HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-332 - Change Order - #3 - Scarsella Bros., Inc. - Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement - 09/02/2022Agreement Routing Form KENT For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & replaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)WaSHtNGToN E oboc Originator: C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 9t7t2022 Date Required: N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval N/A Budget Account Number: \^20005.641 10.330 Budget? EYes trNo Grant? EYes ENo Type: N/A g o*, IE Ebora- E t,tro EooLol Vendor Name: Scarsella Bros, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number: 34547 Sub-Category: Change Order #3 projectName: Summit Landsburg Rd and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement projec Details: New pay item for contractor compensation to install and removal of Covington Water District 8" HDPE Agreement Amount: $65,760.80 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: 94 Working Days Local Business? E Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete "Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Cityspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes EI No Contract Number: cAG2021-332 ItlEa-lY3\o asagc,Eotr.9rn Date Received by city Attorney:Comments Date Routed to the Mayor's Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office:q ad(W221/3 1,20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements KENT WaSHtNGToN CHANGE ORDER NO. #3 NAME OF CONTRACTOR:Scarsella Bros, Inc, ("Contractor") CONTRACT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER Crrmmif I rnr{^1^"-^ Dn anj Darlz CraaV 'lr,^F+ Danla ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE :July 2Q,2027 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contract; all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect, For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the pafties, the project contract is modified as follows: 1. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessarY to: Create new pay item to compensate Contractor for installation and removal of Covington Water Districts 8" HDPE Tahoma School fire flow bypass water line with all associated appurtenances' 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of Completion," and Section III, "Compensation," are hereby modified aS follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssr) $2,288,875.34 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $149,313.70 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $2,438,189.04 Current Change Order $s9,728.2s Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $6,032.55 Revised Contract Sum $2,503,949.84 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for Completion (lnseft date) 150 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (inseft date) 94 working days Days Required (+) for this Change Order o calendar days Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 94 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of this Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and accepts that thls Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those peftaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESQ the parties below have executed this Agrcement, which will become effective on the last date written below. EC (signature) Prlnt Name: Matthew Scarsella l/o ///rr'. Sn" ztr,/7o CONTRACTOR: DATE Manaser By ffc (htE) 8/3012022 .: 'Dlsltdly s,gred by chad Breren C h a d B i e re n "#ti,#JliiEf'ff 11,13il",H;v" (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren. P.E.Its Public Works Director (EtE) DATE: CITV OF KENT: By CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 KP ATTEST: Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (applicable if Mayor's signature required) Kent Law Department [In thls fleld, you may enter the electronlc fllepath wherc the @ntract has been saved] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 File No. 2OO.2 KENT wA9HrNoroN CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 03 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works summit Lanclsburg Road and RocK uree k Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 13-3007.5 N/A Scarsella Bros., Inc. Project:Culvert Replacement Project Engineer: Stephen Lincoln, PE Capital ProjectsManaoer: Jason BarrY Date: el17/2022 I. Pro osed Chan e is Change makes the following revisions to the Contract Documents and provi Create new pay item to compensate Contractor for installation and removal of a Covington Water District 8" HDPE Tahoma School fire flow bypass water line with all associated appurtenances. des compensation for added work: II. Reason and Bac round for cha e fII. Method of Payment NEW PAY ITEMS I ruotapplicable The original design of the Rock Creek culvert replacement project called for the existing 12" water line to be temporarily cut and capped during the construction of the new bridge until it could be restored. It was later discovered without a temporary bypass in place, fire flow demands for the neighboring Summit Trail Middle School could not be met. Covington Water District provided design outline parameters and negotiations between Scarsella and Covington to execute the intent were facilitated by Kent. The attached cost breakdown dated 7/14/22 was agreed on between Scarsella and Covington to reflect actual costs with associated FA mark-ups. Sch. No Item Description Total Est Otv Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Cost of Item II Temporary B" Fire Flow Water Line Bypass 1 LS $59,728.25 $59,728.25 $ $ Page 1 New Pay ltems Total: $59t728.25 DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 B ruotappricabre Sch No-Bid Item No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Delete Existing Pay Items Total: $ INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) E t'totappricabre Sch No Bid ltem No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ Increase / Decrease to Existing Pay ftems Total: $ *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:9 724.25 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Original Contract:150 Due This Change Order:o Previous Total:94 XTOTAL WORKING DAYS: gC x This a^an* "*r - t-"ar*"t Capital Projects Manager: Barry Capital Projects Supervisor n Barry -A Date: Date: I L ArL C---?Qnty'Construction Manager: Eric Connor Page 2 Date s/=r , *7/74/2022 5:OIPM Conhact No, 1330075 Sumtnit Landsburg Road and Rock Cteek Culverl Replacerrrent City of Kent lnstall Temporory Woter ByPoss Work DescriPtion: Connect to the existing 12" ductile iron with a temporary 8" HDPE bypass' Item #Item Units Unit Cost Extension Notes: Assume 0.5 day to mob materials/equipment and 0.5 day to de-mob .2 Man Crew (Foreman, Teamster) Assume S days to construct bypass and 2 days to remove. 3 Man Crew (Foreman, Operator, Pipelayer). Assume 2 days to weld pipe and tesUpurity. 2 Man Crew (Foreman' Operator) X ACTUALTO DATE HOURS PLUS 20 HRS FOR REMOVAL XX ACTUALTO DATE HOURS PLUS 10 HRS FOR REMOVAL Our records show that these were not used. Rachet Straps were used instead. See attached. f sr.tra.r - w,60fnI 3 06?, 19A5E SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC, Qtv Labor Mob & De-mob 10.00 $ 89.70 $ 897.00HRForem a n f2-eavceerc+Rel8#tf1.00 $ 79.40 $ 794.00HR10.001.00 Teamster Construct Bvoass $ 6,368.7071.00 $ 89.70Fo rem a n ffeatrsr+enns*St*t)HR1.00 $ 83.97 $ 1,763.37HR21 .OOO p e ra to r {f€ayer*{Sf tFls€ffi |1.00 $ 5,067.3681.00 $ 62.56Pi{7€atr€re4+HR€/S{+ift}HR1.00 Weld Pipe & TesUPurity $ 89.70 $ 1,794.00HR20.00Foreman (2 Davs x 10 HRs/Shift)1.00 $ 1,679.40HR20.00 $ 83.e71.00 Operator (2 Days x IOHRs/Shift) Remove Bypass Yt (*scgovt^2\ - 1 794.0020.00 $ 89.70HR100Foreman (Davs x 10 HRs/Shift)$ 83.97HR20.00Operator Vhays x 10 HRs/Shift)1.00 $ 1.251.2020.00 $ 62.56HR1.00 Pipelaver (fDavs x 10 HRs/Shift) 4Lotl9 $ 23,088.43Subtotals 7.157.4131.00%Markup $ 30,24s.84Labor Total Equipment $ 1,627.94HR46.00 $ 35.391.00 Foreman Pickup (X)$ 145.93 $ 3,137.50HR21 501.00 CAT 314 Excavator (XX)$ 2.190.96HR25.50 $ 85.921.00 938m LOADER (XX)$ 46.62 8 1,911.42HR41 .OO1.00 40 FT Flatbed Truck (XX) 6.00 $ 67.1 1 $ 402.66HRWATER TRUCK1.00 $ 488.55HR7.50 $ 65.141.00 50G $ 9,759.03Subtotal$ 2,049.4021.OOo/oMarkup $ 11,808.42Equipment Total Materials $ 9,89s.00 $ 9,895.00LS1.00Core & Main Total1.00 -HGES€0-HBFowler TotaF-Eraekets{4ffi220lEA}-$ 4.411.60 $ 4,411.60LS1.00Fusion Welder for HDPE1.00 $ 300.0010.00 $ 30.00EAEcoloov Blocks1.00 $ 1€*€6€eSubtotal 21.O0%$ e#a*3'9.Markqp Material Total $ {+,€oe.esTotal f t-?rezs.ti ' doma Screw' SCARSELLA BROTIIERS INC ATIN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 DELIVERY NOTE To KENT SCARSELLA BROTHERS ATTN: RECEMNG 84TH AVE SO 19440 84TH AVE S KENr, WL9803?-12& ,r,hl{|,r I*** l,r WC Kent since 1946 *** wrLL .ALL ti'r,+ ll|lllllll|IllllllllllluL *o, pAy **** Do mor,^JlIilfllllllll$illlillllll[lfllllllllllil Order # 1s004s395-00 1330075 .rJ *-f 485634 06lt9t22 I 17oL0th N30 Bill To PO## lnstructiorts Area VlaPoint Reference Date Terms atv UM #Caftons ReceivedLine # Quantity AuantityOrdered Shipped Unit Price Amount (NetlQuantity BackorderedPtoduct And Description I s32-301 1" x 16 ft, Ileavy Duty Ratchet Strap with J Hook 4.U)4.00 0.00 EA 20.5485 u.t9 a s32-303 Ztt xtl ft. Heavy Duty Ratchet Strap' \{ire Hooks 8.00 8.00 0.00 EA 23,3758 187.01 3 160-00$,1 5/8il-11 Ileavy Duty EYe Nuts 8.00 8.00 0.00 EA ls.8w7 tn.20 4 Mt-320-l 8.00 8.00 3l4 x7r Power-Stud* SDI Wedge Anchors, Zinc Ptated Carbon Steel 0.00 EA 4.s158 36.13 Materials Total:432.53 Lines Total TotalTotal* * # of Lines Not Printed AtY CubePackedCheckedPicked 60.0328028.m000 Date ReceivedReceived ByPicked up BV iaY Print Time: OGlO9l22 12:Customer Copy Page 1 of 1 ,. -.'.. -'..1485634tll ltlltttIttnttttttHts .!v r r ^.". bi7 rrlscaRsELLA BRorrrERs rNCATTNI ACC0UNTS PAYABLEPO BOX 63697SEATTLB, fyA 9816&0,697'Iatflmttltntlt rlTSCARSELLA BROTHERS|ATTN: ROCEMNG 84fiI AVE19440 84TIf AvE sKENT, wA 98032-1?r',0): R"t"r"r*-f-oiu oti snip o11ou -- -:I5.-_'fui ogt zz' os t tii' r zzlll I lllllillllllililliliililililil lil lllIthip ToCount SaIe25.9560CLRTACOMA: CENTERSTREETt4,392s.9647.6Ll1I!gIII;ai=[o6BzFA13 - loo?. SBoo II 331610Counter Bin:2 3i3412Counter Bin:3 617-504Counter Bin:4 677-304Loctite QuickS tix ?Ag MediumCounferBosch HC2I02 S/8,,x g,rSDS phrs Carbide Hammer "*1.#,r.001.000.00 EA t4,3851,Bosch HC2I22 3t4., x gtt SDS ptus Carbide Harnmer ""i."ry,0;fi}'47a6I,Areaii..-532-3032" x27Pointgili# ?f,",;;# "*i1#!:i"o or|tUnit Ptice#LineflCartonsReceivedProductAnd DescdptionAmount(Net)4t, x Barry, Jason Sent: To: Cc: From:Tom Malphrus <tom.malphrus@covingtonwater.com > Tuesday, August 23,2022 9:56 AM Barry, Jason Federico Tablada; McConnell, Phil; Lincoln, Stephen RE: Rock Creek Bridge - Review of Change Order for Temporary Water Main By-Pass Jason The numbers check out. Please proceed with processing Thank you, Tom Malphrus, P.E. Project Engineer Phone: 253-867-0906 From: Barry, Jason <J Ba rry@kentwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 23,2022 9:30 AM To: Tom Ma I phrus <tom.ma I ph rus@covi ngtonwate r'co m> Cc: Federico Tablada <federico.tablada@covingtonwater.com>; McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@kentwa.gov>; Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln @ kentwa.gov> Subject: FW: Rock Creek Bridge - Review of Change Order for Temporary Water Main By-Pass CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Hi Tom, Scarsella agrees with you on the brackets not being used. Attached is the revised cost with that item struck-and the cost does include the cost of removal. If you are okay with this I will 9o ahead and get a change orderwritten up and close the loop on this item. Let me know Thanks, Jason Jason Barry, Capital Proiects Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5546 | Cell 253-797-A462 ibarry@KentWA,oov www.KentwA.oov R Sl8 PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E- MAIL Subject: KENT 1 EXTERNAL EMAIL *llhrr6tax From: Matthew Sca rsella <matthew.s@SCARSELLABROS'com> Sent: Tuesday, August 9,2022 4:I7 PM To: Barry, Jason <JBarrv@kentwa.gov>; Aaron Weidman <aaron.w@sbstructures.com> Cc: McConnell, Phil<PMcConnell@kentwa.sov>; Casey Nelson <casev.n@SCARSELLABROS.com> Subject: RE: Rock Creek Bridge - Review of Change Order for Temporary Water Main By-Pass Jason, Covington WD's comment is correct. Would you like us to revise the proposal or can you strike it out? Thanks, Matt Matthew Scarsella, P.E. I Project Manager From: Barry, Jason <JBarrv@kentwa.gov> Sent: Tuesday, August 9,2022 10:11 AM To: Matthew Scarsella <matthew.s@SCARSELLABROS.com>; Aaron Weidman <aaron.w@sbstructures.com> Cc: McConnell, Phil<PMcConnell@kentwa.gov>; Casey Nelson <casev.n@SCARSELLABROS.com> Subject: FW: Rock Creek Bridge - Review of Change Order for Temporary Water Main By-Pass Hi Matt/Aaron, See Covington WD's comments below and attached. Thanks, Jason Jason Barry, Capital Proiects Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5546 | Cell 253-797-A462 ibarrv@KentWA.oov www.KentwA.oov n ffi g PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E- From: Tom Malphrus <tom. malph rus@covinqtonwater.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 9,2022 9:15 AM To: McConnell, Phil <PMcConnell@kentwa.gov>; Barry, Jason <JBarrV@kentwa'gov> Cc: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa.gov>; Federico Tablada <federico.tablada@covingtonwater.com> Subject: Rock Creek Bridge - Review of Change Order for Temporary Water Main By-Pass KENTlflltsria?ox 2 EXTERNAL EMAIL EXTERNAL EMAIL Phil, Jason: Attached are the District's comments to the change order for the temporary water main by pass at the Rock Creek Bridge project. Also, please confirm with Scarsella that this change order includes removal of the by-pass. Thank you, Tom Malphrus, P.E. Project Engineer Phone: 253-867-0906 NOTICE: All emails and attachments sent to and from Covington Water District are public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records Act (RCW 42.561- NOTICE: All emails and attachments sent to and from Covington Water District are public records and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to the Public Records Act (RCW 42.561- 3 ' Barry, Jason To: Cc: Sent: Subject: From:Matthew Scarsella < matthew.s@SCARSELLABROS'com> Friday, June 3, 2022 2:32 PM Barry, Jason; Tom Malphrus Lincoln, Stephen; Connor, Eric; Brian Matthews; Casey Nelson RE: Summit Landsburg Road Rock Creek Temporary Water Bypass Jason, Everything you outlined below works for Scarsella. Thanks for summarizing Thanks, Matt Scarsella Bros., lnc. Matthew Scarsella, P.E. I Project Manager P.O. Box 68697 Seattle, Washington 98168-0697 o: (253) 872-7173 | c: (206) 8L7-276s m att hew.s (d sca rse I la b ros. co m From: Barry, Jason <J Ba rry@ kentwa.gov> Sent: Friday, June 3, 2022t2:4LPM To: Tom Malphrus <tom.malphrus@covingtonwater.com>; Matthew Scarsella <matthew's@SCARSELLABROS.com> Cc: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa'gov>; Brian Matthews <bmatthews@kbacm.com>; casey Nelson <casey.n@ScARSELLABROS.com> Subject: RE: Summit Landsburg Road Rock Creek Temporary Water Bypass Tom/Matt, Thank you for discussing these costs openly and honestly on the TEAMS meeting this morning. To recap discussions (please feel free to add or subtract by replying all, if necessary): Tom will take the attached dollar figure and breakdown to covington water District's board Tuesday afternoon as a budgetary number for approval. lt is anticipated that a Notice to Proceed will be issued Wednesday. It was agreed that actual costs will be tracked via Force Account in an effort to eliminate risk considerations associated with a Lump Sum cost proposal. These costs will be tracked daily as bypass work progresses, to include Traffic Control labor not considered in the original bid outside of the road closure. A change order will be written capturing costs and applied to Schedule ll: WATER costs when complete and work is accounted for. EXTERNAL EMAIL Again, if l,m missing anything or misinterpreted something (was a little distracted during discussion) please respond 'accordingly. Any questions, let me know' Thanks, Jason Barry From: Barry, Jason Sent: Thursday, June 2,2022 4:20 PM To: Tom Ma lphrus <tom.malphrus@covingtonwater.com> Cc: Lincoln, Stephen <SLincoln@kentwa.gov>; Connor, Eric <EConnor@kentwa.gov>; Brian Matthews <bmatthews@kbacm.com> Subject: Summit Landsburg Road Rock Creek Temporary Water Bypass Hi Tom, Attached is Scarsella's cost proposal for the temporary water bypass at Rock Creek for review and approval. Let's plan on having a TEAMS meeting tomorrow to go over this with Scarsella. Thanks, Jason KENT Jason Barry, Capital Proiects Supervisor Construction Management I Public Works Department 220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032 Phone 253-856-5546 | Cell 253-797-8462 ibarry@KentWA.gov www.KentwA.oov B Ct ts PLEASE CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT BEFORE PRINTING THIS E- MAIL f,altsrro!ai 2 City of Kent - Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert ReplacementTemporary HDPE Water BypassSubtotalWashington State Sales TaxTotalNotes:Change order pricing includes fabricated Pipe Hill Side Holder. Temporary weightinthe same price.ar4'(,7%8.sss91,530.L37,963.1299,493.25Super Sacks can be substituted forr/'oIhi'uExtensions 68,332.00s 23j's{.frUnit Prices 68,332.00S z,srg.grQuantity1.00L0.00UnitLSDAYDescriptionI nsta I l/Test/Pu rify/Re move Te m po ra ry H DP E Water BypassAdditional Traffic Control 6/2/2022 3:51 PM Contract No. 1330075 Summit Landsburg Road and Rock Creek Culvert Replacement City of Kent lnstoll Temporary Water ByPass Work Description: Connect to the existing 12" ductile iron with a temporary 8" HDPE bypass Item #Item Descri Units O Unit Gost Extension Notes: Assume 0.5 day to mob materials/equipment and 0.5 day to de-mob. 2 Man Crew (Foreman, Teamster) Assume S daysto construct bypass and 2 days to remove. 3 Man Crew (Foreman, Operator, Pipelayer) Assume 2 days to weld pipe and tesvpurity. 2 Man Crew (Foreman, Operator) SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC. 945stNce r Qtv Labor Mob & De-mob $ 89.70 $ 897.00HR10.001.00 Foreman (2 Days x 10 HRs/Shift)$ 794.00HR10.00 $ 79.401.00 Teamster Construct & Remove Bypass $ 6,279.00HR70.00 $ 8e.701.00 Foreman (7 Days x 10 HRs/Shift)$ 83.97 $ 5,877.90HR70.001.00 Operator (7 Days x 10 HRs/Shift)$ 4,379.2070.00 $ 62.56HR1.00 Pipelaver (7 Days x 10 HRs/Shift) Weld Pipe & TesUPurity $ 1,794.0020.00 $ 89.70HR1.00 Foreman (2 Days x 10 HRs/Shift)$ 83.97 $ 1,679.40HR20.001.00 Operator (2 Days x 10 HRs/Shift)$ 21,700.50Subtotal 31.00o/o $ 6,727.16Markup$ 28,427.66Labor Total Equipment $ 25.00 $ 2,500.00HR100.001.00 Foreman Pickup 10,215.1070.00 $ 145.93HR1.00 CAT 314 Excavator $ 35.00 $ 2,450.00HR70.001.00 Pipelayer Tool Truck 1,007.1010.00 $ 100.71HR1.00 40 FT Flatbed Truck $ 16,172.20Subtotal 3,396.1621.00%Markup $ 19,568.36Equipment Total Materials ; 9,895.001.00 $ 9,895.00LS1.00 Core & Main Total $ 2,200.00LS1.00 $ 2,200.001.00 HD Fowler Total - Brackets (10 EA x $220lEA)$ 4,411.60 $ 4,411.60LS1.001.00 Fusion Welder for HDPE $ 300.0010.00 $ 30.00EA1.00 Ecoloqv Blocks $ 16,806.60Subtotal$ 3,529.3921.00o/oMarkup $ 20,335.99MaterialTotal $ 68,332.00Total Contract No. 1330075 Sumnit Landsburg Road and Rock Cteek Culvett Replacement City of Kent Temporary Wdter Bypass - Traffic Control Work Description: Traffic control for lnstallation & Removal of the Temporary water Bypass Item #Item Descri Units 6/2/2022 3:51 PM Unit Cost Extension SCARSELLA BROTHERS INC. sr^rcE 1945 Qtv.Labor $ 5,901.00HR100.00 $ 59.011.00 Traffic Control Supervisor s 10,422.00200.00 $ 52.1 1HRFlaqqer Q EA x 10 Days x '10 HRs/DaY)1.00 $$HR1.00 $HR $1.00 $ 16,323.00Subtotal 31.00%$ 5,060.13Marhup$ 21,383.13Labor Total Equipment $ 1,500.00100.00 $ 15.00HRSupervisor's Pickup1.00 $$HR1.00 $$HR1.00 $$HR1.00 $ 1,500.00Subtotal$ 315.0021.00o/oMarkup $ 1,815.00pment Total Materials $$EA1.00 $$LF1.00 $$EA1.00 $EA $1.00 $Subtotal 21.00o/o $Markup $Material Total Subcontractor $$LS $LS $ $Subtotal 12.00%$Markup $Subcontractor Total $ 23,198.13Total $ 2,319.81CosUDay lUlAIN tlrJ oF1^ l(J F(J FzoQ .hl!Foz Bid Proposal for Rock Creek Culvert - 8" Temp Water SCARSELLA BROS INC L9460 - 84TH AVENUE SOUTH KENI WA 98032 Sales Representative Thomas Waldman (M) 206-2ss-1063 (T) 2s3-840-ss0s (Fl2s3-840-LL41. Thomas.Wa ld ma n @ co rea nd ma i n.com Job Rock Creek Culvert - 8" TemP Water Kent, WA King County Bid Date: o5/3t/2022 02:00 pm Bid #:237L079 Core & Main 602 Valley Ave NE Puyallup, WA 98372 (T) 2s3-840-8ss8 Revised Quote - added more items after conversation with Casey. 06/02/2022 - 10:51AM Actual taxes may vary Page L of 2 Bid Proposalfor Rock Creek Culvert - 8" Temp Water SCARSELTA BROS INC Job Location: Kent, WA Bid Date: 05/31/2022 02:00 pm Core & Main237tO79 Core & Main 602 Valley Ave NE Puyallup, WA 98372 Phone: 253-840-8558 Fax: 253-840-L141 Seqfi Qty Description Units Price Ext Price DUE TO CURRENT SUPPLY CHAIN DISRUPTIONS,MATERIATS ARE SUBJECT TO PRICING AT TIME OF SHIPMENT. MATERIAT AVAITABITIW AND TIMETINESS OF SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. THIS TERM SUPERSEDES Att OTHER CONTRACTUAT PROVISIONS. 8'' TEMP HDPE WATER PIPING 4OO 8 IPS DR11 HDPE PIPE 2 8 SDR11 tPS22-t/2 BEND MOLDED 2 8 IPS DR11 HDPE FLG ADPT 2 8" SDRll DIIPS BACKING RING 2 . 8 ZINC PLTD STUD KIT WNUTS & WASHERS 3/4X6 FottowlNG FoR TEST/FLUSH 2 8 MJXFLG ADPT C].53 IMP 2 8X2MJ TAPT PLUG C153 IMP 2 8 MJ REGULAR ACC SET (l) 2 2" TEMP GALV TEST/FLUSH BO FOILOWING FOR CONN TO EXIST 2 T2X8 MJ RED C153 IMP 2 L2 UFR140O-DA-12U RET DIWACC DOMESTIC 2 8 UFR1400-DA-8U RET DIW/ACC DOMESTIC 2 8 MJ L/P SLV C153 IMP 2 8 MJ Z2-L/2 Ct53 tMP 4 8 UFR1400-DA-8U RET Dl W/ACC DOMESTIC 2 MCELROY 28 FUSION MACHINE DAILY RATE PER DAY RENTAT RATE TISTEDI wttt NEED 4r<ral/rrs GENERAToR 15.00 130.00 35.00 27.50 s0.00 165.00 145.00 45.00 175.00 6,000.00 260.00 70.00 55,00 00.00 330.00 150 160 170 180 200.00 170.00 90.00 200.00 160.00 90.00 175.00 290.00 90.00 350.00 400.00 340.00 180.00 400.00 320.00 360.00 200 210 220 240 2so 260 3s0.00 9,895.00TOTAT - 8'' TEMP WATER UNTESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED HEREIN, PRICES QUOTED ARE VALID IF ACCEPTED BY CUSTOMER AND PRODUCTS ARE RETEASED BY cusroMER FoR MANUiAarune wlniru THtRTy (30) cALENDAR DAys FRoM THE DATE oF THls QuorArloN. coRE & rvlAlN tP REsERVES rHE RTGHT To tNcREASE pRtcEs ro ADbRtss FAcroRs, rNcruDING BUT Nor [tMtrED To, cov!!ry-MEJ!T^REGUtATloNt rAruris, inAlrlspoiraricirrr, rurT nruo RAW MATERIAT cosTs. DETIVERY WItt COMMENCE BASED UPON MANUFACTURER LEAD TIMES. ANY MATERIAT DETIVERIES DETAYED BEYOND MANUFACTURER IEAD TIMES MAY BE SUBJECTTO PRICE INCREASES AND/OR APPtIcABtE sToRAGE FEEs. THIs BID PRoPosAt Is coNTINGENT UPoN BUYER,S ACCEPTANCE OF SELLER,S TERMS AND corrrorrolrrs oF sALE, niMoolrreo FRoM ilME io itur, wnlcx cAN BE FoUND AT: https;//coreandmain 06/02/2022 - 10:51AM Actual taxes may vary Page 2 of 2 H.D. FOWLER COMPANY BIDDING CONTRACTORS Scott Mclellan SUMMIT LANDSBURG CREEK CULVERT COVINGTON WA. Quote #: Bid Date: Bid No: Q483490 Page 1 of 1 Q483490 6/L/2022 Customer: Estimator: Job Name: Location: Line Qty UoM DescriPtion THRUST COLIAR(X2 ASSN AND REDUCER DETAIL ON SHEET 2 EA 12" SPHT MEGA tUG RET GTAND FOR Dl PIPE tflXX2SD EBAA EA 12" fi595 SHAG KtE e tAMP FOR DIP PIAIN FINISH ANVII Nete; **** ATTERNATE TO 12" SPIIT EBBA RESTRAINT ***** E4 EA EA 3/4" DOMESTIC NUT ZlNe PmrED EA@ EA DOM€SHE EA 12" MEGA tUG RET GTAND wMJ AeeESSoRY KIT tf1112DEe EBAA 8'' DRll IPS HDPE 8" SDR 11 rPS HDPE PIPE, BtAeK (8,43 IBS/FT) Nete: **** 40/50 ft stieks will ealled at hdfee leeatien *x*** 8" SDR 11 FTANGE ADAPTER IPS HDPE MOTDED BUTT FUSION W 3p-EAW 8'' GROUND AND ELEVATED HOLDER CLAMP ASSY. 10 EA 8'' HILL HOLDER CLAMP FOR HDPE PIPE, 1- 2 PIECE CLAMP 12.' LONG, 2 ANCHOR PLATES, 2 - 5'O'' STAKE, 6 - NUTS AND BOLTS Approximate Total Unit Price Extended Price + 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 4 4 I 15 96 64 z 2 ?5234 440J€ 4500 45-28 0J8 0.9s 939"60 #J9 +4Ag rto-Bo 25SO 7"00 15J8 0J8 ois 220.00 +p+1,36 +760€0 420.00 244,48 14=98 5&80 +1819J4 331-58 5p4O-00 80s0 soso 14JO 244,48 49-92 30JO 2,200.o0 13,191.10 350 Er 2EA 2EA 2EA 15 EA 64 EA o 40 L4 t2 13 t4 15 16 '#FERGUSON'FEL - WOODINVILLE WW#1539 24025 SNOHOMISH-WOODINVILLE RD wooDt Nvt LLE, w A 98072-87 87 Phone: 425486-9600 Fax: 425-806-8510 To: 75931 Joseph Contreras WATERWORKS Page 1 of 112:07.40 MAY 27 2022 Bid No: Bid Date: Quoted By: 8424726 05t26122 KJM Gustomer: SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 CustPO#: ROCKCREEK FERGUSON WATERWORKS #301 1 Price Quotation Phone: 425-486-9600 Fax: 425-806-851 0 Cust Phone Terms: Ship To: Job Name: SCARSELLA BROS INC PO BOX 68697 SEATTLE, WA 98168-0697 253-872-7173 NET IOTH PROX Item Description Quantity Net Price UM Total .MC0B24D .WH45KW FFREIGHT MCELROY 824 FUSION MACH RNTL DLY PER DAY RENTAL WHISPERWATT 45KW RNTL DLY PER DAY FRT CHARGE FEE 1 1 2 725.000 EA 150.000 EA 1768.300 EA 725.00 150.00 3536.60 Net Total: Tax: Freight: Total: $4411.60 $0.00 $0.00 $4411.60 LEAD LAW WARNING: lt is illeqal to install products that are not "lead free" in accordance with US Federal or other applicable law in potable water svstems anticioated tor numiiiE6ili'uffiiffi:'i6dftti fritE ;NF in'tne <i'escripiion aieNor teio iree and can only be iristalled in non-ilotable dryrliStL'"i'"FSE'i,'iR".)"{#ffi?fi8F+'6URt'i,%b"A?'8"dht'o* oF EXEcutvE oRDER 14042 AND/oR rHE Eo-rM'LEMENtNq FEpERAL CLAOSES Gea ii.z2s-gglruoloR ornn{zbi.i{z-ie}dj rS rxpnrsSlY nr;etrEo BY SELLER AND SHALL Nor APPLY AS SELLER ls A MArenrnrS sUpplrER AND THEREFoRE EXEMPT UNDER THE EXEcurlvE oRDER. Quoled prices are based upon receipt of the total quantity for immediate shipment (48 hours). SHIPMENTS BEYOND 48 HOURS SHALL BE AT THE PRICE IN EFFECT AT TIME OF SHIPMENT UNLESS NOTED OTHERWSE. QUOTES FOR PRODUCTS SHIPPED FOR RESALE ARE NOT FIRM UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. CONTACT YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY FOR ASSISTANCE WITH DBE/MBEMBE/SMALL BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS, Seller not responsible for delays, lack of product or increase of pricing due to causes beyond our control, and/or based upon Local, State and Federal laws governing iype of products that can be sold or put into commerce. This Quote is offered contingent upon the Buyer's acceptance of Seller's ierms and conctitions, which are incorporated by reference and found either following this document, or on the web at https://www.ferguson.com/contenUwebsile-info/terms-of-sale Govt Buyers: All items are open market unless noted otherwise. HOW ARE WE DOING? WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! Scan the QR code or use the link below to complete a survey about Your bids: https ://s u rvey.medal lia.com/?bidso rder&fc=31 56&on=74892 WATER MAIN GENER,AL NOTES I. SEE SHEET 45 FOR COMPLETT I{ATER MAIN CTNTRAL NOIES. / TEMPORARY BYPASS WATER MAIN NOTES ri) TNSTALL 12" x 8" RIDTJCED (MJXFL), DUCTLE rR0N T0 HDPE - IRANSITION COUPLING WTH MECHANICAL RE5TRAINT (ROMAC ALPHA FC OR EQU|VALENT) (FIXMO AND CONNECI TO 'TEMPORARY 8" HDPT PIPE, ALL MECHANJCAL JOINTS (MJ) SHALL BT RTSTRAINED. -:-:'..:_:':::_ SE SUMMIT LAI{DSBURG RI --+ .i - *.SECURT PIPE TO SUPPORT BLOCK. LOCAIIONS IO BT DETERMINED AT NIXT SUEMITTAL. SEf DETAIL, SHIET 2. OEFLICT PIPE TO ACHIIVT PIPE ALIGNMTNT SHOW!. RADIUS OF PIPE BENDS SHALL NOT BT LISS ]HAN 25'. LAY PIPE ON EXISTING GROUND AND SECURE PTR GROUND PIPE ANCHOR DETAIL 1, SHEET 2. SPACING T8D AT NIXT SUBMITTAL. ]EMPORARY EYPASS WA]ER MAIN ALIGNMENT (8" HOPE PIPE, DR 9), STATIONING SH0'i!l\ lS APPR0XIMATE ANO FINAL LoCAllON SHALL 8E DEIERMINID IN THE FIELD. !.:.1:,L{1ri:.. o o o g sTA 101+64.18 RT TYP r //ll, U,=Y(A\cL-- T{*ntr L'* &,*:. S "f*S ,irrF'ri?F7. SCALI: '' = 20 WATER MAIN LEGEND * EX WAIER (L0CATED) PROPOSTD WA]ER MAIN ]EMPORARY ISOLATION BERM (SEI SHITT 36 FOR LoCAloN) 565 s6Q EI 541 510 ._€--H..€-€- FISH SCREEN (sEI SHEET J6 FOR LOCATION) _W IEMPORARY EYPASS WATER MAIN (HDPE) ! I I i l.l i 1 I I i!i I ' .! ! ! EXSIINO 1':r' t.:i/:PRELIMINARY DESIGN- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION \b4tf'of"- SFfFT 1oF 2 PORARY BYPASS WATER PLAN AND PROFILE DULE II_COVINGTON WATER DISTRICT FilF NO BY DAlTRa\4StON PIPI CNMP 8'0 HD9F pllE WOOD Pt 6rS SIEEPIR I{OICHED ATPIPT N REQ'O [corocY Sloct( SLE€PER;STACX AS NTQ'D 6moE SECTIOT A-A tLtAx 5r 1'l" 518" r 12"sTfiof,/G r[ ilTEx HO SCR$\' A|{CUOX 'ilTOTOUNDATION WAIL I 5/8"x3"stOnED HOIE PL 3/16xtr 1'{" ltrl12"oHRU BOLTS A SIDE IHRU 318" PL TE HSS 3x!rV4 5TA{D.OFFS tASlm OF PIPE; l4llottt. FIlID MEASURT XEI6HT PflIOR TO FAONICATION SECIrOil FS ELOC|( SIAd PRELilMilN/ARY rN01r FCIrR cotvsT8ucT0oN t!il il U lllttls + + ]12: ffi: s/9,/u 2oF 20n^wN: JEo TEMPORARY SUPPORT DETAILS II - COVINGTON WATER DISTRICT ll)'[lt i Na]to t?wrsr0li