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HomeMy WebLinkAbout4438ORDINANCE NO. 4438 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, vacating a portion of right- of-way consisting of an alleyway situated between properties located between Bridges Avenue S. to the west and Central Avenue S. to the east, and E. Willis Street to the north and E. Russell St, to the south, and reserving an easement and the right to grant easements, RECITALS A. Chapter 35.79 RCW and Chapter 6.09 of the Kent City Code ('KCC") grant the City of Kent ("City") the power and authority to vacate streets and alleys. Upon vacation, the property within the limits vacated belongs to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. B. On July !9,2022, the City Council of the City of Kent adopted Resolution No. 2048 to initiate a vacation of a portion of right-of-way consisting of an alleyway situated between properties located between Bridges Avenue S. to the west and Central Avenue S. to the east, and E. Willis Street to the north and E. Russell St. to the south. In accordance with the requirements in state law and the KCC, this Resolution fixed August 16, 2022, at 7:00 p,ffi., as the date and time for a public hearing and Ordinance - Re: Bridges-Centra I Alley Vacation 1 consideration of the street vacation, and directed the City Clerk to provide the required public notice. C. The portion of right-of-way to be vacated ("Vacation Area") is an alleyway that starts approximately at the southern border of King County Parcel Number 382800-0231 and runs between the parcels from north to south ending at the southern borders of Parcel Numbers 382800-0280 and 382800-0275.The Vacation Area is more particularly described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B attached to this Ordinance. D. Vacation of this portion of right-of-way will allow the abutting property owners to close off the alleyway to the public as a security measure. This proposed vacation impacts 7 parcels owned by private parties-Parcel Nos. 382800-023L, 382800-0250, 382800-0255, 382800-0260, 382800- 0270, 382800-0280, 382800-0275. No monetary consideration for the vacation will be required. Upon vacation, the property within Vacation Area belongs to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. The City will, however, retain an easement and the right to exercise or grant easements in respect to the vacated property for the construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of public utilities and services. E. For these reasons, after a public hearing and due consideration, the City Council finds that vacation of the Vacation Area will serve the public good, the alleyway is not required for general public access or use, and the reservation of an easement and the right to exercise and grant easements in respect to the vacated land will ensure the City's access and use is not substantially impaired, Prior to the public hearing, the City did not receive written objections from owners of at least 50 percent of the property abutting the proposed Vacation Area. Ordinance - Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE SECTION 7, - Findings of Fact. The above recitals are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein as findings of fact. SECTION 2, - Street Vacation The City Council hereby vacates the alleyway that starts approximately at the southern border of King County Parcel Number 382800-0231 and runs between the parcels from north to south ending at the southern borders of Parcel Numbers 382800-0280 and 382800-0275, as depicted and legally described in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. SECTION 3. - Reservation of Easement The city, as an express condition of this vacation, hereby retains a perpetual easement and the right to exercise and grant easements over, under, through, across and upOn the Vacation Area as described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B, attached to this Ordinance, for the purpose of construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of public utilities and services. The Vacation Area may be closed off at each end as a security measure, provided each abutting property owner is provided reasonable access through such security measure. The Vacation Area otherwise shall not be blocked in any fashion by abutting property owners, and each abutting property owner shall be permitted to travel freely through the Vacation Area, No structures or personal possessions shall be located within the Vacation Area, and City staff and utility providers, for those purposes stated herein, shall have the right, without prior institution of suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be Ordinance - Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation 3 necessary, to enter upon the Vacation Area. The City's easement and the restrictions described herein, shall be a covenant running with the land, and shall bind the abutting property owners'Successors, heirs and assigns, and all future owners of the real property affected by this easement' SECTION 4. - Authorization By adopting this Ordinance, the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to take all actions necessary to carry out and effect the vacation, including executing any associated boundary line adjustments and easements, SEOTION 5, - Recording. The city clerk is directed to record a certified copy of this ordinance with the King County Recorder's Office' SECTION 6. - Corrections by city clerk or code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to Other loCal, state, or federal laws, cOdes, rules, or regulatiOns. SECTION 7. - Effectlve Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law' i August L6, 2O22 Date ApprovedDANA RALPH, M R ATTEST: LERK Auoust L6.2022 Date Adopted Ordinance - Re: Bridges-Centra I Alley Vacation 4 KIMBERLEY A OMOTO, CITY AS TO FORM WHITE , ACTING CITY ATTORNEY Auoust L6.2022 Date Published Ordinance - Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation 5 EXHIBIT_A THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN BLOCK 4, KENT ADDITION, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 PAGE 165 OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF KENT, IN KING COUNTY' WASHINGTON, DESCRiBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ATTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF SAID BLOCK 4; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOTS 5,8,9,12, AND 13 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 13; THENCE EASTERLY TO THE SOUTHWEST coRNER OF LOT 14 OF SAID BLOCK 4; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOTS L4, T!, LO, 7, AND 6 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE WESTERLY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING' CoNTAINING 6,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. 7-t(- ILt-Ilt\t\t'\=t-traa-lS --'1--'- IIIIIII)r-F6.YID!b-)-S BRIDGES AVEl--l--l--T--!--r-o--l(nr-o--tO)t--l--r-o--lc0l-rO| --{l-t)--u"*-J?^4t-o--l(ot-o-tO_l_+_r---lN),{III- -])-tnana>1=H=ff3r;E9 =A2262=olo>1>iErE*;=>=ei6f;fififr:{miAAz^16=3=!!-oOrm;oo--l Iz<+ *oImcf1looo++NsNlu56,000 SQ. FT:5=9zlam-QUZNN=zfi#nzLOFTqFa=B=N[)F1aa4c<n^.<U:tr'! :o5:BE:"l -1ozFrno6zo7=zI!*-lrmx+6twU'ot-!Tilooc,-l!To-.1NoNN STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KENessB4e was published on July 22,2022 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $225.26 p&M Rudi Alcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 22nd day of July,2O22, Tribbett,otary Public for the State of Washington,Residing in Washington ltt s PUBLIfi Classified Proof CITY OF KENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING KENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 16,2022 POTENTIAL VACA- TION OF RIGHT-OF. WAY CONSISTING OF AN ALLEYWAY SIruATEO BETWEEN PROPERTIES LOCAT- ED BETWEEN BRIDG' ES AVENUE SOUTH TO THE WEST AND CENTRAL AVENUE SOUTH TO THE EAST, AND EAST WLLIS STREET TO THE NORTH AND EAST RUSSELL STREET TO THE SOUTH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in accor- dance with Chapter 6.09 of the Kent City Code, the Kent City Council is considering whether to vacate a portion of right- of-way consisting of an alleyway situated be- tween properties be- tween Bridges Avenue S. to the west and Cen- tral Avenue S. to ihe 6ast, and E. Wllis Streel to the north and E. Rus- sell St. to the south. The poftion to be considered foI vacation ('Vacation Area") is an alleyway that starts approximately at lhe southern border o{King County Parcel Number 382800-0231 and runs between the parcels from north to south ending at the southem borders of Par-cel Numbers 382800- 0280 and 382800-0275. Vacation of this portion of right-of-way will allowthe abutting property owners to close off the alleyway to the public as a security measure. This proposed vacation im- Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 07113120221 1:36:07 am Page:2 Classified Proof pacts 7 parcels owned by private parties- Par- cel Nos. 382800-0231, 382800-0250, 382800-0255, 382800-0260, 382800-027A, 382800- 0280, 3828004275. No monetary consideration for the vacation will be required. Upon vacation, the property wilhin the limits vacated belongs tothe abutting propefty owners, one-half to each. The City will, how- ever, retain an easement and the right to exercise or grant easements in respect to the vacated property for the con- struction, opeIation, re- pair, and maintenance ol public utilities and ser- vtces.All interested members of the public are invited to obtain more informa- iion about the proposal, and to speak in support or opposition of the al- leyway vacalion, at a PUBLIC HEARING to be held before the Kent City Council at its regu- larly scheduled meetingon Tuesday, August 16,2022, beginning at 7 p.m., or a9 soon there- after as business per- mits, in the Kent City Council Chambers,220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032. Members ol the public may also submit wriften comments at the Public Hearing itself, or in ad- vance by regular U.S. Mait to the City Clerk's Affice,22O Fourth Ave- nue South, Kent, WA 98032, or by electronic mail to citvclerk@ kentwa.qov- Any wntten comments sent in ad- vance must be received no later than 4 p.m. on August 16, 2022, in or- der to be considered. The public notice can be found at the City ol Kent's Website: KentwA.qov. Any person requiring a disability accommoda- tion should contact thecity Clerk's Offlce at 253{56-5725 in ad- vance, For TDD relay service call Washing-ton Telecommunica- tions Relay Sewice at 7-1-',t. #958849 7t22t22 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 07/13/2022 I l:36:07 am Page:3 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County. The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement folm) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KENeGos3B was published on August 19,2022 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $85.30 Rudi Alcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and swom to me this 19tr day of August,2022. Tribbett, Notary Public for the State of Washington, Residing in Washington D $firnqy 4&rc Classified Proof I CIWOF KENT NOllCE OF ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY couNclL The following is the sum- mary of an ordinance passed by the Kent City Council on August 16, 2022. ORDINANCE NO,4438 - AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washing- ton, vacating a portion of right-of-way consisting of an alleyway situated be- tween properties located between Bridges Ave- nue S. to the west and Cenlral Avenue S. to the east, and E. Wllis Street to the north and E. Rus- sell St. to the south, and reserving an easement and the right to grant easements. This ordi- nance shall take effect and be in forc6 30 days from and after its pas- sage, as provided by law. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk. Kimbedey A. Komoto, Citv Clerk Kk6moto@KentWA.qov 253f56-5725 #960933 8t19122 Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 08/1112022 04:30:50 pm Page:2 Instrument Number: 2O22O9O7OOO914 Document:ORD Rec: $212.50 Page-l of 10 Record Date:91712O22 3:55 PM Electronically Recorded King County' WA AFTER RECORDING MAIL TO: City Clerk City of Kent 22O Fourlh Avenue South Kent, WA 98032 WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S COVER SHEET DOCUMENT TrTLE(S): 1. City of Kent Ordinance No. 4438, relating to the Bridges/Central Alley Vacation REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: GRANTOR(S): City of Kent, a Washington municipal corporation GRANTEE(S): The Public PARCEL NUMBERS: 382800-O23L,382800-0250, 382800-0255, 382800-0260, 382800- o270, 382800-0280, 382800-0275. ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of the NE1/4 of the SEI/4 of Section 24, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, WM., King County, Washington PROJECT NAME: Bridges/Central Alley Vacation Document Date: August L6,2022 Instrument Number: 2022090700091-l Document:oRD Rec: $212.50 Page-2 of l0 Record Dile:9/112O22 3:55 PM King County' WA ORDINANCE NO. 4434 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, vacating a portion of right- of-way consisting of an alleyway situated between properties located between Bridges Avenue S' to the west and Central Avenue S. to the east, and E' Willis Street to the north and E. Russell St. to the south, and reserving an easement and the right to grant easements, REq.ITALS A. Chapter 35.79 RCW and chapter 6.09 of the Kent city code ("KCC") grant the City of Kent ("City") the power and authority to vacate streets and alleys. Upon vacation, the property within the limits vacated belongs to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. B, on July 1g,2022, the City council of the city of Kent adopted Resolution No. 2048 to initiate a vacation of a portion of right-of-way consisting of an alleyway situated between properties located between Bridges Avenue S. to the west and Central Avenue S. to the east, and E' willis street to the north and E. Russell st. to the south' In accordance with the requirements in state law and the KCC, this Resolution fixed August 16, 2022, at 7:00 p.ffi., as the date and time for a public hearing and Ordinance' Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation 1 Instrument Number: 2O22O9O1OO0914 Document:ORD Rec: $212.50 Page-3 of l0 Record Dnte:91712O22 3:55 PM King County, WA consideration of the street vacation, and directed the City Clerk to provide the required public notice. c. The portion of right-of-way to be vacated ("Vacation Area") is an alleyway that starts approximately at the southern border of King County parcel Number 382800-023L and runs between the parcels from north to south ending at the southern borders of Parcel Numbers 382800-0280 and 3BZBO0-0275. The Vacation Area is more particularly described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B attached to this Ordinance' D. Vacation of this portion of right-of-way will allow the abutting property owners to close off the alleyway to the public as a security measure. This proposed vacation impacts 7 parcels owned by private parties-Parcel Nos. 382800-0231, 3B2BO0-0250, 382800-0255, 382800-0260, 382800- A27O, 382800-0280, 3828OO-O275' No monetary consideration for the vacation will be required. Upon vacation, the property within Vacation Area belongs to the abutting property owners, one-half to each. The City will, however, retain an easement and the right to exercise Or grant easements in respect to the vacated property for the construction, operation, repair, and maintenance of public utilities and services' E. Forthese reasons, after a public hearing and due consideration, the City Council finds that vacation of the Vacation Area will serve the public good, the alleyway is not required for general public access or use, and the reservation of an easement and the right to exercise and grant easements in respect to the vacated land will ensure the City's access and use is not substantially impaired. Prior to the public hearing, the city did not receive written objections from owners of at least 50 percent of the property abutting the proposed Vacation Area. Ordinance' Re: Bridges'Central Alley Vacation 2 Instrument Number: 2O22O9O70O091,1 Document:ORD Rec: $212.50 Page-4 of 10 Record DT te:9/712022 3:55 PM King County' WA NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: oRDINAt{qE SECTION 7. - Findings of Fact. The above recitals are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein as findings of fact' sEcTIoN2.-5tree[.]ee€r/bn,TheCityCouncilherebyVacatesthe alleyway that starts approximately at the southern border of King County Parcel Number 382BOO-023L and runs between the parcels from north to south ending at the southern borders of Parcel Numbers 382800-0280 and 382800-0275, as depicted and legally described in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference' SECTION 3' - &eMt' The City, as an express condition of this vacation, hereby retains a perpetual easement and the right to exercise and grant easements over, under, through, across and upon the Vacation Area as described in Exhibit A and depicted in Exhibit B, attached to this Ordinance, for the purpose of construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of public utilities and services. The Vacation Area may be closed off at each end as a security measure, provided each abutting property owner is provided reasonable access through such security measure' The Vacation Area otherwise shall not be blocked in any fashion by abutting property owners, and each abutting property owner shall be permitted to travel freely through the Vacation Area. No structures or personal possessions shall be located within the Vacation Area, and City staff and utility providers, for those purposes stated herein, shall have the right, without prior institution of suit or proceeding at law, at times as may be Ordinance' Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation 3 Instrument Number: 2022O9O7OO091.1 Document:ORD Rec: $212.50 Page-S of l0 Record Date:9/712O22 3:55 PM King County' WA necessary. to enter upon the Vacation Area. The City's easement and the restrictions described herein, shall be a covenant running with the land, and shall bind the abutting property owners'successors, heirs and assigns, and all future owners of the real property affected by this easement' SECTION 4. - Authorization By adopting this Ordinance, the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor to take all actions necessary to carry out and effect the vacation, including executing any associated boundary line adjustments and easements. SECTION 5. - Recording. The City Clerk is directed to record a certified copy of this ordinance with the King county Recorder's office' sEcTroN 6. - esreef&cE*g;r--fitv--Aerk-sr.-&dq-ie*er' upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, State, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations' SE?TION 7. - tffeetiye ^ate. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, as provided by law. t DANA MLPH, MA R ATTEST: August 16.2022 Date Approved August L6,2022 Date AdoPted Ordinance' Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation 4 KIMBERLEY OTO, CITY RK Instrument Number: 20220907000914 Document:oRD Rec: $212.50 Page-6 of 10 Record Dilte:9/712022 3:55 PM King County' WA A D AS TO FORM: , ACTING CITY ATTORNEY Aqgust -16. 2022 Date Published Ordinance' Re: Bridges-Central Alley Vacation Iif '"!-, l'" 14l Jt.s 5 Instrument Number: 2a22A9O7OO0914 Document:oRD Rec: $212.50 Page-7 of 10 Record Date:9/7DA22 3:55 PM King County, WA EXHIBIT-A THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN BLOCK 4, KENT ADDITION, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2 PAGE 165 OF PLATS, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, IN THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF KENT, IN KING COUNW' WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ATTHE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF SAID BLoCK 4; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF LOTS 5, 8,9,12, AND 13 TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 13; THENCE EASTERLY TO THE SOUTHWEST coRNER OF LOT L4 OF SAID BLOCK 4; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF LOTS L4, L!, LA,7, AND 6 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 6; THENCE WESTERLY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING' CoNTAINING 6,000 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, ?-tl- LA!$ Instrument Number: 2O22A9O70O091 4 Document:ORD Rec: $21 2.50 Page-8 of 10 Record Date:9/712O22 3:55 PM King County, WA I \t \ + Il II I IMPORTANT: THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. IT IS FURNISIJED AS A CONVENIENCE TO LOCATE THE LAND INDICATED HEREON WITH REFERENCE TO STIIEETS AND OTHER LAND. NO I.IABILITY IS ASSUMED BY REASON OF RELIANCtr I-IEREON. --J | - --*:-----/ WILLIS ST ^o(gv" RUSSELL ST r \ \(t\ l I I I I I I ^l'l I I I I I I _*_l **t P.O.B\ --l roT 6 LOI 7 L t- LOT ( I I t-- I I l- I F I L I I t- IL t- \ T T I &\ \ \f I ul o lUocl e,o Q t.o1' 5 LOT B T9 LOT T I..4 gv" \ I I I I L r ^C,$'g\|'I 1 1 1 0 1 4 o o LO to 1 1 2 3 N I rffi$l&4* I Prciecl# 24-22-4 IL C' @ooal ALLEY VACATION DRAWN BY: TLM SCALE: 1"=100' EXHIBIT BDATE: 0711112022 CNY OF KENT LOCATED IN THE SE 1A AF SEC24 TOWNSHIP 22 N, RANGE 4 E, W"M, Instrument Number: 2O22O9O7OO0914 Document:ORD Rec: $212.50 Page-9 of l0 Recortl Dile:91712O22 3:55 PM King County, WA STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFF IDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter refered to, published in the English ianguage continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. Tire Kent- Covington Reporier has Ueen approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County' The notice in the exact fonn annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its;ubscribers during the below stated period. The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #KENe6oe33 was published on August 19,2022 The iull amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $85.30 Rudi Alcott Vice President, Advertising Subscribed and sworn to me this 19e day of August, 2022 ' Tribbett, Notary Public for the State of Washington,Residing in ug, Washington n0f,l42 eguc Instrument Number: 2A2209O1OO0914 Document:oRD Rec: $212.50 Page-l0 of 1O Record Date:91712022 3:55 PM King County, WA Classified Proof d 'ib CITY OF KENT NOIICE OF ORDINANCE PASEED BY THE CITY COUNCIL The following is the sum- rrrarr of nn oldilIilltco u*s{ed bv the l{ertl CitY bounctl on Asgu$t 16' 2022. ORDINAI{CE NO. 4tr38 - AN OROINANCE C'f the Ciw Councrl dt tha Cilv of' Kant, Ws!,hill$' ton-, vncntln0 a portion crl rlght.of"wsy mfiaisling ol an allaywsv $ilualed be- tween pmpedies locatsd belweon Bridgss Ava- nrre S. to ihe west and Central Avenue S. to the aast, tnd E. Vdllis $lreet to lho north and €. Rue sell St. to lhe $ulh, and reseilhlg an essetnont and the rioht to gt"nt easernents. This ordi- nanc€ shall take effect and be in forco 30 daYs from and after its Pas- sag€, as ptovided bY A coDv of tha ss,nplBts lexl df'any ordinnnuo will be mailtsd upoo request otthe Cify Clerk. Kinlberley A. Komolo, Cilv Ct&rk $!s@Kst&WA3$1 253-A56-5725 f9€0933 8119,22 Proofecl by Jennifer Tribbett, 0811U2A22 04:30:50 pm Page:2