HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAG2022-029 - Change Order - #2 - Long Painting Company - 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating & Vent Replacement - 08/22/2022KENT Agreement Routing Form For Approvab, Signatures and Recordl Managcment -Thts forrir iombines & repTaces the Request for Mayor! Slgnature and Contract Cover Sheet foms. (Print on pink or cherry colored paper)wa6HtxoTox o eee Originator: C. Frame Department: PV\l Engineering Date Sent; 812412022 Date Required; N/A Authorized to Sign: El Director or Designee E Mayor Date of Council Approval: 1t24t2022 Budget Account Number: ltnfiD'.64110.330 Budget? ElYes tr No Grant? ElYes ElNo Type' N/A Eg lyo Eb € E 3Eo E g I'l Vendor Name: Long Painting, Co. Category; Contract Vendor Number: 1589103 Sub-Category: Change Order#2 Project Name: 6MGl Reservoir Recoating and Vent Replaoement project Detaits:Engineering analysis and repair of the center bull wheel Agreement Amount $29,21 1.01 Start Date: N/A Basis for Selection of Contractor: Sid Termination Date: 195 Working Days Local Business? EYes E No* *!f meets requhements per KCC 3.7A.1N, pleasecomplete'Vendor Purchase'LocalExceptions'form on Qtyspace. Notice required prior to disclosure? ElYes EINo Contract Number: cAG2022-029 tor o4 Date Received by City Attorney:Comments: Date Routed to the Mayor3 Office: Date Routed to the City Clerkt Office:q aed{13?J-l-20 Visit Documcnts.KentWA.gov to obtain copies of all agreements , KENT WatFriotoi CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 NAME OF CONTRACTOR: Long paintino Companv (.,Contractor,,) CONTMCT NAME & PROJECT NUMBER: 6MG1 Reservoir Recoatino and Vent Reolacement ORIGINAL CONTMCT DATE: January 44,2022 This Change Order amends the above-referenced contracU all other provisions of thecontract that are not inconsistent with this Change Order shall remain in effect. For valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, the project contract is modified as follows: l. Section I of the Agreement, entitled "Description of Work," is hereby modified to add additional work or revise existing work as follows: In addition to work required under the original Agreement and any prior Amendments, contractor shall provide all labor, materiars, and equipment necessary to: Engineering analysis and repair of the center bull wheel of the 6MG1 Water Reservoir as described in Long Painting Company's RFI 9. Add five (5) working dayszfor the performance of this work; add five $t'working days for additional Metal Plate Repair (bid item 1095) work tliai exceeded the contract estimated quantity. 2. The contract amount and time for performance provisions of Section II "Time of completion," and section III, *compensation," are hereby modified as follows: Original Contract Sum, (including applicable alternates and wssT) $3,022,229.32 Net Change by Previous Change Orders (incl. applicable WSST) $30,397.51 / Current Contract Amount (incl. Previous Change Orders) $3,052,626.93 Current Change Order $2653m4 { Appf icable WSST Tax on this Change Order $2,619.tt Revised Contract Sum $3,0E11t37.E4 CHANGE ORDER - I OF 3 ('. In accordance with Sections 1-04.4 and 1-04.5 of the Kent and WSDOT Standard speciRcitions, ano section vII of th" Agr""rent, the.contractor accepts all requirements of this c[ing" ordei uv signing below. nlsol pursuanl to the above-referenced contract, contractor agrees to waive any protest it may -#vL regarding thls change order and acknowledges and ii."pt, that this cliange order constitutes flnal settlement of all claims of any kind or nature arising from or connected with any work either covered or affected by this change ordel including, without timitation, claims related to contract time, contract acceleration, onsite or home office overhead, or lost piontr. This Change Order, uniess otherwise provided, does not relieve the contractor from sirict compliance *iin the guarantee and warranty provisions of the original iontract, particularly those pertaining to substantial completion date' Ail acts consistent with the authority of the Agreement, previous Change Orders (!f ?nV), and this Change order, prior to the effective date oittris Change order,- are hereby ratified and ;ffid;a, ind t-he termi or tne Agreement, previous change orders (if any), and this change order shall be deemed to have aPPlied. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury -th.at they are authorized to enter into this contract modification, which is binding on the parties of this contract. 3, The Contractor will adjust the amount of its performance bond (if any) for this project to be consistent with the revised contract sum shown in section 2, above. IN WITNESS, the paftles below have executed this Agreemcnt' which will become effective on the last date written below' OriginalTime for Completion (insert date) 180 working days Revised Time for Com pletion under prior Change Orders (insert date) 185 worklng days Days Req uired (*)for thi s ch ange Order 10 calendar daYs Revised Time for Completion (insert date) 195 working days AF K? EC CONTRACTORT By: Print Name itx.Its__ DATE r CITY OF KEl{Tr . , OsHt4dbtm861Dx:C=Us,Effihhr,unad HFrenffig,ou'mw*"l{V' W,MO,z$i?.ioA4mef . (signature) Print Name: Chad Bieren, P.E. Its Public Works Director (tltle) DATE CHANGE ORDER - 2 OF 3 T, ATTEST: ,(,r^ 6r-fu Kent City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORlul: (applicable lf Mayor's signaturc rcqutred) Kent Law Department C[In til3 isld, you may sts lhc dcctrcnk lthplth rhcE the ql6ct h8 bco sed] CHANGE ORDER - 3 OF 3 ./^\-/ I(ENT Filc ilo.200.2 CHANGE ORDER WORKSHEET NO. 2 Construction Engineering Division - Public Works ProJect:6MGl KeSerVOlr ano vent Prolect llol 20-3006 Replacement Project Engineer: Gray & Osborne Fed-Ald No: Gapital Proiecb Brian shields Gontractor: Long Palnting company Maneoer! Date: 7|2UZA22 r.P work; inirrvoasWater LongofwheelIthe6MGtheofcenterandrepairEngineering fiveofcethlsadd5workiforthe (workings)9.RFI fiveAdd ()ng days performanCompany'sPainting edexceed cothe estimatedntractdbi1095Itemwothat ntityquarkrfoadditlonalrPlateMetal()Repadays IL Reason and IIf. Method of Payment NEW Pr\Y ITEMS nNotapplicabre for Cha m wenecessallewhstructuprovementsredscovebetowererytol€centethe rUnforeseenrepa Brid Iron&m subcontractorCo Chicago ge )r pany's (bei tomade 6MG1the rWate Reservoi PaintingLongng OsborneItedconsuwith&attentionKent's th RFIh The9.(projectthesehtthetoofCityGrayrougbrougCity workedG&O withrewerecenterthewheelbullmetanecessarynnneef,rm concuwho that pairsrredI)workthe wastheofdandadetermtoneatheriate performedmitigationma9estructuralppropengineers wereitionaAddfivenaitonaladdveR5workidays spents)working(workThe took days.ly()ngly ua thetn nal contract.the1itemthat ntity origiwerePlateMetalbeyondexpectedq(bid 0es)Repalrspqrformn9 Sch. No Item Dcccription Total Est, ow Unit Unlt Prlca Total ErtimetGd Coit of ltcm I Bull Wheel Repalr 1 LS $26,531.34 $26,531.34 New PaY ftemc Total: $ DELETE EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) per 1-09,5 [lNotappricabre 26'53t.34 PaBe 1 Sch No.Bid ftem No.Item Dcccription Qtv Unit Unit Price Coct of ltcm _$* $ $ Delets Exirting Pay ltem3 Total: f xNGREASE/DECREASE TO EXISTING PAY ITEM(S) ENotappricabh Sch No.Bld ltam ilo.Itcm DGscrlptaon Qty Unit Unit Pricc Goat of ltcm $ $ $ Increage / Decrease to Exlstlng Pay Items Total: t {.TOTAL ESTIHATED COST OF C}IANGE ORDER: IV. WORKTilG DAYS * Total of the Cost of ltem Columns 1,34 Orlginal Contract:180 Due Thls Change Order:10 Prevlous Total:r85 Explanatlon/lurtificatlon for Addltlonsl Worklng Dayr: Five (5) days for bull wheel repair; flve (5) days fior additional metal plate repairs, Capital Prolectr lulanager: Gonctruction Englneering Supervlcor: Gonstructlon llanager: Brlan Shleldr \* L- :TTOTAL WORKING DAYS:195 * This Change Order + Prevlous Total Dat€: o7 -2-9 -7ocz Datc: 6 z z Dete!s./t/e"- ifson eatryl Erlc Page2 7AS|2C22 6MGi rasevolr Reeoatlng and vent Replacament Clty of Kent PrcJect Number: 20-30ffi LFC Jobf Oate, cop# r22000t 7h8tn22 LPc.06-REV2$f,II.oNG:tillrrffloollsurl" Change order proposl to pErform the toltowlng ectlt tl€sl perforfi englneerlng anaytrlr ofthe aBnter column hJll wfieel cap plate repalr, channel wsb reFalr (bull wheel 'rspokern) and provld€ matorlel and labor per drawlng. Referenc€ RFI 9' COP lncludes request for Ume exteffilon ofono week. LPC rcerves the rlght to clalm for addltlonel lmpacF of future actlvltles on proJectcaused by ons week sdredule lmpact. 0.0 0.0 0,0 $02.87 $85.47 $87.A7 So.oo t0.00 t0,00 Slrolght Tlmo Ovor Tlmo - OwrTlrnE |Barl6llon unlt Un[ PtiCO rdtt {Jg eal Oal s $ 0 $o,00 $0.00 $0.00 to,oo $0.00 cuanutv Rttd TolrlExrscrlomnunn 1 LS s23,608.70 $0,00 $o.oo So.oo $0,00 s0.o0 $23,6E6.7U $o,oo $o.oo $0.00 $o.oo $o.00 7liuzoz2 LPC COP 5 -BullWh0slSlrKlur6l RqEh FA Shoat No,: DAILY REPORT OF FORCE ACCOUNT WORKED G Proiect Name:8MGl ProJect No:20-3006 Item No.r Descriptlon of Work: Date:I of lhs eenter wheol and an -8120. Wott< by yes Prlme Co. NAI/IE CODE OCCUPATION Hrg Rato Hro OT Rate DOLLAR AMOUNT xboo(Bollermaker - Journoy Lev€l 58 $ 81,82 $4,746.ffi Bollermak r- Foreman Level I $ 86.97 $782.73 s $ $ SUBTOTAL. LAEOR' |_ABOR OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ 31% I-ABORTOTAL $ 713.77 EOUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS OPERATED DOLLAR AMOUNTEqulgnent #REte Plckue 2016 Ford F350 s 13.11 I $ 6.11 $46.02 W6ldor Welder Eleo DC800 58 $ 3.90 s s 1.46 s 239.24 Woklor Llncoln Wlro Fe€d€r LN25 58 $ 3.44 I g 1.22 I 210.51 AedalWort Plalform JLG Lllt Boom 6U-04'Arllculallng - Eet op coet (24.06) + $124.7 Dally Pdile I E 68 $ 3S.65 s s 13.59 $2,435.84 @norator 180Kw DSL QT $,/ 400A Po{vor PanBl - FHWA Rate 68 $ 06,63 $ 16,88 s 5,698.74 $ SUBTOTAL.EQUIPMENT $8,534,35 EQUIPMENTOVERHEAD& PROFIT@ 21% $1,792.21 TOTAL I 10,t26.t0 MATERIALS / SERV]CES Quantlty Unlls tli :rri:i'':l' Unll Prloe DOLLARAMOUNT Plato Materhl (220 lbs plus defrv€ry)1 EA f 406.00 $405,00 Emlnoorlng 16 HR g 1W.87 $3,117,92 Subslstsrcs (Per Dl6m)8 EA $ 83.00 $664,00 consumaueE 87 EA i 13.00 s 071.00 s SUBTOTAI oVERHEAD & PROF1T @21;o TOTAL $6,067.92 $1,ffi2,16 i 6,120.00 Verlflcation of Hours Worked: Confsah/r RooroE8nla[\ro Dah ownor's REpresenlafvo Dale Comments TOTAL:70 SHEETTOIAL: ffi' equipmentWatch- |r$rv,o$JFmrfl lwalch.com AS pdces Bho|n ln US do$aB (i) Rental Rate Blue Book@ J*y t6,2022 Avoiago AVHACE 1o1- 200 KW lirgs Gfioratol seB glzo Ctassr 101 ' 200 Kw t /oloht r{rA cofflguinuon ior AITERAGE 101.200 KW Encl03ura Porer Mode rl0rsopowEr Blue Book Rates tr FHWA Rab ts equel F the monthy d nelshlp cost dlvlded by 17s plus the how9 ostlmdsd opSrallng coEL OwngrlnlPcoelt lqdlvMonlllly usDf,10!,(X, u8D t3,10r.00 wbrkly usD1590,00 lrtot5r0.00 Drily usD t15{t,00 usDlllcoo u8Dta000 urD|a&m ,t3,0hp l{ordy USD 10,0.5? UtD$'[n FlflltARrtrn tloutV usDse.6s t lDt00.tt Enclosod Dlosol &llt'l.lodoptdilhg cost R b{*od RarB Adll'tmon13 R€glon ( 100%) Modol Year (2022: 100%) ArCurted thuly O|netshlp Cort (1('(t+61 rhrdy OporallE Cosl (1(x)9tt Toi.ll gl{ndby Rals ldfilg Rato Hourly usD t0,49 t ItD t03,72 Rate Bemt'* Allocrthn ELmcnt D€prsclathll (orvnoEhh) ()l,rrhaul (olsrsilF) CFC(oilnord{pt hdlracr (o{'ter$h) Fuol (opotafio) O USD 6,70 Rovbod Dato: 3.d gtJf,/aat m22 lroloantigg vtlua usDtr,00145frm UgD 1310,45rmo USD0105,2dmo USDfitt7.05/m usD t71,70/ht 4W6 zs6 5q6 L796 859i Tho$s are thg rm$ a8curale rdo6 for he seloctod Rovlslon DaF(s). Hs Bver, du€ to more ftequent onllno updabs, lhosa rat69 may not mrbh Rentsl Rats Bfu€ Bool( PdnL \4gh the C6t Reco\/€ry Product Gulde ofl our Hslp page ,or more lnlormatlon. The equipment represented ln thls report has been exclusively prepared for TSz CHAU fFChau@kentwa.gov) All material herein @ 2OAS-2022 Randall-Rellly All rights reserved,Page 1 of 1 A^ sgfiH.ffiE BRANCH LOCATION 8EA 253-993-50e1 AFTER HR#;(208rA7e4U7 PLEASE REMITTO; P.O. BOX 208439 Oallag, TX 75320-8439 CONTRACTTYPE: 4WEEKBILt rNVorcE# 10640253-004 PO# 280347 JOB # JOB NAMEI CITY OF KENTTANK ORDERED BY: 8HAUN/TS/KM/KEVINM/1 DATE/TIMEOIJT: gflNz zi@PM INVOICE DATE: d06n2 PAGEr I lO li,',i r(:rlri.ili ilr F!,.i'r'ltlF 2632 PHONE#253-234-8050 IPDIG PATNTTNG COMPANY 214LI 68T.H AVENT'E IIOUTH KCNT, tB 98032 CUSTOMER CONTACT;stlAutil206-d50-1{39 TERRITORY:509 DRIVER LICENSE: LICENSE PTATE: JOBADDRESSi 23825 98TTI AVE S KENT WA 90031 DEL, INSTRUCTIONS; seilo atAcx TTRED uilrrg At'tD DTEBEL IFATATL POSSIBLE PROCESSED BY; CYET,E BIT,L RETURN LOC: RENTAL RATES ARE FOR EACH ITEM AND DO NOT INCLUDE FUEL OR DELIVERY WEEK 4 WEEK PRICE# BOOM rrE"T-60' ARTTCULATTNG 4WD ENGrN 400.00 1075.00 2225.00 2225,00t32587 L6A/34/DE/NMPTP HR OUf: 1655.10 HR lNr ***I***************************lc*****t ****tt******** *************tt****** T HAVE BEEN INSTRSCTED AND UNDERSTAND THE PROPER USE/OPERATION OF * * THIS MOBILE ELEVATTNG WORK PI,ATFORM, TTS SAFETY FEATURES AND MODE], * 1 SPECIFIC CONTROI,S AND IJIIJIJ FAMILIARIZE AND TRATN ANYONE WHO MAY * * OPERATE THIS UNIT WHILE IN OUR CARE. INIT * t***************t **tt*****f*******************+*t**f*********;FFTFFFF[*** I IIAVE RECETVED TflE OPERATORS MANUAI. AND HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE OF * * THE STORAGE I,OCAT'ON ON THIS MOB]LE ELEVATING WORK PI,ATTORM. ** rNrr * tt**,h****t *********tc*** **************************t**************?F*-I-aF** 1 AI,SO UNDERSTAND THAT OCCUPANTS OF THIS MOBII,E ELEVATING WORK* PIJATFORM MUST WEAR A BODT fiARNESS AND I'ANYARD IN ACCORDANCE WITH* OSHA REGULATIONS AND ANSI SfANDARDS. INIT*******************************************************r.***tr*TTFT:F*TI| DISCONNECTING OR TAMPERING WITH ANY SAFETY DEVICE ON THIS FIACIIINE COUTO RESULT IN POSSTBI,E INJURY OR --WARNING--* * ffiffiffiffi$vffiffi lJlAy 0 6 2f,2Z t 1 * * * * * * EA 21.ALO :FJ'TSiFFFT* ** * * * * * * * * * t t * * * * * * * * * * *,t * *', * + * * * * * !t * * * * * ** * * **DEATH.INIT ITEMS:Iteft nufiber ENV ENVTRONMENTAL CHARGE IIAPPT WA SB 5628 HEAVY EOUIPMENT RENTAL TAX 15.00 21.8L SUB TOTALT CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN: TAK CONTINUED. . . TOTALAMOUNTDUE: Unlt EA Prlc€ r"s.000 SAI,ES QtvI ** *t ril I'Jl CONrlnilt1l Ljlillt YOlJ(iAl L 253-999:5091, CUSTOMERSICNATURB PRINT CUSTOMEI(S TULL NAME DBLWER"BDBY WlNvolcE{lNvolcED^lE)'geRu0EcHARgE8ATTHE!E9gERRAIEoFl.5%PEniloilIloRItlEIYlA,(llllUMBATE . PERIITTED BY tAW OII PAtT DUE AGCOUJ{Tg, . A SEnVCg'OLSril${O ofiAROE rAy FETULT DUE TO EOUtpitEtlT BE${O REn RilED DATAGED Oi Ifl tlEtD OF lXCttSlVE cttAt{ltlo. , TIE EllVlRollllEl{TAL FEE 18 tlOT RB0ULAIED liloR GOLLECIED EY OR FoR AllY OO/ERl,lltlElltAL AOENCV, . UI{IAWFUL FAtrUiE TO nEruRil REi,ITEO PRoPERW mAY BE A FEtOtilY. F,!188, oRlltlll,lAl PROSECUf|ON, AilDTOR ltPRl8OffilEl|f COULD BEEULT. . By 8t6ilSlo ABOVE I AOiEE !O TEnMS Oil FROf'tT At'p EACK * r1il8 Co}tTf,ACT, I AL80 ACKilOti'LgoCE RECEIVIIIO lilsrnuctlolls A8 ?O THE SAFS A!{D pRopER t sE oF THE EQulpfii$fr. Iil At DtTOit, I AoREE IO AECEtt E ELECTRONIC CO|yiTU!{lgAnOrlS FROil SUNSTAIE EqUlPilEtlT lNCtUDlllG PllcF{E CALI8, EftTALE AIIO IEIfi TIESSAOEt, TO READ IllORE AEOUT T}IE TERil6 (F U8E REOARBII{O THEEE COil'IUNIOATIO'IT, PIEABE VIEIT Utrl,lrur,SulrlltT TEECUtP,CottrTERifi |OFUSE, AI sgstfffi,re BRANOH LOCATION SEA 253-993-509L AFTER HRil:(2o6l t70.rl61l PLEASE REMIT TO: P.O. BOX 20843s Dallas, TX 75320-8439 243-9.99-EoeL PAGE! 2 CONTRACTryPE: 4WEEKBILL lNVotcE # 10640253-004 PO# 28317 JOS # JOB NAME: CITY OF KENTTANK ORDERED BY: 8l'lAUNlTs/lfi,KEvlNM/1 DATEITIME OUT: 3117122 z:NPM En6n2 cusToMER# 2632 PHONE#253-234-8050 I.ONG DAINITNC COD{PAIIY 21114 68rH A\IENUE 80UrH KEN[, WA 98032 CONTACT: $HAUN 206-4s0-1439 TERRITORY:609 DRIVER LICENSE: L'CENSE PLATE: JOBADDRESSI 23825 98TH AVE S KENT WA 9803]. DEL, INSTRUCTIONS; sENo BLACK TIRED UilIT8 AND DIESEI PROCESSED BY; CYCI,E BII,L REflJRN LOC; IFATALL POSSIBLE REN?AL FATES ARE FOR EACH ITEM AND DO NOT INCLUDE FUEL OR DELIVERY Y WEEK 4WEEK EXTENDED PRICE RAITEM # Price reference: $ 2,494.06 / 20 working days = $ 124.7A daily rate SUB TOTAL: Thle contract has curtom rates applled. cusToMER PROTECTIoN PLAN: TAX: BILLEDFORFoURWEEKS 4n4n2THRtJ 5112122 o2:00PM TOTALAMoUNTDUE: Pri-ceUnit OEIIVERY BY! CAM 2267 ,8t** N/A ** 226.25 2194.06 SAIiES ITEMS: oty ften nurnber i.ii ii: i.r)1.j, i.lll :i ljliill ./i)1l a.,ri CUSTOMERSICNATTJRE PruNT CUSTOMEIUS FTJLL NAME DELTVERBDBY DATE . lgRil8! l{ET t0 uPol{ IEEUAI{GE oF ltt!/otcE (twotcE oATE). sERvtcE cHARsEr AT THE LEAEER FATE (]r 1.6tC FER iloNr]r on r nE rirAtrlnuM nArE . PERilTTEO BY LAW Ofl PAST IIIG ACCOUNTS, ' A SERUAS/CLEAT{IIIo CIIARGE IAY RESULT DUE TO EOU'PTIB{T 6EII{O RETI'RNEO DAIIIAGED Oi IN IIEED OF EXCES$VE CLEAIII''I6, . lHE EIIVIROIIIIIIET{TAI FEE 18 IIOT RECUIATED NOR COLLECGD BY OR FOR ANY OOVERI{UEI{TAL AOEIICY. ' UI{I.AWFUL FAILURE 10 REruRN REI{TED PROFER?Y i'AY SE A FII.ONY' 'IiI88' ORINNAL PROSECUTIOI'' AIIDFR MPRlsOilnEIT COUTD BESULT. ' Ey Btor{tilo AEoVE I toREE TO IERrllS Orl FROI{T AI'ID sAcK OP THls oOllTnAcT. I ALSO AGI0{OUn-EDOE RECEIVIIIO lNgTRuotlol'ls A8 !O tHE 8APE AND PR(DEN UlE OF I'IE EOI'FTilEilT. III ADOMOI, I ACREE rc RECEIVE ETECIROI'IIC OOMIIIUN]CATIOIIS FROM SUIIsTATE EQUFMEilT IIICLUDIilC PHONE GALLE, EilAtr8 AilD TEX? tES8 OE8. tO READ ilORE AEOUT Tl* 1GRt8 OF U8E REGARTXNO TtlEllE OOillMUMCAllOtt8, Pt: 8E VIEIT uwl,w.SuI|ETAIEE(MP.CO|/TEil'80FU8€, IHIIONG PATInU{CCql[PAilT LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Data:412112a22 yo. Brian Shlelde - Clty of Kent Job Name: 6MG1 Reeervoir Recoating and Venl Job #: 1220004 El As requested tr For revlew or comment R€plt Address: sent via email: BShields@kent$ra.gov The followlng ltems are attachd with this lefierof bansmittal: These are tranEmitted ae checked below: tr For signature El Foryour use Remarks: Note: Save a copy in the job ffle located in lhe (J:) drlve. Duldydgrsdby Chslss f, Ctrartes Pharyr ffi6;*r*.,,,,*rn Slgnature See aftached RFI 5 sent on behalf of CB&|. l/Ve request revlew and prompt response to thie iasue. Thank you, Charlee Pham Created: 3/32009 Revlslon; An1/2018 Form 605 Pagc 1 ol { Technical QueryIrr Prolect Name: Kent, WA 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating Profect Locatlon: Kent, WA GB&l Contract Number: 40252677 Parcnt Documenf CMS-830-00PR-0801 0 Form Numben CMS-830-00-FM-0801 0 RFt.CBt-004 Oriolnator:CaseyTdom Request Date:4n0n022 Position;Proiect Manager Revislon:0 Subiact:Center Golumn Bull Wheel Repalr Requested Responee Date:4t25t2022 CB&l Storaqe Solutions Query: The bull whEel shotve corroaion/damage to the top flange of tho epokee and to lhe top canter plate of lhe bull wheel, CB&l recommende welding f,at bar to the top of the top flange of lhe epoltes wlth the flat bar thickness equal to the lhlckness of the exlstlng top center plate. The flat bar width will be sized to provlde the same section modulus and area of the odginalepoke top liange aeiuming the top flange of the spoke ls completely corroded. A nou top plate with a diameter equalto the original diameter plus two times the orlglnal spoke atlachment urcld length wlll be prodded. The new center phte wlll then wald to the nou, cover platee. Please confirm if lhis is acceptable. Thank you. Reference Documents: Atbchment(s):252677 40O-SP-01 -01 {202 Rev A.pdf Signature:Casay Tatom n Poaition: Customer or Third Party The proposed repair is acceptable provided that the thickness of the new top plate is equal to or greater than the thickness of the existing top center plate. A minimurn thickness of 5/16" is recommended. Reference Documcnts: Attachment(s): Signature: lseued for Use: 28 Nov 2021 Page 1 ofl nE@arTttEggl[F cr to45e677-319E$fr$GMTUNEN BIIIVIIILt46'-O'6 X 50',-0' AWA6 ItE +1 RESERVUIR RECIIATINGCITY tIF KENTI'FNT \JArJE-ooIN-m*H-SEE/.KTIRNffiE|anuararr+FIISCRIPI!I}lll, ut I f-tt I. !.1ftHrtlgaIEBFl-I llgn'Jam€sG.Soubsslgn dSoulesmestlarE202207.0r-6ot$o-osoo REIIIVE EXISTII{G NAEEXISNilG R U4 I?-10,r x 0.-4 vy$) EXISIINE C9(3/4T&-Jvu+trffit*r \a(glggvvzt44nal.lTPARTIAL BULLVHIEL PLANIIIla| rutY/,III^'DEffi&EGN s,u9tNtm.lt25467t-A9R€r{f,$EIMTUIFIN HTLV}IELl.+6'-0'6 X 50'-0' AvvA6 I,IG +I RESERVTtrR RECOATINECTTY EF KENTDNT{IKJlatttl?+gISIRIPTlmrrl t lral -DIE IRITI tE-tlI tAlr trz-ntSILL t]F HATIRIALS.-hte202"05.13ulesaEXISIIXG?-ttr, x d-4tcCLG) Exlsllhs cJx13/.1_JEpqri#)q n4€gtggiArnfitctJPARTiAL SULL\JHITL PLAN^ EEqEtilMs trE[ltoNG PAI|ITU{C@llPAI|Y LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date:412112O22 1o. Bdan Shielcls - City of Kent Job Name: 6MG1 Reservoir Recoating and Vent Job #: 1220A04 Address: sent via email: BShields@kentwa.gov The folloring items are attacfied with this lefter of transmittal: See attachod RFI 5 sent on behalf of CB&|. We request review and prompt r$ponBe to this iesue' Thank you, Gharbe Pham These are transmitted as checked below: E For signature tr For your use tr As requested tr For review or comment Remarks: Note: Saw a copy in the job file located in the (J:) drive. Dlgltslt slgned by Chebe RerlX Y Charles Pham 'J#r**"rr",or,n./\ Signature Created: 31312009 Revision: 6121112018 Form 505 Page 1 ofl Technical Query Prdect Name: Kent, WA6MGI Reservoir Recoating Profect Location: Kent, WA GB&l Contract Numberi 40252877 Parent Document: CMS-830-00-PR-0801 0 Form Number: CMS-830-00-FM-0801 0 RFT.cB|-004 Orioinator:Casev Tatom Request Date:4n20n022 Position:Proiec't Manager Revision:0 Subiect:Genter Column BullWheel Repair Reouested Resoonse Date:4n582022 CB&l Storase Solutions Query: The bull wheel shors corrosion/damage to lhe top flange of the spokes and to the top center plate of the bull wheel. CB&l recommends welding flai bar to the top of the top flange of the spokes with the flat bar thickness equalto the thickness of lhe existing top center plate. The flat bar width will be sized to provide the sama section modulus and area of the original spoke top flange assuming the top flange of the spoke is completely conoded. A neur top plate with a diameter equal to the oiginal diameter plus two times the original spoke attachment weld length will be provided. The new center plate willthen weld to the new cover plates. Pbase confirm if this is acceptable. Thank you. Reference Documents: Attachment(s):252677 -OO0-SP-01 -01 1 202 Rev A. pdf Signature: Date: Position: Gustomer or Third Party Response: The proposed repair is acceptable provided that the thickness of the new top plate is equal to or greater than the thickness of the existing top center plate. A minimum thickness of 5/16" is recommended. Reference Documents; Attrachment(s): Signature: lssued for Use: 28 Nov 2021 Page 1 of1 xt{{ii5BA6dlmml l825a677-319RII4ARKSlnEmflmf,tI{I]I}IFIED BULLVHETLr46',-O'6 X 59',-0', AVVA5 M6 *I RESERVT]iR RECOATINGCITY NF KENTDtSI]RlPTIINPL t/t x {'+t I o{' nfll/.x.If-6'l?-rE-IAB]LL IF I4ATTRIALSrr0\14txlsitNlj Pt l/1 x?'-10', x 0'-4 :./8'il!(3) txtsTtN! c9xl3./4 sP0KtCL BUlLVHitti rNoCArLs w iRB mlws ls{