HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2021-223 - Change Order - #7 - Lakeside Industries, Inc. - S. 212th Street Preservation - 09/01/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvals, Signatures and Records Management This form combines & repiaces the Request for Mayor's Signature and Contract Cover Sheet forms, (Print on pink or cheny colored paper)WasHrNcroN o oLec Originator C. Frame Department: PW Engineering Date Sent: 9t7t2022 Date Required N/A Authorized to Sign: E Director or Designee E MaYor Date of Council Approval: 4t20t2021 Budget Account Number: R901 13.641 10.120 Budget? EYes ENo Grant? EYes E No Type: N/A E .9rP G ELoh E rP Eo EooLg| Vendor Name: Lakeside lndustries, lnc. Category: Contract Vendor Number 34030 Sub-Category: Change Order #7 Project Name: S 212th St. Preservation - 72nd Ave. S. to 84th Ave. S project netaits:Add additional bid item to provide compensation for extra work associated with installing PPB and replacing concrete pads Agreement Amount: $4,885.59 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: $id Termination Date: 72 Working Days Local Business? El Yes E No* *lf meets requirements per KCC 3.70.100, please complete 'Vendor Purchase-Local Exceptions" form on Atyspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? EYes E No Contract Number cAG2021-223 ttlce5\.o .i ,,qagC,E IUe .9ttt Date Received by city Attorney Comments Date Routed to the Mayort Office: Date Routed to the City Clerk's Office:q ad(cw22173 I 20 Visit Documents.KentwA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements T<ENTw^!Hlrotox CHANGE ORDER NO. #7 NAME OF CONTMCTOR: Lakeside Ind-tlstries, Inc. ("Contractor") CoNTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: s. 212ttr st. Preservation-72nd Ave. S. to 84T Ave. s. ORIGINALCONTRACTDATE: MAY 06.2021 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contracU all other provisions of the contract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: l. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work,' is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to: Add an additional bid item to provide compensation for extra work associated with instatling 1) PPB extensions and signal wiring, and 2) Replacing concrete pads at pedestrian and traffic signal bases. Z. The contract amount and time for performance provlsions of Section II "Time of Completion,o and Section IlI, "Compensation,'are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $1,859,E68.10 Net Change by Previous (incl. applicable WSST) Change Orders s24306.62 Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $1,88+174.72 Current Change Order $4,885.59 Applicable WSST Tax on this Change Order $0.00 Revised Contract Sum $1$89,0C0J1 CHANGE ORDER - 1 OF 3 Original Time for ComPletion (insert date) 70 working days Revised Time for Completion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 72 working days Days Required (*) for this Change Order o calendar days Revised Time for Completion (lnsert date) 72 working days In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard Specifications, and Section VII of the Agreement, the Contractor accepts all requirements of thls Change Order by signing below. Also, pursuant to the above-referenced contract, Contractor agrees to waive any protest it may have regarding this Change Order and acknowledges and aicepts that this Change Order constitutes final settlement of all claims of any klnd or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this Change Order, including, without limitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost profits. This Change Order, unless otherwise provided, does not relieve the Contractor from strict compliance with the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original contract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date. All acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (lf any), and this Change Order, prior to the effective date of this Change Order, are hereby ratified and affirmed, and the terms of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (if any), and this Change Order shall be deemed to have applied. The partles whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3. The Contractor wlll adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITIIESS, the parties below have executed this Agreement, which wlll become effectlve on the lact date written below. K? CONTRACTOR: By: Print Name: ?t-frJDATE:(.L CITY OF KENT: By . chad Bierenffi'um' (slgnature) Prlnt Name: Chad Bieren. EE. Ilc Dr rhlia lilrrrlzc Direcfor (tide) DATE: CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 ATTEST: t Kent Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORI{: (appttcable if Mayals stgnatutc reqrulr"n) Kent Law DePaftment ltr fib idd, t!i, mrlr fts rlt sL.tloilc thedr rfidr lllc strrct it b*l tlt aaD CHANGE ORDER. 3 OF 3 Flle l{o. 2OO.2 KE T w^txrroroi CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 7 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works S. 212th St. Preservation 72nd Ave. S. toFrolecE: 84th Ave. S. (East Valley Highway) Proiect Engineer: Drew Holcomb Project No: Fed-Aid No: Contractor: 19-3003 STPUL-12s0(009) Lakeside Industries, Inr:- Capital Proiects Manaoer:Cameron Bloomer (KBA, Inc.) Date: 8lLgl2O22 I Chan e sions and signal wiring, and 2) Replacing concrete pads at pedestrian and traffic signal bases. an additional bid item to provide compensation extra work associated with installing 1) PPB IL Reason and nd for Cha 1) PPB Extension and Wiring: at the NW corner 7 plans call for the installation of new PPBs on an existing signal pole. During construction it was determined the buttons would not be ADA plaint without extension. This change pruoides compensation for the installation of those nsions, which were not shown on the plans. During sawcutting ont the NW corner of 77th, and existing signal conduit had been poured into the concrete and was cut. work was performed without notification to the owner, and the work was not able to be tracked on account. The City has reviewed the submitted cost and finds if fair and reasonable for the work rformed. This change provides compensation for installing new wires. 2) New concrete pads at Signals: It was discovered during construction that some existing concrete pads at pedestrian signal heads and signal poles were cracked. These were replaced while new ramps were being poured adjacent to them. This work was tracked on force account and this change provides compensation for that work. fff. Method of Payment Page 1 NEW PAY ITEMS E NotapPlicable New Pay ltems Total: $ DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09.5 E Notappricable INCREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) El Notappricabre 4,885.59 Sch No Item Description Total Est. ow Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Gost of Item VI Replace Concrete Pads at Electrical Bases 1 LS $2,178.55 $2,r78.55 VI PPB Extensions and Signal Wiring 1 LS $2,707.O4 $2,707.44 $ Unit Unit Price Cost of ltemBid Item No.Item Description QtvSch No. $ $ $ Sch No.Bid ltem No.Item Description Qtv Unit Unit Price Cost of Item $ $ $ $ $ crease to ng Pay Items *TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF CHANGE ORDER:$4,885.59 x Total of the Cost of Item Columns IV. WORKING DAYS Oriqinal Contractr Due This Chanoe Order:o Previous Total: Work associated with this change order was performed outside of the critical path. No adjustement to contract lime is being made with this change order. *TOTAL WORKING DAYS: Page2 o * This Change Order + Previous Total Capital Proiecft Manager: Gonstruction Enginerlng Supervisor: 0r,,*r,t.am*Date: 812912022 Cameron Bloomer, KBA Inc. Jason Barry ffiiffiffi*Date: 8129122 Jason Bany Construction ltlanager:4,-Date: 8t30t22 Eric Connor Page 3 KENT WagHrNGrota S, 272th Preservation 72nd Aves S. to 84tr Ave S. (East Valley Highway) Lakeside lndustries, lnc. Pedestrian Signal at 77th Field Work Directive PW Proiect Number: FederalAid Number: Date: FWD OO1 19-3003 srPUL-12s0pa9) 6/10/2021 Project Name: Contractor: Subiect: Scope: Make the following changes to the Contract Documents: o At the NW corner ol77th and2L2th, where the existing conduit/cable was damaged during saw cutting: o Remove temporary cable, repair the damaged conduit, the remove and replace the 5 conductor and 2 conductor cables between the ped signal and the controller cabinet. Measurement and Payment: r Track Time and Material efforts, payment via change order Attachment{s}: o None Contractor Acknowledgement : By Date: Eric Mock, Project Manager Orner Approval: 6t10t2021 By:Date: Cameron Bloomer, KBA lnc. By: /-/<,/-; ,- z-4d7zttz>z' '?'rt'- n Date:6t10t21 Eric Connor, City of Kent THIS FIETD WORK DIRECTIVE DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR EITHER A TIME EXTENSION OR A CHANGE IN THE CONTRACT PRICE, IABOR, EQUIPMENT, AND/OR MATERIAL OUTLINED IN THIS FIELD WORK DIRECflVE SHAtt SE PAID BY 8ID ITEM(S) OR A CHANGE ORDER SHATL 8E DEVELOPED FOR TIME DffENSION OR CONTRACT PRICE INCREASES. ANY PROTEST TO THE FIEID WORK DIRECTIVE SHATL FOLLOW 1.&I,5 OF THE WSDOT STANDARD SPECIFICANONS, DAILY REPORT OF FORGE ACCOT,T{TWORKED 1{ 37A\ DATG 9t9t2021CONTRACTOTLakeside lndustries PAYESTIJ&G ConcreteS['BCOIITRAGT(X 19€0Glftojrct No.coITEII FodBr.lAld No.sTPUL-r260(0001 FA* Colilrtctor FA! I Rsplace corrcr€ao p.d3.t ol.clrlcrl br!c.DEseRlPnofloFWtru PERFORIED s2,178.55LtBoRTOTALCOST REG RATE OTHRS OT RATE AMOUNTWORKER'SNAME WORKER'S OCCUPANON REG HRS u25.OE3.00 s 75.03 s,oroo Volica Cdnent irasorl 3225.0S3.00 $ 75.03 ttoberto B€lica Comont Masdr t w5.asCff€nt Masotl 3.m I 75.fi!Juan Manzatro $31E2.91MarcGVslica3.00 s 60.97 I 60.97 t sl82.91sr86l Cordova L&trFinishT€{dor 3.(x) 3.@ 3 60.97 $$182.91Guillefino Vald€z G€n€ral Laborer 91,224.ULABOR SUBTOTAL $35.t.962996 OVERHEAD AND PROFIT, BONDING,INSUMNCE AND TAX ITOTAL I REG HRS REG RATE STDBY HRS STOBY RATE AMOUNTEQUIPMENTTYPEEQUIPMENTSIZE 1 s 36.16 2.6 $ 20.06 676.28J&G 2016 HD3500 Flatbed Diesel $76.2813 36.16 2.00 $ 20.06JaG 2017 HD3500 Flatb€d Di$el $E $o.00 $162.56 $32.042'96 OVERHEAO MATERIAL SUBTOTAL IA AMOUNTVENDOR & INVOICE# tr36.2€s13.71 t150.06 $0.00 $o.00 t0.00 90.00 $150.06MAIER!\LS SUBIOTAL INCLUDING TAX 131.5121% OVERHEAD AND PROFIT' EONDING, INSURANCEANO TAX llEr.57TOTAL AMOUNTVENDOR & INVOICE#WORKDESCRIPTION s0.00 $.00 $0.o0SUEGONI RACTO'I INV t'Uts I 9 IAL so.mTN( s0.00PRIilE $fld.1 ot L.bor, Equlpm.il, A llilsd.l Wott fi,945.13St BCOIITRACTOR$6tot l of t bor, Eqdpmoril. motlal, & slrbcordtrc'torlffolc.d luotl 12%itarkups of, v(rd( perturn€d by subcontractor up to $25,('0(F12%, $25,000"t10o,00o = lo% Gfsator th6n 910o,m0 = 7% 8233.4'SDcontrrchUrrt{ry 32.r78.55TOTAL COST ffi Itchod(sd, fib uod( is ln dspuh. By st$fttg $b tom, pdtle3 re tgr..ll{ to Ulo tme Jd !fiod nood€db.ccolDli$ ftet.slc En$0ensltb be ddonnined dt ltbrdtte FmDaleTli2O2O I & G CONCRETE CORPORATION P.O. Box 1062 Milton, WA.98354 Phone : (2531737-7892 Fax: (253) 333-8085 jorgev@gconcretecorp.com Force Account Project Number:2020-258 G (1-1) Date: 9i9n021 212th Preservation - KentWA Lakeside lnc. Cement Concrete Extra Work - Electric Post Prime Contractor WA- NAME OCCUPATION STRAIGHTTIME HOURS RATE OVERTIME HOURS RATE DOLLAR AMOUNT $225.093.0 $75.03Joroe Velica Cement Mason $225.09Cement Mason 3.0 $ 75.03Roberto Belica $75.03 $225,09Juan Manzano Cement Magon 3.0 182.91$Laborer Finisher Tender 3.0 $60.97Marcos Velica 182.91$Laborer Finisher Tender 3.0 $ 60.97lsraelCordova 3.0 $60.97 182.91$Guillermo Valdez Genenal Laborer EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS 1 LABORTOTAL $ 354.96 1,578.96 DOLLAR AMOUNT HOURS WORKING WORKHOURS RATE HOURS STANDBY STANDBY RATE SUBTOTAL- LABOR: Profit / Ovefiead 29% 1.0 36.16$$ 2.00 $20.06 76.28$2016 HD 3500 Flatbed Diesel 1.0 $ 36.16 $ 2.oo $20'06 76.28$2017 HD 3500 Flatbed tJtesel $ OUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNTIt ATERI/ALS 152.56 184.59 32.03 TOTAL SUBTOTAL - EOUIPMENT Proft / Overhead 2'l% 1.00 CY $ 150.05 150.05$CADMAN Cement Concrete lnvoice#1779303 SUBTOTAL - MATERIALS Profit / Overhead 2106 ilIATERIALS TOTAL 31.51 ll8l.58 $ $ 150.05 TOTAL AMOUNT : $1,945.{ I Work Performed By: t/ory [/ilrba / P,"steat LABOR EQUIPMENT MATERIALS WWR: W€ightod Wagp Rata K20 J&GCONCRETECORP P O BOX 1062 MTLTON wA 98354 09-09-21 wP40003 0s-09-21 2 09-09'21 8510 09-09'21 6075 09-09-21 6045 ,*" TICKET(S) FROM PI.ANT ISSAQUAH PLANT 1214924, 1215091 tnvolce Number: lnvoice Date: Page: Terms of $ale: Customer Number: Customer Job: Tax Code: 1779303 09ta9t2021 1 Nel 10th Follodng Month 9530180 lnvoice WSDOT CL 4OOO AIR, ENVIRONMENTAL SURCHARGE - RM STANDBY TIME - READY MtX FUELSURCHARGE. RM WA ST SICK LEAVE SURCHARGE Cadman taterials,lnc. TO ENSURE PROPER CREDII, PIEASE ,NCLUIE THE ITTIIO'CE NUNBERWIIH YOUR PAYI'IENT REt#lfo: 15620 Gollec,tion Center Dr' Ghicago,lL 60693 Tax lD # 9l-1504256 Extension 14.00 14.00 60.00 2.OO 14-00 cy ea ea ea ea $112.50 $6.00 $3.50 $12.50 $1.00 Subtotal - TAX. $1,575.00 $&4.00 $210.00 $2s.00 $14.00 $1,90s.00 $152.71 AI dt o{6\t*\{0' t tf6 c95301803S 212TH ST & 76TH AVE S uom Unit PdceOuanUtyProduct Number Product DescriPtionPlantTicketTicket Date Total Qty:Total Tax: ql92.7114.00 a terms at ne (425) 432-1325 Fax 425) 432-9155 G &G fnc. Sincerely Bonnie Graham President Material 2 extension brackets 125.00ea 350' 5c signal wire 350 2csh wire IO' PVC x2t% oH & P TotalMaterial Labor 16 M hours @ 76.00hr x29% OH&P Total Labor TOTAL REQUEST $2s0.00 27t.2s 155.75 25.00 $702.00 147.OO $849.00 $1,216.00 352.00 $1,568.00 $2,417.00 Prlme Markup @ t2o/o = 290.04 Total= SZ,7O7.O4 JUNE 3RD, 2O?2 I.AKESIDE INDUSTRIES 6505 226TH PL SE ISSAQUAH WA RE: S ?I2THPRESERVATION FORCE ACCOUNT Gentlemen, At the intersection of 77th & 2l2th we installed some extra work as follows: Wu,WlN 18044 SE 224th St,, Kent, Wa. 981142 tamarasleeman.onq@qmail.com o:{425)432-1 325 - c:(206}271.7803 Purchase 0rilel TO: WESTERN SYSTEMS QT# Bid # SO. 212TH SI'- KENT Purchase Order No. Job: 2563 SO, 212TH ST. KENT Date: 1Al4l21 2563 TERIAL OTY Unit Price Exlension bracket - Green 'l-2.5" GW teloscoping (Guardian & WIAPB) Parl#721AO204M x7 TOTAL SHIPPING EW JOB 2563 CONTRACTOR LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES SO. 212TH ST - KENT 1 $'t 14.29 $114.29 Subtotal Total $1 14,29 Special Instructions: 1) Submit drawinga for approval, immediately' 2) Material must be manufactured per returned, "Approved Drawings" tor the Project- SO.212THST'KENT 4}4SHouRDELIVERYNoTIcEREQUIREDoNALLMATERIALSHIPMENTS' iIATERIAL SHIPPED WITHOUT A 48 HOUR NOTICE, WILL BE RECEIVED AT G & G INC.'S CONVENIENCE, CONTACT BONNIE OR STACY AT 425432.1325, 5) Ship Poles to Job site'CALL FOR ADDRESS 6) Ship all other malerials to our offlce @ G A G, lnc. 18044 SE 224th Street Kent, Washlngton 98042 7) L|FT GATE lS REQUIRED FOR DELIVERIES TO OUR OFFICE. 1 o INVOICE lnvoice Quecdone Please Gell or Emall 253-779-3600 or ARQuestions@graybar.com lnvoice Nor 9326tf43610 lnvoice Date: 0411412022 Account Number: JP8965623 ACCoUnt Name: G&G INC / 2588 REVITALIZII{G TACOMA'S Rcmlt Pavmants To: GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 57073 LOS ANGELES CA 90074.7073 Ship to: G&G INC / 2588 REVITALIZING TACOMA'S REVITALIZING TACOMA'S BREWERY DISTRICT 18044 SE 224TH ST KENT WA 98042 1414 CENTER ST TACOMA WA 98409-821 1 ffi 1139 ? MB 0.485 t0031 10245 08967895250 S2 P8902068 0003:0006 ;ll,grlgpprlrgll,tll'lllllt'lltlt;llprgrllplllltt'lllltllllhll G&GINC 18044 SE 224TH ST KENT WA 98042-7215 PO#: 2588 SO#: 3782'17545 Del. Doc. #:PRO #Routinq Date Shipped Shipped From F.O.B,Rt. To 8042399071 8042399052 GRAYBAR TRUCK 04t14t2022 NW SERVICE CENTER S/P. F/A Siqned/Ordered by: TAMARA/Bonnie Graham Quantity Cataloo # / Description Unit Price / Unit Amounl 4000 sA-14-5/20-1 REEL FALCON FINE WIRE C 774.00 / 1000 #3,096.00 rMSA-14-5/20-1-STR x 2000' 2500 4.2/50-2.STR-FFW-CUT REEL FALCON FINE WIRE a/cs t\441.50 / 1000 #1,103.75 rMSA-14-2/50-2-STR 1 X 2500' Save Tlme by Golng Paperless Gravber can helo reduce vour pap€rwork bv sending invoices electronically. Paperless provides you wtlh instanl accoss t" "5riirwoicei.'saves ti#e and is safer foiyour eni-ployees. Ready io go papcrless? Email your company name and reient Graybar invoice number to BillerDirectRequest@graybar'com to get started. # lndicales Taxable ltem Terms of Payment 1% 10th Prox., net 15th Prox. As a condition of the sales agreement, a monthly service charge of the lesser of 1-112o/o arlhe maximum permitted by law may be added to all accounls not paid by net due dale. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credil cerds are accepled at point of purchase only. Sub Total Freight & Handling Tax Total Due Cash Discount (if paid within terms) 4,199.75 0.00 365.38 4,565.13 -42.00 SUBJECT TO THE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS LISTED ON vvww.GRAYBAR.coJ$." 0003:0006 lofl