HomeMy WebLinkAbout4436ORDINANCE NO. 4436 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring an emergency and amending Chapter 9.02 of the Kent City Code, entitled "Criminal Code," to: (i) adopt by reference new civil infractions and crimes enacted by the state Legislature during its 2021 and 2O22 sessions for application and enforcement in the City of Kent; and (ii) make other housekeeping amendments to the criminal code to update changes made to the Revised Code of Washington titles, adopt other misdemeanor crimes that were not previously adopted by specific reference and adopt Class C felony crimes that may be used as a basis to support the crime of criminal attempt or criminal conspiracy, which is punishable as a gross misdemeanor' RECITALS A. During its 2021 and 2022legislative sessions, the Washington State Legislature adopted a number of bills that added new criminal provisions to the Revised Code of Washington ("RCW").t The Kent City Code has adopted by reference a number of state law provisions for application and enforcement in the City of Kent. Once a state law is adopted by reference into the Kent City Code, that reference is sufficient for subsequent amendments the Legislature may make to that state law provision. Through l These new offenses include: violation of various types of court orders; carrying a weapon on the state capitol; failure to pay an excise tax; failure to pay or conversion of funds meant for 9BB behavioral health emergency line; prohibitions on large capacity magazines, untraceable firearms, and unfinished frames. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 1 Section g.O2.O2O, the Kent City Code has adopted nearly all misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors, and Class C felonies contained in the RCW' However, to provide clarity as to new crimes that didn't previously exist, the Kent City Code is hereby amended to specifically name new state law provisions. B. Although the City of Kent has broadly adopted by reference virtually all state criminal statutes through Kent City Code Section 9.02'020, this ordinance is being presented as an emergency measure out of an abundance of caution, to address a recent challenge to the Kent Municipal Court's jurisdiction. While the challenge lacks legal merit, the risk of an adverse ruling and the gap in services that could emerge while the City appeals is an undue risk. It is of overwhelming importance that the physical safety of victims be maintained, and therefore to remove any potential ambiguity or question of the Municipal Court's ability to enforce protection orders, this ordinance is advanced as an emergency to be retroactively effective as of the date each state law adopted by reference took effect. With respect to the changes applicable to protection orders, that date is July 1, 2022. C. While updating the criminal code to add these new crimes, staff made other housekeeping amendments to reflect changes made to the Revised Code of Washington titles, and incorporated into the ordinance other misdemeanor crimes that were not previously adopted by specific reference.2 D. removed.3 A reference to a repealed section of the RCW has also been 2 These offenses include: improper disclosure of Department of Licensing information; sale of noxious weed seed; disclosure of tax information; various agricultural and environmental crimes, 3 This repealed offense was advertising cures of lost sexual potency. Additionally, several offenses related to protective orders were repealed or recodified. Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT' WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE 9E0TION 7. - Adoption - section 9.02.045. A new Section 9.02.045 of the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Chapter 4.24, entitled 'Special Rights of Action and Special Immunities' - Adoption by reference," is adopted as follows: Sec. 9.O2.045. RCW Chapter 4.24, entitled "special Rights of Action and Special Immunities" Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 4.24.L30 Action for change of name - Fees. 9E0TION 2. - Amendment - section 9.02.050. section 9.02.050 0f the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 7, entitled 'special Proceedings and Actions'- Adoption by reference," is amended as follows: sec. 9.o2.o50. RCW Title 7, entitled "special Proceedings and Actions" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 7.2r.OrO Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 3 Definitions 7.2r.020 7.2L.O30 7.2L.O40 7.2L.O50 7.2L.O70 7.80.t20 7.80.150 7.80.160 7.84.060 7.84.100 7.84.L3Q Sanctions - Who may impose. Remedial sanctions - Payment for losses' Punitive sanctions - Fines. Sanctions - Summary imposition - Procedure. Appellate review. Monetary penalties - Restitution. Notices - Record of - Cancellation prohibited, penalty - Audit. Failure to exercise notice options - Failure to satisfy penalty' Response to notice - Contesting determination - Mitigating circumstances - Hearing - Failure to respond or appear - Penalty. Monetary penalties. Failure to pay or complete community restitution - Penalty' Viel-atiofts" lssuanee' 7,92,120 Ex parte temperary erder fer proteetion Issuanee' ffiiens; 7,94,120 l.enalties, 7.105.460 E nforcement and oenalti es - Fxtreme risk o ion orders - False petitions. 9EOTION 3. - Amendment - section 9.02.060. section 9.02.060 0f the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 9, entitled'Crimes and Punishments' - Adoption by reference," is amended as follows: Sec. 9.O2.060. RCW Title 9, entitled "Crimes and Punishments" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 4 enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 9.01.055 Citizen immunity if aiding officer, scope - When. 9.01.110 Omission, when not punishable. 9.01.130 Sending letter, when complete. 9,02.050 Concealing birth. 9.02.120 Unauthorized abortions - Penalty' 9.02.130 Defenses to prosecution. 9.02.L7O Definitions. 9.03.010 Abandoning, discarding refrigeration equipment. 9.03.020 Permitting unused equipment to remain on premises' 9.03.030 Violation of RCW 9.03.010 or 9'03.020. 9.03.040 Keeping or storing equipment for sale' 9.04.010 False advertising, 9.04.050 False, misleading, deceptive advertising. 9.04.070 False, misleading, deceptive advertising - Penalty' 9.04.090 Advertising fuel prices by service stations' 9.08.030 False certificate of registration of animals - False representation as to breed' 9,08.065 Definitions. 9.08.070 Pet animals Taking, concealing, injuring, killing, etc' Penalty.g.OB.O72 Transferring stolen pet animal to a research institution Penalty. 9.08.074 Transferring stolen pet animal to a person who has previously sold a stolen pet animal to a research institution - Penalty. 9.08.076 Transferring stolen pet animal to a research institution by a U.S.D.A. licensed dealer - Penalty' 9.08.078 Illegal sale, receipt, or transfer of pet animals - Separate offenses. 9.08.090 Acts against animal facilities. 9.12.010 Barratry. 9.I2.020 Buying, demanding, ot promising reward by district judge or deputy. 9.16.005 Definitions. 9.16.010 Removing lawful brands. 9.16.020 Imitating lawful brand. 9.16.030 Counterfeit mark - Intellectual property. 9.16.035 Counterfeiting-Penalties.9.t6.04t Counterfeit items - Seizure and forfeiture' Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 5 9.16,050 9.16.060 9.16.O70 9.16.080 9.16.100 9.16.1 10 9,16.120 9.16.130 9.16.140 9.16.150 9.18.080 9.18.120 9.18.130 9.18.150 9.24.0t0 9.24.040 9.264.090 9.264.100 9.26A.110 9.26A.L20 9.264.130 9.26A.L4Q 9.27.OLs 9.3s.005 9.35.010 9.35.020 9.35.030 9.38.010 9.38.015 9.38.020 9.38.060 9.40.040 9.40.100 9.41.010 9.41.040 9.41.050 9.41.060 9.4L.070 9.41.080 9.41.090 When deemed affixed. Fraudulent registration of trademark. Form and similitude defined. Petroleum products improperly labeled or graded - Penalty. Use of the words "sterling silver," etc. Use of words "coin silver," etc. Use of the word "sterling" on mounting. Use of the words "coin silver" on mounting' Unlawfully marking article made of gold. "Marked, stamped or branded" defined. Offender a competent witness, Suppression of competitive bidding. Collusion to prevent competitive bidding - Penalty' Agreements outside state. Fraud in stock subscription. Corporation doing business without license' Telephone company credit cards - Prohibited acts' Definitions. Fraud in obtaining telecommunications service - Penalty' Fraud in operating coin-box telephone or other receptacle' Penalty for manufacture or sale of slugs to be used for coin' Unauthorized sale or procurement of telephone records Penalties - Definitions. Interference, obstruction of any court, building, or residence - Violations. Definitions. Improperly obtaining financial information. Identity theft. Soliciting undesired mail. False representation concerning credit' False statement by deposit account applicant. False representation concerning title. Digital signature violations. Operating engine or boiler without spark arrester' Tampering with fire alarm or firefighting equipment - False alarm - Penalties. Terms defined. Unlawful possession of firearms - Ownership, possession by certain persons - Restoration of right to possess - Penaltiggy' Carrying firearms. Exceptions to restrictions on carrying firearms. Concealed pistol license - Application - Fee - Renewal. Delivery to ineligible persons. Fees 9.41.100 Dealer licensing and registration required Dealer deliveries regulated authorized. Hold on delive Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 6 9.41. 110 9.4r.rL3 9.41.115 9.41.r20 9.4r.140 9.4L,177 9.4r.r73 9.4r.775 9.41 . 190 9.4r.220 9.4t.230 9.4r.240 9.4L.250 9.4t.251 9.4L.260 9.4t.270 9.4L.280 9.4t.282 Dealer's licenses, by whom granted, conditions, fees Employees, fingerprinting and background checks - Wholesale sales excepted - Permits prohibited. Firearm sales or transfers Background checks Requirements - ExcePtions. Penalties - Violations of RCW 9.4L'tL3' Firearms as loan securitY. Alteration of identifying marks - Exceptions. Alien possession of firearms - Requirements - Penalty' Alien possession of firearms - Alien firearm license - Political subdivisions may not modify requirements - Penalty for false statement. Alien possession of firearms - Possession without license - Conditions. Unlawful firearms - ExcePtions. Unlawful firearms and parts contraband' Aiming or discharging firearms, dangerous weapons. Possession of pistol or semiautomatic assault rifle by person from eighteen to twentY-one. Dangerous weapons - PenaltY. Dangerous weapons Application of restrictions to law enforcement, firefighting, rescue, and military personnel' Dangerous exhibitions. Weapons apparently capable of producing bodily harm Unlawful carrying or handling - Penalty - Exceptions' Possessing dangerous weapons on school facilities - Penalty - Exceptions. Possessing dangerous weapons on child care premises Penalty - Exceptions. I 41 )84 Pnssessino danoerot.ts w nons at votino faciliti Penaltv 9.4r.290 9.41.300 Exceptions. State preemption. Weapons prohibited in certain places ordinances - Exceptions - Penalty. Local laws and 9.4L.325 o a1 ?)R municioal buildinos. Undetectable or untraceable firearms - Penalties' I lnf ranarhla fi Fmc - Fvnanfinnc -Danal{-iac o A1 ?)-1 I lnfin cha/ frrmac nr ranairrarc - Fvnanfinnc -Danrlf iac 9.41.335 9.4L.345 9.41.350 9.41.360 9.41.800 Failure to register as felony firearm offender' Return of privately owned firearm or concealed pistol license by law enforcement agency - Duties - Notice - Exception' Voluntary waiver of firearm rights - Procedure - Penalty - Exemption from public disclosure. Unsafe storage of a firearm. Surrender of weapons or licenses Prohibition on future possession or licensing. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 7 9.41.810 9.44.080 9.45.060 9.45.070 9.45.080 9.45.090 9.45.100 9.45.160 9.45.L70 9.45.zLO 9.45.220 9.45.260 9.45.270 9.46.020t 9.46.0205 9.46.0209 9.46.02t3 9.46.Q2r7 9.46.O22L 9.46.0225 9.46.0229 9.46.0233 9.46.0237 9.46.O24L 9.46.0245 9.46.0249 9.46.0253 9.46.0257 9.46.026r 9.46.0265 9.46.0269 9.46.0273 9.46.0277 9.46.0282 9.46.0285 9.46.0289 9.46.L70 9.46.185 9.46.190' 9.46.L95 9.46.196 9.46.t96r 9.46.L962 Penalty. Misconduct in signing a Petition. Encumbered, leased, or rented personal propefty Construction. Mock auctions. Fraudulent removal of proPertY. Knowingly receiving fraudulent conveyance. Fraud in assignment for benefit of creditors. Fraud in liquor warehouse receipts, Penalty, Altering sample or certificate of assay. Making false sample or assay of ore. Fire protection sprinkler system contractors - Wrongful acts' Fraudulent filing of vehicle report of sale. "Amusement game." "Bingo." "Bona fide charitable or nonprofit organization'" "Bookmaking." "Commercial stimulant. " "Commission." "Contest of chance." "Fishing derby." "Fund-raising event." "Gambling." "Gambling device." "Gambling information. " "Gambling premises." "Gambling record." "Lottery. " "Memberr" "bona fide member." "Player. " 'tProfessionaI gambling. " "Punch boards," "pLt ll-ta bs. " "Raffle." "social card game," "Thing of value." "Whoeverr" "person." False or misleading entries or statements, refusal to produce records. Causing person to violate rule or regulation' Violations relating to fraud, or-deceit -jl!Cfing----qfmisrepresenting, betting, or gamblinq - Penaltv' Obstruction of public servant - Penalty. Cheating - Defined. Cheating in the first degree. Cheating in the second degree. Criminal Code AmendmenE - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions B 9.46.198 Working in gambling activity without license as violation - Penalty, 9.46.2I5 Ownership or interest in gambling device - Penalty Exceptions. 9.46.2L7 Gambling records - Penalty - Exceptions. 9.46.22I Professional gambling in the second degree' 9.46.222 Professional gambling in the third degree. 9.46.228 Gambling activities by persons under age eighteen prohibited - Penalties - Jurisdiction - In-house controlled purchase programs authorized 9.46.240 Gambling information, transmitting or receiving. 9.47.O8O Bucket shop defined. 9.47.O90 Maintaining bucket shop - Penalty' 9.47.100 Written statement to be furnished - Presumption. 9.47A.OIO Definition. 9.47A.020 Unlawful inhalation - Exception. 9.47A.030 Possession of certain substances prohibited, when' 9.47A.040 Sale of certain substances prohibited, when' 9.47A.O50 Penalty. 9.51.010 Misconduct of officer drawing jury' 9.51.020 Soliciting jury dutY, 9.51.030 Misconduct of officer in charge of jury. 9.51.040 Grand juror acting after challenge allowed' 9.51.050 Disclosing transaction of grand jury. 9.51.060 Disclosure of deposition returned by grand jury. 9.55.020 Witness refusing to attend legislature or committee or to testifY, 9.61.190 Carrier or racing pigeons - Injury to. 9.61.200 Carrier or racing pigeons - Removal or alteration of identification. 9.6I.230 Telephoneharassment. 9.6L.240 Telephone harassment - Permitting telephone to be used. 9.61.250 Telephone harassment - Offense, where deemed committed. ffi.9.62.010 Malicious prosecution. 9.62.020 Instituting suit in name of another. 9.66.010 Public nuisance. 9.66.020 Unequal damage. 9.66.030 Maintaining or permitting nuisance. 9.66.040 Abatement of nuisance. 9.66,050 Deposit of unwholesome substance' 9.68.015 Obscene literature, shows, etc' - Exemptions. 9.68.030 Indecent afticles, etc. 9.68.050 "Erotic material" - Definitions. 9.68.060 "Erotic material" - Determination by court Labeling Penalties. 9,68.070 Prosecution for violation of RCW 9.68'060 - Defense' Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 9 9.68.080 9.68.100 9.68.110 9.68.130 9.68.140 9.684.011 9.68A.050 9.68A.060 9.684.070 9.684.075 9.68A.080 9.68A.090 9.68A.102 9.684.103 9.68A.110 9.684.120 9.68A.150 9.69.100 9.72.090 9.73.010 9.73.020 9.73.030 9.73.050 9.73.070 9.73.080 9.73.090 9.73.100 9.73.rLO 9.73.230 Unlawful acts. Exceptions to RCW 9.68.050 through 9'68'120. Motion picture operator or projectionist exempt, when' "sexually explicit material" - Defined - Unlawful display Promoting pornography - Class C felony - Penalties' Definitions. Dealing in depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct Sending, bringing into state depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Possession of depictions of minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Viewing depictions of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Reporting of depictions of a minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct - Civil immunitY. Communication with minor for immoral purposes - Penalties. Promoting travel for commercial sexual abuse of a minor - Penalty - Consent of minor does not constitute defense. Permitting commercial sexual abuse of a minor - Penalty - Consent of minor does not constitute defense. Certain defenses barred, permitted. Seizure and forfeiture of property. Allowing minor on premises of live erotic performance Definitions - Penalty. Duty of witness of offense against child or any violent offense - Penalty. Committal of witness - Detention of documents. Divulging telegram. Opening sealed letter. Intercepting, recording or divulging private communication - Consent required - ExcePtions. Admissibility of intercepted communication in evidence. Persons and activities excepted from chapter' Penalties. Certain emergency response personnel exempted from RCW 9.73.030 through 9.73.080 - standards - court authorizations - Admissibility. Recordings available to defense counsel. Intercepting, recording, or disclosing private communications - Not unlawful for building owner - Conditions. Intercepting, transmitting, or recording conversations concerning controlled substances or commercial sexual abuse of a minor - Conditions - Written reports required - Judicial review - Notice - Admissibility - Penalties. Pen registers, trap and trace devices, cell site simulator devices, Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 9.73.260 10 9.81.010 9.81.030 9.81. 110 9.86.010 9,86.020 9.86,030 9,91.010 9.91.020 9.91.060 9.91.130 9.91.140 9.9L.L42 9.9r.r44 9.91.150 9.91.160 9.9r.r70 9,9r.t75 9.91.180 9.92.020 9.92.030 9.92.040 9.92.080 9.94.04r 9.96.060 Definitions. Membership in subversive organization is felony - Penalty' Misstatements are punishable as perjury - Penalty' "Flagr" etc., defined. Improper use of flag prohibited. Desecration of flag. Denial of civil rights - Terms defined. Operating railroad, steamboat, vehicle, etc., while intoxicated' Leaving children unattended in a parked automobile. Disposal of trash in charity donation receptacle. Food stamps - Unlawful sale. Food stamps - Trafficking. Food stamps - Unlawful redemption. Tree spiking. Personal protection spray devices. Interfering with dog guide or service animal' Interfering with search and rescue dog. Violent video or computer games. Punishment of gross misdemeanor when not fixed by statute' Punishment of misdemeanor when not fixed by statute' Punishment for contemPt. Sentence on two or more convictions or counts. Narcotic drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, marijuana, other intoxicant, cell phone, or other form of electronic telecommunications device - Possession, etc', by prisoners - Penalty. Vacating records of conviction for misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor offenses. offenses; persons eonvieted of prostitution who eernmitted the EOTION 4. - Amendment - section 9.02.070. section 9.02.070 0f the Kent City Code, entitled "RCW Title 9A, entitled 'Washington Criminal Code'- Adoption by reference," is amended as follows: sec. 9.o2.o7O. RCW Title 9A, entitled "washington criminal Code" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 11 adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 9A.04.020 9A.04.030 9A.04.040 9A,04.050 9A.04.060 9A.04.070 9A,04.080 9A.04,090 9A,04.100 9A.04.110 9A.08.010 9A.08.020 9A.08.030 9A.12.010 9A.16.010 9A.16.020 9A.16.060 9A.16.070 9A.16.080 9A.16.090 9A.16.100 9A.16.120 9A.20.010 9A.20.02r 9A.20.030 9A.28.020 9A.28.030 9A.28.040 9A,36,031 9A.36.041 9A.36.050 9A.36.060 9A.36.070 9A.36.080 9A.36.100 94.36.140 9A.36.150 Purposes - Principles of construction. State criminal jurisdiction. Classes of crimes. People capable of committing crimes - Capability of children' Common law to supplement statute. Who amenable to criminal statutes. Limitation of actions. Application of general provisions of the code' Proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Definitions. General requirements of culpability. Liability for conduct of another - Complicity. eoreerateEnltly a nd personal liability. Insanity. Definitions. Use of force - When lawful. Duress. Entrapment. Action for being detained on mercantile establishment premises for investigation - "Reasonable grounds" as defense. Intoxication. Use of force on children - Policy - Actions presumed unreasonable. Outdoor music festival, campground - Detention. Classification and designation of crimes' Maximum sentences for crimes committed July 1, 1984, and after. Alternative to a fine - Restitution, Criminal attempt. Criminal solicitation. Criminal conspiracy, Assault in the third degree. Assault in the fourth degree. Reckless enda ngerment. Promoting a suicide attemPt. Coercion. Hate crime offenseffi Definition and criminal penalty. Custodial assault. Assault of a child in the third degree, Interfering with the reporting of domestic violence' Criminal Code Amendments' 2027 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions I2 9A.36.160 9A.36,161 9A.40.010 9A.40.040 9A.40.060 9A.40.070 94.40.080 9A.40.090 9A.40.110 9A.40.r20 9A.42.OtO 9A.42.030 9A.42.O35 9A.42.O37 9A.42.O40 9A.42.045 9A.42.050 9A.42.070 9A.42.080 9A.42.O90 9A.42.rLO 9A.44.OLO 9A.44.020 9A.44,030 9A.44.060 9A.44.079 9A.44.O89 9A.44.O93 9A.44.096 9A.44.1O5 9A.44.rLs 9A.44.L20 9A.44.L28 9A.44.130 9A.44.r32 9A.44.150 9A.44.L60 9A.44.L70 9A.44.r80 9A.44.r90 9A.44.L93 Failing to summon assistance. Failing to summon assistance - Penalty. Definitions Unlawful imprisonment. Custodial interference in the first degree. Custodial interference in the second degree, Custodial interference - Assessment of costs - Defense - Consent defense, restricted. Lu ring. Coercion of involuntary servitude. Enforcement of orders restricting contact. Definitions. Criminal mistreatment in the second degree. Criminal mistreatment in the third degree. Criminal mistreatment in the fourth degree. Withdrawal of life support systems. Palliative care. Defense of financial inability. Abandonment of a dependent person in the second degree - Exception. Abandonment of a dependent person in the third degree - Exception. Abandonment of a dependent person - Defense. Leaving a child in the care of a sex offender. Definitions. Testimony - Evidence - Written motion - Admissibility' Defenses to prosecution under this chapter. Rape in the third degree. Rape of a child in the third degree. Child molestation in the third degree. Sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree' Sexual misconduct with a minor in the second degree' Sexually violating human remains. Voyeurism. Admissibility of child's statement - Conditions. Definitions applicable to RCW 9A.44.130 through 9A'44.t45, 10.01 .200, 43.43.540, 70.48.470, and 72.09.330' Registration of sex offenders and kidnapping offenders Procedures - Definition - Penalties. Failure to register as sex offender or kidnapping offender- @. Testimony of child by closed-circuit television, Custodial sexual misconduct in the first degree. Custodial sexual misconduct in the second degree. Custodial sexual misconduct - Defense. Criminal trespass against children - Definitions. Criminal trespass against children - Covered entities. Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 13 9A.44.L96 9A.44.2rO 9A.46.010 9A.46.020 9A.46.030 9A.46.040 9A.46.050 9A.46.060 9A.46.070 9A.46.080 9A.46.085 9A.46.090 9A.46.100 9A.46.110 9A.46.120 9A.48.010 9A.48,040 9A.48.050 9A.48.060 9A.48.080 9A.48.090 9A.48.100 9A.48.105 94.48.110 9A.49.001 9A,49.010 9A.49.020 9A.49.030 9A.49.040 9A.49.050 9A.50.0 10 9A.50.020 9A.50.030 9A.50.060 9A.52.010 9A.52.050 9A.52.060 9A.52.070 9A.52.080 9A.52.090 9A.52.095 9A.52,100 9A.52. 105 Criminal trespass against children Court initi ted issuance of se al assault no-conta orders Terms. conditions.reouirements. etc. Legislative finding.. Definition - Penalties. Place where committed. Court-ordered requirements upon person charged with crime - Violation. Arraignment - No contact order. Crimes included in harassment. Enforcement of orders restricting contact' Order restricting contact - Violation. Stalking no-contact orders - Appearance before magistrate req uired. Nonliability of peace officer. "Convictedr" time when. Stalking. Criminal gang intimidation. Definitions. Reckless burning in the first degree. Reckless burning in the second degree. Reckless burning - Defense. Malicious mischief in the second degree. Malicious mischief in the third degree, Malicious mischief - "Physical damage" defined. Criminal street gang tagging and graffiti. Defacing a state monument. Findings. Definitions. Unlawful discharge of a laser in the first degree. Unlawful discharge of a laser in the second degree' Civil infraction, when. Exclusions Definitions. Interference with health care facility. Penalty. Informationa I picketing. Definitions. Other crime in committing burglary punishable. Making or having burglar tools. Criminal trespass in the first degree. Criminal trespass in the second degree. Criminal trespass - Defenses. Vehicle prowling in the first degree. Vehicle prowling in the second degree. Removal of unauthorized persons - Declaration - Liability - Rights. Criminal Code AmendmenE - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions I4 9A.52.115 9A.56.010 9A.56.020 9A,56.040 9A.56.050 9A.56.060 9A.56.063 9A.56.075 9A.56.083 9A.56.096 9A.56.100 9A.56. 1 10 9A.56. 1 30 9A.56.140 9A.56. 160 9A.56.170 9A.56. 180 9A.56.220 9A,56.230 9A.56.240 9A.56.260 9A.56.262 9A.56.264 9A.56.266 9A.56.270 9A.56.280 9A.56.290 9A.56.320 9A.56.330 9A.56.340 9A.56.350 9A.56.360 9A.56.370 9A.s6.380 9A,56.390 9A.58.010 9A,58.020 9A.60.010 9A.60.020 9A.60.030 9A.60.040 9A.60.045 Removal of unauthorized persons - Declaration form - Penalty for false swearing.1 Definitions. Theft - Definition, defense, Theft in the second degree. Theft in the third degree. Unlawful issuance of checks or drafts. Making or possessing motor vehicle theft tools' Taking motor vehicle without permission in the second degree. Theft of livestock in the second degree. Theft of rental, leased, lease-purchased, or loaned property' Theft and larceny equated. Extortion - Definition. Extortion in the second degree. Possessing stolen property - Definition - Presumption. Possessing stolen property in the second degree - Other than firearm or motor vehicle. Possessing property in the third degree. Obscuring the identity of a machine. Theft of subscription television services. Unlawful sale of subscription television services' Forfeiture and disposal of device used to commit violation' Connection of channel converter. Theft of telecommunication services. Unlawful manufacture of telecommunication device' Unlawful sale of telecommunication device. Shopping cart theft. Credit, debit cards, checks, etc. - Definitions. Credit, payment cards - Unlawful factoring of transactions. Financial fraud Unlawful possession, production of instruments of. Possession of another's identification. Theft with the intent to resell. Organized retail theft. Retail theft with special circumstances, Mail theft. Possession of stolen mail. Mail theft - Possession of stolen mail - Commission of other crime. Definitions. Possessing, or reading or capturing, information contained on another person's identification document - Exceptions' Definitions. Forgery. Obtaining a signature by deception or duress' Criminal impersonation in the first degree. Criminal impersonation in the second degree. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 15 9A.60.050 9A.60.060 9A.60.070 9A.60.080 9A.61,010 9A.61.020 9A.61.040 9A.61.050 9A.61.060 9A.64.010 9A.64.020 9A.64.030 9A.68.020 9A.68.030 9A.68.040 9A.68.050 9A.72.OLO 9A.72.O30 9A.72.040 9A.72.050 9A.72.060 9A.72.Q70 9A.72.080 9A.72.085 9A.72.L20 9A.72.L40 9A.72.L50 9A.76.010 9A.76.023 9A.76.O25 9A.76.027 9A.76.030 9A.76.040 9A.76.050 9A.76.060 9A.76.070 9A.76.080 9A.76.090 9A.76.100 9A.76.150 9A.76.160 False certification. Fraudulent creation or revocation of a mental health advance directive. False academic credentials - Unlawful issuance or use Definitions - Penalties. Impersonating a census taker. Definitions. Defrauding a public utilitY. Defrauding a public utility in the second degree. Defrauding a public utility in the third degree' Restitution and costs. Bigamy. Incest. Child selling - Child buying. Requesting unlawful compensation. Receiving or granting unlawful compensation. Trading in public office. Trading in special influence. Definitions. Perjury in the second degree. False swearing. Perjury and false swearing - Inconsistent statements - Degree of crime. Perjury and false swearing - Retraction. Perjury and false swearing - Irregularities no defense. Statement of what one does not know to be true' Unsworn statements, certification - Standards for subscribing to an unsworn statement. Tampering with a witness. Jury tampering. Tampering with physical evidence. Definitions. Disarming a law enforcement or corrections officer' Disarming a law enforcement or corrections officer Commission of another crime. Law enforcement or corrections officer engaged in criminal conduct. Refusing to summon aid for a peace officer' Resisting arrest. Rendering criminal assistance - Definition of term. Relative defined. Rendering criminal assistance in the first degree. Rendering criminal assistance in the second degree. Rendering criminal assistance in the third degree. Compounding. Introducing contraband in the second degree. Introducing contraband in the third degree' Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 16 9A.76.170 9A.76.t75 9A.76.L77 9A.76.190 9A.76.200 9A.80.010 9A.82.010 94.82.045 9A,82.055 9A.82.070 9A.82.080 9A.82.100 9A.82.t20 9A.82.130 9A.82.160 9A.82.L70 9A,84.010 9A.84.020 9A.84.040 9A.86.010 9A.88.010 9A.88.030 9A.88.040 9A.88.050 9A.88.060 9A.88.080 9A.88.085 9A.88,090 9A.88.110 9A.88.120 9A.88,130 9A.88.140 9A.88.150 94.90.030 9A.90.040 9A,90.050 9A.90.060 9A.90.070 9A.90.080 9A.90.090 9A.90.100 Bail jumping. Making a false or misleading statement to a public servant. Amber alert - Making a false or misleading statement to a public servant. Failure to appear or surrender - Affirmative defense - Penalty' Harming a police dog, accelerant detection dog, or police horse - Penalty. Official misconduct. Definitions. Collection of unlawful debt. Trafficking in stolen property in the second degree. Influencing outcome of sporting event. Use of proceeds of criminal profiteering - Controlling enterprise or realty - Conspiracy or attemPt. Remedies and procedures. Criminal profiteering lien - Authority, procedures' Criminal profiteering lien - Trustee of real property. Criminal profiteering lien - Trustee's failure to comply, evasion of procedures or lien. Financial institution records Inspection and copying Wrongful disclosure. Criminal mischief, Failure to disperse. False reporting. Disclosing intimate images. Indecent exposure. Prostitution. Prosecution for prostitution under RCW 9A'88'030 - Affirmative defense. Prostitution - Sex of parties immaterial - No defense' Promoting prostitution - Definitions. Promoting prostitution in the second degree. Promoting travel for prostitution. Perm ittin g prostitution. Patronizing a prostitute. Additional fee assessments. Add itiona I req uirements. Vehicle impoundment - Fees - Fines. Seizure and forfeiture. Definitions. Computer trespass in the first degree. Computer trespass in the second degree. Electronic data service interference. Spoofing. Electronic data tampering in the first degree. Electronic data tampering in the second degree' Electronic data theft. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions L7 9A.90.110 Commission of other crime 9A,90.130 Cyberstalking. E0TION 5. - Adoption - section 9.02.095. A new Section 9.02.095 of the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 15, entitled 'Agriculture and Marketing'- Adoption by reference," is adopted as follows: Sec. 9.O2.095. RCW Title 15, entitled "Agriculture and Marketing" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 15.21,060 15.24.200 15.26,300 L5.28.270 15.30.250 15.35.300 15.36.473 15.37.150 15.44.r70 15.53.904 rs.54.362 15.58.330 15.60.055 15.61.050 15.62.220 15.65.520 15.66.210 15.80.640 15.80.650 15.115.310 Penalties. Penalties. Violations - PenaltY. Violations - Penalty. Penalties for violating chaPter. General penalty - Misdemeanor - Exception' Failure to comply with chapter or rules - Criminal penalties' Penalty. Penalty. Department's remedies for noncompliance - Classification of crimes- Prosecutions-Inj u nctions. Reports - Inspection fees - Late fees - Confidentiality - Penalty - Exception. Violation of chapter - Misdemeanor. Violations - Penalty. Violations - Penalty. Violations - Misdemeanor. Criminal acts and penalties Unlawful acts - Penalties - Injunctions - Investigations' Writing, etc., false ticket or certificate - Influence - Penalty. Violations Penalty Criminal Civil-Opportunity to request hearing. Penalties - Injunctions - Referring a violation to the county prosecutor - Jurisdiction Criminal Penalties. Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 15.130.560 1B 'ECTION 6. - Amendment - section 9.02.770. Section 9.02.110 0f the Kent City Code, entitled "Chapter L7.04 RCW, entitled 'Weed districts' - Adoption by reference,' is amended to be entitled *RCW Title 17, entitled "Weed, Rodents, and Pests" - Adoption by reference," and is amended as follows: sec. 9.o2.110. emBrcr.-a+o'4Rcw Title 17, entitled "weed distriets- "Weed, Rodents, and Pests" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 17.o4.280 Officials of district may enter lands - Penalty for prevention 2 or toxic weeds - Penalty - Rules - Inspections - Fees' 9EOTION 7. - Amendment - section 9.02.750. Section 9.02.150 0f the Kent City Code, entitled 'RCW Title 26, entitled 'Domestic Relations' - Adoption by reference," is amended as follows: sec. 9.o2.15O. RCW Title 26, entitled "DOmeStiC RelatiOns" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW Penalty for failure to deliver certificates. Penalty for unlawful solemnization - Code 1881' Penalty for unlawful solemnization - 1909 c 249. Restraining orders - Notice - Refusal to comply - Arrest - Penalty - Defense - Peace officers, immunity' 26.04.L70 26.04.240 26.04.250 26.09.300 26.20.030 Family abandonment - Penalty - Exception. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 19 26.20.035 Family nonsuppoft - Penalty - Exception. 26.20.07I Evidence - Spouse or domestic partner as witness' 26.20.080 Proof of wilfulness - Application of penalty provisions. 26.268.134050 Restraining order - Knowing violation - Penalty - Law enforcement immunitY. iens' ing; 26.26A.459355 Confidentiality of genetic testing - Penalty. 7 nrr{orc 16 ctrrininn nrr{arc nro liminrrrr inir rnnfinnq rlnmacf in violence protection orders. antiharassment protection orders, =nz{ n{-lrar nnt '* arAarc -Dracarrr:finn nf ct rnnnri rlahf 26.28.060 Child labor - PenaltY. 26.28.070 Certain types of employment prohibited - Penalty' 26.28.08O Selling or giving tobacco to minor - Belief of representative capacity, no defense - PenaltY. 26,28.085 Applying tattoo to a minor - Penalty' relinquishment, or transfer exeept by eourt erder or statutet @ 26.34.0I0 Compact enacted - Provisions' 2634.d30 "Appropriate public authorities" defined' 26.34.040 "Appropriate authority of the receiving state" defined. 26.34.07O "Executive head" defined - Compact administrator. 26.34.O80 Violations - PenaltY. 26.38.110 Prohibited custodv transfer. 26.44.0L5 Limitations of chapter. 26.44.020 Definitions. 26.44.030 Reports - Duty and authority to make - Duty of receiving agency - Duty to notify - Case planning and consultation - Penalty for unauthorized exchange of information Filing dependency petitions - Investigations - Interviews of children - Records - Risk assessment process' 26.44.040 Reports - Oral, written - Contents' 26.44.060 Immunity from civil or criminal liability Confidential communications not violated Actions against state not affected - False rePort, Penalty' 26.44.063 Temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction Enforcement Notice of modification or termination of restraining order. 26.44.067 Temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction Contents - Notice - Noncompliance - Defense - Penalty' 26.44.080 Violation - PenaltY. Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 20 26.44.I50 Temporary restraining order restricting visitation for persons accused of sexually or physically abusing a child - Penalty for violating court order. ffiiens= ies= 26;59:120 Violation of order f roseeuting attorney or attorneY for mHni€ipality may be requested to assist eosts and attorney's fee' ien' 26.52.070 Definitions. 26.52.020 Foreign protection orders - Validity. 26.52.050 Peace officer immunity. 26.52.070 Violation of foreign orders - Penalties. 9E9TION 8. - Amendment - section 9.02.340. Section 9.02.340 0f the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 46, entitled 'Motor Vehicles' - Adoption by reference," is amended as follows: Sec. 9.O2.34O. RCW Title 46, entitled "Motor Vehicles' Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 46.09.495 46.10.505 46.L2.6L0 a6 1) 640, Failure to title or register an off-road vehicle Penalty, circumstances when. Failure to register a snowmobile, circumstances when, Conta m i nated vehicles. Dicrlncr r re rrinlafionc nant fioc Registration - Requirements before issuance - Penalty - Rules. Registration - Cancellation, refusal, etc' - Appeals. Criteria for natural persons - Application - Identification cards, placards, and license Plates. Application - Penalty for false statement - Driving records from and to other jurisdictions. Surrender of license - PenaltY. Forged proof - Penalty. Confidential information - Exceptions - Penalty. Abstract of driving record - Access - Fee - Violations. 46.164.050 46.16A.070 46.19.010 46.20.09r 46.29.670 46.29.620 46.35.030 46.52.130 Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 2L 46.55.300 46.68.010 46.70.O21 46.70.O57 46.70.140 46.70.L70 46.72.r00 46.72A.060 46.72A.070 46.80.020 46.80.080 46.80.110 46.80.130 46.80.770 46.82.390 46.87.290 RCW 70.02.330 70.05.120 70.24.022 70.24.025 70.24.027 70.24.080 9E9TION 9. - Adoption - section 9.02.530. Section 9.02.530 0f the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 70, entitled 'Public Health and Safety' - Adoption by reference," is amended as follows: sec. 9.o2.53O. RCW Title 7O, entitled "Public Health and Safety" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: Vehicle immobilization. Refunds, overpayments, and underpayments - Penalty for false statements. License required for dealers or manufacturers - Penalties' Issuance of license - Private party dissemination of vehicle database. Handling "hot" vehicles Unreported motor "switches" Unauthorized use of dealer plates - Penalty. Penalty for violations. Unprofessional conduct - Bond/insurance policy - Penalty. Insurance - Amount - PenaltY. Vehicle certificates - Issuance of new or duplicate certificate - Penalty. License required - PenaltY. Records - Penalty. License penalties, civil fines, criminal penalties, All storage at place of business - Screening required - Penalty' Violations - Penalties. Penalty. Refusal, cancellation of credentials @- Procedures, penalties, Obtaining confidential records under false pretenses - Penalty. Violations - Remedies - Penalties. Interviews, examination, counseling, or treatment of infected persons or persons believed to be infected - Dissemination of false information - PenaltY. Violations of health order - Penalties. Intentional transmission of HIV - Penalties. Penalty. Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 22 70.28.033 70.4L.170 70.42.r80 70.54.0rO 70.54.020 70.54.030 70.54.050 70.54.065 70.54.070 70.54.080 70.54.090 70.54.160 70.54.350 70.54.400 70.58.280 70.58A.590 70.62.280 70.74.0L0 70.74.022 70.74.L60 70.74.272 70.74.275 70.74.295 70.74.300 70.74.3r0 70.74.400 70.75.040 70.84.0r0 70.84.060 70.84.070 70.85.010 70.85.020 70.85.030 70.86.040 70.87.r45 70.87.r80 70.90.205 70.94.430 Treatment, isolation, or examination order of health officer - Violation - Penalty. Operating or maintaining unlicensed hospital or unapproved tertiary health service - Penalty. Operating without a license - Injunctions or other remedies - Penalty. Polluting water supPlY - PenaltY. Furnishing impure water - Penalty. Pollution of watershed of city in adjoining state - Penalty' Exposing contagious disease - Penalty' Ambulances and drivers - PenaltY' Door of public buildings to swing outward - Penalty' Liability of person handling steamboat or steam boiler. Attachment of objects to utility poles - Penalty. Public restrooms - Pay facilities - Penalty' Electrology and tattooing - Practitioners to comply with rules - Penalty. Retail restroom access - Customers with medical conditions - Penalty. Penalty. Penalties. Violations - Penalty. Definitions. License required to manufacture, purchase, sell, use, possess' transport, or store explosives Penalty Surrender of explosives by unlicensed person - Other relief. Unlawful access to explosives, Malicious placement of an imitation device - Penalties. Intimidation or harassment with an explosive - Class C felony. Abandonment of explosives. Explosive containers to be marked - Penalty' Gas bombs, explosives, stink bombs, etc' Seizure and forfeiture. Sale of nonstandard equipment as misdemeanor - Exceptions. Declaration - PolicY. Unauthorized use of white cane, dog guide, or service animal. Penalty for violations. Definitions. Refusal to yield line - PenaltY. Request for line on pretext of emergency - Penalty. Penalty. Order to discontinue operation - Notice - Conditions - Contents of order - Recision of order - Violation - Penalty - Random inspections. Violations. Criminal penalties, Penalties. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 23 70.95.240 Unlawful to dump or deposit solid waste without permit - Penalties - Litter cleanup restitution payment' 70.95.515 Fee on the retail sale of new replacement vehicle tires - Failure to collect, pay to department - Penalties' 70,95.560 Waste tires - Violation of RCW 70'95.555 - Penalty' 70.95BJ40 Penalties for violations - Injunctions' 70.95D.100 Penalties. 70.95I.040 Oil sellers - Education responsibility - Penalty' 70.95I.060 Disposal of used oil - Penalty' 70.95J.060 Violations - Punishment. 70.97.I4O Unlicensed operation - Criminal penalty. 70.99,050 Violations - Penalties - Injunctions - Jurisdiction and venue - Fees and costs. 70.107.O7O Rules relating to motor vehicles - Violations - Penalty. 70.108.130 Penalty. 70.108.150 Firearms - PenaltY. 70. 1 10.040 Compliance required. 70.Lt1.030 Unsafe cribs - Prohibition - Definition - Penalty. 70.LLg.130 Violations - Penalties. 70.t22.09O Criminal conduct - Penalties' 70.123.078 Disclosure of Information' 70.L24.070 Failure to report is gross misdemeanor. 7O.L27.O2O Licenses required after July 1, 1990 - Penalties' 70.128.055 Operating without a license - Misdemeanor. 70.I3B.O7O Criminal Penalties. 70.148.060 Disclosure of reports or information - Penalty' 70,155.050 Sampling prohibited - Penalty. 70.155.080 Purchasing, possessing by persons under eighteen - Civil infraction -J u risd iction. 70.155.140 Shipping or transporting tobacco products ordered or purchased by mail or through the internet prohibited - Penalty. 70.158.060 Penalties - Application of consumer protection act. 7O.L7O.O7O Penalties. 7O.L75.OgO Participants authorized to contract - Penalty - Secretary and state exemPt from liabilitY' 70.185.080 Participants authorized to contract - Penalty - Secretary and state exemPt from liabilitY' 70.230.070 Denial, suspension, or revocation of license - Investigating complaints - Penalties' 70.345,030 License required - Must allow inspections - Sale of ceftain substances prohibited - Penalties. 70.345.090 Mail and internet sales - License required - Age and identity verification - Penalties - Enforcement Application of consumer Protection act - Rules' 70.345.100 Product tastings - Requirements - Penalty. Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative,Sessions 24 SECTION 70. - Adootion - Section 9.02.535. A new Section 9.02.535 of the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 7OA, entitled 'Environmental Health and Safety' - Adoption by reference," is adopted as follows: Sec. 9.02.535. RCW Title 70& entitled "Environmental Health and Safety" - Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 70A.20.070 70A.10. 180 70A.15.3150 70A.300.100 70A,300.110 70A.120.130 70A.200.060 70A.205.195 70A.205.4rO 70A.205.450 70A.2L2.160 70A.216.100 70A.224.040 70A.224.060 70A.226.07Q 70A.300. 1 10 70A.315.070 70A.325.080 70A.388.220 70A.390.050 70A.420.080 Rules relating to motor vehicles - Violations - Penalty. Penalty. Penalties. Violations - Criminal Penalties. Violations - Gross misdemeanor. Violations - Penalties. Littering prohibited Penalties Litter cleanup restitution payment. Unlawful to dump or deposit solid waste without permit - Penalties - Litter cleanup restitution payment. Fee on the retail sale of new replacement vehicle tires - Failure to collect, pay to department - Penalties. Waste tires - Violation of RCW 7OA.2O5'445 - Penalty' Penalties for violations - Injunctions. Penalties. Oil sellers - Education responsibility - Penalty. Disposal of used oil - PenaltY. Violations - Punishment, Violations - Gross misdemeanor. Criminal penalties, Disclosure of reports or information - Penalty' Penalties. Violations - Penalties - Injunctions - Jurisdiction and venue - Fees and costs, Certification required to perform lead-based paint activities - Certificate revocation - Penalties' Penalties. Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2O22 State Legislative Sessions 70A.425.130 25 EOTION 77. - Amendment - section 9.02.605. Section 9.02.605 of the Kent City Code, entitled *RCW Title 82, entitled 'Excise Tax' - Adoption by reference," is amended and retitled as follows: Sec. 9.02.605. RCW Title 82, entitled "Excise Tax6" Adoption by reference. The following RCW sections, as currently enacted or as hereafter amended or recodified from time to time, are hereby adopted by reference and shall be given the same force and effect as if set forth herein in full: RCW 82.L2.040 Retailers to collect tax - Penalty' 82.148.042 Pavment and collection of taxes-Penalties for violations. 82.26.190 Distributors and retailers - Valid license required - Violations - Penalties. 82.32.290 Unlawful Acts - Penalties at ?? ??n l\ianlncr rea atF rafr rrn nr frv infar m rf inn 82.86.040 Pavment and collection. 82.87.140 Tax criminal penalties. SECTION 72. - Severability. If any one or more section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 9ECTION 73. - Corrections bv citv clerk or code Reviser. Upon approval of the city attorney, the city clerk and the code reviser are authorized to make necessary corrections to t[is ordinance, including the correction of clerical errors; ordinance, section, or subsection numbering; or references to other local, state, or federal laws, codes, rules, or regulations' Criminal Code Amendments - 2027 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 26 t SeCftOft te, - Effective Date. The City Council finds and declares that an emergency exists which necessitates that this ordinance become effective immediately in order to preserve the public health, safety and welfare, This ordinance, having been adopted by unanimous vote, shall become effective immediately upon passage, and further shall be considered retroactively effective as of the date each state law adopted by reference took effect. The City Clerk is directed to publish a summary of this ordinance at the earliest possible publication date' DANA RALPH, M Julv L8,2022 Date Approved ATTEST: KIMBERLEY MOTO, CITY CLERK July L8,2022 Date Adopted July 22,2022 Date Publi D AS TO FORM: , ACTING CITY ATTORNEY Criminal Code Amendments - 2O27 and 2022 State Legislative Sessions 27 ';r STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION- PUBLIC NOTICE .: ' Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath that he is the ' ' ' ' Vice President of Advertising for Sound Publishing, "r which publishes the Kent Reporter a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King County, Washington. The Kent- Covington Reporter has been approved as a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County' The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues of the Kent- Covington Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period' The annexed notice, a: Public Notice #I(8N9s9203 was published on JulY 22,2022 The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of S13826 a{e-?t Rudi Alcott-t Vice President, Advertising Subscribed,hnd sworn to me this 22"d day of July, 2022 ' fer otary for the State of Washington, Residing in wAdhington E E)(P g"S-tAftY '-.-) l, ft,:BUC ,.4 Op KENT:ctw NOTICE sum-following :. fractions and crimes en- acJed by the state Legis- laiure during ils 2021 and ?022 sessions for application and enforce- ment in th€ CitY of Kent; and (ii) make other housekeeping amend- ments to the criminal code to update changes made to the Revised Code of Washington ti- ilgs, adopt other misde- meanor crimes that were not previously adoptedby specific reference and adopt Class C felo- ny crimes that may be used as a basis to suP- oort the crime of criminal bttempt or criminal con- spiracy, which is Pun- ishable as a gross mis- demeanor. The CitY Council finds and de- olares that an emergen- cy exists which necessi- tates that lhis ordinance become effeclive imme- diately in order to Pre- sdrve'the public health, safety and welfare. This ordinance, having been adopted by unanimous vote, shall become ef- fective immediatelY uPon passage, and further shall be considered ret- Proofed by Jennifer Tribbett, 07119/2022 I 1:36:13 am Page:2 i.t,.';''.',;;::.rooI ' j r .;i. . ,t. : roactively effective as of the date each state law adopted by reference look effecl The CitY Clerk is directed to pub- lish a summary of this ordinance at the earliestpossible publication date. A copy of the complete text of any ordinance will be mailed upon request of the City Clerk Kimberley A. Komoto, City Clerk Kkomoto@KentWA.qov 253-856-5725 #s59203 7t2222 -t:. Proofedby Jennifer Tribbett+}711912022 ll:36:73 am Page