity for the greater good of the assodatlon and Its membership.
SCA operates in a consi ste nt, 1 nc I us Ive,and transparent manner that
respects the diversity of our members and encourages open dlscusslon
and risk-taking.
About Sound Cities Association :
Sound Cities Association
(SCA) provides support to
member cities through :
• Committee appointments SCA
and staffing;
• Policy research, analysis SOUND CITIES ASSOCIATION
and advocacy; 38 Cities. A Million People. One Voice.
• Training and education;
• Networking opportunities;
• And more !
SCA appoints members to and staffs numerous regional boards and
committees . PIC gives policy direction to those committees.
Solid Waste 0REPC PSRC Exec
Disability PSRC GMPB
Cmte to End
SCAACG Devo District
District RLSJ
Entrprise Seattle10- 0
Boards and
King Seattle
Kent is among the most engaged cities in SCA & the Region!
Bill Boyce
Chair, SCA Public Issues Committee (PIC)
Member, SCA Equity and Inclusion Cabinet
Brenda Fincher
King Conservation District Advisory Committee
Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Oversight Committee
Satwinder Kaur
Domestic Violence Initiative Regional Task Force
Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC)
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency Advisory Council
Marli Larimer
Aging and Disability Services Committee
Affordable Housing Committee
Zandria Michaud
Regional Law, Safety, and Justice Committee
Toni Troutner
Regional Transit Committee (RTC)
Dana Ralph
Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) Executive Board and Operations Committee
Chair, PSRC Transportation Policy Board (TPB)
King County Regional Policy Committee
Kent's involvement in SCA means you have
a seat at the regional table on issues like:
Public Safety
Health, Behavioral Health, Human Services
Land Use
Transportation and Transit
Upcoming Levies, Ballot Measures, Taxing Measures
The Environment, Air Quality
Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
2022 SCA Board
South: South Valley:
Mayor Jeff Wagner, Covington Mayor Jan Molinaro, Enumclaw
Deputy Mayor Traci Buxton, Des Snoqualmie Valley:
Moines Mayor Amy Ockerlander, Duvall
Mayor Jim Ferrell, Federal Way Public Issues Committee (PIC)
Councilmember De'Sean Quinn, Chair:
Tukwila Council President Bill Boyce, Kent
North: City Manager/Administrator Rep:
Mayor Angela Birney, Redmond Carl Cole, SeaTac City Manager
Councilmember James McNeal, Past President:
Bothell Councilmember Ed Prince, Renton
Mayor Mary Lou Pauly, Issaquah
Councilmember Wendy Weiker,
Mercer Island
Kent has a long history of leadership on the
SCA Board
Mayor Dana Ralph is a Past SCA Board President
Kent has had a seat on the SCA Board continuously since at
least 2011
Prior to Council President Boyce and Mayor Ralph, Councilmember
Dennis Higgins served on SCA Board from 2014-2015, Councilmember
Jamie Perry served on SCA Board 2011-2013.
Council President Bill Boyce serves on the SCA Board
currently, and is part of the SCA Leadership team
Meets with regional leaders on behalf of SCA, including Executive
Constantine and Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell
IFEach city has an equal voice on the PIC,
Carnation Kirkland Kent
( 11785) (92, 175) ( 136,588)
Gives me a
wider view of
the issues
facing region
Staff reports
are helpful - Learning
how issues
"Brain Parry
makes us all impact my
Gives me a
of PIC
place to Helps me
connect with see what our
my peers cities have in
and learn common
from them Aforce
gives my city
more impact
The PIC is:
Representative of each SCA's vehicle for
city in SCA; bringing policies to
The body responsible member cities, and for
for making member cities to bring
recommendations on policies to SCA;
policies and committee A place for cities to
appointments to the learn from each other;
Board ; What member cities
choose to make of it!
P I C is a two-way st reet . . .
Primary role of PIC is to bring all 38 cities
together to set policies that reflect views of all
Another important role is to get information
back to all 38 member cities
= M
PIC is also:
Where regional committee appointments are recommended
PIC Nominating Committee makes recommendations to PIC, which
makes recommendations to the SCA Board for action
A vehicle for cities to provide guidance to members serving
on regional boards and committees
A space for cities to exchange ideas and learn best practices
How do issues come before the PIC?
From SCA members, via:
PIC Chair/Vice Chair
PIC discussion
Other SCA members, meetings (Mayors meetings,
Deputy Mayors meetings, City Managers meetings,
individual cities, etc.)
By working together, cities can have a
substantial voice on regional issues-
SCA helps give cities that voice !
SCA Mission:
Mutual Support
Act locally and partner regionally to
create livable vital communities
.CA Vision :
" Capitalizing on the diversity of
our cities to lead policy change
to make the Puget Sound
region the best in the world "
• Assume that others are acting with good intent
• No surprises!
• Have each other's backs
• Think about who is not at the table
• Be candid, but kind
. Once a decision is made, work together to make it
Guiding work
Principles -P • Show up to meetings prepared
• Be fully present and engaged during meetings
• Extend grace to others — cut them some slack
• Remain open-minded
• Respect differing views
Deanna Dawson, Executive Leah Willoughby, Director
Brian Parry, Policy Director, of Finance and
Director, Brian@soundcities.orgL Administration,
Deanna@soundcities.org, (206) 499-4159 cell Leah@soundcities.orgt
(206) 495-3265 cell (206) 849-8132 cell
Kazia Mermel, Policy
Hali Willis, Policy Analyst, � Analyst,
Hali@soundcities.orgL Kazia@soundcities.org,
(206) 495-5238 cell (206) 495-5238 cell
38 Cities. A Million People. One Voice.
Deanna Dawson
(206) 495-3265 (cell)